예제 #1
def solve_problem():
    counter = 0
    for n in range(1, 101):
        for r in range(0, n+1):
            if fac(n)/fac(r)/fac(n-r) > 1000000:
                counter += 1
    return counter
예제 #2
파일: kmer_calcs.py 프로젝트: robertvi/rjv
def predict_errors(n,ct_main,freq_main,kmer_size,error_rate):
    predict kmer freq for kmers with exactly n errors
    #how many possible error kmers are there
    #k-choose-n combinations of bases can be mutated
    #for each combination there are 3^n combinations of bases to mutate to
    #pos = 3.0**n * sp.misc.comb(kmer_size,n)
    pos = 3.0**n * fac(kmer_size) / (fac(n)*fac(kmer_size-n))
    #probability of any one particular error kmer being generated
    #when the kmer is read
    #n bases misread as the particular error base
    #remainder of bases are not misread
    prob = (error_rate/3.0)**n * (1.0 - error_rate)**(kmer_size-n)

    freq = [0.0] * len(ct_main)

    #for every count in the error-free histogram
    for i,ct1 in enumerate(ct_main):
        mean = ct1 * prob
        val1 = freq_main[i] * pos * math.exp(-mean)
        #generate error predictions for every count in the error histogram
        for j,ct2 in enumerate(ct_main):
            #poisson for count ct2
            #scaled by val1 'trials'
            #freq[j] += val1 * poisson(mean,ct2)
            freq[j] += val1 * mean**ct2 / fac(ct2)
            if ct2 == 170: break #fac(171) is too big to be a float
    return freq
예제 #3
def bezier2polynomial(p, numpy_ordering=True, return_poly1d=False):
    """Converts a tuple of Bezier control points to a tuple of coefficients
    of the expanded polynomial.
    return_poly1d : returns a numpy.poly1d object.  This makes computations
    of derivatives/anti-derivatives and many other operations quite quick.
    numpy_ordering : By default (to accommodate numpy) the coefficients will
    be output in reverse standard order."""
    if len(p) == 4:
        coeffs = (-p[0] + 3*(p[1] - p[2]) + p[3],
                  3*(p[0] - 2*p[1] + p[2]),
    elif len(p) == 3:
        coeffs = (p[0] - 2*p[1] + p[2],
                  2*(p[1] - p[0]),
    elif len(p) == 2:
        coeffs = (p[1]-p[0],
    elif len(p) == 1:
        coeffs = p
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bezier_curve#Polynomial_form
        n = len(p) - 1
        coeffs = [fac(n)//fac(n-j) * sum(
            (-1)**(i+j) * p[i] / (fac(i) * fac(j-i)) for i in range(j+1))
            for j in range(n+1)]
    if not numpy_ordering:
        coeffs = coeffs[::-1]  # can't use .reverse() as might be tuple
    if return_poly1d:
        return poly1d(coeffs)
    return coeffs
 def a_function(l, r, i, l_1, l_2, pa, pb, pc, g):
     e = 1 / (4*g)
     out1 = Binomial.coefficient(l, l_1, l_2, pa, pb)
     out2 = (-1)**i * fac(l) * pc**(l - 2*r - 2*i) * e**(r + i)
     out3 = fac(r) * fac(i) * fac(l - 2*r - 2*i)
     ans = (-1)**l * out1 * (out2/out3)
     return ans
예제 #5
def _significance_direct_on_off(n_on, n_off, alpha):
    """Compute significance directly via Poisson probability.

    Use this method for small n_on < 10.
    In this case the Li & Ma formula isn't correct any more.

    * TODO: add reference
    * TODO: add large unit test coverage (where is it numerically precise enough)?
    * TODO: check coverage with MC simulation
    * TODO: implement in Cython and vectorize n_on (accept numpy  array n_on as input)
    from math import factorial as fac
    from scipy.stats import norm

    # Compute tail probability to see n_on or more counts
    probability = 1
    for n in range(0, n_on):
        term_1 = alpha ** n / (1 + alpha) ** (n_off + n + 1)
        term_2 = fac(n_off + n) / (fac(n) * fac(n_off))
        probability -= term_1 * term_2

    # Convert probability to a significance
    significance = norm.isf(probability)

    return significance
예제 #6
def part_p(n,k):
	result = 0
	for y in range(k, n+1):
		len_combs = fac(n)/(fac(n-y)*fac(y))

	print result%1000000
예제 #7
def mend_prob(gen, num):
	prog = 2**gen  						# number of progeny in that generation
	result = 0
	for x in range(num, prog+1):		#sum the cumulative probability of exactly num or greater individuals occuring
		result += ((fac(prog)/(fac(x)*fac(prog-x)))*.25**x*.75**(prog-x))
										#formula for binomial probability 
	return ("%.3f" % result)			#round to 3 decimal places
예제 #8
def Hp_norm(p,k,l):
    s = 0

    for i in range(p+1):
        for j in range(i+1):
            s = s + (k*pi)**(2*(i-j))*(l*pi)**(2*j)*fac(i)/(fac(j)*fac(i-j)) 
    return sqrt(0.25*s)
예제 #9
def per_match(seq):
	au_count = 0
	gc_count = 0
	for nuc in seq:
		if nuc == 'A':
			au_count += 1
		if nuc == 'G':
			gc_count += 1
	result = fac(au_count)*fac(gc_count)
	print result
예제 #10
def free_path(start, end):
    """Given start and end coords, calculate the total number of paths, assuming
    all entries are unblocked --> (m + n)! / (m! * n!)
    where m = num rows, n = num cols
    and start and end are tuples of the form (row pos, col pos)"""
    # num rows
    m = end[0] - start[0]
    # num cols
    n = end[1] - start[1]
    return fac(m + n) / (fac(m) * fac(n))
예제 #11
 def pn(self,n):
     Probability in "n" state, holding n > 0 and n <= k
     assert(n > 0 and n <= self.k)
     if n < self.c:
         return (pow(self.l, n) / (fac(n) * pow(self.m, n))) * self.p0()
     elif self.c <= n:
         return pow(self.l, n) / (pow(self.c, (n - self.c)) * fac(self.c) * pow(self.m, n)) * self.p0()
예제 #12
def successorTerm(t):
    C = lambda n, k: round(fac(n) / (fac(k) * fac(n - k)))
    if t.exponent == 0:
        return (t,)
    if t.exponent == 1:
        return (t, Term(t.coefficient, 0))
    elif t.exponent > 1:
        return map(
            lambda z: Term(t.coefficient * C(z[0], z[1]), z[1]),
            zip(repeat(t.exponent, t.exponent + 1), range(t.exponent + 1)),  # n  # k
예제 #13
 def b_function(self, l, ll, r, rr, i, l_1, l_2, a_x, b_x, p_x, g_1, l_3, l_4, c_x, d_x, q_x, g_2):
     sigma = self.sigma
     pa_x = p_x - a_x
     pb_x = p_x - b_x
     qc_x = q_x - c_x
     qd_x = q_x - d_x
     c_x = p_x - q_x
     delta = (1/(4*g_1)) + (1/(4*g_2))
     out1 = (-1)**l * sigma(l, l_1, l_2, pa_x, pb_x, r, g_1) * sigma(ll, l_3, l_4, qc_x, qd_x, rr, g_2)
     out2 = (-1)**i * (2 * delta)**(2 * (r + rr)) * fac(l + ll - 2*r - 2*rr) * delta**i * c_x**(l + ll - 2*(r + rr + i))
     out3 = (4 * delta)**(l + ll) * fac(i) * fac(l + ll - 2*(r + rr + i))
     ans = out1 * (out2 / out3)
     return ans
예제 #14
def cool_sentence(n, a, v):
    from math import factorial as fac

    sent_count = 0

    if a < 8:
        for i in range(1, a + 1):
            sent_count += int(fac(a) / fac(a - i))
        for i in range(1, 8):
            sent_count += int(fac(a) / fac(a - i))

    return sent_count * n * v
예제 #15
def lotto(use_random_coupon):
    weeks_to_play = 10000000
    max_val = 36
    all_numbers = [x for x in range(1, max_val + 1)]
    coupon = []

    if use_random_coupon:
        print("Using random generated coupon")
        coupon_rows = 10
        row_len = 7
        while len(coupon) < coupon_rows:
            row = sample(all_numbers, row_len)
        print("using manually generated coupon")
        coupon = [
            [5, 10, 12, 19, 24, 26, 30],
            [7, 11, 12, 23, 25, 32, 34],
            [7, 11, 13, 24, 25, 29, 31],
            [4, 10, 14, 15, 21, 25, 29],
            [5,  6, 10, 11, 17, 30, 32],
            [4,  5,  8,  9, 10, 16, 18],
            [6, 12, 14, 15, 26, 33, 36],
            [1,  7, 10, 12, 16, 19, 34],
            [2, 10, 21, 22, 27, 30, 34],
            [6,  9, 17, 22, 25, 27, 34]]
        coupon_rows = len(coupon)
        row_len = len(coupon[0])

    wins = 0
    for week in range(1, weeks_to_play + 1):
        win_row = sample(all_numbers, row_len)
        for row in range(0, coupon_rows):
            matches = 0
            for number in win_row:
                if number in coupon[row]:
                    matches += 1
                if matches == row_len:
                    wins += 1
                    print('Jackpot! Row {} in week {} with {}'
                          .format(row + 1, week, coupon[row]))
        print('Game over! You won {} times in {} years!'
              .format(wins, int(weeks_to_play * 7 / 365.25)))
        print('Your win ratio is 1 in {}'
              .format(int(weeks_to_play * coupon_rows / wins)))
        win_prob = int(fac(max_val) / (fac(row_len) * fac(max_val - row_len)))
        print('The mathematical win ratio is 1 in {}'
예제 #16
 def uniquePaths(self, m, n):
     :type m: int
     :type n: int
     :rtype: int
     if m>n:
     if m==0:
         return 0
     return a/b/c
예제 #17
파일: lia.py 프로젝트: matt-black/rosalind
def prob(k,N):
    from fractions import Fraction as F
    from math import factorial as fac
    nCr = lambda n,r: int(fac(n)/(fac(r)*fac(n-r)))
    progeny_k = 2**k
    i = N
    prob_out = 0
    while i <= progeny_k:
        prob_ = (F(1/4)**i * F(3,4)**(progeny_k-i)) * nCr(progeny_k,i)
        dummy = (F(1/4)**i * F(3,4)**(progeny_k-i))
        prob_out += prob_
    return float(prob_out)
예제 #18
 def p0(self):
     Probability in "0" state
     if not self.p0_optimizer:
         self.p0_optimizer = True
         acum = 0
         for n in range(0, self.c):
             acum += pow(self.r, n) / fac(n)
         aux = ((pow(self.r, self.c))/(fac(self.c))) * (((1 - pow(self.rho, self.k - self.c + 1)) / (1 - self.rho)))
         self.p0_aux = 1 / (acum + aux)
         return self.p0_aux
         return  self.p0_aux
예제 #19
def anagrams(s, v=10000):
    anagram_list = []
    while len(anagram_list) < v and len(anagram_list) < fac(len(s)):
        candidate = ''.join(sample(s, len(s)))
        if candidate not in anagram_list:
    return anagram_list
예제 #20
 def lq(self):
     Mean length og the tail
     a = (self.p0() * pow(self.r, self.c) * self.rho) / (fac(self.c) * pow(1-self.rho, 2))
     b = 1 - pow(self.rho, self.k - self.c + 1) - ((1-self.rho) * (self.k - self.c + 1) * pow(self.rho, self.k - self.c))
     return a * b
예제 #21
파일: Permute.py 프로젝트: logan-j/Practice
def ordered(string):
    from math import factorial as fac
    out = []
    temp = times = 0
    for i in xrange(9, 0, -1):
        times = 0
        while True:
            if temp + fac(i) < 1000000:
                times += 1
                temp += fac(i)
                print temp
    l = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
    for item in out:
        print l.pop(item)
예제 #22
파일: Jan18.py 프로젝트: cmthompson/data
def calculateFrohlichcoupling(n,m):
    """Calculate the Frohlich coupling from resonance Raman spectra.  See alivisatos paper on resonance Raman of CdSe"""
    if material == 'CdS':
        m_e = 0.18
        m_h = 0.51
        a0 = 5.82E-10   ## Lattice constant (m)
        eps_bulk = 5.3
        eps_0 = 8.7
        bohr = 21.6 # bohr exciton radius (m)
        wLO = 2*pi*1240/(0.01/305)/h  ### s-1
        delta= 3.07
    elif material == 'CdSe':
        m_e = 0.13
        m_h = 0.45
        a0 = 6.05E-10 ## Lattice constant (m)
        eps_bulk = 6.1
        eps_0 = 9.3
        bohr = 32.3  # bohr exciton radius (m)
        wLO = 2*pi*1240/(0.01/210)/h  ### s-1
        delta =  2.93
    e=1.602E-19  # C
    h = 6.626E-36  #Js
    wLO = 2*pi*1240/(0.01/205)/h
    print wLO
    eps_bulk = 10.16
    eps_0 = 1
    w = (3*pi**2)**(1/3)*(a0/bohr)
    def L(i,j,x):
        return 1
    x = linspace(0,w,1000)
    y = x**4*(2+x**2)**2*(1+x**2)**-4
    sumy = sum(y)*w/1000
    delta = 1.97*e**2/(a0*h*wLO)*(1/eps_bulk-1/eps_0)*(1/w)  * sumy
    densitymatrix = np.sqrt(fac(n)/fac(m))*exp(-0.5*delta**2)*delta**(n-m)*L(m,n-m,delta**2)
    return densitymatrix
def get_representation_matrix(l, Group_Operation):
    this function computes the d matrix, as presented in 

    "A fast and stable method for rotating spherical harmonic expansions", 
    Journal of Computational Physics 228 (2009) 5621-5627

    Note that the algorithm uses the explicit sum quoted as being from Wigner. This is known to be unstable, but we will
    hardly need to consider cases beyond l=2, and this algorithm seems the easiest to code.

    # The sign indicates if the operation is a pure rotation, or a rotation combined with inversion
    sign = N.linalg.det(Group_Operation)

    R    = sign*Group_Operation

    # Only a pure rotation has Euler angles!
    alpha, beta, gamma = R_to_euler(R, 'zyz')

    co = N.cos(beta/2.)
    si = N.sin(beta/2.)

    D = D_matrix(l)

    m_range = N.arange(-l,l+1)

    for mp in m_range:
        for m in m_range:

            exp = N.exp(-1j*m*(alpha+gamma))

            prefactor = (-1.)**(mp-m)*N.sqrt( fac(l+mp)*fac(l-mp)*fac(l+m)*fac(l-m) )

            s_min = N.max( [0,m-mp])
            s_max = N.min( [l+m,l-mp])

            #print 'mp = %i,  m = %i'%(mp,m)
            #print '     s_min = %i,  s_max = %i'%(s_min,s_max)
            for s in N.arange(s_min,s_max+1):

                den = fac(l+m-s)*fac(s)*fac(mp-m+s)*fac(l-mp-s)

                e1  = 2*(l-s)+m-mp
                e2  = 2*s-m+mp

                D[mp][m] += prefactor*(-1.)**s*co**e1*si**e2/den*exp

    Representation_Matrix = sign**l * D.get_matrix()

    return Representation_Matrix 
예제 #24
파일: p24.py 프로젝트: muoren/PyEuler
def p24(digits, num):
    result = []
    n = len(digits) - 1
    while n >= 0:
        facn = fac(n)
        idx = num / facn
        digits = digits[:idx] + digits[idx+1:]
        num %= facn
        n -= 1
    return ''.join(result)
예제 #25
파일: solution.py 프로젝트: fgeller/euler
def run():
    facs = [fac(num) for num in range(0, 10)]
    curiousnums = []
    for num in range(10, 1000000):
        cnum, nsum = num, 0
        while cnum > 0 and nsum < num:
            nsum += facs[cnum % 10]
            cnum /= 10
        if nsum == num and cnum == 0:
    print curiousnums
    print "The curious nums sum up to %s." % sum(curiousnums)
예제 #26
def ros_lia(k,N):
    # Given: Two positive integers k N . In this problem, we begin with Tom,
    # who in the 0th generation has genotype Aa Bb. Tom has two children in
    # the 1st generation, each of whom has two children, and so on. Each
    # organism always mates with an organism having genotype Aa Bb.
    # Return: The probability that at least N Aa Bb organisms will belong to
    # the k-th generation of Tom's family tree (don't count the Aa Bb mates at
    # each level). Assume that Mendel's second law holds for the factors.
    #   Aa  Aa  100
    # AA  Aa  aa  25-50-25 x Aa
    # AA Aa  | AA Aa aa |  Aa aa  25/2 25/2 | 25/2 50/2 25/2 | 25/2 25/2
    #  AA Aa aa : 25 50 25
    p = .25 # 
    pop = 2**k
    prob_atLeast = 0
    for n in range(N,pop+1):        
        prob_exact = 1.* fac(pop)/fac(n)/fac(pop-n) * p**n * (1-p)**(pop-n)
        prob_atLeast += prob_exact
        print (n, prob_exact, prob_atLeast)
    return prob_atLeast
예제 #27
def num_paths2(n,m):
	This functino calculates unique pathsusing a closed pformula
	O(1) m********a
	Each move moves one square
	To reach n,m on must move n+m times
	encode movement patter (path) as 0 for moving in m direction and
	1 for moving in the n direction. There is a bijection form counting
	number of paths and number of n+m bit integers wiht n 1's and m 0's
	(  n  )
	number of ways to select n items with replication from a set of k items
	n = n
	k = m + 1
	( n )


	return fac(n + m) / (fac(n) * fac(m))
예제 #28
def per_match(seq):
    a_count = 0
    u_count = 0
    g_count = 0
    c_count = 0
    for nuc in seq:
        if nuc == "A":
            a_count += 1
        if nuc == "G":
            g_count += 1
        if nuc == "U":
            u_count += 1
        if nuc == "C":
            c_count += 1
    if a_count == u_count:
        au_pair = fac(a_count)
        au_pair = fac(max(a_count, u_count)) / fac(max(a_count, u_count) - min(a_count, u_count))
    if g_count == c_count:
        gc_pair = fac(g_count)
        gc_pair = fac(max(g_count, c_count)) / fac(max(g_count, c_count) - min(g_count, c_count))

    result = au_pair * gc_pair
    print result
예제 #29
 def split(self, name, score):
     '''Splits a tag, modifies the score of the parts if appropriate
     and decided whether to keep the base tag or not.'''
     if self.regex['dontsplit'].match(name):
         return None, None, True
     if '&' in name:
         return name.split('&'), score, False
     if ' ' in name:
         split = name.split(' ')
         if len(split) > 2:  # length>2: split into all parts of length 2
             tags = []
             count = len(split)
             for i in range(count):
                 for j in range(i + 1, count):
                     tags.append(split[i].strip() + ' ' + split[j].strip())
             count = 0.5 * fac(count) / fac(count - 2)
             return tags, score / count, False
         elif any([self.regex['filter_instrument'].match(x) or
                   self.regex['filter_location'].match(x) or
                   self.regex['splitpart'].match(x) for x in split]):
             return split, score, any([self.regex['filter_generic'].match(x)
                                       for x in split])
     return None, None, True
예제 #30
def main():
    fitdict, sindict = readfit()
    mutlist = sindict.keys()
    tradict = calc_trajectory(fitdict, mutlist)
    accdict = {}
    #accessible dict[mutation number][frequency of accessible path] = genotype count
    pathdict = {}
    #pathdict[mutation number][geno] = [path1,path2,...]  path=[subgeno1,subgeno2...]
    pathdict[1] = {}
    for i in range(2, 5):
        pathdict[i] = {}
        for geno in tradict[i]:
            pathdict[i][geno] = []
            for subgeno in tradict[i][geno]:
                if subgeno not in pathdict[i - 1]:
                        [[subgeno] + subpath
                         for subpath in pathdict[i - 1][subgeno]])
    for i in range(2, 5):
        accdict[i] = {}
        for geno in pathdict[i]:
            totalpath = fac(i)
            accpath = 0
            for path in pathdict[i][geno]:
                _acc = 1
                for j in range(len(path) - 1):
                    subgeno = path[j]
                    if fitdict[subgeno] > fitdict[path[j + 1]]:
                        _acc = 0
                if fitdict[geno] > fitdict[path[0]]:
                    _acc = 0
                if _acc == 1:
                    accpath += 1
            acc_freq = float(accpath) / totalpath
            if acc_freq not in accdict[i]:
                accdict[i][acc_freq] = 0
            accdict[i][acc_freq] += 1
    outfile = open('analysis/stringent_accessible_trajectory.txt', 'w')
    for i in range(2, 5):
        for freq in accdict[i]:
                str(i) + '\t' + str(freq) + '\t' + str(accdict[i][freq]) +
예제 #31
 def getPermutation(self, n, k):
     :type n: int
     :type k: int
     :rtype: str
     from math import factorial as fac
     res = ""
     nums = [i for i in range(1, n + 1)]
     k = k - 1
     for i in range(0, n):
         tmp_fac = fac(n - i - 1)
         index = k // tmp_fac
         res = res + str(nums[index])
         print(nums, index, tmp_fac)
         k = k % tmp_fac
     return res
예제 #32
    def filter(self, f_g, rcut, Gcut, l=0):
        Rcut = 100.0
        N = 1024 * 8
        r_x = np.linspace(0, Rcut, N, endpoint=False)
        h = Rcut / N

        alpha = 4.0 / rcut**2
        mcut = np.exp(-alpha * rcut**2)
        r2_x = r_x**2
        m_x = np.exp(-alpha * r2_x)
        for n in range(2):
            m_x -= (alpha * (rcut**2 - r2_x))**n * (mcut / fac(n))
        xcut = int(np.ceil(rcut / r_x[1]))
        m_x[xcut:] = 0.0

        G_k = np.linspace(0, pi / h, N // 2 + 1)

        from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
        if l < 2:
            f_x = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(self.r_g, f_g)(r_x)
            a_g = f_g.copy()
            a_g[1:] /= self.r_g[1:]**(l - 1)
            f_x = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
                self.r_g, a_g)(r_x) * r_x**(l - 1)

        f_x[:xcut] /= m_x[:xcut]
        f_k = fsbt(l, f_x, r_x, G_k)
        kcut = int(Gcut / G_k[1])
        f_k[kcut:] = 0.0
        ff_x = fsbt(l, f_k, G_k, r_x[:N // 2 + 1]) / pi * 2
        ff_x *= m_x[:N // 2 + 1]

        if l < 2:
            f_g = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
                r_x[:xcut + 1], ff_x[:xcut + 1])(self.r_g)
            ff_x[1:xcut + 1] /= r_x[1:xcut + 1]**(l - 1)
            f_g = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
                r_x[:xcut + 1], ff_x[:xcut + 1])(self.r_g) * self.r_g**(l - 1)
        f_g[self.ceil(rcut):] = 0.0

        return f_g
예제 #33
def object_list(objects):
	Return the shortest Hamiltonian path through a collection of objects.

	This is calculated using a brute force method that is certainly not
	intented for real life use because for example going from ten to
	eleven objects will increase the running time elevenfold and even
	with caching expensive distance calculations this quickly becomes
	completely unworkable.

	But this routine is intended as our baseline algorithm that is meant
	to be replaced with an approximation algorithm that is 'good enough'
	for our purposes.
    def distance_squared(a, b):
        return (objects[a].location - objects[b].location).length_squared

    def length_squared(chain):
        sum = 0.0
        for i in range(len(chain) - 1):
            sum += distance_squared(chain[i], chain[i + 1])
        return sum

    s = time()

    shortest_d2 = 1e30
    shortest_chain = None

    n_half = fac(len(objects)) // 2
    for i, chain in enumerate(perm(range(len(objects)))):
        if i >= n_half:
        d2 = length_squared(chain)
        if d2 < shortest_d2:
            shortest_d2 = d2
            shortest_chain = chain

    print("{n:d} objects {t:.1f}s".format(t=time() - s, n=len(objects)))

    return [objects[i] for i in shortest_chain]
예제 #34
def object_list(objects):
	Return the shortest Hamiltonian path through a collection of objects.

	This is calculated using a brute force method that is certainly not
	intented for real life use because for example going from ten to
	eleven objects will increase the running time elevenfold and even
	with caching expensive distance calculations this quickly becomes
	completely unworkable.

	But this routine is intended as our baseline algorithm that is meant
	to be replaced with an approximation algorithm that is 'good enough'
	for our purposes.
	def distance_squared(a,b):
		return (objects[a].location-objects[b].location).length_squared

	def length_squared(chain):
		sum = 0.0
		for i in range(len(chain)-1):
			sum += distance_squared(chain[i],chain[i+1])
		return sum

	s = time()

	shortest_d2 = 1e30
	shortest_chain = None

	n_half = fac(len(objects))//2
	for i,chain in enumerate(perm(range(len(objects)))):
		if i >= n_half:
		d2 = length_squared(chain)
		if d2 < shortest_d2:
			shortest_d2 = d2
			shortest_chain = chain

	print("{n:d} objects {t:.1f}s".format(t=time()-s, n=len(objects)))

	return [objects[i] for i in shortest_chain]
예제 #35
    def normalisation(self):
        """Calculates normalisation constant and stores in self.normalisation once called.

        self.normalisation_memo : float

        if self.normalisation_memo is None:
            x, y, z = self.integral_exponents
            out1 = ((2 * self.exponent) / pi)**(3 / 4)
            out2 = (8 * self.exponent)**(x + y + z) * fac(x) * fac(y) * fac(z)
            out3 = fac(2 * x) * fac(2 * y) * fac(2 * z)
            self.normalisation_memo = out1 * sqrt(out2 / out3)
        return self.normalisation_memo
예제 #36
파일: Problem24.py 프로젝트: ajdust/euler
def get_lexigraphic_permutation_n(s, n):
    """ Get the element at index n of the lexigraphically ordered set of permutations of s. """
    distance = n  # the distance left to the goal n
    p_indexes = [None for e in s
                 ]  # the indexes into s representing the permutations
    index_pool = [i for i, e in enumerate(s)]  # the pool of indexes as used up

    cur_index = 0
    while cur_index < len(s):

        permutation_counter = fac(
            len(s) - cur_index -
            1)  # how many permutations there are between steps at this counter
        p_index = distance // permutation_counter  # how many permutation counts we can deal out without going over the limit

        p_indexes[cur_index] = index_pool.pop(
            p_index)  # pop from the index pool into the permutation index
        distance -= p_index * permutation_counter  # reduce by the distance we traveled

        cur_index += 1

    return p_indexes
예제 #37
def count_states(H, N, capacity):

    # Calculate order of magnitude of number of states for system with
    # H floors and N elevators, each can load at most capacity passengers.
    # Full calculation: all states.
    # Min calculation: only states with <=1 unassigned passengers.
    # Min results (per H, N, capacity):
    # 40,8,8: 13+4+64+168+3~252
    # 20,4,4: 5+2+15+36+3~61
    # 10,2,4: 2+1+5+13+2~23
    # 4,2,3: 1+1+2+6+1~11
    # Conclusion:
    # direct search in state-space (e.g. Value Iteration)
    # is impractical for any interesting configuration.

    # for each elevator - in which floor is it?
    locations = H**N
    # for each elevator - in which direction is it moving?
    directions = 3**N
    # for each elevator and each floor -
    # how many passengers are carried towards that floor?
    carried = sum([fac(H)/(fac(H-i)*fac(i))
                       for i in range(capacity+1)])**N
    # for each elevator and each pair of floors -
    # are there (should be how many...) passengers waiting
    # for the elevator to take them between the floors?
    waiting_full = (2**(H**2))**N
    waiting_min = sum([fac(H**2)/(fac(H**2-i)*fac(i))
                       for i in range(capacity+1)])**N
    # unassigned passengers: for each pair of floors,
    # how many passengers are waiting for assignment.
    new_full = 2**(H**2)
    new_min = H**2 + 1

    states_full = [locations, directions, carried,
                   waiting_full, new_full]
    states_min = [locations, directions, carried,
                   waiting_min, new_min]

    print(sum([log(x) for x in states_full]))
    print([log(x) for x in states_full])
    print(sum([log(x) for x in states_min]))
    print([log(x) for x in states_min])
예제 #38
def _main():
    infile = open("codejam/test_files/Y13R5P1/A.in")
    ocle = fac(37)
    z = int(infile.readline())
    for cas in xrange(1, z + 1):
        b, n = map(int, infile.readline().strip().split())
        x = map(int, infile.readline().strip().split())
        x += [0] * (37 - n)
        cx = list(x)
        sx = sum(x)
        mx = x[-1]
        for i in xrange(1, 37):
            crem = x[i - 1] * i - sum(x[:i])
            if b >= crem:
                cx.append(x[i - 1] + (b - crem) / i)
        cx = cx + [y - 1 for y in cx if y]
        cx = cx + [y + 1 for y in cx]

        cx = sorted(set(cx))
        #  cx = range(5000)
        best = 0
        #  print x
        #  print cx
        for v in cx:
            cle = sum(1 for w in x if w <= v)
            req = cle * v - sum(w for w in x if w <= v)
            if req <= b and cle:
                for j in xrange(cle):
                    if req + j <= b:
                        bag = ((cle - j) * v - sum(x[:cle - j])
                               ) * 36 * ocle / (cle - j) - (req + j) * ocle
                        best = max(best, bag)
        best = float(best) / ocle
        print 'Case #%d: %.15f' % (cas, best)
예제 #39
파일: e.py 프로젝트: wangredfei/first-day
def fun(n):
    from math import factorial as fac
    Sn = sum(map(lambda x: 1 / fac(x), range(n + 1)))
    return Sn
예제 #40
from math import factorial as fac
예제 #41
"""This programs computes how many combinations are possible
to be made from a collection of 'n' unique integers grouped under 'g' elements.
You need to specify the length of the collection and how many elements at a time you
want to group from the collection.
The number of possible combinations will be printed."""
# pylint: disable=C0103
from math import factorial as fac

message = "Hello! Please complete the length of the collection and the value of the group"
set_message = "The collection length is:"
group_message = "Specify the group length:"

n = int(input())
g = int(input())

result = fac(n) / (fac(g) * fac(n - g))
print("The number of possible combinations is " + str(int(result)))
예제 #42
def binomial(n, k):
        binom = fac(n) // fac(k) // fac(n - k)
    except ValueError:
        binom = 0
    return binom
예제 #43
import math
# importing this style requried 'math.' to call any fuction inside the module.

from math import pi
# here u can directly use pi without any prefix of 'math.'

from math import *
# it works same as first one but here also u not need the prfix, just can directly call the function

from math import factorial as fac 
# to change the name as per convenience

예제 #44
 def p_poisson(self,x,la):
         return ((la**x))/((fac(x)))
from math import factorial as fac

testcases = int(input())
for t in range(testcases):
    n, k = map(int, input().split())
    l = list(map(int, input().split()))
    q = l[:k]
    a = q.count(q[-1])
    b = l.count(q[-1])
    print(fac(b) // (fac(a) * fac(b - a)))
예제 #46

def lang_k_rec(available_o, available_n, k, x, possible):
    if available_n > 0:
        lang_k_rec(available_o, available_n - 1, k + 'N', x + 1, possible)
    if available_o > 0 and x > 1:
        lang_k_rec(available_o - 1, available_n, k + 'O', x - 1, possible)
    if available_o == 0 and available_n == 0:
        possible.append('NN' + k + 'O')

def gen_lang():
    possible_k = [[], [], [], [], []]
    for av in range(5):
        lang_k_rec(av, av, '', 2, possible_k[av])
    return possible_k

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ntotal = 0
    possible_k = gen_lang()
    for av in range(5):
        l = len(possible_k[av])
        print(l, 'words')
        n = 4**(1 + av) * (fac(6) // fac(4 - av)) * l
        ntotal += n
        print(n, 'possibilities\n')
    print(ntotal, 'total possibilities')
예제 #47
def main():
    ans = sum(map(int,str(fac(100))))
    return ans
예제 #48
파일: stats.py 프로젝트: lucasperin/WOTS
def chance_exactly_k(k, n, p):
    Returns the success chance of an event with probability 'p' to
    occur exactly 'k' in 'n' trials.
    return (fac(n) / (fac(k) * fac(n - k))) * p**k * (1 - p)**(n - k)
예제 #49
def Nfac(p, q):
    return fac(N(p,q))
예제 #50
def binomial(x, y):
        binom = fac(x) // fac(y) // fac(x - y)
    except ValueError:
        binom = 0
    return binom
예제 #51
파일: 113.py 프로젝트: sorrowise/euler
def comb_num(n, k):
    num = fac(n) // (fac(n - k) * fac(k))
    return num
예제 #52
 def p_binomial_dropout(self,total_chains,x,s):
         return ((fac(total_chains))*(s**(total_chains-x)))/(fac(total_chains-x))
         return 0
예제 #53
import math
from math import factorial as fac
예제 #54
jt_pairs = ['0' for i in range(junctions)]
jj_connections = 0
for i in range(towns + junctions - 1):
    pairs = raw_input().split()
    #check if both
    if int(pairs[0]) > towns and int(pairs[1]) > towns:
        jj_connections += 1
    elif int(pairs[0]) > towns or int(pairs[1]) > towns:
        if int(pairs[0]) > towns:
            jt_pairs[int(pairs[0]) - towns -
                     1] = int(jt_pairs[int(pairs[0]) - towns - 1]) + 1
            jt_pairs[int(pairs[1]) - towns -
                     1] = int(jt_pairs[int(pairs[1]) - towns - 1]) + 1

from math import factorial as fac

pc = 0

for i in jt_pairs:
    pc = pc * fac(int(i))
    if pc == 0:
        pc += fac(int(i))
if jj_connections == 0:
    pc = pc / towns
if jj_connections > 0:
    pc = pc * fac(jj_connections)

print str(pc) + ' 1'
예제 #55

from math import factorial
for i in range(1,51):

from math import factorial as fac
from math import e
for i in range(0,101):

for i in range(9):
    for j in range(8-i):
        ligne+=" "
    for j in range(2*i+1):

from math import factorial
예제 #56
n, k = map(int, input().split())
from math import factorial as fac
print(fac(n) // (fac(k)*fac(n-k)))

# lst = [1]

# for i in range(1, n+1):
#     lst.append(lst[i-1]*i)
# print(lst)

# a = lst[n]
# b = lst[k] * lst[n-k]

# print(a//b)
이게 왜 안돼?

예제 #57
 def p_binomial_inclusion(self,n,m,f):
     return (fac(n+m)*(f**m)*((1-f)**n))/(fac(n)*fac(m))
import math
from math import factorial
from math import factorial as fac


n = 100
k = 2
print(fac(n) // (fac(k) * fac(n - k)))


# printed out put is a side effect of the function
# not a return value

for target_list in [1, 2, 3]:
    print('!!!!!!!', target_list)
예제 #59
#!/usr/bin/env python3
author: pjv9
problem: http://rosalind.info/problems/grph/

Given: An RNA string s of length at most 80 bp having the same number of occurrences of 'A' as 'U' and the same number of occurrences of 'C' as 'G'.

Return: The total possible number of perfect matchings of basepair edges in the bonding graph of s.

import sys
from Bio import SeqIO
seq = str(list(SeqIO.parse(sys.stdin, 'fasta'))[0].seq)

from math import factorial as fac

print(fac(seq.count('U')) * fac(seq.count('G')))
예제 #60
simulation = False
if simulation:
    runs = 200000
    bingo = 0
    for r in xrange(runs):
        target = set(random.sample(range(N), m))
        callout = set(random.sample(range(N), k))
        if target.issubset(callout): bingo += 1

    print "Probability to match", m, "numbers with", k, "calls out of", N, "numbers (simulated):", float(
        bingo) / runs

# probability for exactly i matches in a row
total = 0
for i in range(m + 1):
    p = binomial(m, i) * fac(N - k) / float(
        fac(N - k - m + i)) * fac(k) / float(fac(k - i)) * fac(N - m) / float(
    print N, k, m, ': prob for exactly', i, 'matches =', p
    total += p
print 'Total (just to check) =', total

# probability for exactly i matches in a non-winning row (i.e we know matches are < m)
total = 0
print '\nGiven a non winning row we have:'
for i in range(m):
    p = binomial(m - 1, i) * fac(N - 1 - k) / float(
        fac(N - 1 - k - (m - 1) + i)) * fac(k) / float(
            fac(k - i)) * fac(N - 1 - (m - 1)) / float(fac(N - 1))
    print N, k, m, ': prob for exactly', i, 'matches =', p
    total += p