def main(argv): msg_arg = 3.141592654 matecomponent.activate() app = matecomponent.Application("Libmatecomponent-Test-Uniqapp") app.register_message(CLOSURE_MESSAGE, "This is a test message", float, (int, float), closure_message_cb, "user-data") client = app.register_unique(app.create_serverinfo(("LANG", ))) if client is not None: print "I am an application client." app.unref() del app msgdescs = client.msg_list() for msgdesc in msgdescs: print "Application supports message:", msgdesc print "Sending message string '%s' with argument %f" % (TEST_MESSAGE, msg_arg) retval = client.msg_send(TEST_MESSAGE, (msg_arg, "this is a string")) print "Return value:", retval print "Sending message string '%s' with arguments %i and %f" % ( CLOSURE_MESSAGE, 10, 3.141592654) retval = client.msg_send(CLOSURE_MESSAGE, (10, 3.141592654)) print "Return value: ", retval print "Sending new-instance, with argv" i = client.new_instance(argv) print "new-instance returned ", i print "Asking the server to quit" client.msg_send("quit", ()) return else: print "I am an application server" app.connect("message::test-message", message_cb) app.connect("new-instance", new_instance_cb) app.new_instance(argv) app.connect("message::quit", message_quit_cb) matecomponent.main() app.unref()
def main(argv): msg_arg = 3.141592654 matecomponent.activate() app = matecomponent.Application("Libmatecomponent-Test-Uniqapp") app.register_message( CLOSURE_MESSAGE, "This is a test message", float, (int, float), closure_message_cb, "user-data" ) client = app.register_unique(app.create_serverinfo(("LANG",))) if client is not None: print "I am an application client." app.unref() del app msgdescs = client.msg_list() for msgdesc in msgdescs: print "Application supports message:", msgdesc print "Sending message string '%s' with argument %f" % (TEST_MESSAGE, msg_arg) retval = client.msg_send(TEST_MESSAGE, (msg_arg, "this is a string")) print "Return value:", retval print "Sending message string '%s' with arguments %i and %f" % (CLOSURE_MESSAGE, 10, 3.141592654) retval = client.msg_send(CLOSURE_MESSAGE, (10, 3.141592654)) print "Return value: ", retval print "Sending new-instance, with argv" i = client.new_instance(argv) print "new-instance returned ", i print "Asking the server to quit" client.msg_send("quit", ()) return else: print "I am an application server" app.connect("message::test-message", message_cb) app.connect("new-instance", new_instance_cb) app.new_instance(argv) app.connect("message::quit", message_quit_cb) matecomponent.main() app.unref()
def hello_new (): win = hello_create_main_window () button = gtk.Button () button.set_border_width (10) label = gtk.Label ('Hello World') button.add (label) button.connect ('clicked', hello_on_button_click, label) win.set_size_request (250, 350) win.set_resizable (gtk.TRUE) win.set_property ('allow-shrink', gtk.FALSE) frame = gtk.Frame () frame.set_shadow_type (gtk.SHADOW_IN) frame.add (button) win.set_contents (frame) win.connect ('delete_event', delete_event_cb) app_list.append (win) return win if __name__ == '__main__': app = hello_new () app.show_all () matecomponent.main ()