def figure_to_svg(fig): tempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg.tmp', delete=False) canvas = FigureCanvasSVG(fig) canvas.print_svg( svgImg = os.remove( return svgImg
def get_graph_svg(guid): """Endpoint returning matplotlib svg graph --- parameters: - name: guid in: path required: true type: string - name: reference in: query type: string required: false - name: distance in: query type: string required: false - name: quality in: query type: string required: false responses: 200: description: """ reference = request.args.get('reference') if not reference: reference = cfg['default_reference'] quality = request.args.get('quality') if not quality: quality = cfg['default_quality'] cutoff = request.args.get('cutoff') if cutoff and int(cutoff) > 10: cutoff = 10 if cutoff: (xs, ys) = graph3(guid, reference, quality, cfg['elephantwalkurl'], int(cutoff)) else: (xs, ys) = graph2(guid, reference, quality, cfg['elephantwalkurl']) if len(ys) == 0: slopes = [] else: slopes = [0] print(xs) for n in range(len(xs)): if n == 0: continue slopes.append((ys[n] - ys[n - 1]) / (xs[n] - xs[n - 1])) fig = Figure(figsize=(12, 7), dpi=100) fig.suptitle("Sample: {0}, reference: {1}, quality: {2}, ew: {3}".format( guid, reference, quality, cfg['elephantwalkurl'])) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.plot(xs, ys, 'gx-', linewidth=1) ax.plot(xs, slopes, 'r-', linewidth=1) ax.set_xlabel("Distance") ax.set_ylabel("Neighbours") canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) svg_output = StringIO() canvas.print_svg(svg_output) response = make_response(svg_output.getvalue()) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/svg+xml' return response
def malignancy_plot(age, tumour_size): # Scale age and tumour_size (note: output is numpy array) age_tumour_size = [[age] + [tumour_size]] age_tumour_size_scaled = malign_scaler.transform(age_tumour_size) # Create malignancy feature array malign_features = [age_tumour_size_scaled[0].tolist()] # Predict malignancy: 0 benign, 1 non-benign yscore_cal = malign_clf.predict_proba(malign_features) yscore_nonbenign = np.round(yscore_cal[0][1]*100, 1) ypred_cal = np.array(yscore_cal[:, 1] > 0.05, dtype=int)[0] # threshold = 5% # Select title and title colour red = '#CC333F' blue = '#1693A7' if ypred_cal == 0: title = 'Benign' title_colour = blue elif ypred_cal == 1: title = 'Borderline malignancy / Malignant' title_colour = red ##### Plot Figure ##### sns.set(font_scale=1.2) sns.set_style('white',{'axes.linewidth': 2.5, 'axes.edgecolor': '#D3D3D3'}) # Create plot fig = Figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Draw plot sns.kdeplot(malign_valid_dist, color='orange', shade=True, gridsize=500, bw='silverman', ax=ax) ax.vlines(yscore_nonbenign, 0, 0.10, color='#D70E08', zorder=10) # prediction txt = ax.text(yscore_nonbenign, 0.11, ' ' + str(yscore_nonbenign) + '%', color='#D70E08', zorder=10, horizontalalignment='center') # prediction label txt.set_path_effects([path_effects.withStroke(linewidth=3, foreground='w')]) # label outline ax.vlines(5, 0, 0.25, color='#cccccc', zorder=10, linestyles='dashed') # threshold (5%) ax.set_title('Prediction: ' + title, color=title_colour, fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('Probability density', labelpad=10) ax.set_xlabel('Probability (%)', labelpad=10) ax.set_xlim(0, 30) ax.set_ylim(0, 0.4) for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']: ax.spines[axis].set_linewidth(2) sns.despine(ax=ax) fig.set_tight_layout(True) # Write plot to SVG canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) output = BytesIO() # canvas.print_svg('test.svg') # For testing fig output locally canvas.print_svg(output) response = make_response(output.getvalue()) response.mimetype = 'image/svg+xml' return response
def canvas(self): type = self.get("imageType", "png") fig = Figure() if type == "png": canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) (self.file, self.filename) = mkstemp(".%s" % type) elif type == "svg": canvas = FigureCanvasSVG(fig) (self.file, self.filename) = mkstemp(".%s" % type) elif type == "pdf": canvas = FigureCanvasPdf(fig) (self.file, self.filename) = mkstemp(".%s" % type) elif type == "ps" or type == "eps": canvas = FigureCanvasPS(fig) (self.file, self.filename) = mkstemp(".%s" % type) else: raise "Invalid render target requested" # Set basic figure parameters dpi = float(self.get('dpi')) (w, h) = (float(self.get('width')), float(self.get('height'))) (win, hin) = (w/dpi, h/dpi) fig.set_size_inches(win, hin) fig.set_dpi(dpi) fig.set_facecolor('white') return (fig, canvas, w, h)
def equations_plot_svg(f, g): print(f, g) x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000000) y1 = ne.evaluate(f) y2 = ne.evaluate(g) chart, curve = plt.subplots() # Disegno la curva curve.plot(x, y1, 'blue', linewidth=2) curve.plot(x, y2, 'green', linewidth=2) intersetions_points = [] idx = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(y1 - y2))).flatten() for i in idx: print(y2[i]) if not np.isnan(y1[i]) and not np.isnan(y2[i]): intersetions_points.append(np.around(x[i], decimals=2)) plt.plot(x[i], y1[i], 'ro') intesetion_point = '; '.join([str(elem) for elem in intersetions_points]) chart.text(.1, .9, f'Risultato: {intesetion_point}') output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(chart).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def _test_determinism_save(filename, usetex): # This function is mostly copy&paste from "def test_visibility" # To require no GUI, we use Figure and FigureCanvasSVG # instead of plt.figure and fig.savefig from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.backends.backend_svg import FigureCanvasSVG from matplotlib import rc rc('svg', hashsalt='asdf') rc('text', usetex=usetex) fig = Figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) x = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, 50) y = np.sin(x) yerr = np.ones_like(y) a, b, c = ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, fmt='ko') for artist in b: artist.set_visible(False) ax.set_title('A string $1+2+\\sigma$') ax.set_xlabel('A string $1+2+\\sigma$') ax.set_ylabel('A string $1+2+\\sigma$') FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(filename)
def fugure_to_image(self, fig: FigureCanvasSVG, svg: bool) -> io.BytesIO: output = io.BytesIO() if svg: FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) else: FigureCanvasAgg(fig).print_png(output) return output
def plot_pie(parts=5): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils.rndm import randomword # Pie chart, where the slices will be ordered and plotted counter-clockwise: labels = [randomword(6) for i in range(parts)] sizes = [random.randint(1, 101) for i in range(parts)] #15, 30, 45, 10] explode = [ 0 ] * parts #(0, 0.1, 0, 0) # only "explode" the 2nd slice (i.e. 'Hogs') explode[random.randint(0, parts)] = 0.1 fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.pie(sizes, explode=explode, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=True, startangle=90) ax1.axis( 'equal') # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle. output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig1).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def cli(): args = get_args() fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure(figsize=(args.dimensions[0] / 2.54, args.dimensions[1] / 2.54)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, frameon=False) if args.svg: FigureCanvasSVG(fig) else: FigureCanvasAgg(fig) table = pandas.read_table(args.table, sep=" ") args.table.close() spider(args.algorithm, args.problem, args.statistic, args.metric, table, ax, draw_ci=args.draw_ci) fn = filename(args.algorithm, args.problem, args.statistic, args.metric) if args.svg: fn = fn + ".svg" else: fn = fn + ".png" fig.savefig(os.path.join(args.output_dir, fn))
def main(restaurant, order, show_count, token): restaurant_id = restaurant fig = get_statistics_per_restaurant(restaurant_id, Orders.all(token), order, int(show_count)) output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) return output.getvalue()
def plot_png(id): response = requests.get(APIurl + 'getDataLatest?id={}&nVals={}'.format(id,10)) data = pd.read_json(response.text) fig, output = createPlot(data) FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def polar_pie(parts): """ ======================= Pie chart on polar axis ======================= Demo of bar plot on a polar axis. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() # Compute pie slices N = 20 theta = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, N, endpoint=False) radii = 10 * np.random.rand(N) width = np.pi / 4 * np.random.rand(N) ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar') bars =, radii, width=width, bottom=0.0) # Use custom colors and opacity for r, bar in zip(radii, bars): bar.set_facecolor( / 10.)) bar.set_alpha(0.5) # # plt.savefig('foo.png') # plt.close() fig.savefig('temp.png', dpi=fig.dpi) output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def build_graph_multiproc(chunk,lstOfwavelengths,pltcodeWithSuffix): global lstOfPlots with cx_Oracle.connect(user,passwrd,dsn_tns) as conn: cr = conn.cursor() for i, wid in chunk: img = io.BytesIO() fig = Figure(figsize=(0.6,0.6)) axis = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) absVals = getAllWellVals(cr,tableName_abs,pltcodeWithSuffix,wid) if int(pltcodeWithSuffix[2:4]) < 18: lstOfwavelengths = getLstOfwavelengths('WELL_ABSORBANCE',pltcodeWithSuffix) axis.plot(lstOfwavelengths,absVals) axis.set_title(f'{wid}',fontsize=9) axis.title.set_position([.5, .6]) axis.tick_params( which='both', bottom=False, left=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False) FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(img) result = img.getvalue() try: lstOfPlots[i] = (i,result) except IndexError: lstOfPlots.append((i,result))
def plot_svg(num_x_points=50): fig = Figure() axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) x_points = range(num_x_points) axis.plot(x_points, [random.randint(1, 30) for x in x_points]) output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype='image/svg+xml')
def plot_heatmap(df): #df = generate_df() fig = Figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) axes.imshow(df) output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def draw_custom_graph(user_agents): plot_x_y = [] # requests = log_parser.get_log_dicts(user_agent = r'SiteSucker.*') for user_agent in user_agents: requests = logger.get_log_dicts(user_agent=user_agent) first_date = None x = [] y = [] for index, request in enumerate(requests): if index is not 0: x.append(time_delta(request['datetime'], first_date)) else: first_date = request['datetime'] x.append(0) y.append(index) plot_x_y.append({ 'x': x, 'y': y }) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) current_index = 0 for xy in plot_x_y: # todo: Use different color (not only random) and add the ability to choose multiple user_agent. ax.plot( xy['x'], xy['y'], color=graph_colors[current_index % len(graph_colors)], label=user_agents[current_index] ) ax.legend(framealpha=0.5, loc=4, prop={'size': 8}) current_index += 1 plt.xlabel('Delta Time (seconds)') plt.ylabel('Number of requests') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) output = StringIO.StringIO() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) canvas.print_svg(output) return output
def plotdists(dists, labelmap=None, bins=20, alpha=0.5): svg = StringIO() fig = figure.Figure(figsize=PLOTSIZE) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) if labelmap is None: labelmap = {key: key for key in dists.keys()} for key, dist in dists.items(): ax.hist(dist, bins=bins, alpha=alpha, label=labelmap[key]) ax.legend() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(svg) return
def plot_emes01g(V, f): fig = Figure() fig.set_size_inches(15, 12) Torq, slip, Nr = torque_vs_slip(V, f) axis = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) axis.xlabel = 'Nr' axis.ylabel = 'Torque' axis.plot(Nr, Torq, c='red', linewidth=4) axis.grid() output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def plot_hvg(R, C): C *= 1e-6 fig = Figure() f, Gain, phase = high_pass_filter(R, C) axis = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) axis.semilogx(f, Gain) axis = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) axis.semilogx(f, phase) output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def total_dist_svg(): # fig = Figure(tight_layout=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) x = [] y = [] a_file = session["a_file"] with open(a_file, 'rb') as af: acts = pickle.load(af) for i in range(len(acts)-1, -1, -1): x.append(mdates.date2num([acts[i]['start_date']])[0]) dist = meters_to_miles(acts[i]['distance']) if len(y) > 0: y.append(y[-1] + dist) else: y.append(dist) strava_orange = '#fc4c02' ax.plot(x, y, color=strava_orange, marker='.') ax.fill_between(x, y, color=strava_orange, alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlabel('Date') date_formatter = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') lower_lim_x = x[0] upper_lim_x = x[-1] x_buffer = 0.05 width = upper_lim_x - lower_lim_x lower_lim_x -= x_buffer * width upper_lim_x += x_buffer * width ax.set_xlim(lower_lim_x, upper_lim_x) x_ticks = ax.get_xticks().tolist() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.FixedLocator(x_ticks)) ax.set_xticklabels(x_ticks, rotation=45) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(date_formatter) ax.set_ylabel('Distance (Miles)') y_buffer = 0.1 top_lim_y = (1 + y_buffer) * y[-1] ax.set_ylim(0, top_lim_y) gray = "#808080" ax.plot([lower_lim_x, upper_lim_x], [y[-1], y[-1]], color=gray, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) text_gap_x = 1 text_gap_y = 1 pt = (lower_lim_x, y[-1]) figure_pt = (pt[0] + text_gap_x, pt[1] + text_gap_y) ax.annotate(f"{round(y[-1], 1)} Miles", pt, xytext=figure_pt) ax.set_title('Total Distance') output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def drawPlot2(self): self.axt.clear() X = linspace(self.X_Mmin, self.X_Mmax, self.N) Y = X self.B = (self.k * self.b * X) / (2.0 * self.f_2) self.A = (self.k * self.h * Y) / (2.0 * self.f_2) BB, HH = meshgrid(self.B, self.A) self.I = ((sin(BB) / BB)**2) * (sin(HH) / (HH))**2 self.axt.plot_surface(BB, HH, self.I, cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none') self.axt.view_init(10, 45) output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(self.fig3).print_svg(output) return output.getvalue()
def plot_svg(subject): signal = np.loadtxt('uploads/'+subject+'.csv') signal = signal[:10000] _, _, r_peaks, _, _, _, _ = ecg.ecg( signal=signal, sampling_rate=500, show=False) fig = Figure(figsize=(12, 4)) axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) axis.plot(signal) axis.plot(r_peaks, signal[r_peaks], 'r*') axis.grid() output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def plotOhm(): a = [] b = [] reco = {} for reco in ohm.allrecord: b.append(reco['voltage']) a.append(reco['current']) figure = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.xlabel("Current in ampere") plt.ylabel("Voltage (volt)") plt.plot(a, b, linestyle='--', marker='o', color='b') plt.grid() output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(figure).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def drawPlot(self): self.axs.clear() self.i = (1 / self.n**2) * ((sin(self.Bb) / self.Bb)**2) * ( sin(self.n * self.Aa) / sin(self.Aa))**2 self.sinc = (sin(self.Bb) / self.Bb)**2 self.axs.plot(self.x, self.i, '-k', self.x, self.sinc, ':b', linewidth=2) self.axs.set_xlim(self.X_Mmin, self.X_Mmax) self.axs.set_xlabel('X (m)', fontsize=12, fontweight='bold') self.axs.set_ylabel('I(X,Y)/I_0', fontsize=12, fontweight='bold') output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(self.fig2).print_svg(output) return output.getvalue()
def plot_svg(): """ renders the plot on the fly. """ datapoints_dict = session["datapoints_dict"] fig = Figure() axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) lists = sorted(datapoints_dict.items()) x, y = zip(*lists) ts = [] for t in x: print("#######", t) ts.append(utils.get_time_str_from_epoch(float(t))) print(x) print(ts) axis.plot(ts, y) output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def plot(self, gridspec=None, figsize=(11, 8.5), filetype="pdf"): if gridspec is None: gridspec = dict(left=0.05, right=0.94, wspace=0.05) nplots = len(self.plotspecs) fig = mpl.figure.Figure(figsize=figsize) if filetype.lower() == "pdf": FigureCanvasPdf(fig) elif filetype.lower() == "svg": FigureCanvasSVG(fig) else: raise ValueError("Unknown filetype: %s" % filetype) if self.title: fig.suptitle(self.title) gs = GridSpec(nplots, 1) gs.update(**gridspec) for i in xrange(0, nplots): self.plotspecs[i].plot(fig, gs, i) fig.set_size_inches(figsize) fig.savefig(self.filename + "." + filetype, format=filetype.lower(), facecolor="none")
def plot_graph(): # load f1 scores from session into local list score_f1 = score = session["f1_scores"] # create matplotlib graph showing f1 scores fig = Figure() axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) x_points = range(len(score_f1)) axis.plot(x_points, [score_f1[x] for x in x_points]) axis.set_title('Federated Model - F1 Score History') axis.set_ylabel('F1 Score') axis.set_xlabel('Epoch') # initialise raw output for rendering graph as svg data output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) # returns svg formatted graph return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def definite_intergrals_plot_svg(fx, a, b): a, b = int(a), int(b) PRECISION = (b - a) * 20 x = np.linspace(a, b, PRECISION) y = ne.evaluate(fx) chart, curve = plt.subplots() # Disegno la curva curve.plot(x, y, 'red', linewidth=2) underlying_area = 0 for index in range(0, len(x) - 1): deltax = x[index + 1] - x[index] # Calcolo l'area del rettangolo piccolo if not np.isnan(y[index]) and not np.isnan(y[index + 1]): rectangle_min = plt.Rectangle((x[index], 0), deltax, y[index], alpha=.2, fc='green', ec="black") area_min = rectangle_min.get_height() * rectangle_min.get_width() # Calcolo l'area del rettangolo grande rectangle_max = plt.Rectangle((x[index], 0), deltax, y[index + 1], alpha=.1, fc='blue', ec="black") area_max = rectangle_max.get_height() * rectangle_max.get_width() # Disegno i due rettangoli sul grafico curve.add_patch(rectangle_min) curve.add_patch(rectangle_max) # Aggiungo la media dei due rettangoli all'area totale underlying_area += np.mean([area_min, area_max]) # Mostro il grafico e stampo il risultato chart.text(.1, .9, f'Risultato: {np.around(underlying_area, decimals=2)}') output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(chart).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def plot_gating_signal(alpha): t = 0 t_array = np.arange(0, 8, 0.01) V = 0 Vt = [] for t in np.arange(0, 8, 0.01): if (t - int(t)) <= (alpha / 100): Vt.append(600) else: Vt.append(0) figure = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.axis([0, 8, 0, 800]) plt.xlabel("time (micro-seconds)", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("Terminal voltage of Motor (Vt)", fontsize=14) plt.plot(t_array, Vt, color='b') plt.text(3.4, 750, 'Chopping Frequency (f) = 1 Mega-Hertz (MHz)', fontsize=12, fontweight='bold', bbox={ 'facecolor': 'yellow', 'alpha': 0.5, 'pad': 4 }) plt.text(3.4, 680, 'T = (1/f) = Toff + Ton = 1 micro-second', fontsize=12, fontweight='bold', bbox={ 'facecolor': 'yellow', 'alpha': 0.5, 'pad': 4 }) plt.grid() output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(figure).print_svg(output) return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/svg+xml")
def draw_graph_rev2(y, G, edge_labs, pos, labs, ax=None): """ Function to draw the graph. INPUTS ====== y : ADnum OUTPUTS ======= A plot of the graph """ fig = Figure() fig.set_size_inches(9, 6) #G = gen_graph(y) G = G.reverse() #edge_labs = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'label') #pos = nx.spring_layout(G) #labs = get_labels(y) #labs = get_labels_rev(y) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) nx.draw_networkx(G, pos, labels=labs, node_color=get_colors(G, y), node_size=get_sizes(G, y, labs), font_color='white', ax=ax) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labs, ax=ax) ax.axis('off') mag_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='magenta', label='input') red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='intermediate') blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='constant') green_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='green', label='output') ax.legend(handles=[mag_patch, red_patch, blue_patch, green_patch]) #return fig output = io.BytesIO() FigureCanvasSVG(fig).print_svg(output) return output
from matplotlib.backends.backend_svg import FigureCanvasSVG as FigureCanvas # from matplotlib.backends.backend_cairo import FigureCanvasCairo as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.figure import Figure xlim = [0, 10.0] YMAX = 240.00 ylim = [0, YMAX] fig = Figure() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) # xticks = [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ] ax = fig.add_subplot(111, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xticks=range(10)) data = [[False, False], [1, 200], [4, 100], [6, 120]] # ax.plot(data) D = dict(data) ax.stem(D.keys(), D.values(), "-.") ax.set_title("hi mom") ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel("time") ax.set_ylabel("glucose") canvas.print_figure("test") ##### # EOF
# using the matplotlib API - look, maw, no matlab! from matplotlib.backends.backend_svg import FigureCanvasSVG from matplotlib.figure import Figure fig = Figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot([1,2,3]) canvas = FigureCanvasSVG(fig) canvas.print_figure('myfile.svg')