def score(xArr): axis = [ math2d.pointOnLine(landmarkAsLine, xArr[0] % l), math2d.pointOnLine(landmarkAsLine, xArr[1] % l) ] score = 0.0 for p1, p2 in zip( math2d.stepAlongLine(figureGeom, fLength / resolution), math2d.stepAlongLine(axis, math2d.length(axis) / resolution)): score += math2d.squaredist(p1, p2) return score
def doCompute(self, drawer, landmark, figure, **args): (lowerLeft, lowerRight), (width, height) = math2d.boundingBox(landmark) scale = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5) scaleFactor = scale * 0.1 polygon = math2d.boxToPolygon( (lowerLeft - scaleFactor, lowerRight - scaleFactor), (width + 2 * scaleFactor, height + 2 * scaleFactor)) out = {} figureSteps = list( math2d.stepAlongLine(figure, math2d.length(figure) / 100.0)) out["endPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox"] = 0 for p in figureSteps[90:]: if math2d.isInteriorPoint(polygon, p): out["endPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox"] += 1 drawer.drawPoint("endPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox", p) drawer.drawLine("endPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox", math2d.polygonToLine(polygon)) out["startPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox"] = 0 for p in figureSteps[:10]: if math2d.isInteriorPoint(polygon, p): out["startPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox"] += 1 drawer.drawPoint("startPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox", p) drawer.drawLine("startPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox", math2d.polygonToLine(polygon)) return out
def doCompute(self, drawer, landmark, figure, **args): fPoints = list( math2d.stepAlongLine(figure, math2d.length(figure) / 100.0)) gPoints = [math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmark, p) for p in fPoints] distances = math2d.squareDistances(fPoints, gPoints) #[math2d.squaredist(f1, g1) for f1, g1 in zip(fPoints, gPoints)] i, dist = math2d.argMin(distances) fPoint = fPoints[i] gPoint = math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmark, fPoint) axes = [fPoint, gPoint] m = {} drawer.drawSegment("angleFigureToPastAxes", fPoint, gPoint) bborigin, (width, height) = math2d.boundingBox(figure) scale = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5) if scale == 0: bborigin, (width, height) = math2d.boundingBox(landmark) scale = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5) if math2d.isDegenerate(axes): m['angleFigureToPastAxes'] = 0 else: m['angleFigureToPastAxes'] = math2d.angleBetweenLines( axes, [figure[0], figure[-1]]) drawer.distanceFeature(m, "pastAxesLength", "Axes Start", "Axes End", axes[0], axes[1], scale) return m
def doCompute(self, drawer, landmark, figure, **args): landmarkCentroid = math2d.centroid(landmark) d_f = math2d.length(figure) / 100 steps = list(math2d.stepAlongLine(figure, d_f)) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = math2d.regression( steps[25:]) axes = math2d.lineEquationToPoints(slope, intercept) axes = [ math2d.closestPointOnSegmentLine(axes, figure[0]), math2d.closestPointOnSegmentLine(axes, figure[-1]) ] #axes = [steps[5], steps[-1]] point = math2d.closestPointOnSegmentLine(axes, landmarkCentroid) bborigin, (width, height) = math2d.boundingBox(figure) scale = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5) if scale == 0: bborigin, (width, height) = math2d.boundingBox(landmark) scale = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5) m = {} drawer.distanceFeature(m, "axesToLandmarkCentroid", "Point on Figure Line", "Landmark Centroid", point, landmarkCentroid, scale) segmentStartToLandmark = [axes[0], landmarkCentroid] m["axesOrientation"] = math2d.angleBetweenSegments( segmentStartToLandmark, axes) drawer.drawLine("axesOrientation", segmentStartToLandmark) drawer.drawLine("axesOrientation", axes) drawer.drawPoint("axesOrientation", point, "Point on Figure Line") try: slope, intersept = math2d.lineEquation(axes) except: print "axes", axes raise intersectPoints = math2d.intersectPolygonAnalytic( landmark, slope, intersept) for p in intersectPoints: drawer.drawPoint("axesIntersectLandmark", p, "") if len(intersectPoints) == 0: m["axesIntersectLandmark"] = 0 drawer.drawPoint("axesIntersectLandmark", landmarkCentroid, "No intersect points.") else: m["axesIntersectLandmark"] = 1 #intersectPoint = #m["axesToLandmark"] = return m
def findSubsetOfFigure(landmark, figure): bestScore = None bestPath = figure d_f = math2d.length(figure)/100 for subpath in math2d.slideWindowAlongPath(figure, d_f, fractionSize=0.6): totalDist = 0.0 count = 0 for f1 in [x for x in math2d.stepAlongLine(figure, d_f)]: g1 = math2d.closestPointOnLine(math2d.polygonToLine(landmark), f1) totalDist += math2d.dist(f1, g1) count += 1 mean = totalDist / count if bestScore == None or mean <= bestScore: bestScore = mean bestPath = subpath clippedFigure = bestPath
def doCompute(self, drawer, landmark, figure, **args): figureSteps = list( math2d.stepAlongLine(figure, math2d.length(figure) / 100.0)) points = [ math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmark, p) for p in figureSteps ] interiorPoints = math2d.interiorPoints(landmark, figureSteps) landmarkCentroid = math2d.centroid(landmark) distances = [math2d.squaredist(p, (0, 0)) for p in points] bborigin, (width, height) = math2d.boundingBox(na.append(landmark, figure, 0)) scale = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5) out = {} i, dist = math2d.argMin(distances) drawer.distanceFeature(out, "minimumDistanceToLandmark", "Closest point on landmark", "Figure End", figureSteps[i], points[i], scale) for p in interiorPoints: drawer.drawPoint("numInteriorPoints", p) if len(interiorPoints) == 0: drawer.drawText("numInteriorPoints", landmarkCentroid, "No interior points.") #if out["numInteriorPoints"] > 0: #out["numInteriorPoints"] = 1 out["numInteriorPoints"] = len(interiorPoints) if math2d.isInteriorPoint(landmark, figureSteps[i]): out["minimumDistanceToLandmark"] = 0 if math2d.isInteriorPoint(landmark, figure[-1]): out["distFigureEndToLandmark"] = 0 differences = [d1 - d2 for d1, d2 in zip(distances, distances[1:])] differences = [d / d if d != 0 else 0 for d in differences] if len(differences) == 0: out["averageDistanceDifference"] = 0 else: out["averageDistanceDifference"] = math2d.mean(differences) for p1, p2 in zip(points, points[1:]): drawer.drawLine("averageDistanceDifference", [p1, p2]) return out
def averageParallel(self, drawer, landmark, figure): total = 0.0 count = 0.0 d_f = math2d.length(figure)/100 steps = list(math2d.stepAlongLine(figure, d_f)) for f1, f2 in zip(steps, steps[1:]): g1 = math2d.closestPointOnLine(math2d.polygonToLine(landmark), f1) g2 = math2d.closestPointOnLine(math2d.polygonToLine(landmark), f2) drawer.drawLine('averageParallel', [f1,g1]) try: angle = math2d.angleBetweenLines([f1, f2], [g1, g2]) except math2d.VerticalSegmentError: continue total += angle count += 1 if count == 0: return math.pi/4 else: return total / count
def plot_markers_evenly(X, Y, thelabel, marker, color, linewidth, markerSep=5, markersize=140, linestyle="-"): """ This function plots """ line, = plot(X, Y, color + linestyle, label="_nolegend_", linewidth=2.5) line.set_marker("None") import math2d markers = [p for p in math2d.stepAlongLine(line.get_xydata(), markerSep)] X = [x for x, y in markers] Y = [y for x, y in markers] try: points = scatter(X, Y, s=markersize, color=color, marker=marker, label=thelabel, facecolor="white", zorder=10) except: print "color", color print "marker", marker raise return line
def doCompute(self, drawer, ground, figure, **args): steps = 100 fPoints = list( math2d.stepAlongLine(figure, math2d.length(figure) / 100)) gPoints = [math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(ground, p) for p in fPoints] distances = [ math2d.squaredist(f1, g1) for f1, g1 in zip(fPoints, gPoints) ] i, minDist = math2d.argMin(distances) bborigin, (width, height) = math2d.boundingBox(ground + figure) scale = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5) featureMap = {} drawer.distanceFeature(self, featureMap, "minimumDistanceToGround", "Figure", "Ground", fPoints[i], gPoints[i], scale) for f1, g1 in zip(fPoints, gPoints): self.drawSegment("averageDistanceToGround", f1, g1) featureMap["averageDistanceToGround"] = math2d.mean(distances) / scale return featureMap
def doCompute(self, drawer, landmark, figure, **args): major, minor = computeAxes(landmark, figure) if (major, minor) == (None, None): centroid = math2d.centroid(landmark) for x in self.names(): drawer.drawText(x, centroid, "Couldn't find axes.") return None else: map = {} origin = math2d.intersectSegment(major, minor) centroid = math2d.centroid(landmark) bborigin, (width, height) = math2d.boundingBox(landmark + figure) scale = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5) drawer.distanceFeature(map, "centroidToAxesOrigin", "Centroid", "Axes Origin", centroid, origin, scale) drawer.drawAxes("centroidToAxesOrigin", (major, minor)) sampledFig = [ x for x in math2d.stepAlongLine(figure, math2d.length(figure) / 100) ] figureCentroid = math2d.centerOfMass(sampledFig) drawer.distanceFeature(map, "figureCenterOfMassToAxesOrigin", "Figure Center of Mass", "Axes Origin", figureCentroid, origin, scale) drawer.drawAxes("figureCenterOfMassToAxesOrigin", (major, minor)) drawer.distanceFeature(map, "figureCenterOfMassToLandmarkCentroid", "Figure Center of Mass", "Centroid", figureCentroid, centroid, scale) drawer.distanceFeature( map, "axesStartToLandmark", "Landmark", "Start of minor axis", math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmark, minor[0]), minor[0], scale) drawer.drawAxes("axesStartToLandmark", (major, minor)) drawer.distanceFeature( map, "axesEndToLandmark", "Landmark", "End of minor axis", math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmark, minor[-1]), minor[-1], scale) drawer.drawAxes("axesEndToLandmark", (major, minor)) map['axesToLandmarkSum'] = map['axesEndToLandmark'] + map[ 'axesStartToLandmark'] drawer.drawAxes("axesToLandmarkSum", (major, minor)) map['figureLengthByCrow'] = math2d.ratioLengthByCrow(figure) drawer.drawDistance("figureLengthByCrow", figure[0], figure[-1], "Start", "End") m1 = minor[0] f1 = figure[0] m2 = minor[-1] f2 = figure[-1] d1 = math2d.dist(m1, f1) + math2d.dist(m2, f2) d2 = math2d.dist(m1, f2) + math2d.dist(m2, f1) if (math.fabs(d1 - d2) > math2d.threshold and d1 > d2): f1 = figure[-1] f2 = figure[0] drawer.distanceFeature(map, "axesStartToFigureStart", "Axes Start", "Figure start", m1, f1, scale) drawer.distanceFeature(map, "axesEndToFigureEnd", "Axes End", "Figure End", m2, f2, scale) map['axesToFigureSum'] = map['axesEndToFigureEnd'] + map[ 'axesStartToFigureStart'] drawer.drawDistance('axesToFigureSum', m2, f2, 'Axes End', 'Figure End') # from Rao at Winston's group meeting 12-9-2008 map['distAlongLandmarkBtwnAxes'] = \ math2d.distBetweenPointsAlongPolygon(landmark, minor[0], minor[-1]) / math2d.perimeter(landmark) drawer.drawAxes("distAlongLandmarkBtwnAxes", (major, minor)) drawer.drawPoint("distAlongLandmarkBtwnAxes", figure[0], "",, 30) drawer.drawPoint("distAlongLandmarkBtwnAxes", figure[-1], "",, 30) map['ratioFigureToAxes'] = \ math2d.dist(figure[0], figure[-1]) / math2d.length(minor) drawer.drawAxes("ratioFigureToAxes", (major, minor)) drawer.drawDistance("ratioFigureToAxes", figure[0], figure[-1], "Figure Start", "Figure End") drawer.drawDistance("ratioFigureToAxes", minor[0], minor[-1], "Minor Start", "Minor End") map['ratioLengthFigureToAxes'] = \ math2d.length(figure) / math2d.length(minor) drawer.drawAxes("ratioLengthFigureToAxes", (major, minor)) return map
def doCompute(self, drawer, landmark, figure, **args): line = self._lineFunction(landmark, figure) for x in self.names(): drawer.drawLine(x, line) if line == None: raise InsaneExample("Couldn't get line: %s %s" % (landmark, figure)) else: steps = 100 figure = math2d.trimLine(figure, line[0], line[-1]) if len(figure) <= 1: print "degenerate figure", figure, landmark raise InsaneExample("Figure was too short: %s" % figure) d_f = math2d.length(figure) / float(steps) fpoints = [x for x in math2d.stepAlongLine(figure, d_f)] distances = [ math2d.dist(f1, math2d.closestPointOnLine(line, f1)) for f1 in fpoints ] start, stop = math2d.smallestWindow(distances, int(len(distances) * 0.75)) distances = [] maxDist = 0.0 maxp1 = None maxp2 = None bborigin, (width, height) = math2d.boundingBox(figure) scaleFactor = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5) for f1 in fpoints[start:stop]: g1 = math2d.closestPointOnLine(line, f1) drawer.drawSegment("averageDistToAxes", f1, g1) drawer.drawSegment("stdDevToAxes", f1, g1) d = math2d.dist(f1, g1) distances.append(d / scaleFactor) if d > maxDist: maxDist = d maxp1 = f1 maxp2 = g1 if len(distances) == 0: map = {} centroid = math2d.centroid(landmark) for x in self.names(): drawer.drawText(x, centroid, "Couldn't find axes.") map[x] = -1 return map mean = math2d.mean(distances) stdDev = math2d.stdDeviation(distances) whitenedMean = math2d.mean([x - mean for x in distances]) drawer.drawSegment("peakDistToAxes", maxp1, maxp2) f1 = math2d.closestPointOnLine(figure, line[0]) f2 = math2d.closestPointOnLine(figure, line[-1]) distF1F2 = math2d.distBetweenPointsAlongLine(figure, f1, f2) if distF1F2 != 0: x = math.fabs(distF1F2 / math2d.length(line)) relativeLength = min(x, 1.0 / x) #relativeLength = 1.0/x #x = math2d.length(line) / math2d.length(figure) #relativeLength = min(x, 1.0/x) else: relativeLength = -1 drawer.drawPoint("relativeLength", f1) drawer.drawPoint("relativeLength", f2) drawer.drawLine("relativeLength", line) return { "averageDistToAxes": mean, "whitenedAverageDist": whitenedMean, "peakDistToAxes": maxDist / scaleFactor, "stdDevToAxes": stdDev, "relativeLength": relativeLength }