예제 #1
    def isMouthOpen(facePoints):
        # determing if the mouthis open or not.
        # will calculate average distance between top and bottom poitns of mouth
        # if the ratio is closer to 0, then mouth is closed
        # if not, then mouth is open
        # print(facePoints)
        leftCorner = facePoints[60]
        rightCorner = facePoints[64]
        horizontalDistance = mat.distance(leftCorner[0], leftCorner[1],
                                          rightCorner[0], rightCorner[1])

        # dictionary -- maps each point to point right across from it.
        # only looks at bottom part of upper lip
        pointsAcross = {61: 67, 62: 66, 63: 65}

        average = 0
        for key, val in pointsAcross.items():
            point1 = facePoints[key]
            # print("Val", val)
            point2 = facePoints[val]

            # calculates distance between 2 points
            distance = mat.distance(point1[0], point1[1], point2[0], point2[1])
            average += distance

        average /= len(pointsAcross)

        ratio = average / horizontalDistance

        if ratio < MouthCircle.MOUTH_OPEN_MIN_RATIO:
            return False
            return True
예제 #2
    def isFruitInMouth(facePoints, fruit, isMouthOpen):
        print("This method is at least being called")
        # sys.exit(0)
        # determines if a fruit has collided with the user's mouth
        # basically, i want to check if the center of the fruit is within the
        # bounding rectangle of the person's open mouth. But first and foremost
        # it needs to ensure that the mouth is open, so we will start with that.

        # isMouthOpen = MouthCircle.isMouthOpen(facePoints)
        # if the mouth is not open, then there are no collissions possible
        print("is mouth open", isMouthOpen)
        # time.sleep(0.01)
        if not isMouthOpen:
            return False
            # getting bounding box of open mouth region
            # starting point will be the point at the 61st index
            # ending point will the point at the 65th index
            # startX = facePoints[49][0]
            # startY = facePoints[49][1]
            # endX = facePoints[55][0]
            # endY = facePoints[55][1]

            # print("testing the starting and ending values", startX, startY, endX, endY); time.sleep(1)

            # rect = Rectangle(startX, startY, endX, endY)
            # # creates a rectangle
            # # if the point is in the rectangle, then return True
            # # otherwise, return false
            # if rect.pointInRectangle(fruit.x, fruit.y):
            #     return True
            # else:
            #     return False

            # going to create a circle around the mouth and hopefully that
            # will work

            # create a circle with diamter left most point to the right most point
            # top left corner is
            # y-value of 50, xvalue of 48, diamater of 48-54
            print("GETING TO THE ELSE")
            # THIS PART IS WHERE IT F***S UP
            x = facePoints[48][
                0] * 4  # blowing it up by the scale factor! I think this will work...
            y = facePoints[50][1] * 4  # same deal
            print("x", x, "y", y)
            radius = mat.distance(facePoints[48][0] * 4, facePoints[48][1] * 4,
                                  facePoints[54][0] * 4,
                                  facePoints[54][1] * 4) / 2
            centerX = x + radius - 30
            centerY = y + radius - 50

            print("radius", radius, "distance",
                  mat.distance(fruit.x, fruit.y, centerX, centerY))
            if mat.distance(fruit.x, fruit.y, centerX,
                            centerY) <= radius * 1.5:
                return True
                return False
예제 #3
 def test_distance_with_test_data(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, expected):
     dist = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
     assert isclose(dist, expected)
예제 #4
def playGameTimerFired(data):

    if data.gameMode == "classic":
        # with lives and shit classic game mode here
        if data.lives < 0:
            data.mode = "gameOver"

    elif data.gameMode == "timeTrial":
        data.timesFired += 1
        # print(data.milliElapsed)
        if data.timesFired == 50:
            if data.timeLeft > 0:
                data.timeLeft -= 1
                data.timesFired = 0
                data.mode = "gameOver"

    # making items fall w/gravity
    for fruit in data.fruits:
        # updates the positions of all the fruits in the list
        dvy = data.g * data.dt
        fruit.vy += dvy
        dy = fruit.vy * data.dt
        dx = fruit.vx * data.dt
        # sys.exit(0)
        print("f**k me")
        # sys.exit(0)
        fruit.y += dy
        fruit.x += dx
        # sys.exit(0)

    # for now do the collission

    for fruitInd in range(len(data.fruits)):
        if fruitInd in range(len(data.fruits)):
            fruit = data.fruits[fruitInd]
        if fruit.y > data.height and fruit.vy > 0:
            # dealing with separate cases if the fruit falls during time trial
            # and classic modes
            if data.gameMode == "timeTrial":
                data.score -= 3
            elif data.gameMode == "classic":
                if (fruit.color != "green"
                        and fruit.color != data.colors["green"]
                        and fruit.color != "red"
                        and fruit.color != data.colors["red"]):
                    data.lives -= 1
            if fruit in data.fruits:
        if fruit.x <= 0:
            # data.score -= 3
            # data.fruits.pop(data.fruits.index(fruit))
            fruit.vx = -fruit.vx
        if fruit.x + 2 * fruit.radius >= data.width:
            # data.score -= 3
            # data.fruits.pop(data.fruits.index(fruit))
            fruit.vx = -fruit.vx
            for i in range(fruitInd + 1, len(data.fruits)):
                fruit2 = data.fruits[i]
                if (mat.distance(fruit.x, fruit.y, fruit2.x, fruit2.y) <=
                        fruit.radius * 2):
                    doCollision(fruit, fruit2, data)

    # after this many milliseconds, create another fruit
    if data.timeBeforeNextFruit <= 0:
        # randomly picking a color and item
        # randomly creates the next location of when it should go up
        data.timeBeforeNextFruit = random.randint(
            0, data.levelFruitFrequency[data.level])

    print("time before next fruit", data.timeBeforeNextFruit)
    data.timeBeforeNextFruit -= 10



    # creating the text for the score
예제 #5
 def test_distance_on_exceptions(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, error_type):
     with pytest.raises(error_type):
         distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)