예제 #1
 def t_obside(cls, high, base_max, base_min):
     from math import sqrt
     from math import pow as pw
     high = float(high)
     base_max = float(base_max)
     base_min = float(base_min)
     return sqrt(pw(high, 2) + pw((base_max - base_min), 2))
예제 #2
def dc(s, e):
    r = float("3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944"
              "1712268066130019278766111959092164201989") / 180.
    r_start = (s[0] * r, s[1] * r)
    r_end = (e[0] * r, e[1] * r)
    cl1 = co(r_start[0])
    cl2 = co(r_end[0])
    sl1 = si(r_start[0])
    sl2 = si(r_end[0])
    dt = r_end[1] - r_start[1]
    cdt = co(dt)
    sdt = si(dt)
    return int(at(sq(pw(cl2 * sdt, 2) + pw(cl1 * sl2 - sl1 * cl2 * cdt, 2)),
                  sl1 * sl2 + cl1 * cl2 * cdt) * 6372795)
예제 #3
def dc(s, e):
    r = float("3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944"
              "1712268066130019278766111959092164201989") / 180.
    r_start = (s[0] * r, s[1] * r)
    r_end = (e[0] * r, e[1] * r)
    cl1 = co(r_start[0])
    cl2 = co(r_end[0])
    sl1 = si(r_start[0])
    sl2 = si(r_end[0])
    dt = r_end[1] - r_start[1]
    cdt = co(dt)
    sdt = si(dt)
    return int(
        at(sq(pw(cl2 * sdt, 2) + pw(cl1 * sl2 - sl1 * cl2 * cdt, 2)),
           sl1 * sl2 + cl1 * cl2 * cdt) * 6372795)
예제 #4
 def pow(cls, num1, num2):
     if isinstance(num1, Float) or isinstance(num1, Int):
         num1 = num1.num
     if isinstance(num2, Float) or isinstance(num2, Int):
         num2 = num2.num
     from math import pow as pw
     num1 = float(num1)
     num2 = float(num2)
     return pw(num1, num2)
예제 #5
    def get_number_of_ipv6_addresses(self):
        count = 0

        # For each prefix entry, the number of owned addresses is 2^(128bits - prefix length)
        for prefix in self._ip_prefixes:
            if prefix[2]:
                count += pw(2, 128 - prefix[1])

        return count
예제 #6
    def delta(cls, coeffxx, coeffx, term):
        if isinstance(coeffxx, Float) or isinstance(coeffxx, Int):
            coeffxx = coeffxx.num
        if isinstance(coeffx, Float) or isinstance(coeffx, Int):
            coeffx = coeffx.num
        if isinstance(term, Float) or isinstance(term, Int):
            term = term.num

        from math import pow as pw
        DELTA = float(pw(coeffx, 2) - (4 * term * coeffxx))
        return DELTA
예제 #7
#example of import

#basic import import [module] 
import math
print("basic import")
#can be define custom module name 
import math as mh
print("import as")

#can be specify function or all function (*) in module
#from [module] import [specify function or *(all function can use)] 
#from math import pow,log,..[some another function in math]
from math import pow
print("import specify type")

#advance import
#from math import pow as pw,log as lg..[some another function in math]
from math import pow as pw
print("advance type")

module = __import__('math')
func = getattr(module,'pow')
예제 #8
 def c_area(cls, radius):
     radius = float(radius)
     from math import pow as pw
     return cls.PI * pw(radius, 2)
예제 #9
 def diagonal(cls, side1, side2):
     side1 = float(side1)
     side2 = float(side2)
     from math import sqrt
     from math import pow as pw
     return sqrt((pw(side1, 2)) + (pw(side2, 2)))
예제 #10
 def t_diagonalmin(cls, high, base_min):
     base_min = float(base_min)
     high = float(high)
     from math import sqrt
     from math import pow as pw
     return sqrt(pw(high, 2) + pw(base_min, 2))
예제 #11
 def t_diagonalmax(cls, high, base_max):
     base_max = float(base_max)
     high = float(high)
     from math import sqrt
     from math import pow as pw
     return sqrt(pw(high, 2) + pw(base_max, 2))
예제 #12
import math
print(math.pw(2, 10))