예제 #1
    def __new__(cls, *args):

        args = map(matrixify, args)

        args = [arg for arg in args if arg!=0]

        if not all(arg.is_Matrix for arg in args):
            raise ValueError("Mix of Matrix and Scalar symbols")

        # Check that the shape of the args is consistent
        A = args[0]
        for B in args[1:]:
            if A.shape != B.shape:
                raise ShapeError("Matrices %s and %s are not aligned"%(A,B))

        expr = Add.__new__(cls, *args)
        if expr == S.Zero:
            return ZeroMatrix(*args[0].shape)
        expr = matrixify(expr)

        if expr.is_Mul:
            return MatMul(*expr.args)

        # Clear out Identities
        # Any zeros around?
        if expr.is_Add and any(M.is_ZeroMatrix for M in expr.args):
            newargs = [M for M in expr.args if not M.is_ZeroMatrix] # clear out
            if len(newargs)==0: # Did we lose everything?
                return ZeroMatrix(*args[0].shape)
            if expr.args != newargs: # Removed some 0's but not everything?
                return MatAdd(*newargs) # Repeat with simpler expr

        return expr
예제 #2
 def __new__(cls, *mats):
     from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableMatrix
     data = [[
         mats[i] if i == j else ZeroMatrix(mats[i].rows, mats[j].cols)
         for j in range(len(mats))
     ] for i in range(len(mats))]
     return Basic.__new__(BlockDiagMatrix, ImmutableMatrix(data))
예제 #3
파일: matmul.py 프로젝트: skolwind/sympy
def any_zeros(mul):
    if any([
            arg.is_zero or (arg.is_Matrix and arg.is_ZeroMatrix)
            for arg in mul.args
        matrices = [arg for arg in mul.args if arg.is_Matrix]
        return ZeroMatrix(matrices[0].rows, matrices[-1].cols)
    return mul
예제 #4
파일: matmul.py 프로젝트: vperic/sympy
    def __new__(cls, *args):

        # Check that the shape of the args is consistent
        matrices = [arg for arg in args if arg.is_Matrix]

        for i in range(len(matrices) - 1):
            A, B = matrices[i:i + 2]
            if A.cols != B.rows:
                raise ShapeError("Matrices %s and %s are not aligned" % (A, B))

        if any(arg.is_zero for arg in args):
            return ZeroMatrix(matrices[0].rows, matrices[-1].cols)

        expr = matrixify(Mul.__new__(cls, *args))
        if expr.is_Add:
            return MatAdd(*expr.args)
        if expr.is_Pow:
            assert expr.exp.is_Integer
            expr = Basic.__new__(MatMul, *[expr.base for i in range(expr.exp)])
        if not expr.is_Mul:
            return expr

        if any(arg.is_Matrix and arg.is_ZeroMatrix for arg in expr.args):
            return ZeroMatrix(*expr.shape)

        # Clear out Identities
        nonmats = [M for M in expr.args if not M.is_Matrix]  # scalars
        mats = [M for M in expr.args if M.is_Matrix]  # matrices
        if any(M.is_Identity for M in mats):  # Any identities around?
            newmats = [M for M in mats if not M.is_Identity]  # clear out
            if len(newmats) == 0:  # Did we lose everything?
                newmats = [Identity(expr.rows)]  # put just one back in

            if mats != newmats:  # Removed some I's but not everything?
                return MatMul(*(nonmats + newmats))  # Repeat with simpler expr

        return expr
예제 #5
    def __new__(cls, *mats):
        data_matrix = eye(len(mats))
        for i, mat in enumerate(mats):
            data_matrix[i,i] = mat

        for r in range(len(mats)):
            for c in range(len(mats)):
                if r == c:
                n = mats[r].rows
                m = mats[c].cols
                data_matrix[r, c] = ZeroMatrix(n, m)

        shape = Tuple(*sympify(mat.shape))
        data = Tuple(*data_matrix.mat)
        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, data, shape, Tuple(*mats))
        obj.mat = data_matrix
        return obj