예제 #1
def test_Pd_setup(Pd, Pd_copy):
    """Makes sure the initial folders were setup according to the spec.
    #raise Exception("RAWR")
    modelroot = path.join(Pd.root, "Manual", "phonon.manual", "Pd")
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    assert Pd["Manual/phonon/Pd/"].root == modelroot

    #The matdb.yml file specifies the following database:
    dbs = ["Manual/phonon.manual/Pd/"]
    #Each one should have a folder for: ["hessian", "modulations"]
    #On the first go, the modulations folder will be empty because the DFT
    #calculations haven't been performed yet. However, hessian should have DFT
    #folders ready to go.
    folders = {
        "__files__": ["compute.pkl", "jobfile.sh"],
        "S1.1": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "POSCAR", "POTCAR", "PRECALC", "KPOINTS"]

    from matdb.utility import compare_tree
    for db in dbs:
        dbfolder = path.join(Pd.root, db)
        compare_tree(dbfolder, folders)

    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    #Now we will test some of the border cases of the database __init__ method

    db = "Manual/phonon.manual/Pd"
    dbfolder = path.join(Pd_copy.root, db)
    compare_tree(dbfolder, folders)
예제 #2
def test_setup(CoNiTi):
    """Tetsts the setup of the enumerated database.

    assert not CoNiTi.collections['prototype'].steps['prototype'].is_setup()


    db = "Prototypes/prototype.prototype/per-1"

    folders = {
        ["compute.pkl", "jobfile.sh", "prototype_P_uuid.txt", "puuids.pkl"]
    for i in range(1, 251):
        folders["P.{0}".format(i)] = {
            ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "uuid.txt", "POSCAR", "pre_comp_atoms.h5"]

    dbfolder = path.join(CoNiTi.root, db)
    from matdb.utility import compare_tree
    compare_tree(dbfolder, folders)

    assert CoNiTi.collections['prototype'].steps['prototype'].is_setup()

    prot = CoNiTi.collections['prototype'].steps['prototype']
    assert len(prot.sequence['per-1'].puuids) == 250

    assert not prot.ready()

    # We need to create fake atoms.h5 objects so that the system will
    # think that VASP has run and the caculations have been extracted.
    dbfolder = path.join(CoNiTi.root, db)
    for j in range(1, 251):
        src = path.join(dbfolder, "P.{}".format(j), "pre_comp_atoms.h5")
        dest = path.join(dbfolder, "P.{}".format(j), "atoms.h5")
        symlink(src, dest)

    assert len(prot.rset) == 250
    assert len(prot.fitting_configs) == 250

    # We run the setup one more time to ensure quick returns
    assert prot.ready()
예제 #3
def test_not_extractable(Pd_not_extractable):
    """ test not extractable 
    mPd = Pd_not_extractable
    tdb = Database("phonon", path.join(mPd.root, "tmp_db"), mPd,
                       "type": "simple.Manual"
                   }], {}, 0)
    for config in tdb.iconfigs:
        assert config is not None


    mdb = mPd.collections['phonon'].steps['manual']
    assert mdb is not None
    assert mdb.nconfigs == 1
    assert mdb.sub_dict() == {'extractable': False, 'name': 'manual'}
    assert not mdb.extractable
    assert not mdb._trainable

    assert mdb.is_setup()
    assert len(mdb.sequence) == 1
    assert len(mdb.sequence['Pd'].configs) == 1

    assert mdb.ready()
    assert mdb.can_extract()

    folders = {
        "__files__": ["phonon_S1_uuid.txt"],
        "Pd": {
            "__files__": ["phonon_S1_uuid.txt", "compute.pkl"],
            "S1.1": {
                "__files__": [
                    "INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR", "POTCAR", "atoms.h5",
                    "uuid.txt", "KPOINTS", "ase-sort.dat"

    dbfolder = mdb.root
    compare_tree(dbfolder, folders)

    assert path.isfile(path.join(dbfolder, "Pd", "output.tar.gz"))
예제 #4
def test_compare_tree(tmpdir):
    """Tests the folder comparison method.

    from os import mkdir
    from matdb.utility import touch, compare_tree
    test_dir = str(tmpdir.join("comp_tree"))

    folders = {
        "__files__": ["compute.pkl","jobfile.sh"],
        "phonopy": {
            "__files__": ["POSCAR"]

예제 #5
def test_AgCu_setup(AgCu):
    """Test the setup of the substitutions database.
    assert not AgCu.collections['substitution'].steps['Substitution'].is_setup(


    dbs = "Substitution/substitution.Substitution/Ag1Cu5"

    folders = {
        "__files__": ["compute.pkl", "suids.pkl", "jobfile.sh", "index.json"],
        "S.1": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.2": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.3": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.4": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.5": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.6": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.7": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.8": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.9": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.10": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.11": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.12": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.13": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.14": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "S.15": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]

    from matdb.utility import compare_tree
    dbfolder = path.join(AgCu.root, dbs)
    compare_tree(dbfolder, folders)

    assert AgCu.collections['substitution'].steps['Substitution'].is_setup()

    # test the suid and index creation for the entire database.
    assert path.isfile(
    assert path.isfile(

    sub = AgCu.collections['substitution'].steps['Substitution']
    assert len(sub.index) == 15
    assert len(sub.suids) == 15
    assert sub.ready()

    src = relpath(

    dbfolder = path.join(AgCu.root, dbs)
    for j in range(1, 16):
        dest = path.join(dbfolder, "S.{}".format(j), "OUTCAR")
        symlink(src, dest)

    dbfolder = path.join(AgCu.root, dbs)
    for j in range(1, 16):
        src = path.join(dbfolder, "S.{}".format(j), "POSCAR")
        dest = path.join(dbfolder, "S.{}".format(j), "CONTCAR")
        symlink(src, dest)

    assert len(sub.atoms_paths()) == 15
    assert len(sub.rset()) == 15
예제 #6
def test_all(Pd):
    """Tetsts setup/extract/ready of the simple.Manual database.


    mdb = Pd.collections['phonon'].steps['manual']

    assert Pd is not None
    assert mdb is not None
    assert mdb.is_setup()
    assert len(mdb.sequence) == 3
    assert len(mdb.sequence['Pd1'].configs) == 1

    folders = {
        "__files__": ["phonon_S1_uuid.txt"],
        "Pd1": {
            "__files__": ["phonon_S1_uuid.txt", "jobfile.sh", "compute.pkl"],
            "S1.1": {
                "__files__": [
                    "INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR", "POTCAR",
                    "pre_comp_atoms.h5", "uuid.txt", "KPOINTS", "ase-sort.dat"
        "Pd2": {
            "__files__": ["phonon_S1_uuid.txt", "jobfile.sh", "compute.pkl"],
            "S1.1": {
                "__files__": [
                    "INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR", "POTCAR",
                    "pre_comp_atoms.h5", "uuid.txt", "KPOINTS", "ase-sort.dat"
        "Pd3": {
            "__files__": ["phonon_S1_uuid.txt", "jobfile.sh", "compute.pkl"],
            "S1.1": {
                "__files__": [
                    "INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR", "POTCAR",
                    "pre_comp_atoms.h5", "uuid.txt", "KPOINTS", "ase-sort.dat"

    dbfolder = mdb.root
    compare_tree(dbfolder, folders)

    assert mdb.is_setup()
    assert not mdb.ready()

    src = relpath("./tests/data/Pd/basic_fail/S.4/OUTCAR")
    dbfolder = mdb.root
    for j in range(1, 4):
        dest = path.join(dbfolder, "Pd{}".format(j), "S1.1", "OUTCAR")
        symlink(src, dest)
    assert mdb.is_executing()
    assert mdb.is_setup()
    # should not be executable, because it's been executing
    assert not mdb.execute()

    # We need to fake some VASP output so that we can cleanup the
    # database and get the rset
    src = relpath(
    dbfolder = mdb.root
    for j in range(1, 4):
        dest = path.join(dbfolder, "Pd{}".format(j), "S1.1", "OUTCAR")
        symlink(src, dest)

    dbfolder = mdb.root
    for j in range(2, 4):
        src = path.join(dbfolder, "Pd{}".format(j), "S1.1", "POSCAR")
        dest = path.join(dbfolder, "Pd{}".format(j), "S1.1", "CONTCAR")
        symlink(src, dest)
    assert not mdb.ready()

    # execute should return false, because not all atoms can execute(Pd1 is lacking of POSCAR file)
    assert not mdb.execute()

    src = path.join(dbfolder, "Pd1", "S1.1", "POSCAR")
    dest = path.join(dbfolder, "Pd1", "S1.1", "CONTCAR")
    symlink(src, dest)

    assert not mdb.execute()

    assert not mdb.execute()
    assert len(mdb.sequence) == 3
    assert len(mdb.sequence['Pd1'].config_atoms) == 1
    assert len(mdb.sequence['Pd2'].config_atoms) == 1
    assert len(mdb.sequence['Pd3'].config_atoms) == 1
    assert len(mdb.sequence['Pd1'].configs) == 1
    assert len(mdb.sequence['Pd2'].configs) == 1
    assert len(mdb.sequence['Pd3'].configs) == 1

    assert len(mdb.fitting_configs) == 3
    assert len(mdb.rset) == 3
    assert not mdb.is_executing()

    assert mdb.ready()

    # setup again(with rerun=True) on an already ready database
    assert mdb.is_setup()
    assert mdb.ready()
    assert len(mdb.sequence) == 3
    assert len(mdb.sequence['Pd1'].config_atoms) == 1
    assert len(mdb.fitting_configs) == 3
    assert len(mdb.rset) == 3
예제 #7
def test_AlMg_setup(AlMg):
    """Test the setup of the distortion database.
    assert not AlMg.collections[


    dbs = "Distortion/distortion.distortion/Al6Mg4"

    folders = {
        "__files__": ["compute.pkl", "duids.pkl", "jobfile.sh", "index.json"],
        "D.1": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.2": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.3": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.4": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.5": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.6": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.7": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.8": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.9": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.10": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.11": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.12": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.13": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.14": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "D.15": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]

    from matdb.utility import compare_tree
    dbfolder = path.join(AlMg.root, dbs)
    compare_tree(dbfolder, folders)

    assert AlMg.collections['distortion'].steps[

    # test the duid and index creation for the entire database.
    assert path.isfile(path.join(AlMg.root,
    assert path.isfile(path.join(AlMg.root,

    dist = AlMg.collections['distortion'].steps['distortion']
    assert len(dist.duids) == 50
    assert len(dist.index) == 50
    assert dist.ready()
예제 #8
def test_setup(AgPd):
    """Tetsts the setup of the enumerated database.

    assert not AgPd.collections['enumerated'].steps['enum'].is_setup()
    assert AgPd.collections['enumerated'].steps['enum'].fitting_configs == []


    dbs = ["Enum/enumerated.enum/lat-{}".format(i) for i in (1, 2)]

    folders = {
        "__files__": [
            "compute.pkl", "euids.pkl", "jobfile.sh", "enum.out", "lattice.in",
        "E.1": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "E.2": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "E.3": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "E.4": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "E.5": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "E.6": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "E.7": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "E.8": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "E.9": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "E.10": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]

    from matdb.utility import compare_tree
    for db in dbs:
        dbfolder = path.join(AgPd.root, db)
        compare_tree(dbfolder, folders)

    assert AgPd.collections['enumerated'].steps['enum'].is_setup()

    # test the euid and index creation for the entire database.
    assert path.isfile(path.join(AgPd.root, "Enum/enumerated.enum/euids.pkl"))
    assert path.isfile(path.join(AgPd.root, "Enum/enumerated.enum/index.json"))

    enum = AgPd.collections['enumerated'].steps['enum']
    assert len(enum.index) == 20
    assert len(enum.euids) == 20

    assert not enum.ready()
    # We need to fake some VASP output so that we can cleanup the
    # database and get the rset

    src = relpath("./tests/files/outcars/4_atom")
    for db in dbs:
        dbfolder = path.join(AgPd.root, db)
        for j in range(1, 11):
            dest = path.join(dbfolder, "E.{}".format(j), "OUTCAR")
            symlink(src, dest)

    for db in dbs:
        dbfolder = path.join(AgPd.root, db)
        for j in range(1, 11):
            src = path.join(dbfolder, "E.{}".format(j), "POSCAR")
            dest = path.join(dbfolder, "E.{}".format(j), "CONTCAR")
            symlink(src, dest)

    assert len(enum.rset) == 20
예제 #9
def test_all_active(Act):
    """Tetsts the setup of the Active database.
    assert (Act.last_iteration is None) or (len(Act.last_iteration) == 0)
    assert (Act.last_config_atoms is None) or (len(Act.last_config_atoms) == 0)
    add_configs(Act, 1)

    assert not Act.can_extract()
    assert Act.iter_file == path.join(Act.root, "iter_1.pkl")
    assert Act.nconfigs == 3
    assert not Act.is_executing()


    assert len(Act.last_iteration) == 3
    folders = {
        "__files__": ["compute.pkl", "auids.pkl", "jobfile.sh", "index.json", "iter_1.pkl",
        "Ac.1": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR", "POTCAR", "pre_comp_atoms.h5",
        "Ac.2": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR", "POTCAR", "pre_comp_atoms.h5",
        "Ac.3": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR", "POTCAR", "pre_comp_atoms.h5",

    dbfolder = Act.root

    assert Act.is_setup()

    assert not Act.ready()
    # We need to fake some VASP output so that we can cleanup the
    # database and get the rset

    src = relpath("./tests/data/Pd/complete/OUTCAR__DynMatrix_phonon_Pd_dim-2.00")
    dbfolder = Act.root
    for j in range(1,4):
        dest = path.join(dbfolder,"Ac.{}".format(j),"OUTCAR")
    dbfolder = Act.root
    for j in range(1,4):
        src = path.join(dbfolder,"Ac.{}".format(j),"POSCAR")
        dest = path.join(dbfolder,"Ac.{}".format(j),"CONTCAR")

    remove(path.join(Act.root, "Ac.1", "pre_comp_atoms.h5"))
    assert len(Act.config_atoms) == 3
    assert len(Act.configs) == 3
    assert len(Act.last_config_atoms) == 3
    assert len(Act.rset) == 3
    assert not Act.is_executing()

    remove(path.join(Act.root, "Ac.1", "OUTCAR"))
    dest = path.join(Act.root, "Ac.1", "OUTCAR")
    src = relpath("./tests/data/Pd/basic_fail/S.4/OUTCAR")
    assert Act.is_executing()
    # should not be executable, because it's been executing
    assert not Act.execute()

    # test the addition of a second set of new configs

    # first config is to test if the exclusion of duplicates works.
    configs = []
    atSi = Atoms("Si8",positions=[[0,0,0],[0.25,0.25,0.25],[0.5,0.5,0],[0.75,0.75,0.25],

    atSi = Atoms("Si",positions=[[0,0,0]],

    atSi = Atoms("Si2",positions=[[0,0,0], [0.5,0.75,0.25]],

    Act.add_configs(configs, 2)

    assert Act.iter_file == path.join(Act.root, "iter_2.pkl")
    assert Act.nconfigs == 6
    assert not Act.is_executing()


    for cfg in Act.iconfigs:
        assert "Si" in cfg.get_chemical_symbols()
    assert Act.nconfigs == 5    
    assert len(Act.last_config_atoms) == 2

    Act.iter_file = path.join(Act.root, "iter_1.pkl")
    assert len(Act.last_iteration) == 3
예제 #10
def test_AlTi_setup(AlTi):
    """Test the setup of the vacancy database.
    assert not AlTi.collections['vacancy'].steps['Vacancy'].is_setup()


    dbs = "Vacancy/vacancy.Vacancy/Al14Ti6"

    folders = {
        "__files__": ["compute.pkl", "vuids.pkl", "jobfile.sh", "index.json"],
        "V.1": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "V.2": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "V.3": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "V.4": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "V.5": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "V.6": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]
        "V.7": {
            "__files__": ["INCAR", "PRECALC", "POSCAR"]

    from matdb.utility import compare_tree
    dbfolder = path.join(AlTi.root, dbs)
    compare_tree(dbfolder, folders)

    assert AlTi.collections['vacancy'].steps['Vacancy'].is_setup()

    # test the vuid and index creation for the entire database.
    assert path.isfile(
        path.join(AlTi.root, "Vacancy/vacancy.Vacancy/vuids.pkl"))
    assert path.isfile(
        path.join(AlTi.root, "Vacancy/vacancy.Vacancy/index.json"))

    vac = AlTi.collections['vacancy'].steps['Vacancy']
    assert len(vac.index) == 50
    assert len(vac.vuids) == 50
    assert vac.ready()

    # We need to fake some VASP output so that we can cleanup the
    # database and get the rset

    src = relpath(

    dbfolder = path.join(AlTi.root, dbs)
    for j in range(1, 51):
        dest = path.join(dbfolder, "V.{}".format(j), "OUTCAR")
        symlink(src, dest)

    dbfolder = path.join(AlTi.root, dbs)
    for j in range(1, 51):
        src = path.join(dbfolder, "V.{}".format(j), "POSCAR")
        dest = path.join(dbfolder, "V.{}".format(j), "CONTCAR")
        symlink(src, dest)

    assert len(vac.atoms_paths()) == 50
    assert len(vac.rset()) == 50