def add_default_expressions(doctest_namespace): doctest_namespace['f'] ='f', Arity.variadic) doctest_namespace['a'] = Symbol('a') doctest_namespace['b'] = Symbol('b') doctest_namespace['c'] = Symbol('c') doctest_namespace['x_'] = make_dot_variable('x') doctest_namespace['y_'] = make_dot_variable('y') doctest_namespace['_'] = doctest_namespace['__'] = doctest_namespace['___'] = doctest_namespace['__name__'] = '__main__' for name in matchpy.__all__: doctest_namespace[name] = getattr(matchpy, name)
def test_logic_simplify(replacer): LAnd ='and', Arity.variadic, 'LAnd', associative=True, one_identity=True, commutative=True) LOr ='or', Arity.variadic, 'LOr', associative=True, one_identity=True, commutative=True) LXor ='xor', Arity.variadic, 'LXor', associative=True, one_identity=True, commutative=True) LNot ='not', Arity.unary, 'LNot') LImplies ='implies', Arity.binary, 'LImplies') Iff ='iff', Arity.binary, 'Iff') ___ = a1 = Symbol('a1') a2 = Symbol('a2') a3 = Symbol('a3') a4 = Symbol('a4') a5 = Symbol('a5') a6 = Symbol('a6') a7 = Symbol('a7') a8 = Symbol('a8') a9 = Symbol('a9') a10 = Symbol('a10') a11 = Symbol('a11') LBot = Symbol(u'⊥') LTop = Symbol(u'⊤') expression = LImplies( LAnd( Iff( Iff(LOr(a1, a2), LOr(LNot(a3), Iff(LXor(a4, a5), LNot(LNot(LNot(a6)))))), LNot( LAnd( LAnd(a7, a8), LNot( LXor( LXor(LOr(a9, LAnd(a10, a11)), a2), LAnd(LAnd(a11, LXor(a2, Iff(a5, a5))), LXor(LXor(a7, a7), Iff(a9, a4))) ) ) ) ) ), LImplies( Iff( Iff(LOr(a1, a2), LOr(LNot(a3), Iff(LXor(a4, a5), LNot(LNot(LNot(a6)))))), LNot( LAnd( LAnd(a7, a8), LNot( LXor( LXor(LOr(a9, LAnd(a10, a11)), a2), LAnd(LAnd(a11, LXor(a2, Iff(a5, a5))), LXor(LXor(a7, a7), Iff(a9, a4))) ) ) ) ) ), LNot( LAnd( LImplies( LAnd(a1, a2), LNot( LXor( LOr( LOr( LXor(LImplies(LAnd(a3, a4), LImplies(a5, a6)), LOr(a7, a8)), LXor(Iff(a9, a10), a11) ), LXor(LXor(a2, a2), a7) ), Iff(LOr(a4, a9), LXor(LNot(a6), a6)) ) ) ), LNot(Iff(LNot(a11), LNot(a9))) ) ) ) ), LNot( LAnd( LImplies( LAnd(a1, a2), LNot( LXor( LOr( LOr( LXor(LImplies(LAnd(a3, a4), LImplies(a5, a6)), LOr(a7, a8)), LXor(Iff(a9, a10), a11) ), LXor(LXor(a2, a2), a7) ), Iff(LOr(a4, a9), LXor(LNot(a6), a6)) ) ) ), LNot(Iff(LNot(a11), LNot(a9))) ) ) ) rules = [ # xor(x,⊥) → x ReplacementRule( Pattern(LXor(x__, LBot)), lambda x: LXor(*x) ), # xor(x, x) → ⊥ ReplacementRule( Pattern(LXor(x_, x_, ___)), lambda x: LBot ), # and(x,⊤) → x ReplacementRule( Pattern(LAnd(x__, LTop)), lambda x: LAnd(*x) ), # and(x,⊥) → ⊥ ReplacementRule( Pattern(LAnd(__, LBot)), lambda: LBot ), # and(x, x) → x ReplacementRule( Pattern(LAnd(x_, x_, y___)), lambda x, y: LAnd(x, *y) ), # and(x, xor(y, z)) → xor(and(x, y), and(x, z)) ReplacementRule( Pattern(LAnd(x_, LXor(y_, z_))), lambda x, y, z: LXor(LAnd(x, y), LAnd(x, z)) ), # implies(x, y) → not(xor(x, and(x, y))) ReplacementRule( Pattern(LImplies(x_, y_)), lambda x, y: LNot(LXor(x, LAnd(x, y))) ), # not(x) → xor(x,⊤) ReplacementRule( Pattern(LNot(x_)), lambda x: LXor(x, LTop) ), # or(x, y) → xor(and(x, y), xor(x, y)) ReplacementRule( Pattern(LOr(x_, y_)), lambda x, y: LXor(LAnd(x, y), LXor(x, y)) ), # iff(x, y) → not(xor(x, y)) ReplacementRule( Pattern(Iff(x_, y_)), lambda x, y: LNot(LXor(x, y)) ), ] # yapf: disable result = replacer(expression, rules) assert result == LBot
def test_infix_error(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError):'Invalid', Arity.unary, infix=True)
def test_one_identity_error(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError):'Invalid', Arity.unary, one_identity=True) with pytest.raises(TypeError):'Invalid', Arity.binary, one_identity=True)
class TestExpression: @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' expression, simplified', [ (f_i(a), a), (f_i(a, b), f_i(a, b)), (f_i(_), _), (f_i(___), f_i(___)), (f_i(__), f_i(__)), (f_i(x_), x_), (f_i(x___), f_i(x___)), (f_i(x__), f_i(x__)), (f_a(f_a(a)), f_a(a)), (f_a(f_a(a, b)), f_a(a, b)), (f_a(a, f_a(b)), f_a(a, b)), (f_a(f_a(a), b), f_a(a, b)), (f_a(f(a)), f_a(f(a))), (f_c(a, b), f_c(a, b)), (f_c(b, a), f_c(a, b)), ] ) # yapf: disable def test_operation_simplify(self, expression, simplified): assert expression == simplified @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' operation, operands, expected_error', [ ('f', Arity.unary), [], ValueError), ('f', Arity.unary), [a, b], ValueError), ('f', Arity.variadic), [], None), ('f', Arity.variadic), [a], None), ('f', Arity.variadic), [a, b], None), ('f', Arity.binary, associative=True), [a, a, b], ValueError), ('f', Arity.binary), [x_, x___], None), ('f', Arity.binary), [x_, x__], None), ('f', Arity.binary), [x_, x_, x__], ValueError), ('f', Arity.binary), [x_, x_, x___], None), ('f', Arity.binary), [x_, x_], None), ('f', Arity.binary), [x_, x_, x_], ValueError), ] ) # yapf: disable def test_operation_errors(self, operation, operands, expected_error): if expected_error is not None: with pytest.raises(expected_error): operation(*operands) else: _ = operation(*operands) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' expression, is_constant', [ (a, True), (x_, False), (_, False), (f(a), True), (f(a, b), True), (f(x_), False), ] ) # yapf: disable def test_is_constant(self, expression, is_constant): assert expression.is_constant == is_constant @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' expression, is_syntactic', [ (a, True), (x_, True), (_, True), (x___, False), (___, False), (x__, False), (__, False), (f(a), True), (f(a, b), True), (f(x_), True), (f(x__), False), (f_a(a), False), (f_a(a, b), False), (f_a(x_), False), (f_a(x__), False), (f_c(a), False), (f_c(a, b), False), (f_c(x_), False), (f_c(x__), False), (f_ac(a), False), (f_ac(a, b), False), (f_ac(x_), False), (f_ac(x__), False), ] ) # yapf: disable def test_is_syntactic(self, expression, is_syntactic): assert expression.is_syntactic == is_syntactic @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' expression, symbols', [ (a, ['a']), (x_, []), (_, []), (f(a), ['a', 'f']), (f(a, b), ['a', 'b', 'f']), (f(x_), ['f']), (f(a, a), ['a', 'a', 'f']), (f(f(a), f(b, c)), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'f', 'f', 'f']), ] ) # yapf: disable def test_symbols(self, expression, symbols): assert expression.symbols == Multiset(symbols) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' expression, variables', [ (a, []), (x_, ['x']), (_, []), (f(a), []), (f(x_), ['x']), (f(x_, x_), ['x', 'x']), (f(x_, a), ['x']), (f(x_, a, y_), ['x', 'y']), (f(f(x_), f(b, x_)), ['x', 'x']), (f(a, variable_name='x'), ['x']), (f(f(y_), variable_name='x'), ['x', 'y']), ] ) # yapf: disable def test_variables(self, expression, variables): assert expression.variables == Multiset(variables) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' expression, predicate, preorder_list', [ # expression position (f(a, x_), None, [(f(a, x_), ()), (a, (0, )), (x_, (1, ))]), (f(a, f(x_)), lambda e: e.head is None, [(x_, (1, 0))]), (f(a, f(x_)), lambda e: e.head == f, [(f(a, f(x_)), ()), (f(x_), (1, ))]) ] ) # yapf: disable def test_preorder_iter(self, expression, predicate, preorder_list): result = list(expression.preorder_iter(predicate)) assert result == preorder_list GETITEM_TEST_EXPRESSION = f(a, f(x_, b), _) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' position, expected_result', [ ((), GETITEM_TEST_EXPRESSION), ((0, ), a), ((0, 0), IndexError), ((1, ), f(x_, b)), ((1, 0), x_), ((1, 0, 0), IndexError), ((1, 1), b), ((1, 1, 0), IndexError), ((1, 2), IndexError), ((2, ), _), ((3, ), IndexError), ] ) # yapf: disable def test_getitem(self, position, expected_result): if inspect.isclass(expected_result) and issubclass(expected_result, Exception): with pytest.raises(expected_result): result = self.GETITEM_TEST_EXPRESSION[position] print(result) else: result = self.GETITEM_TEST_EXPRESSION[position] assert result == expected_result @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' start, end, expected_result', [ ((), (), [GETITEM_TEST_EXPRESSION]), ((0, ), (0, ), [a]), ((0, ), (1, ), [a, f(x_, b)]), ((0, ), (2, ), [a, f(x_, b), _]), ((0, ), (3, ), [a, f(x_, b), _]), ((1, ), (2, ), [f(x_, b), _]), ((1, 0), (1, 1), [x_, b]), ((1, 0), (2, ), IndexError), ((1, ), (0, ), IndexError), ((1, 0), (2, 0), IndexError), ] ) # yapf: disable def test_getitem_slice(self, start, end, expected_result): if inspect.isclass(expected_result) and issubclass(expected_result, Exception): with pytest.raises(expected_result): result = self.GETITEM_TEST_EXPRESSION[start:end] print(result) else: result = self.GETITEM_TEST_EXPRESSION[start:end] assert result == expected_result def test_getitem_slice_symbol(self): with pytest.raises(IndexError): print(a[(0, ):()]) with pytest.raises(IndexError): print(a[(0, ):(1, )]) assert a[():()] == [a] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' expression1, expression2', [ (a, b), (a, Symbol('a', variable_name='x')), (Symbol('a', variable_name='x'), Symbol('a', variable_name='y')), (a, _), (a, _s), (a, x_), (_, x_), (_s, x_), (x_, y_), (x_, x__), (f(a), f(b)), (f(a), f2(a)), (f(a), f(a, a)), (f(b), f(a, a)), (f(a, a), f(a, b)), (f(a, a), f(a, a, a)), (a, f(a)), (x_, f(a)), (_, f(a)), (_s, f(a)), (_s, s_), (SymbolWildcard(variable_name='x'), SymbolWildcard(variable_name='y')), (s_, ss_), (_s, __), (_, _s), (SymbolWildcard(SpecialSymbol), SymbolWildcard(Symbol)), (f(a), SpecialF(a)), ] ) # yapf: disable def test_lt(self, expression1, expression2): assert expression1 < expression2, "{!s} < {!s} did not hold".format(expression1, expression2) assert not (expression2 < expression1 ), "Inconsistent order: Both {0} < {1} and {1} < {0}".format(expression2, expression1) @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', [a, f(a), x_, _]) def test_lt_error(self, expression): with pytest.raises(TypeError): expression < object() def test_operation_new_error(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ ='if', Arity.variadic) with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ ='+', Arity.variadic) def test_wildcard_error(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = Wildcard(-1, False) with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = Wildcard(0, True) def test_symbol_wildcard_error(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError): _ = SymbolWildcard(object) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' expression, renaming, expected_result', [ (a, {}, a), (a, {'x': 'y'}, a), (x_, {}, x_), (x_, {'x': 'y'}, y_), (SymbolWildcard(), {}, SymbolWildcard()), (SymbolWildcard(), {'x': 'y'}, SymbolWildcard()), (f(x_), {}, f(x_)), (f(x_), {'x': 'y'}, f(y_)), ] ) # yapf: disable def test_with_renamed_vars(self, expression, renaming, expected_result): new_expr = expression.with_renamed_vars(renaming) assert new_expr == expected_result @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', SIMPLE_EXPRESSIONS) @pytest.mark.parametrize('other', SIMPLE_EXPRESSIONS) def test_hash(self, expression, other): expression = expression other = other if expression != other: assert hash(expression) != hash(other), "hash({!s}) == hash({!s})".format(expression, other) else: assert hash(expression) == hash(other), "hash({!s}) != hash({!s})".format(expression, other) @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', SIMPLE_EXPRESSIONS) def test_copy(self, expression): other = expression.__copy__() assert other == expression assert other is not expression @pytest.mark.parametrize( ' expression, subexpression, contains', [ (a, a, True), (a, b, False), (f(a), a, True), (f(a), b, False), (f(a), f(a), True), (f(a, b), f(a), False), (f(a), f(a, b), False), (f(x_, y_), x_, True), (f(x_, y_), y_, True), (f(x_, y_), a, False), ] ) # yapf: disable def test_contains(self, expression, subexpression, contains): if contains: assert subexpression in expression, "{!s} should be contained in {!s}".format(subexpression, expression) else: assert subexpression not in expression, "{!s} should not be contained in {!s}".format(subexpression, expression)
def test_operation_new_error(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ ='if', Arity.variadic) with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ ='+', Arity.variadic)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from matchpy.expressions.expressions import ( Arity, Operation, Symbol, Wildcard, SymbolWildcard, make_dot_variable, make_plus_variable, make_star_variable, make_symbol_variable) from .utils import MockConstraint class SpecialSymbol(Symbol): pass f ='f', Arity.variadic) f2 ='f2', Arity.variadic) f_u ='f_u', Arity.unary) f_i ='f_i', Arity.variadic, one_identity=True) f_c ='f_c', Arity.variadic, commutative=True) f_ci ='f_ci', Arity.variadic, commutative=True, one_identity=True) f2_c ='f2_c', Arity.variadic, commutative=True) f_a ='f_a', Arity.variadic, associative=True) f_ac ='f_ac', Arity.variadic, associative=True, commutative=True) a = Symbol('a') b = Symbol('b') c = Symbol('c') d = Symbol('d')
def test_one_identity_optional_commutativity(): Int ='Int', Arity.binary) Add ='+', Arity.variadic, 'Add', infix=True, associative=True, commutative=True, one_identity=True) Mul ='*', Arity.variadic, 'Mul', infix=True, associative=True, commutative=True, one_identity=True) Pow ='^', Arity.binary, 'Pow', infix=True) class Integer(Symbol): def __init__(self, value): super().__init__(str(value)) i0 = Integer(0) i1 = Integer(1) i2 = Integer(2) x_, m_, a_ = map(, 'xma') x, m = map(Symbol, 'xm') a0_ = Wildcard.optional('a', i0) b1_ = Wildcard.optional('b', i1) c0_ = Wildcard.optional('c', i0) d1_ = Wildcard.optional('d', i1) m1_ = Wildcard.optional('m', i1) n1_ = Wildcard.optional('n', i1) pattern22 = Pattern( Int( Mul(Pow(Add(a0_, Mul(b1_, x_)), m1_), Pow(Add(c0_, Mul(d1_, x_)), n1_)), x_)) pattern23 = Pattern( Int( Mul(Pow(Add(a_, Mul(b1_, x_)), m1_), Pow(Add(c0_, Mul(d1_, x_)), n1_)), x_)) matcher = ManyToOneMatcher() matcher.add(pattern22, 22) matcher.add(pattern23, 23) subject = Int(Mul(Pow(Add(Mul(b, x), a), i2), Pow(x, i2)), x) result = sorted( (l, sorted(map(tuple, s.items()))) for l, s in matcher.match(subject)) assert result == [ (22, [('a', i0), ('b', i1), ('c', a), ('d', b), ('m', i2), ('n', i2), ('x', x)]), (22, [('a', a), ('b', b), ('c', i0), ('d', i1), ('m', i2), ('n', i2), ('x', x)]), (23, [('a', a), ('b', b), ('c', i0), ('d', i1), ('m', i2), ('n', i2), ('x', x)]), ]