def home(self, *args): NavigationToolbar2Wx.home(self, *args) self._autoScale = True
def home(self,*args): # overriding home method NavigationToolbar2Wx.home(self,*args) if callable(self._getlim): self._getlim()
class PlotWidget(Widget): """Base class for plot widgets based on matplotlib. Widget Framework ================ Fields/Properties ----------------- ax primary matplotlib.axes.Axes instance axline horizontal or vertical matplotlib.lines.Line2D instance used to indicate the current event state canvas FigureCanvas (FigureCanvasWxAgg) instance in which the *fig* is rendered cursor ( x, y ) plot location following the mouse cursorLine horizontal or vertical matplotlib.lines.Line2D instance following the mouse cursorLine2 horizontal or vertical matplotlib.lines.Line2D instance following the mouse for the non-primary axis data DataModel reference, getter is GetData() fig matplotlib.figure.Figure instance refAxis reference or non-magnitude axis, either 'y' (default) or 'x' #stateIndex #0-based state point index, getter is GetStateIndex() timeValue value of current time dataset Framework Methods ----------------- _CreateToolTipText() Should be implemented by extensions to create a tool tip based on the plot location returned in the event, ev.xdata when *refAxis* == 'x' and ev.ydata when *refAxis* == 'y'. _DoUpdatePlot() Called from _UpdatePlotImpl(), the implementation here creates a grid on *ax*, but extensions must override, calling super._DoUpdatePlot() to configure axes with labels and limits, create plots, add a legend, add a title, and/or set *axline*. _InitAxes() Called from _InitUI(), this default implementation creates a single axis, the *ax* property. Extensions should override to create axes and layout the plot as desired, calling Figure methods add_axes() or add_subplot(). _InitUI() Widget framework method implementation that creates the Figure (*fig*), calls _InitAxes(), creates the Canvas (*canvas*), and binds matplotlib and wxPython event handlers. _IsTimeReplot() True to replot on time change, False to redraw _LoadDataModel() Widget framework method implementation that calls _LoadDataModelValues() and then UpdateState(), the latter on the event UI thread. _LoadDataModelValues() Must be overridden by extensions to update event state properties and return the changes. _OnMplMouseRelease() Matplotlib event handler that checks for the right button (ev.button == 3) to pass onto wxPython event handling for the context menu. Extensions should override this method calling super._OnMplMouseRelease() and processing left button (ev.button == 1) events to update local event state properties by calling UpdateState() and firing state changes via FireStateChange(). _UpdateDataSetValues() Must be overridden by extensions to rebuild plot data arrays after a change in dataset selections UpdateState() Implements this Widget framework method by calling _UpdateStateValues(). A 'redraw' condition (currently does not occur) means the *canvas* must be redrawn via self.canvas.redraw(). A 'replot' condition means _UpdateDataSetValues() and _UpdatePlot() must be called. _UpdateStateValues() The implementation here handles 'state_index' changes, but extensions should override to handle widget-specific event state values, being sure to call super._UpdateStateValues(). Support Methods --------------- """ # -- Object Methods # -- #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: __init__() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, container, id=-1, **kwargs): """ @param kwargs ref_axis reference axis 'x' or 'y', defaults to 'y' ref_axis2 2nd reference axis 'x' or 'y', defaults to None show_cursor toggle for showing cursor lines, defaults to True """ = None self.axline = None # axis line representing state self.canvas = None self.curSize = None self.cursor = None self.cursorLine = None # axis line following the cursor self.cursorLine2 = None # axis line following the cursor self.fig = None self.timer = None self.toolbar = None self.callbackIds = {} #self.isLoaded = False self.refAxis = kwargs.get('ref_axis', 'y') self.refAxis2 = kwargs.get('ref_axis2') self.showCursor = kwargs.get('show_cursor', True) #self.stateIndex = -1 self.timeValue = -1.0 self.titleFontSize = 16 super(PlotWidget, self).__init__(container, id) #end __init__ #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _CreateClipboardImage() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _CreateClipboardImage(self): """Retrieves the currently-displayed bitmap. @return bitmap or None """ bmap = None fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp('.png') try: os.close(fd) if self.CreatePrintImage(name): bmap = wx.Image(name, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).ConvertToBitmap() finally: os.remove(name) return bmap #end _CreateClipboardImage #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: CreatePrintImage() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def CreatePrintImage(self, file_path, bgcolor=None, hilite=False): """ """ result = None if self.fig is not None: #if wx.IsMainThread(): if not hilite: if self.cursorLine is not None: self.cursorLine.set_visible(False) if self.cursorLine2 is not None: self.cursorLine2.set_visible(False) if self.axline is not None: self.axline.set_visible(False) self._DoUpdateRedraw(False) self.canvas.draw() if bgcolor and hasattr(bgcolor, '__iter__') and len(bgcolor) >= 3: fc = tuple([bgcolor[i] / 255.0 for i in xrange(3)]) else: fc = self.fig.get_facecolor() # Sleep needed when animating to prevent matplotlib errors generating # tick marks on Mac. Some day we must figure out why. It seems to have # to do with wxPython and the MainThread. time.sleep(0.5) self.fig.savefig(file_path, dpi=216, format='png', orientation='landscape', facecolor=fc) # dpi = 144 result = file_path #if wx.IsMainThread(): if not hilite: if self.axline is not None: self.axline.set_visible(True) if self.cursorLine is not None: self.cursorLine.set_visible(True) if self.cursorLine2 is not None: self.cursorLine2.set_visible(True) self._DoUpdateRedraw() self.canvas.draw() #end if return result #end CreatePrintImage #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _CreateToolTipText() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _CreateToolTipText(self, ev): """Create a tool tip. This implementation returns a blank string. @param ev matplotlib mouse motion event """ return '' #end _CreateToolTipText #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _DoUpdatePlot() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _DoUpdatePlot(self, wd, ht): """Do the work of creating the plot, setting titles and labels, configuring the grid, plotting, and creating self.axline. This implementation calls and can be called by subclasses. """, 'both', 'both', color='#c8c8c8', linestyle=':', linewidth=1) #end _DoUpdatePlot #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _DoUpdateRedraw() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _DoUpdateRedraw(self, hilite=True): """Update for a redraw only. """ pass #end _DoUpdateRedraw #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: GetStateIndex() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def GetStateIndex(self): """@return 0-based state/time index """ return self.stateIndex #end GetStateIndex #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: GetTimeValue() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def GetTimeValue(self): """@return 0-based state/time index """ return self.timeValue #end GetTimeValue #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: PlotWidget.GetUsesScaleAndCmap() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def GetUsesScaleAndCmap(self): """ Returns: boolean: False """ return False #end GetUsesScaleAndCmap #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _InitAxes() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _InitAxes(self): """Initialize axes. By default creates a single axis 'ax'. """ = self.fig.add_subplot(111) #end _InitAxes #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _InitUI() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _InitUI(self, two_axes=False): """Builds this UI component. Obviously, must be called in the UI thread. """ dpis = wx.ScreenDC().GetPPI() size = (WIDGET_PREF_SIZE[0] / dpis[0], WIDGET_PREF_SIZE[1] / dpis[0]) self.fig = Figure(facecolor='#ececec', figsize=size, dpi=dpis[0]) self._InitAxes() # if two_axes: # = self.fig.add_axes([ 0.1, 0.1, 0.85, 0.65 ]) # self.ax2 = # else: # = self.fig.add_subplot( 111 ) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self, -1, self.fig) self.canvas.SetMinClientSize(wx.Size(200, 200)) self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas) #self.toolbar.Realize() self.toolbar.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(236, 236, 236, 255)) self.toolbar.Show(False) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, 1) sizer.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND, 1) self.SetSizer(sizer) self.callbackIds[ 'button_release_event' ] = \ self.canvas.mpl_connect( 'button_release_event', self._OnMplMouseRelease ) self.callbackIds[ 'motion_notify_event' ] = \ self.canvas.mpl_connect( 'motion_notify_event', self._OnMplMouseMotion ) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self._OnClose) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self._OnContextMenu) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self._OnSize) self.timer = wx.Timer(self, TIMERID_RESIZE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self._OnTimer) #end _InitUI #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: IsDataSetScaleCapable() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def IsDataSetScaleCapable(self): """Returns false. Returns: bool: False """ return False #end IsDataSetScaleCapable #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _IsTimeReplot() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _IsTimeReplot(self): """Returns True if the widget replots on a time change, False it it merely redraws. Defaults to True. Should be overridden as necessary. """ return True #end _IsTimeReplot #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _LoadDataModel() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _LoadDataModel(self, reason): """Updates the components for the current model. xxx need loaded flag set when LoadProps() is called so you don't call _LoadDataModelValues() """ if not self.isLoading: update_args = self._LoadDataModelValues(reason) if 'replot' in update_args: wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateState, replot=True) #end _LoadDataModel #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _LoadDataModelValues() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _LoadDataModelValues(self, reason): """This noop version should be implemented in subclasses to create a dict to be passed to UpdateState(). Assume self.dmgr is valid. @return dict to be passed to UpdateState() """ return {} #end _LoadDataModelValues #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: PlotWidget.LoadProps() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def LoadProps(self, props_dict): """Called to load properties. This implementation takes care of 'dataSetSelections' and 'timeValue', but subclasses must override for all other properties. @param props_dict dict object from which to deserialize properties """ for k in ('timeValue', ): if k in props_dict: setattr(self, k, props_dict[k]) for k in ('dataSetSelections', ): if k in props_dict: cur_attr = props_dict[k] for name in cur_attr.keys(): cur_value = cur_attr[name] del cur_attr[name] cur_attr[DataSetName(name)] = cur_value #end for name setattr(self, k, cur_attr) #end if k in props_dict #end for k super(PlotWidget, self).LoadProps(props_dict) self.container.dataSetMenu.UpdateAllMenus() wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateState, replot=True) #end LoadProps #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _OnClose() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _OnClose(self, ev): """ """ if self.fig is not None: if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): self.logger.debug('%s: closing figure', self.GetTitle()) self.fig.close() #end _OnClose #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _OnContextMenu() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _OnContextMenu(self, ev): """ """ ev_obj = ev.GetEventObject() if ev_obj.HasCapture(): ev_obj.ReleaseMouse() pos = ev.GetPosition() pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos) menu = self.GetPopupMenu() self.PopupMenu(menu, pos) #end _OnContextMenu #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _OnMplMouseMotion() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _OnMplMouseMotion(self, ev): tip_str = '' if ev.inaxes is None: self.cursor = None if self.cursorLine is not None: self.cursorLine.set_visible(False) if self.cursorLine2 is not None: self.cursorLine2.set_visible(False) self.canvas.draw() #self.canvas.SetToolTipString( '' ) elif is not None: if self.cursorLine is None and self.showCursor: self.cursorLine = \ color = 'k', linestyle = '--', linewidth = 1 ) \ if self.refAxis == 'y' else \ color = 'k', linestyle = '--', linewidth = 1 ) \ if self.refAxis2 and self.cursorLine2 is None and self.showCursor: self.cursorLine2 = \ color = 'k', linestyle = '--', linewidth = 1 ) \ if self.refAxis2 == 'y' else \ color = 'k', linestyle = '--', linewidth = 1 ) \ self.cursor = (ev.xdata, ev.ydata) if self.showCursor: if self.refAxis == 'y': self.cursorLine.set_ydata(ev.ydata) else: self.cursorLine.set_xdata(ev.xdata) if self.refAxis2 == 'y': self.cursorLine2.set_ydata(ev.ydata) elif self.refAxis2 == 'x': self.cursorLine2.set_xdata(ev.xdata) self.cursorLine.set_visible(True) if self.cursorLine2: self.cursorLine2.set_visible(True) #end if self.showCursor self.canvas.draw() tip_str = self._CreateToolTipText(ev) #self.canvas.SetToolTipString( tip_str ) #end elif self.canvas.SetToolTipString(tip_str) #end _OnMplMouseMotion #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _OnMplMouseRelease() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _OnMplMouseRelease(self, ev): """Handle click to set the state value. This implementation checks for a right-click and calls Skip() to pass the event to the wxPython window. Subclasses should call this method with super. """ if ev.button == 3: ev.guiEvent.Skip() #end _OnMplMouseRelease #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _OnSize() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _OnSize(self, ev): """ """ if ev is None: self.curSize = None if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.logger.debug('%s: forced replot', self.GetTitle()) wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateState, replot=True) else: ev.Skip() wd, ht = self.GetClientSize() if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.logger.debug('%s: clientSize=%d,%d', self.GetTitle(), wd, ht) if wd > 0 and ht > 0: if self.curSize is None or \ wd != self.curSize[ 0 ] or ht != self.curSize[ 1 ]: self.curSize = (wd, ht) if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.logger.debug('%s: starting timer', self.GetTitle()) self.timer.Start(500, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT) # wd, ht = self.GetClientSize() # if wd > 0 and ht > 0: # if self.curSize is None or \ # wd != self.curSize[ 0 ] or ht != self.curSize[ 1 ]: # self.curSize = ( wd, ht ) # if self.logger.isEnabledFor( logging.DEBUG ): # self.logger.debug( '%s: starting timer', self.GetTitle() ) # self.timer.Start( 500, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) #end else ev is not None #end _OnSize #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _OnSize_0() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## def _OnSize_0( self, ev ): ## """ ##""" ## if ev is not None: ## ev.Skip() ## ## wd, ht = self.GetClientSize() ## ## if wd > 0 and ht > 0: ## self.UpdateState( replot = True ) ## #end _OnSize_0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _OnSize_1() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## def _OnSize_1( self, ev ): ## """ ##""" ## if ev is None: ## # call wx.CallAfter( self.UpdateState, replot = True ) here? ## self.curSize = None ## else: ## ev.Skip() ## ## wd, ht = self.GetClientSize() ## ## if wd > 0 and ht > 0: ## if self.curSize is None or \ ## wd != self.curSize[ 0 ] or ht != self.curSize[ 1 ]: ## self.curSize = ( wd, ht ) ## if self.logger.isEnabledFor( logging.DEBUG ): ## self.logger.debug( '%s: calling timer', self.GetTitle() ) ## self.timer.Start( 500, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) ## #end _OnSize_1 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: PlotWidget._OnTimer() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _OnTimer(self, ev): """ """ if ev.Timer.Id == TIMERID_RESIZE: #wd, ht = self.GetClientSize() if self.curSize is not None: if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.logger.debug('%s: calling UpdateState redraw', self.GetTitle()) wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateState, redraw=True) # replot = true #end if ev.Timer.Id == TIMERID_RESIZE #end _OnTimer #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _OnToggleToolBar() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _OnToggleToolBar(self, ev): """ """ ev.Skip() if self.toolbar.IsShown(): self.toolbar.home(False) self.toolbar.Show(False) self.callbackIds[ 'button_release_event' ] = self.\ canvas.mpl_connect( 'button_release_event', self._OnMplMouseRelease ) self.callbackIds[ 'motion_notify_event' ] = self.\ canvas.mpl_connect( 'motion_notify_event', self._OnMplMouseMotion ) else: # for k, id in self.callbackIds.iteritems(): # self.canvas.mpl_disconnect( id ) self.toolbar.Show(True) self.GetSizer().Layout() #end _OnToggleToolBar #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: PlotWidget.SaveProps() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def SaveProps(self, props_dict, for_drag=False): """Called to load properties. This implementation takes care of 'dataSetSelections' and 'timeValue', but subclasses must override for all other properties. @param props_dict dict object to which to serialize properties """ super(PlotWidget, self).SaveProps(props_dict, for_drag=for_drag) for k in ('timeValue', ): props_dict[k] = getattr(self, k) for k in ('dataSetSelections', ): if hasattr(self, k): cur_attr = getattr(self, k) if isinstance(cur_attr, dict): for name in cur_attr.keys(): if isinstance(name, DataSetName): cur_value = cur_attr[name] del cur_attr[name] cur_attr[] = cur_value #end for name #end if isinstance( cur_value, dict ) props_dict[k] = cur_attr #end if hasattr( self, k ) #end for k #end SaveProps #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _UpdateDataSetValues() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _UpdateDataSetValues(self): """This noop version must be overridden by subclasses. """ pass #end _UpdateDataSetValues #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _UpdatePlot() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _UpdatePlot(self): """ Must be called from the UI thread. """ self._BusyDoOp(self._UpdatePlotImpl) #end _UpdatePlot #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _UpdatePlotImpl() - #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _UpdatePlotImpl(self): """ Must be called from the UI thread. """ if is not None: self.axline = None self.cursorLine = \ self.cursorLine2 = None # # if hasattr( self, 'ax2' ) and self.ax2 is not None: # self.ax2.clear() self.fig.clear() self._InitAxes() # -- Scale fonts # -- wd, ht = self.GetClientSize() label_font_size = 14 tick_font_size = 12 self.titleFontSize = 16 if 'wxMac' not in wx.PlatformInfo and wd < 800: decr = (800 - wd) / 50.0 label_font_size -= decr tick_font_size -= decr self.titleFontSize -= decr # # True, 'both', 'both', # color = '#c8c8c8', linestyle = ':', linewidth = 1 # ) self._DoUpdatePlot(wd, ht) self._DoUpdateRedraw() self.canvas.draw() #end if #end _UpdatePlotImpl #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: UpdateState() - # Must be called from the UI thread. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def UpdateState(self, **kwargs): """ Must be called from the UI thread. """ if bool(self): if 'scale_mode' in kwargs: kwargs['replot'] = True kwargs = self._UpdateStateValues(**kwargs) redraw = kwargs.get('redraw', False) replot = kwargs.get('replot', False) if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.logger.debug('%s: redraw=%s, replot=%s', self.GetTitle(), str(redraw), str(replot)) if replot: self._UpdateDataSetValues() self._UpdatePlot() elif redraw: self._DoUpdateRedraw() self.canvas.draw() #end UpdateState #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHOD: _UpdateStateValues() - # Must be called from the UI thread. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _UpdateStateValues(self, **kwargs): """ Must be called from the UI thread. @return kwargs with 'redraw' and/or 'replot' """ #replot = kwargs.get( 'replot', False ) #redraw = kwargs.get( 'redraw', kwargs.get( 'force_redraw', False ) ) replot = kwargs.get('replot', kwargs.get('force_redraw', False)) redraw = kwargs.get('redraw', False) if 'data_model_mgr' in kwargs: replot = True if 'dataset_added' in kwargs: wx.CallAfter(self.container.GetDataSetMenu().UpdateAllMenus) if 'time_value' in kwargs and kwargs['time_value'] != self.timeValue: if self._IsTimeReplot(): replot = True else: redraw = True self.timeValue = kwargs['time_value'] if redraw: kwargs['redraw'] = True if replot: kwargs['replot'] = True return kwargs
def home(self, *args): """ Overloaded home method that resets the zoom, and re-draws meridians """ NavigationToolbar.home(self, args) self.plot.do_dynamic_update()