예제 #1
 def _prepare_rounds(self, handler, opts, settings):
     "helper for prepare_default_settings"
     mn = opts.get("min_rounds")
     mx = opts.get("max_rounds")
     rounds = settings.get("rounds")
     if rounds is None:
         df = opts.get("default_rounds") or mx or mn
         if df is not None:
             vr = opts.get("vary_rounds")
             if vr:
                 if isinstance(vr, str):
                     rc = getattr(handler, "rounds_cost", "linear")
                     vr = int(vr.rstrip("%"))
                         #NOTE: deliberately strip >1 %,
                         #in case an interpolation-escaped %%
                         #makes it through to here.
                     assert 0 <= vr < 100
                     if rc == "log2":
                         #let % variance scale the number of actual rounds, not the logarithmic value
                         df = 2**df
                         vr = int(df*vr/100)
                         lower = int(logb(df-vr,2)+.5) #err on the side of strength - round up
                         upper = int(logb(df+vr,2))
                         assert rc == "linear"
                         vr = int(df*vr/100)
                         lower = df-vr
                         upper = df+vr
                     lower = df-vr
                     upper = df+vr
                 if lower < 1:
                     lower = 1
                 if mn and lower < mn:
                     lower = mn
                 if mx and upper > mx:
                     upper = mx
                 if lower > upper:
                     #NOTE: this mainly happens when default_rounds>max_rounds, which shouldn't usually happen
                     rounds = upper
                     warn("vary default rounds: lower bound > upper bound, using upper bound (%d > %d)" % (lower, upper))
                     rounds = rng.randint(lower, upper)
                 rounds = df
     if rounds is not None:
         if mx and rounds > mx:
             rounds = mx
         if mn and rounds < mn: #give mn predence if mn > mx
             rounds = mn
         settings['rounds'] = rounds
예제 #2
 def guess_rounds(rps, target):
     return int(logb(rps*target,2)+.5)
예제 #3


#: detect what we're running on
pypy_vm = hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info")
jython_vm = sys.platform.startswith('java')
py3k_lang = sys.version_info >= (3,0)
py32_lang = sys.version_info >= (3,2)

#: number of bits in system architecture
sys_bits = int(logb(sys.maxint,2)+1.5)
assert sys_bits in (32,64), "unexpected sys_bits value: %r" % (sys_bits,)

#: list of names of hashes found in unix crypt implementations...
unix_crypt_schemes = [
    "sha512_crypt", "sha256_crypt",
    "sha1_crypt", "bcrypt",
    "bsdi_crypt", "des_crypt"

#: list of rounds_cost constants
rounds_cost_values = [ "linear", "log2" ]

#: special byte string containing all possible byte values, used in a few places.
#XXX: treated as singleton by some of the code for efficiency.