def create_imagefont(res_path, font_filename, point_size, text, color):
    done = False
    curr_size = 64
    texture_packer = None
    image_dict = None
    packResult = None

    # Retry until optimal font atlas size is found.
    while not done:
            result = pack_fonts(font_filename, point_size, text, color, curr_size)
            texture_packer = result[0]
            packResult = result[1]
            image_dict = result[2]
            done = True
        except PackerError:
            curr_size = next_power_of_two(curr_size)
            print "Failed, trying next power of two", curr_size

    borderSize = 1
    font_image_name = os.path.join(
        get_fonts_path(res_path), "%s_%s.%s" % (os.path.basename(font_filename).split(".")[0], str(point_size), "tga")
    atlas_data = AtlasData(
    for tex in texture_packer.texArr:

    parser = get_parser("xml")
    parser.parse(atlas_data)"%s.%s" % (font_image_name.split(".")[0], parser.get_file_ext()))

    atlas_image ="RGBA", (packResult[0], packResult[1]), color)

    index = 0
    for name in image_dict.keys():
        tex = texture_packer.get_texture(name)
        atlas_image.paste(image_dict[name], (tex.x, tex.y))
        index += 1, font_image_name), "tga")
def create_atlas(texMode, dirPath, atlasPath, dirName, args):
    done = False
    curr_size = int(args['maxrects_bin_size'])
    texture_packer = None
    imagesList = None
    packResult = None

    # Retry until optimal font atlas size is found.
    while not done:
            result = pack_atlas(args, dirPath, curr_size)
            texture_packer = result[0]
            packResult = result[1]
            imagesList = result[2]
            done = True
        except PackerError:
            curr_size = next_power_of_two(curr_size)
            print "Failed, trying next power of two", curr_size

    borderSize = 1
    atlas_name = '%s.%s' % (dirName, args['atlas_type'])
    atlas_data = AtlasData(name=dirName, width=packResult[0], height=packResult[1], color_mode=texMode, file_type=args['atlas_type'], border=borderSize)
    for tex in texture_packer.texArr:

    parser = get_parser(args['output_data_type'])
    parser.parse(atlas_data)'%s.%s' % (os.path.join(atlasPath, os.path.basename(dirPath)), parser.get_file_ext()))

    atlas_image =, (packResult[0], packResult[1]), get_color(args['bg_color']))

    index = 0
    for image in imagesList:
        tex = texture_packer.get_texture(image[0])
        atlas_image.paste(image[1], (tex.x, tex.y))
        index += 1, os.path.basename(dirPath)) + "." + args['atlas_type'], args['atlas_type'])
    if (args['verbose']):
    def pack_textures(self, forcePowerOfTwo, onePixelBorder):
        # 0 = width
        # 1 = height
        # 3 = returnValue
        returnList = []

        if (onePixelBorder):
            i = 0
            for t in self.texArr:
                t.width += 2
                t.height += 2
                self.texArr[i] = t
                i += 1
            self.longestEdge += 2

        if (forcePowerOfTwo):
            self.longestEdge = next_power_of_two(self.longestEdge)

        width = self.longestEdge
        count = self.totalArea / (self.longestEdge * self.longestEdge)
        height = (count + 2) * self.longestEdge

        self.add_node(0, 0, width, height)

        # We must place_texture each texture
        loopI = 0
        while (loopI < self.get_texture_count()):
            index = 0
            longestEdge = 0
            mostArea = 0

            # We first search for the texture with the longest edge, placing it first.
            # And the most area...
            j = 0
            for texture in self.texArr:
                #print "Checking texture ", tmpTex.GetName()
                if (not texture.placed):
                    if (texture.longestEdge > longestEdge):
                        mostArea = texture.area
                        longestEdge = texture.longestEdge
                        index = j
                    elif (texture.longestEdge == longestEdge):
                        if (texture.area > mostArea):
                            mostArea = texture.area
                            index = j
                j += 1

            # For the texture with the longest edge we place_texture it according to this criteria.
            #   (1) If it is a perfect match, we always accept it as it causes the least amount of fragmentation.
            #   (2) A match of one edge with the minimum area left over after the split.
            #   (3) No edges match, so look for the node which leaves the least amount of area left over after the split.
            tex = self.texArr[index]
            #print "Going to try and place_texture ", tex.GetName()

            leastY = 0x7FFFFFFF
            leastX = 0x7FFFFFFF

            nodeIndex = 0
            idx = 0
            previousBestFitNodeIdx = 0
            bestFitNode = Node(0, 0, 0, 0)
            previousNodeIdx = 0
            edgeCount = 0

            # Walk the singly linked list of free nodes
            # see if it will fit into any currently free space
            for currNode in self.freeArr:
                resultdoes_rect_fitArr = currNode.does_rect_fit(tex.get_rect().get_width(), tex.get_rect().get_height())
                ec = resultdoes_rect_fitArr[1]

                # see if the texture will fit into this slot, and if so how many edges does it share.
                if (resultdoes_rect_fitArr[0] is True):
                    if (ec == 2):
                        previousBestFitNodeIdx = previousNodeIdx
                        bestFitNode = currNode
                        nodeIndex = idx
                        edgeCount = ec

                    if (currNode.y < leastY):
                        leastY = currNode.y
                        leastX = currNode.x
                        previousBestFitNodeIdx = previousNodeIdx
                        bestFitNode = currNode
                        nodeIndex = idx
                        edgeCount = ec
                    elif (currNode.y == leastY and currNode.x < leastX):
                        leastX = currNode.x
                        previousBestFitNodeIdx = previousNodeIdx
                        bestFitNode = currNode
                        nodeIndex = idx
                        edgeCount = ec

                previousNodeIdx = idx
                idx += 1

            # we should always find a fit location!
            if(bestFitNode.x == 0 and bestFitNode.y == 0 and bestFitNode.get_rect().get_width() == 0 and bestFitNode.get_rect().get_height() == 0):
                print "TexturePacker::pack_textures() BestFit node not found!!"


            if (edgeCount == 0):
                if (tex.longestEdge <= bestFitNode.get_rect().get_width()):
                    if (tex.height > tex.width):
                        tex.flipped = True

                    tex.place_texture(bestFitNode.x, bestFitNode.y, tex.flipped)

                    self.add_node(bestFitNode.x, bestFitNode.y + tex.height, bestFitNode.get_rect().get_width(), bestFitNode.get_rect().get_height() - tex.height)

                    bestFitNode.x += tex.width
                    bestFitNode.width -= tex.width
                    bestFitNode.height = tex.height
                    if (tex.longestEdge <= bestFitNode.height):
                        print("TexturePacker::PackTexture() ERROR - Current textures longest edge is less than the BestFitNodes Height!!!")

                    if (tex.height < tex.width):
                        tex.flipped = True

                    tex.place_texture(bestFitNode.x, bestFitNode.y, tex.flipped)
                    self.add_node(bestFitNode.x, bestFitNode.y + tex.height, bestFitNode.get_rect().width, bestFitNode.get_rect().height - tex.height)
                    bestFitNode.x += tex.width
                    bestFitNode.width -= tex.width
                    bestFitNode.height = tex.height
            elif(edgeCount == 1):
                if (tex.width == bestFitNode.get_rect().get_width()):
                    tex.place_texture(bestFitNode.x, bestFitNode.y, False)
                    bestFitNode.y += tex.height
                    bestFitNode.height -= tex.height
                elif (tex.height == bestFitNode.get_rect().get_height()):
                    tex.place_texture(bestFitNode.x, bestFitNode.y, False)
                    bestFitNode.x += tex.width
                    bestFitNode.width -= tex.width
                elif (tex.width == bestFitNode.get_rect().get_height()):
                    tex.place_texture(bestFitNode.x, bestFitNode.y, True)
                    bestFitNode.x += tex.height
                    bestFitNode.width -= tex.height
                elif (tex.height == bestFitNode.get_rect().get_width()):
                    tex.place_texture(bestFitNode.x, bestFitNode.y, True)
                    bestFitNode.y += tex.width
                    bestFitNode.height -= tex.width
            elif(edgeCount == 2):
                flipped = tex.width != bestFitNode.get_rect().get_width() or tex.height != bestFitNode.get_rect().get_height()
                tex.place_texture(bestFitNode.x, bestFitNode.y, flipped)
                if (previousBestFitNodeIdx >= 0):
                    previousBestFitNodeIdx = index

            # Save latest version of texture and Node back into lists since python is pass by value
            self.freeArr[nodeIndex] = bestFitNode
            self.texArr[index] = tex

            loopI += 1

        while (self.merge_nodes()):
            print "Merging nodes"

        index = 0
        height = 0
        for t in self.texArr:
            if (onePixelBorder):
                t.width -= 2
                t.height -= 2
                t.x += 1
                t.y += 1
                self.texArr[index] = t

            y = 0
            if (t.flipped):
                y = t.y + t.width
                y = t.y + t.height

            if (y > height):
                height = y

            index += 1

        if (forcePowerOfTwo):
            height = next_power_of_two(height)

        returnList.append((width * height) - self.totalArea)
        return (returnList)