예제 #1
 def testHyperbolic(self):
     self.assertEqual(math.sinh(5), hyperbolic.sineh_op(5))
     self.assertEqual(math.cosh(5), hyperbolic.cosineh_op(5))
     self.assertEqual(math.tanh(5), hyperbolic.tangenth_op(5))
     self.assertEqual(1. / math.sinh(5), hyperbolic.cosecanth_op(5))
     self.assertEqual(1. / math.cosh(5), hyperbolic.secanth_op(5))
     self.assertEqual(1. / math.tanh(5), hyperbolic.cotangenth_op(5))
예제 #2
파일: numpepo.py 프로젝트: gkc1000/tomato
def heisenT(beta):
    # Following notation of Xiang (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1201.1144v4.pdf)
    W=np.array([[math.sqrt(math.cosh(beta)), math.sqrt(math.sinh(beta))],
               [math.sqrt(math.cosh(beta)), -math.sqrt(math.sinh(beta))]])
    return T
예제 #3
def sinh(x):
    """ Return the hyperbolic sine of x. """

    if math.isinf(x.real) or math.isinf(x.imag):
        # need to raise DomainError if y is +/- infinity and x is not
        # a NaN and not -infinity
        if math.isinf(x.imag) and not math.isnan(x.real):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")

        if math.isinf(x.real) and -_INF < x.imag < _INF and x.imag != .0:
            if x.real > 0:
                _real = math.copysign(_INF, cos(x.imag))
                _imag = math.copysign(_INF, sin(x.imag))
                _real = -math.copysign(_INF, cos(x.imag))
                _imag = math.copysign(_INF, sin(x.imag))
            return complex(_real, _imag)

        return  _SPECIAL_VALUE(x,_sinh_special_values)

    if math.fabs(x.real) > _CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        x_minus_one = x.real - math.copysign(1.0, x.real)
        _real = math.cos(x.imag)*math.sinh(x.imag)*math.e
        _imag = math.sin(x.imag)*math.cosh(x.imag)*math.e
        _real = math.cos(x.imag)*math.sinh(x.real)
        _imag = math.sin(x.imag)*math.cosh(x.real)

    if math.isinf(_real) or math.isinf(_imag):
        raise OverflowError()

    return complex(_real, _imag)
예제 #4
def cosh(x):
    """Return the hyperbolic cosine of x."""

    # special treatment for cosh(+/-inf + iy) if y is not a NaN
    if isinf(x):
        if -_INF < x.imag < _INF and x.imag != .0:
            if x.real > 0:
                _real = math.copysign(_INF, math.cos(x.imag))
                _imag = math.copysign(_INF, math.sin(x.imag))
                _real = math.copysign(_INF, math.cos(x.imag))
                _imag = -math.copysign(_INF, math.sin(x.imag))
            return complex(_real,_imag)
            # need to raise math domain error if y is +/- infinity and x is not a NaN
            if x.imag != .0 and not math.isnan(x.real):
                raise ValueError("math domain error")
            return _SPECIAL_VALUE(x,_cosh_special_values)

    if math.fabs(x.real) > _CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        #  deal correctly with cases where cosh(x.real) overflows but
        #  cosh(z) does not.
        x_minus_one = x.real - math.copysign(1.0, x.real)
        _real = cos(x.imag) * math.cosh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        _imag = sin(x.imag) * math.sinh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        _real = math.cos(x.imag) * math.cosh(x.real)
        _imag = math.sin(x.imag) * math.sinh(x.real)

    ret = complex(_real, _imag)
    #  detect overflow
    if isinf(ret):
        raise OverflowError()
    return ret
예제 #5
def laplace_Dirichlet_analytic(Ttop, x, y):
    """ Function that calculates the analytic solution to the laplace heat equation
            d^2(T)/dx^2 + d^2(T)/dy^2 = 0
        with Dirichlet boundary conditions: 
            T(x, 0) = 0
            T(0, y) = 0 y<1.5
            T(1, y) = 0 y<1.5
            T(x, 1.5) = Ttop   
        on a square grid with xmax = 1 and ymax= 1
            Ttop(float): Temperature at top, T(x, 1.5)
            x(float): x-coordinate
            y(float): y-coordinate
            T(float): Temperature at T(x, y)
    sum = 0
    for n in range(1,50, 1):
        lambdan = pi*n
        An = 2*((-1)**(n+1)+1)/(lambdan*sinh(1.5*lambdan))
        term = An*sinh(lambdan*y )*sin(lambdan*x)
        sum += term

    return Ttop*sum
예제 #6
def to_wgs84(x, y, twd67=False):
    The formula is based on

    if twd67:
        x, y = twd67_to_twd97(x, y)

    x /= 1000.0  # m to km
    y /= 1000.0  # m to km

    xi = (y - N0) / (k0 * A)
    eta = (x - E0) / (k0 * A)
    xip = (xi -
           b1 * math.sin(2 * xi) * math.cosh(2 * eta) -
           b2 * math.sin(4 * xi) * math.cosh(4 * eta) -
           b3 * math.sin(6 * xi) * math.cosh(6 * eta))
    etap = (eta -
            b1 * math.cos(2 * xi) * math.sinh(2 * eta) -
            b2 * math.cos(4 * xi) * math.sinh(4 * eta) -
            b3 * math.cos(6 * xi) * math.sinh(6 * eta))
    chi = math.asin(math.sin(xip) / math.cosh(etap))
    lat = math.degrees(
            chi +
            d1 * math.sin(2 * chi) +
            d2 * math.sin(4 * chi) +
            d3 * math.sin(6 * chi))
    lon = lon0 + math.degrees(
            math.atan(math.sinh(etap) / math.cos(xip)))

    return (lat, lon)
예제 #7
def pmuboost3d(jets, met, lep):
    mw = 80.385
    wwwtlv = ROOT.TLorentzVector(1e-9,1e-9,1e-9,1e-9)
    mettlv = ROOT.TLorentzVector(1e-9,1e-9,1e-9,1e-9)
    leptlv = ROOT.TLorentzVector(1e-9,1e-9,1e-9,1e-9)
    for jet in jets:
#        if(e.jetPt[ij] > 30.):
            tlvaux = ROOT.TLorentzVector(1e-9,1e-9,1e-9,1e-9)
            wwwtlv -= tlvaux
    leptlv.SetPtEtaPhiM(lep['pt'],lep['eta'],lep['phi'], 0.)
#    leptlv.SetPtEtaPhiM(e.muPt[0],e.muEta[0],e.muPhi[0],0.)
# calculate eta(W) estimate; take the + solution
    ptl = (wwwtlv - mettlv).Pt()
    ptn = mettlv.Pt()
    ptw = wwwtlv.Pt()
    etal = leptlv.Eta()
    A = (mw*mw + ptw*ptw - ptl*ptl - ptn*ptn) / (2.*ptl*ptn)
    if(A<1.): A=1.
    etaw = asinh((ptl*sinh(etal)+ptn*sinh(etal+acosh(A)))/ptw)
    if(abs(etaw)>10.): etaw=10*etaw/abs(etaw) # avoid too large values
# calulate boosted lepton momentum
    beta = wwwtlv.BoostVector()
    return leptlv.P()
예제 #8
def to_latlon(northings, eastings, altitude):
    f = 1/298.257223563
    n = f / (2 - f)
    n_0 = 0.0
    k_0 = 0.9996
    e_0 = 500.
    a = 6378.137 #km
    big_a = (a / (1 + n)) * (1 + (n**2 / 4) + (n**4 / 64)) #approximately
    alpha_1 = .5 * n - (2. / 3.) * n**2 + (5. / 16.) * n**3
    alpha_2 = (13./48.) * n**2 - (3./5.) * n**3
    alpha_3 = (61./240.) * n**3
    beta_1 = (1./2.) * n - (2. / 3.) * n**2 + (37./96.) * n**3
    beta_2 = (1./48.) * n**2 + (1. / 15.) * n**3
    beta_3 = (17. /480.) * n**3
    delta_1 = 2. * n - (2./3.) * n**2 - 2* n**3
    delta_2 = (7./3.) * n**2 - (8. / 5.) * n**3 
    delta_3 = (56./15.) * n**3

    psi = (n - n_0) / (k_0 * big_a)
    eta = (e - e_0) / (k_0 * big_a)
    psi_prime = psi - ((beta_1 * sin(2. * 1 * eta) * cosh(2. * 1 * eta)) + 
        (beta_2 * sin(2. * 2 * eta) * cosh(2. * 2 * eta)) + (beta_3 * sin(2. * 3 * eta) * cosh(2. * 3 * eta)))
    eta_prime = eta - ((beta_1 * cos(2. * 1 * psi) * sinh(2. * 1 * eta)) + 
        (beta_2 * cos(2. * 2 * psi) * sinh(2. * 2 * eta)) + (beta_3 * cos(2. * 3 * psi) * sinh(2. * 3 * eta)))
    sigma_prime = 1. - ((2. * 1 * beta_1 * cos(2. * 1 * psi) * cosh(2. * 1 * eta)) +
        (2. * 2 * beta_2 * cos(2. * 2 * psi) * cosh(2. * 2 * eta)) + (2. * 3 * beta_3 * cos(2. * 3 * psi) * cosh(2. * 3 * eta)))
    tau_prime = ((2. * 1 * beta_1 * sin(2. * 1 * psi) * sinh(2. * 1 * eta)) +
        (2. * 2 * beta_2 * sin(2. * 2 * psi) * sinh(2. * 2 * eta)) + (2. * 3 * beta_3 * sin(2. * 3 * psi) * sinh(2. * 3 * eta)))
    chi = asin (sin(psi_prime)/cosh(eta_prime)) 
    phi = chi + (delta_1 * sin(2. * 1 * chi)) + (delta_2 * sin(2. * 2 * chi)) + (delta_3 * sin(2. * 3 * chi))
    lambda_0 = 0
    lambdu = 0 
    k =  0
    gamma = 0
    return None
예제 #9
파일: coordinates.py 프로젝트: guaq/paikkis
def lalo_to_xy(la, lo, lo0, E0, ellipsoid):
  lo0 = math.radians(lo0)  
  la = math.radians(la)
  lo = math.radians(lo)  
  e = ellipsoid['e']
  k0 = ellipsoid['k0']
  h1p = ellipsoid['h1p']
  h2p = ellipsoid['h2p']
  h3p = ellipsoid['h3p']
  h4p = ellipsoid['h4p']
  A1 = ellipsoid['A1']  
  Q = asinh(math.tan(la)) - e * atanh(e * math.sin(la))
  be = math.atan(math.sinh(Q))
  nnp = atanh(math.cos(be) * math.sin(lo - lo0))
  Ep = math.asin(math.sin(be) * math.cosh(nnp))  
  E1 = h1p * math.sin(2.0 * Ep) * math.cosh(2.0 * nnp)
  E2 = h2p * math.sin(4.0 * Ep) * math.cosh(4.0 * nnp)
  E3 = h3p * math.sin(6.0 * Ep) * math.cosh(6.0 * nnp)
  E4 = h4p * math.sin(8.0 * Ep) * math.cosh(8.0 * nnp)
  nn1 = h1p * math.cos(2.0 * Ep) * math.sinh(2.0 * nnp)
  nn2 = h2p * math.cos(4.0 * Ep) * math.sinh(4.0 * nnp)
  nn3 = h3p * math.cos(6.0 * Ep) * math.sinh(6.0 * nnp)
  nn4 = h4p * math.cos(8.0 * Ep) * math.sinh(8.0 * nnp)
  E = Ep + E1 + E2 + E3 + E4
  nn = nnp + nn1 + nn2 + nn3 + nn4
  XY = {}
  XY['N'] = A1 * E * k0
  XY['E'] = A1 * nn * k0 + E0

  return XY
예제 #10
def eccentricAnomaly(e,M):
    """Returns the eccentric anomaly given the eccentricity and mean anomaly of a Keplerian orbit.

    Keyword arguments:
    e -- the eccentricity
    M -- the mean anomaly
    if e<1.:
        E = M if e<0.8 else math.pi
        F = E - e*math.sin(M) - M
        for i in range(100):
            E = E - F/(1.0-e*math.cos(E))
            F = E - e*math.sin(E) - M
            if math.fabs(F)<1e-16:
        E = mod2pi(E)
        return E
        E = M 
        F = E - e*math.sinh(E) - M
        for i in range(100):
            E = E - F/(1.0-e*math.cosh(E))
            F = E - e*math.sinh(E) - M
            if math.fabs(F)<1e-16:
        E = mod2pi(E)
        return E
예제 #11
파일: hyp.py 프로젝트: aldenwalker/shine
def tri_angles(L):
  ans = [0, 0, 0]
  for i in xrange(3):
    top = math.cosh(L[i])*math.cosh(L[(i+2)%3]) - math.cosh( L[(i+1)%3] )
    bottom = math.sinh(L[i])*math.sinh(L[(i+2)%3])
    ans[i] = math.acos(top/bottom)
  return ans
예제 #12
    def robustness(self,K):
            vals is a list of tuple (eigenvalue,order id) 
        if len(self.vals) < K or K == 0:
            K = len(self.vals)
        """ Robustness """
        robust = 0.0
        """ basic, we assume the lamda_one is large than zero """
        lamda_one = self.vals[0]
        if lamda_one <= 0:
            print "the largest eigenvalue of graph is less than zero, please check the graph"
        for i in range(0,len(self.vals)):
            """ NSC_k """
            nsc = 0.0
            for j in range(0,K):
                lamda_j = self.vals[j]
                nsc = nsc + self.vecs[i][j]*self.vecs[i][j]*math.sinh(lamda_j)

            r = math.log(self.vecs[i][0]*self.vecs[i][0]) - math.log(nsc / math.sinh(lamda_one))
            r *= 0.5
            robust = robust + r*r

        robust = robust / float(len(self.vals))
        robust = math.sqrt(robust)
        return robust
예제 #13
파일: converter.py 프로젝트: shupingT/twd97
def fromwgs84(lat, lng, pkm=False):
    Convert coordintes from WGS84 to TWD97

    pkm true for Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu area
    The latitude and longitude can be in the following formats:
        [+/-]DDD°MMM'SSS.SSSS" (unicode)
        [+/-]DDD°MMM.MMMM' (unicode)
        [+/-]DDD.DDDDD (string, unicode or float)
    The returned coordinates are in meters

    _lng0 = lng0pkm if pkm else lng0

    lat = radians(todegdec(lat))
    lng = radians(todegdec(lng))

    t = sinh((atanh(sin(lat)) - 2*pow(n,0.5)/(1+n)*atanh(2*pow(n,0.5)/(1+n)*sin(lat))))
    epsilonp = atan(t/cos(lng-_lng0))
    etap = atan(sin(lng-_lng0) / pow(1+t*t, 0.5))

    E = E0 + k0*A*(etap + alpha1*cos(2*1*epsilonp)*sinh(2*1*etap) + 
                          alpha2*cos(2*2*epsilonp)*sinh(2*2*etap) +
    N = N0 + k0*A*(epsilonp + alpha1*sin(2*1*epsilonp)*cosh(2*1*etap) +
                              alpha2*sin(2*2*epsilonp)*cosh(2*2*etap) +

    return E*1000, N*1000
예제 #14
파일: data.py 프로젝트: esel7353/ephys
  def test_funcs_multi(self):
    pi = math.pi

    # sin family
    self.assertQuantity(data.sin(Quantity( (0,pi/2), (2,2))), (0,1), (2,0)) 
    self.assertQuantity(data.sinh(Quantity((0,1), (2,2))), (0, math.sinh(1)), (2, math.cosh(1)*2)) 
    self.assertQuantity(data.asin(Quantity((0,0.5), (2,2))), (0,math.asin(0.5)), (2,2/math.sqrt(1-0.5**2))) 
    self.assertQuantity(data.asinh(Quantity((0,1), (2,2))), (0,math.asinh(1)), (2,2/math.sqrt(1+1**2))) 

    # cos family
    self.assertQuantity(data.cos(Quantity((0,pi/2), (2,2))), (1,0), (0,-2)) 
    self.assertQuantity(data.cosh(Quantity((0,1), (2,2))), (1,math.cosh(1)), (0,math.sinh(1)*2)) 
    self.assertQuantity(data.acos(Quantity((0,0.5), (2,2))), (math.acos(0),math.acos(0.5)), (-2,-2/math.sqrt(1-0.5**2)))
    self.assertQuantity(data.acosh(Quantity((2,3), (2,2))), (math.acosh(2), math.acosh(3)), (2/math.sqrt(2**2-1),2/math.sqrt(3**2-1)))

    # tan family
    self.assertQuantity(data.tan(Quantity((0,1), (2,2))), (0,math.tan(1)), (2,2/math.cos(1)**2))
    self.assertQuantity(data.tanh(Quantity((0,1), (2,2))), (0,math.tanh(1)), (2,2/math.cosh(1)**2)) 
    self.assertQuantity(data.atan(Quantity((0,1), (2,2))), (0, math.atan(1)), (2,2/(1+1**2))) 
    self.assertQuantity(data.atan2(Quantity((0,1), (2,2)), Quantity((1,1), (0,0))), (0,math.atan(1)), (2,2/(1+1**2))) 
    self.assertQuantity(data.atanh(Quantity((0,0.5), (2,2))), (0,math.atanh(0.5)), (2,2/(1-0.5**2)))

    self.assertQuantity(data.sqrt(Quantity((1,4), (2,2))), (1,2), (1,1/2))
    self.assertQuantity(data.exp(Quantity((1,4), (2,2))), (math.e, math.e**4), (2 * math.e,2*math.e**4))
    self.assertQuantity(data.log(Quantity((1,4), (2,2))), (0, math.log(4)), (2,1/2))
예제 #15
def testInnerIteration(mesh,dm):
    J_inc = 0
    N = mesh.n_elems
    sig_r = [dm.getND(i).getSigmaR()[0] for i in range(N)]
    D     = [dm.getND(i).diff_coef[0] for i in range(N)]
    Q     = np.ones(N)
    S = 3
    Q     = np.ones((N,1))*S
    G = dm.n_groups
    J_inc = 0.

    phi = innerIteration(mesh,Q,dm,J_inc,verbosity=5)
    phi_ss = diffSSFixedSource(mesh,D,sig_r,Q,J_inc,tol=1.E-06)

    x   = mesh.getCellCenters()

    from math import sinh, sqrt
    rex = mesh.getElement(N-1).rr + 2.*D[0]
    L = sqrt(D[0]/sig_r[0])
    analytic = lambda r: S*sinh((rex - r)/L)/(4*pi*r*D[0]*sinh(rex/L))
    analytic = lambda r: -1.*S*L*L*rex/(r*D[0]*sinh(rex/L))*sinh(r/L) + S*L*L/D[0]
    plt.plot(x,phi_ss,"o",label='Direct SS Call')
    exact = [analytic(i) for i in x]
    def gridToGeodetic(self, north, east):
        Transformation from grid coordinates to geodetic coordinates.
        @param north (corresponds to X in RT 90 and N in SWEREF 99.)
        @param east (corresponds to Y in RT 90 and E in SWEREF 99.)
        @return (latitude, longitude)
        if (self._initialized == False):
            return None

        deg_to_rad = math.pi / 180
        lambda_zero = self._central_meridian * deg_to_rad
        xi = (north - self._false_northing) / (self._scale * self._a_roof)        
        eta = (east - self._false_easting) / (self._scale * self._a_roof)
        xi_prim = xi - \
                self._delta1*math.sin(2.0*xi) * math.cosh(2.0*eta) - \
                self._delta2*math.sin(4.0*xi) * math.cosh(4.0*eta) - \
                self._delta3*math.sin(6.0*xi) * math.cosh(6.0*eta) - \
                self._delta4*math.sin(8.0*xi) * math.cosh(8.0*eta)
        eta_prim = eta - \
                self._delta1*math.cos(2.0*xi) * math.sinh(2.0*eta) - \
                self._delta2*math.cos(4.0*xi) * math.sinh(4.0*eta) - \
                self._delta3*math.cos(6.0*xi) * math.sinh(6.0*eta) - \
                self._delta4*math.cos(8.0*xi) * math.sinh(8.0*eta)
        phi_star = math.asin(math.sin(xi_prim) / math.cosh(eta_prim))
        delta_lambda = math.atan(math.sinh(eta_prim) / math.cos(xi_prim))
        lon_radian = lambda_zero + delta_lambda
        lat_radian = phi_star + math.sin(phi_star) * math.cos(phi_star) * \
                (self._Astar + \
                 self._Bstar*math.pow(math.sin(phi_star), 2) + \
                 self._Cstar*math.pow(math.sin(phi_star), 4) + \
                 self._Dstar*math.pow(math.sin(phi_star), 6))      
        lat = lat_radian * 180.0 / math.pi
        lon = lon_radian * 180.0 / math.pi
        return (lat, lon)
예제 #17
def from_utm(easting: float, northing: float,
             zone: int, hemisphere: int =1) -> (float, float):
    Convert UTM coordinates to decimal latitude and longitude coordinates.

    Keyword Arguments:
        easting: The easting in m.
        northing: The northing in m.
        zone: The zone, an integer between 1 and 60, inclusive.
        hemisphere: A signed number, where a negative number indicates the
                    coordinates are located in the southern hemisphere.

        latitude: The latitude in decimal degrees.
        longitude: The longitude in deciaml degrees.

        OverflowError: The coordinate does not exist.
    easting, northing = easting/1000, northing/1000
    northing_ = 10000 if hemisphere < 0 else 0

    xi_ = xi = (northing - northing_)/(k0*A)
    eta_ = eta = (easting - easting_)/(k0*A)
    for j in range(1, 4):
        p, q = 2*j*xi, 2*j*eta
        xi_ -= beta[j - 1]*sin(p)*cosh(q)
        eta_ -= beta[j - 1]*cos(p)*sinh(q)

    chi = asin(sin(xi_)/cosh(eta_))
    latitude = chi + sum(delta[j - 1]*sin(2*j*chi) for j in range(1, 4))
    longitude_ = radians(6*zone - 183)
    longitude = longitude_ + atan2(sinh(eta_), cos(xi_))
    return degrees(latitude), degrees(longitude)
예제 #18
def exact_fn ( x ):
## EXACT_FN evaluates the exact solution.
  from math import sinh
  value = x - sinh ( x ) / sinh ( 1.0 )
  return value
예제 #19
 def tileGeometry(self, x, y, z):
     n = 2.0 ** z
     xmin = x / n * 360.0 - 180.0
     xmax = (x + 1) / n * 360.0 - 180
     ymin = math.degrees(math.atan(math.sinh(math.pi * (1 - 2 * y / n))))
     ymax = math.degrees(math.atan(math.sinh(math.pi * (1 - 2 * (y + 1) / n))))
     return QgsGeometry.fromRect(QgsRectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
예제 #20
def sinh(self, other=None):
# Return hiperbolic sine of interval

 	if other != None:
  		intv = IReal(self, other)
  		if type(self) == float or type(self) == str:
	   		intv = IReal(self)
   			intv = self
 	if math.sinh(intv.inf) > math.sinh(intv.sup):
		inf = max(intv.inf, intv.sup)
		sup = min(intv.inf, intv.sup)
		inf = intv.inf
		sup = intv.sup


 	new_inf = math.sinh(inf)
	new_sup = max(float(IReal('%.16f' % math.sinh(sup)).sup), float(IReal('%.20f' % math.sinh(sup)).sup))

 	return IReal(new_inf, new_sup)
예제 #21
def c_cosh(x, y):
    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.:
            if x > 0:
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = -copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
            r = (real, imag)
            r = cosh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)]

        # need to raise ValueError if y is +/- infinity and x is not
        # a NaN
        if isinf(y) and not isnan(x):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return r

    if fabs(x) > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        # deal correctly with cases where cosh(x) overflows but
        # cosh(z) does not.
        x_minus_one = x - copysign(1., x)
        real = math.cos(y) * math.cosh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.sinh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        real = math.cos(y) * math.cosh(x)
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.sinh(x)
    if isinf(real) or isinf(imag):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return real, imag
예제 #22
def c_sinh(x, y):
    # special treatment for sinh(+/-inf + iy) if y is finite and nonzero
    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.:
            if x > 0:
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
                real = -copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
            r = (real, imag)
            r = sinh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)]

        # need to raise ValueError if y is +/- infinity and x is not
        # a NaN
        if isinf(y) and not isnan(x):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return r

    if fabs(x) > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        x_minus_one = x - copysign(1., x)
        real = math.cos(y) * math.sinh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.cosh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        real = math.cos(y) * math.sinh(x)
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.cosh(x)
    if isinf(real) or isinf(imag):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return real, imag
예제 #23
def cosh(x):
    _cosh_special = [
        [inf+nanj, None, inf, complex(float("inf"), -0.0), None, inf+nanj, inf+nanj],
        [nan+nanj, None, None, None, None, nan+nanj, nan+nanj],
        [nan, None, 1, complex(1, -0.0), None, nan, nan],
        [nan, None, complex(1, -0.0), 1, None, nan, nan],
        [nan+nanj, None, None, None, None, nan+nanj, nan+nanj],
        [inf+nanj, None, complex(float("inf"), -0.0), inf, None, inf+nanj, inf+nanj],
        [nan+nanj, nan+nanj, nan, nan, nan+nanj, nan+nanj, nan+nanj]

    z = _make_complex(x)

    if not isfinite(z):
        if math.isinf(z.imag) and not math.isnan(z.real):
            raise ValueError
        if math.isinf(z.real) and math.isfinite(z.imag) and z.imag != 0:
            if z.real > 0:
                return complex(math.copysign(inf, math.cos(z.imag)),
                               math.copysign(inf, math.sin(z.imag)))
            return complex(math.copysign(inf, math.cos(z.imag)),
                           -math.copysign(inf, math.sin(z.imag)))
        return _cosh_special[_special_type(z.real)][_special_type(z.imag)]

    if abs(z.real) > _LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        x_minus_one = z.real - math.copysign(1, z.real)
        ret = complex(e * math.cos(z.imag) * math.cosh(x_minus_one),
                      e * math.sin(z.imag) * math.sinh(x_minus_one))
        ret = complex(math.cos(z.imag) * math.cosh(z.real),
                      math.sin(z.imag) * math.sinh(z.real))
    if math.isinf(ret.real) or math.isinf(ret.imag):
        raise OverflowError

    return ret
예제 #24
def sinh(x):

    _sinh_special = [
        [inf+nanj, None, complex(-float("inf"), -0.0), -inf, None, inf+nanj, inf+nanj],
        [nan+nanj, None, None, None, None, nan+nanj, nan+nanj],
        [nanj, None, complex(-0.0, -0.0), complex(-0.0, 0.0), None, nanj, nanj],
        [nanj, None, complex(0.0, -0.0), complex(0.0, 0.0), None, nanj, nanj],
        [nan+nanj, None, None, None, None, nan+nanj, nan+nanj],
        [inf+nanj, None, complex(float("inf"), -0.0), inf, None, inf+nanj, inf+nanj],
        [nan+nanj, nan+nanj, complex(float("nan"), -0.0), nan, nan+nanj, nan+nanj, nan+nanj]

    z = _make_complex(x)

    if not isfinite(z):
        if math.isinf(z.imag) and not math.isnan(z.real):
            raise ValueError
        if math.isinf(z.real) and math.isfinite(z.imag) and z.imag != 0:
            if z.real > 0:
                return complex(math.copysign(inf, math.cos(z.imag)),
                               math.copysign(inf, math.sin(z.imag)))
            return complex(-math.copysign(inf, math.cos(z.imag)),
                           math.copysign(inf, math.sin(z.imag)))
        return _sinh_special[_special_type(z.real)][_special_type(z.imag)]

    if abs(z.real) > _LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        x_minus_one = z.real - math.copysign(1, z.real)
        return complex(math.cos(z.imag) * math.sinh(x_minus_one) * e,
                       math.sin(z.imag) * math.cosh(x_minus_one) * e)
    return complex(math.cos(z.imag) * math.sinh(z.real),
                   math.sin(z.imag) * math.cosh(z.real))
예제 #25
 def test_sinh(self):
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(self.f1), math.sinh(self.f1))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(self.c1), cmath.sinh(self.c1))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(self.c2), cmath.sinh(self.c2))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(Quat(self.f1)), math.sinh(self.f1))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(Quat(0, 3)), cmath.sinh(3J))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(Quat(4, 5)), cmath.sinh(4 + 5J))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(Quat(0, self.f1)), Quat(0, math.sin(self.f1)))
예제 #26
파일: b2.py 프로젝트: grasingerm/statsmek
def levy_harmonic_path(xstart, xend, dtau, N):
    x = [xstart]
    for k in range(1, N):
        dtau_prime = (N - k) * dtau
        Ups1 = 1.0 / math.tanh(dtau) + 1.0 / math.tanh(dtau_prime)
        Ups2 = x[k-1] / math.sinh(dtau) + xend / math.sinh(dtau_prime)
        x.append(random.gauss(Ups2 / Ups1, 1.0 / math.sqrt(Ups1)))
    return x
예제 #27
파일: AutoDeriv.py 프로젝트: JensLo/pyEDA
 def aux1(x):
     Auxiliary function 1. 
     Break points used to ensure maximal precision::
                              Aux1(x) =  -------
                         d           sinh(x) - x*cosh(x)
                         --Aux1(x) = -------------------
                         dx              (sinh(x))^2
     if isinstance(x, ADVar):
         y = x.val
     if y < -_BP0_MISC:
         y = -_BP0_MISC
     elif y > _BP0_MISC:
         y =  _BP0_MISC
     if y <= _BP0_AUX1:
         z = y / math.sinh(y)
     elif y <= _BP1_AUX1:
         z = 1 - y*y/6.0*(1.0 - 7.0*y*y/60.0)
         z = y / math.sinh(y)
     if not isinstance(x, ADVar):
         return z
     r = ADVar()
     r.val = z
     if y <= _BP4_DAUX1:
         pd = 0.0
     elif y <= _BP2_DAUX1:
         pd = -(1+y)*math.exp(y)
     elif y <= _BP0_DAUX1:
         tmp = math.sinh(y); 
         pd = (tmp - y*math.cosh(y))/(tmp*tmp)
     elif y <= _BP1_DAUX1:
         pd = -y/3.0*(1.0 - 7.0*y*y/30.0)
     elif y <= _BP3_DAUX1:
         tmp = math.sinh(y)
         pd = (z - y*math.cosh(y))/(z*z)
     elif y <= _BP5_DAUX1:
         pd =  (1-y)*math.exp(-y)
         pd = 0.0
     for i,dx in x.deriv:
         r.deriv.append( (i, pd*dx) )
     return r
예제 #28
def heat_capacity_v_einstein(T,einstein_T,n):
    Heat capacity at constant volume.  In J/K/mol
    if T <= eps:
        return 0.
    x = einstein_T/T
    C_v = 3.0*n*gas_constant*x*x/4/(math.sinh(x/2.)*math.sinh(x/2.))
    return C_v
예제 #29
def t0_xi():
  delta_rho = (rho0-rhou)*g
  rhog = rho0*g
  mu = mu0
  k = wavenumber()
  return -1.0*(((delta_rho*k**2*mu - k**2*mu*rhog)*D*sinh(D*k)**2 - (delta_rho*k**2*mu - k**2*mu*rhog)*D*cosh(D*k)**2 - (delta_rho*k*mu -\
k*mu*rhog)*sinh(D*k)*cosh(D*k) + sqrt((delta_rho**2*k**2 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog + k**2*rhog**2)*D**2*cosh(D*k)**4 - 2*(delta_rho**2*k -\
2*delta_rho*k*rhog + k*rhog**2)*D*sinh(D*k)**3*cosh(D*k) + 2*(delta_rho**2*k - 2*delta_rho*k*rhog + k*rhog**2)*D*sinh(D*k)*cosh(D*k)**3 +\
((delta_rho**2*k**2 + 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog + k**2*rhog**2)*D**2 + 4*delta_rho*rhog)*sinh(D*k)**4 - (2*(delta_rho**2*k**2 + k**2*rhog**2)*D**2 -\
delta_rho**2 + 2*delta_rho*rhog - rhog**2)*sinh(D*k)**2*cosh(D*k)**2)*k*mu)/(delta_rho*rhog*sinh(D*k)**2))
예제 #30
파일: place.py 프로젝트: SNoiraud/gramps
def __conv_WGS84_SWED_RT90(lat, lon):
    Input is lat and lon as two float numbers
    Output is X and Y coordinates in RT90
    as a tuple of float numbers

    The code below converts to/from the Swedish RT90 koordinate
    system. The converion functions use "Gauss Conformal Projection
    (Transverse Marcator)" Krüger Formulas.
    The constanst are for the Swedish RT90-system.
    With other constants the conversion should be useful for
    other geographical areas.

    # Some constants used for conversion to/from Swedish RT90
    f = 1.0/298.257222101
    e2 = f*(2.0-f)
    n = f/(2.0-f)
    L0 = math.radians(15.8062845294)   # 15 deg 48 min 22.624306 sec
    k0 = 1.00000561024
    a = 6378137.0   # meter
    at = a/(1.0+n)*(1.0+ 1.0/4.0* pow(n, 2)+1.0/64.0*pow(n, 4))
    FN = -667.711 # m
    FE = 1500064.274 # m

    #the conversion
    lat_rad = math.radians(lat)
    lon_rad = math.radians(lon)
    A = e2
    B = 1.0/6.0*(5.0*pow(e2, 2) - pow(e2, 3))
    C = 1.0/120.0*(104.0*pow(e2, 3) - 45.0*pow(e2, 4))
    D = 1.0/1260.0*(1237.0*pow(e2, 4))
    DL = lon_rad - L0
    E = A + B*pow(math.sin(lat_rad), 2) + \
            C*pow(math.sin(lat_rad), 4) + \
            D*pow(math.sin(lat_rad), 6)
    psi = lat_rad - math.sin(lat_rad)*math.cos(lat_rad)*E
    xi = math.atan2(math.tan(psi), math.cos(DL))
    eta = atanh(math.cos(psi)*math.sin(DL))
    B1 = 1.0/2.0*n - 2.0/3.0*pow(n, 2) + 5.0/16.0*pow(n, 3) + \
                     41.0/180.0*pow(n, 4)
    B2 = 13.0/48.0*pow(n, 2) - 3.0/5.0*pow(n, 3) + 557.0/1440.0*pow(n, 4)
    B3 = 61.0/240.0*pow(n, 3) - 103.0/140.0*pow(n, 4)
    B4 = 49561.0/161280.0*pow(n, 4)
    X = xi + B1*math.sin(2.0*xi)*math.cosh(2.0*eta) + \
             B2*math.sin(4.0*xi)*math.cosh(4.0*eta) + \
             B3*math.sin(6.0*xi)*math.cosh(6.0*eta) + \
    Y = eta + B1*math.cos(2.0*xi)*math.sinh(2.0*eta) + \
              B2*math.cos(4.0*xi)*math.sinh(4.0*eta) + \
              B3*math.cos(6.0*xi)*math.sinh(6.0*eta) + \
    X = X*k0*at + FN
    Y = Y*k0*at + FE
    return (X, Y)
예제 #31
def rawf(x):
    return math.sinh(x)
예제 #32
    def _zetaInv0(self, psi, lam):
        '''Starting point for C{zetaInv}.

           @return: 3-Tuple C{(u, v, trip)}.

           @see: C{bool TMExact::zetainv0(real psi, real lam,  # radians
                                          real &u, real &v)}.
        trip = False
        if (psi < -self._e_PI_4 and lam > self._1_e2_PI_2
                                and psi < lam - self._1_e_PI_2):
            # N.B. this branch is normally not taken because psi < 0
            # is converted psi > 0 by Forward.
            # There's a log singularity at w = w0 = Eu.K() + i * Ev.K(),
            # corresponding to the south pole, where we have, approximately
            #  psi = _e + i * pi/2 - _e * atanh(cos(i * (w - w0)/(1 + _mu/2)))
            # Inverting this gives:
            h = sinh(1 - psi / self._e)
            a = (PI_2 - lam) / self._e
            s, c = sincos2(a)
            u = self._Eu_K - asinh(s / hypot(c, h)) * self._mu_2_1
            v = self._Ev_K - atan2(c, h) * self._mu_2_1

        elif (psi < self._e_PI_2 and lam > self._1_e2_PI_2):
            # At w = w0 = i * Ev.K(), we have
            #  zeta  = zeta0  = i * (1 - _e) * pi/2
            #  zeta' = zeta'' = 0
            # including the next term in the Taylor series gives:
            #  zeta = zeta0 - (_mv * _e) / 3 * (w - w0)^3
            # When inverting this, we map arg(w - w0) = [-90, 0] to
            # arg(zeta - zeta0) = [-90, 180]

            d = lam - self._1_e_PI_2
            r = hypot(psi, d)
            # Error using this guess is about 0.21 * (rad/e)^(5/3)
            trip = r < self._e_taytol_
            # atan2(dlam-psi, psi+dlam) + 45d gives arg(zeta - zeta0)
            # in range [-135, 225).  Subtracting 180 (since multiplier
            # is negative) makes range [-315, 45).  Multiplying by 1/3
            # (for cube root) gives range [-105, 15).  In particular
            # the range [-90, 180] in zeta space maps to [-90, 0] in
            # w space as required.
            r = cbrt(r * self._3_mv_e)
            a = atan2(d - psi, psi + d) / 3.0 - PI_4
            s, c = sincos2(a)
            u = r * c
            v = r * s + self._Ev_K

            # Use spherical TM, Lee 12.6 -- writing C{atanh(sin(lam) /
            # cosh(psi)) = asinh(sin(lam) / hypot(cos(lam), sinh(psi)))}.
            # This takes care of the log singularity at C{zeta = Eu.K()},
            # corresponding to the north pole.
            s, c = sincos2(lam)
            h, r = sinh(psi), self._Eu_K / PI_2
            # But scale to put 90, 0 on the right place
            u = r * atan2(h, c)
            v = r * asinh(s / hypot(c, h))
        return u, v, trip
예제 #33
def nond_F(x, t):
    k = nond_wavenumber()
    F0 = nond_eta0()
    G0 = nond_xi0()
    delta_rho = (rho0 - rhou) * nond_factor() / rho0
    zprime = depth / D
    T0 = deltaT
    alphag = nond_factor() * alpha * T0
    rhog = nond_factor(
    )  # use this as a proxy for the nondimensional factorisation
    return ((-0.5*(exp(-delta_rho*rhog*t*sinh(k)**2/((delta_rho*k - k*rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) + delta_rho*k**2 - k**2*rhog -\
  sqrt((delta_rho**2 + 2*delta_rho*rhog + rhog**2)*sinh(k)**4 + delta_rho**2*k**2 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog + k**2*rhog**2 + 2*(delta_rho**2*k -\
  2*delta_rho*k*rhog + k*rhog**2)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (4*delta_rho*k**2*rhog - delta_rho**2 + 2*delta_rho*rhog -\
  rhog**2)*sinh(k)**2)*k))/((k*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k) - k*rhog*cosh(k)**3 + rhog*sinh(k)**3 - rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**2)/((delta_rho +\
  rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*sinh(k)**2 + (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*cosh(k)**2 - sqrt(delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**4 -\
  2*delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + delta_rho**2*k**2*cosh(k)**4 + 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*cosh(k)**4\
  + k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + k**2*rhog**2*cosh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) +\
  2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) - 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 -\
  2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + delta_rho**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + 4*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**4 -\
  2*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2)) - (k*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k) - k*rhog*cosh(k)**3 + rhog*sinh(k)**3\
  - rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**2)/((delta_rho + rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*sinh(k)**2 + (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*cosh(k)**2\
    + sqrt(delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + delta_rho**2*k**2*cosh(k)**4 +\
  2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*cosh(k)**4 + k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  k**2*rhog**2*cosh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k)\
  - 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 - 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 +\
    delta_rho**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + 4*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2))) - exp(-delta_rho*rhog*t*sinh(k)**2/((delta_rho*k - k*rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) + delta_rho*k**2 - k**2*rhog +\
  sqrt((delta_rho**2 + 2*delta_rho*rhog + rhog**2)*sinh(k)**4 + delta_rho**2*k**2 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog + k**2*rhog**2 + 2*(delta_rho**2*k -\
  2*delta_rho*k*rhog + k*rhog**2)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (4*delta_rho*k**2*rhog - delta_rho**2 + 2*delta_rho*rhog -\
  rhog**2)*sinh(k)**2)*k))/((k*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k) - k*rhog*cosh(k)**3 + rhog*sinh(k)**3 - rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**2)/((delta_rho +\
  rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*sinh(k)**2 + (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*cosh(k)**2 - sqrt(delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**4 -\
  2*delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + delta_rho**2*k**2*cosh(k)**4 + 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*cosh(k)**4\
  + k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + k**2*rhog**2*cosh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) +\
  2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) - 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 -\
  2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + delta_rho**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + 4*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**4 -\
  2*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2)) - (k*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k) - k*rhog*cosh(k)**3 + rhog*sinh(k)**3\
  - rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**2)/((delta_rho + rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*sinh(k)**2 + (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*cosh(k)**2\
    + sqrt(delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + delta_rho**2*k**2*cosh(k)**4 +\
  2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*cosh(k)**4 + k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  k**2*rhog**2*cosh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k)\
  - 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 - 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 +\
    delta_rho**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + 4*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2))))*(G0 + (alphag*k*sinh(k*zprime)*cosh(k) - (alphag*k*zprime*cosh(k*zprime) -\
  alphag*sinh(k*zprime))*sinh(k))/(T0*delta_rho*sinh(k)**2)) + (F0 - ((alphag*k*zprime*cosh(k*zprime) -\
  alphag*sinh(k*zprime))*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (alphag*k*zprime*sinh(k*zprime) - alphag*cosh(k*zprime))*sinh(k)**2 -\
  alphag*k*sinh(k*zprime))/(T0*rhog*sinh(k)**2))*(((k*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k) - k*rhog*cosh(k)**3 + rhog*sinh(k)**3 -\
  rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**2)/(((k*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k) - k*rhog*cosh(k)**3 + rhog*sinh(k)**3 - rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**2)/((delta_rho +\
  rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*sinh(k)**2 + (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*cosh(k)**2 - sqrt(delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**4 -\
  2*delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + delta_rho**2*k**2*cosh(k)**4 + 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*cosh(k)**4\
  + k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + k**2*rhog**2*cosh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) +\
  2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) - 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 -\
  2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + delta_rho**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + 4*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**4 -\
  2*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2)) - (k*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k) - k*rhog*cosh(k)**3 + rhog*sinh(k)**3\
  - rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**2)/((delta_rho + rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*sinh(k)**2 + (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*cosh(k)**2\
    + sqrt(delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + delta_rho**2*k**2*cosh(k)**4 +\
  2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*cosh(k)**4 + k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  k**2*rhog**2*cosh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k)\
  - 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 - 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 +\
    delta_rho**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + 4*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2)))*((delta_rho + rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*sinh(k)**2 + (delta_rho*k +\
  k*rhog)*cosh(k)**2 + sqrt(delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + delta_rho**2*k**2*cosh(k)**4 +\
  2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*cosh(k)**4 + k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  k**2*rhog**2*cosh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k)\
  - 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 - 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 +\
    delta_rho**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + 4*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2))) + 1)*exp(-delta_rho*rhog*t*sinh(k)**2/((delta_rho*k - k*rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) + delta_rho*k**2 - k**2*rhog\
  + sqrt((delta_rho**2 + 2*delta_rho*rhog + rhog**2)*sinh(k)**4 + delta_rho**2*k**2 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog + k**2*rhog**2 + 2*(delta_rho**2*k\
  - 2*delta_rho*k*rhog + k*rhog**2)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (4*delta_rho*k**2*rhog - delta_rho**2 + 2*delta_rho*rhog - rhog**2)*sinh(k)**2)*k)) -\
    (k*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k) - k*rhog*cosh(k)**3 + rhog*sinh(k)**3 -\
  rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**2)*exp(-delta_rho*rhog*t*sinh(k)**2/((delta_rho*k - k*rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) + delta_rho*k**2 - k**2*rhog -\
  sqrt((delta_rho**2 + 2*delta_rho*rhog + rhog**2)*sinh(k)**4 + delta_rho**2*k**2 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog + k**2*rhog**2 + 2*(delta_rho**2*k -\
  2*delta_rho*k*rhog + k*rhog**2)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (4*delta_rho*k**2*rhog - delta_rho**2 + 2*delta_rho*rhog -\
  rhog**2)*sinh(k)**2)*k))/(((k*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k) - k*rhog*cosh(k)**3 + rhog*sinh(k)**3 - rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**2)/((delta_rho +\
  rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*sinh(k)**2 + (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*cosh(k)**2 - sqrt(delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**4 -\
  2*delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + delta_rho**2*k**2*cosh(k)**4 + 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*cosh(k)**4\
  + k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + k**2*rhog**2*cosh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) +\
  2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) - 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 -\
  2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + delta_rho**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + 4*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**4 -\
  2*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2)) - (k*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k) - k*rhog*cosh(k)**3 + rhog*sinh(k)**3\
  - rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**2)/((delta_rho + rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*sinh(k)**2 + (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*cosh(k)**2\
    + sqrt(delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + delta_rho**2*k**2*cosh(k)**4 +\
  2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*cosh(k)**4 + k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  k**2*rhog**2*cosh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k)\
  - 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 - 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 +\
    delta_rho**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + 4*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2)))*((delta_rho + rhog)*sinh(k)*cosh(k) - (delta_rho*k + k*rhog)*sinh(k)**2 + (delta_rho*k +\
  k*rhog)*cosh(k)**2 + sqrt(delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + delta_rho**2*k**2*cosh(k)**4 +\
  2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*k**2*rhog*cosh(k)**4 + k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**4 - 2*k**2*rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  k**2*rhog**2*cosh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*delta_rho**2*k*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 + 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k)\
  - 4*delta_rho*k*rhog*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 - 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)**3*cosh(k) + 2*k*rhog**2*sinh(k)*cosh(k)**3 +\
    delta_rho**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 + 4*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**4 - 2*delta_rho*rhog*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2 +\
  rhog**2*sinh(k)**2*cosh(k)**2)))) + ((alphag*k*zprime*cosh(k*zprime) - alphag*sinh(k*zprime))*sinh(k)*cosh(k) -\
  (alphag*k*zprime*sinh(k*zprime) - alphag*cosh(k*zprime))*sinh(k)**2 - alphag*k*sinh(k*zprime))/(T0*rhog*sinh(k)**2)))*cos(k*x)
def funcl(x):
    return -(a / x) * mt.cosh(a * x) + (x**-2) * mt.sinh(
        a * x) + (b / x) * mt.cosh(b * x) - (x**-2) * mt.sinh(b * x)
예제 #35
print(math.pow(x, y))
print(math.atan2(0.55, 0.55))
print(math.hypot(x, y))

# Random module

state = random.getstate()
예제 #36
# Three ways to define a grid (inpired by http://mapproxy.org/docs/1.8.0/configuration.html#id6):
# - submit a list of resolutions > "resolutions": [32,16,8,4] (This parameters override the others)
# - submit just "resFactor", initial res is computed such as at zoom level zero, 1 tile covers whole bounding box
# - submit "resFactor" and "initRes"

# About Web Mercator
# Technically, the Mercator projection is defined for any latitude up to (but not including)
# 90 degrees, but it makes sense to cut it off sooner because it grows exponentially with
# increasing latitude. The logic behind this particular cutoff value, which is the one used
# by Google Maps, is that it makes the projection square. That is, the rectangle is equal in
# the X and Y directions. In this case the maximum latitude attained must correspond to y = w/2.
# y = 2*pi*R / 2 = pi*R --> y/R = pi
# lat = atan(sinh(y/R)) = atan(sinh(pi))
# wm_origin = (-20037508, 20037508) with 20037508 = GRS80.perimeter / 2

cutoff_lat = math.atan(math.sinh(math.pi)) * 180 / math.pi  #= 85.05112°

    "WM": {
        "name": 'Web Mercator',
        "description": 'Global grid in web mercator projection',
        "CRS": 'EPSG:3857',
        "bbox": [-180, -cutoff_lat, 180, cutoff_lat],  #w,s,e,n
        "bboxCRS": 'EPSG:4326',
        #"bbox": [-20037508, -20037508, 20037508, 20037508],
        #"bboxCRS": 3857,
        "tileSize": 256,
        "originLoc": "NW",  #North West or South West
        "resFactor": 2
    "WGS84": {
예제 #37
def toUtm(latlon, lon=None, datum=None, Utm=Utm, name='', cmoff=True):
    '''Convert a lat-/longitude point to a UTM coordinate.

       @param latlon: Latitude (C{degrees}) or an (ellipsoidal)
                      geodetic C{LatLon} point.
       @keyword lon: Optional longitude (C{degrees} or C{None}).
       @keyword datum: Optional datum for this UTM coordinate,
                       overriding I{latlon}'s datum (C{Datum}).
       @keyword Utm: Optional (sub-)class to use for the UTM
                     coordinate (L{Utm}) or C{None}.
       @keyword name: Optional I{Utm} name (C{str}).
       @keyword cmoff: Offset longitude from zone's central meridian,
                       apply false easting and false northing (C{bool}).

       @return: The UTM coordinate (L{Utm}) or a 6-tuple (zone, easting,
                northing, band, convergence, scale) if I{Utm} is C{None}
                or I{cmoff} is C{False}.

       @raise TypeError: If I{latlon} is not ellipsoidal.

       @raise RangeError: If I{lat} is outside the valid UTM bands or if
                          I{lat} or I{lon} outside the valid range and
                          I{rangerrrors} set to C{True}.

       @raise ValueError: If I{lon} value is missing or if I{latlon}
                          is invalid.

       @note: Implements Karney’s method, using 8-th order Krüger series,
              giving results accurate to 5 nm (or better) for distances
              up to 3900 km from the central meridian.


       >>> p = LatLon(48.8582, 2.2945)  # 31 N 448251.8 5411932.7
       >>> u = toUtm(p)  # 31 N 448252 5411933
       >>> p = LatLon(13.4125, 103.8667) # 48 N 377302.4 1483034.8
       >>> u = toUtm(p)  # 48 N 377302 1483035
        lat, lon = latlon.lat, latlon.lon
        if not isinstance(latlon, _LLEB):
            raise TypeError('%s not %s: %r' % ('latlon', 'ellipsoidal', latlon))
        if not name:  # use latlon.name
            name = _nameof(latlon) or name  # PYCHOK no effect
        d = datum or latlon.datum
    except AttributeError:
        lat, lon = parseDMS2(latlon, lon)
        d = datum or Datums.WGS84

    E = d.ellipsoid

    z, B, a, b = _toZBab4(lat, lon, cmoff)

    # easting, northing: Karney 2011 Eq 7-14, 29, 35
    cb, sb, tb = cos(b), sin(b), tan(b)

    T = tan(a)
    T12 = hypot1(T)
    S = sinh(E.e * atanh(E.e * T / T12))

    T_ = T * hypot1(S) - S * T12
    H = hypot(T_, cb)

    y = atan2(T_, cb)  # ξ' ksi
    x = asinh(sb / H)  # η' eta

    A0 = _K0 * E.A

    Ks = _Kseries(E.AlphaKs, x, y)  # Krüger series
    y = Ks.ys(y) * A0  # ξ
    x = Ks.xs(x) * A0  # η

    if cmoff:
        # C.F.F. Karney, "Test data for the transverse Mercator projection (2009)",
        # <http://GeographicLib.SourceForge.io/html/transversemercator.html> and
        # <http://Zenodo.org/record/32470#.W4LEJS2ZON8>
        x += _FalseEasting  # make x relative to false easting
        if y < 0:
            y += _FalseNorthing  # y relative to false northing in S

    # convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 23, 24
    p_ = Ks.ps(1)
    q_ = Ks.qs(0)
    c = degrees(atan(T_ / hypot1(T_) * tb) + atan2(q_, p_))

    # scale: Karney 2011 Eq 25
    s = E.e2s(sin(a)) * T12 / H * (A0 / E.a * hypot(p_, q_))

    if cmoff and Utm is not None:
        h = 'S' if a < 0 else 'N'  # hemisphere
        return _xnamed(Utm(z, h, x, y, band=B, datum=d,
                                       convergence=c, scale=s), name)
    else:  # zone, easting, northing, band, convergence and scale
        return z, x, y, B, c, s
예제 #38
def compute_delta_phi(r, rp):
    return math.atan(math.tanh(r / K) / math.sinh(rp / K))
예제 #39
def func_sinh(x):
    """Return sinh(x) where x is in radians"""

    # use the function from the 'math' library
    return sinh(x)
예제 #40
def _marcToLat(x):
    return math.degrees(math.atan(math.sinh(x)))
예제 #41
def compute_delta_theta(r, rp, phi):
    return math.atan(math.tanh(r / K) / (math.sinh(rp / K) * math.sinh(phi)))
예제 #42
def num2deg(xtile: int, ytile: int, zoom: int) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    n = 2.0**zoom
    lon_deg = xtile / n * 360.0 - 180.0
    lat_rad = math.atan(math.sinh(math.pi * (1 - 2 * ytile / n)))
    lat_deg = math.degrees(lat_rad)
    return (lon_deg, lat_deg)
예제 #43
 def sinh(self):
     self.result = False
     self.current = math.sinh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
def func(x):
    return -(1 / x) * (mt.sinh(a * x) - mt.sinh(b * x)) - l
예제 #45
def tile2ll(x, y, z):
    n = 2**z
    lon = x / n * 360.0 - 180.0
    lat = atan(sinh(π * (1 - 2 * y / n))) * 180.0 / π
    return [lon, lat]
예제 #46
def csch(x):
    return 1 / math.sinh(x)
예제 #47
def b(x1,x2):
    return sinh(As*ksi(x1,x2))/(As*ksi(x1,x2));
예제 #48
def lum_4(gen_z, omm, oml, omk, c_0, h0, n_sn, dlum):

    #integrating for first z point (needs to be done seperately to avoid indexing errors)
    cd, err = quad(integrand, 0, gen_z[0], args=(omm, oml, omk))

    const = (abs(omk))**0.5  #defining constant for dlum calculation
    #calculating dlum for respecive omk values
    if omk < 0:
        dlum[0] = (c_0 /
                   (h0 * const)) * (1.0 + gen_z[0]) * math.sin(const * cd)
    elif omk > 0:
        dlum[0] = (c_0 /
                   (h0 * const)) * (1.0 + gen_z[0]) * math.sinh(const * cd)
        dlum[0] = (c_0 / h0) * (1.0 + gen_z[0]) * cd

    #loop over rest of z values (different calculation for varying omk values)
    if omk < 0:
        for i in range(1, n_sn):  #looping through all z values
            if gen_z[i] == gen_z[
                    i -
                    1]:  #if statment campares new point to last, if equal assign same dlum value (saves coputational cost)
                dlum[i] = dlum[i - 1]

                temp = quad(
                    integrand, gen_z[i - 1], gen_z[i], args=(
                        omm, oml,
                        omk))  #integrates area between current and next point
                cd = cd + temp[
                    0]  #cumulative uses previous calculations for next
                dlum[i] = (c_0 / (h0 * const)) * (1.0 + gen_z[i]) * math.sin(
                    const * cd)

    elif omk > 0:
        for i in range(1, n_sn):
            if gen_z[i] == gen_z[i - 1]:
                dlum[i] = dlum[i - 1]

                temp = quad(integrand,
                            gen_z[i - 1],
                            args=(omm, oml, omk))
                cd = cd + temp[0]
                dlum[i] = (c_0 / (h0 * const)) * (1.0 + gen_z[i]) * math.sinh(
                    const * cd)

        for i in range(1, n_sn):
            if gen_z[i] == gen_z[i - 1]:
                dlum[i] = dlum[i - 1]

                temp = quad(integrand,
                            gen_z[i - 1],
                            args=(omm, oml, omk))
                cd = cd + temp[0]
                dlum[i] = (c_0 / h0) * (1.0 + gen_z[i]) * cd

    return dlum
예제 #49
def uEF(k, L, x, A, U_o):
    u_exact = [
        ((sinh(k * (L - x)) + sinh(k * x)) / sinh(k * L) - 1) * A / k**2 +
        U_o * sinh(k * (L - x)) / sinh(k * L) for x in x[1:-1]
    return (u_exact)
예제 #50
 def cdf(dist, a, *args, **kwargs):
     G = dist.cdf(*args, **kwargs)
     return 2 * math.exp(a) / (math.exp(2 * a) - 1) * math.sinh(a * G)
예제 #51
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon=None):
        '''Convert this UTM coordinate to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic point.

           @keyword LatLon: Optional, ellipsoidal (sub-)class to use
                            for the point (C{LatLon}) or C{None}.

           @return: This UTM coordinate as (I{LatLon}) or 5-tuple
                    (lat, lon, datum, convergence, scale) if I{LatLon}
                    is C{None}.

           @raise TypeError: If I{LatLon} is not ellipsoidal.

           @raise UTMError: Invalid meridional radius or H-value.


           >>> u = Utm(31, 'N', 448251.795, 5411932.678)
           >>> from pygeodesy import ellipsoidalVincenty as eV
           >>> ll = u.toLatLon(eV.LatLon)  # 48°51′29.52″N, 002°17′40.20″E
        if self._latlon:
            return self._latlon5(LatLon)

        E = self._datum.ellipsoid  # XXX vs LatLon.datum.ellipsoid

        x = self._easting - _FalseEasting  # relative to central meridian
        y = self._northing
        if self._hemi == 'S':  # relative to equator
            y -= _FalseNorthing

        # from Karney 2011 Eq 15-22, 36
        A0 = _K0 * E.A
        if A0 < EPS:
            raise UTMError('%s invalid: %r' % ('meridional', E.A))
        x /= A0  # η eta
        y /= A0  # ξ ksi

        Ks = _Kseries(E.BetaKs, x, y)  # Krüger series
        y = -Ks.ys(-y)  # ξ'
        x = -Ks.xs(-x)  # η'

        shx = sinh(x)
        cy, sy = cos(y), sin(y)

        H = hypot(shx, cy)
        if H < EPS:
            raise UTMError('%s invalid: %r' % ('H', H))

        T = t0 = sy / H  # τʹ
        q = 1.0 / E.e12
        d = 1
        sd = Fsum(T)
        # toggles on +/-1.12e-16 eg. 31 N 400000 5000000
        while abs(d) > EPS:  # 1e-12
            h = hypot1(T)
            s = sinh(E.e * atanh(E.e * T / h))
            t = T * hypot1(s) - s * h
            d = (t0 - t) / hypot1(t) * (q + T**2) / h
            T = sd.fsum_(d)  # τi

        a = atan(T)  # lat
        b = atan2(shx, cy) + radians(_cmlon(self._zone))
        ll = _LLEB(degrees90(a), degrees180(b), datum=self._datum, name=self.name)

        # convergence: Karney 2011 Eq 26, 27
        p = -Ks.ps(-1)
        q =  Ks.qs(0)
        ll._convergence = degrees(atan(tan(y) * tanh(x)) + atan2(q, p))

        # scale: Karney 2011 Eq 28
        ll._scale = E.e2s(sin(a)) * hypot1(T) * H * (A0 / E.a / hypot(p, q))

        self._latlon = ll
        return self._latlon5(LatLon)
예제 #52
 def yfun(t):
     return s_y_max / 2 * math.cosh(t / T_c) + T_c * vy_0 * math.sinh(
         t / T_c)
예제 #53
def acoth(x):
    return math.cosh(x) / math.sinh(x)
예제 #54
 def xfun(t):
     return -s_x / 2 * math.cosh(t / T_c) + T_c * vx_0 * math.sinh(t / T_c)
예제 #55
    img = FormatCBFCspadInMemory(cbf)
    beam = BeamFactory.simple(params.wavelength).get_s0()
    beam_center = (0, 0)

    data = numpy.zeros((11840, 194))

    if annulus:
        inner = params.distance * math.tan(
            2 * math.sinh(params.wavelength / (2 * params.annulus_inner)))
        outer = params.distance * math.tan(
            2 * math.sinh(params.wavelength / (2 * params.annulus_outer)))
        print "Inner (mm):", inner
        print "Outer (mm):", outer
    if params.resolution is not None:
        radius = params.distance * math.tan(
            2 * math.sinh(params.wavelength / (2 * params.resolution)))
        print "Radius (mm):", radius

    print "Panel:",
    for p_id, panel in enumerate(img.get_detector()):
        print p_id,
        for y in xrange(185):
예제 #56
def get_com_locus(theta):
    s0 = 0.04
    s_x = s0 * math.cos(theta)
    s_y = s0 * math.sin(theta)
    s_y_max = s_y / 2 + 0.12
    s_y_min = -s_y / 2 + 0.12
    z = 0.3
    g = 9.8
    T_c = math.sqrt(z / g)
    T = 1

    vx_0 = s_x / 2 * (math.cosh(T / T_c) + 1) / (T_c * math.sinh(T / T_c))
    vy_0 = (s_y_min / 2 -
            s_y_max / 2 * math.cosh(T / T_c)) / (T_c * math.sinh(T / T_c))

    def xfun(t):
        return -s_x / 2 * math.cosh(t / T_c) + T_c * vx_0 * math.sinh(t / T_c)

    def yfun(t):
        return s_y_max / 2 * math.cosh(t / T_c) + T_c * vy_0 * math.sinh(
            t / T_c)

    # locus for steps with even number
    comx_b1 = [0.0] * N
    comy_b1 = [0.0] * N
    t_b1 = [0.0] * N
    for i in range(N):
        t_b1[i] = (i + 1) * T / (N - 1)
        comx_b1[i] = xfun(t_b1[i] - T / (N - 1))
        comy_b1[i] = yfun(t_b1[i] - T / (N - 1))
    locus_b1 = (comx_b1, comy_b1, t_b1)

    # Locus for steps with odd number
    comx_b2 = comx_b1
    comy_b2 = comy_b1[-1::-1]
    t_b2 = t_b1
    locus_b2 = (comx_b2, comy_b2, t_b2)

    # locus for the first step
    comx_s = [0.0] * N * 2
    comy_s = [0.0] * N * 2
    t_s = [0.0] * N * 2

    def yfun_s(t):
        return (-vy_0 / (2 * T)**6 - 3 * s_y / 2 /
                (2 * T)**7) * t**7 + (3.5 * s_y / 2 / (2 * T)**6 + vy_0 /
                                      (2 * T)**5) * t**6 + 0.06

    def xfun_s(t):
        if t > T:
            return s_x / 2 / math.cosh(T / T_c) * math.cosh((t - T) / T_c)
            return s_x / 2 / math.cosh(T / T_c) * (t / T)**2

    for i in range(N * 2):
        t_s[i] = (i + 1) * 2 * T / (2 * N - 1)
        comy_s[i] = yfun_s(t_s[i] - 2 * T / (2 * N - 1))
        comx_s[i] = xfun_s(t_s[i] - 2 * T / (2 * N - 1))
    locus_s = (comx_s, comy_s, t_s)

    # locus for the last step
    comx_e = [-x for x in comx_s][-1::-1]
    comy_e = comy_s[-1::-1]
    locus_e = (comx_e, comy_e, t_s)

    return locus_b1, locus_b2, locus_s, locus_e
예제 #57
def exactFiFunc(x):
    return math.sinh(2 * x + 0.45)
예제 #58
 def method_sinh(self, space, value):
         res = math.sinh(value)
     except OverflowError:
         res = rfloat.copysign(rfloat.INFINITY, value)
     return space.newfloat(res)
def num2deg(xtile, ytile, zoom):
    n = 2.0**zoom
    lon_deg = xtile / n * 360.0 - 180.0
    lat_rad = math.atan(math.sinh(math.pi * (1 - 2 * ytile / n)))
    lat_deg = math.degrees(lat_rad)
    return (lat_deg, lon_deg)
예제 #60
epsilon = 0.00000001
maxIter = 50

print("Q1. Determinando o Comprimento de L através dos Métodos: \n")
print("Método da Bisseção")
(houveErro, raiz, k) = bissecao(l_bissecao,
if houveErro:
    print("O Método da Bisseção retornou um erro.")
if raiz is not None:
    print("Raiz encontrada: %s" % raiz)
L = 2 * raiz * sinh(50 / (2 * raiz))
print("Valor de L: %s" % L)
#print("O número de iterações: %s"%k)

Raiz da Equação: 390.75826058909297
Interações: 28
E o Valor de L encontrado foi: 50.034117037925476


def l_false_pos(x):
    return x * (cosh(50 / (2 * x)) - 1) - 0.80