def plotmeshval(val,ixmin=None,ixmax=None,iymin=None,iymax=None, r_min=None,r_max=None,z_min=None,z_max=None,title=None,units=None, block=True): """ plotmeshval(val,ixmin=<int>,ixmax=<int>,iymin=<int>,iymax=<int> title=<string>,units=<string>,block=<True|False>) Display 2-D quantity using polyfill. where ixmin, ixmax, iymin, and iymax are integer variables or expressions used to plot a portion of the grid. title is used as both the title and the figure name. Units are displayed in the side colorbar. Block default is True. The plot axis limits may be specified with r_rmin,r_max,z_min,z_max. """ if ixmin == None: ixmin = com.nxomit if ixmax == None: ixmax = (com.nxm-1) if iymin == None: iymin = 0 if iymax == None: iymax = (com.ny-1) if r_min == None: r_min = com.rm.min() if r_max == None: r_max = com.rm.max() if z_min == None: z_min = if z_max == None: z_max = rcdefaults() if title == None: title='Uedge' fig, ax = plt.subplots() verts = np.array([]) z = np.array([]) for ix in range(ixmax-ixmin+1): for iy in range(iymax-iymin+1): v = [] v.append([com.rm[ix,iy,1],[ix,iy,1]]) v.append([com.rm[ix,iy,2],[ix,iy,2]]) v.append([com.rm[ix,iy,4],[ix,iy,4]]) v.append([com.rm[ix,iy,3],[ix,iy,3]]) verts = np.append(verts,v) z = np.append(z,val[ix,iy]) verts = verts.reshape(len(z),4,2) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_ylabel('Z (m)') ax.set_xlabel('R (m)') ax.set_aspect('equal') coll = PolyCollection(verts,array=z,cmap=cm.jet,edgecolors='face') ax.add_collection(coll) ax.autoscale_view() cbar = fig.colorbar(coll,ax=ax) #if units != None:,rotation=-90,va='bottom') if units != None:,va='bottom') plt.ylim(z_min,z_max) plt.xlim(r_min,r_max) plt.ion() plt.pause(0.001)
def symbols(x, y, symbols, size, axes=None, units='inches'): """ Draws fixed-size symbols. See :mod:`iris.symbols` for available symbols. Args: * x: iterable The x coordinates where the symbols will be plotted. * y: iterable The y coordinates where the symbols will be plotted. * symbols: iterable The symbols (from :mod:`iris.symbols`) to plot. * size: float The symbol size in `units`. Kwargs: * axes: the :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` to use for drawing. Defaults to the current axes if none provided. * units: ['inches', 'points'] The unit for the symbol size. """ if axes is None: axes = plt.gca() offsets = np.array(list(zip(x, y))) # XXX "match_original" doesn't work ... so brute-force it instead. # PatchCollection constructor ignores all non-style keywords when using # match_original # See matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection.__init__ # Specifically matplotlib/collections line 1053 # pc = PatchCollection(symbols, offsets=offsets, transOffset=ax.transData, # match_original=True) facecolors = [p.get_facecolor() for p in symbols] edgecolors = [p.get_edgecolor() for p in symbols] linewidths = [p.get_linewidth() for p in symbols] pc = mpl_collections.PatchCollection(symbols, offsets=offsets, transOffset=axes.transData, facecolors=facecolors, edgecolors=edgecolors, linewidths=linewidths) if units == 'inches': scale = axes.figure.dpi elif units == 'points': scale = axes.figure.dpi / 72.0 else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised units: '%s'" % units) pc.set_transform(mpl_transforms.Affine2D().scale(0.5 * size * scale)) axes.add_collection(pc) axes.autoscale_view()