def __call__(self, scaledImageData, alpha=1):
                # assumes the data is already normalized (ignoring sentinels)
                # clip to be on the safe side
                rgbaValues = self.cmap(nx.clip(scaledImageData, 0.,1.))

                #replace sentinel data with sentinel colors
                for sentinel,rgb in self.sentinels.items():
                        r,g,b = rgb
                        rgbaValues[:,:,0] =  nx.where(scaledImageData==sentinel, r, rgbaValues[:,:,0])
                        rgbaValues[:,:,1] =  nx.where(scaledImageData==sentinel, g, rgbaValues[:,:,1])
                        rgbaValues[:,:,2] =  nx.where(scaledImageData==sentinel, b, rgbaValues[:,:,2])
                        rgbaValues[:,:,3] =  nx.where(scaledImageData==sentinel, alpha, rgbaValues[:,:,3])

                return rgbaValues
예제 #2
    def __call__(self, value):

        vmin = self.vmin
        vmax = self.vmax

        if type(value) in [IntType, FloatType]:
            vtype = 'scalar'
            val = array([value])
            vtype = 'array'
            val = nx.asarray(value)

        # if both vmin is None and vmax is None, we'll automatically
        # norm the data to vmin/vmax of the actual data, so the
        # clipping step won't be needed.
        if vmin is None and vmax is None:
            needs_clipping = False
            needs_clipping = True

        if vmin is None or vmax is None:
            rval = nx.ravel(val)
            #do this if sentinels (values to ignore in data)
            if self.ignore:
                sortValues = nx.sort(rval)
                if vmin is None:
                    # find the lowest non-sentinel value
                    for thisVal in sortValues:
                        if thisVal not in self.ignore:
                            vmin = thisVal  #vmin is the lowest non-sentinel value
                        vmin = 0.
                if vmax is None:
                    for thisVal in sortValues[::-1]:
                        if thisVal not in self.ignore:
                            vmax = thisVal  #vmax is the greatest non-sentinel value
                        vmax = 0.
                if vmin is None: vmin = min(rval)
                if vmax is None: vmax = max(rval)
        if vmin > vmax:
            raise ValueError("minvalue must be less than or equal to maxvalue")
        elif vmin == vmax:
            return 0. * value
            if needs_clipping:
                val = nx.clip(val, vmin, vmax)
            result = (1.0 / (vmax - vmin)) * (val - vmin)

        # replace sentinels with original (non-normalized) values
        for thisIgnore in self.ignore:
            result = nx.where(val == thisIgnore, thisIgnore, result)

        if vtype == 'scalar':
            result = result[0]
        return result
        def __call__(self, value):

                vmin = self.vmin
                vmax = self.vmax

                if type(value) in [IntType, FloatType]:
                        vtype = 'scalar'
                        val = array([value])
                        vtype = 'array'
                        val = nx.asarray(value)

                # if both vmin is None and vmax is None, we'll automatically
                # norm the data to vmin/vmax of the actual data, so the
                # clipping step won't be needed.
                if vmin is None and vmax is None:
                        needs_clipping = False
                        needs_clipping = True

                if vmin is None or vmax is None:
                        rval = nx.ravel(val)
                        #do this if sentinels (values to ignore in data)
                        if self.ignore:
                                if vmin is None: 
                                        # find the lowest non-sentinel value
                                        for thisVal in sortValues:
                                                if thisVal not in self.ignore:
                                                        vmin=thisVal #vmin is the lowest non-sentinel value
                                if vmax is None: 
                                        for thisVal in sortValues[::-1]:
                                                if thisVal not in self.ignore:
                                                        vmax=thisVal #vmax is the greatest non-sentinel value
                                if vmin is None: vmin = min(rval)
                                if vmax is None: vmax = max(rval)
                if vmin > vmax:
                        raise ValueError("minvalue must be less than or equal to maxvalue")
                elif vmin==vmax:
                        return 0.*value
                        if needs_clipping:
                                val = nx.clip(val,vmin, vmax)
                        result = (1.0/(vmax-vmin))*(val-vmin)

                # replace sentinels with original (non-normalized) values
                for thisIgnore in self.ignore:
                        result = nx.where(val==thisIgnore,thisIgnore,result)

                if vtype == 'scalar':
                        result = result[0]
                return result
예제 #4
    def __call__(self, scaledImageData, alpha=1):
        # assumes the data is already normalized (ignoring sentinels)
        # clip to be on the safe side
        rgbaValues = self.cmap(nx.clip(scaledImageData, 0., 1.))

        #replace sentinel data with sentinel colors
        for sentinel, rgb in self.sentinels.items():
            r, g, b = rgb
            rgbaValues[:, :, 0] = nx.where(scaledImageData == sentinel, r,
                                           rgbaValues[:, :, 0])
            rgbaValues[:, :, 1] = nx.where(scaledImageData == sentinel, g,
                                           rgbaValues[:, :, 1])
            rgbaValues[:, :, 2] = nx.where(scaledImageData == sentinel, b,
                                           rgbaValues[:, :, 2])
            rgbaValues[:, :, 3] = nx.where(scaledImageData == sentinel, alpha,
                                           rgbaValues[:, :, 3])

        return rgbaValues
예제 #5
 def _h_arrows(self, length):
     ''' length is in arrow width units '''
     minsh = self.minshaft * self.headlength
     N = len(length)
     length = nx.reshape(length, (N,1))
     x = nx.array([0, -self.headaxislength,
                     -self.headlength, 0], nx.Float64)
     x = x + nx.array([0,1,1,1]) * length
     y = 0.5 * nx.array([1, 1, self.headwidth, 0], nx.Float64)
     y = nx.repeat(y[nx.newaxis,:], N)
     x0 = nx.array([0, minsh-self.headaxislength,
                     minsh-self.headlength, minsh], nx.Float64)
     y0 = 0.5 * nx.array([1, 1, self.headwidth, 0], nx.Float64)
     ii = [0,1,2,3,2,1,0]
     X = nx.take(x, ii, 1)
     Y = nx.take(y, ii, 1)
     Y[:, 3:] *= -1
     X0 = nx.take(x0, ii)
     Y0 = nx.take(y0, ii)
     Y0[3:] *= -1
     shrink = length/minsh
     X0 = shrink * X0[nx.newaxis,:]
     Y0 = shrink * Y0[nx.newaxis,:]
     short = nx.repeat(length < minsh, 7, 1)
     #print 'short', length < minsh
     X = nx.where(short, X0, X)
     Y = nx.where(short, Y0, Y)
     if self.pivot[:3] == 'mid':
         X -= 0.5 * X[:,3, nx.newaxis]
     elif self.pivot[:3] == 'tip':
         X = X - X[:,3, nx.newaxis]   #numpy bug? using -= does not
                                      # work here unless we multiply
                                      # by a float first, as with 'mid'.
     tooshort = length < self.minlength
     if nx.any(tooshort):
         th = nx.arange(0,7,1, nx.Float64) * (nx.pi/3.0)
         x1 = nx.cos(th) * self.minlength * 0.5
         y1 = nx.sin(th) * self.minlength * 0.5
         X1 = nx.repeat(x1[nx.newaxis, :], N, 0)
         Y1 = nx.repeat(y1[nx.newaxis, :], N, 0)
         tooshort = nx.repeat(tooshort, 7, 1)
         X = nx.where(tooshort, X1, X)
         Y = nx.where(tooshort, Y1, Y)
     return X, Y
예제 #6
    def __draw_lines_hide(self, gc, x, y, transform=None):
        x and y are equal length arrays, draw lines connecting each
        point in x, y
        if debugPS: self._pswriter.write('% draw_lines \n')

        if transform:
            if transform.need_nonlinear():
                x, y, mask = transform.nonlinear_only_numerix(x,
                mask = ones(x.shape)

        vec6 = transform.as_vec6_val()
        a, b, c, d, tx, ty = vec6
        sx, sy = get_vec6_scales(vec6)

        start = 0
        end = 1000
        points = zip(x, y)

        write = self._pswriter.write
        write('[%f %f %f %f %f %f] concat\n' % (a, b, c, d, tx, ty))

        while start < len(x):
            # put moveto on all the bad data and on the first good
            # point after the bad data
            codes = where(mask[start:end + 1], 'l', 'm')
            ind = nonzero(mask[start:end + 1] == 0) + 1
            if ind[-1] >= len(codes):
                ind = ind[:-1]
            put(codes, ind, 'm')

            thisx = x[start:end + 1]
            thisy = y[start:end + 1]
            to_draw = izip(thisx, thisy, codes)
            if not to_draw:

            ps = ['%1.3f %1.3f m' %[:2]]
            ps.extend(["%1.3f %1.3f %c" % tup for tup in to_draw])
            # we don't want to scale the line width, etc so invert the
            # scale for the stroke
            ps.append('\ngsave %f %f scale stroke grestore\n' %
                      (1. / sx, 1. / sy))
            start = end
            end += 1000
예제 #7
    def __draw_lines_hide(self, gc, x, y, transform=None):
        x and y are equal length arrays, draw lines connecting each
        point in x, y
        if debugPS: self._pswriter.write('% draw_lines \n')
        if transform:
            if transform.need_nonlinear():
                x, y, mask = transform.nonlinear_only_numerix(x, y, returnMask=1)
                mask = ones(x.shape)

        vec6 = transform.as_vec6_val()
        a,b,c,d,tx,ty = vec6
        sx, sy = get_vec6_scales(vec6)

        start  = 0
        end    = 1000
        points = zip(x,y)

        write = self._pswriter.write
        write('[%f %f %f %f %f %f] concat\n'%(a,b,c,d,tx,ty))                
        while start < len(x):
            # put moveto on all the bad data and on the first good
            # point after the bad data
            codes = where(mask[start:end+1], 'l', 'm')
            ind = nonzero(mask[start:end+1]==0)+1
            if ind[-1]>=len(codes):
                ind = ind[:-1]
            put(codes, ind, 'm')
            thisx = x[start:end+1]
            thisy = y[start:end+1]
            to_draw = izip(thisx, thisy, codes)
            if not to_draw:

            ps = ['%1.3f %1.3f m' %[:2]]
            ps.extend(["%1.3f %1.3f %c" % tup for tup in to_draw])
            # we don't want to scale the line width, etc so invert the
            # scale for the stroke
            ps.append('\ngsave %f %f scale stroke grestore\n'%(1./sx,1./sy))
            start = end
            end   += 1000
예제 #8
 def _locate(self, x):
     Return the colorbar data coordinate(s) corresponding to the color
     value(s) in scalar or array x.
     Used for tick positioning.
     b = self._boundaries
     y = self._y
     N = len(b)
     ii = nx.minimum(nx.searchsorted(b, x), N - 1)
     isscalar = False
     if not iterable(ii):
         isscalar = True
         ii = nx.array((ii,))
     i0 = nx.maximum(ii - 1, 0)
     # db = b[ii] - b[i0]
     db = nx.take(b, ii) - nx.take(b, i0)
     db = nx.where(i0 == ii, 1.0, db)
     # dy = y[ii] - y[i0]
     dy = nx.take(y, ii) - nx.take(y, i0)
     z = nx.take(y, i0) + (x - nx.take(b, i0)) * dy / db
     if isscalar:
         z = z[0]
     return z
예제 #9
 def _locate(self, x):
     Return the colorbar data coordinate(s) corresponding to the color
     value(s) in scalar or array x.
     Used for tick positioning.
     b = self._boundaries
     y = self._y
     N = len(b)
     ii = nx.minimum(nx.searchsorted(b, x), N - 1)
     isscalar = False
     if not iterable(ii):
         isscalar = True
         ii = nx.array((ii, ))
     i0 = nx.maximum(ii - 1, 0)
     #db = b[ii] - b[i0]
     db = nx.take(b, ii) - nx.take(b, i0)
     db = nx.where(i0 == ii, 1.0, db)
     #dy = y[ii] - y[i0]
     dy = nx.take(y, ii) - nx.take(y, i0)
     z = nx.take(y, i0) + (x - nx.take(b, i0)) * dy / db
     if isscalar:
         z = z[0]
     return z
예제 #10
    raise ImportError('this example requires numpy')
import as MA
import matplotlib.numerix as N
from matplotlib.toolkits.basemap import Basemap

# read in data from netCDF file.
infile    = ''
fpin      = NetCDFFile(infile)
tlat      = fpin.variables['TLAT'][:]
tlon      = fpin.variables['TLONG'][:]
temp      = fpin.variables['TEMP'][:]
fillvalue = fpin.variables['TEMP'].attributes['_FillValue']

# make longitudes monotonically increasing.
tlon = N.where(N.greater_equal(tlon,min(tlon[:,0])),tlon-360,tlon)

# create a masked array with temperature data (continents masked).
temp = MA.masked_values(temp,fillvalue)

# stack grids side-by-side (in longitiudinal direction), so
# any range of longitudes may be plotted on a world map.
tlon = N.concatenate((tlon,tlon+360),1)
tlat = N.concatenate((tlat,tlat),1)
temp = MA.concatenate((temp,temp),1)
tlon = tlon-360.

# subplot 1 just shows POP grid cells.
map = Basemap(projection='merc', lat_ts=20, llcrnrlon=-180, \
예제 #11
    raise ImportError('this example requires numpy')
import as MA
import matplotlib.numerix as N
from matplotlib.toolkits.basemap import Basemap

# read in data from netCDF file.
infile = ''
fpin = NetCDFFile(infile)
tlat = fpin.variables['TLAT'][:]
tlon = fpin.variables['TLONG'][:]
temp = fpin.variables['TEMP'][:]
fillvalue = fpin.variables['TEMP'].attributes['_FillValue']

# make longitudes monotonically increasing.
tlon = N.where(N.greater_equal(tlon, min(tlon[:, 0])), tlon - 360, tlon)

# create a masked array with temperature data (continents masked).
temp = MA.masked_values(temp, fillvalue)

# stack grids side-by-side (in longitiudinal direction), so
# any range of longitudes may be plotted on a world map.
tlon = N.concatenate((tlon, tlon + 360), 1)
tlat = N.concatenate((tlat, tlat), 1)
temp = MA.concatenate((temp, temp), 1)
tlon = tlon - 360.

pl.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11))
pl.subplot(2, 1, 1)
# subplot 1 just shows POP grid cells.
map = Basemap(projection='merc', lat_ts=20, llcrnrlon=-180, \