def init_points(ax, points): pt_coll = PatchCollection(points, alpha=0.6) colors = ['limegreen'] * len(points) pt_coll.set_facecolors(colors) pt_coll.set_edgecolor('black') ax.add_collection(pt_coll) return pt_coll, colors
def add_pmts(ax=None, color='b', linewidth=1): x0 = 27 # 9 times the inner radius y0 = 6 * 3 * 2 / np.sqrt(3) # 6 times the outer radius if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() per_row = [9, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 9] polys = [] for row, num_pmts in enumerate(per_row): y = row * 3 * np.sqrt(3) for pmt in range(num_pmts): x = 6 * pmt if row in (0, 8): x += 3 elif row % 2 == 0: x -= 3 polys.append(RegularPolygon((x - x0, y - y0), 6, radius=6 / np.sqrt(3))) col = PatchCollection(polys) col.set_facecolors('none') col.set_edgecolors(color) col.set_linewidths(linewidth) ax.add_artist(col) return col
def Cover(self, Sublist): for h in Sublist: if (len(h) > 3): HullList = self.ListHullPoints(h) self.CoverPolyPoints(HullList) else: self.CoverPolyPoints(h) p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=0.4) PatchColor = [] LegendPatch = [] i = 1 for patch in patches: c1 = np.random.rand(1, 1)[0] c2 = np.random.rand(1, 1)[0] c3 = np.random.rand(1, 1)[0] c = (c1[0], c2[0], c3[0]) PatchColor.append(c) ax.add_patch( Polygon(patch.get_xy(), closed=True, ec=c, lw=1, fill=False)) PatchPoints = patch.get_xy() x = (self.DrawPoints(PatchPoints))[0] y = (self.DrawPoints(PatchPoints))[1] PointColor = colors.to_rgba_array(c) Label = 'Conv ' + str(i) LegendPatch.append(mpatches.Patch(color=c, label=Label)), y, s=15, c=PointColor, marker='o', label='Poly') i += 1 p.set_facecolors(PatchColor)
def get_circles_for_scatter(x, y, color='black', edgecolor='none', colormap='jet', radius=0.01, colornorm=None, alpha=1, radiusnorm=None, maxradius=1, minradius=0): cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap) if colornorm is not None: colornorm = plt.Normalize(colornorm[0], colornorm[1], clip=True) # setup normalizing for radius scale factor (if used) if type(radius) is list or type(radius) is np.array or type(radius) is np.ndarray: if radiusnorm is None: radiusnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(np.min(radius), np.max(radius), clip=True) else: radiusnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(radiusnorm[0], radiusnorm[1], clip=True) # make circles points = np.array([x, y]).T circles = [None for i in range(len(x))] for i, pt in enumerate(points): if type(radius) is list or type(radius) is np.array or type(radius) is np.ndarray: r = radiusnorm(radius[i])*(maxradius-minradius) + minradius else: r = radius circles[i] = patches.Circle( pt, radius=r ) # make a collection of those circles cc = PatchCollection(circles, cmap=cmap, norm=colornorm) # potentially useful option: match_original=True # set properties for collection cc.set_edgecolors(edgecolor) if type(color) is list or type(color) is np.array or type(color) is np.ndarray: cc.set_array(color) else: cc.set_facecolors(color) cc.set_alpha(alpha) return cc
def get_annotations(tiles_w, image_size, indices, coordinates): patches = [] colors = [] for index in range(canvas.shape[0]): x = index % tiles_w y = int(np.floor(index / tiles_w)) tile = int(indices[index]) if tile == -1: continue else: (lat, lon) = coordinates[tile] if np.isnan(lat) or np.isnan(lon): continue fc = lonlat2rgba(lon, lat) rect = mpatches.Rectangle((x * image_size, y * image_size), image_size, image_size) patches.append(rect) colors.append(fc) #image[((y + 1) * image_size, x * image_size):(x + 1) * image_size] = canvas[index] #colors = 100 * np.random.rand(len(patches)) collection = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=0.35) collection.set_facecolors(colors) collection.set_edgecolors(colors) collection.set_linewidth(0.1) #collection.set_array(np.array(colors)) return collection
def init_polygons(ax): polygons = read.polygons() poly_coll = PatchCollection(polygons, alpha=0.6) poly_colors = plt.get_cmap('Pastel1')(np.arange(.10, 1.99, .24)) poly_coll.set_facecolors(poly_colors) poly_coll.set_edgecolor('black') ax.add_collection(poly_coll) return poly_coll, poly_colors
def get_ellipses_for_scatter(ax, x, y, color='black', edgecolor='none', colormap='jet', radius=0.01, colornorm=None, alpha=1, radiusnorm=None, maxradius=1, minradius=0): # get ellipse size to make it a circle given axes x0, y0 = ax.transAxes.transform((ax.get_ylim()[0],ax.get_xlim()[0])) x1, y1 = ax.transAxes.transform((ax.get_ylim()[1],ax.get_xlim()[1])) dx = x1-x0 dy = y1-y0 maxd = max(dx,dy) cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap) if colornorm is not None: colornorm = plt.Normalize(colornorm[0], colornorm[1], clip=True) # setup normalizing for radius scale factor (if used) if type(radius) is list or type(radius) is np.array or type(radius) is np.ndarray: if radiusnorm is None: radiusnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(np.min(radius), np.max(radius), clip=True) else: radiusnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(radiusnorm[0], radiusnorm[1], clip=True) # make circles points = np.array([x, y]).T ellipses = [None for i in range(len(x))] for i, pt in enumerate(points): if type(radius) is list or type(radius) is np.array or type(radius) is np.ndarray: r = radiusnorm(radius[i])*(maxradius-minradius) + minradius else: r = radius width = r*2*maxd/dx height = r*2*maxd/dy ellipses[i] = patches.Ellipse( pt, width, height) # make a collection of those circles cc = PatchCollection(ellipses, cmap=cmap, norm=colornorm) # potentially useful option: match_original=True # set properties for collection cc.set_edgecolors(edgecolor) if type(color) is list or type(color) is np.array or type(color) is np.ndarray: cc.set_array(color) else: cc.set_facecolors(color) cc.set_alpha(alpha) return cc
def render(self, patch_size=0.5, alpha=1.0, x_offset=100): '''Draws the legend graphic and saves it to a file.''' n = len(self.colors) s = patch_size # This offset is transformed to "data" coordinates (inches) left_offset = (-s * 1.5) - (x_offset / self.dpi) # Create grid to plot the artists grid = np.concatenate(( np.zeros(n).reshape(n, 1), np.arange(-n, 1)[1:].reshape(n, 1) ), axis=1) plt.text(left_offset, 1.1, 'Legend', family='sans-serif', size=14, weight='bold', color='#ffffff') patches = [] for i in range(n): # Add a rectangle rect = mpatches.Rectangle(grid[i] - [0, 0], s, s, ec='none') patches.append(rect) self.__label__(grid[i], self.labels[i], x_offset) collection = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=alpha) # Space the patches and the text labels collection.set_offset_position('data') collection.set_offsets(np.array([ [left_offset, 0] ])) collection.set_facecolors(self.colors) #collection.set_edgecolor('#ffffff') # Draw color for box outlines self.axis.add_collection(collection) plt.axis('equal') plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(self.file_path, facecolor=self.bg_color, dpi=self.dpi, pad_inches=0) return self.file_path
def scatter(ax, x, y, color='black', colormap='jet', radius=0.01, colornorm=None, alpha=1, radiusnorm=None, maxradius=1, minradius=0, edgecolors='none'): # color can be array-like, or a matplotlib color # I can't figure out how to control alpha through the individual circle patches.. it seems to get overwritten by the collection. low priority! cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap) if colornorm is not None: colornorm = plt.Normalize(colornorm[0], colornorm[1], clip=True) # setup normalizing for radius scale factor (if used) if type(radius) is list or type(radius) is np.array or type(radius) is np.ndarray: if radiusnorm is None: radiusnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(np.min(radius), np.max(radius), clip=True) else: radiusnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(radiusnorm[0], radiusnorm[1], clip=True) # make circles points = np.array([x, y]).T circles = [None for i in range(len(x))] for i, pt in enumerate(points): if type(radius) is list or type(radius) is np.array or type(radius) is np.ndarray: r = radiusnorm(radius[i])*(maxradius-minradius) + minradius else: r = radius circles[i] = patches.Circle( pt, radius=r ) # make a collection of those circles cc = PatchCollection(circles, cmap=cmap, norm=colornorm) # potentially useful option: match_original=True # set properties for collection cc.set_edgecolors(edgecolors) if type(color) is list or type(color) is np.array or type(color) is np.ndarray: cc.set_array(color) else: cc.set_facecolors(color) cc.set_alpha(alpha) # add collection to axis ax.add_collection(cc)
def circles(x, y, s, c='b', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ Make a scatter of circles plot of x vs y, where x and y are sequence like objects of the same lengths. The size of circles are in data scale. Parameters ---------- x,y : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Input data s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Radius of circle in data unit. c : color or sequence of color, optional, default : 'b' `c` can be a single color format string, or a sequence of color specifications of length `N`, or a sequence of `N` numbers to be mapped to colors using the `cmap` and `norm` specified via kwargs. Note that `c` should not be a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence because that is indistinguishable from an array of values to be colormapped. (If you insist, use `color` instead.) `c` can be a 2-D array in which the rows are RGB or RGBA, however. vmin, vmax : scalar, optional, default: None `vmin` and `vmax` are used in conjunction with `norm` to normalize luminance data. If either are `None`, the min and max of the color array is used. kwargs : `~matplotlib.collections.Collection` properties Eg. alpha, edgecolor(ec), facecolor(fc), linewidth(lw), linestyle(ls), norm, cmap, transform, etc. Returns ------- paths : `~matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` Examples -------- a = np.arange(11) circles(a, a, a*0.2, c=a, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='none') plt.colorbar() License -------- This code is under [The BSD 3-Clause License] ( """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Circle from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection if np.isscalar(c): kwargs.setdefault('color', c) c = None if 'fc' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', kwargs.pop('fc')) if 'ec' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', kwargs.pop('ec')) if 'ls' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', kwargs.pop('ls')) if 'lw' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', kwargs.pop('lw')) patches = [Circle((x_, y_), s_) for x_, y_, s_ in np.broadcast(x, y, s)] collection = PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs) if c is not None: collection.set_array(np.asarray(c)) collection.set_clim(vmin, vmax) collection.set_facecolors('none') collection.set_facecolor('none') if (kwargs['facecolor'] != 'none'): collection.set_facecolors(kwargs['facecolor']); collection.set_facecolor(kwargs['facecolor']); ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(collection) ax.autoscale_view() if c is not None: plt.sci(collection) return collection
def circles(x, y, s, c='b', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ Make a scatter of circles plot of x vs y, where x and y are sequence like objects of the same lengths. The size of circles are in data scale. Parameters ---------- x,y : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Input data s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Radius of circle in data unit. c : color or sequence of color, optional, default : 'b' `c` can be a single color format string, or a sequence of color specifications of length `N`, or a sequence of `N` numbers to be mapped to colors using the `cmap` and `norm` specified via kwargs. Note that `c` should not be a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence because that is indistinguishable from an array of values to be colormapped. (If you insist, use `color` instead.) `c` can be a 2-D array in which the rows are RGB or RGBA, however. vmin, vmax : scalar, optional, default: None `vmin` and `vmax` are used in conjunction with `norm` to normalize luminance data. If either are `None`, the min and max of the color array is used. kwargs : `~matplotlib.collections.Collection` properties Eg. alpha, edgecolor(ec), facecolor(fc), linewidth(lw), linestyle(ls), norm, cmap, transform, etc. Returns ------- paths : `~matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` Examples -------- a = np.arange(11) circles(a, a, a*0.2, c=a, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='none') plt.colorbar() License -------- This code is under [The BSD 3-Clause License] ( """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Circle from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection if np.isscalar(c): kwargs.setdefault('color', c) c = None if 'fc' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', kwargs.pop('fc')) if 'ec' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', kwargs.pop('ec')) if 'ls' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', kwargs.pop('ls')) if 'lw' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', kwargs.pop('lw')) patches = [Circle((x_, y_), s_) for x_, y_, s_ in np.broadcast(x, y, s)] collection = PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs) if c is not None: collection.set_array(np.asarray(c)) collection.set_clim(vmin, vmax) collection.set_facecolors('none') collection.set_facecolor('none') if (kwargs['facecolor'] != 'none'): collection.set_facecolors(kwargs['facecolor']) collection.set_facecolor(kwargs['facecolor']) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(collection) ax.autoscale_view() if c is not None: plt.sci(collection) return collection
def plot(self, canvas, show_balls=True, show_adults=True, show_hulls=False, color='purple'): """ Plot a single level of a `CoverTree` See the example at example-covertree_ Parameters ---------- canvas : :class:`bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure` as obtained from :code:`canvas = bokeh.plotting.figure()` show_balls : bool Draw the covering balls at this level. Default: True show_adults : bool Draw the adults at this level. Default: True show_hulls : bool Draw the convex hulls of the childeren of each adult. Note -- this works only with matplotlib for now, not bokeh. Default: False color : str Name of color to use for cover-tree balls and hulls. Default: 'purple' References ---------- .. _example-covertree: """ # fix the aspect ratio! all_xs = self.pointcloud.coords.values[:, 0] all_ys = self.pointcloud.coords.values[:, 1] xmid = (all_xs.max() + all_xs.min()) / 2.0 ymid = (all_ys.max() + all_ys.min()) / 2.0 span = max([ all_xs.max() - xmid, xmid - all_xs.min(), all_ys.max() - ymid, ymid - all_ys.min() ]) if type(canvas).__module__ == 'bokeh.plotting.figure': canvas_type = "bokeh" from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Range1d import bokeh.plotting elif type(canvas).__module__ == 'matplotlib.axes._subplots': canvas_type = "pyplot" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection, PatchCollection from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Ellipse, Polygon import matplotlib.colors as colors # fix the aspect ratio! canvas.set_aspect('equal') canvas.set_xlim([xmid - span, xmid + span]) canvas.set_ylim([ymid - span, ymid + span]) else: raise NotImplementedError( "canvas must be a bokeh.plotting.figure(). You gave me {}". format(type(canvas))) pc = self.covertree.pointcloud all_xs = pc.coords.values[:, 0] all_ys = pc.coords.values[:, 1] data, title = self.plot_data_title(show_balls=show_balls, show_adults=show_adults) # fix the aspect ratio! xmean = all_xs.mean() ymean = all_ys.mean() span = max([ all_xs.max() - xmean, xmean - all_xs.min(), all_ys.max() - ymean, ymean - all_ys.min() ]) if canvas_type == "pyplot": xs = data['xs'] ys = data['ys'] rs = data['rs'] if show_balls: patches = [] rgbas = [] cc = colors.ColorConverter() for i in range(len(xs)): patches.append(Circle(xy=(xs[i], ys[i]), radius=rs[i])) # have to set the alpha value manually. rgba = list(cc.to_rgba(color)) rgba[3] = 0.2 rgbas.append(tuple(rgba)) p = PatchCollection(patches, edgecolor='none') p.set_facecolors(rgbas) canvas.add_collection(p) if show_adults: canvas.scatter(x=xs, y=ys, color='blue', alpha=1.) if show_hulls: from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull patches = [] rgbas = [] cc = colors.ColorConverter() for ai in self.adults: children = pc.coords.values[self.children[ai], :] if children.shape[0] >= 3: hull = ConvexHull(children).vertices poly_data = children[hull, :] patches.append(Polygon(poly_data)) elif children.shape[0] == 2: d = cdist(children[[0], :], children[[1], :])[0, 0] patches.append( Circle(xy=pc.coords.values[ai, :], radius=d)) else: # singleton patches.append( Circle(xy=pc.coords.values[ai, :], radius=0.5 * self.radius)) rgba = list(cc.to_rgba(color)) rgba[3] = 0.2 rgbas.append(tuple(rgba)) p = PatchCollection(patches, edgecolor=color) p.set_facecolors(rgbas) canvas.add_collection(p) pass elif canvas_type == "bokeh": source = ColumnDataSource(data=data) canvas.title.text = title canvas.x_range = Range1d(xmean - span, xmean + span) canvas.y_range = Range1d(ymean - span, ymean + span) if show_balls:'xs', 'ys', source=source, radius='rs', color=color, alpha=0.2) if show_adults:'xs', 'ys', source=source, size=4, color='blue', alpha=1.) if show_hulls: raise NotImplementedError("No hulls in Bokeh yet. Use pyplot."), all_ys, color='black', alpha=0.2, size=0.5) return source
def plot_counties( ax, counties, values=None, edgecolors=None, contourcolor="white", hatch_surround=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, background=True, xticks=True, yticks=True, grid=True, frame=True, xlabel="Longitude [in dec. degrees]", ylabel="Latitude [in dec. degrees]", lw=1): polygons = [r["shape"] for r in counties.values()] # extend german borders :S and then shrink them again after unifying # gets rid of many holes at the county boundaries contour = cascaded_union([pol.buffer(0.01) for pol in polygons]).buffer(-0.01) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = contour.bounds if xlim is None: xlim = [xmin, xmax] if ylim is None: ylim = [ymin, ymax] surround = PolygonPatch(Polygon([(xlim[0], ylim[0]), (xlim[0], ylim[1]), ( xlim[1], ylim[1]), (xlim[1], ylim[0])]).difference(contour)) contour = PolygonPatch(contour, lw=lw) pc = PatchCollection([PolygonPatch(p, lw=lw) for p in polygons],, alpha=1.0) if values is not None: if isinstance(values, (dict, OrderedDict)): values = np.array([values.setdefault(r, np.nan) for r in counties.keys()]) elif isinstance(values, str): values = np.array([r.setdefault(values, np.nan) for r in counties.values()]) else: assert np.size(values) == len(counties), "Number of values ({}) doesn't match number of counties ({})!".format( np.size(values), len(counties)) pc.set_clim(0, 10) nans = np.isnan(values) values[nans] = 0 values =, mask=nans) pc.set(array=values, cmap='magma') else: pc.set_facecolors("none") if edgecolors is not None: if isinstance(edgecolors, (dict, OrderedDict)): edgecolors = np.array([edgecolors.setdefault(r, "none") for r in counties.keys()]) elif isinstance(edgecolors, str): edgecolors = np.array([r.setdefault(edgecolors, "none") for r in counties.values()]) pc.set_edgecolors(edgecolors) else: pc.set_edgecolors("none") if hatch_surround is not None: surround.set_hatch(hatch_surround) surround.set_facecolor("none") ax.add_patch(surround) cb = plt.colorbar(pc, shrink=0.6) cb.set_ticks([0,5,10]) #cb.set_yticks([0.00004]) ax.add_collection(pc) if contourcolor is not None: contour.set_edgecolor(contourcolor) contour.set_facecolor("none") ax.add_patch(contour) if isinstance(background, bool): ax.patch.set_visible(background) else: ax.patch.set_color(background) ax.grid(grid) ax.set_frame_on(frame) ax.set_xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(*ylim) ax.set_aspect(1.43) if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=14) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=14) ax.tick_params(axis="x", which="both", bottom=xticks, labelbottom=xticks) ax.tick_params(axis="y", which="both", left=yticks, labelleft=yticks) #plt.colorbar() return pc, contour, surround
def get_wedges_for_heading_plot(x, y, color, orientation, size_radius=0.1, size_angle=20, colormap='jet', colornorm=None, size_radius_range=(0.01,.1), size_radius_norm=None, edgecolor='none', alpha=1, flip=True, deg=True, nskip=0, center_offset_fraction=0.75): ''' Returns a Patch Collection of Wedges, with arbitrary color and orientation Outputs: Patch Collection Inputs: x, y - x and y positions (np.array or list, each of length N) color - values to color wedges by (np.array or list, length N), OR color string. colormap - specifies colormap to use (string, eg. 'jet') norm - specifies range you'd like to normalize to, if none, scales to min/max of color array (2-tuple, eg. (0,1) ) orientation - angles are in degrees, use deg=False to convert radians to degrees size_radius - radius of wedge, in same units as x, y. Can be list or np.array, length N, for changing sizes size_radius_norm - specifies range you'd like to normalize size_radius to, if size_radius is a list/array should be tuple, eg. (0.01, .1) size_angle - angular extent of wedge, degrees. Can be list or np.array, length N, for changing sizes edgecolor - color for lineedges, string or np.array of length N alpha - transparency (single value, between 0 and 1) flip - flip orientations by 180 degrees, default = True nskip - allows you to skip between points to make the points clearer, nskip=1 skips every other point center_offset_fraction - (float in range (0,1) ) - 0 means (x,y) is at the tip, 1 means (x,y) is at the edge ''' cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap) # norms if colornorm is None and type(color) is not str: colornorm = plt.Normalize(np.min(color), np.max(color)) elif type(color) is not str: colornorm = plt.Normalize(colornorm[0], colornorm[1]) if size_radius_norm is None: size_radius_norm = plt.Normalize(np.min(size_radius), np.max(size_radius), clip=True) else: size_radius_norm = plt.Normalize(size_radius_norm[0], size_radius_norm[1], clip=True) indices_to_plot = np.arange(0, len(x), nskip+1) # fix orientations if type(orientation) is list: orientation = np.array(orientation) if deg is False: orientation = orientation*180./np.pi if flip: orientation += 180 flycons = [] n = 0 for i in indices_to_plot: # wedge parameters if type(size_radius) is list or type(size_radius) is np.array or type(size_radius) is np.ndarray: r = size_radius_norm(size_radius[i])*(size_radius_range[1]-size_radius_range[0]) + size_radius_range[0] else: r = size_radius if type(size_angle) is list or type(size_angle) is np.array or type(size_angle) is np.ndarray: angle_swept = size_radius[i] else: angle_swept = size_radius theta1 = orientation[i] - size_angle/2. theta2 = orientation[i] + size_angle/2. center = [x[i], y[i]] center[0] -= np.cos(orientation[i]*np.pi/180.)*r*center_offset_fraction center[1] -= np.sin(orientation[i]*np.pi/180.)*r*center_offset_fraction wedge = patches.Wedge(center, r, theta1, theta2) flycons.append(wedge) # add collection and color it pc = PatchCollection(flycons, cmap=cmap, norm=colornorm) # set properties for collection pc.set_edgecolors(edgecolor) if type(color) is list or type(color) is np.array or type(color) is np.ndarray: if type(color) is list: color = np.asarray(color) pc.set_array(color[indices_to_plot]) else: pc.set_facecolors(color) pc.set_alpha(alpha) return pc
def plot_hexa_im(im,, hex_shape=False, ax=None, zigzag=False, minv=None, maxv=None): """ Plot a hexagonal image. The image is assumed to be represented with the zig-zag parameterization. :param im: the image; 2D ndarray """ im[im == im.min()] = np.median(im) if zigzag: m1, m2 = centered_meshgrid(im.shape[1], im.shape[0]) x, y = zigzaghexa2cartesian(m1, m2) else: # a bit strage to use centered_*zigzag*hexa_grid here, but it works m1, m2 = centered_meshgrid(im.shape[1], im.shape[0]) x, y = hexa2cartesian(m1, m2) r = (np.minimum(im.shape[0], im.shape[1]) - 1) / 2. if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() x = x.flatten() y = y.flatten() m1 = m1.flatten() m2 = m2.flatten() r = r.flatten() im = im.flatten() if hex_shape: # Circular image; remove hexagons outside radius of the largest circle insribed in the grid if zigzag: n1, n2 = zigzaghexa2hexa(m1, m2) else: n1 = m1 n2 = m2 dist = hexa_manhattan_dist(n1, n2, 0, 0) x = x[dist <= r] y = y[dist <= r] im = im[dist <= r] # Flip the y-axis; in matplotlib's patches code, the y axis points up but we want it to point down # as is common in image processing. y = np.max(y) - y patch_list = [_hex_at(x[i], y[i]) for i in range(x.size)] p = PatchCollection( patch_list, cmap=cmap, linewidths=0, antialiaseds=10, ) colors = im.reshape(-1, 3) - im.min() colors /= colors.max() p.set_facecolors(colors) # set colors if minv or maxv: p.set_clim([minv, maxv]) # scale color range ax.add_collection(p) ax.set_xlim(np.min(x) - 0.5, np.max(x) + 0.5) ax.set_ylim(np.min(y) - 0.5, np.max(y) + 0.5) # plt.axis('equal') plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout()
kyst2[:,0][i],kyst2[:,1][i],zzz= lla2ecef(kyst2[:,0][i],kyst2[:,1][i],0) tmp = np.copy(-kyst2[:,0]) kyst2[:,0]=kyst2[:,1] kyst2[:,1]=tmp polygon = Polygon(kyst2, True) patches_flds.append(polygon) kyst2 = np.array([]) kll = np.array([]) klo = np.array([]) #---------------------------------------------------------- #-- p_blks = PatchCollection(patches_blks,alpha=0.2) p_blks.set_facecolors('none')#(1, 1, 0, 0.0)) p_blks.set_edgecolors((0, 0, 0, 1.0)) ax.add_collection(p_blks) #-- #-- p_flds = PatchCollection(patches_flds,alpha=0.4) p_flds.set_facecolors((.5, .5, .5, .5)) p_flds.set_edgecolors((0, 0, 0, 1.0)) ax.add_collection(p_flds) #-- colors = 100*np.random.rand(len(patches)) p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=0.4) p.set_array(np.array(colors)) p.set_edgecolors((0, 0, 0, 1.0)) ax.add_collection(p)
def plot(self, canvas, style="covertree"): r""" Plot a CDER model, using matplotlib or bokeh There are several options to help visualize various aspects of the model. Typically, one wants to overlay this with the plots from the underlying :class:`multidim.PointCloud` and :class:`multidim.covertree.CoverTree` objects. Parameters ---------- canvas : object An instance of `bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure` as in :code:`canvas = bokeh.plotting.figure()` or an instance of :class:`matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot` as in :code:`axes,canvas = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()` style : str options are "gaussians", "covertree", "heatmap", "hulls", "expatriots", and "predictions". Colors are generally obtained from the label names. See Also -------- :func:`multidim.PointCloud.plot` :func:`multidim.covertree.CoverTree.plot` """ if self.covertree is None or self.gaussians is None: raise RuntimeError("You must 'fit' first, before plotting.") # fix the aspect ratio! all_xs = self.covertree.pointcloud.coords.values[:, 0] all_ys = self.covertree.pointcloud.coords.values[:, 1] xmid = (all_xs.max() + all_xs.min()) / 2.0 ymid = (all_ys.max() + all_ys.min()) / 2.0 span = max([ all_xs.max() - xmid, xmid - all_xs.min(), all_ys.max() - ymid, ymid - all_ys.min() ]) if type(canvas).__module__ == 'bokeh.plotting.figure': canvas_type = "bokeh" import bokeh.plotting from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Range1d # fix the aspect ratio! canvas.x_range = Range1d(xmid - span, xmid + span) canvas.y_range = Range1d(ymid - span, ymid + span) elif type(canvas).__module__ == 'matplotlib.axes._subplots': canvas_type = "pyplot" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection, PatchCollection from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Ellipse, Polygon import matplotlib.colors as colors # fix the aspect ratio! canvas.set_aspect('equal') canvas.set_xlim([xmid - span, xmid + span]) canvas.set_ylim([ymid - span, ymid + span]) else: raise NotImplementedError( "canvas must be a bokeh.plotting.figure() or a matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()[1]. You gave me {}" .format(type(canvas))) if style == "gaussians": Xms = [] Yms = [] R1s = [] R2s = [] As = [] Cs = [] Ws = [] for g in self.gaussians: Xms.append(g['mean'][0]) Yms.append(g['mean'][1]) R1s.append(g['std'][0] * 2 / 0.75) # 0.75 bokeh oval distortion R2s.append(g['std'][1] * 2) As.append(np.arctan2(g['rotation'][0, 1], g['rotation'][0, 0])) Cs.append(g['label']) Ws.append(g['weight']) Ws = np.array(Ws) # Ws = np.log2(numpy.array(Ws)+1) Wmax = Ws.max() if canvas_type == "bokeh": canvas.oval(Xms, Yms, angle=As, width=R1s, height=R2s, alpha=Ws / Wmax, color=Cs, line_width=0, line_color='black') elif canvas_type == "pyplot": patches = [] rgbas = [] CC = colors.ColorConverter() for i in range(len(Xms)): patches.append( Ellipse(xy=(Xms[i], Yms[i]), width=R1s[i] * 0.75, height=R2s[i], angle=As[i] * 180 / np.pi)) # have to manually set the alpha value rgba = list(CC.to_rgba(Cs[i])) rgba[3] = Ws[i] / Wmax rgbas.append(tuple(rgba)) p = PatchCollection(patches, edgecolor='none') p.set_facecolors(rgbas) canvas.add_collection(p) pass elif style == "heatmap": # This could probably use self.runit instead. xy = [] min_x = xmid - span max_x = xmid + span min_y = ymid - span max_y = ymid + span dx = (max_x - min_x) / 64. dy = (max_y - min_y) / 64. for x in np.arange(min_x, max_x, dx): for y in np.arange(min_y, max_y, dy): xy.append((x + dx / 2, y + dy / 2)) xy = np.array(xy) z_by_label = np.ndarray(shape=(xy.shape[0], self.all_labels.shape[0])) for i, point in enumerate(xy): integrals, labels = self.evaluate(xy[[i], :]) for j, label in enumerate(self.all_labels): z_by_label[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(integrals[labels == label], 1) # z_by_label = np.log2(z_by_label + 1) # z_by_label = z_by_label - z_by_label.min() z_by_label = z_by_label / z_by_label.max() # z_by_label = z_by_label**0.5 if canvas_type == "bokeh": for j, label in enumerate(self.all_labels): canvas.rect(xy[:, 0] - dx / 2, xy[:, 1] - dy / 2, width=dx, height=dy, color=label, alpha=z_by_label[:, j]) elif canvas_type == "pyplot": patches = [] rgbas = [] CC = colors.ColorConverter() for j, label in enumerate(self.all_labels): for i in range(xy.shape[0]): corners = np.array( [[xy[i, 0] - dx / 2, xy[i, 1] - dx / 2], [xy[i, 0] + dx / 2, xy[i, 1] - dx / 2], [xy[i, 0] + dx / 2, xy[i, 1] + dy / 2], [xy[i, 0] - dx / 2, xy[i, 1] + dy / 2]]) patches.append(Polygon(corners)) # have to manually set the alpha value rgba = list(CC.to_rgba(label)) rgba[3] = z_by_label[i, j] rgbas.append(tuple(rgba)) p = PatchCollection(patches, edgecolor='none') p.set_facecolors(rgbas) canvas.add_collection(p) pass elif style == "hulls": from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull if canvas_type == "bokeh": raise NotImplementedError("No hulls in Bokeh yet. Use pyplot.") elif canvas_type == "pyplot": maxwt = max([g['weight'] for g in self.gaussians]) patches = [] rgbas = [] cc = colors.ColorConverter() for i, g in enumerate(self.gaussians): if g['count'] > 3: a = g['index'] l = g['level'] cl = self.covertree[l] label = g['label'] children = self.covertree.pointcloud.coords.values[ cl.children[a], :] hull = ConvexHull(children).vertices poly_data = children[hull, :] patches.append(Polygon(poly_data)) # have to manually set the alpha value rgba = list(cc.to_rgba(label)) rgba[3] = g['weight'] * 1.0 / maxwt rgbas.append(tuple(rgba)) p = PatchCollection(patches, edgecolor='none') p.set_facecolors(rgbas) canvas.add_collection(p) pass elif style == "entropy": N = len(self.covertree) C = np.zeros(shape=(N, )) Q = np.zeros(shape=(N, )) for g in self.gaussians: C[g['level']:] = C[g['level']:] + 1.0 Q[g['level']:] = Q[g['level']:] + (1.0 - g['entropy']) canvas.scatter(range(N), C, color="red", legend="coords", size=4) canvas.line(range(N), C, color="red") canvas.scatter(range(N), Q, color="blue", legend="bits", size=2) canvas.line(range(N), Q, color="blue") canvas.legend.location = "top_left" pass elif style == "expatriots": Xms = [] Yms = [] R1s = [] R2s = [] As = [] Cs = [] Ws = [] for g in self.gaussians: Xms.append(g['mean'][0]) Yms.append(g['mean'][1]) R1s.append(g['std'][0] * 2 / 0.75) # 0.75 bokeh oval distortion R2s.append(g['std'][1] * 2) As.append(np.arctan2(g['rotation'][0, 1], g['rotation'][0, 0])) Cs.append(g['label']) Ws.append(g['weight']) Ws = np.log2(np.array(Ws) + 1) Wmax = Ws.max() if canvas_type == "bokeh": canvas.oval(Xms, Yms, angle=As, width=R1s, height=R2s, alpha=Ws / Wmax, color=Cs, line_width=0, line_color='black') elif canvas_type == "pyplot": patches = [] rgbas = [] CC = colors.ColorConverter() for i in range(len(Xms)): patches.append( Ellipse(xy=(Xms[i], Yms[i]), width=R1s[i] * 0.75, height=R2s[i], angle=As[i] * 180 / np.pi)) # have to manually set the alpha value rgba = list(CC.to_rgba(Cs[i])) rgba[3] = Ws[i] / Wmax rgbas.append(tuple(rgba)) p = PatchCollection(patches, edgecolor='none') p.set_facecolors(rgbas) canvas.add_collection(p) pass elif style == "predictions": pass elif style == "covertree": Xs = [] Ys = [] Rs = [] Cs = [] Ws = [] for g in self.gaussians: Xs.append(g['adult'][0]) Ys.append(g['adult'][1]) Rs.append(g['radius']) Cs.append(g['label']) Ws.append(1.0 - g['entropy']) Ws = np.array(Ws) # Ws = np.log2(np.array(Ws)+1) Wmax = Ws.max() if canvas_type == "bokeh":, Ys, radius=Rs, alpha=Ws / Wmax, color=Cs, line_width=0, line_color='black') elif canvas_type == "pyplot": patches = [] rgbas = [] cc = colors.ColorConverter() for i in range(len(Xs)): patches.append(Circle(xy=(Xs[i], Ys[i]), radius=Rs[i])) # have to manually set the alpha value rgba = list(cc.to_rgba(Cs[i])) rgba[3] = Ws[i] / Wmax rgbas.append(tuple(rgba)) p = PatchCollection(patches, edgecolor='none') p.set_facecolors(rgbas) canvas.add_collection(p) pass else: raise ValueError("Wrong plot style.")
votpts[0, 0] = 0.0 votpts[nx - 1, 1] = batmax + tol votpts[0, 1] = batmax + tol sshpts[0, 1] = sshpts[1, 1] for pt in range(nx): sshpts[pt + nx, 0] = batpts[nx + 1 - pt, 0] sshpts[pt + nx, 1] = batpts[nx + 1 - pt, 1] xs, ys = zip(*votpts) fig, ax = plt.subplots() patches = [] polygon = Polygon(batpts, True) patches.append(polygon) p = PatchCollection(patches,, alpha=1.0) p.set_facecolors(['#f1a9a9']) patches = [] polygon2 = Polygon(sshpts, True) patches.append(polygon2) p2 = PatchCollection(patches,, alpha=1.0) p2.set_facecolors(['#44a1ff']) # Maximum depth set here to -10m ax.set_ylim([-10., 6.0]) ax.set_xlim([0., 51.0]) ax.add_collection(p2) ax.add_collection(p) ax.plot(xs, ys, '--', color='black', ms=10) plt.annotate(hour, xy=(2, batmin + 0.1 * brange))
def make_piechart(slices, colors, ecolors, outname, showtext=True, groups=[[0,1],[2,3]], radfraction=0.2, transparent=False): assert len(groups) == 2 plt.close('all') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5)) wedgeprops = {'edgecolor':'k', 'linewidth':6} patches, texts, pcts = ax.pie(slices, labeldistance=1.15, colors=colors, autopct=lambda p: '{:1.1f}\%'.format(p), wedgeprops=wedgeprops) [pct.set_fontsize(20) for pct in pcts] ax.axis('equal') for patch, ecolor in zip(patches, ecolors): patch.set_edgecolor(ecolor) fig.savefig('{}'.format(outname), transparent=True) plt.close('all') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5)) ax.axis('equal') ax.axis('off') #embed() i = groups[0] ang = np.deg2rad((patches[i[-1]].theta2 + patches[i[0]].theta1)/2.0) wedges = [] for j in i: patch = patches[j] center = (radfraction*patch.r*np.cos(ang), radfraction*patch.r*np.sin(ang)) wedges.append(mpatches.Wedge(center, patch.r, patch.theta1, patch.theta2, edgecolor=patch.get_edgecolor(), facecolor=patch.get_facecolor())) text_ang = np.deg2rad((patch.theta1 + patch.theta2)/2.0) pct = pcts[j].get_text() if slices[j] == 0: pct = '' fontsize = 10 elif slices[j] < 0.01: fontsize = 10 elif slices[j] < 0.1: fontsize = 15 else: fontsize = 20 if text_ang > np.pi and text_ang < (3*np.pi)/2.0: align='top' text_pos = np.array(((1.12)*patch.r*np.cos(text_ang), (1.12)*patch.r*np.sin(text_ang))) + np.array(center) else: align='baseline' text_pos = np.array(((1.08)*patch.r*np.cos(text_ang), (1.08)*patch.r*np.sin(text_ang))) + np.array(center) if showtext: ax.text(*text_pos, s=pct, fontsize=fontsize, verticalalignment=align) i = groups[1] for j in i: try: patch = patches[j] except: embed() center = wedges.append(mpatches.Wedge(center, patch.r, patch.theta1, patch.theta2, edgecolor=patch.get_edgecolor(), facecolor=patch.get_facecolor())) text_ang = np.deg2rad((patch.theta1 + patch.theta2)/2.0) pct = pcts[j].get_text() if slices[j] == 0: pct = '' fontsize = 10 elif slices[j] < 0.01: fontsize = 10 elif slices[j] < 0.1: fontsize = 15 else: fontsize = 20 if text_ang > np.pi and text_ang < (3*np.pi)/2.0: align='top' text_pos = np.array(((1.12)*patch.r*np.cos(text_ang), (1.12)*patch.r*np.sin(text_ang))) + np.array(center) else: align='baseline' text_pos = np.array(((1.08)*patch.r*np.cos(text_ang), (1.08)*patch.r*np.sin(text_ang))) + np.array(center) if showtext: ax.text(*text_pos, s=pct, fontsize=fontsize, verticalalignment=align) collection = PatchCollection(wedges) collection.set_facecolors(colors) collection.set_linewidths(6) collection.set_edgecolors(ecolors) #collection.set_array(np.array(colors)) ax.add_collection(collection) ax.autoscale(True) #ax.text(*pcts[0].get_position(), s=pcts[0].get_text()) fig.savefig('{}_nolabel'.format(outname), transparent=transparent) plt.close('all')