def plot_2d_clusters(X, labels, centers): """ Given an observation array, a label vector, and the location of the centers plot the clusters """ clabels = set(labels) K = len(clabels) if len(centers) != K: raise ValueError("Expecting the number of unique labels and centres to" " be the same!") # Plot the true clusters figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = gca() vor = Voronoi(centers) voronoi_plot_2d(vor, ax) colors = cm.hsv(np.arange(K)/float(K)) for k, col in enumerate(colors): my_members = labels == k scatter(X[my_members, 0], X[my_members, 1], c=col, marker='o', s=20) for k, col in enumerate(colors): cluster_center = centers[k] scatter(cluster_center[0], cluster_center[1], c=col, marker='o', s=200) axis('tight') axis('equal') title('Clusters')
def PlotMonthBar(self): """活跃时间柱形图""" date_list = GetNDayList(self.today_dt, 30) md_list = list(map(ymd2md, date_list)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) days = np.arange(30), height=self.activate, label='activate', color=cm.hsv(0.6), alpha=0.8) avg_hours = self.activate.mean() plt.axhline(y=avg_hours, ls=":", lw=4, c=cm.hsv(0)) # params fontsize = 20 plt.legend(fontsize=fontsize - 2, loc='upper left') plt.xlabel(u"日期", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel(u"时长(小时)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize - 5) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(ticks=range(0, 30 + 1, 4), labels=md_list[::4]) plt.title("近一个月学习投入情况(平均{0:.2f}小时)".format(avg_hours), fontsize=fontsize + 5) plt.savefig(self.fig_path, dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def test_matplotlib_rainbow(): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4), dpi=96) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #im = np.array(list(list([0,0,0,0.8] for _ in range(64)) for _ in range(64))) im = np.random.random((64, 64, 4)) ax.imshow(im, aspect='auto', cmap=cm) # cmap=cm cmap=cm.hsv ax.imshow(im, aspect='auto', extent=[100, 228, 100, 228], origin='lower') for i in range(0, 360, 4): ax.plot(i, i, 'o', color=getColStr(*getHSV2RGB(i / 360.0))) ax.plot(np.arange(360) - 30, np.arange(360) - 10, 'm') ax.plot(np.arange(360) - 30, np.arange(360), getColStr(*getHSV2RGB(0.5))) # ax.plot(np.arange(360) + 10, np.arange(360) - 30, cmap=cm.hsv) # BAD ax.set_color_cycle([cm.hsv(_ / 360.0) for _ in range(360)]) for i in range(360): ax.plot(np.arange(i, i + 2) + 10, np.arange(i, i + 2) - 30, linewidth=3) # print ax._get_lines.get_next_color() # matplotlib >= 3 ? # print ax._get_lines.color_cycle # matplotlib >= 3 ? print ax.get_lines()[-1].get_color() print ax.get_lines()[-360].get_color() ax.set_color_cycle([cm.hsv(_ / 8.0) for _ in range(8)]) for i in range(8): ax.plot(np.arange(360) - 5 - i * 2, np.arange(360) - 30) ax.set_xlim([-50, 400]) ax.set_ylim([-50, 400])
def draw_lines(paras, u_set, v_set, pic_path): """ 1つの画像にエピポーラ線描画 """ # 画像の読み込み img = np.array( # 画像のサイズ height, width, _ = img.shape # エピポーラ線を1本ずつ描画 for i, (a, b, c) in enumerate(paras): line = np.empty((0, 2)) # x=0, w, y=0, hとの4交点のうち、画像枠内にある2点を選択 u1 = -c / a u2 = -(b * height + c) / a v1 = -c / b v2 = -(a * width + c) / b if 0 <= u1 <= width: line = np.append(line, np.array([[u1, 0]]), axis=0) if 0 <= u2 <= width: line = np.append(line, np.array([[u2, height]]), axis=0) if 0 <= v1 <= height: line = np.append(line, np.array([[0, v1]]), axis=0) if 0 <= v2 <= height: line = np.append(line, np.array([[width, v2]]), axis=0) # 2点を結ぶ線分を描画 plt.plot(line[:, 0], line[:, 1], marker="None", color=cm.hsv(i / len(u_set))) data_name = [i for i in range(len(u_set))] # 対応点のプロット for (i, j, k) in zip(u_set, v_set, data_name): plt.plot(i, j, 'o', color=cm.hsv(k / len(u_set))) plt.annotate(str(k), xy=(i, j)) # 画像の読み込み img = np.array( # 画像の表示 plt.imshow(img) plt.close()
def plot_spd2(Is, filename=None): rc('axes', linewidth=0.5) rc('font', size=7, family='serif') rc('xtick', top=True, direction='in') rc('xtick.major', size=2.5, width=0.5) rc('ytick', right=True, direction='in') rc('ytick.major', size=2.5, width=0.5) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(len(Is) * 5, 5), dpi=100) for k, I in enumerate(Is): ax = fig.add_subplot(100 + len(Is) * 10 + (k + 1)) imagedims = I.shape[:2] vals, vecs = np.linalg.eig(I) FA = np.sqrt(0.5 * (vals[..., 0]**2 + vals[..., 1]**2) - vals[..., 0] * vals[..., 1]) FA /= np.linalg.norm(Is[0], axis=(-2, -1)) lvals = np.log(vals) GA = np.sqrt(0.5 * (lvals[..., 0]**2 + lvals[..., 1]**2) - lvals[..., 0] * lvals[..., 1]) GA /= 1 + GA angles = 180 + 180 * np.arctan2(vecs[..., 0, 0], vecs[..., 1, 0]) / np.pi vals /= 0.5 * vals.max() X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(imagedims[0]), np.arange(imagedims[1])) XY = np.vstack((X.ravel(), Y.ravel())).T ec = EllipseCollection(vals[..., 0], vals[..., 1], angles, units='x', offsets=XY, transOffset=ax.transData, edgecolors=0.8 * cm.hsv(GA.ravel())[:, :-1], facecolors=1.0 * cm.hsv(GA.ravel())[:, :-1], linewidths=0.5) ax.add_collection(ec) ax.autoscale_view() ax.invert_yaxis() ax.axis("equal") if filename is None: else: canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) canvas.print_figure(filename) plt.close(fig)
def plot_2d_clusters(X, labels, centers): """ Given an observation array, a label vector, and the location of the centers plot the clusters """ clabels = set(labels) K = len(clabels) if len(centers) != K: raise ValueError("Expecting the number of unique labels and centres to" " be the same!") # Plot the true clusters figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = gca() vor = Voronoi(centers) voronoi_plot_2d(vor, ax) colors = cm.hsv(np.arange(K) / float(K)) for k, col in enumerate(colors): my_members = labels == k scatter(X[my_members, 0], X[my_members, 1], c=col, marker='o', s=20) for k, col in enumerate(colors): cluster_center = centers[k] scatter(cluster_center[0], cluster_center[1], c=col, marker='o', s=200) axis('tight') axis('equal') title('Clusters')
def plot_spectra_grid(file_set,protein,ligands,ligand): grid = len(protein) + len(ligand) # pick the correct file proteins = file_set.keys() index = ligands.index(ligand) file = file_set[protein][index] # pick a title title = "%s - %s" %(protein, ligand) # make a dataframe df = xml2df(file) # plot the spectra fig = plt.figure(); ax = df['fluorescence'].iloc[:,12].plot(ylim=(0,100000),legend=False, linewidth=4,color='m'); ax.axvline(x=480,color='0.7',linestyle='--'); for i in range(11): #s = df['fluorescence'].iloc[:,i].plot(ylim=(0,100000),linewidth=3,c=cm.hsv(i*15), ax = ax, title=title); df['fluorescence'].iloc[:,i].plot(ylim=(0,100000),linewidth=3,c=cm.hsv(i*15), ax = ax); df['fluorescence'].iloc[:,11+i].plot(ylim=(0,100000),legend=False, linewidth=4,c=cm.gray(i*15+50), ax = ax, fontsize =20); sns.despine() plt.xlim(320,600) plt.yticks([]) plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)', fontsize=20) plt.tight_layout(); plt.savefig('%s.eps'%title, type='eps', dpi=1000)
def pathsByLength(geo, targ_dict, background=True): """ Overlay paths all on one tree colored by path length. """ lengths = [targ_dict[s]['pathLength'] for s in targ_dict.keys()] plt.figure(figsize=(4,6)) if background: branchpts = [] # Plot by branches for b in geo.branches: branchpts.append([[n.x, n.y] for n in b.nodes]) for b in branchpts: # Plot the background skeleton first for s in range(len(b)-1): plt.plot([b[s][0], b[s+1][0]], [b[s][1], b[s+1][1]], color='black', alpha=0.3) # Plot each thing pDF = PathDistanceFinder(geo, geo.soma) for t in targ_dict.keys(): targ = [seg for seg in geo.segments if seg.filamentIndex==targ_dict[t]['closestFil']][0] path = pDF.pathTo(targ) # This makes sure the colors range the whole spectrm pcolor = (targ_dict[t]['pathLength']-min(lengths))/(max(lengths)-min(lengths)) for p in range(len(path)-1): c0, c1 = path[p].coordAt(0), path[p+1].coordAt(0) plt.plot([c0[0], c1[0]], [c0[1], c1[1]], linewidth=3, color=cm.hsv(pcolor), alpha=0.7)
def PlotWaterFall(self): """活跃时间瀑布图""" fontsize = 20 st = time.time() fig, axes = joypy.joyplot(self.frequent, column=['hour'], by="date", grid=True, xlabelsize=fontsize, ylabelsize=fontsize, figsize=(10, 6), ylim='own', fill=True, linecolor=None, background=None, xlabels=True, ylabels=True, range_style='all', x_range=np.arange(25), color=cm.hsv(0.68)) # params plt.xlabel(u"小时", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(ticks=list(range(0, 24, 4)) + [24], labels=list(range(0, 24, 4)) + [24], fontsize=fontsize) plt.title(u"近一周学习情况", fontsize=fontsize + 5) plt.grid(linestyle="--", alpha=0.45) plt.savefig(self.fig_path, dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def PlotDayBar(self): """活跃时间柱形图""" fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) hours = np.arange(24) # bar, height=self.activate_data, label='activate', color=cm.hsv(0.4), alpha=0.8) # params fontsize = 20 plt.legend(fontsize=fontsize - 2, loc='upper left') plt.xlabel(u"小时", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel(u"时长(秒)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize - 5) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(ticks=range(24), labels=hours) sumhours = sum(self.activate_data) / 3600 plt.title("今日学习投入情况 (%.2f 小时)" % sumhours, fontsize=fontsize + 5) plt.savefig(self.fig_path, dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def scatter_all_seeds(results, title): plt.close() results = np.array(results) for seed in seeds: mask = results[:, 0] == int(seed) time = results[mask, 1] / 60 / 60 error = results[mask, 2] if is_regression: error = np.log10(error) plt.plot(time, error, linestyle='solid', linewidth=.5, marker='o', markersize=5, color=cm.hsv(float(seed) / number_seeds, 1), alpha=.75) plt.xlabel("Time (h)") if is_regression: plt.ylabel("log(RMSE)") else: plt.ylabel("% class. error") plt.ylim(0, 100) plt.margins(0.1, 0.1) plt.title(title) plt.savefig("%s/plots%s/trajectories-%s.scatter.png" % (os.environ['AUTOWEKA_PATH'], suffix, title))
def animate(): global graph, pfad, kreis, ctr, cnt # neuen Punkt generieren pts, R, attached = dla() # Pfad und Kreis updaten x,y = zip(*pts) pfad.set_data(x, y) kreis.set_data([ctr + R*cos(phi) for phi in linspace(0,2*pi,100)], [ctr + R*sin(phi) for phi in linspace(0,2*pi,100)]) # und letzten Punkt permanent ausgeben, falls angelagert if attached: graph.scatter(x[-1], y[-1], s=4, c=cm.hsv(cnt), linewidth=0) cnt += 0.1 # Groesse anpasse graph.axis((0,M-1,0,M-1)) # periodisch die Funktion wieder aufrufen, wenn noch ok if R >= 0.4*M: print "Radius %d ist zu gross geworden" % R else: figure.canvas.manager.window.after(200, animate) figure.canvas.draw()
def draw_meshgrid(fig,ax): # Draw mesh for each red with skipping for i in range(0,sLut_3d_size,sSkip): ax.plot_wireframe(s**t[i,0: sLut_3d_size:sSkip,0:sLut_3d_size:sSkip,0], s**t[i,0:sLut_3d_size:sSkip,0:sLut_3d_size:sSkip,1], s**t[i,0:sLut_3d_size:sSkip,0:sLut_3d_size:sSkip,2], color=cm.hsv(float(i)/float(sLut_3d_size))) # Draw last mesh if skipped in the loop above if((sLut_3d_size - 1) % sSkip): ax.plot_wireframe(s**t[sLut_3d_size - 1,0: sLut_3d_size:sSkip,0:sLut_3d_size:sSkip,0], s**t[sLut_3d_size - 1,0:sLut_3d_size:sSkip,0:sLut_3d_size:sSkip,1], s**t[sLut_3d_size - 1,0:sLut_3d_size:sSkip,0:sLut_3d_size:sSkip,2], color=cm.hsv(1.0))
def plot_tsne(self, window, vector_size): cprint("モデルのt-NSEによる出力を始めます。", "yellow") os.chdir(self.model_dir) model = Doc2Vec.load("model_v{}_w{}".format(vector_size, window)) figsize(15, 15) plt.rcParams[''] = 'IPAexGothic' tag_name = [i.split("_")[0] for i in os.listdir(self.train_dir)] train_data = [model[tag] for tag in tag_name] reduced_data = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=0).fit_transform(train_data) for i, tag in enumerate(tag_name): plt.scatter(reduced_data[i, 0], reduced_data[i, 1], color=cm.hsv(i / 160)) texts = [ plt.text(reduced_data[i, 0], reduced_data[i, 1], str(tag_name[i]), ha='center', va='center') for i in range(len(reduced_data)) ] adjust_text(texts) plt.xticks(color="None") plt.yticks(color="None") os.chdir(self.image_dir) plt.savefig("image_tsne_w{}_v{}.png".format(window, vector_size))
def scatter_all_seeds(results, title): plt.close() results = np.array(results) for seed in seeds: mask = results[:, 0] == seed time = results[mask, 1].astype(float) time = np.divide(time, 3600.) error = results[mask, 2].astype(float) if is_regression: error = np.log10(error) plt.plot(time, error, linestyle='solid', linewidth=.5, color=cm.hsv(float(seed) / number_seeds, 1), alpha=.75) plt.xlabel("Time (h)") if is_regression: plt.ylabel("log(RMSE)") else: plt.ylabel("% class. error") plt.ylim(0, 100) plt.margins(0.1, 0.1) plt.title(title) plt.savefig("%s/plots%s/smac-runs-%s.individual.png" % (os.environ['AUTOWEKA_PATH'], suffix, title))
def plot_2Ddata(X, y, dots_alpha=.5, noticks=False): colors = cm.hsv(np.linspace(0, .7, len(np.unique(y)))) for i, label in enumerate(np.unique(y)): plt.scatter(X[y==label][:,0], X[y==label][:,1], color=colors[i], alpha=dots_alpha) if noticks: plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([])
def colorflow(fx, fy, rgba=False, zero_mean=True): """Create a colored flow field from (fx,fy) flow Optical flow fields are represented with color as angle and saturation as magnitude. This implementation optionally represents magntiude in the alpha channel for better blending with the original image. Args: fx,fy: The flow fields Keyword Args: rgba: If True, represent magnitude with an alpha channel rather than saturation (default: False) zero_mean: Remove the mean of the flow field before computing the visualization. This remove the global interpretability of the flow field, but makes better utilization of the color space """ if zero_mean: fx, fy = fx - fx.mean(), fy - fy.mean() # angle is color, magnitude is saturation angle, magnitude = np.arctan2(fy, fx), np.sqrt(fx**2 + fy**2) color, saturation = angle / np.pi * 0.5 + 0.5, magnitude / magnitude.max() rgb = cm.hsv(color) # compute the colored flow field if rgba: rgb[..., 3] = saturation else: rgb = 1.0 - saturation[..., None] * (1.0 - rgb[..., :3]) return rgb
def plot_tsne_pca_new(data, labels): max_label = max(labels) max_items = np.random.choice(range(data.shape[0]), size=1200, replace=False) #1370 pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(data[max_items,:].todense()) tsne = TSNE().fit_transform(PCA(n_components=50).fit_transform(data[max_items,:].todense())) idx = np.random.choice(range(pca.shape[0]), size=300, replace=False) # print(max_items) label_subset = labels[max_items] label_subset = [cm.hsv(i/max_label) for i in label_subset[idx]] # f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 6)) # ax[0].scatter(pca[idx, 0], pca[idx, 1], c=label_subset) # ax[0].set_title('PCA Cluster Plot') # ax[1].scatter(tsne[idx, 0], tsne[idx, 1], c=label_subset) # ax[1].set_title('TSNE Cluster Plot') f, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.scatter(tsne[idx, 0], tsne[idx, 1], c=label_subset) ax.set_title('TSNE Cluster Plot') f.savefig('./drive/My Drive/ALDA_Project/clusters_news.png')
def histogram(names, values, title="", xlabel="", ylabel=""): if not names or not values: return _empty_chart(title, xlabel, ylabel) figure = mpl_Figure() canvas = mpl_FigureCanvas(figure) figure.set_canvas(canvas) ax = figure.add_subplot(111, colors = [cm.hsv(float(i)/len(values)) for i in xrange(len(values))] n, bins, patches = ax.hist( values, 10, normed=0, histtype="bar", label=names, color=colors) for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(-35) label.set_horizontalalignment('left') ax.plegend = ax.legend(loc="upper right", fancybox=True, shadow=True) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl_FuncFormatter( lambda time, pos: utils.time_to_string(time)[:-7])) ax.set_xlim(xmin=0) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) return ChartWidget(figure, xlock=True)
def style_map(i, j, op_i, op_string, op_j, strength): """define the plot style for a given coupling.""" key = (op_i, op_string, op_j) style = {} style['linewidth'] = np.abs(strength) * matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] style['color'] = hsv(norm_angle(np.angle(strength))) return style
def pair_scatter(experiments, pair_on, save_path, markers=["*", "o"]): gpu_ids = np.unique(experiments["str_gpu_id"]) pair_vals = np.unique(experiments[pair_on]) if len(pair_vals) != 2: raise Exception("The pair_on parameter is invalid") colors = cm.hsv((255 * np.arange(len(gpu_ids)) / len(gpu_ids)).astype("uint8")) plt.figure() for i, gpu_id in enumerate(gpu_ids): experiment_inds = experiments["str_gpu_id"] == gpu_id experiments_tmp = experiments[experiment_inds] exps = list() for pair_val in pair_vals: exp = experiments_tmp[experiments_tmp[pair_on] == pair_val] exp = exp.iloc[np.argmax(exp["iter_time_mu"].values)] exps.append(exp) exps = pd.DataFrame(exps) plt.plot( exps["batch_size"], exps["iter_time_mu"], color=colors[i], label="GPU IDs: " + gpu_id, ) for pair in range(2): label = None if i == 0: label = pair_vals[pair] plt.scatter( exps["batch_size"].iloc[pair], exps["iter_time_mu"].iloc[pair], color="k", marker=markers[pair], label=label, ) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) plt.xlabel("batch size") plt.ylabel("avg iter time (s)") ylim = list(plt.ylim()) ylim[0] = 0 plt.ylim(ylim) batch_sizes = np.unique(experiments["batch_size"]) batch_sizes = batch_sizes[batch_sizes < plt.xlim()[1]] plt.xticks(batch_sizes) plt.savefig(save_path, dpi=120, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close()
def histogram(names, values, title="", xlabel="", ylabel=""): if not names or not values: return _empty_chart(title, xlabel, ylabel) figure = mpl_Figure() canvas = mpl_FigureCanvas(figure) figure.set_canvas(canvas) ax = figure.add_subplot(111, colors = [cm.hsv(float(i) / len(values)) for i in xrange(len(values))] n, bins, patches = ax.hist(values, 10, normed=0, histtype="bar", label=names, color=colors) for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(-35) label.set_horizontalalignment('left') ax.plegend = ax.legend(loc="upper right", fancybox=True, shadow=True) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( mpl_FuncFormatter(lambda time, pos: utils.time_to_string(time)[:-7])) ax.set_xlim(xmin=0) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) return ChartWidget(figure, xlock=True)
def plot(self, X, class_label): rcParams.update({"legend.fontsize": 6}) # get the class labels list_class_label = np.unique(class_label) nclass = len(list_class_label) # permutation of indices # 0 = sepal_length, 1 = sepal_width, 2 = petal_length, 3 = petal_width list_permutation = [[[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3]], [[1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3]]] # generate figure showing data for all possible combinations of 2 features nrow = 2 ncol = 3 fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol, figsize=(10, 7)) fig.suptitle("Iris Data") for row in range(nrow): for col in range(ncol): for i, classname in enumerate(list_class_label): idx = np.where(class_label == classname)[0] # scatter plot in x0-x1 plane where x0,x1 are entries 0,1 from list_permutation axs[row, col].scatter(X[list_permutation[row][col][0], idx], X[list_permutation[row][col][1], idx], color=cm.hsv((i + 1) / nclass), s=15, label=classname) axs[row, col].set_xlabel( self.feature[list_permutation[row][col][0]]) axs[row, col].set_ylabel( self.feature[list_permutation[row][col][1]]) axs[row, col].legend(loc="upper left")
def main(): # generate a fresh DiGraph generatedigraph(G) # user inputs center nodes node = input("Please enter a center node, or press ENTER to quit: ") while (node != ""): center_nodes.append(int(node)) node = input("Please enter a center node, or press ENTER to quit: ") # obtains the Voronoi cells cells = nx.voronoi_cells(G, center_nodes) partition = set(map(frozenset, cells.values())) cells_list = list(sorted(map(sorted, partition))) print(cells_list) # adds color corresponding to Voronoi cell for i in range(0, len(cells_list)): for j in range(0, len(cells_list[i])): color_map.append(cm.hsv(1 / (i + .5))) pos = nx.spring_layout(G) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_color=color_map, edge_color='k', node_size=200, alpha=0.5) pylab.title('Voronoi cells', fontsize=15)
def save(img, mu, counter): batch_size, out_shape = img.shape[0], img.shape[1:3] marker_list = ["o", "v", "s", "|", "_"] directory = os.path.join('../images/landmarks/') if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) s = out_shape[0] // 8 n_parts = mu.shape[-2] mu_img = (mu + 1.) / 2. * np.array(out_shape)[0] steps = batch_size step_size = 1 for i in range(0, steps, step_size): plt.imshow(img[i]) for j in range(n_parts): plt.scatter(mu_img[i, j, 1], mu_img[i, j, 0], s=s, marker=marker_list[np.mod(j, len(marker_list))], color=cm.hsv(float(j / n_parts))) plt.axis('off') fname = directory + str(counter) + '_' + str(i) + '.png' plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def createPlotWithCol(self, dataFrames, column, args, doc): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_position([0.1, 0.35, .85, .6]) fishes_names = [i for i in itertools.chain.from_iterable(args.values())] colors = cmx.hsv(np.linspace(0, 1, len(fishes_names))) if column == 'Area' or column == 'Circularity': for fishName, color in zip(fishes_names, colors): data_len = len(getDataByColumn(fishName, column, dataFrames)) x_perc = np.linspace(0, 100, data_len) ax.plot(x_perc, getDataByColumn(fishName, column, dataFrames), label=fishName, color=color) x_axix_format = '%.0f%%' xticks = mtick.FormatStrFormatter(x_axix_format) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xticks) ax.grid(True) plt.xlabel('Number of slice (%)', labelpad=5) plt.ylabel(self.unitsInfo[column]) ax.legend(loc='center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.35), ncol=6, prop={'size': 12}) imgdata = BytesIO() fig.savefig(imgdata, format='png') img = Image(imgdata) img._restrictSize(doc.width, doc.height) return img
def find_shorts_open_circuits(datapoints, dev_name="various devices", lot='lot'): wafernames = [] colors = cm.hsv(np.linspace(0, 1, 10)) datapoints = sorted(datapoints, key=lambda x: x.wafername) for i in range(0, len(datapoints)): wafernames = np.append(wafernames, datapoints[i].wafername) wafernames = list(set(wafernames)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.suptitle("Potential Shorts/Open Circuits for: " + lot + " Device: " + dev_name) for i in range(0, len(datapoints)): for j in range(0, len(wafernames)): plt.subplot(int(len(wafernames) / 3) + 1, 3, j + 1) wafer_outline = plt.Circle((5000, 30000), 50000, color='blue', fill=False) plt.xlabel("X Coordinate") plt.ylabel("Y Coordinate") plt.ylim(-25000, 85000) plt.xlim(-50000, 60000) if datapoints[i].Vcomp - .01 <= datapoints[ i].Vmeas <= datapoints[i].Vcomp + .01: if datapoints[i].wafername == wafernames[j]: if datapoints[i].wafername != datapoints[ i - 1].wafername or i == 0: plt.plot(datapoints[i].x_coord, datapoints[i].y_coord, color=colors[j], marker='o', label=str(wafernames[j])) plt.legend() plt.gcf().gca().add_artist(wafer_outline) else: plt.plot(datapoints[i].x_coord, datapoints[i].y_coord, color=colors[j], marker='o') elif datapoints[i].Icomp - .00001 <= datapoints[ i].Imeas <= datapoints[i].Icomp + .00001: if datapoints[i].wafername == wafernames[j]: if datapoints[i].wafername != datapoints[ i - 1].wafername or i == 0: plt.plot(datapoints[i].x_coord, datapoints[i].y_coord, color=colors[j], marker='x', label=str(wafernames[j])) plt.legend() plt.gcf().gca().add_artist(wafer_outline) else: plt.plot(datapoints[i].x_coord, datapoints[i].y_coord, color=colors[j], marker='x')
def animate(i): x_ = x[i] y_ = y[i] z_ = z[i] n = int(i / tb) * float(tb / N) print(i, n) cm_ = cm.hsv(n) ax.scatter(x_, y_, z_, s=40, alpha=0.3, marker="o", c=cm_)
def np_batch_colour_map(heat_map): c = heat_map.shape[-1] colour = [] for i in range(c): colour.append(cm.hsv(float(i / c))[:3]) np_colour = np.array(colour) colour_map = np.einsum('bijk,kl->bijl', heat_map, np_colour) return colour_map
def batch_colour_map(heat_map): c = heat_map.get_shape().as_list()[-1] colour = [] for i in range(c): colour.append(cm.hsv(float(i / c))[:3]) colour = tf.constant(colour) colour_map = tf.einsum('bijk,kl->bijl', heat_map, colour) return colour_map
def batch_colour_map(heat_map, device): c = heat_map.shape[1] colour = [] for i in range(c): colour.append(cm.hsv(float(i / c))[:3]) # does that work? colour = torch.tensor(colour, dtype=torch.float).to(device) colour_map = contract('bkij, kl -> blij', heat_map, colour) return colour_map
def np_batch_colour_map(heat_map, device): c = heat_map.shape[1] colour = [] for i in range(c): colour.append(cm.hsv(float(i / c))[:3]) np_colour = np.array(colour).to(device) colour_map = contract('bkij,kl->blij', heat_map, np_colour) return colour_map
def show_histogram(values): n, bins, patches = plt.hist(values.reshape(-1), 50, normed=1) bin_centers = 0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) for c, p in zip(normalize(bin_centers), patches): plt.setp(p, 'facecolor', cm.hsv(c))
def plot_2Ddata(X, y, dots_alpha=.5, noticks=False, ax=None): ax = plt if ax is None else ax colors = cm.hsv(np.linspace(0, .7, len(np.unique(y)))) for i, label in enumerate(np.unique(y)): ax.scatter(X[y==label][:,0], X[y==label][:,1], color=colors[i], alpha=dots_alpha) if noticks: ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([])
def getColColor(ch): if ch >= 1 and ch <= 59: color = cm.hsv(0. / 8.) elif ch >= 61 and ch <= 119: color = cm.hsv(1. / 8.) elif ch >= 121 and ch <= 179: color = cm.hsv(2. / 8.) elif ch >= 181 and ch <= 239: color = cm.hsv(3. / 8.) elif ch >= 241 and ch <= 299: color = cm.hsv(4. / 8.) elif ch >= 301 and ch <= 359: color = cm.hsv(5. / 8.) elif ch >= 361 and ch <= 419: color = cm.hsv(6. / 8.) elif ch >= 421 and ch <= 479: color = cm.hsv(7. / 8.) return color
def command(paths): """ Show a lowest elevation image. """ # order index = dict( NL60=0, NL61=1, nhb=2, ess=3, emd=4, JAB=5, ) # load d_rang, d_elev, d_anth = {}, {}, {} for p in paths: with h5py.File(p, 'r') as h5: for r in h5: if r in d_rang or r == 'ase': continue d_rang[r] = h5[r]['range'][:] d_elev[r] = h5[r]['elevation'][:] d_anth[r] = h5[r].attrs['antenna_height'] radars = d_anth.keys() elev =,) + d_rang[radars[0]].shape) rang =,) + d_rang[radars[0]].shape) anth = np.empty((len(radars), 1, 1)) for r in radars: elev[index[r]] =[r], config.NODATAVALUE) rang[index[r]] =[r], config.NODATAVALUE) anth[index[r]] = float(d_anth[r]) / 1000 # calculate theta = calc.calculate_theta( rang=rang, elev=np.radians(elev), anth=anth, ) alt = calc.calculate_height( theta=theta, elev=np.radians(elev), anth=anth, ) which = alt == alt.min(0), np.indices(alt.shape)[0], -1, ).max(0) what = alt.min(0) # colors hue = cm.hsv(colors.Normalize(vmax=len(radars))(which), bytes=True) sat = 1 - colors.Normalize(vmax=5, clip=True)(what)[..., np.newaxis] hue[..., :3] *= sat hue[sat.mask[..., 0]] = 255 Image.fromarray(hue).save('elevation_image.png') return 0
def create_pred_movie_no_conf(conf, predList, moviename, outmovie, outtype): predLocs, predscores, predmaxscores = predList # assert false, 'stop here' tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cap = cv2.VideoCapture(moviename) nframes = int(cap.get(cvc.FRAME_COUNT)) cmap = cm.get_cmap('jet') rgba = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, conf.n_classes)) fig = mpl.figure.Figure(figsize=(9, 4)) canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) for curl in range(nframes): framein = myutils.readframe(cap, curl) framein = crop_images(framein, conf) fig.clf() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) ax1.imshow(framein[:, :, 0], cmap=cm.gray) ax1.scatter(predLocs[curl, :, 0, 0], predLocs[curl, :, 0, 1], # hold=True, c=cm.hsv(np.linspace(0, 1 - old_div(1., conf.n_classes), conf.n_classes)), s=20, linewidths=0, edgecolors='face') ax1.axis('off') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) if outtype == 1: curpreds = predscores[curl, :, :, :, 0] elif outtype == 2: curpreds = predscores[curl, :, :, :, 0] * 2 - 1 rgbim = create_pred_image(curpreds, conf.n_classes) ax2.imshow(rgbim) ax2.axis('off') fname = "test_{:06d}.png".format(curl) # to printout without X. # From: # The size * the dpi gives the final image size # a4"x4" image * 80 dpi ==> 320x320 pixel image canvas.print_figure(os.path.join(tdir, fname), dpi=80) # below is the easy way. # plt.savefig(os.path.join(tdir,fname)) tfilestr = os.path.join(tdir, 'test_*.png') mencoder_cmd = "mencoder mf://" + tfilestr + " -frames " + "{:d}".format( nframes) + " -mf type=png:fps=15 -o " + outmovie + " -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=2000000" os.system(mencoder_cmd) cap.release()
def _on_update(self, histogram, rois): if histogram not in return source, s_out =[histogram] N = len(rois) data = source() gray = self._make_gray(data) = regular_array2rgbx(gray) for i in range(N): color = (255 * plt_cm.hsv([float(i) / max(N, 10)])).astype('uint8') color = regular_array2rgbx(color) r = rois[i] mask = (data < r.right) & (data >= r.left)[mask] = color s_out.update_plot()
def plot_seimicity_rate(earthquakes, time = 'hour', figsize = (8,8)): ''' Function get from Thomas Lecocq ''' m_range = (-1,11) time = time.lower() if time == 'second': time_format = '%y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S %p' elif time == 'minute': time_format = '%y-%m-%d, %H:%M %p' elif time == 'hour': time_format = '%y-%m-%d, %H %p' elif time == 'day': time_format = '%y-%m-%d' elif time == 'month': time_format = '%y-%m' elif time == 'year': time_format = '%y' else: time_format = '%y-%m-%d, %H %p' df = eq2df(earthquakes) #Arrange quakes by their magnitude and color appropiately bins = np.arange(m_range[0], m_range[1]) labels = np.array(["[%i:%i)"%(i,i+1) for i in bins]) colors = [cm.hsv(float(i+1)/(len(bins)-1)) for i in bins] df['Magnitude_Range'] = pd.cut(df['mag'], bins=bins, labels=False) df['Magnitude_Range'] = labels[df['Magnitude_Range'].values] df['Year_Month_day'] = [di.strftime(time_format) for di in df.index] rate = pd.crosstab(df.Year_Month_day, df.Magnitude_Range) rate.plot(kind='bar',stacked=True,color=colors,figsize=figsize) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel('Number of earthquakes') plt.xlabel('Date and Time') plt.tight_layout() plt.grid()
def plot_mse(mse_list,label_list): for i,mse in enumerate(mse_list): c = cm.hsv(np.linspace(0,1,len(mse_list)+1)) data_x = range(mse.shape[0]) data_y = mse; plt.plot(data_x,data_y,color=c[i,:]) plt.title('Sparse autoencoder training curve MSE') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('MSE') plt.legend(label_list,'upper right') plt.grid(True) plt.xlim(0,2000) plt.ylim(0,100) f = plt.gcf(); f.set_size_inches(19.2,10.8) plt.savefig('../result_images/mnist_dictionary_training.png',dpi=100) plt.close()
def gen_colors(clusters): """ Takes 'clusters' and creates a list of colors so a cluster has a color. :param clusters: A flat list of integers where an integer represents which cluster the information belongs to. :type clusters: list :returns: colorm : list A list of colors obtained from matplotlib colormap cm.hsv. The length of 'colorm' is the same as the number of distinct clusters. """ import as cm n = len(set(clusters)) colorm = [cm.hsv(i * 1.0 /n, 1) for i in xrange(n)] return colorm
def DisplaySavedMapFrame(self, worldFrame, resourcesGRMaxE, frameNo, colours, creatSpec): TileBlitSize = (int(*(self.RESIZE[0]/float(self.SIZE[0]))), int(*(self.RESIZE[1]/float(self.SIZE[1])))) sizeRat0 = self.RESIZE[0]/float(self.SIZE[0]) sizeRat1 = self.RESIZE[1]/float(self.SIZE[1]) done = False step = 0 while not done: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: done = True pygame.quit() return if step == 0: t0 = time.time() self.screen.fill(self.WHITE) resources = worldFrame[2] for a,b in np.ndindex((resources.shape[0], resources.shape[1])): x, y = self.gridWidth-a-1, self.gridHeight-b-1 image = pygame.transform.scale(self.gameMap.get_tile_image(x,y,0), TileBlitSize) #pre-scaled at load time self.screen.blit(image, self.TransformMap(np.array([x, y]))) if resourcesGRMaxE[0][x][y] > 0: if len(worldFrame) == 4: resourcesGRMaxE[1][x][y] *= worldFrame[3] tempTransPos = self.TransformResourcePos(np.array([x,y])) polygonPos = [(tempTransPos[0], tempTransPos[1]+int((*sizeRat1)), (tempTransPos[0]+int((*7./16.)*sizeRat0), tempTransPos[1]+int((*sizeRat1)), (tempTransPos[0], tempTransPos[1]+int((*15./16.)*sizeRat1)), (tempTransPos[0]-int((*7./16.)*sizeRat0), tempTransPos[1]+int((*sizeRat1))] polygonColour = self.RED[0]*worldFrame[2][x][y]/float(resourcesGRMaxE[1][x][y]) pygame.draw.aalines(self.screen, [polygonColour, 0, 0], True, polygonPos, 1) #pygame.draw.polygon(self.screen, PolygonColourArray[x][y][step], PolygonPosArray[x][y], 1) t1 = time.time() for i in xrange(len(worldFrame[0])): for j in xrange(len(creatSpec)): if worldFrame[0][i][0] == creatSpec[j][0]: creaturePos = self.TransformPos(np.array([worldFrame[0][i][1], worldFrame[0][i][2]])) creatureColour = cm.hsv(colours[j], bytes=True)[0:3], self.WHITE, creaturePos, 5), self.BLACK, creaturePos, 4), creatureColour, creaturePos, 2) t2 = time.time() print('Frame time = %s, for1 = %s, for2 = %s' % (time.time()-t0, t1-t0, t2-t1)) pygame.display.flip() self.clock.tick(15) step += 1
def plot_G(ax, Gs, weights, intersect): G_x=np.arange(0,5,.001) l = len(Gs) G_ys = [] for i in xrange(l): c = cm.hsv(float(i)/l,1) mu = Gs[i][0] var = Gs[i][1] G_y = mlab.normpdf(G_x, mu, var**.5)*weights[i] G_ys.append(G_y) ax.plot(G_x,G_y,color=c) ax.plot(mu,-.001,"^",ms=10,alpha=.7,color=c) #ax.plot(G_x,np.power(G_ys[1]-G_ys[0],1),color='k') if intersect[0] !=None: ax.plot(intersect[0],intersect[1],"|",ms=10,alpha=.7,color='k') ax.plot([0,5],[0,0],color='k')
def plot_seimicity_rate(earthquakes, time="hour", figsize=(12, 8)): """ Function get from Thomas Lecocq """ m_range = (-1, 11) time = time.lower() if time == "second": time_format = "%y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S %p" elif time == "minute": time_format = "%y-%m-%d, %H:%M %p" elif time == "hour": time_format = "%y-%m-%d, %H %p" elif time == "day": time_format = "%y-%m-%d" elif time == "month": time_format = "%y-%m" elif time == "year": time_format = "%y" else: time_format = "%y-%m-%d, %H %p" df = eq2df(earthquakes) bins = np.arange(m_range[0], m_range[1]) labels = np.array(["[%i:%i)" % (i, i + 1) for i in bins]) colors = [cm.hsv(float(i + 1) / (len(bins) - 1)) for i in bins] df["Magnitude_Range"] = pd.cut(df["mag"], bins=bins, labels=False) df["Magnitude_Range"] = labels[df["Magnitude_Range"].values] df["Year_Month_day"] = [di.strftime(time_format) for di in df.index] rate = pd.crosstab(df.Year_Month_day, df.Magnitude_Range) rate.plot(kind="bar", stacked=True, color=colors, figsize=figsize) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.20, 1.05)) plt.ylabel("Number of earthquakes") plt.xlabel("Date and Time")
def simple_plot(self, fn_out): cps = self.mus plt.rc('grid',color='0.75',linestyle='l',linewidth='0.1') fig, ax_arr = plt.subplots(1,3) fig.set_figwidth(9) fig.set_figheight(4) axescolor = '#f6f6f6' print ax_arr print self.bics print self.params ax_arr[1].plot(self.params, self.bics) n, bins, patches = ax_arr[0].hist(cps,alpha=.9,ec='none',normed=1,color='#8DABFC',bins=len(cps)/10) #self.addGMM(gX.gmm, axarr[1,1], cps, gX.labels, overlaps) G_x=np.arange(0,max(cps)+1,.1) l = self.gmm.means.shape[0] for i in xrange(l): c = cm.hsv(float(i)/l,1) mu = self.gmm.means[i,0] #var = self.gmm.covars[i][0][0] var = self.gmm.covars[i] G_y = mlab.normpdf(G_x, mu, var**.5)*self.gmm.weights[i] ax_arr[0].plot(G_x,G_y,color=c) ax_arr[0].plot(mu,-.001,"^",ms=10,alpha=.7,color=c) if np.amax(cps)<2: ax_arr[0].set_xlim(0,2) ylims = ax_arr[0].get_ylim() if ylims[1] > 10: ax_arr[0].set_ylim(0,10)[2]) dendro = hclust.dendrogram(self.Z, orientation='right') ylims = ax_arr[2].get_ylim() ax_arr[2].set_ylim(ylims[0]-1, ylims[1]+1) fig.savefig(fn_out)
def draw_data(self, data): totalsize = sum(zip(*data)[1]) # get sum of subentry sizes unit = 1.5 * np.pi / totalsize angle = 0.5 * np.pi if self.log: maxy = max(map(np.log2, zip(*data)[2])) else: maxy = max(zip(*data)[2]) for d in data: relangle = unit * d[1] if len(d[3]) > 0 or self.mode == 'user': # scale colours since the legend occupies a quarter scaledangle = (angle - 0.5*np.pi) * (2 / 1.5) colour = cm.hsv(scaledangle/(2*np.pi)) else: # colour = cm.Greys(scaledangle/(2*np.pi)) colour = "#999999" if self.log: # take logarithm to accomodate for big differences y = np.log2(d[2]) else: y = d[2] bar =, y, width=relangle, bottom=maxy*0.2, color=colour, label=d[0], picker=True) angle += relangle if self.mode == 'dir': desc = '{0}\n{1}G'.format(d[0], d[1]) elif self.mode == 'user': desc = '{0}\n{1}%'.format(d[0], d[1]) self.draw_desc(bar[0], d, desc) self.draw_legend(maxy) fig.canvas.draw()
def plot_2d_GMMs(X, labels, means, covs, percentcontour=0.66, npoints=30): """ Given an observation array, a label vector (integer values), and GMM mean and covariance parameters, plot the clusters and parameters. """ clabels = set(labels) K = len(clabels) if len(means) != len(covs) != K: raise ValueError("Expecting the number of unique labels, means and" "covariances to be the same!") phi = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, npoints) circle = np.array([np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi)]).T figure(figsize=(10, 10)) gca() colors = cm.hsv(np.arange(K)/float(K)) for k, col in zip(clabels, colors): # points my_members = labels == k scatter(X[my_members, 0], X[my_members, 1], c=col, marker='o', s=20) # means cluster_center = means[k, :] scatter(cluster_center[0], cluster_center[1], c=col, marker='o', s=200) # covariance L = la.cholesky(np.array(covs[k]) * chi2.ppf(percentcontour, [3]) + 1e-5 * np.eye(covs[k].shape[0])) covpoints = + means[k, :] plot(covpoints[:, 0], covpoints[:, 1], color=col, linewidth=3) axis('tight') axis('equal') title('Clusters')
def plot_distances(x, y, labels): print "----" print labels print x print y print "----" fig, ax = plt.subplots() colors = np.random.rand(21) # 21 datasets dataset_dict = dict() markers = dict() markers['RAND'] = '>' markers['SMAC'] = 'o' markers['TPE'] = (5, 1) # shape by strategy # color by dataset color_index = 0 for p in range(0, len(x)): tmp = labels[p].split('.') dataset = tmp[0] dataset_index = datasets.index(dataset) color = cm.hsv(dataset_index / 25., 1) strategy = tmp[1] plt.plot(x[p], y[p], marker=markers[strategy], c=color, alpha=.75, label=labels[p]) # plt.tight_layout() plt.title('error variance vs configuration dissimilarity') plt.xlabel('MCPS dissimilarity') plt.ylabel('Error variance') # TODO fix legend # handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # lgd = ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,-0.1), numpoints=1) plt.savefig('../distances%s/_all.png' % suffix, dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close("all")
def __init__(self): self.read_block_par_file() self.nblocks = len(self.blocks) self.fibers_per_block = len(self.blocks[1]) self.reach = self.fiber_reach() self.colors = [cm.hsv(x) for x in np.linspace(0,1,len(self.blocks))]
def create_pred_movie(self, movie_name, out_movie, max_frames=-1, flipud=False, trace=True): conf = self.conf sess = self.init_net(0,True) predLocs, pred_scores, pred_max_scores = self.classify_movie(movie_name, sess, end_frame=max_frames, flipud=flipud) tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cap = movies.Movie(movie_name) nframes = int(cap.get_n_frames()) if max_frames > 0: nframes = max_frames fig = mpl.figure.Figure(figsize=(9, 4)) canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) sc = self.conf.unet_rescale color = cm.hsv(np.linspace(0, 1 - 1./conf.n_classes, conf.n_classes)) trace_len = 30 for curl in range(nframes): frame_in = cap.get_frame(curl) if len(frame_in) == 2: frame_in = frame_in[0] if frame_in.ndim == 2: frame_in = frame_in[:,:, np.newaxis] frame_in = PoseTools.crop_images(frame_in, conf) if flipud: frame_in = np.flipud(frame_in) fig.clf() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) if frame_in.shape[2] == 1: ax1.imshow(frame_in[:,:,0], cmap=cm.gray) else: ax1.imshow(frame_in) xlim = ax1.get_xlim() ylim = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.scatter(predLocs[curl, :, 0], predLocs[curl, :, 1], c=color*0.9, linewidths=0, edgecolors='face',marker='+',s=45) if trace: for ndx in range(conf.n_classes): curc = color[ndx,:].copy() curc[3] = 0.5 e = np.maximum(0,curl-trace_len) ax1.plot(predLocs[e:curl,ndx,0], predLocs[e:curl, ndx, 1], c = curc,lw=0.8) ax1.axis('off') ax1.set_xlim(xlim) ax1.set_ylim(ylim) fname = "test_{:06d}.png".format(curl) # to printout without X. # From: # The size * the dpi gives the final image size # a4"x4" image * 80 dpi ==> 320x320 pixel image canvas.print_figure(os.path.join(tdir, fname), dpi=160) # below is the easy way. # plt.savefig(os.path.join(tdir,fname)) tfilestr = os.path.join(tdir, 'test_*.png') mencoder_cmd = "mencoder mf://" + tfilestr + " -frames " + "{:d}".format( nframes) + " -mf type=png:fps=15 -o " + out_movie + " -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=2000000" os.system(mencoder_cmd) cap.close() tf.reset_default_graph()
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt import as cm loci = 10000 runs = 200 data = np.zeros((runs,loci)) i = 0 for line in open('out.txt', 'rb'): hist = line.split() data[i,int(hist[0])-1] = int(hist[2]) if (int(hist[0]) == loci): i+=1 for i in range(15): print sum(data[i,:]) plt.plot(range(loci),data[i,:], 'o', color=cm.hsv(i/15.,1), label='Generation %i'%(5*i)) plt.xlabel("Block Width") plt.ylabel("Count") plt.legend()
#convert dates into float numbers (can be inefficient with a large amount of data) x = [date2num(date) for (date, value) in data] y = [value for (date, value) in data] #preparing to plot fig = plt.figure() graph = fig.add_subplot(111) graph.grid(True) y_max = 70000 # max range of y-axis width = 0.3 plt.yticks(range(0, 75000, 2500)) plt.axis([x[0]-1, x[len(x)-1]+1, 0, y_max]) # Plot the data for i in range(len(data)):[i][0], data[i][1], width=width, color=cm.hsv(int(data[i][1]/255))) #formatting dates dateFmt = mpl.dates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') graph.xaxis.set_major_formatter(dateFmt) daysLoc = mpl.dates.DayLocator(interval=1) graph.xaxis.set_major_locator(daysLoc) fig.autofmt_xdate(bottom=0.15, rotation=45) # adjust for date labels display fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) #annotations and titles x_label = plt.xlabel('\nDate') plt.setp(x_label, fontsize=24, color='black') y_label = plt.ylabel('Energy consumption [W]\n') plt.setp(y_label, fontsize=24, color='black') title = plt.title('Energy consumption per day\n')
def differential_displacement(base_system, disl_system, burgers_vector, plot_range, neighbor_list = None, neighbor_list_cutoff = None, component = 'standard', axes = None, plot_scale = 1, save_file = None, show = True): """ Function for generating a differential displacement plot for a dislocation containing system. Arguments: base_system -- atomman.System defect-free reference system corresponding to disl_system. disl_system -- atomman.System system containing the defect. burgers_vector -- 3x1 numpy array for the dislocation's Burgers vector. plot_range -- 3x3 numpy array specifying the Cartesian space to include atoms in the plot. Optional Keyword Arguments: neighbor_list -- pre-computed neighbor list for base_system. neighbor_list_cutoff -- cutoff for computing a neighbor list for base_system. component -- indicates the style of the calculation to use. axes -- 3x3 numpy array indicating the crystallographic axes corresponding to the box's Cartesian axes. If given, only used for transforming the burgers_vector. plot_scale -- scalar for multiplying the magnitude of the differential displacement arrows. save_file -- if given then the plot will be saved to a file with this name. show -- Boolean flag for showing the figure. Default is True. """ #Burgers vector setup if axes is not None: T = burgers_vector = burgers_vector_magnitude = np.linalg.norm(burgers_vector) burgers_vector_uvect = burgers_vector / burgers_vector_magnitude #neighbor list setup if neighbor_list is not None: assert neighbor_list_cutoff is None, 'neighbor_list and neighbor_list_cutoff cannot both be given' elif neighbor_list_cutoff is not None: neighbor_list = am.NeighborList(base_system, neighbor_list_cutoff) elif 'neighbors' in base_system.prop: neighbor_list = base_system.prop['neighbors'] elif 'nlist' in base_system.prop: neighbor_list = base_system.prop['nlist'] if isinstance(neighbor_list, am.NeighborList): objectnlist = True else: objectnlist = False #Identify atoms in plot range base_pos = base_system.atoms_prop(key='pos') plot_range_indices = np.where((base_pos[:, 0] > plot_range[0,0]) & (base_pos[:, 0] < plot_range[0,1]) & (base_pos[:, 1] > plot_range[1,0]) & (base_pos[:, 1] < plot_range[1,1]) & (base_pos[:, 2] > plot_range[2,0]) & (base_pos[:, 2] < plot_range[2,1]))[0] #initial plot setup and parameters fig, ax1, = plt.subplots(1, 1, squeeze=True, figsize=(7,7), dpi=72) ax1.axis([plot_range[0,0], plot_range[0,1], plot_range[1,0], plot_range[1,1]]) atom_circle_radius = burgers_vector_magnitude / 10 arrow_width_scale = 1. / 200. #Loop over all atoms i in plot range for i in plot_range_indices: #Plot a circle for atom i color = cm.hsv((base_pos[i, 2] - plot_range[2,0]) / (plot_range[2,1] - plot_range[2,0])) ax1.add_patch(mpatches.Circle(base_pos[i, :2], atom_circle_radius, fc=color, ec='k')) #make list of all neighbors for atom i if objectnlist: neighbor_indices = neighbor_list[i] else: neighbor_indices = neighbor_list[i, 1 : neighbor_list[i, 0] + 1] #Compute distance vectors between atom i and its neighbors for both systems base_dvectors = base_system.dvect(int(i), neighbor_indices) disl_dvectors = disl_system.dvect(int(i), neighbor_indices) #Compute differential displacement vectors dd_vectors = disl_dvectors - base_dvectors #Compute centerpoint positions for the vectors arrow_centers = base_pos[i] + base_dvectors / 2 if component == 'standard': #compute unit distance vectors base_uvectors = base_dvectors / np.linalg.norm(base_dvectors, axis=1)[:,np.newaxis] #compute component of the dd_vector parallel to the burgers vector dd_components = dd_components[dd_components > burgers_vector_magnitude / 2] -= burgers_vector_magnitude dd_components[dd_components < -burgers_vector_magnitude / 2] += burgers_vector_magnitude #scale arrow lengths and vectors arrow_lengths = base_uvectors * dd_components[:,np.newaxis] * plot_scale arrow_widths = arrow_width_scale * dd_components * plot_scale #plot the arrows for center, length, width in zip(arrow_centers, arrow_lengths, arrow_widths): if width > 1e-7: ax1.quiver(center[0], center[1], length[0], length[1], pivot='middle', angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, width=width) elif component == 'xy': #scale arrow lengths and vectors arrow_lengths = dd_vectors[:, :2] * plot_scale arrow_lengths[dd_vectors[:, 2] > 0] *= -1 arrow_widths = arrow_width_scale * (arrow_lengths[:,0]**2+arrow_lengths[:,1]**2)**0.5 #plot the arrows for center, length, width in zip(arrow_centers, arrow_lengths, arrow_widths): if width > 1e-7: ax1.quiver(center[0], center[1], length[0], length[1], width=width, pivot='middle', angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1) if save_file is not None: plt.savefig(save_file, dpi=800) if show == False: plt.close(fig)
def file_size_over_time_plot(plot_type="bar", given_machine=None, trim=True, \ start_date=None, return_svg_data=False): """Makes a plot of the amount of space the project files took up at specific times. """ # Get the data and structure it data = get_formatted_data() data = sorted(data, key=itemgetter(3)) grouped_data = [list(g) for k, g in itertools.groupby(data, itemgetter(3))] sorted_data = trim_data(grouped_data, trim) if start_date is not None: sorted_data = [p for p in sorted_data if p[1][0] > start_date] # Add the additional days to the project tp use when plotting for project in sorted_data: for i in range(1, len(project[0])): project[1].append(project[1][0] + datetime.timedelta(days=i)) # Plot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) stack_heights = defaultdict(int) bytes_per_gigabyte = 1024. ** 3 machines = set([]) for group in sorted_data: machines.add(group[2]) mc_val = dict(zip(machines, [float(i) / len(machines) for i in range(len(machines))])) if given_machine is not None: filtered_grouped_data = [group for group in sorted_data if group[2] == given_machine] sorted_data = filtered_grouped_data for i, group in enumerate(sorted_data): clr = cm.hsv(mc_val[group[2]]) sizes = [s / bytes_per_gigabyte for s in group[0]] days = group[1] heights = [] for day in days: heights.append(stack_heights[day]) if plot_type == 'bar':, sizes, bottom=heights, color=clr, width=1.0, lw=0.1) for size, day in zip(sizes, days): stack_heights[day] += size plt.ylabel('Size (GB)') figure_title = 'Dataset sizes' if given_machine is not None: figure_title += ' - Machine ' + given_machine ax.set_title(figure_title) if plot_type == 'plot': sorted_stacked = sorted(stack_heights.items(), key=itemgetter(0)) days = [l[0] for l in sorted_stacked] stacks = [l[1] for l in sorted_stacked] zip_of_data = dict(zip(days, stacks)) daylist = [days[0] + datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(0, (days[-1] - days[0]).days)] stacklist = [] for day in daylist: stacklist.append(zip_of_data.get(day, 0)) plt.plot(daylist, stacklist) # fig.savefig("../sizegraphing/stacked_sizes.pdf") if return_svg_data: fig.set_size_inches(10, 2) svg_data = get_svg_data(fig) return svg_data else:
def create_pred_movie_trx(self, movie_name, out_movie, trx, fly_num, max_frames=-1, start_at=0, flipud=False, trace=True): conf = self.conf sess = self.init_net(0,True) predLocs = self.classify_movie_trx(movie_name, trx, sess, end_frame=max_frames, flipud=flipud, start_frame=start_at) tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cap = movies.Movie(movie_name,interactive=False) T = sio.loadmat(trx)['trx'][0] n_trx = len(T) end_frames = np.array([x['endframe'][0,0] for x in T]) first_frames = np.array([x['firstframe'][0,0] for x in T]) - 1 if max_frames < 0: max_frames = end_frames.max() nframes = max_frames - start_at fig = mpl.figure.Figure(figsize=(8, 8)) canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) sc = self.conf.unet_rescale color = cm.hsv(np.linspace(0, 1 - 1./conf.n_classes, conf.n_classes)) trace_len = 3 cur_trx = T[fly_num] c_x = None c_y = None for curl in range(nframes): fnum = curl + start_at frame_in = cap.get_frame(curl+start_at) if len(frame_in) == 2: frame_in = frame_in[0] if frame_in.ndim == 2: frame_in = frame_in[:,:, np.newaxis] trx_fnum = fnum - first_frames[fly_num] x = int(round(cur_trx['x'][0, trx_fnum])) - 1 y = int(round(cur_trx['y'][0, trx_fnum])) - 1 theta = -cur_trx['theta'][0, trx_fnum] R = [[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]] # -1 for 1-indexing in matlab and 0-indexing in python if c_x is None: c_x = x; c_y = y; if (np.abs(c_x - x) > conf.imsz[0]*3./8.*2.) or (np.abs(c_y - y) > conf.imsz[0]*3./8.*2.): c_x = x; c_y = y assert conf.imsz[0] == conf.imsz[1] frame_in, _ = multiResData.get_patch_trx(frame_in, c_x, c_y, -math.pi/2, conf.imsz[0]*2, np.zeros([2, 2])) frame_in = frame_in[:, :, 0:conf.imgDim] if flipud: frame_in = np.flipud(frame_in) fig.clf() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) if frame_in.shape[2] == 1: ax1.imshow(frame_in[:,:,0], cmap=cm.gray) else: ax1.imshow(frame_in) xlim = ax1.get_xlim() ylim = ax1.get_ylim() hsz_p = conf.imsz[0]/2 # half size for pred hsz_s = conf.imsz[0] # half size for showing for fndx in range(n_trx): ct = T[fndx] if (fnum < first_frames[fndx]) or (fnum>=end_frames[fndx]): continue trx_fnum = fnum - first_frames[fndx] x = int(round(ct['x'][0, trx_fnum])) - 1 y = int(round(ct['y'][0, trx_fnum])) - 1 theta = -ct['theta'][0, trx_fnum] - math.pi/2 R = [[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]] # curlocs =[curl,fndx,:,:]-[hsz_p,hsz_p],R) curlocs = predLocs[curl,fndx,:,:] #-[hsz_p,hsz_p] ax1.scatter(curlocs[ :, 0]*sc - c_x + hsz_s, curlocs[ :, 1]*sc - c_y + hsz_s, c=color*0.9, linewidths=0, edgecolors='face',marker='+',s=30) if trace: for ndx in range(conf.n_classes): curc = color[ndx,:].copy() curc[3] = 0.5 e = np.maximum(0,curl-trace_len) # zz =[e:(curl+1),fndx,ndx,:]-[hsz_p,hsz_p],R) zz = predLocs[e:(curl+1),fndx,ndx,:] ax1.plot(zz[:,0]*sc - c_x + hsz_s, zz[:,1]*sc - c_y + hsz_s, c = curc,lw=0.8,alpha=0.6) ax1.set_xlim(xlim) ax1.set_ylim(ylim) ax1.axis('off') fname = "test_{:06d}.png".format(curl) # to printout without X. # From: # The size * the dpi gives the final image size # a4"x4" image * 80 dpi ==> 320x320 pixel image canvas.print_figure(os.path.join(tdir, fname), dpi=300) # below is the easy way. # plt.savefig(os.path.join(tdir,fname)) tfilestr = os.path.join(tdir, 'test_*.png') mencoder_cmd = "mencoder mf://" + tfilestr + " -frames " + "{:d}".format( nframes) + " -mf type=png:fps=15 -o " + out_movie + " -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=2000000" os.system(mencoder_cmd) cap.close() tf.reset_default_graph()
sel_list = np.sort(toa_sel[0].keys()).astype(list) # In[9]: for i,n in enumerate(nums): form = {'num':n,'surf':srf_str[surf[i]],'lbl':labels[i],'aod':aods_calipso[i]} fig,ax = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(12,9)) ax[0].hist(dftoa[i],bins=40,alpha=1.0,edgecolor='None',label='all retrievals') ax[0].axvline(np.mean(dftoa[i]),color='k',lw=3,label='Mean') ax[0].axvline(np.median(dftoa[i]),color='grey',ls='--',lw=2,label='Median') cs = cm.hsv(np.arange(27)/27.0) ms = ['s','*','x','d'] for j,k in enumerate(np.sort(toa_sel[i].keys())): ax[0].axvline(toa_sel[i][k],lw=1,label=k,ls='-',color=tuple(cs[j,:]),marker=ms[j%4],ms=10) ax[0].axvspan(np.mean(dftoa[i])-np.std(dftoa[i]), np.mean(dftoa[i])+np.std(dftoa[i]), alpha=0.2, color='red',label='Std') ax[0].set_xlabel('DARE TOA [W/m$^2$]') ax[0].set_ylabel('Number of solutions') box = ax[0].get_position() ax[0].set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.65, box.height]) ax[1].hist(dfsfc[i],bins=40,alpha=1.0,edgecolor='None',label='all retrievals') ax[1].axvline(np.mean(dfsfc[i]),color='k',lw=3,label='Mean') ax[1].axvline(np.median(dfsfc[i]),color='grey',ls='--',lw=2,label='Median') for j,k in enumerate(np.sort(sfc_sel[i].keys())): ax[1].axvline(sfc_sel[i][k],lw=1,label=k,ls='-',color=tuple(cs[j,:]),marker=ms[j%4],ms=10)
x = np.linspace(1, 10, 100) y = np.linspace(1, 2*np.pi, 100) [X, Z] = np.meshgrid(x, y) scale = 256.0/360.0 # Auswahl eines Zufaelligen Winkels auf dem Farbkreis winkel = np.random.random_integers(0, 360, 1) # Bestimmung des gegenueberliegenden Winkels co_winkel = (winkel + 180) % 360 print winkel print co_winkel winkel_scal = int(winkel * scale) co_winkel_scal = int(co_winkel * scale) print cm.hsv(winkel_scal) print cm.hsv(co_winkel_scal) ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) ax1.patch.set_facecolor(cm.hsv(winkel_scal)) #plt.pcolor(x, y, Z) #plt.autoscale(axis='both', tight='both') ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) ax2.patch.set_facecolor(cm.hsv(co_winkel_scal))
def process_files(xml_files): """ Main entry point. """ ### Define xml files. xml_files = sys.argv[1:] so_many = len(xml_files) print "****This script is about to make png files for %s xml files. ****" % so_many for file in xml_files: ### Parse XML file. root = etree.parse(file) ### Remove extension from xml filename. file_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0] ### Extract plate type and barcode. plate = root.xpath("/*/Header/Parameters/Parameter[@Name='Plate']")[0] plate_type = plate.attrib['Value'] try: bar = root.xpath("/*/Plate/BC")[0] barcode = bar.text except: barcode = 'no barcode' ### Define Sections. Sections = root.xpath("/*/Section") much = len(Sections) print "****The xml file " + file + " has %s data sections:****" % much for sect in Sections: print sect.attrib['Name'] for i, sect in enumerate(Sections): ### Extract Parameters for this section. path = "/*/Section[@Name='" + sect.attrib['Name'] + "']/Parameters" parameters = root.xpath(path)[0] print "parameters:" print parameters ### Parameters are extracted slightly differently depending on Absorbance or Fluorescence read. # Attach these to title1, title2, or title3, depending on section which will be the same for all 4 files. if parameters[0].attrib['Value'] == "Absorbance": result = extract(["Mode", "Wavelength Start", "Wavelength End", "Wavelength Step Size"], parameters) globals()["title"+str(i)] = '%s, %s, %s, %s' % tuple(result) else: result = extract(["Gain", "Excitation Wavelength", "Emission Wavelength", "Part of Plate", "Mode"], parameters) globals()["title"+str(i)] = '%s, %s, %s, \n %s, %s' % tuple(result) print "****The %sth section has the parameters:****" %i print globals()["title"+str(i)] ### Extract Reads for this section. Sections = root.xpath("/*/Section") reads = root.xpath("/*/Section[@Name='" + sect.attrib['Name'] + "']/*/Well") wellIDs = [read.attrib['Pos'] for read in reads] data = [(s.text, float(s.attrib['WL']), r.attrib['Pos']) for r in reads for s in r] dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['fluorescence','wavelength (nm)','Well']) ### dataframe_rep replaces 'OVER' (when fluorescence signal maxes out) with '3289277', an arbitrarily high number dataframe_rep = dataframe.replace({'OVER':'3289277'}) dataframe_rep[['fluorescence']] = dataframe_rep[['fluorescence']].astype('float') ### Create large_dataframe1, large_dataframe2, and large_dataframe3 that collect data for each section ### as we run through cycle through sections and files. globals()["dataframe_pivot"+str(i)] = pd.pivot_table(dataframe_rep, index = 'wavelength (nm)', columns= ['Well']) print 'The max fluorescence value in this dataframe is %s'% globals()["dataframe_pivot"+str(i)].values.max() globals()["large_dataframe"+str(i)] = pd.concat([globals()["large_dataframe"+str(i)],globals()["dataframe_pivot"+str(i)]]) ### Plot, making a separate png for each section. for i, sect in enumerate(Sections): section_name = sect.attrib['Name'] path = "/*/Section[@Name='" + sect.attrib['Name'] + "']/Parameters" parameters = root.xpath(path)[0] if parameters[0].attrib['Value'] == "Absorbance": section_ylim = [0,0.2] else: section_ylim = [0,40000] Alphabet = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H'] fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 12)) for j,A in enumerate(Alphabet): for k in range(1,12): try: globals()["large_dataframe"+str(i)].fluorescence.get(A + str(k)).plot(ax=axes[(j/3)%3,j%3], title=A, c=cm.hsv(k*15), ylim=section_ylim, xlim=[240,800]) except: print "****No row %s.****" %A fig.suptitle('%s \n %s \n Barcode = %s' % (globals()["title"+str(i)], plate_type, barcode), fontsize=14) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3) plt.savefig('%s_%s.png' % (file_name, section_name)) return
def __init__(self): self.TARGET_FPS = 30 cam_w,cam_h=(640,480) timer_w=480 # self.resolution = (cam_w+timer_w,cam_h) pygame.init() pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) # get resolution # OVERRIDE - THIS IS SUDDENLY SUPER BUGGY ON MY MACHINE (BUT NOT IAN'S)??? # self.fullresolution = (int(pygame.display.Info().current_w), int(pygame.display.Info().current_h)) # self.smallresolution = (int(pygame.display.Info().current_w*2/3), int(pygame.display.Info().current_h*2/3)) self.fullresolution = (1024,768) self.smallresolution = (int(self.fullresolution[0]*2.0/3),int(self.fullresolution[1]*2.0/3)) #window = pygame.display.set_mode((w,h), DOUBLEBUF) #window = pygame.display.set_mode((w,h), FULLSCREEN) if options.startfullscreen: self.resolution = self.fullresolution window = pygame.display.set_mode(self.resolution,pygame.FULLSCREEN) self.fullscreen = 1 else: self.resolution = self.smallresolution window = pygame.display.set_mode(self.resolution) # do not start full self.fullscreen = 0 print self.fullresolution print self.resolution self.sounds = Sounds() #ISPIRO: Load goal image. Pygame handles png transparency gracefully self.ball = pygame.image.load("img/gray.png") self.ball_w = self.ball.get_width() self.ball_h = self.ball.get_height() self.brush = pygame.image.load("img/small.png") self.brush_w = self.brush.get_width() self.brush_h = self.brush.get_height() self.vortex = pygame.image.load("img/vortex.png"); self.vortex_w = self.vortex.get_width() self.vortex_h = self.vortex.get_height() self.sum_surface = pygame.Surface((10,10)) self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None,80) if options.vicon_file is not None: self.simulation_mode = True else: self.simulation_mode = False print "Running in live mode. "\ "Possession will hang here if you are not connected to a Vicon Proxy server" if self.simulation_mode: self.f = open(options.vicon_file,'r') # should we read ahead? for i in xrange(options.line): self.f.readline() else: # Initialize the object... print "Waiting for Vicon..." self.vp = ViconProxy() if options.objects is None: print "Automatic object detection mode" while options.objects is None: print "Looking for objects..." options.objects = self.lookfor_objects() # Handle events self.handle_events() else: print "Objects are defined on command line" try: assert(options.objects is not None) except: print "Make sure you define 1 or more vicon objects through -o" sys.exit(1) self.set_surfaces() # ISPIRO: Need a mask image for blitting circles # original mask to match camera self.mask = pygame.Surface((options.camerawidth,options.cameraheight)) # resized mask self.bigmask = pygame.Surface((self.camsurface_w,self.camsurface_h)) self.cameras = [] for c in options.cameras: self.cameras.append(Camera(c,img_size = (options.camerawidth,options.cameraheight),fps=self.TARGET_FPS,mirrored=options.mirrored)) self.balls = [] for o in options.objects: self.balls.append(Ball(self.f if self.simulation_mode else self.vp,o) ) # set up team colors if options.boygirl: # we know there are only two teams self.teamcolors = [cm.hsv(0.61),cm.hsv(0.86)] else: self.teamcolors = [cm.jet(x) for x in np.linspace(0.2,0.8,options.numteams)] # set up object colors (using a different colormap) # self.objectcolors = [cm.spring(x) for x in np.linspace(0,1,len(options.objects))] self.objectcolors = [cm.summer(x) for x in np.linspace(0,1,len(options.objects))] self.score = [0]*options.numteams # self.update_score() self.accumulator = 0 self.digit = options.game_time self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
[('entityListName', '50a'), ('intervalLow', 'f4'), ('unjudged', '50a'), ('judgmentLevel', 'd4'), ('metric', '50a'), ('mean', 'f4'), ('stdev', 'f4'), ('intervalType', '50a')]) def createStatsRecord(entityListName, intervalLow, unjudgedAs, judgmentLevel, metricname, mean, stdev, intervalType): return np.array([(entityListName, intervalLow, unjudgedAs, judgmentLevel, metricname, mean, stdev, intervalType)], dtype=stats_dtype) records = [] fig = plt.figure() allteams = ['CWI', 'LSIS', 'PRIS', 'SCIAITeam', 'UMass_CIIR', 'UvA', 'helsinki', 'hltcoe', 'igpi2012', 'udel_fang', 'uiucGSLIS'] teamColors = {team: cm.hsv(1. * i / len(allteams), 1) for i, team in enumerate(np.unique(allteams))} print teamColors def teamColor(team): return teamColors[team] teamss = [] def createWeightPlot(prefix, entityList, title): if len(entityList) == 1: entityListName = entityList[0] else: