예제 #1
class Chart(object):
    Simple and clean facade to Matplotlib's plotting API.
    A chart instance abstracts a plotting device, on which one or
    multiple related plots can be drawn. Charts can be exported as images, or
    visualized interactively. Each chart instance will always open in its own
    GUI window, and this window will never block the execution of the rest of
    the program, or interfere with other L{Chart}s.
    The GUI can be safely opened in the background and closed infinite number
    of times, as long as the client program is still running.
    By default, a chart contains a single plot:
    >>> chart.plot
    >>> chart.plot.hist(...)
    If C{rows} and C{columns} are defined, the chart will contain
    C{rows} x C{columns} number of plots (equivalent to MPL's sub-plots).
    Each plot can be assessed by its index:
    >>> chart.plots[0]
    first plot
    or by its position in the grid:
    >>> chart.plots[0, 1]
    plot at row=0, column=1
    @param number: chart number; by default this a L{Chart.AUTONUMBER}
    @type number: int or None
    @param title: chart master title
    @type title: str
    @param rows: number of rows in the chart window
    @type rows: int
    @param columns: number of columns in the chart window
    @type columns: int
    @note: additional arguments are passed directly to Matplotlib's Figure


    _serial = 0

    def __init__(self,

        if number == Chart.AUTONUMBER:
            Chart._serial += 1
            number = Chart._serial

        if rows < 1:
            rows = 1
        if columns < 1:
            columns = 1

        self._rows = int(rows)
        self._columns = int(columns)
        self._number = int(number)
        self._title = str(title)
        self._figure = Figure(*fa, **fk)
        self._figure._figure_number = self._number
        self._beclass = backend
        self._hasgui = False
        self._plots = PlotsCollection(self._figure, self._rows, self._columns)
        self._canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(self._figure)

        formats = [(f.upper(), f)
                   for f in self._canvas.get_supported_filetypes()]
        self._formats = csb.core.Enum.create('OutputFormats', **dict(formats))

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        if i in self._plots:
            return self._plots[i]
            raise KeyError('No such plot number: {0}'.format(i))

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *a, **k):

    def _backend(self):
        return Backend.get(self._beclass, started=True)

    def _backend_started(self):
        return Backend.query(self._beclass)

    def title(self):
        Chart title
        @rtype: str
        return self._title

    def number(self):
        Chart number
        @rtype: int
        return self._number

    def plots(self):
        Index-based access to the plots in this chart
        @rtype: L{PlotsCollection}
        return self._plots

    def plot(self):
        First plot
        @rtype: matplotlib.AxesSubplot
        return self._plots[0]

    def rows(self):
        Number of rows in this chart
        @rtype: int
        return self._rows

    def columns(self):
        Number of columns in this chart
        @rtype: int
        return self._columns

    def width(self):
        Chart's width in inches
        @rtype: int
        return self._figure.get_figwidth()

    def width(self, inches):
        if self._backend_started:

    def height(self):
        Chart's height in inches
        @rtype: int
        return self._figure.get_figheight()

    def height(self, inches):
        if self._backend_started:

    def dpi(self):
        Chart's DPI
        @rtype: int
        return self._figure.get_dpi()

    def dpi(self, dpi):

    def formats(self):
        Supported output file formats
        @rtype: L{csb.core.enum}
        return self._formats

    def show(self):
        Show the GUI window (non-blocking).
        if not self._hasgui:
            self._hasgui = True


    def hide(self):
        Hide (but do not dispose) the GUI window.

    def dispose(self):
        Dispose the GUI interface. Must be called at the end if any
        chart.show() calls have been made. Automatically called if using
        the chart in context manager ("with" statement).
        @note: Failing to call this method if show() has been called at least
        once may cause backend-related errors.
        if self._backend_started:

            service = self._backend

            if service and service.running:
                service.destroy(self._figure, wait=True)

    def save(self, file, format='png', crop=False, dpi=None, *a, **k):
        Save all plots to an image.
        @param file: destination file name
        @type file: str
        @param format: output image format; see C{chart.formats} for enumeration
        @type format: str or L{csb.core.EnumItem}
        @param crop: if True, crop the image (equivalent to MPL's bbox=tight)
        @type crop: bool
        @note: additional arguments are passed directly to MPL's savefig method
        if 'bbox_inches' in k:
            bbox = k['bbox_inches']
            del k['bbox_inches']
            if crop:
                bbox = 'tight'
                bbox = None

class ReducePyMatplotlibHistogram: # pylint: disable=R0903 
    @class ReducePyMatplotlibHistogram.PyMatplotlibHistogram is 
    a base class for classes that create histograms using matplotlib. 

    Histograms are output as JSON documents of form:

    {"image": {"keywords": [...list of image keywords...],
               "description":"...a description of the image...",
               "tag": TAG,
               "image_type": "eps", 
               "data": "...base 64 encoded image..."}}

    "TAG" is specified by the sub-class. If "histogram_auto_number"
    (see below) is "true" then the TAG will have a number N appended
    where N means that the histogram was produced as a consequence of
    the (N + 1)th spill processed  by the worker. The number will be
    zero-padded to form a six digit string e.g. "00000N". If
    "histogram_auto_number" is false then no such number is appended.

    In cases where a spill is input that contains errors (e.g. is
    badly formatted or is missing the data needed to update a
    histogram) then a spill is output which is just the input spill
    with an "errors" field containing the error e.g.

    {"errors": {..., "bad_json_document": "unable to do json.loads on input"}}
    {"errors": {..., "...": "..."}}

    The caller can configure the worker and specify:

    -Image type ("histogram_image_type"). Must be one of those
     supported by matplot lib (currently "svg", "ps", "emf", "rgba",
     "raw", "svgz", "pdf", "eps", "png"). Default: "eps".
    -Auto-number ("histogram_auto_number"). Default: false. Flag
     that determines if the image tag (see above) has the spill count
     appended to it or not.
    -Sub-classes may support additional configuration parameter

    Sub-classes must override:

    -_configure_at_birth - to extract any additional
     sub-class-specific configuration from data cards.
    -_update_histograms. This checks that a spill has the data
     necessary to update any histograms then creates JSON documents in
     the format described above.
    -_cleanup_at_death - to do any sub-class-specific cleanup.

    def __init__(self):
        Set initial attribute values.
        @param self Object reference.
        # matplotlib histogram - for validation.
        figure = Figure(figsize=(6, 6))
        self.__histogram = FigureCanvas(figure)
        self.spill_count = 0 # Number of spills processed to date.
        self.image_type = "eps"
        self.auto_number = False

    def birth(self, config_json):
        Configure worker from data cards. If "image_type" is not
        in those supported then a ValueError is thrown.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param config_json JSON document string.
        @returns True if configuration succeeded. 
        config_doc = json.loads(config_json)

        key = "histogram_auto_number"
        if key in config_doc:
            self.auto_number = config_doc[key]

        key = "histogram_image_type"
        if key in config_doc:
            self.image_type = config_doc[key]
            self.image_type = "eps"

        if self.image_type not in \
            error = "Unsupported histogram image type: %s Expect one of %s" \
                % (self.image_type, 
            raise ValueError(error)

        self.spill_count = 0

        # Do sub-class-specific configuration.
        return self._configure_at_birth(config_doc)

    def _configure_at_birth(self, config_doc):
        Perform sub-class-specific configuration from data cards.
        Sub-classes must define this function.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param config_json JSON document.
        @returns True if configuration succeeded. 

    def process(self, json_string):
        Update the histogram with data from the current spill
        and output the histogram.        
        @param self Object reference.
        @param json_string String with current JSON document.
        @returns JSON document containing current histogram.
        # Load and validate the JSON document.
            json_doc = json.loads(json_string.rstrip())
        except Exception: # pylint:disable=W0703
            json_doc = {}
            ErrorHandler.HandleException(json_doc, self)
            return unicode(json.dumps(json_doc))

        self.spill_count = self.spill_count + 1

        # Process spill and update histograms.
            result = self._update_histograms(json_doc)
        except Exception: # pylint:disable=W0703
            ErrorHandler.HandleException(json_doc, self)
            return unicode(json.dumps(json_doc))

        image_list = [image['image'] for image in result]
        # Convert results to strings.
        return json.dumps({"maus_event_type":"Image", "image_list":image_list})

    def _update_histograms(self, spill):
        Check that the spill has the data necessary to update the
        histograms then creates JSON documents in the format described
        Sub-classes must define this function.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param spill Current spill.
        @returns list of JSON documents. If the sub-class only updates 
        histograms every N spills then this list can just contain 
        the input spill.
        Otherwise it should consist of 1 or more JSON documents 
        containing image data in the form described above. 
        @throws Exception if various sub-class specific errors arise.

    def death(self): #pylint: disable=R0201
        Invokes _cleanup_at_death().
        @returns True
        return self._cleanup_at_death()

    def _cleanup_at_death(self): #pylint: disable=R0201
        A no-op. 
        Sub-classes can override this function to do
        sub-class-specific clean-up at death time.
        @param self Object reference.
        @returns True
        return True
    def _create_histogram(self): #pylint: disable=R0201
        Create a histogram using matplotlib.
        @param self Object reference.
        @returns matplotlib FigureCanvas representing the histogram.
        figure = Figure(figsize=(6, 6))
        histogram = FigureCanvas(figure)
        axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
        axes.grid(True, linestyle="-", color="0.75")
        return histogram

    def _rescale_axes(self, histogram, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xfudge = 0.5, yfudge = 0.5): #pylint: disable=C0301, R0913, R0201
        Rescale the X and Y axes of the histogram to show the given
        axis ranges. Fudge factors are used avoid matplotlib warning
        about "Attempting to set identical bottom==top" which arises
        if the axes are set to be exactly the maximum of the data.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param histogram FigureCanvas representing a histogram.
        @param xmin Minimum X value.
        @param xmax Maximum X value.
        @param ymin Minimum Y value.
        @param ymin Maximum Y value.
        @param xfudge X fudge factor.
        @param yfudge Y fudge factor.
        # Fudge factors are used
        histogram.figure.get_axes()[0].set_xlim( \
            [xmin, xmax + xfudge])
        histogram.figure.get_axes()[0].set_ylim( \
            [ymin, ymax + yfudge])

    def _get_image_doc(self, keywords, description, tag, canvas): #pylint: disable=C0301
        Build a JSON document holding image data.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param keywords List of image keywords.
        @param description String describing the image.
        @param tag Image tag.
        @param histogram FigureCanvas representing a histogram.
        @returns JSON document.
        json_doc = {}
        json_doc["maus_event_type"] = "Image"
        json_doc["image"] = {}
        if (self.auto_number):
            image_tag = "%s%06d" % (tag, self.spill_count)
            image_tag = tag
        data = self.__convert_to_binary(canvas)
        json_doc["image"]["keywords"] = keywords
        json_doc["image"]["description"] = description
        json_doc["image"]["tag"] = image_tag
        json_doc["image"]["image_type"] = self.image_type
        json_doc["image"]["data"] = data
        return json_doc

    def __convert_to_binary(self, canvas): #pylint: disable=R0201
        Convert histogram to binary format.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param canvas matplotlib FigureCanvas representing a
        @returns representation of histogram in base 64-encoded image 
        type format.
        data_file = StringIO.StringIO()
        canvas.print_figure(data_file, dpi=500, format=self.image_type)
        data = data_file.read()
        return base64.b64encode(data)
예제 #3
파일: plots.py 프로젝트: khasinski/csb
class Chart(object):
    Simple and clean facade to Matplotlib's plotting API.
    A chart instance abstracts a plotting device, on which one or
    multiple related plots can be drawn. Charts can be exported as images, or
    visualized interactively. Each chart instance will always open in its own
    GUI window, and this window will never block the execution of the rest of
    the program, or interfere with other L{Chart}s.
    The GUI can be safely opened in the background and closed infinite number
    of times, as long as the client program is still running.
    By default, a chart contains a single plot:
    >>> chart.plot
    >>> chart.plot.hist(...)
    If C{rows} and C{columns} are defined, the chart will contain
    C{rows} x C{columns} number of plots (equivalent to MPL's sub-plots).
    Each plot can be assessed by its index:
    >>> chart.plots[0]
    first plot
    or by its position in the grid:
    >>> chart.plots[0, 1]
    plot at row=0, column=1
    @param number: chart number; by default this a L{Chart.AUTONUMBER}
    @type number: int or None
    @param title: chart master title
    @type title: str
    @param rows: number of rows in the chart window
    @type rows: int
    @param columns: number of columns in the chart window
    @type columns: int
    @note: additional arguments are passed directly to Matplotlib's Figure

    _serial = 0
    def __init__(self, number=None, title='', rows=1, columns=1, backend=Backends.WX_WIDGETS, *fa, **fk):
        if number == Chart.AUTONUMBER:
            Chart._serial += 1
            number = Chart._serial
        if rows < 1:
            rows = 1
        if columns < 1:
            columns = 1
        self._rows = int(rows)
        self._columns = int(columns)
        self._number = int(number)
        self._title = str(title)
        self._figure = Figure(*fa, **fk)
        self._figure._figure_number = self._number
        self._beclass = backend
        self._hasgui = False
        self._plots = PlotsCollection(self._figure, self._rows, self._columns)        
        self._canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(self._figure)
        formats = [ (f.upper(), f) for f in self._canvas.get_supported_filetypes() ]
        self._formats = csb.core.Enum.create('OutputFormats', **dict(formats))
    def __getitem__(self, i):
        if i in self._plots:
            return self._plots[i]
            raise KeyError('No such plot number: {0}'.format(i))
    def __enter__(self):
        return self
    def __exit__(self, *a, **k):
    def _backend(self):
        return Backend.get(self._beclass, started=True)

    def _backend_started(self):
        return Backend.query(self._beclass)
    def title(self):
        Chart title
        @rtype: str
        return self._title
    def number(self):
        Chart number
        @rtype: int
        return self._number
    def plots(self):
        Index-based access to the plots in this chart
        @rtype: L{PlotsCollection}
        return self._plots
    def plot(self):
        First plot
        @rtype: matplotlib.AxesSubplot
        return self._plots[0]
    def rows(self):
        Number of rows in this chart
        @rtype: int
        return self._rows
    def columns(self):
        Number of columns in this chart
        @rtype: int
        return self._columns
    def width(self):
        Chart's width in inches
        @rtype: int
        return self._figure.get_figwidth()
    def width(self, inches):
        if self._backend_started:

    def height(self):
        Chart's height in inches
        @rtype: int
        return self._figure.get_figheight()
    def height(self, inches):
        if self._backend_started:
    def dpi(self):
        Chart's DPI
        @rtype: int
        return self._figure.get_dpi()
    def dpi(self, dpi):
    def formats(self):
        Supported output file formats
        @rtype: L{csb.core.enum}
        return self._formats
    def show(self):
        Show the GUI window (non-blocking).
        if not self._hasgui:
            self._hasgui = True
    def hide(self):
        Hide (but do not dispose) the GUI window.
    def dispose(self):
        Dispose the GUI interface. Must be called at the end if any
        chart.show() calls have been made. Automatically called if using
        the chart in context manager ("with" statement).
        @note: Failing to call this method if show() has been called at least
        once may cause backend-related errors.
        if self._backend_started:
            service = self._backend
            if service and service.running:
                service.destroy(self._figure, wait=True)
    def save(self, file, format='png', crop=False, dpi=None, *a, **k):
        Save all plots to an image.
        @param file: destination file name
        @type file: str
        @param format: output image format; see C{chart.formats} for enumeration
        @type format: str or L{csb.core.EnumItem}
        @param crop: if True, crop the image (equivalent to MPL's bbox=tight)
        @type crop: bool
        @note: additional arguments are passed directly to MPL's savefig method
        if 'bbox_inches' in k:
            bbox = k['bbox_inches']
            del k['bbox_inches']
            if crop:
                bbox = 'tight'
                bbox = None
        self._canvas.print_figure(file, format=str(format), bbox_inches=bbox, dpi=dpi, *a, **k)
class ReducePyMatplotlibHistogram:  # pylint: disable=R0903
    @class ReducePyMatplotlibHistogram.PyMatplotlibHistogram is 
    a base class for classes that create histograms using matplotlib. 

    Histograms are output as JSON documents of form:

    {"image": {"keywords": [...list of image keywords...],
               "description":"...a description of the image...",
               "tag": TAG,
               "image_type": "eps", 
               "data": "...base 64 encoded image..."}}

    "TAG" is specified by the sub-class. If "histogram_auto_number"
    (see below) is "true" then the TAG will have a number N appended
    where N means that the histogram was produced as a consequence of
    the (N + 1)th spill processed  by the worker. The number will be
    zero-padded to form a six digit string e.g. "00000N". If
    "histogram_auto_number" is false then no such number is appended.

    In cases where a spill is input that contains errors (e.g. is
    badly formatted or is missing the data needed to update a
    histogram) then a spill is output which is just the input spill
    with an "errors" field containing the error e.g.

    {"errors": {..., "bad_json_document": "unable to do json.loads on input"}}
    {"errors": {..., "...": "..."}}

    The caller can configure the worker and specify:

    -Image type ("histogram_image_type"). Must be one of those
     supported by matplot lib (currently "svg", "ps", "emf", "rgba",
     "raw", "svgz", "pdf", "eps", "png"). Default: "eps".
    -Auto-number ("histogram_auto_number"). Default: false. Flag
     that determines if the image tag (see above) has the spill count
     appended to it or not.
    -Sub-classes may support additional configuration parameter

    Sub-classes must override:

    -_configure_at_birth - to extract any additional
     sub-class-specific configuration from data cards.
    -_update_histograms. This checks that a spill has the data
     necessary to update any histograms then creates JSON documents in
     the format described above.
    -_cleanup_at_death - to do any sub-class-specific cleanup.
    def __init__(self):
        Set initial attribute values.
        @param self Object reference.
        # matplotlib histogram - for validation.
        figure = Figure(figsize=(6, 6))
        self.__histogram = FigureCanvas(figure)
        self.spill_count = 0  # Number of spills processed to date.
        self.image_type = "eps"
        self.auto_number = False

    def birth(self, config_json):
        Configure worker from data cards. If "image_type" is not
        in those supported then a ValueError is thrown.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param config_json JSON document string.
        @returns True if configuration succeeded. 
        config_doc = json.loads(config_json)

        key = "histogram_auto_number"
        if key in config_doc:
            self.auto_number = config_doc[key]

        key = "histogram_image_type"
        if key in config_doc:
            self.image_type = config_doc[key]
            self.image_type = "eps"

        if self.image_type not in \
            error = "Unsupported histogram image type: %s Expect one of %s" \
                % (self.image_type,
            raise ValueError(error)

        self.spill_count = 0

        # Do sub-class-specific configuration.
        return self._configure_at_birth(config_doc)

    def _configure_at_birth(self, config_doc):
        Perform sub-class-specific configuration from data cards.
        Sub-classes must define this function.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param config_json JSON document.
        @returns True if configuration succeeded. 

    def process(self, json_string):
        Update the histogram with data from the current spill
        and output the histogram.        
        @param self Object reference.
        @param json_string String with current JSON document.
        @returns JSON document containing current histogram.
        # Load and validate the JSON document.
            json_doc = json.loads(json_string.rstrip())
        except Exception:  # pylint:disable=W0703
            json_doc = {}
            ErrorHandler.HandleException(json_doc, self)
            return unicode(json.dumps(json_doc))

        self.spill_count = self.spill_count + 1

        # Process spill and update histograms.
            result = self._update_histograms(json_doc)
        except Exception:  # pylint:disable=W0703
            ErrorHandler.HandleException(json_doc, self)
            return unicode(json.dumps(json_doc))

        image_list = [image['image'] for image in result]
        # Convert results to strings.
        return json.dumps({
            "maus_event_type": "Image",
            "image_list": image_list

    def _update_histograms(self, spill):
        Check that the spill has the data necessary to update the
        histograms then creates JSON documents in the format described
        Sub-classes must define this function.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param spill Current spill.
        @returns list of JSON documents. If the sub-class only updates 
        histograms every N spills then this list can just contain 
        the input spill.
        Otherwise it should consist of 1 or more JSON documents 
        containing image data in the form described above. 
        @throws Exception if various sub-class specific errors arise.

    def death(self):  #pylint: disable=R0201
        Invokes _cleanup_at_death().
        @returns True
        return self._cleanup_at_death()

    def _cleanup_at_death(self):  #pylint: disable=R0201
        A no-op. 
        Sub-classes can override this function to do
        sub-class-specific clean-up at death time.
        @param self Object reference.
        @returns True
        return True

    def _create_histogram(self):  #pylint: disable=R0201
        Create a histogram using matplotlib.
        @param self Object reference.
        @returns matplotlib FigureCanvas representing the histogram.
        figure = Figure(figsize=(6, 6))
        histogram = FigureCanvas(figure)
        axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
        axes.grid(True, linestyle="-", color="0.75")
        return histogram

    def _rescale_axes(self,
                      yfudge=0.5):  #pylint: disable=C0301, R0913, R0201
        Rescale the X and Y axes of the histogram to show the given
        axis ranges. Fudge factors are used avoid matplotlib warning
        about "Attempting to set identical bottom==top" which arises
        if the axes are set to be exactly the maximum of the data.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param histogram FigureCanvas representing a histogram.
        @param xmin Minimum X value.
        @param xmax Maximum X value.
        @param ymin Minimum Y value.
        @param ymin Maximum Y value.
        @param xfudge X fudge factor.
        @param yfudge Y fudge factor.
        # Fudge factors are used
        histogram.figure.get_axes()[0].set_xlim( \
            [xmin, xmax + xfudge])
        histogram.figure.get_axes()[0].set_ylim( \
            [ymin, ymax + yfudge])

    def _get_image_doc(self, keywords, description, tag, canvas):  #pylint: disable=C0301
        Build a JSON document holding image data.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param keywords List of image keywords.
        @param description String describing the image.
        @param tag Image tag.
        @param histogram FigureCanvas representing a histogram.
        @returns JSON document.
        json_doc = {}
        json_doc["maus_event_type"] = "Image"
        json_doc["image"] = {}
        if (self.auto_number):
            image_tag = "%s%06d" % (tag, self.spill_count)
            image_tag = tag
        data = self.__convert_to_binary(canvas)
        json_doc["image"]["keywords"] = keywords
        json_doc["image"]["description"] = description
        json_doc["image"]["tag"] = image_tag
        json_doc["image"]["image_type"] = self.image_type
        json_doc["image"]["data"] = data
        return json_doc

    def __convert_to_binary(self, canvas):  #pylint: disable=R0201
        Convert histogram to binary format.
        @param self Object reference.
        @param canvas matplotlib FigureCanvas representing a
        @returns representation of histogram in base 64-encoded image 
        type format.
        data_file = StringIO.StringIO()
        canvas.print_figure(data_file, dpi=500, format=self.image_type)
        data = data_file.read()
        return base64.b64encode(data)