def fnInferInstrumentResponse(data): instrumentResponse = np.empty_like(data) nOrders = len(data) for order in np.arange(nOrders): orderData = data[order] orderResponse = instrumentResponse[order] orderWave = np.linspace(0, len(orderData) - 1, num=len(orderData)) fitParams = fnGaussFit(orderWave[np.nonzero(orderData)], orderData[np.nonzero(orderData)], \ GaussParamsInitGuess=[-max(orderData[np.nonzero(orderData)]), len(orderData) / 2, len(orderData) / 4, 0.], \ fixed=['Amplitude', 'B'] \ ) instrumentResponse[order] = fnGauss(orderWave, fitParams) return instrumentResponse
def main_function(): # region --- Define planet parameters planetParams = clsPlanetParametersOLD(params={ param: value for param, value in cfgFile.items('orbital_params') }) # endregion # region --- Get files list # data files try: # if a list with fits files from which to recover the planet CCF has been provided dataCCFList = sorted([os.path.join(scienceInputFolder, fileName) \ for fileName in list( np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(scienceInputFolder, cfgFile.get('detection_settings', 'dataFilelist')), \ dtype=str))]) fnPrintLine('Config', 'data ccf list file provided: {}'.format( \ os.path.join(scienceInputFolder, cfgFile.get('detection_settings', 'dataFilelist')))) except: dataCCFList = sorted([os.path.join(scienceInputFolder, fileName) for fileName in os.listdir(scienceInputFolder) \ if fileName.lower().endswith('fits')]) fnPrintLine('Config', 'no data ccf list file provided, using all ccfs.') # template files try: # if a list with fits files from which to construct the template has been provided templateCCFList = sorted([os.path.join(scienceInputFolder, fileName) \ for fileName in list( np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(scienceInputFolder, cfgFile.get('detection_settings', 'templateFilelist')), \ dtype=str))]) fnPrintLine('Config', 'template ccf list file provided: {}'.format( \ os.path.join(scienceInputFolder, cfgFile.get('detection_settings', 'templateFilelist')))) except: templateCCFList = sorted( [os.path.join(scienceInputFolder, fileName) for fileName in os.listdir(scienceInputFolder) \ if fileName.lower().endswith('fits')]) fnPrintLine('Config', 'no template ccf list file provided, using all ccfs.') # all files fullCCFList = sorted(set(dataCCFList + templateCCFList)) # endregion # region --- load fits files fnPrintLine('CCF', 'Extracting CCFs, please wait') fullCCFs = { ccfName: fnOpenHARPSFits(ccfName) for ccfName in sorted(fullCCFList) } # constrain file lists try: dataCCFList = [ccfName for ccfName in dataCCFList \ if fullCCFs[ccfName].SN50 >= float(cfgFile.get('detection_settings', 'minSN50')) \ ] templateCCFList = [ccfName for ccfName in templateCCFList \ if fullCCFs[ccfName].SN50 >= float(cfgFile.get('detection_settings', 'minSN50')) \ ] except: pass # endregion # region --- Finding star CCF parameters fnPrintLine('CCF', 'finding star CCF parameters') # define xxx axis rangeRVPixels = np.linspace(0, len(fullCCFs[fullCCFList[0]].data) - 1, len(fullCCFs[fullCCFList[0]].data)) ccfPixelTrimMargins = 10. # in pixels for ccfName in sorted(fullCCFList): fullCCFs[ccfName].ccfAmplitude, fullCCFs[ccfName].ccfMeanPixel, fullCCFs[ccfName].ccfFWHMPixels, fullCCFs[ ccfName].ccfB = \ fnGaussianFitOLD(rangeRVPixels, fullCCFs[ccfName].data, \ GaussParamsInitGuess=[max(fullCCFs[ccfName].data) - min(fullCCFs[ccfName].data), \ len(fullCCFs[ccfName].data) / 2, \ 10., \ max(fullCCFs[ccfName].data)]) fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhase = ( fullCCFs[ccfName].BJD - planetParams.t0 ) / planetParams.period + np.radians(planetParams.w) / (2 * np.pi) fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhaseFolded = ( fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhase) % 1 fullCCFs[ccfName].RV = fullCCFs[ccfName].RVC = fnRVStarOrbitElipse( planetParams, fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhaseFolded - np.radians(planetParams.w) / (2 * np.pi)) fullCCFs[ ccfName].planetRV = -fullCCFs[ccfName].RV / planetParams.massRatio fullCCFs[ccfName].wave = np.arange(-fullCCFs[ccfName].ccfMeanPixel, \ len(fullCCFs[ccfName].data) - fullCCFs[ccfName].ccfMeanPixel) * \ fullCCFs[ccfName].CCFStep + \ fullCCFs[ccfName].RV # endregion # region --- build template fnPrintLine('CCF', 'build star template') fullCCFs['template'] = fnBuildStarTemplateOLD(fullCCFs, Templates=templateCCFList) fullCCFs['template'].CCFStep = fullCCFs[ccfName].CCFStep fullCCFs['template'].CCFWaveIni = -fullCCFs['template'].CCFStep * fullCCFs[ 'template'].ccfMeanPixel fullCCFs['template'].BJD = 0.0 fullCCFs['template'].PlanetPhaseFolded = 0.0 # endregion # region --- normalize CCFs by template fnPrintLine('CCF', 'normalise by star template') dataSelectedCCFList = [ ccfName for ccfName in sorted(dataCCFList) if abs(fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRV - fullCCFs[ccfName].RV) > float( cfgFile.get('detection_settings', 'distancePlanetStar')) ] for ccfName in sorted(fullCCFList): templateMeanPixel = fullCCFs['template'].ccfMeanPixel starTemplate = fullCCFs['template'].data starTemplateWave = fullCCFs['template'].wave diffPixels = (templateMeanPixel - fullCCFs[ccfName].ccfMeanPixel) shiftedTemplate = fnShiftCCF(starTemplate, starTemplateWave, diffPixels) fullCCFs[ccfName].normCCF(shiftedTemplate) # endregion # region --- searching for planet fnPrintLine('CCF', 'searching for planet, please wait') rangeRVsPlanet = {} planetWindowHalfWidth = float( cfgFile.get('detection_settings', 'planetHalfWidth')) for ccfName in sorted(dataCCFList): rangeRVsPlanet[ccfName] = np.where( \ (fullCCFs[ccfName].wave < fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRV + planetWindowHalfWidth) & \ (fullCCFs[ccfName].wave > fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRV - planetWindowHalfWidth) \ ) #fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRVRange = fullCCFs[ccfName].data[rangeRVsPlanet[ccfName]] # print fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRVRange[0], len(fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRVRange) widthPlanet = np.nanmin([ len(rangeRVsPlanet[ccfName][0]) for ccfName in sorted(dataSelectedCCFList) ]) planetCCF = np.nansum([ fullCCFs[ccfName].data[rangeRVsPlanet[ccfName]][:widthPlanet] for ccfName in sorted(dataSelectedCCFList) ], axis=0) planetWave = np.linspace(-planetWindowHalfWidth, planetWindowHalfWidth, num=len(planetCCF)) # linear fit - y = m x + c m, c = np.polyfit(planetWave, planetCCF, 1) YYY = [m * x + c for x in planetWave] planetCCF = planetCCF / YYY planetCCF /= np.nanmedian(planetCCF) # planet CCF fit ccfAmplitude, ccfMean, ccfFWHM, ccfB = fnGaussianFitOLD(planetWave, planetCCF, \ GaussParamsInitGuess=[max(planetCCF) - min(planetCCF), \ 0.0, \ 10., \ np.nanmedian(planetCCF)] ) planetFit = fnGauss(planetWave, [ccfAmplitude, ccfMean, ccfFWHM, ccfB]) # endregion # region --- correlating different nights fnPrintLine('CCF', 'correlation!!!') # delete central region of star CCF for better contrast # for ccfName in sorted(fullCCFList): nightList = sorted( set([int(fullCCFs[ccfName].BJD) for ccfName in dataCCFList])) ccfListNight = {night:[ccfName for ccfName in sorted(fullCCFList) \ if int(fullCCFs[ccfName].BJD) == night] for night in nightList} nightCorrelation = {} nightTemplates = { night: fnBuildStarTemplateOLD(fullCCFs, Templates=ccfListNight[night]) for night in nightList } print len(nightList) # remove center of CCF for night in nightList: nightTemplates[night].data[fullCCFs[ccfName].ccfMeanPixel - starWidth * fullCCFs[ccfName].ccfFWHMPixels:\ fullCCFs[ccfName].ccfMeanPixel + starWidth *fullCCFs[ccfName].ccfFWHMPixels] = None # mplt.plot(nightTemplates[night].data) # do correlation # for nightFirst, nightSecond in zip(nightList[:-1], nightList[1:] ): # print nightFirst, nightSecond # # # ratio = nightTemplates[nightFirst].data/nightTemplates[nightList[0]].data # # # mplt.plot(ratio) # # # mplt.plot() # # # # # correlation = []#np.correlate(nightTemplates[nightFirst].data, nightTemplates[nightSecond].data,mode='full') # # pixRVmax = 2000 # # for pixRV in waveRange(0,pixRVmax): # # # print pixRV # # correlation.append(np.corrcoef(nightTemplates[nightFirst].data[pixRV:pixRV-pixRVmax], nightTemplates[nightSecond].data[pixRVmax:])[0,1]) # # print np.corrcoef(nightTemplates[nightFirst].data[pixRV:pixRV-pixRVmax], nightTemplates[nightSecond].data[pixRVmax:]) # # print # # print np.corrcoef(nightTemplates[nightFirst].data, nightTemplates[nightSecond].data) # # mplt.plot(nightTemplates[nightFirst].data) # mplt.plot(nightTemplates[nightSecond].data) # # # mplt.plot(correlation, 'ro') # # # sys.exit() # endregion # region --- SN and phase function fnPrintLine('CCF', 'SN and phase function') expectedSN = np.sqrt( np.nansum([ fullCCFs[ccfName].nLines * (fullCCFs[ccfName].SN50**2) for ccfName in sorted(dataSelectedCCFList) ])) measuredNoise = np.nanstd(planetCCF) phaseFunction = { ccfName: fnPhaseFunction(planetParams.I, fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhaseFolded - .25, model='Lambert') \ for ccfName in dataSelectedCCFList} medianPhaseFunction = np.nanmedian(phaseFunction.values()) medianStarCCFContrast = np.nanmedian( [fullCCFs[ccfName].contrast for ccfName in dataSelectedCCFList]) albedoLimitNoise = (planetParams.a / planetParams.radiusPlanet)**2 * 1 / ( medianPhaseFunction) * (measuredNoise) albedoLimitCCF = (planetParams.a / planetParams.radiusPlanet)**2 * 1 / ( medianPhaseFunction) * (ccfAmplitude / medianStarCCFContrast) # endregion # region --- PERIODOGRAMS # fnPrintLine('CCF', 'Periodograms of normalised CCFs') # # # # # periodogram of template # fnPrintLine('CCF', 'Periodograms of star template') # starMask = np.ones(len(fullCCFs['template'].data), np.bool) # starMask[fullCCFs['template'].ccfMeanPixel - 3 * fullCCFs['template'].ccfFWHMPixels: \ # fullCCFs['template'].ccfMeanPixel + 3 * fullCCFs['template'].ccfFWHMPixels] = 0 # fullCCFs['template'].wave = fullCCFs['template'].wave.copy()[starMask] # fullCCFs['template'].wave = fullCCFs['template'].wave * fullCCFs['template'].CCFStep + fullCCFs['template'].CCFWaveIni # # # fullCCFs['template'].data = fullCCFs['template'].data.copy()[starMask] # # periodogramTemplateTimeSeries = pyPeriod.TimeSeries(fullCCFs['template'].wave, fullCCFs['template'].data) # periodogramTemplate = pyPeriod.LombScargle(periodogramTemplateTimeSeries, ofac=1, hifac=1) # # # # # computes the Lomb Scargle Periodogram of the RV using each frequency as a guess for the planet CCF # fnPrintLine('CCF', 'Periodograms of planet CCF') # # periodogramPlanetCCFTimeSeries = pyPeriod.TimeSeries(planetWave, planetCCF) # periodogramPlanetCCF = pyPeriod.LombScargle(periodogramPlanetCCFTimeSeries, ofac=1, hifac=1) # # # powerPeaks = [float(peak) for peak in cfgFile.get('periodograms', 'powerPeaks').strip('[]').split(',')] # print powerPeaks # # for power in powerPeaks: # print power, periodogramPlanetCCF.stats(power) # # # periodogram of RVs # fnPrintLine('CCF', 'Periodograms of RVs') # # periodogramRVTimeSeries = pyPeriod.TimeSeries(np.array([fullCCFs[ccfName].BJD for ccfName in fullCCFList]), \ # np.array([fullCCFs[ccfName].RV for ccfName in fullCCFList])) # periodogramRV = pyPeriod.LombScargle(periodogramRVTimeSeries, ofac=1, hifac=1) # endregion # region --- [PLOTS] pdfFile = PdfPages( os.path.join( resultsFolder, 'figures_{}.pdf'.format(cfgFile.get('global', 'resultsFolder')))) # region [PLOT] orbit points fnPrintLine('PLOT', 'orbit points') figPhases, axPhases = mplt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(12, 8)) phasesFullOrbit = np.arange(0., 1., .01) rvFullOrbit = [ -fnRVStarOrbitElipse(planetParams, phase - np.radians(planetParams.w) / (2 * np.pi)) / planetParams.massRatio for phase in phasesFullOrbit ] for ax in axPhases: ax.plot([fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhaseFolded for ccfName in sorted(fullCCFList)], \ [fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRV for ccfName in sorted(fullCCFList)], 'bd', markersize=8) ax.grid(b=True, which='major', color='k', linestyle='--', alpha=.3) # ax.set_ylim(-1.1*planetParams.k2,1.1*planetParams.k2) # ax.axhline(0.0, label= r'$RV_{CM}$') ax.axvline(0.25, label='transit', color='red') ax.axvline(0.75, label='opposition', color='green') ax.legend(loc='best', title='r$\phi = 0$ - Ascending node') ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 1, .05)) ax.plot(phasesFullOrbit, rvFullOrbit, 'b-', alpha=.3, markersize=8) # ax template axPhases[0].set_title('template points') templatePoints = axPhases[0].plot([fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhaseFolded for ccfName in sorted(templateCCFList)], \ [fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRV for ccfName in sorted(templateCCFList)], \ 'r*', markersize=16, label='{} ({} points)'.format('Template', len(templateCCFList))) # ax data axPhases[1].set_title('data points') dataPoints = axPhases[1].plot([fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhaseFolded for ccfName in sorted(dataCCFList)], \ [fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRV for ccfName in sorted(dataCCFList)], \ 'r*', markersize=16, label='{} ({} points)'.format('Data', len(dataCCFList))) figPhases.tight_layout() figPhases.savefig(pdfFile, format='pdf') # endregion # region [PLOT] template 2D normalised CCFS fnPrintLine('PLOT', '2D normalised CCFs') maxFlux = np.nanmax([np.nanmax((fullCCFs[ccfName].data / np.nanmedian(fullCCFs[ccfName].data) - 1) * 1000) \ for ccfName in fullCCFList]) minFlux = np.nanmin([np.nanmin((fullCCFs[ccfName].data / np.nanmedian(fullCCFs[ccfName].data) - 1) * 1000) \ for ccfName in fullCCFList]) # plot template nights 2D norm spectra fig2DNormCCFsTemplate = fnPlot2DCCFs( fullCCFs, templateCCFList, stellarCCFWidth=starWidth, title='normalised CCFs for template construction') fig2DNormCCFsTemplate.savefig(pdfFile, format='pdf') # endregion # region [PLOT] plot data nights 2D norm spectra fig2DNormCCFsPlanet = fnPlot2DCCFs(fullCCFs, dataCCFList, stellarCCFWidth = starWidth, title= 'normalised CCFs for planet recovery',\ RVRanges={ccfName:fullCCFs[ccfName].wave[rangeRVsPlanet[ccfName]] for ccfName in dataCCFList}) fig2DNormCCFsPlanet.savefig(pdfFile, format='pdf') # endregion # region [PLOT] phase function # fnPrintLine('PLOT', 'Phase function') # figPhaseFunction, axPhaseFunction = mplt.subplots() # phasefunctionFullOrbit = [fnPhaseFunction(planetParams.I, phase + .75, model='Lambert') for phase in # phasesFullOrbit] # # axPhaseFunction.plot(phasesFullOrbit, phasefunctionFullOrbit, 'k', alpha=0.5) # axPhaseFunction.plot([fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhaseFolded for ccfName in dataSelectedCCFList], \ # [phaseFunction[ccfName] for ccfName in dataSelectedCCFList], 'ro') # # # axPhaseFunction.set_xlim([0, 1]) # axPhaseFunction.axvline(.75, color='green', label='Opposition') # axPhaseFunction.axvline(.25, color='red', label='Transit') # axPhaseFunction.axhline(medianPhaseFunction, color='blue', # label='average phase function:{:.2f}'.format(medianPhaseFunction)) # axPhaseFunction.set_title('Phase function') # # figPhaseFunction.savefig(pdfFile, format='pdf') # endregion # # region [PLOT] Lomb Scargle Periodogram of template ccf fnPrintLine('PLOT', 'Lomb Scargle Periodogram of template ccf') figPeriodogramNormCCFs, axPeriodogramNormCCFs = mplt.subplots(2, 1) axPeriodogramNormCCFs[0].plot(fullCCFs['template'].wave, fullCCFs['template'].data, 'ko', markersize=2) axPeriodogramNormCCFs[0].yaxis.set_major_formatter( \ FuncFormatter(lambda y, pos: '{:.0f}'.format((y - np.nanmedian(fullCCFs['template'].data)) * 1e3))) axPeriodogramNormCCFs[0].set_xlim(min(fullCCFs['template'].wave), max(fullCCFs['template'].wave)) # axPeriodogramNormCCFs[1].plot([1 / freq for freq in periodogramTemplate.freq], periodogramTemplate.power, 'r') # axLombscargleNormCCFs[1].text(0.05,0.95, 'max frequency: {:.2f} km/s'.format(periodogramStarTemplateMaxFrequency*fullCCFs[periodogramFileList[0]].CCFStep) ,\ # fontsize = 12, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top',transform=axLombscargleNormCCFs[1].transAxes) axPeriodogramNormCCFs[0].set_title('Template') axPeriodogramNormCCFs[1].set_xlabel(r'RV period [km/s]') # axPeriodogramNormCCFs[1].set_xscale('log') # try: # axPeriodogramNormCCFs[1].set_xlim(float(cfgFile.get('periodograms', 'frequencyTemplateLow')), # float(cfgFile.get('periodograms', 'frequencyTemplateHigh'))) # except: # pass figPeriodogramNormCCFs.savefig(pdfFile, format='pdf') # endregion # region [PLOT] Lomb Scargle Periodogram of recovered planet CCF fnPrintLine('PLOT', 'Lomb Scargle Periodogram of recovered planet CCF') figPeriodogramPlanetCCF, axPeriodogramPlanetCCF = mplt.subplots(2, 1) axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].set_title('Planet CCF') axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].plot(planetWave, planetCCF, 'ko', markersize=1) # axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].plot(planetWave, fnGauss(planetWave,[ccfAmplitude, ccfMean, ccfFWHM, ccfB]), 'r') axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].axhline(1 - 1e-5, color='red') axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].axhline(1 + 1e-5, color='red') axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].axhline(1 - 1e-4, color='green') axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].axhline(1 + 1e-4, color='green') axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].axvline(-3.5, color='magenta') axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].axvline(3.5, color='magenta') axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].yaxis.set_major_formatter( \ FuncFormatter(lambda y, pos: '{:.0f}'.format((y - np.nanmedian(planetCCF)) * 1e6))) axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].set_ylabel(r'$1-\frac{F_p}{F/*}$[ppm]') axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[0].set_xlabel(r'radial velocity [km/s]') # axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[1].plot([1 / freq for freq in periodogramPlanetCCF.freq], # [power for power in periodogramPlanetCCF.power], 'r', markersize=1) axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[1].set_xlabel(r'RV period [km/s]') # axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[1].set_xscale('log') # try: # axPeriodogramPlanetCCF[1].set_xlim(float(cfgFile.get('periodograms', 'frequencyPlanetLow')), # float(cfgFile.get('periodograms', 'frequencyPlanetHigh'))) # except: # pass figPeriodogramPlanetCCF.savefig(pdfFile, format='pdf') # endregion # region [PLOT] RVs and periodogram # figPeriodogramRV, axPeriodogramRV = mplt.subplots(2, 1) # axPeriodogramRV[0].set_title('Julian date vs Star RV') # # axPeriodogramRV[0].plot([fullCCFs[ccfName].BJD - 2.45e6 for ccfName in fullCCFList], # [fullCCFs[ccfName].RV for ccfName in fullCCFList], 'bo') # axPeriodogramRV[0].set_xlabel(r'Julian date - 2450 000 [day]') # axPeriodogramRV[1].tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', bottom='on') # axPeriodogramRV[1].plot([1 / freq for freq in periodogramRV.freq], [power for power in periodogramRV.power], 'r', # markersize=1) # minor_ticks = np.arange(0, max([1 / freq for freq in periodogramRV.freq]), 10) # axPeriodogramRV[1].set_xticks(minor_ticks, minor=True) # axPeriodogramRV[1].set_xlabel(r'period [day]') # axPeriodogramPlanetPhases[1].set_xscale('log') # # try: # axPeriodogramRV[1].set_xlim(float(cfgFile.get('periodograms', 'frequencyRVLow')), # float(cfgFile.get('periodograms', 'frequencyRVHigh'))) # except: # pass # # figPeriodogramRV.savefig(pdfFile, format='pdf') # endregion # region [PLOT] write config parameters fnPrintLine('PLOT', 'write config parameters') strFormat = ' {:<20s} = {}\n' strSettings = '' for section_name in cfgFile.sections(): strSettings += '[{}]\n'.format(section_name) for name, value in cfgFile.items(section_name): lineLenght = 60 value = '\n'.join([ value[ini:ini + lineLenght] for ini in np.arange(0, len(value), lineLenght) ]) strSettings += strFormat.format(name, value) strSettings += '\n' figSettings, axSettings = mplt.subplots(figsize=(8.27, 11.69), tight_layout=True) axSettings.text(0.05, 0.95, strSettings, fontsize=12, \ horizontalalignment='left', \ verticalalignment='top', \ ) axSettings.axis('off') figSettings.savefig(pdfFile, format='pdf') # endregion # region [PLOT] recovered parameters fnPrintLine('PLOT', 'recovered parameters') strFormat = ' {:<20s} = {}\n' strPlanetRecoveredParams = '[Gauss Parameters]\n' strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format( 'Amplitude ($A_{CCF}$)', '{:.0f} ppm'.format(ccfAmplitude * 1e6)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format('Mean', '{:.1f} km/s'.format(ccfMean)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format('FWHM', '{:.1f} km/s'.format(ccfFWHM)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += '\n[Noise]\n' strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format('expected SN50', '{:.1e}'.format(expectedSN)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format( 'expected noise', '{:.1e}'.format(1 / expectedSN)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format( 'measured noise', '{:.1e}'.format(measuredNoise)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += '\n[Albedo]\n' strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format( r'Median Phase function $g(\alpha)$', '{:.2f} (maximum at opposition; minimum at transit)'.format( medianPhaseFunction)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format( r'Planet radius', '{:.0f} km'.format(planetParams.radiusPlanet)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format( r'semi-major axis', '{:.0f} km'.format(planetParams.a)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format( r'Min albedo [from noise]', '{:.2f}'.format(albedoLimitNoise)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += '\n\n' + r'$A_g = \left(\frac{a}{R_p}\right)^2 \times\, \frac{1}{avg(g(\alpha))} \times\, noise_{measured}$' + '\n\n' strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format( r'median star contrast', '{:.2f}'.format(medianStarCCFContrast)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format( r'Min albedo [from detected "ccf"]', '{:.2f}'.format(albedoLimitCCF)) strPlanetRecoveredParams += '\n\n' + r'$A_g = \left(\frac{a}{R_p}\right)^2 \times\, \frac{1}{avg(g(\alpha))} \times\, \frac{amplitude_{planet}}{median(contrast_{star})}$' + '\n\n' strPlanetRecoveredParams += strFormat.format( r'$\left(\frac{R_p}{a} \right)^2$', '{:.1e}'.format( (planetParams.radiusPlanet / planetParams.a)**2)) figParams, axParams = mplt.subplots(figsize=(8.27, 11.69), tight_layout=True) axParams.text(0.05, 0.95, strPlanetRecoveredParams, fontsize=12, \ horizontalalignment='left', \ verticalalignment='top', \ ) axParams.axis('off') figParams.savefig(pdfFile, format='pdf') # endregion pdfFile.close() # endregion # region --- [TEXT DATA] # region [TEXT DATA] initial configuration parameters with open( os.path.join( resultsFolder, 'initConfigParams_{}.txt'.format( cfgFile.get('global', 'resultsFolder'))), 'w') as textSettings: textSettings.write(strSettings) # endregion # region [TEXT DATA] Planet CCF # strFormat = '{:.10f}\t{:.10f}\t{:.10f}\n' strPlanetData = strFormat.replace('10f', '13s').format('# RV', 'planet_flux', 'ccf_Fit') for pixWave, pixPlanet, pixFit in zip(planetWave, planetCCF, planetFit): strPlanetData += strFormat.format(pixWave, pixPlanet, pixFit) with open( os.path.join( resultsFolder, 'planetCCFData_{}.txt'.format( cfgFile.get('global', 'resultsFolder'))), 'w') as textPlanetData: textPlanetData.write(strPlanetData) # endregion # region [TEXT DATA] List of CCFs for template strFormat = '{:.50s}\t{:.10f}\t{:.10f}\t{:.10f}\t{:.10f}\n' strData = strFormat.replace('10f', '13s').format('# filename', 'BJD', 'Phase', 'star RV', 'planet RV') for ccfName in templateCCFList: strData += strFormat.format(ccfName.split('/')[-1], fullCCFs[ccfName].BJD, \ fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhaseFolded, fullCCFs[ccfName].RV, \ fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRV) with open( os.path.join( resultsFolder, 'templateListData_{}.txt'.format( cfgFile.get('global', 'resultsFolder'))), 'w') as textTemplateData: textTemplateData.write(strData) # endregion # region [TEXT DATA] List of CCFs available for planet recovery strFormat = '{:.50s}\t{:.10f}\t{:.10f}\t{:.10f}\t{:.10f}\n' strData = strFormat.replace('.10f', '.13s').format('# filename', 'BJD', 'Phase', 'star RV', 'planet RV') for ccfName in dataCCFList: strData += strFormat.format(ccfName.split('/')[-1], fullCCFs[ccfName].BJD, \ fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhaseFolded, fullCCFs[ccfName].RV, \ fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRV) with open( os.path.join( resultsFolder, 'planetRecoveryData_{}.txt'.format( cfgFile.get('global', 'resultsFolder'))), 'w') as textTemplateData: textTemplateData.write(strData) # endregion # region [TEXT DATA] List of CCFs selected for planet recovery strFormat = '{:.50s}\t{:.10f}\t{:.10f}\t{:.10f}\t{:.10f}\n' strData = strFormat.replace('10f', '13s').format('# filename', 'BJD', 'Phase', 'star RV', 'planet RV') for ccfName in dataSelectedCCFList: strData += strFormat.format(ccfName.split('/')[-1], fullCCFs[ccfName].BJD, \ fullCCFs[ccfName].PlanetPhaseFolded, fullCCFs[ccfName].RV, \ fullCCFs[ccfName].planetRV) with open(os.path.join(resultsFolder, \ 'selectedPlanetRecoveryData_{}.txt'.format(cfgFile.get('global', 'resultsFolder'))), 'w') as textTemplateData: textTemplateData.write(strData) # endregion # region [TEXT DATA] recovered parameters with open( os.path.join( resultsFolder, 'planetRecoveredParams_{}.txt'.format( cfgFile.get('global', 'resultsFolder'))), 'w') as textSettings: textSettings.write(strPlanetRecoveredParams)
def main_function(): fnPrintLine('CONFIG', 'defining "blaze" curve') filename = '/home/jmartins/WORK/DataReduction/51Peg_UVES_Martins_et_al_2015/reduced/responseFilesWithGasgano/resampled_science_redl_0000.fits' hdulist = fileData = hdulist[0].data def fnInferInstrumentResponse(data): instrumentResponse = np.empty_like(data) nOrders = len(data) for order in np.arange(nOrders): orderData = data[order] orderResponse = instrumentResponse[order] orderWave = np.linspace(0, len(orderData) - 1, num=len(orderData)) fitParams = fnGaussFit(orderWave[np.nonzero(orderData)], orderData[np.nonzero(orderData)], \ GaussParamsInitGuess=[-max(orderData[np.nonzero(orderData)]), len(orderData) / 2, len(orderData) / 4, 0.], \ fixed=['Amplitude', 'B'] \ ) instrumentResponse[order] = fnGauss(orderWave, fitParams) return instrumentResponse instrumentResponse = fnInferInstrumentResponse(fileData) # for orderData, orderResponse in zip(fileData, response): # orderWave = np.linspace(0, len(orderData) - 1, num = len(orderData)); # mplt.plot(orderWave, orderData, 'kd'); # mplt.plot(orderWave, orderResponse, 'r'); # # # sys.exit() fnPrintLine('CONFIG', 'Getting file list, please wait') # if settings.specType.lower() == '1d': # specType = 'RED_SCI_POINT' # nOrders = 1 # if settings.specType.lower() == '2d': specType = 'WCALIB_SCIENCE' # try: # fnPrintLine('Config', 'list of data files provided: {}'.format(settings.dataList)) # scienceFiles = np.genfromtxt('{}/{}'.format(scienceInputFolder, settings.dataList), dtype = str) # # # scienceFiles = [fileName for fileName in scienceFiles \ # # if specType in fits.getheader('{}/{}'.format(scienceInputFolder, fileName))[ # # 'HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG'] # # ] # # # except: # fnPrintLine('Config', 'no data file list file provided, creating CCF for all files.') # scienceFiles = [fileName for fileName in os.listdir(scienceInputFolder) if # specType in fits.getheader('{}/{}'.format(scienceInputFolder, fileName))[ # 'HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG']] scienceFiles = ['{}/{}'.format(root, fileName) for root, dir, fileNames in os.walk(scienceInputFolder, topdown=False) \ for fileName in fileNames \ if specType in fits.getheader('{}/{}'.format(root, fileName))['HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG'] \ ] for fileName in scienceFiles: print fileName ccfProcessedList = [ '{}/{}'.format(scienceOuputFolder, fileName) for fileName in os.listdir(scienceOuputFolder) ] for fitsFile in scienceFiles: # Getting science data fnPrintLine('CONFIG', 'Processing: {} '.format(fitsFile)) scienceFile = rawScienceFileKey = 'UVES.{}.{}{}'.format( scienceFile[0].header['DATE-OBS'], scienceFile[0].header['HIERARCH ESO INS PATH'], scienceFile[0].header['HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 NAME']) ccfWriteFileName = '{}/{}_ccf.fits'.format(scienceOuputFolder, rawScienceFileKey) if ccfWriteFileName in ccfProcessedList: fnPrintLine( None, '{}_ccf.fits already been processed, skipping.'.format( rawScienceFileKey)) else: try: nOrders = scienceFile[0].header['NAXIS2'] fnPrintLine( 'CONFIG', '2D-Spectrum - Number of orders: {:>3} '.format(nOrders)) except: nOrders = 1 fnPrintLine('CONFIG', '1D-Spectrum') # Defining science and wave arrays if nOrders == 1: scienceData = scienceFile[0].data waveData = fnCreateWave2(scienceFile[0].header, 1, numberOrders=1) # mplt.plot(waveData,scienceData) elif nOrders > 1: scienceData = np.empty( (nOrders, scienceFile[0].header['NAXIS1'])) waveData = np.empty((nOrders, scienceFile[0].header['NAXIS1'])) for order in np.arange(nOrders): scienceData[order] = scienceFile[0].data[ order] / instrumentResponse[order][len( scienceFile[0].data[order])] waveData[order] = fnCreateWave2(scienceFile[0].header, order, numberOrders=nOrders) fnPrintLine('Mask', 'Building mask') maskData = np.genfromtxt('{}/masks/{}.mas'.format( ReductPath, settings.maskCCF)) # Compute CCF fnPrintLine('CCF', 'Computing CCF for: {} '.format(fitsFile)) # rangeRV = np.arange(settings.guessRV-settings.windowCCF + scienceFile[0].header['HIERARCH ESO QC VRAD BARYCOR'], settings.guessRV+settings.windowCCF + scienceFile[0].header['HIERARCH ESO QC VRAD BARYCOR'], settings.stepCCF) rangeRV = np.arange( settings.guessRV - settings.windowCCF - scienceFile[0].header['HIERARCH ESO QC VRAD BARYCOR'], settings.guessRV + settings.windowCCF - scienceFile[0].header['HIERARCH ESO QC VRAD BARYCOR'], settings.stepCCF) if nOrders == 1: rangeCCF, nLines = zip(*[ fnComputeCCF(scienceData, waveData, maskData, testRV) for testRV in rangeRV ]) fnPrintLine( None, 'Computing CCF for BERV corrected RV = {:.2f}km/s'.format( rangeRV[-1])) mplt.plot(rangeRV, rangeCCF / max(rangeCCF)) elif nOrders > 1: rangeCCF = np.empty((nOrders, len(rangeRV))) nLinesPerOrder = np.empty(nOrders) for order in np.arange(nOrders): fnPrintLine( 'CCF', 'Computing CCF for order {:>3}/{:<3} '.format( order + 1, nOrders)) rangeCCF[order], nLines = zip(*[ fnComputeCCF(scienceData[order], waveData[order], maskData, testRV) for testRV in rangeRV ]) nLinesPerOrder[order] = np.nanmin(nLines) fnPrintLine( None, 'Number of lines used for order {:>3}/{:<3}: {:>3.0f}'. format(order + 1, nOrders, nLinesPerOrder[order])) # Fit gaussian CCF if nOrders == 1: A, mean, FWHM, B = fnGaussianFitOLD( rangeRV, rangeCCF, GaussParamsInitGuess=[ max(rangeCCF) - min(rangeCCF), settings.guessRV - scienceFile[0].header['HIERARCH ESO QC VRAD BARYCOR'], 10., max(rangeCCF) ]) elif nOrders > 1: A = np.empty(nOrders) mean = np.empty(nOrders) FWHM = np.empty(nOrders) B = np.empty(nOrders) AErr = np.empty(nOrders) meanErr = np.empty(nOrders) FWHMErr = np.empty(nOrders) BErr = np.empty(nOrders) # from math_local.mathFunctions import fnGaussFit for order in np.arange(nOrders): # A[order], mean[order], FWHM[order], B[order] = fnGaussianFitOLD(rangeRV,rangeCCF[order],GaussParamsInitGuess =[max(rangeCCF[order])- min(rangeCCF[order]), settings.guessRV , 10., max(rangeCCF[order])]) A[order], mean[order], FWHM[order], B[order] = fnGaussFit( rangeRV, rangeCCF[order], GaussParamsInitGuess=[ max(rangeCCF[order]) - min(rangeCCF[order]), settings.guessRV - scienceFile[0]. header['HIERARCH ESO QC VRAD BARYCOR'], 10., max(rangeCCF[order]) ]) # building fits file CCFFits = fits.PrimaryHDU() CCFFits.header = scienceFile[0].header = rangeCCF # NLines per order for order in np.arange(nOrders): CCFFits.header.set( 'HIERARCH ESO DRS CCF LINES %2.f' % order, nLinesPerOrder[order], comment='Number of lines used to compute CCF of order %2.f' % order) # CCF Params CCFFits.header.set('CDELT1', settings.stepCCF, comment='step of CCF') CCFFits.header.set('CRVAL1', rangeRV[0], comment='first RV of CCF / beginning of CCF') # Gaussian fit params # CCFFits.header.set('HIERARCH ESO DRS CCF RVC', mean+ scienceFile[0].header['HIERARCH ESO QC VRAD BARYCOR'],comment='Computed Radial Velocity of target / mean of gaussian fit') # CCFFits.header.set('HIERARCH ESO DRS CCF RV', mean+ scienceFile[0].header['HIERARCH ESO QC VRAD BARYCOR'],comment='Computed Radial Velocity of target / mean of gaussian fit') # CCFFits.header.set('HIERARCH ESO DRS CCF NOISE', meanErr ,comment='error on radial velocity of target - to be implemented') # CCFFits.header.set('HIERARCH ESO DRS CCF FWHM', FWHM ,comment='FWHM of fitted CCF / FWHM of gaussian fit') # CCFFits.header.set('HIERARCH ESO DRS CCF CONTRAST', A/B ,comment='Contrast of CCF') fits.writeto(ccfWriteFileName,, CCFFits.header, clobber=True) fnPrintLine( 'PLOT', 'Saving image as pdf in {}'.format( './tmp/{}_ccfs.png'.format(rawScienceFileKey))) # mplt.ion() fig = mplt.figure(figsize=(100, 80), dpi=50) mplt.title(ccfWriteFileName.split('/')[-1]) for order in np.arange(nOrders): axOrder = fig.add_subplot(int(nOrders / 4) + 1, 4, order + 1) axOrder.plot(rangeRV, rangeCCF[order] / B[order], 'b') gaussFit = fnGauss( rangeRV, [A[order], mean[order], FWHM[order], B[order]]) axOrder.plot( rangeRV, gaussFit / B[order], 'r', ) axOrder.annotate( 'Order: %s \n N_lines: %.0f \n %.2f < lambda < %.2f' % (order, nLinesPerOrder[order], waveData[order][0], waveData[order][-1]), xy=(0.95, 0.05), xycoords='axes fraction', va='bottom', ha='right') axAll = fig.add_subplot( int(nOrders / 4) + 1, 4, 4 * (int(nOrders / 4) + 1)) wholeCCF = np.nansum(rangeCCF, axis=0) axAll.plot(rangeRV, wholeCCF / max(wholeCCF), 'g') axAll.annotate( 'All orders stacked \n N_lines: %.0f \n %.2f < lambda < %.2f' % (np.nansum(nLinesPerOrder), waveData[0][0], waveData[-1][-1]), xy=(0.95, 0.05), xycoords='axes fraction', va='bottom', ha='right') # mplt.draw() fig.savefig('./tmp/{}_ccfs.png'.format(rawScienceFileKey), format='png') mplt.close(fig)