def move(self) -> RoverPosition: moveMappingTable = { Orientation.NORTH: lambda: RoverPosition(self.currentPosition.coordinateInX, self. currentPosition.coordinateInY + 1, self. currentPosition.orientation), Orientation.SOUTH: lambda: RoverPosition(self.currentPosition.coordinateInX, self. currentPosition.coordinateInY - 1, self. currentPosition.orientation), Orientation.WEST: lambda: RoverPosition(self.currentPosition.coordinateInX - 1, self. currentPosition.coordinateInY, self. currentPosition.orientation), Orientation.EAST: lambda: RoverPosition(self.currentPosition.coordinateInX + 1, self. currentPosition.coordinateInY, self. currentPosition.orientation) } newRoverPosition = moveMappingTable.get( self.currentPosition.orientation, lambda: RoverPosition(0, 0, Orientation.SOUTH))() if not self.plateau.isPositionWithinPlateauArea(newRoverPosition): raise ValueError('rover cannot be driven out of plateau area') self.currentPosition = newRoverPosition return self.currentPosition
def move(self): """ Change X-Y coordinates of rover on move :return: None """ # update x and y coordinates based on orientation # (N : y+1) ; (S : y-1) # (E : x+1) ; (W : x-1) moveMappingTable = { 'N': lambda: RoverPosition(self.currentPosition.coordinateInX, self.currentPosition.coordinateInY + 1, self.currentPosition.orientation), 'S': lambda: RoverPosition(self.currentPosition.coordinateInX, self.currentPosition.coordinateInY - 1, self.currentPosition.orientation), 'W': lambda: RoverPosition(self.currentPosition.coordinateInX - 1, self.currentPosition.coordinateInY, self.currentPosition.orientation), 'E': lambda: RoverPosition(self.currentPosition.coordinateInX + 1, self.currentPosition.coordinateInY, self.currentPosition.orientation) } newRoverPosition = moveMappingTable.get(self.currentPosition.orientation, lambda: RoverPosition(0, 0, 'S'))() if not self.plateau.isPositionWithinPlateauArea(newRoverPosition): raise ValueError('rover cannot be driven out of plateau area') self.currentPosition = newRoverPosition return self.currentPosition
def test_position_instances_equal_operator(self): """ Test position instances equality method """ pos1 = RoverPosition(2, 5) self.assertTrue(pos1 == RoverPosition(2, 5)) self.assertFalse(pos1 == RoverPosition(1, 2))
def test_shouldParseAValidSetOfInstructions(self): # Given filePath = 'somePathToFile/file.txt' mockedFileContent = '5 5\n3 3 E\nMMR\n2 2 N\nRMLM' parser = Parser() plateau = Plateau(5, 5) movementCommands1 = [ MovementCommand('M'), MovementCommand('M'), MovementCommand('R') ] movementCommands2 = [ MovementCommand('R'), MovementCommand('M'), MovementCommand('L'), MovementCommand('M') ] roverInstruction1 = RoverInstruction( RoverPosition(3, 3, Orientation('E')), movementCommands1) roverInstruction2 = RoverInstruction( RoverPosition(2, 2, Orientation('N')), movementCommands2) expectedSetOfInstructions = SetOfInstructions( plateau, [roverInstruction1, roverInstruction2]) # When with patch('', mock_open(read_data=mockedFileContent)): result = parser.parseFile(filePath) # Then assert result.toString() == expectedSetOfInstructions.toString()
def test_position_with_values_passed(self): """ Test position instance with values passed as parameters """ position = RoverPosition(3, 2) self.assertEqual(position.x, 3) self.assertEqual(position.y, 2)
def test_position_with_default_values(self): """ Test position instance with with default """ position = RoverPosition() self.assertEqual(position.x, 0) self.assertEqual(position.y, 0)
def turnRight(self) -> RoverPosition: rightOrientationMapping = { Orientation.NORTH: Orientation.EAST, Orientation.WEST: Orientation.NORTH, Orientation.SOUTH: Orientation.WEST, Orientation.EAST: Orientation.SOUTH } newOrientation = rightOrientationMapping.get( self.currentPosition.orientation, Orientation.NORTH) newPosition = RoverPosition(self.currentPosition.coordinateInX, self.currentPosition.coordinateInY, newOrientation) self.currentPosition = newPosition return newPosition
def test_shouldParseAValidSetOfInstructions(self): # Custom Inputs filePath = 'somePathToFile/file.txt' mockedFileContent = '5 5\n3 3 E\nMMR\n2 2 N\nRMLM' plateau = Plateau(5, 5) movement_commands1 = ['M' 'M' 'R'] movement_commands2 = ['R', 'M', 'L', 'M'] rover_instruction1 = RoverInstruction(RoverPosition(3, 3, 'E'), movement_commands1) rover_instruction2 = RoverInstruction(RoverPosition(2, 2, 'N'), movement_commands2) expectedSetOfInstructions = SetOfInstructions( plateau, [rover_instruction1, rover_instruction2]) # mocking is done for assertion statements with patch('', mock_open(read_data=mockedFileContent)): result = self.obj.readFile(filePath) # result self.assertEqual(result.toString(), expectedSetOfInstructions.toString())
def test_rover_instance(self): """ Test rover instance """ plateau_grid = Plateau(7, 7) position = RoverPosition(0, 0) rover = Rover(plateau_grid, position, Rover.DIRECTIONS['W']) self.assertEqual(position, rover._position) self.assertEqual(plateau_grid, rover._plateau) rover.set_position(3, 3, Rover.DIRECTIONS.get('E')) self.assertEqual(rover._position.x, 3) self.assertEqual(rover._position.y, 3) self.assertEqual(rover.get_heading, 'E')
def test_RoverCanMoveToPosition(self): """ test to check X- Y coordinates and Orientation changes when rover is given command to move :return: """ # Given initialPosition = RoverPosition(2, 2, 'N') plateau = Plateau(5, 5) movementCommands = ['M','R','M','L','M'] rover = Rover(plateau, initialPosition) # When rover.processCommands(movementCommands) # Then expectedFinalPosition = '3 4 N' self.assertEqual(rover.currentPosition.toString() ,expectedFinalPosition)
def test_CannotCreateRoverIfInitialPositionOutOfPlateauArea(self): """ test to check validation error is raised when initial X- Y coordinates of rover is outside plateau dimesnion :return: """ # Given plateau = Plateau(5, 5) initialPosition = RoverPosition(6, 5, 'N') # Then self.assertRaises(ValueError, Rover,plateau, initialPosition) expected_error = 'rover initial position out of plateau area' try: # check that correct error message is reported when plateau dimension is not correct Rover(plateau, initialPosition) except Exception as error: self.assertTrue(expected_error in str(error))
def test_CannotMoveRoverOutOfPlateau(self): """ test to check validation error is raised when current X- Y coordinates of rover is outside plateau dimesnion :return: """ # Given initialPosition = RoverPosition(2, 2, 'N') plateau = Plateau(3, 3) movementCommands = ['M', 'M', 'M'] rover = Rover(plateau, initialPosition) # Then self.assertRaises(ValueError, rover.processCommands, movementCommands) expected_error = 'rover cannot be driven out of plateau area' try: # check that correct error message is reported when plateau dimension is not correct rover.processCommands(movementCommands) except Exception as error: self.assertTrue(expected_error in str(error))
def turnRight(self): """ Change Orientation of rover by 90 degree clockwise when instruction is right :return: None """ rightOrientationMapping = { 'N': 'E', 'W': 'N', 'S': 'W', 'E': 'S' } #if found in dict rightOrientationMapping else 'N' newOrientation = rightOrientationMapping.get(self.currentPosition.orientation, 'N') #update rover position newPosition = RoverPosition(self.currentPosition.coordinateInX, self.currentPosition.coordinateInY, newOrientation) #assign new position to rover object self.currentPosition = newPosition return newPosition
def setUp(self): self.plateau_dimensions = Plateau(8, 4) self.rover_initial_position = RoverPosition(2, 1)
def test_cannot_create_Rover_IfInitial_position_outOf_plateauArea(self): plateau = Plateau(5, 5) initial_position = RoverPosition(6, 5) with self.assertRaises(InvalidCoordinateError): Rover(plateau, initial_position, Rover.DIRECTIONS.get('N'))