예제 #1
def plot22(obs, sim, colname, energies=[[300, 1000], [1000, 2000]]):
    """Place 2*2 piecharts on a figure.
    obs : `astropy.table.Table`
        Observed events
    sim : `astropy.table.Table`
        Events simulated with MARX
    energies : list
        Two energy bands in eV defined as a list of lists.

    fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure`
        Figure with plot
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
    for i, data in enumerate([obs, sim]):
        for j, en in enumerate(energies):
            ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, i * 2 + j + 1, aspect="equal")
            obssimlab = "Obs" if i == 0 else "MARX"
            energylab = "{0} - {1} eV".format(en[0], en[1])
            ax.set_title("{0}: {1}".format(obssimlab, energylab))
            energy = colname_case(data, "energy")
            plotpie(ax, data[(energy > en[0]) & (energy < en[1])], colname)
    return fig
예제 #2
def plotpie(ax, data, col, colors=["r", "c", "m", "orange", "g"], **plotargs):
    """Bin up events data and display in pie chart"""
    counts = np.bincount(colname_case(data, col))
    labels = np.arange(len(counts))
    ind = counts > 0
    ax.pie(counts[ind], labels=labels[ind], colors=colors, autopct="%2i%%", **plotargs)