def getBBoxes(PILImg): """ get boxes given a PIL image. :param imagePath: PIL Image :return: ndarray of bboxes """ config = InferenceConfig() config.display() # Create model object in inference mode. model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir='mask_rcnn_coco.hy', config=config) # Load weights trained on MS-COCO #model.load_weights('mask_rcnn_balloon.h5', by_name=True) model.load_weights('mask_rcnn_coco.h5', by_name=True)#, exclude=[ "mrcnn_class_logits", "mrcnn_bbox_fc", "mrcnn_bbox", "mrcnn_mask"]) # COCO Class names class_names = ['BG', 'person', 'bicycle', 'car', 'motorcycle', 'airplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat', 'traffic light', 'fire hydrant', 'stop sign', 'parking meter', 'bench', 'bird', 'cat', 'dog', 'horse', 'sheep', 'cow', 'elephant', 'bear', 'zebra', 'giraffe', 'backpack', 'umbrella', 'handbag', 'tie', 'suitcase', 'frisbee', 'skis', 'snowboard', 'sports ball', 'kite', 'baseball bat', 'baseball glove', 'skateboard', 'surfboard', 'tennis racket', 'bottle', 'wine glass', 'cup', 'fork', 'knife', 'spoon', 'bowl', 'banana', 'apple', 'sandwich', 'orange', 'broccoli', 'carrot', 'hot dog', 'pizza', 'donut', 'cake', 'chair', 'couch', 'potted plant', 'bed', 'dining table', 'toilet', 'tv', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'remote', 'keyboard', 'cell phone', 'microwave', 'oven', 'toaster', 'sink', 'refrigerator', 'book', 'clock', 'vase', 'scissors', 'teddy bear', 'hair drier', 'toothbrush'] # Load a random image from the images folder #image ='coco_2014_test/COCO_val2014_000000060623.jpg') #image = image = np.asarray(PILImg) # original image #plt.figure(figsize=(12,10)) # Run detection results = model.detect([image], verbose=1) # Visualize results r = results[0] #print(type(r['rois'])) #print(r['rois']) return r['rois'] #visualize.display_instances(image, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'], class_names, r['scores'])
def train(self): MODEL_DIR = "weights/mrnn/" # Local path to trained weights file COCO_MODEL_PATH = "../mask_rcnn_coco.h5" config = RSNAConfig() config.display() assert config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0] == config.IMAGE_SHAPE[1] dataset_train = RSNADataset() dataset_train.load_shapes(self.images_path, self.train_csv_file, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0]) dataset_train.prepare() # Validation dataset dataset_val = RSNADataset() dataset_val.load_shapes(self.images_path, "data/validation.csv", config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0]) dataset_val.prepare() # image_ids = np.random.choice(dataset_train.image_ids, 4) # for image_id in image_ids: # image = dataset_train.load_image(image_id) # mask, class_ids = dataset_train.load_mask(image_id) # visualize.display_top_masks(image, mask, class_ids, dataset_train.class_names) model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="training", config=config, model_dir=MODEL_DIR) init_with = "coco" # imagenet, coco, or last if init_with == "imagenet": model.load_weights(model.get_imagenet_weights(), by_name=True) elif init_with == "coco": # Load weights trained on MS COCO, but skip layers that # are different due to the different number of classes # See README for instructions to download the COCO weights model.load_weights(COCO_MODEL_PATH, by_name=True, exclude=["mrcnn_class_logits", "mrcnn_bbox_fc", "mrcnn_bbox", "mrcnn_mask"]) elif init_with == "last": # Load the last model you trained and continue training model.load_weights(model.find_last(), by_name=True) model.train(dataset_train, dataset_val, learning_rate=config.LEARNING_RATE, epochs=50, layers='heads') model.train(dataset_train, dataset_val, learning_rate=config.LEARNING_RATE / 10, epochs=50, layers="all")
def test(self): MODEL_DIR = "weights/mrnn/" inference_config = InferenceConfig() # Recreate the model in inference mode model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", config=inference_config, model_dir=MODEL_DIR) # Get path to saved weights # Either set a specific path or find last trained weights # model_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, ".h5 file name here") model_path = model.find_last() # Load trained weights print("Loading weights from ", model_path) model.load_weights(model_path, by_name=True) config = RSNAConfig() # dataset_train = RSNADataset() # dataset_train.load_shapes(self.images_path, self.train_csv_file, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0]) # dataset_train.prepare() dataset_val = RSNADataset() dataset_val.load_shapes(self.test_images_path, "data/test.csv", config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0]) dataset_val.prepare() for image_id in dataset_val.image_ids: info = dataset_val.image_info[image_id] image_pid = (info['path'].replace("\\", "/").split("/")[-1])[0:-4] original_image, image_meta, gt_class_id, gt_bbox, gt_mask = \ modellib.load_image_gt(dataset_val, inference_config, image_id, use_mini_mask=False) # visualize.display_instances(original_image, gt_bbox, gt_mask, gt_class_id, # dataset_train.class_names, figsize=(8, 8)) results = model.detect([original_image], verbose=1) r = results[0] r['rois'] = r['rois'][r['class_ids'] == 1] r['scores'] = r['scores'][r['class_ids'] == 1] r['masks'] = r['masks'][:,:,r['class_ids'] == 1] r['class_ids'] = r['class_ids'][r['class_ids'] == 1] # visualize.display_instances(original_image, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'], # dataset_val.class_names, r['scores'], figsize=(8, 8)) # if r['masks'].shape[2] == 0: r['masks'] = np.zeros((256, 256)) else: r['masks'] = r['masks'][:,:] * r['scores'] r['masks'] = np.sum(r['masks'], axis=-1) r['masks'][r['masks'] > 1] = 1 r['masks'] = r['masks'] * 255 annot = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(r['masks']))"preds/" + image_pid + ".png") h = 0
rois = detections['rois'] masks = detections['masks'] class_ids = detections['class_ids'] scores = detections['class_ids'] mask = np.zeros_like(frame_bgr) mask_p = np.zeros(frame_bgr.shape[:-1], dtype=np.bool) mask_n = np.zeros(frame_bgr.shape[:-1], dtype=np.bool) for i, roi in enumerate(rois): if class_ids[i] == class_names.index('airplane'): mask_p = np.bitwise_or(masks[:, :, i], mask_p) else: mask_n = np.bitwise_or(masks[:, :, i], mask_n) mask[:, :, 1] = mask_p.astype(np.uint8) * 255 mask[:, :, 2] = mask_n.astype(np.uint8) * 255 overlap = cv2.addWeighted(frame_bgr, 0.5, mask, 0.5, 20) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX for i, roi in enumerate(rois): y1, x1, y2, x2 = roi cv2.rectangle(overlap, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.putText(overlap, class_names[class_ids[i]], (x1, y1 + 25), font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) return overlap model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=MODEL_DIR, config=config) model.load_weights(COCO_MODEL_PATH, by_name=True) model.keras_model._make_predict_function() predict(np.zeros((512, 512, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) print('> Done')