def step3(): file = open('test_list.txt', 'r') dataset = [float(x.strip()) for x in file] file.close() print(dataset) t = np.linspace(start = -4, stop = 4, num = len(dataset)) #y = np.sin(t) + np.random.randn(len(t)) * 0.1 y=np.array(dataset) #print(y) a = dataset.copy() #===============loop start============== for loop_time in range(0,1): print("================= Loop times : ",loop_time+1,"================= ") total_list=[] temp_list=[] for i in range(0,len(a)-1): temp_list.append(a[i]) fall=a[i+1]-a[i] if abs(fall)>4: total_list.append(temp_list) temp_list=[] if i == len(a)-2: temp_list.append(dataset[-1]) total_list.append(temp_list) print("一共分为 ",len(total_list)," 组",total_list) new_list=total_list.copy() print("初始化") print("old : ",total_list) for loop_time_1 in range(0,15): start_point_in_original_list = find_longest_element_index(total_list) error_detect=0 try: for i in range(0,5): fall_list=round(new_list[i+1][0]-new_list[i][-1]) if abs(fall_list)>6 and len(new_list[i+1])<=6 or np.mean(new_list[i+1])>=60 and len(new_list[i+1])>=3: outlier_list=new_list[i+1] makeup_length=len(outlier_list) new_list.remove(outlier_list) for m in range(1,makeup_length+1): makeup_part=new_list[i][-1] new_list[i].append(makeup_part) error_detect=1 print("### after this combine, list number is: ",len(new_list)) except: pass c = [] for i in range(0, len(new_list)): for m in range(0, len(new_list[i])): c.append(new_list[i][m]) plt.plot(t, y, "b.-", t, c, "r.-") plt.title("loop times: " + str(loop_time_1 + 1)) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Value') plt.legend(['original data', 'smooth data']) plt.grid(True) if loop_time_1!=1 and error_detect==0: print("The loop is over!") break print("new : ",new_list) new_list=sum(new_list,[]) print("total group: ",len(new_list),new_list) a=new_list #============Loop End============ #output file = open('data_smooth_output.txt', 'w') for fp in new_list: file.write(str(fp)) file.write('\n') file.close()
def step3(cell_id): file = open('test_list.txt', 'r') dataset = [float(x.strip()) for x in file] file.close() t = np.linspace(start=-4, stop=4, num=len(dataset)) y = np.array(dataset) a = dataset.copy() #===============loop start============== for loop_time in range(0, 1): print("================= Loop times : ", loop_time + 1, "================= ") total_list = [] temp_list = [] for i in range(0, len(a) - 1): temp_list.append(a[i]) fall = a[i + 1] - a[i] if abs(fall) > 4: total_list.append(temp_list) temp_list = [] if i == len(a) - 2: temp_list.append(dataset[-1]) total_list.append(temp_list) new_list = total_list.copy() for loop_time_1 in range(0, 20): start_point_in_original_list = find_longest_element_index( total_list) i4 = relocate_start_point(len(total_list), start_point_in_original_list) error_detect = 0 try: for i in range(0, 30): fall_list = round(new_list[i + 1][0] - new_list[i][-1]) if (abs(fall_list) > 6 and len(new_list[i + 1]) <= 6) or ( np.mean(new_list[i + 1]) >= 50 and len(new_list[i + 1]) >= 3): outlier_list = new_list[i + 1] makeup_length = len(outlier_list) new_list.remove(outlier_list) for m in range(1, makeup_length + 1): makeup_part = new_list[i][-1] new_list[i].append(makeup_part) error_detect = 1 except: pass c = [] for i in range(0, len(new_list)): for m in range(0, len(new_list[i])): c.append(new_list[i][m]) #test on if loop_time_1 != 1 and error_detect == 0: standard_circle_list = [round(np.mean(sum(new_list, [])), 1) ] * len(dataset) plt.savefig( "G:\\2020summer\\Project\\Cell_classfication_1.0.0\\output_smooth\\" + str(cell_id) + ".jpg") break new_list = sum(new_list, []) #data_smooth_update def moving_average(interval, window_size): window = np.ones(int(window_size)) / float(window_size) return np.convolve(interval, window, 'same') # numpy的卷积函数 t = np.linspace(start=-4, stop=4, num=len(new_list)) window_size_number = 4 y_av = moving_average(interval=new_list, window_size=window_size_number) y_av[0:round(window_size_number / 2)] = y[0:round(window_size_number / 2)] y_av[-round(window_size_number / 2):] = y[-round(window_size_number / 2):] #test_mode #plt.title("Smoothed_Data",size=20) standard_circle_list = [round(np.mean(y), 1)] * len(dataset) plt.plot(t, y, "r.-", t, y_av, "g.-") plt.plot(t, standard_circle_list, "y.-") plt.legend(['original data', 'smooth data', 'standard circle'], prop={'size': 15}) font1 = { 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 20, } plt.tick_params(labelsize=15) plt.xlabel('Number of Points', font1) plt.ylabel('Distance to Center', font1) new_list = y_av a = new_list #============Loop End============ #output file = open('data_smooth_output.txt', 'w') for fp in new_list: file.write(str(fp)) file.write('\n') file.close()