예제 #1
파일: formula.py 프로젝트: wglas85/math
    def _reduceAst(self):

        if len(self.stack) < 4:
            return False

        last = self.stack[-1]
        last1 = self.stack[-2]
        last2 = self.stack[-3]
        last3 = self.stack[-4]

        if last3.precedence == 0xf and last2.hasAst(
        ) and last1.operator == ')':

            func = BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS.get(last3.operator)

            # take into account sign before brace...
            if func != None:

                ast2 = last2.getAst()

                if last3.operator == "root":

                    if type(ast2) != tuple or len(ast2) != 2:
                        raise ParseException(
                            "root must have exaclty two positional arguments.",
                            self.formula, self.position)

                    # root operator
                    if last3.value < 0.0:
                        last2.ast = ast.AstNegation(
                            ast.AstRoot(ast2[1], ast2[0]))
                        last2.ast = ast.AstRoot(ast2[1], ast2[0])

                    if type(ast2) == tuple:
                        raise ParseException(
                            "builtin function must not have more than one positional argument.",
                            self.formula, self.position)

                    # builtin function
                    if last3.value < 0.0:
                        last2.ast = ast.AstNegation(
                            ast.AstFunctionCall(last3.operator, ast2))
                        last2.ast = ast.AstFunctionCall(last3.operator, ast2)

                # open brace with negation
                if last3.value < 0.0:
                    last2.ast = ast.AstNegation(last2.getAst())

            # x( <number> ) yyy -> x( <number> yyy
            # x( <number> yyy -> <number> yyy

            if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
                log.debug("_reduceAst(parentheses): stack is now %s" %

            return True

        # <number> <op1> <number> <op2>
        if last3.hasAst() and last1.hasAst():

            # <op1> has a lower precedence than pending <op2>, do nothing
            if last2.precedence < last.precedence:
                return False

            # exponentiation is right-associative.
            if last.precedence == 3 and last2.precedence == 3:
                return False

            if last2.operator == ',':

                ast3 = last3.getAst()

                if type(ast3) == tuple:
                    last3.ast = ast3 + (last1.getAst(), )
                    last3.ast = (ast3, last1.getAst())

            elif last2.operator == '+' or last2.operator == '-' or last2.operator == '*' or last2.operator == '/' or last2.operator == '^':
                last3.ast = ast.AstBinaryOperator(last3.getAst(),
                return False

            # <number> <op1> <number> <op2> -> <number> <op2> ->

            if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
                log.debug("_reduceAst(binary): stack is now %s" % self.stack)

            return True

        return False
예제 #2
파일: formula.py 프로젝트: wglas85/math
    def _reduce(self):

        if len(self.stack) < 4:
            return False

        last = self.stack[-1]
        last1 = self.stack[-2]
        last2 = self.stack[-3]
        last3 = self.stack[-4]

        if last3.precedence == 0xf and last2.isNumber(
        ) and last1.operator == ')':

            func = BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS.get(last3.operator)

            # take into account sign before brace...
            if func != None:
                # builtin function
                if type(last2.value) == tuple:
                    # multi-arg functions.
                    last2.value = last3.value * func(*last2.value)
                    last2.value = last3.value * func(last2.value)
                # opening brace
                last2.value *= last3.value

            # x( <number> ) yyy -> x( <number> yyy
            # x( <number> yyy -> <number> yyy

            if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
                log.debug("_reduce(parentheses): stack is now %s" % self.stack)

            return True

        # <number> <op1> <number> <op2>
        if last3.isNumber() and last1.isNumber():

            # <op1> has a lower precedence than pending <op2>, do nothing
            if last2.precedence < last.precedence:
                return False

            # exponentiation is right-associative.
            if last.precedence == 3 and last2.precedence == 3:
                return False

            if last2.operator == ',':
                if type(last3.value) == tuple:
                    last3.value += (last1.value, )
                    last3.value = (last3.value, last1.value)
            elif last2.operator == '+':
                last3.value += last1.value
            elif last2.operator == '-':
                last3.value -= last1.value
            elif last2.operator == '*':
                last3.value *= last1.value
            elif last2.operator == '/':
                last3.value /= last1.value
            elif last2.operator == '^':
                last3.value = math.pow(last3.value, last1.value)
                return False

            # <number> <op1> <number> <op2> -> <number> <op2> ->

            if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
                log.debug("_reduce(binary): stack is now %s" % self.stack)

            return True

        return False
예제 #3
파일: formula.py 프로젝트: wglas85/math
    def _pushToken(self):

        c = self._skipWhite()

        if c == None:
            if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
                log.debug("_pushToken(EOS): stack is now %s" % self.stack)
            return False

        token = None
        sign = 1.0

        if c == "(":
            token = Token.newOpeningParentheses(sign)
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == ")":
            token = Token.newClosingParentheses()
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == ",":
            token = Token.newOperator(c, 0)
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == "^":
            token = Token.newOperator(c, 3)
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == "/" or c == "*":
            token = Token.newOperator(c, 2)
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == "+":
            token = Token.newOperator(c, 1)
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == "-":
            # check, whether this is a sign after an operator or at the start of an expression.
            if (len(self.stack) <= 0 or self.stack[-1].precedence > 0):

                c = self._advance()

                if c != None:
                    c = self._skipWhite()

                if c == None:
                    raise ParseException(
                        "Unexpected end of formula after minus sign.",
                        self.formula, self.position)

                sign = -1.0

                if c == '-':
                    raise ParseException(
                        "Formula contains superfluous minus signs.",
                        self.formula, self.position)

                if c == '(':
                    token = Token.newOpeningParentheses(sign)
                    c = self._advance()

                # binary minus operator.
                token = Token.newOperator(c, 1)
                c = self._advance()

        if token == None:

            # check for identifier
            if c in string.ascii_letters or c in GREEK_LETTERS or c == "_":

                spos = self.position
                c = self._advance()

                # valid variable names are _asdf123 ___3 _asd2_3d

                while (c != None
                       and (c in string.ascii_letters or c in GREEK_LETTERS
                            or c == '_' or c in string.digits)):
                    c = self._advance()

                variable = self.formula[spos:self.position]

                # FIXME check for builtin function
                func = BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS.get(variable)

                if func == None:

                    if self.variables == None:
                        # AST parsing
                        token = Token.newVariable(variable, sign)
                        # classical, immediate evaluation
                        value = self.variables.get(variable)

                        if value == None:
                            raise ParseException(
                                "Formula contains unknown variable [%s]." %
                                variable, self.formula, self.position)

                        token = Token.newNumber(value * sign)

                    c = self._skipWhite()

                    if c != "(":
                        raise ParseException(
                            "Formula does not contain an openeing paraentheses after builin function [%s]."
                            % variable, self.formula, self.position)

                    c = self._advance()

                    token = Token.newBuiltin(variable, sign)

            elif c in string.digits or c == ".":

                spos = self.position
                ndigits = 0

                # number befor the decimal point
                while (c != None and c in string.digits):
                    c = self._advance()
                    ndigits += 1

                # decimal point present?
                if (self.position < len(self.formula) and c == '.'):

                    c = self._advance()

                    # digits after the decimal point
                    while (c != None and c in string.digits):
                        c = self._advance()
                        ndigits += 1

                # no digits so far
                if ndigits == 0:
                    raise ParseException("Formula contains a plain dot.",
                                         self.formula, self.position)

                # check for exponent
                if c == 'E' or c == 'e':

                    edigits = 0
                    # check for sign of exponent
                    c = self._advance()

                    if c == '+' or c == '-':
                        c = self._advance()

                    # digits after the decimal point
                    while (c != None and c in string.digits):
                        c = self._advance()
                        edigits += 1

                    if edigits == 0:
                        raise ParseException(
                            "Formula contains number with no digist after exponent.",
                            self.formula, self.position)

                numberString = self.formula[spos:self.position]
                token = Token.newNumber(float(numberString) * sign)

                raise ParseException(
                    "Formula contains unexpected character [%s]." % c,
                    self.formula, self.position)


        if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
            log.debug("_pushToken: stack is now %s" % self.stack)

        return True
예제 #4
파일: formula.py 프로젝트: wglas85/math
    def _reduceAst(self):
        if len(self.stack)<4:
            return False
        last = self.stack[-1];
        last1 = self.stack[-2];
        last2 = self.stack[-3];
        last3 = self.stack[-4];
        if last3.precedence == 0xf and last2.hasAst() and last1.operator == ')':
            func = BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS.get(last3.operator)
            # take into account sign before brace...
            if func != None:
                ast2 = last2.getAst()
                if last3.operator == "root":

                    if type(ast2) != tuple or len(ast2) != 2:
                        raise ParseException("root must have exaclty two positional arguments.",self.formula,self.position);
                    # root operator
                    if last3.value < 0.0 :
                        last2.ast = ast.AstNegation(ast.AstRoot(ast2[1],ast2[0]))
                        last2.ast = ast.AstRoot(ast2[1],ast2[0])
                    if type(ast2) == tuple:
                        raise ParseException("builtin function must not have more than one positional argument.",self.formula,self.position);

                    # builtin function
                    if last3.value < 0.0 :
                        last2.ast = ast.AstNegation(ast.AstFunctionCall(last3.operator,ast2))
                        last2.ast = ast.AstFunctionCall(last3.operator,ast2)
                # open brace with negation
                if last3.value < 0.0 :
                    last2.ast = ast.AstNegation(last2.getAst())
            # x( <number> ) yyy -> x( <number> yyy
            # x( <number> yyy -> <number> yyy
            if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
                log.debug("_reduceAst(parentheses): stack is now %s"%self.stack)

            return True
        # <number> <op1> <number> <op2>
        if last3.hasAst() and last1.hasAst() :
            # <op1> has a lower precedence than pending <op2>, do nothing
            if last2.precedence < last.precedence:
                return False
            # exponentiation is right-associative.
            if last.precedence == 3 and last2.precedence == 3:
                return False
            if last2.operator == ',':
                ast3 = last3.getAst()
                if type(ast3) == tuple:
                    last3.ast = ast3 + (last1.getAst(),)
                    last3.ast = (ast3,last1.getAst())

            elif last2.operator == '+' or last2.operator == '-' or last2.operator == '*' or last2.operator == '/'or last2.operator ==  '^':
                last3.ast = ast.AstBinaryOperator(last3.getAst(),last2.operator,last1.getAst());
                return False
            # <number> <op1> <number> <op2> -> <number> <op2> -> 
            if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
                log.debug("_reduceAst(binary): stack is now %s"%self.stack)

            return True

        return False
예제 #5
파일: formula.py 프로젝트: wglas85/math
    def _reduce(self):
        if len(self.stack)<4:
            return False
        last = self.stack[-1];
        last1 = self.stack[-2];
        last2 = self.stack[-3];
        last3 = self.stack[-4];
        if last3.precedence == 0xf and last2.isNumber() and last1.operator == ')':
            func = BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS.get(last3.operator)
            # take into account sign before brace...
            if func != None:
                # builtin function
                if type(last2.value) == tuple:
                    # multi-arg functions.
                    last2.value = last3.value * func(*last2.value)
                    last2.value = last3.value * func(last2.value)
                # opening brace
                last2.value *= last3.value;
            # x( <number> ) yyy -> x( <number> yyy
            # x( <number> yyy -> <number> yyy
            if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
                log.debug("_reduce(parentheses): stack is now %s"%self.stack)

            return True
        # <number> <op1> <number> <op2>
        if last3.isNumber() and last1.isNumber() :
            # <op1> has a lower precedence than pending <op2>, do nothing
            if last2.precedence < last.precedence:
                return False
            # exponentiation is right-associative.
            if last.precedence == 3 and last2.precedence == 3:
                return False
            if last2.operator == ',':
                if type(last3.value) == tuple:
                    last3.value += (last1.value,)
                    last3.value = (last3.value,last1.value)
            elif last2.operator == '+':
                last3.value += last1.value
            elif last2.operator == '-':
                last3.value -= last1.value
            elif last2.operator == '*':
                last3.value *= last1.value;
            elif last2.operator == '/':
                last3.value /= last1.value;
            elif last2.operator ==  '^':
                last3.value = math.pow(last3.value,last1.value);
                return False
            # <number> <op1> <number> <op2> -> <number> <op2> -> 
            if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
                log.debug("_reduce(binary): stack is now %s"%self.stack)

            return True

        return False
예제 #6
파일: formula.py 프로젝트: wglas85/math
    def _pushToken(self):
        c = self._skipWhite()
        if c == None:
            if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
                log.debug("_pushToken(EOS): stack is now %s"%self.stack)
            return False
        token = None
        sign = 1.0
        if c == "(":
            token = Token.newOpeningParentheses(sign)
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == ")":
            token = Token.newClosingParentheses()
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == ",":
            token = Token.newOperator(c,0)
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == "^":
            token = Token.newOperator(c,3)
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == "/" or c == "*":
            token = Token.newOperator(c,2)
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == "+":
            token = Token.newOperator(c,1)
            c = self._advance()
        elif c == "-":
            # check, whether this is a sign after an operator or at the start of an expression.
            if (len(self.stack) <= 0 or
                self.stack[-1].precedence > 0):
                c = self._advance()
                if c != None:
                    c = self._skipWhite()
                if c == None:
                    raise ParseException("Unexpected end of formula after minus sign.",self.formula,self.position)
                sign = -1.0;
                if c=='-':
                    raise ParseException("Formula contains superfluous minus signs.",self.formula,self.position)
                if c=='(':
                    token = Token.newOpeningParentheses(sign);
                    c = self._advance()
                # binary minus operator.
                token = Token.newOperator(c,1)
                c = self._advance()
        if token == None:
            # check for identifier
            if c in string.ascii_letters or c in GREEK_LETTERS or c == "_":
                spos = self.position
                c = self._advance()
                # valid variable names are _asdf123 ___3 _asd2_3d
                while (c != None and
                       (c in string.ascii_letters or
                        c in GREEK_LETTERS or
                        c == '_' or c in string.digits)):
                    c = self._advance()

                variable = self.formula[spos:self.position]
                # FIXME check for builtin function
                func = BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS.get(variable)
                if func == None:
                    if self.variables == None:
                        # AST parsing
                        token = Token.newVariable(variable,sign)
                        # classical, immediate evaluation
                        value = self.variables.get(variable)
                        if value == None:
                            raise ParseException("Formula contains unknown variable [%s]."%variable,self.formula,self.position)

                        token = Token.newNumber(value*sign)
                    c = self._skipWhite()
                    if c != "(":
                        raise ParseException("Formula does not contain an openeing paraentheses after builin function [%s]."%variable,self.formula,self.position)
                    c = self._advance()
                    token = Token.newBuiltin(variable,sign)
            elif c in string.digits or c == ".":
                spos = self.position
                ndigits = 0
                # number befor the decimal point
                while (c != None and
                       c in string.digits):
                    c = self._advance()
                    ndigits += 1
                # decimal point present?
                if (self.position < len(self.formula) and
                       c == '.'):
                    c = self._advance()
                    # digits after the decimal point
                    while (c != None and
                       c in string.digits):
                        c = self._advance()
                        ndigits += 1
                # no digits so far
                if ndigits == 0:
                    raise ParseException("Formula contains a plain dot.",self.formula,self.position)
                # check for exponent
                if c == 'E' or c == 'e':
                    edigits = 0
                    # check for sign of exponent
                    c = self._advance()
                    if c == '+' or c == '-':
                        c = self._advance()
                    # digits after the decimal point
                    while (c != None and
                       c in string.digits):
                        c = self._advance()
                        edigits += 1
                    if edigits == 0:
                        raise ParseException("Formula contains number with no digist after exponent.",self.formula,self.position)
                numberString = self.formula[spos:self.position]
                token = Token.newNumber(float(numberString)*sign)
                raise ParseException("Formula contains unexpected character [%s]."%c,self.formula,self.position)
        if (log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)):
            log.debug("_pushToken: stack is now %s"%self.stack)
        return True