def OnCMapChanged(self, event): #print event.GetId() ind = self.cIds.index(event.GetId()) cmn = event.GetString() if cmn == 'fastGrey':, fast_grey) elif cmn == 'labeled':, labeled) else:, cm.__getattribute__(cmn))
def lines(x, lines=None, cmap='viridis', **kwargs): if lines is None: lines = list(x) x = np.arange(len(lines[0])) else: lines = list(lines) colors = cm.__getattribute__(cmap)(np.linspace(0, 1, len(lines))) for line, color in zip(lines, colors): plt.plot(x, line, color=color)
def load_maps(self): """ If it's necessary, loads matplotlib's color maps and adds them to the collection. EXAMPLES:: sage: from sage.plot.colors import Colormaps sage: maps = Colormaps() sage: len(maps.maps) 0 sage: maps.load_maps() sage: len(maps.maps)>130 True """ global cm if not cm: from matplotlib import cm if not self.maps: for cmap in cm.datad.keys(): self.maps[cmap] = cm.__getattribute__(cmap)
#log.debug(input_file) csvfile = csv.reader(input_file) for i in csvfile: row = [] for j in i: for width in range(graph_width): v = float(j) v = minv if minv and minv > v else v v = maxv if maxv and maxv < v else v row.append(v) for height in range(graph_height): data.append(row) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(canvas_width, canvas_height), dpi=10) cax = ax.imshow(data, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.__getattribute__(gtype)) cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) prop = fm.FontProperties(fname=cur_path + '/static/fonts/ipag.ttf') ax.set_title(title, fontproperties=prop) # グラフ表示用のデータ生成 _min = min([j for i in data for j in i]) _max = max([j for i in data for j in i]) _ave = (_min + _max) / 2.0 log.debug("min = %d" % _min) log.debug("max = %d" % _max) log.debug("ave = %d" % _ave) ticks = [_min] + [ _min + d * (_max - _min) / float(splitnum) for d in range(1, splitnum) ] + [_max] cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, ticks=ticks)
def cmap_colors(cmap, n, vmin=0, vmax=1): return cm.__getattribute__(cmap)(np.linspace(vmin, vmax, n))
def colormap(cmapName): try: return cm.__getattribute__(cmapName) except: return cm.jet"--start-- graph_generate") data = [] #log.debug(input_file) csvfile = csv.reader(input_file) for i in csvfile: row = [] for j in i: for width in range(graph_width): v = float(j) v = minv if minv and minv>v else v v = maxv if maxv and maxv<v else v row.append(v) for height in range(graph_height): data.append(row) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(canvas_width, canvas_height),dpi=10) cax = ax.imshow(data, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.__getattribute__(gtype)) cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) prop = fm.FontProperties(fname=cur_path+'/static/fonts/ipag.ttf') ax.set_title(title, fontproperties=prop) # グラフ表示用のデータ生成 _min = min([j for i in data for j in i ]) _max = max([j for i in data for j in i]) _ave = (_min+_max)/2.0 log.debug("min = %d"%_min) log.debug("max = %d"%_max) log.debug("ave = %d"%_ave) ticks = [_min]+[_min+d*(_max-_min)/float(splitnum) for d in range(1,splitnum)]+[_max] cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, ticks=ticks)['%.3f'%t for t in ticks])# vertically oriented colorbar imgdata = StringIO.StringIO()