예제 #1
def get_match_history(history_size):
    """ For each team t in each game g, computes the N previous game 
        ids where team t played, where N is the history_size (number
        of games of history we use for prediction). The statistics of
        the N previous games will be used to predict the outcome of 
        game g.
    return """
        SELECT h.teamid as teamid, h.matchid as matchid,
        h.timestamp as timestamp, 
        m1.timestamp as previous_timestamp, 
        m1.matchid as previous_match
        FROM (
            SELECT teamid, matchid, timestamp, 
            LEAD(matchid, 1) OVER (
                PARTITION BY teamid ORDER BY timestamp DESC)
                as last_matchid,
            LEAD(timestamp, 1) OVER (
                PARTITION BY teamid ORDER BY timestamp DESC)
                as last_match_timestamp,
            LEAD(timestamp, %(history_size)d) OVER (
                PARTITION BY teamid ORDER BY timestamp DESC)
                as nth_last_matchid,
            LEAD(timestamp, %(history_size)d) OVER (
                PARTITION BY teamid ORDER BY timestamp DESC)
                as nth_last_match_timestamp,
            FROM (%(match_games)s) 
        ) h
        JOIN (%(match_games_with_stats)s) m1
        ON h.teamid = m1.teamid
        h.nth_last_match_timestamp is not NULL AND
        h.last_match_timestamp IS NOT NULL AND
        m1.timestamp >= h.nth_last_match_timestamp AND 
        m1.timestamp <= h.last_match_timestamp 

        """ % {
        'history_size': history_size,
        'match_games_with_stats': MATCH_GAME_WITH_STATS,
        'match_games': match_stats.match_games_table()
예제 #2
def get_match_history(history_size):
    """ For each team t in each game g, computes the N previous game 
        ids where team t played, where N is the history_size (number
        of games of history we use for prediction). The statistics of
        the N previous games will be used to predict the outcome of 
        game g.
    return """
        SELECT h.teamid as teamid, h.matchid as matchid,
        h.timestamp as timestamp, 
        m1.timestamp as previous_timestamp, 
        m1.matchid as previous_match
        FROM (
            SELECT teamid, matchid, timestamp, 
            LEAD(matchid, 1) OVER (
                PARTITION BY teamid ORDER BY timestamp DESC)
                as last_matchid,
            LEAD(timestamp, 1) OVER (
                PARTITION BY teamid ORDER BY timestamp DESC)
                as last_match_timestamp,
            LEAD(timestamp, %(history_size)d) OVER (
                PARTITION BY teamid ORDER BY timestamp DESC)
                as nth_last_matchid,
            LEAD(timestamp, %(history_size)d) OVER (
                PARTITION BY teamid ORDER BY timestamp DESC)
                as nth_last_match_timestamp,
            FROM (%(match_games)s) 
        ) h
        JOIN (%(match_games_with_stats)s) m1
        ON h.teamid = m1.teamid
        h.nth_last_match_timestamp is not NULL AND
        h.last_match_timestamp IS NOT NULL AND
        m1.timestamp >= h.nth_last_match_timestamp AND 
        m1.timestamp <= h.last_match_timestamp 

        """ % {'history_size': history_size,
               'match_games_with_stats': MATCH_GAME_WITH_STATS,
               'match_games': match_stats.match_games_table()}
예제 #3
def get_history_query(history_size):
    """ Computes summary statistics for the N preceeding matches. """
    return """
            summary.matchid as matchid,
            pts.teamid as teamid,
            pts.op_teamid as op_teamid,
            pts.competitionid as competitionid,
            pts.seasonid as seasonid,
            pts.is_home as is_home,
            pts.team_name as team_name,
            pts.op_team_name as op_team_name,
            pts.timestamp as timestamp,

            summary.avg_points as avg_points,
            summary.avg_goals as avg_goals,
            summary.op_avg_goals as op_avg_goals,

            summary.pass_70 as pass_70,
            summary.pass_80 as pass_80,
            summary.op_pass_70 as op_pass_70,
            summary.op_pass_80 as op_pass_80,
            summary.expected_goals as expected_goals,
            summary.op_expected_goals as op_expected_goals,
            summary.passes as passes,
            summary.bad_passes as bad_passes,
            summary.pass_ratio as pass_ratio,
            summary.corners as corners,
            summary.fouls as fouls,
            summary.cards as cards,
            summary.shots as shots,

            summary.op_passes as op_passes,
            summary.op_bad_passes as op_bad_passes,
            summary.op_corners as op_corners,
            summary.op_fouls as op_fouls,
            summary.op_cards as op_cards,
            summary.op_shots as op_shots,

            summary.goals_op_ratio as goals_op_ratio,
            summary.shots_op_ratio as shots_op_ratio,
            summary.pass_op_ratio as pass_op_ratio,

        FROM (
            SELECT hist.matchid as matchid,
                hist.teamid as teamid,
                AVG(games.pass_70) as pass_70, 
                AVG(games.pass_80) as pass_80, 
                AVG(games.op_pass_70) as op_pass_70, 
                AVG(games.op_pass_80) as op_pass_80, 
                AVG(games.expected_goals) as expected_goals, 
                AVG(games.op_expected_goals) as op_expected_goals, 
                AVG(games.passes) as passes, 
                AVG(games.bad_passes) as bad_passes, 
                AVG(games.pass_ratio) as pass_ratio,
                AVG(games.corners) as corners, 
                AVG(games.fouls) as fouls,
                AVG(games.cards) as cards, 
                AVG(games.goals) as avg_goals, 
                AVG(games.points) as avg_points, 
                AVG(games.shots) as shots,
                AVG(games.op_passes) as op_passes, 
                AVG(games.op_bad_passes) as op_bad_passes, 
                AVG(games.op_corners) as op_corners,
                AVG(games.op_fouls) as op_fouls,
                AVG(games.op_cards) as op_cards,   
                AVG(games.op_shots) as op_shots, 
                AVG(games.op_goals) as op_avg_goals, 
                AVG(games.goals_op_ratio) as goals_op_ratio,
                AVG(games.shots_op_ratio) as shots_op_ratio,
                AVG(games.pass_op_ratio) as pass_op_ratio,
            FROM (%(match_history)s)  hist
            JOIN (%(team_game_op_summary)s) games
            ON hist.previous_match = games.matchid and
                hist.teamid = games.teamid
            GROUP BY matchid, teamid
        ) as summary
        JOIN (%(match_games)s) pts on summary.matchid = pts.matchid
            and summary.teamid = pts.teamid
        WHERE summary.matchid <> '442291'
        ORDER BY matchid, is_home DESC
        """ % {
        'team_game_op_summary': _TEAM_GAME_OP_SUMMARY,
        'match_games': match_stats.match_games_table(),
        'match_history': get_match_history(history_size)
예제 #4
    for prediction. Combines a number of games of history to compute
    aggregates that can be used to predict the next game.

from pandas.io import gbq

import match_stats

# Games that have stats available. Not all games in the match_games table
# will have stats (e.g. they might be in the future).
    SELECT * FROM (%(match_games)s)
    WHERE matchid in (
        SELECT matchid FROM (%(stats_table)s) GROUP BY matchid)
    """ % {
    'match_games': match_stats.match_games_table(),
    'stats_table': match_stats.team_game_summary_query()

# Combines statistics from both teams in a match.
# For each two records matching the pattern (m, t1, <stats1>) and
# (m, t2, <stats2>) where m is the match id, t1 and t2 are the two teams,
# stats1 and stats2 are the statistics for those two teams, combines them
# into a single row (m, t1, t2, <stats1>, <stats2>) where all of the
# t2 field names are decorated with the op_ prefix. For example, teamid becomes
# op_teamid, and pass_70 becomes op_pass_70.
    SELECT cur.matchid as matchid,
      cur.teamid as teamid,
      cur.passes as passes,
      cur.bad_passes as bad_passes,
예제 #5
def get_history_query(history_size):
    """ Computes summary statistics for the N preceeding matches. """
    return """
            summary.matchid as matchid,
            pts.teamid as teamid,
            pts.op_teamid as op_teamid,
            pts.competitionid as competitionid,
            pts.seasonid as seasonid,
            pts.is_home as is_home,
            pts.team_name as team_name,
            pts.op_team_name as op_team_name,
            pts.timestamp as timestamp,

            summary.avg_points as avg_points,
            summary.avg_goals as avg_goals,
            summary.op_avg_goals as op_avg_goals,

            summary.pass_70 as pass_70,
            summary.pass_80 as pass_80,
            summary.op_pass_70 as op_pass_70,
            summary.op_pass_80 as op_pass_80,
            summary.expected_goals as expected_goals,
            summary.op_expected_goals as op_expected_goals,
            summary.passes as passes,
            summary.bad_passes as bad_passes,
            summary.pass_ratio as pass_ratio,
            summary.corners as corners,
            summary.fouls as fouls,
            summary.cards as cards,
            summary.shots as shots,

            summary.op_passes as op_passes,
            summary.op_bad_passes as op_bad_passes,
            summary.op_corners as op_corners,
            summary.op_fouls as op_fouls,
            summary.op_cards as op_cards,
            summary.op_shots as op_shots,

            summary.goals_op_ratio as goals_op_ratio,
            summary.shots_op_ratio as shots_op_ratio,
            summary.pass_op_ratio as pass_op_ratio,

        FROM (
            SELECT hist.matchid as matchid,
                hist.teamid as teamid,
                AVG(games.pass_70) as pass_70, 
                AVG(games.pass_80) as pass_80, 
                AVG(games.op_pass_70) as op_pass_70, 
                AVG(games.op_pass_80) as op_pass_80, 
                AVG(games.expected_goals) as expected_goals, 
                AVG(games.op_expected_goals) as op_expected_goals, 
                AVG(games.passes) as passes, 
                AVG(games.bad_passes) as bad_passes, 
                AVG(games.pass_ratio) as pass_ratio,
                AVG(games.corners) as corners, 
                AVG(games.fouls) as fouls,
                AVG(games.cards) as cards, 
                AVG(games.goals) as avg_goals, 
                AVG(games.points) as avg_points, 
                AVG(games.shots) as shots,
                AVG(games.op_passes) as op_passes, 
                AVG(games.op_bad_passes) as op_bad_passes, 
                AVG(games.op_corners) as op_corners,
                AVG(games.op_fouls) as op_fouls,
                AVG(games.op_cards) as op_cards,   
                AVG(games.op_shots) as op_shots, 
                AVG(games.op_goals) as op_avg_goals, 
                AVG(games.goals_op_ratio) as goals_op_ratio,
                AVG(games.shots_op_ratio) as shots_op_ratio,
                AVG(games.pass_op_ratio) as pass_op_ratio,
            FROM (%(match_history)s)  hist
            JOIN (%(team_game_op_summary)s) games
            ON hist.previous_match = games.matchid and
                hist.teamid = games.teamid
            GROUP BY matchid, teamid
        ) as summary
        JOIN (%(match_games)s) pts on summary.matchid = pts.matchid
            and summary.teamid = pts.teamid
        WHERE summary.matchid <> '442291'
        ORDER BY matchid, is_home DESC
        """ % {'team_game_op_summary': _TEAM_GAME_OP_SUMMARY,
               'match_games': match_stats.match_games_table(),
               'match_history': get_match_history(history_size)}
예제 #6
    Turns raw statistics about soccer matches into features we use
    for prediction. Combines a number of games of history to compute
    aggregates that can be used to predict the next game.

from pandas.io import gbq

import match_stats

# Games that have stats available. Not all games in the match_games table
# will have stats (e.g. they might be in the future).
    SELECT * FROM (%(match_games)s)
    WHERE matchid in (
        SELECT matchid FROM (%(stats_table)s) GROUP BY matchid)
    """ % {'match_games': match_stats.match_games_table(),
           'stats_table': match_stats.team_game_summary_query()}

# Combines statistics from both teams in a match.
# For each two records matching the pattern (m, t1, <stats1>) and
# (m, t2, <stats2>) where m is the match id, t1 and t2 are the two teams,
# stats1 and stats2 are the statistics for those two teams, combines them
# into a single row (m, t1, t2, <stats1>, <stats2>) where all of the
# t2 field names are decorated with the op_ prefix. For example, teamid becomes
# op_teamid, and pass_70 becomes op_pass_70.
    SELECT cur.matchid as matchid,
      cur.teamid as teamid,
      cur.passes as passes,
      cur.bad_passes as bad_passes,
      cur.pass_ratio as pass_ratio,