def handling_exception(params, constraints): NSIDEmax = params['NSIDE max'] vec = hp.ang2vec(params["ang"][0], params["ang"][1], lonlat=True) pixels = hp.query_disc(NSIDEmax, vec, np.radians(params['r'] / 3600.), inclusive=True) subjobs = mastcasjobs.MastCasJobs(context="PanSTARRS_DR2") for pixel in pixels: ang, r = qr.parameters(NSIDEmax, pixel) subquery = sub_query_string(ang[0], ang[1], r) accept = True while accept: try: subtab = subjobs.quick(subquery, task_name="python cone search") accept = False except Exception: from time import sleep sleep(60) pass subtab = qr.fixcolnames( subtab = qr.query_constraints(subtab, constraints) if pixel == pixels[0]: table = subtab else: table = vstack([table, subtab]) return table
def search_s(ra, dec, search_size): query = """select o.raMean, o.decMean from fGetNearbyObjEq("""+str(ra)+','+str(dec)+","+str(search_size/2)+""") nb JOIN MeanObjectView o on o.ObjID=nb.ObjID WHERE o.nDetections>5 """ jobs = mastcasjobs.MastCasJobs(context="PanSTARRS_DR2") results = jobs.quick(query, task_name="python cone search") return(results)
def vector_match_mast_casjob(tab): """ (currently not working) attempt at getting a proper table join to work on the proj1301_xmatch.csv table that I uploaded to uses the wrapper to DFM's casjobs wrapper (wrappers on wrappers) """ assert NotImplementedError import mastcasjobs with open('~/.mast_casjob_credentials', 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() user = lines[0].rstrip('\n') pwd = lines[1].rstrip('\n') # wsid = lines[2].rstrip('\n') # given in the profile jobs = mastcasjobs.MastCasJobs(userid=wsid, password=pwd, context="TESS_v7") query = "select top 100 * from catalogRecord" results = jobs.quick(query, task_name="foobar") print(results) #FIXME # # buest guess so far... but it doesn't work!!! # SELECT top 100 tic.Tmag, tic.TWOMASS, upl.tmass_id # FROM catalogRecord as tic # JOIN MyDB.proj1301_xmatch as upl # ON (tic.TWOMASS = CONVERT(nvarchar(max),upl.tmass_id); query = ('SELECT top 100 tic.Tmag, tic.TWOMASS, upl.tmass_id ' 'FROM catalogRecord as tic ' 'JOIN MyDB.proj1301_xmatch as upl ' 'ON (tic.TWOMASS = CONVERT(nvarchar(max),upl.tmass_id);') jobid = jobs.submit(query, task_name="foobar") results = jobs.status(jobid) #FIXME import IPython IPython.embed() pass
def search_ser(ra, dec, search_size): query = """select o.raMean, o.decMean, s.* from fGetNearbyObjEq("""+str(ra)+','+str(dec)+","+str(search_size/2)+""") nb JOIN MeanObjectView o on o.ObjID=nb.ObjID JOIN StackObjectAttributes AS soa ON soa.ObjID = nb.ObjID JOIN StackModelFitSer s ON (s.gstackDetectID=soa.gstackDetectID AND s.ObjID=nb.ObjId) WHERE o.nDetections>5 AND soa.primaryDetection>0 AND (o.rmeanpsfmag - o.rmeankronmag > 0.05) """ jobs = mastcasjobs.MastCasJobs(context="PanSTARRS_DR2") results = jobs.quick(query, task_name="python cone search") return(results)
def maxnside(user, pwd): theta, phi = 0., 0. #in degree nsides = [2**x for x in range(12)][1:] nsides = np.flip(nsides) for nside in nsides: pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta=theta, phi=phi, lonlat=True) ang, radius = qr.parameters(nside, pix) query = qr.query_string(theta, phi, radius) jobs = mastcasjobs.MastCasJobs(context="PanSTARRS_DR2") try: jobs.quick(query, task_name="python cone search") pass except Exception: return nside
def query_function(params, constraints): import exception as exc params['ang'], params['r'] = parameters(params["NSIDE"], params['pixel']) query = query_string(params['ang'][0], params['ang'][1], params['r']) jobs = mastcasjobs.MastCasJobs(context="PanSTARRS_DR2") try: table = jobs.quick(query, task_name="python cone search") except Exception: print("Exception. code!=200") table = exc.handling_exception(params, constraints) print("Extracted {} objects from PS1".format(len(table))) return table, jobs table = fixcolnames( table = query_constraints(table, constraints) return table, jobs
def single_repeated_query_mast_casjob(tab): """ the dumb way to get the Tmags once you have the 2mass IDs. i really wish TIC 8 existed. and that the interface for doing this was better. i guess an alternative is going to the MAST website and clicking around? but FALSE. it's not. you can only crossmatch on position LOL. """ outpath = '../data/rms_vs_mag/projid_1301_gaia_2mass_tic_all_matches.csv' if os.path.exists(outpath): print('skipping single repeated casjob query') return import mastcasjobs with open('~/.mast_casjob_credentials', 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() user = lines[0].rstrip('\n') pwd = lines[1].rstrip('\n') # wsid = lines[2].rstrip('\n') # given in the profile jobs = mastcasjobs.MastCasJobs(userid=wsid, password=pwd, context="TESS_v7") tmags = [] for ix, tmass_id in enumerate(tab['original_ext_source_id']): print('{}: {}/{}'.format(datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), ix, len(tab))) query = ( "select top 1 TWOMASS, Tmag from catalogRecord where TWOMASS = \'{}\'" .format(tmass_id.decode('utf-8'))) results = jobs.quick(query, task_name="foobar") if len(results.split('\n')) == 3: tmags.append(float(results.split('\n')[1].split(',')[-1])) else: tmags.append(-1) tab['tmag'] = tmags outdf = tab.to_pandas() outdf.to_csv(outpath, index=False) print('saved {}'.format(outpath))
def submit_query(self, reset=True): """ Submit the query and download the resulting table """ if self.context == 'ps1': c = 'PanSTARRS_DR2' elif self.context == 'gaia': c = 'GAIA_DR2' else: raise ValueError('Only gaia and ps1 available now.') jobs = mastcasjobs.MastCasJobs(context=c) if reset: jobs.drop_table_if_exists( else: try: self.table = jobs.get_table(, format='CSV').to_pandas() if self.context == 'ps1': self.table = self.table.replace(-999, np.nan) print('loading existing table') return except: pass job_id = jobs.submit(self.query) status = jobs.monitor(job_id) print(status) if status[0] != 5: raise ValueError('No table created') self.table = jobs.get_table(, format='CSV').to_pandas() if self.context == 'ps1': self.table = self.table.replace(-999, np.nan) return
def get_ps_score(RA, DEC): '''Get ps1 star/galaxy score from MAST. Provide RA and DEC in degrees. Returns an empty string if no match is found witing 3 arcsec. ''' # get the WSID and password if not already defined # get your WSID by going to after you login to Casjobs. os.environ['CASJOBS_WSID'] = str(1862226089) os.environ['CASJOBS_PW'] = 'tr4nsientsP!z' query = """select top 1 p.ps_score from pointsource_magnitudes_view as p inner join fGetNearbyObjEq(%.5f, %.5f, 0.05) nb on p.objid=nb.objid """ %(RA, DEC) print(query) jobs = mastcasjobs.MastCasJobs(context="HLSP_PS1_PSC") results = jobs.quick(query, task_name="python cross-match") output = results.split('\n')[1] if not output: output = None return output
s.ypsfMajorFWHM, s.ypsfMinorFWHM, s.ypsfLikelihood, psc.ps_score, o.qualityFlag, o.objinfoFlag, s.primaryDetection, m.gFlags, s.ginfoFlag, s.ginfoFlag2, s.ginfoFlag3, m.rFlags, s.rinfoFlag, s.rinfoFlag2, s.rinfoFlag3, m.iFlags, s.iinfoFlag, s.iinfoFlag2, s.iinfoFlag3, m.zFlags, s.zinfoFlag, s.zinfoFlag2, s.zinfoFlag3, m.yFlags, s.yinfoFlag, s.yinfoFlag2, s.yinfoFlag3 from fGetNearbyObjEq({},{},{}) nb join ObjectThin o on o.objid=nb.objid join MeanObject m on o.objid=m.objid and o.uniquePspsOBid=m.uniquePspsOBid join StackObjectView s on o.objid=s.objid and s.primaryDetection=1 and o.uniquePspsOBid=s.uniquePspsOBid join HLSP_PS1_PSC.pointsource_scores psc on psc.objid=o.objid""".format( ra, dec, radius) jobs = mastcasjobs.MastCasJobs(username='******', password='******', context=context) results = jobs.quick(query, task_name='python cone search') #tab = PC.fixcolnames( results_tab = Table(results, meta={ 'clustername': clustername, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'radius': radius }) # # Convert all -999 entry to -99 for easier table handling in other scripts # for c in range(len(results_tab.colnames)): # colname = results_tab.colnames[c]