def load_overlay(self, initialize): """ Lays out display for spatial overlay for image probes :param initialize: :return: """ edgeTuple = self.edgeTuple message = 'final image' if (len('->')) > 1): probe = [ probe for probe in self.master.probes if probe.edgeId[1] in self.master.lookup[self.edgeTuple[0]] and probe.finalNodeId in self.master.lookup[self.edgeTuple[1]] ][0] n = self.master.scModel.G.get_node(probe.finalNodeId) finalFile = os.path.join( self.master.scModel.G.dir, self.master.scModel.G.get_node(probe.finalNodeId)['file']) final = openImage(finalFile) finalResized = imageResizeRelative(final, (500, 500), final.size) imResized = imageResizeRelative( probe.targetMaskImage, (500, 500), probe.targetMaskImage.size if probe.targetMaskImage is not None else finalResized.size) else: message = 'donor' probe = \ [probe for probe in self.master.probes if probe.edgeId[1] in self.master.lookup[edgeTuple[0]] and probe.donorBaseNodeId in self.master.lookup[edgeTuple[1]]][0] final, final_file = self.master.scModel.G.get_image( probe.donorBaseNodeId) finalResized = imageResizeRelative(final, (500, 500), final.size) imResized = imageResizeRelative( probe.donorMaskImage, (500, 500), probe.donorMaskImage.size if probe.donorMaskImage is not None else finalResized.size) edge = self.master.scModel.getGraph().get_edge(probe.edgeId[0], probe.edgeId[1]) if initialize is True: self.c = Canvas(self.cImgFrame, width=510, height=510) self.c.pack() self.transitionString(None) try: finalResized = finalResized.overlay(imResized) except IndexError: tex = self.c.create_text(250, 250, width=400, font=("Courier", 20)) self.c.itemconfig( tex, text="The mask of link {} did not match the size of the {}.". format(, message)) return[] = ImageTk.PhotoImage( finalResized.toPIL()) self.image_on_canvas = self.c.create_image( 255, 255,[], anchor=CENTER, tag='imgc')
def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.statusLabelText = StringVar() self.statusLabelText.set('Probes Generating') self.heading = Label( self, text= "Welcome to the QA Wizard. Press Next to begin the QA Process or Quit to stop. This is " "Manny; He is here to help you analyze the journal. The tool is currently generating the probes. " "This could take a while. When the next button is enabled you may begin.", wraplength=400) self.heading.grid(column=0, row=0, rowspan=2, columnspan=2) manny_color = maskgen.tool_set.get_icon('Manny_icon_color.jpg') manny_mask = maskgen.tool_set.get_icon('Manny_icon_mask.jpg') self.mannyFrame = Frame(self) self.mannyFrame.grid(column=0, row=2, columnspan=2) self.canvas = Canvas(self.mannyFrame, width=510, height=510) self.canvas.pack() manny_img = openImage(manny_color) manny_img_mask = openImage(manny_mask).to_mask() manny_img_mask = imageResizeRelative(manny_img_mask, (500, 500), manny_img_mask.size) self.manny = ImageTk.PhotoImage( imageResizeRelative(manny_img, (500, 500), manny_img.size).overlay( manny_img_mask, self.manny_colors[random.randint( 0, len(self.manny_colors) - 1)]).toPIL()) self.image_on_canvas = self.canvas.create_image(510 / 2, 510 / 2, image=self.manny, anchor=CENTER, tag='things') self.statusLabelObject = Label(self, textvariable=self.statusLabelText) self.statusLabelObject.grid(column=0, row=3, columnspan=2, sticky=E + W) self.canvas.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.wquit = Button(self, text='Quit', command=master.exitProgram, width=20) self.wquit.grid(column=0, row=4, sticky=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.wnext = Button(self, text='Next', command=master.nex, state=DISABLED, width=20) self.wnext.grid(column=1, row=4, sticky=E, padx=5, pady=5)
def __init__(self, master, image, composite): Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN) = image self.composite = composite compositeResized = imageResizeRelative(self.composite, (500, 500), self.composite.size) if is not None: imResized = imageResizeRelative(, (500, 500), imResized = imResized.overlay(compositeResized) else: imResized = compositeResized = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imResized.toPIL()) self.c = Canvas(master, width=compositeResized.size[0] + 10, height=compositeResized.size[1] + 10) self.image_on_canvas = self.c.create_image(0, 0,, anchor=NW, tag='imgd') self.c.grid(row=0, column=0)
def load_image(self, event, initialize=False): filename = self.item.get() im, filename = self.scenarioModel.getGraph().get_image( self.mappings[filename]) self.currentFileName = filename imResized = imageResizeRelative(im, (400, 400), im.size) = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imResized.toPIL()) if initialize: self.c = Canvas(self.image_frame, width=400, height=400) self.image_on_canvas = self.c.create_image(0, 0,, anchor=NW) self.c.grid(row=1, column=0) else: self.c.itemconfig(self.image_on_canvas, analytics = [] for analytic in customAnalytics.values(): sn = analytic.screenName() if analytic.appliesTo(filename): analytics.append(sn) self.analyticBox.config(values=analytics) self.analytic.set(self.first.screenName()) self.load_analytic(None)
def __init__(self, master, link): Frame.__init__(self, master=master) self.master = master = link self.checkboxes = CheckboxGroup(boxes=[]) #Find this probe- could probably do this elsewhere and pass it in. self.edgeTuple = tuple(link.split("<-")) if len(self.edgeTuple) < 2: self.finalNodeName = link.split("->")[1] self.edgeTuple = tuple(link.split("->")) else: self.finalNodeName = None if (len(link.split('->')) > 1): probe = [ probe for probe in master.probes if probe.edgeId[1] in master.lookup[self.edgeTuple[0]] and probe.finalNodeId in master.lookup[self.edgeTuple[1]] ][0] else: probe = \ [probe for probe in master.probes if probe.edgeId[1] in master.lookup[self.edgeTuple[0]] and probe.donorBaseNodeId in master.lookup[ self.edgeTuple[1]]][0] self.probe = probe iFrame = Frame(self) c = Canvas(iFrame, width=35, height=35) c.pack() #Success Icon img = openImage( maskgen.tool_set.get_icon('RedX.png') if probe. failure else maskgen.tool_set.get_icon('check.png')) self.successIcon = ImageTk.PhotoImage( imageResizeRelative(img, (30, 30), img.size).toPIL()) c.create_image(15, 15, image=self.successIcon, anchor=CENTER, tag='things') #Layout row = 0 col = 0 self.optionsLabel = Label(self,, font=(None, 10)) self.optionsLabel.grid(row=row, columnspan=3, sticky='EW', padx=(40, 0), pady=10) iFrame.grid(column=0, row=0, columnspan=1, sticky=W) row += 1 self.operationVar = StringVar(value="Operation [ Semantic Groups ]:") self.operationLabel = Label(self, textvariable=self.operationVar, justify=LEFT) self.semanticFrame = SemanticFrame(self) self.semanticFrame.grid(row=row + 1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=N + W, rowspan=1, pady=10) row += 2 #cImageFrame is used for plot, image and overlay self.cImgFrame = ttk.Notebook(self) self.cImgFrame.bind('<<NotebookTabChanged>>', lambda a: self.frameMove()) self.cImgFrame.grid(row=row, rowspan=8) self.descriptionVar = StringVar() self.descriptionLabel = Label(self, textvariable=self.operationVar, justify=LEFT) row += 8 self.operationLabel.grid(row=row, columnspan=3, sticky='W', padx=10) row += 1 textscroll = Scrollbar(self) textscroll.grid(row=row, column=col + 1, sticky=NS) self.commentBox = Text(self, height=5, width=80, yscrollcommand=textscroll.set, relief=SUNKEN) self.master.commentsBoxes[] = self.commentBox self.commentBox.grid(row=row, column=col, padx=5, pady=5, columnspan=1, rowspan=2, sticky=NSEW) textscroll.config(command=self.commentBox.yview) col = 3 row = 0 scroll = Scrollbar(self) scroll.grid(row=row, column=col + 2, rowspan=5, columnspan=1, sticky=NS) self.pathList = Listbox(self, width=30, yscrollcommand=scroll.set, selectmode=EXTENDED, exportselection=0) self.pathList.grid(row=row, column=col - 1, rowspan=5, columnspan=3, padx=(30, 10), pady=(20, 20)) self.master.pathboxes[self] = self.semanticFrame.getListbox() scroll.config(command=self.pathList.yview) self.transitionVar = StringVar() edge = master.scModel.getGraph().get_edge(probe.edgeId[0], probe.edgeId[1]) self.operationVar.set(self.operationVar.get() + master._compose_label(edge)) master.edges[self] = [edge, self.semanticFrame.getListbox()] for sg in edge['semanticGroups'] if 'semanticGroups' in edge else []: self.semanticFrame.insertListbox(ANCHOR, sg) operation = master.scModel.getGroupOperationLoader( ).getOperationWithGroups(edge['op']) #QA checkboxes if operation.qaList is not None: args = getValue(edge, 'arguments', {}) self.curOpList = [x for x in operation.qaList] for item_pos in range(len(self.curOpList)): item = self.curOpList[item_pos] try: self.curOpList[item_pos] = item.format(**args) except: pass else: self.curOpList = [] row += 5 if self.curOpList is None: master.qaData.set_qalink_status(, 'yes') for q in self.curOpList: box_label = Label(self, text=q, wraplength=250, justify=LEFT) ck = Chkbox(parent=self, dialog=master, label=box_label, value=master.qaData.get_qalink_status(link=link)), column=col - 1) ck.label.grid(row=row, column=col, columnspan=4, sticky='W') self.checkboxes.boxes.append(ck) row += 1 master.checkboxes[self] = self.checkboxes # Main Features- load the overlay for images, load plot graph & overlay page for videos if ('<-' in and probe.donorVideoSegments is None ) or probe.targetVideoSegments is None: self.load_overlay(initialize=True) else: self.transitionString(None) self.setUpFrames() #Comment section currentComment = master.qaData.get_qalink_caption( self.commentBox.delete(1.0, END) self.commentBox.insert( END, currentComment if currentComment is not None else '') #Navigation Buttons self.acceptButton = Button(self, text='Next', command=master.nex, width=15) self.acceptButton.grid(row=12, column=col + 2, columnspan=2, sticky='E', padx=(20, 20)) self.prevButton = Button(self, text='Previous', command=master.pre, width=15) self.prevButton.grid(row=12, column=col - 1, columnspan=2, sticky='W', padx=(20, 20)) self.acceptnButton = Button(self, text='Next Unchecked', command=master.nexCheck, width=15) self.acceptnButton.grid(row=13, column=col + 2, columnspan=2, sticky='E', padx=(20, 20)) self.prevnButton = Button(self, text='Previous Unchecked', command=master.preCheck, width=15) self.prevnButton.grid(row=13, column=col - 1, columnspan=2, sticky='W', padx=(20, 20)) row = 14 #Progress Bar pb = ttk.Progressbar(self, orient='horizontal', mode='determinate', maximum=100.0001) pb.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=EW, columnspan=8) pb.step(master.progress * 100) master.progressBars.append(pb)