예제 #1
def phiTuf(theta: float,
           d_x: float,
           d_y: float,
           radius: float = de) -> float:  # Move to Goal
    Merges a clockwise and a counterclockwise hyperbolic spiral and returns a coefficient of 
    movement that guides the robot to the ball, following the smallest path 
    y_l = d_y + radius
    y_r = d_y - radius

    ro_l = math_utils.norm(d_x, d_y - radius)
    ro_r = math_utils.norm(d_x, d_y + radius)

    phi_ccw = phiH(ro_l, theta, cw=True)
    phi_cw = phiH(ro_r, theta, cw=False)

    nh_ccw = Nh(phi_ccw)
    nh_cw = Nh(phi_cw)
    # The absolute value of y_l and y_r was not specified in the article, but the obtained results
    # with this trick are closer to the article images
    spiral_merge = (abs(y_l) * nh_ccw + abs(y_r) * nh_cw) / (2 * radius)

    if -radius <= d_y < radius:
        phi_tuf = atan2(spiral_merge[1], spiral_merge[0])
    elif d_y < -radius:
        phi_tuf = phiH(ro_l, theta, cw=False)
        phi_tuf = phiH(ro_r, theta, cw=True)

    return math_utils.wrapToPi(phi_tuf)
예제 #2
def phiAuf(obs_x: int,
           obs_y: int,
           r_x: int,
           r_y: int,
           r_o_dist: float,
           v_obs: list = v_obstacle(),
           v_rob: list = v_robot(),
           ko: float = ko) -> float:  # Avoid Obstacles
    Returns an avoidance coefficient, relative to the obstacle, considering the obstacle's position and velocity, 
    as well as the robot's position and velocity
    obstacle_position = np.array([obs_x, obs_y])

    s_vec = ko * (v_obs - v_rob)
    s_norm = math_utils.norm(s_vec[0], s_vec[1])
    obs_robot_dist = r_o_dist

    if obs_robot_dist >= s_norm:
        p_line_obs = obstacle_position + s_vec
        p_line_obs = obstacle_position + obs_robot_dist * s_vec / s_norm

    delta_x, delta_y = math_utils.delta_axis(p_line_obs[0], p_line_obs[1], r_x,
    phi_auf = phiR(delta_x, delta_y)

    return math_utils.wrapToPi(phi_auf)
예제 #3
def phiComposed(phi_tuf: float,
                phi_auf: float,
                R: float,
                obstacles: List[Tuple],
                delta: float = delta,
                d_min: float = d_min) -> float:  # Composition
    Merges the avoidance and movement coefficients and returns a coefficient of movement, considering the obstacles and robot's position
    if obstacles is None:
        phi_composed = math_utils.wrapToPi(phi_tuf)
        gauss = math_utils.gaussian(R - d_min, delta)

        if R <= d_min:
            phi_composed = phi_auf
            # phi_composed = phi_auf * G(R - d_min, delta_const) + phi_tuf * (1 - G(R - d_min, delta_const))
            diff = math_utils.wrapToPi(phi_auf - phi_tuf)
            phi_composed = math_utils.wrapToPi(gauss * diff + phi_tuf)

    return math_utils.wrapToPi(phi_composed)
예제 #4
def phiH(ro: float,
         theta: float,
         cw: bool = False,
         radius: float = de,
         kr: float = kr) -> float:  # Hyperbolic
    Returns a coefficient of a hyperbolic spiral that guides the robot to the ball
    The direction of rotation of the spiral has been inverted, cause by passing as in the article, 
    the clockwise direction becomes counterclockwise and vice versa

    if ro > radius:
        angle = (pi / 2) * (2 - ((radius + kr) / (ro + kr)))
    elif 0 <= ro <= radius:
        angle = (pi / 2) * sqrt(ro / radius)

    if cw:
        return math_utils.wrapToPi(theta + angle)
        return math_utils.wrapToPi(theta - angle)