def draw(self, renderer): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, renderer.M) self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1])) FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)
def draw(self, renderer): #xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d for coords in self._verts3d: xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = coords[0], coords[1], coords[2] xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, renderer.M) self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1])) FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)
def _render_on_subplot(self, subplot): """ Render this arrow in a subplot. This is the key function that defines how this arrow graphics primitive is rendered in matplotlib's library. EXAMPLES:: This function implicitly ends up rendering this arrow on a matplotlib subplot: sage: arrow(path=[[(0,1), (2,-1), (4,5)]]) """ options = self.options() width = float(options['width']) head = options.pop('head') if head == 0: style = '<|-' elif head == 1: style = '-|>' elif head == 2: style = '<|-|>' else: raise KeyError('head parameter must be one of 0 (start), 1 (end) or 2 (both).') arrowsize = float(options.get('arrowsize',5)) head_width=arrowsize head_length=arrowsize*2.0 color = to_mpl_color(options['rgbcolor']) from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch from matplotlib.path import Path bpath = Path(self.vertices, p = FancyArrowPatch(path=bpath, lw=width, arrowstyle='%s,head_width=%s,head_length=%s'%(style,head_width, head_length), fc=color, ec=color, linestyle=options['linestyle']) p.set_zorder(options['zorder']) p.set_label(options['legend_label']) subplot.add_patch(p) return p
def __init__(self, ax, transSky2Pix, loc, arrow_fraction=0.15, txt1="E", txt2="N", delta_a1=0, delta_a2=0, pad=0.1, borderpad=0.5, prop=None, frameon=False, ): """ Draw an arrows pointing the directions of E & N arrow_fraction : length of the arrow as a fraction of axes size pad, borderpad in fraction of the legend font size (or prop) """ self._ax = ax self._transSky2Pix = transSky2Pix self._box = AuxTransformBox(ax.transData) self.delta_a1, self.delta_a2 = delta_a1, delta_a2 self.arrow_fraction = arrow_fraction kwargs = dict(mutation_scale=11, shrinkA=0, shrinkB=5) self.arrow1 = FancyArrowPatch(posA=(0, 0), posB=(1, 1), arrowstyle="->", arrow_transmuter=None, connectionstyle="arc3", connector=None, **kwargs) self.arrow2 = FancyArrowPatch(posA=(0, 0), posB=(1, 1), arrowstyle="->", arrow_transmuter=None, connectionstyle="arc3", connector=None, **kwargs) x1t, y1t, x2t, y2t = 1, 1, 1, 1 self.txt1 = Text(x1t, y1t, txt1, rotation=0, rotation_mode="anchor", va="center", ha="right") self.txt2 = Text(x2t, y2t, txt2, rotation=0, rotation_mode="anchor", va="bottom", ha="center") self._box.add_artist(self.arrow1) self._box.add_artist(self.arrow2) self._box.add_artist(self.txt1) self._box.add_artist(self.txt2) AnchoredOffsetbox.__init__(self, loc, pad=pad, borderpad=borderpad, child=self._box, prop=prop, frameon=frameon)
def draw(self, renderer): """ :param renderer: """ xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, renderer.M) self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1])) FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)
def _render_on_subplot(self, subplot): """ Render this arrow in a subplot. This is the key function that defines how this arrow graphics primitive is rendered in matplotlib's library. EXAMPLES: This function implicitly ends up rendering this arrow on a matplotlib subplot:: sage: arrow((0,1), (2,-1)) TESTS: The length of the ends (shrinkA and shrinkB) should not depend on the width of the arrow, because Matplotlib already takes this into account. See :trac:`12836`:: sage: fig = Graphics().matplotlib() sage: sp = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) sage: a = arrow((0,0), (1,1)) sage: b = arrow((0,0), (1,1), width=20) sage: p1 = a[0]._render_on_subplot(sp) sage: p2 = b[0]._render_on_subplot(sp) sage: p1.shrinkA == p2.shrinkA True sage: p1.shrinkB == p2.shrinkB True """ options = self.options() head = options.pop('head') if head == 0: style = '<|-' elif head == 1: style = '-|>' elif head == 2: style = '<|-|>' else: raise KeyError('head parameter must be one of 0 (start), 1 (end) or 2 (both).') width = float(options['width']) arrowshorten_end = float(options.get('arrowshorten',0))/2.0 arrowsize = float(options.get('arrowsize',5)) head_width=arrowsize head_length=arrowsize*2.0 color = to_mpl_color(options['rgbcolor']) from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch p = FancyArrowPatch((self.xtail, self.ytail), (self.xhead, self.yhead), lw=width, arrowstyle='%s,head_width=%s,head_length=%s'%(style,head_width, head_length), shrinkA=arrowshorten_end, shrinkB=arrowshorten_end, fc=color, ec=color, linestyle=options['linestyle']) p.set_zorder(options['zorder']) p.set_label(options['legend_label']) subplot.add_patch(p) return p
def __init__(self,xs,ys,zs,*args,**kwargs): ''' arguments: xs: the x coordinates of both sides of the arrow ys: the y coordinates of both sides of the arrow zs: the z coordinates of both sides of the arrow ''' FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self,(0,0),(0,0),*args,**kwargs) self.verts = xs,ys,zs
def draw(self, renderer): """ Draw the axis line. 1) transform the path to the display cooridnate. 2) extend the path to make a room for arrow 3) update the path of the FancyArrowPatch. 4) draw """ path_in_disp = self._line_transform.transform_path(self._line_path) mutation_size = self.get_mutation_scale() #line_mutation_scale() extented_path = self._extend_path(path_in_disp, mutation_size=mutation_size) self._path_original = extented_path FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)
def draw(self, renderer, rasterized=True): """ Drawing actually happens here """ # Draws only when the dragging finished if self.leftdown: return xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d for i in xrange(len(xs3d)): xs, ys, _ = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d[i], ys3d[i], zs3d[i], renderer.M) self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1])) self.set_color(self.colors[i]) FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer) self.leftdown = False
def __init__(self, axis_artist, line_path, transform, line_mutation_scale): self._axis_artist = axis_artist self._line_transform = transform self._line_path = line_path self._line_mutation_scale = line_mutation_scale FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, path=self._line_path, arrowstyle="->", arrow_transmuter=None, patchA=None, patchB=None, shrinkA=0., shrinkB=0., mutation_scale=line_mutation_scale, mutation_aspect=None, transform=IdentityTransform(), )
def create_photon_legend(self, legend, orig_handle, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize, trans): xdata, ydata = get_photon_data2D(width, 0.8*height, 3, 100) ydata += height*0.3 legline = Line2D(xdata, ydata) self.update_prop(legline, orig_handle, legend) legline.set_drawstyle('default') legline.set_marker("") legline.set_transform(trans) yar = FancyArrowPatch((xdata[3],ydata[0]), (xdata[3]+0.3*width, ydata[0]), mutation_scale=10, lw=1, arrowstyle="-|>", color='y') yar.set_transform(trans) return [legline, yar]
def __init__(self, base, xs, ys, zs, colors, *args, **kwargs): """ Init :Params xs: [[x0, x0+dx0], [x1, x1+dx1], ...] :Params ys: [[y0, y0+dy0], [y1, y1+dy1], ...] :Params zs: [[z0, z0+dz0], [z1, z1+dz1], ...] :Params colors: [[R0, G0, B0], [R1, G1, B1], ...] where R, G, B ranges (0,1) """ FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0, 0), (0, 0), *args, **kwargs) self.leftdown = False self.t_click = 0 self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs self.colors = colors self.base = base if base != None: # To turn the updating off during dragging base.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_left_down) base.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.on_left_up)
def __init__(self, offsetbox, xy, xybox=None, xycoords='data', boxcoords=None, frameon=True, pad=0.4, # BboxPatch annotation_clip=None, box_alignment=(0.5, 0.5), bboxprops=None, arrowprops=None, fontsize=None, **kwargs): """ *offsetbox* : OffsetBox instance *xycoords* : same as Annotation but can be a tuple of two strings which are interpreted as x and y coordinates. *boxcoords* : similar to textcoords as Annotation but can be a tuple of two strings which are interpreted as x and y coordinates. *box_alignment* : a tuple of two floats for a vertical and horizontal alignment of the offset box w.r.t. the *boxcoords*. The lower-left corner is (0.0) and upper-right corner is (1.1). other parameters are identical to that of Annotation. """ self.offsetbox = offsetbox self.arrowprops = arrowprops self.set_fontsize(fontsize) if arrowprops is not None: self._arrow_relpos = self.arrowprops.pop("relpos", (0.5, 0.5)) self.arrow_patch = FancyArrowPatch((0, 0), (1,1), **self.arrowprops) else: self._arrow_relpos = None self.arrow_patch = None _AnnotationBase.__init__(self, xy, xytext=xybox, xycoords=xycoords, textcoords=boxcoords, annotation_clip=annotation_clip) martist.Artist.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._box_alignment = box_alignment self.patch = FancyBboxPatch( xy=(0.0, 0.0), width=1., height=1., facecolor='w', edgecolor='k', mutation_scale=self.prop.get_size_in_points(), snap=True ) self.patch.set_boxstyle("square",pad=pad) if bboxprops: self.patch.set(**bboxprops) self._drawFrame = frameon
def __init__(self, vl, room_shape, start_iter): super(EnvironmentReader,self).__init__(win_size=[700,700], win_loc=pos, title='Environment') self.vl = vl self.cur_iter = start_iter self.cur_i = 0 self.max_iter = np.max(vl['Iter num']) self.maxx = room_shape[0][1] self.maxy = room_shape[1][1] self.cntr_x = np.mean(room_shape[0]) self.cntr_y = np.mean(room_shape[1]) self.x_hist = []; self.y_hist = [] self.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event',lambda x: self.update_background()) self.pos, =[],[],color='g',animated=True) self.vel = Arrow([0,0],[1,0],arrowstyle='-|>, head_length=3, head_width=3', animated=True, linewidth=4) #self.radius, =[],[],color='r',animated=True) self.clockcounter =,room_shape[1][0], '',ha='right',size='large', animated=True) self.iters =, room_shape[1][0]+3, '',ha='right',animated=True) = Circle([0,0],0,animated=True,color='r')[0])[1]) self.draw_plc_flds() self.draw_HMM_sectors() self.predicted_counter =,room_shape[1][0]+10,'', ha='right',size='large',animated=True) self.prediction_hist = None #self.cur_sec = Rectangle([0,0],self.HMM.dx,self.HMM.dy,fill=True, # color='k',animated=True) #self.ax_env.add_patch(self.cur_sec) self.canvas.draw()
def _render_on_subplot(self, subplot): """ Render this arrow in a subplot. This is the key function that defines how this arrow graphics primitive is rendered in matplotlib's library. EXAMPLES:: This function implicitly ends up rendering this arrow on a matplotlib subplot: sage: arrow(path=[[(0,1), (2,-1), (4,5)]]) Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive """ from sage.plot.misc import get_matplotlib_linestyle options = self.options() width = float(options["width"]) head = options.pop("head") if head == 0: style = "<|-" elif head == 1: style = "-|>" elif head == 2: style = "<|-|>" else: raise KeyError("head parameter must be one of 0 (start), 1 (end) or 2 (both).") arrowsize = float(options.get("arrowsize", 5)) head_width = arrowsize head_length = arrowsize * 2.0 color = to_mpl_color(options["rgbcolor"]) from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch from matplotlib.path import Path bpath = Path(self.vertices, p = FancyArrowPatch( path=bpath, lw=width, arrowstyle="%s,head_width=%s,head_length=%s" % (style, head_width, head_length), fc=color, ec=color, ) p.set_linestyle(get_matplotlib_linestyle(options["linestyle"], return_type="long")) p.set_zorder(options["zorder"]) p.set_label(options["legend_label"]) subplot.add_patch(p) return p
fig.gca().text(2.5, 1.6, 'Liquid Line', ha='center', va='center') #Vapor return Line fig.gca().plot([0.15, 0.85], [-1.5, -1.5], 'k', lw=6) fig.gca().text(0.5, -1.4, 'Vapor Line', ha='center', va='center') ################################################# ##### Connect the components with lines ######### ################################################# # Condenser to Expansion Device fig.gca().plot(np.r_[3, 3], np.r_[1.0, 1.5], 'k') fig.gca().add_patch( FancyArrowPatch((3, 1.5), (1.625, 1.5), arrowstyle='-|>', mutation_scale=20, fc='k', ec='k', lw=0.5)) # XV to Evaporator fig.gca().plot(np.r_[1.375, 0], np.r_[1.5, 1.5], 'k') fig.gca().add_patch( FancyArrowPatch((0, 1.5), (0, 1), arrowstyle='-|>', mutation_scale=20, fc='k', ec='k', lw=0.5)) # Condenser to XV fig.gca().plot(np.r_[0, 0], np.r_[-1, -1.5], 'k')
def __init__(self, start, end, shrinkA=0.0, shrinkB=0.0, mutation_scale=20, arrowstyle="-|>", color='k', lw=1, *args, **kwargs): FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0,0), (0,0), *args, shrinkA=shrinkA, shrinkB=shrinkB, mutation_scale=mutation_scale, arrowstyle=arrowstyle, color=color, lw=lw, **kwargs) self._verts3d = zip(start,end)
def _render_on_subplot(self, subplot): r""" Render this arrow in a subplot. This is the key function that defines how this arrow graphics primitive is rendered in matplotlib's library. EXAMPLES: This function implicitly ends up rendering this arrow on a matplotlib subplot:: sage: arrow((0,1), (2,-1)) Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive TESTS: The length of the ends (shrinkA and shrinkB) should not depend on the width of the arrow, because Matplotlib already takes this into account. See :trac:`12836`:: sage: fig = Graphics().matplotlib() sage: sp = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1, label='axis1') sage: a = arrow((0,0), (1,1)) sage: b = arrow((0,0), (1,1), width=20) sage: p1 = a[0]._render_on_subplot(sp) sage: p2 = b[0]._render_on_subplot(sp) sage: p1.shrinkA == p2.shrinkA True sage: p1.shrinkB == p2.shrinkB True Dashed arrows should have solid arrowheads, :trac:`12852`. This test saves the plot of a dashed arrow to an EPS file. Within the EPS file, ``stroke`` will be called twice: once to draw the line, and again to draw the arrowhead. We check that both calls do not occur while the dashed line style is enabled:: sage: a = arrow((0,0), (1,1), linestyle='dashed') sage: filename = tmp_filename(ext='.eps') sage: sage: with open(filename, 'r') as f: ....: contents ='\n', ' ') sage: two_stroke_pattern = r'setdash.*stroke.*stroke.*setdash.*setdash' sage: import re sage: two_stroke_re = re.compile(two_stroke_pattern) sage: is None True """ from sage.plot.misc import get_matplotlib_linestyle options = self.options() head = options.pop('head') if head == 0: style = '<|-' elif head == 1: style = '-|>' elif head == 2: style = '<|-|>' else: raise KeyError( 'head parameter must be one of 0 (start), 1 (end) or 2 (both).' ) width = float(options['width']) arrowshorten_end = float(options.get('arrowshorten', 0)) / 2.0 arrowsize = float(options.get('arrowsize', 5)) head_width = arrowsize head_length = arrowsize * 2.0 color = to_mpl_color(options['rgbcolor']) from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch p = FancyArrowPatch( (self.xtail, self.ytail), (self.xhead, self.yhead), lw=width, arrowstyle='%s,head_width=%s,head_length=%s' % (style, head_width, head_length), shrinkA=arrowshorten_end, shrinkB=arrowshorten_end, fc=color, ec=color, linestyle=get_matplotlib_linestyle(options['linestyle'], return_type='long')) p.set_zorder(options['zorder']) p.set_label(options['legend_label']) if options['linestyle'] != 'solid': # The next few lines work around a design issue in matplotlib. # Currently, the specified linestyle is used to draw both the path # and the arrowhead. If linestyle is 'dashed', this looks really # odd. This code is from Jae-Joon Lee in response to a post to the # matplotlib mailing list. # See import matplotlib.patheffects as pe class CheckNthSubPath(object): def __init__(self, patch, n): """ creates an callable object that returns True if the provided path is the n-th path from the patch. """ self._patch = patch self._n = n def get_paths(self, renderer): self._patch.set_dpi_cor(renderer.points_to_pixels(1.)) paths, fillables = self._patch.get_path_in_displaycoord() return paths def __call__(self, renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace): path = self.get_paths(renderer)[self._n] vert1, code1 = path.vertices, import numpy as np return np.array_equal(vert1, tpath.vertices) and np.array_equal( code1, class ConditionalStroke(pe.RendererBase): def __init__(self, condition_func, pe_list): """ path effect that is only applied when the condition_func returns True. """ super(ConditionalStroke, self).__init__() self._pe_list = pe_list self._condition_func = condition_func def draw_path(self, renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace): if self._condition_func(renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace): for pe1 in self._pe_list: pe1.draw_path(renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace) pe1 = ConditionalStroke(CheckNthSubPath(p, 0), [pe.Stroke()]) pe2 = ConditionalStroke( CheckNthSubPath(p, 1), [pe.Stroke(dashes={ 'dash_offset': 0, 'dash_list': None })]) p.set_path_effects([pe1, pe2]) subplot.add_patch(p) return p
def asteroids_plot(self, image_path=None, ra=None, dec=None, odate=None, time_travel=1, radi=6, max_mag=20.0, circle_color='yellow', arrow_color='red'): """ Source plot module. @param image_path: data part of the FITS image @type image_path: numpy array @param ra: RA coordinate of target area. @type ra: str in "HH MM SS" @param dec: DEC coordinate of target area @type dec: str in "+DD MM SS" @param radi: Radius in arcmin. @type radi: float @param odate: Ephemeris date of observation in date @type odate: "2017-08-15T19:50:00.95" format in str @param time_travel: Jump into time after given date (in hour). @type time_travel: float @param max_mag: Limit magnitude to be queried object(s) @type max_mag: float @param circle_color: Color of the asteroids marks @type circle_color: str @param arrow_color: Color of the asteroids direction marks @type arrow_color: str @returns: boolean """ from .catalog import Query # filename = get_pkg_data_filename(image_path) rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [15., 12.] # rcParams.update({'font.size': 10}) if image_path: hdu =[0] elif not image_path and ra and dec and odate: co = coordinates.SkyCoord('{0} {1}'.format(ra, dec), unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg), frame='icrs') print('Target Coordinates:', co.to_string(style='hmsdms', sep=':'), 'in {0} arcmin'.format(radi)) try: server_img = SkyView.get_images(position=co, survey=['DSS'], radius=radi * u.arcmin) hdu = server_img[0][0] except Exception as e: print("SkyView could not get the image from DSS server.") print(e) raise SystemExit wcs = WCS(hdu.header) data = bkg = sep.Background(data) # bkg_image = bkg.back() # bkg_rms = bkg.rms() data_sub = data - bkg m, s = np.mean(data_sub), np.std(data_sub) ax = plt.subplot(projection=wcs) plt.imshow(data_sub, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray', vmin=m - s, vmax=m + s, origin='lower') ax.coords.grid(True, color='white', ls='solid') ax.coords[0].set_axislabel('Galactic Longitude') ax.coords[1].set_axislabel('Galactic Latitude') overlay = ax.get_coords_overlay('icrs') overlay.grid(color='white', ls='dotted') overlay[0].set_axislabel('Right Ascension (ICRS)') overlay[1].set_axislabel('Declination (ICRS)') sb = Query() ac = AstCalc() if image_path: fo = FitsOps(image_path) if not odate: odate = fo.get_header('date-obs') else: odate = odate ra_dec = ac.center_finder(image_path, wcs_ref=True) elif not image_path and ra and dec and odate: odate = odate ra_dec = [co.ra, co.dec] request0 = sb.find_skybot_objects(odate, ra_dec[0].degree, ra_dec[1].degree, radius=radi) if request0[0]: asteroids = request0[1] elif request0[0] is False: print(request0[1]) raise SystemExit request1 = sb.find_skybot_objects(odate, ra_dec[0].degree, ra_dec[1].degree, radius=float(radi), time_travel=time_travel) if request1[0]: asteroids_after = request1[1] elif request1[0] is False: print(request1[1]) raise SystemExit for i in range(len(asteroids)): if float(asteroids['m_v'][i]) <= max_mag: c = coordinates.SkyCoord('{0} {1}'.format( asteroids['ra(h)'][i], asteroids['dec(deg)'][i]), unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg), frame='icrs') c_after = coordinates.SkyCoord('{0} {1}'.format( asteroids_after['ra(h)'][i], asteroids_after['dec(deg)'][i]), unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg), frame='icrs') r = FancyArrowPatch( (,, (,, arrowstyle='->', mutation_scale=10, transform=ax.get_transform('icrs')) p = Circle((,, 0.005, edgecolor=circle_color, facecolor='none', transform=ax.get_transform('icrs')) ax.text(, - 0.007, asteroids['name'][i], size=12, color='black', ha='center', va='center', transform=ax.get_transform('icrs')) r.set_facecolor('none') r.set_edgecolor(arrow_color) ax.add_patch(p) ax.add_patch(r) # plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.gca().invert_yaxis() print(asteroids) return True
def __init__(self, posA, posB, *args, **kwargs): FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, posA, posB, *args, **kwargs)
def draw(self, renderer): xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d x_s, y_s, _ = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, renderer.M) self.set_positions((x_s[0], y_s[0]), (x_s[1], y_s[1])) FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)
def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs): """Create arrow.""" FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0, 0), (0, 0), *args, **kwargs) self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs
def _as_dendrogram_line(start, end, color): return FancyArrowPatch(start, end, arrowstyle='-', color=color, lw=2, shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0)
def draw_network(env_graph, pos, ax, sg=None, periodicity_vectors=None): """ Args: env_graph (): pos (): ax (): sg (): periodicity_vectors (): Returns: """ for n in env_graph: c = Circle(pos[n], radius=0.02, alpha=0.5) ax.add_patch(c) env_graph.node[n]["patch"] = c x, y = pos[n] ax.annotate(str(n), pos[n], ha="center", va="center", xycoords="data") seen = {} e = None for (u, v, d) in env_graph.edges(data=True): n1 = env_graph.node[u]["patch"] n2 = env_graph.node[v]["patch"] rad = 0.1 if (u, v) in seen: rad = seen.get((u, v)) rad = (rad + np.sign(rad) * 0.1) * -1 alpha = 0.5 color = "k" periodic_color = "r" delta = get_delta(u, v, d) # center = get_center_of_arc(,, rad) n1center = np.array( n2center = np.array( midpoint = (n1center + n2center) / 2 dist = np.sqrt( np.power([0] -[0], 2) + np.power([1] -[1], 2)) n1c_to_n2c = n2center - n1center vv = np.cross( np.array([n1c_to_n2c[0], n1c_to_n2c[1], 0], np.float), np.array([0, 0, 1], np.float), ) vv /= np.linalg.norm(vv) midarc = midpoint + rad * dist * np.array([vv[0], vv[1]], np.float) xytext_offset = 0.1 * dist * np.array([vv[0], vv[1]], np.float) if periodicity_vectors is not None and len(periodicity_vectors) == 1: if np.all(np.array(delta) == np.array( periodicity_vectors[0])) or np.all( np.array(delta) == -np.array(periodicity_vectors[0])): e = FancyArrowPatch( n1center, n2center, patchA=n1, patchB=n2, arrowstyle="-|>", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=%s" % rad, mutation_scale=15.0, lw=2, alpha=alpha, color="r", linestyle="dashed", ) else: e = FancyArrowPatch( n1center, n2center, patchA=n1, patchB=n2, arrowstyle="-|>", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=%s" % rad, mutation_scale=10.0, lw=2, alpha=alpha, color=color, ) else: ecolor = (color if np.allclose(np.array(delta), np.zeros(3)) else periodic_color) e = FancyArrowPatch( n1center, n2center, patchA=n1, patchB=n2, arrowstyle="-|>", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=%s" % rad, mutation_scale=10.0, lw=2, alpha=alpha, color=ecolor, ) ax.annotate( delta, midarc, ha="center", va="center", xycoords="data", xytext=xytext_offset, textcoords="offset points", ) seen[(u, v)] = rad ax.add_patch(e) return e
x2 = -wE / 2.0 + rE + rE * np.cos(t) y2 = hE / 2.0 - rE + rE * np.sin(t) + y0E t = np.linspace(np.pi, 3.0 * np.pi / 2.0, 100) x3 = -wE / 2.0 + rE + rE * np.cos(t) y3 = -hE / 2.0 + rE + rE * np.sin(t) + y0E t = np.linspace(3.0 * np.pi / 2.0, 2 * np.pi, 100) x4 = wE / 2.0 - rE + rE * np.cos(t) y4 = -hE / 2.0 + rE + rE * np.sin(t) + y0E pylab.plot(np.r_[x1, x2, x3, x4, x1[0]], np.r_[y1, y2, y3, y4, y1[0]], 'k') #Length labels pylab.gca().add_patch( FancyArrowPatch((wE / 2.0 + 0.08, -w / 2.0 * sin(phi)), (wE / 2.0 + 0.08, 1), arrowstyle='<|-|>', fc='k', ec='k', mutation_scale=20, lw=0.8)) pylab.text(wE / 2.0 + 0.1, y0E, '$L$', ha='left', va='center', size=20) pylab.gca().add_patch( FancyArrowPatch((-w / 2.0, y0E + hE / 2.0 + 0.06), (w / 2.0, y0E + hE / 2.0 + 0.06), arrowstyle='<|-|>', fc='k', ec='k', mutation_scale=20, lw=0.8)) pylab.text(0, y0E + hE / 2.0 + 0.08, '$B$', ha='center', va='bottom', size=20) pylab.gca().add_patch(
def draw_network(env_graph, pos, ax, sg=None, periodicity_vectors=None): """Draw network of environments in a matplotlib figure axes. Args: env_graph: Graph of environments. pos: Positions of the nodes of the environments in the 2D figure. ax: Axes object in which the network should be drawn. sg: Not used currently (drawing of supergraphs). periodicity_vectors: List of periodicity vectors that should be drawn. Returns: None """ for n in env_graph: c = Circle(pos[n], radius=0.02, alpha=0.5) ax.add_patch(c) env_graph.node[n]["patch"] = c x, y = pos[n] ax.annotate(str(n), pos[n], ha="center", va="center", xycoords="data") seen = {} e = None for (u, v, d) in env_graph.edges(data=True): n1 = env_graph.node[u]["patch"] n2 = env_graph.node[v]["patch"] rad = 0.1 if (u, v) in seen: rad = seen.get((u, v)) rad = (rad + np.sign(rad) * 0.1) * -1 alpha = 0.5 color = "k" periodic_color = "r" delta = get_delta(u, v, d) # center = get_center_of_arc(,, rad) n1center = np.array( n2center = np.array( midpoint = (n1center + n2center) / 2 dist = np.sqrt(np.power([0] -[0], 2) + np.power([1] -[1], 2)) n1c_to_n2c = n2center - n1center vv = np.cross( np.array([n1c_to_n2c[0], n1c_to_n2c[1], 0], np.float_), np.array([0, 0, 1], np.float_), ) vv /= np.linalg.norm(vv) midarc = midpoint + rad * dist * np.array([vv[0], vv[1]], np.float_) xytext_offset = 0.1 * dist * np.array([vv[0], vv[1]], np.float_) if periodicity_vectors is not None and len(periodicity_vectors) == 1: if np.all(np.array(delta) == np.array(periodicity_vectors[0])) or np.all( np.array(delta) == -np.array(periodicity_vectors[0]) ): e = FancyArrowPatch( n1center, n2center, patchA=n1, patchB=n2, arrowstyle="-|>", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=%s" % rad, mutation_scale=15.0, lw=2, alpha=alpha, color="r", linestyle="dashed", ) else: e = FancyArrowPatch( n1center, n2center, patchA=n1, patchB=n2, arrowstyle="-|>", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=%s" % rad, mutation_scale=10.0, lw=2, alpha=alpha, color=color, ) else: ecolor = color if np.allclose(np.array(delta), np.zeros(3)) else periodic_color e = FancyArrowPatch( n1center, n2center, patchA=n1, patchB=n2, arrowstyle="-|>", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=%s" % rad, mutation_scale=10.0, lw=2, alpha=alpha, color=ecolor, ) ax.annotate( delta, midarc, ha="center", va="center", xycoords="data", xytext=xytext_offset, textcoords="offset points", ) seen[(u, v)] = rad ax.add_patch(e)
import matplotlib,pylab, numpy as np from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch wC=0.1 hC=1.0 h=1 Nc=6 fig=pylab.figure(figsize=(6.5,6)) ax=fig.add_axes((0,0,1,1)) for i in range(Nc): #The cold channel x0=wC*(2*i) y0=hC/2 x=[x0+wC/2,x0+wC/2,x0-wC/2,x0-wC/2,x0+wC/2] y=[y0-hC/2,y0+hC/2,y0+hC/2,y0-hC/2,y0-hC/2] pylab.fill(x,y,'c') pylab.gca().add_patch(FancyArrowPatch((x0,y0-0.3*hC),(x0,y0+0.3*hC),arrowstyle='-|>',fc='k',ec='k',mutation_scale=20,lw=0.8)) #The cold channel x0=wC*(2*i+1) y0=hC/2 x=[x0+wC/2,x0+wC/2,x0-wC/2,x0-wC/2,x0+wC/2] y=[y0-hC/2,y0+hC/2,y0+hC/2,y0-hC/2,y0-hC/2] pylab.fill(x,y,'r') pylab.gca().add_patch(FancyArrowPatch((x0,y0+0.3*hC),(x0,y0-0.3*hC),arrowstyle='-|>',fc='k',ec='k',mutation_scale=20,lw=0.8)) ax.axis('equal') ax.axis('off')
def __init__(self, angleX, angleY, angleZ, *args, **kwargs): FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0, 0), (0, 0), *args, **kwargs) self.set_verts3d(angleX, angleY, angleZ)
def draw(self, renderer): xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, yd3d, zs3d, renderer.M) FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)
def init_artists(self): main_arrow_props = { "alpha": 0.5 if else 0.2, "animated": True, "arrowstyle": "->,head_length=10,head_width=7", "color": self.color, "linestyle": "solid", } opp_arrow_props = { "alpha": 0.3 if else 0.1, "animated": True, "arrowstyle": "->,head_length=10,head_width=7", "color": self.color, "linestyle": "dashed", } right_props = { "alpha": 0.2 if else 0.1, "animated": True, "color": self.color, "linestyle": "dashed", "linewidth": 1, } line_props = { "alpha": 0.7 if else 0.3, "animated": True, "color": self.color, "linestyle": "", "marker": "x", "markerfacecolor": self.color, "markersize": 8, "markevery": [1], } cx, cy = self.cxy wx, wy = self.wxy dx, dy = wx - cx, wy - cy rx, ry = self._calc_right_delta() # main arrow main_arrow = FancyArrowPatch(posA=self.cxy, posB=self.wxy, **main_arrow_props) self.artists["main_arrow"] = main_arrow self.axes.add_patch(main_arrow) # opposite arrow opp_arrow = FancyArrowPatch( posA=self.cxy, posB=(cx - dx, cy - dy), **opp_arrow_props ) self.artists["opp_arrow"] = opp_arrow self.axes.add_patch(opp_arrow) # cross line (right,) = self.axes.plot( [cx - rx, cx, cx + rx], [cy - ry, cy, cy + ry], **right_props ) self.artists["right"] = right self.axes.add_line(right) # line (line,) = self.axes.plot( [cx - dx, cx, cx + dx], [cy - dy, cy, cy + dy], **line_props ) self.artists["line"] = line self.axes.add_line(line)
def draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=None, width=1.0, edge_color='k', style='solid', alpha=1.0, arrowstyle='-|>', arrowsize=10, edge_cmap=None, edge_vmin=None, edge_vmax=None, ax=None, arrows=True, label=None, node_size=300, nodelist=None, node_shape="o", **kwds): """Draw the edges of the graph G. This draws only the edges of the graph G. Parameters ---------- G : graph A networkx graph pos : dictionary A dictionary with nodes as keys and positions as values. Positions should be sequences of length 2. edgelist : collection of edge tuples Draw only specified edges(default=G.edges()) width : float, or array of floats Line width of edges (default=1.0) edge_color : color string, or array of floats Edge color. Can be a single color format string (default='r'), or a sequence of colors with the same length as edgelist. If numeric values are specified they will be mapped to colors using the edge_cmap and edge_vmin,edge_vmax parameters. style : string Edge line style (default='solid') (solid|dashed|dotted,dashdot) alpha : float The edge transparency (default=1.0) edge_ cmap : Matplotlib colormap Colormap for mapping intensities of edges (default=None) edge_vmin,edge_vmax : floats Minimum and maximum for edge colormap scaling (default=None) ax : Matplotlib Axes object, optional Draw the graph in the specified Matplotlib axes. arrows : bool, optional (default=True) For directed graphs, if True draw arrowheads. Note: Arrows will be the same color as edges. arrowstyle : str, optional (default='-|>') For directed graphs, choose the style of the arrow heads. See :py:class: `matplotlib.patches.ArrowStyle` for more options. arrowsize : int, optional (default=10) For directed graphs, choose the size of the arrow head head's length and width. See :py:class: `matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` for attribute `mutation_scale` for more info. label : [None| string] Label for legend Returns ------- matplotlib.collection.LineCollection `LineCollection` of the edges list of matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch `FancyArrowPatch` instances of the directed edges Depending whether the drawing includes arrows or not. Notes ----- For directed graphs, arrows are drawn at the head end. Arrows can be turned off with keyword arrows=False. Be sure to include `node_size` as a keyword argument; arrows are drawn considering the size of nodes. Examples -------- >>> G = nx.dodecahedral_graph() >>> edges = nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=nx.spring_layout(G)) >>> G = nx.DiGraph() >>> G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)]) >>> arcs = nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=nx.spring_layout(G)) >>> alphas = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5] >>> for i, arc in enumerate(arcs): # change alpha values of arcs ... arc.set_alpha(alphas[i]) Also see the NetworkX drawing examples at See Also -------- draw() draw_networkx() draw_networkx_nodes() draw_networkx_labels() draw_networkx_edge_labels() """ try: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cbook as cb from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter, Colormap, Normalize from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch import numpy as np except ImportError: raise ImportError("Matplotlib required for draw()") except RuntimeError: print("Matplotlib unable to open display") raise if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if edgelist is None: edgelist = list(G.edges()) if not edgelist or len(edgelist) == 0: # no edges! return None if nodelist is None: nodelist = list(G.nodes()) # set edge positions edge_pos = np.asarray([(pos[e[0]], pos[e[1]]) for e in edgelist]) if not cb.iterable(width): lw = (width, ) else: lw = width if not is_string_like(edge_color) \ and cb.iterable(edge_color) \ and len(edge_color) == len(edge_pos): if np.alltrue([is_string_like(c) for c in edge_color]): # (should check ALL elements) # list of color letters such as ['k','r','k',...] edge_colors = tuple( [colorConverter.to_rgba(c, alpha) for c in edge_color]) elif np.alltrue([not is_string_like(c) for c in edge_color]): # If color specs are given as (rgb) or (rgba) tuples, we're OK if np.alltrue( [cb.iterable(c) and len(c) in (3, 4) for c in edge_color]): edge_colors = tuple(edge_color) else: # numbers (which are going to be mapped with a colormap) edge_colors = None else: raise ValueError('edge_color must contain color names or numbers') else: if is_string_like(edge_color) or len(edge_color) == 1: edge_colors = (colorConverter.to_rgba(edge_color, alpha), ) else: msg = 'edge_color must be a color or list of one color per edge' raise ValueError(msg) if (not G.is_directed() or not arrows): edge_collection = LineCollection( edge_pos, colors=edge_colors, linewidths=lw, antialiaseds=(1, ), linestyle=style, transOffset=ax.transData, ) edge_collection.set_zorder(1) # edges go behind nodes edge_collection.set_label(label) ax.add_collection(edge_collection) # Note: there was a bug in mpl regarding the handling of alpha values # for each line in a LineCollection. It was fixed in matplotlib by # r7184 and r7189 (June 6 2009). We should then not set the alpha # value globally, since the user can instead provide per-edge alphas # now. Only set it globally if provided as a scalar. #if cb.is_numlike(alpha): # edge_collection.set_alpha(alpha) if edge_colors is None: if edge_cmap is not None: assert (isinstance(edge_cmap, Colormap)) edge_collection.set_array(np.asarray(edge_color)) edge_collection.set_cmap(edge_cmap) if edge_vmin is not None or edge_vmax is not None: edge_collection.set_clim(edge_vmin, edge_vmax) else: edge_collection.autoscale() return edge_collection arrow_collection = None if G.is_directed() and arrows: # Note: Waiting for someone to implement arrow to intersection with # marker. Meanwhile, this works well for polygons with more than 4 # sides and circle. def to_marker_edge(marker_size, marker): if marker in "s^>v<d": # `large` markers need extra space return np.sqrt(2 * marker_size) / 2 else: return np.sqrt(marker_size) / 2 # Draw arrows with `matplotlib.patches.FancyarrowPatch` arrow_collection = [] mutation_scale = arrowsize # scale factor of arrow head arrow_colors = edge_colors if arrow_colors is None: if edge_cmap is not None: assert (isinstance(edge_cmap, Colormap)) else: edge_cmap = plt.get_cmap() # default matplotlib colormap if edge_vmin is None: edge_vmin = min(edge_color) if edge_vmax is None: edge_vmax = max(edge_color) color_normal = Normalize(vmin=edge_vmin, vmax=edge_vmax) for i, (src, dst) in enumerate(edge_pos): x1, y1 = src x2, y2 = dst arrow_color = None line_width = None shrink_source = 0 # space from source to tail shrink_target = 0 # space from head to target if cb.iterable(node_size): # many node sizes src_node, dst_node = edgelist[i] index_node = nodelist.index(dst_node) marker_size = node_size[index_node] shrink_target = to_marker_edge(marker_size, node_shape) else: shrink_target = to_marker_edge(node_size, node_shape) if arrow_colors is None: arrow_color = edge_cmap(color_normal(edge_color[i])) elif len(arrow_colors) > 1: arrow_color = arrow_colors[i] else: arrow_color = arrow_colors[0] if len(lw) > 1: line_width = lw[i] else: line_width = lw[0] arrow = FancyArrowPatch((x1, y1), (x2, y2), arrowstyle=arrowstyle, shrinkA=shrink_source, shrinkB=shrink_target, mutation_scale=mutation_scale, color=arrow_color, linewidth=line_width, zorder=1) # arrows go behind nodes # There seems to be a bug in matplotlib to make collections of # FancyArrowPatch instances. Until fixed, the patches are added # individually to the axes instance. arrow_collection.append(arrow) ax.add_patch(arrow) # update view minx = np.amin(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 0])) maxx = np.amax(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 0])) miny = np.amin(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 1])) maxy = np.amax(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 1])) w = maxx - minx h = maxy - miny padx, pady = 0.05 * w, 0.05 * h corners = (minx - padx, miny - pady), (maxx + padx, maxy + pady) ax.update_datalim(corners) ax.autoscale_view() return arrow_collection
def dsscut(name, time, ra, dec, radius, fol): plt.rc('text', usetex=False) plt.rc('font', family='serif') # # basic parameters, can be changed in principle # size = 10 # [arcmin] the size of the retrieved and saved image size1 = 10 # [arcmin] the size of the image used for the FC pix = 1.008 # approx pixel scale # # get the cutout image from the ESO archive # ra1, dec1 = (float(ra), float(dec)) raS = ra.replace(':', '%3A') decS = dec.replace(':', '%3A') ra_dec = coord.SkyCoord(ra + ' ' + dec, unit=(u.deg, u.deg)) ra_hms = '%02.f:%02.f:%05.2f' % (ra_dec.ra.hms) dec_dms = '%02.f:%02.f:%05.2f' % (ra_dec.dec.dms[0], abs( ra_dec.dec.dms[1]), abs(ra_dec.dec.dms[2])) #### size /arcminutes link = '' + raS + '&dec=' + decS + '&equinox=J2000&name=&x=' + str( size) + '&y=' + str( size ) + '&Sky-Survey=DSS2-red&mime-type=download-fits&statsmode=WEBFORM' outf_path = fol + '/' + name + '/' + name + '_dss_red.fits' csv_outf = fol + '/' + name + '/' + name + '.csv' try: #with urllib.request.urlopen(link) as response, open(outf, 'wb') as outf: response, outf = urllib.request.urlopen(link), open(outf_path, 'wb') shutil.copyfileobj(response, outf) print('\t... image saved to:', outf_path) # # load image and make a FC # fh = fim = fh[0].data fhe = fh[0].header # # cut image and apply scale # imsize_list = [ 10, ] if (float(radius) * 120 < 3): imsize_list.append(3) for imsize in imsize_list: size1 = imsize x1 = int(30 * (size - size1)) x2 = int(30 * (size + size1)) y1 = int(30 * (size - size1)) y2 = int(30 * (size + size1)) fim = fim[y1:y2, x1:x2] fim[np.isnan(fim)] = 0.0 transform = AsinhStretch() + PercentileInterval(99.7) bfim = transform(fim) with warnings.catch_warnings( ): #because there are deprecated keywords in the header, no need to write it out warnings.simplefilter("ignore") global wcs wcs = WCS(fhe) # # produce and save the FC # fig = plt.figure(2, figsize=(5, 5)) fig1 = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') plt.imshow(bfim, cmap='gray_r', origin='lower') s_world = wcs.wcs_world2pix(np.array([ [float(ra), float(dec)], ]), 1)[0] theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 8000) x, y = s_world[0] - x1 + np.cos(theta) * float( radius) * 3600, s_world[1] - y1 + np.sin(theta) * float( radius) * 3600 fig1.plot(x, y, color='red', linewidth=0.5) try: os.system( 'wget -nd -nc "' + str(raS) + '&dec=' + str(decS) + '&radius=' + str((size) / 120.) + '&nDetections.gte=1&&pagesize=50001&format=csv" ') os.system( 'mv ./mean\?ra\=' + str(raS) + '\&\;dec\=' + str(decS) + '\&radius\=' + str(size / 120.) + '\&nDetections.gte\=1\&\&pagesize\=50001\&format\=csv ./' + str(csv_outf)) print('1') db_data = rdb(csv_outf) print('2') sextab = make_asc_runsex(outf_path) print(len(db_data)) for i in db_data: db_ra = i[1] db_dec = i[2] db_mag = format(i[3], '0.2f') db_world = wcs.wcs_world2pix( np.array([ [float(db_ra), float(db_dec)], ]), 1)[0] fig1.text(db_world[0] - x1, db_world[1] - y1, str(db_mag), color='green', fontsize=7) #print(db_world) #fig1.plot(db_world[0], db_world[1], color='red', linewidth=0.5) #fig.text(db_world[0]/(size*60.),db_world[1]/(size*60.),str(format(db_mag, '0.2f')),fontsize=5,color='green') #txtb=fig.text(0.06, 0.06, mm, fontsize=10, color='black') #txtb.set_path_effects([PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=0.1, foreground='k')]) except: try: os.system( 'wget -nd -nc "' + str(raS) + '&DEC=' + str(decS) + '&SR=' + str((size) / 120.) + '&format=csv" ') os.system('mv ./query\?RA\=' + str(raS) + '\&DEC\=' + str(decS) + '\&SR\=' + str(size / 120.) + '\&format\=csv ./' + str(csv_outf)) #skymapper keys globals()['ram'] = 'raj2000' globals()['ra_err'] = 'e_raj2000' globals()['decm'] = 'dej2000' globals()['dec_err'] = 'e_dej2000' # u g r i z globals()['mm'] = 'r_psf' globals()['mm_err'] = 'e_r_psf' print('1') db_data = rdb(csv_outf) print('2') sextab = make_asc_runsex(outf_path) print(len(db_data)) for i in db_data: db_ra = i[1] db_dec = i[2] db_mag = format(i[3], '0.2f') db_world = wcs.wcs_world2pix( np.array([ [float(db_ra), float(db_dec)], ]), 1)[0] fig1.text(db_world[0] - x1, db_world[1] - y1, str(db_mag), color='green', fontsize=7) except: txtb = fig.text(0.45, 0.06, 'NO Panstarrs AND skymapper', fontsize=10, color='black') fig2 = plt.axes([0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.12]) fig2.set_facecolor('w') txta = fig.text(0.02, 0.08, 'GRB' + time + ' DSS ' + str(imsize) + '\' x ' + str(imsize) + '\'', fontsize=7, color='black') txta = fig.text(0.5, 0.95, 'N', fontsize=18, color='black') txta = fig.text(0.01, 0.5, 'E', fontsize=18, color='black') txta = fig.text(0.02, 0.05, 'GRB ra = ' + ra_hms + ' (' + raS + ')', fontsize=7, color='black') txta = fig.text(0.02, 0.02, 'GRB dec = ' + dec_dms + ' (' + decS + ')', fontsize=7, color='black') #txta.set_path_effects([PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=0.1, foreground='k')]) #txtb=fig.text(0.9,0.95,'DSS',fontsize=10,color='black') #txtb.set_path_effects([PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=0.1, foreground='k')]) fig1.add_patch( FancyArrowPatch((size1 * 60 - 70 - 10, 20), (size1 * 60 - 10, 20), arrowstyle='-', color='k', linewidth=1.5)) #fig1.add_patch(FancyArrowPatch((size1*60-15/pix-10,20),(size1*60-10,20),arrowstyle='-',color='black',linewidth=2.0)) txtc = fig.text(0.9, 0.06, '60\'\'', fontsize=10, color='black') txtc.set_path_effects( [PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=0.1, foreground='k')]) #plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) #plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) #fig2=plt.axes([0.0, 0.64, 0.1, 0.65]) #lena = mpimg.imread('a.jpg') #lena.shape #(512, 512, 3) #plt.imshow(lena) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) plt.subplots_adjust(top=1, bottom=0, left=0, right=1, hspace=0, wspace=0) globals()['fname' + str(imsize)] = name + str(imsize) + '_dss.png' plt.savefig(fol + '/' + name + '/' + globals()['fname' + str(imsize)], dpi=300, format='PNG') fig.clear() if (float(radius) * 120 < 3): return { 'pngname10': fol + '/' + name + '/' + globals()['fname10'], 'pngname3': fol + '/' + name + '/' + globals()['fname3'], 'dssname': outf_path, 'dsslink': link } else: return { 'pngname10': fol + '/' + name + '/' + globals()['fname10'], 'dssname': outf_path, 'dsslink': link } except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return {'dss_err': '-99', 'dsslink': link}
def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs): arrow_prop_dict = dict(mutation_scale=20, arrowstyle='-|>', color='k', shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0) # default parameters for key in kwargs : arrow_prop_dict[key] = kwargs[key] # overwrite the default values if there is a conflict FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0,0), (0,0), *args, **arrow_prop_dict) self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs
def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs): FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0, 0), (0, 0), *args, **kwargs) self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs
def draw_network(G, pos, node_color=None, ax=None, radius=1.4, node_alpha=0.5, edge_alpha=0.25, fontsize=12, only_nodes = None): """Improved drawing of directed graphs in NetworkX. Modified from browse_thread/thread/170624d22c4b0ee6?pli=1. Author of original: Stefan van der Walt Parameters ---------- pos : dictionary A dictionary with nodes as keys and positions as values. node_color : string or array of floats A single color format string, or a sequence of colors with an entry for each node in G. """ if ax is None: f, ax = plt.subplots() if only_nodes is None: only_nodes = set(G.nodes()) only_nodes = set(only_nodes) if not isinstance(only_nodes, set) else \ only_nodes # Find the set of all the nodes connected to the ones we want to highlight connected = set() for n in only_nodes: connected.update(G.predecessors(n) + G.successors(n)) # Walk and draw nodes for i, n in enumerate(G.nodes()): if node_color is None: color = (0, 0, 0) else: color = node_color[n] #if node_color is None or cmap is None: # color = (0,0,0) #else: # color = cmap(node_color[n]) # Selectively de-highlight nodes not being shown if n in only_nodes: t_alpha = 1.0 n_alpha = node_alpha zorder = 2.2 elif n in connected: t_alpha = n_alpha = 0.6*node_alpha zorder = 2.0 else: t_alpha = n_alpha = 0.15*node_alpha zorder = 1.8 c = Circle(pos[n],radius=radius, alpha=n_alpha, color=color,ec='k') x, y = pos[n] t = plt.text(x, y, n, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', color='k', fontsize=fontsize, weight='bold', alpha=t_alpha) t.set_zorder(zorder+0.1) c = ax.add_patch(c) c.set_zorder(zorder) G.node[n]['patch']=c x,y=pos[n] # Walk and draw edges. Keep track of edges already seen to offset # multiedges and merge u<->v edges into one. seen={} for (u,v) in G.edges(data=False): if not (u in only_nodes or v in only_nodes): continue n1 = G.node[u]['patch'] n2 = G.node[v]['patch'] rad=0.1 color = 'k' if (u,v) in seen: # For multiedges, offset new ones rad=seen.get((u,v)) rad=(rad + np.sign(rad)*0.1)*-1 # If the opposite edge had already been drawn, draw on the same line to # reduce clutter. if (v,u) in seen: arrowstyle = '<|-' c1, c2, pA, pB =,, n2, n1 else: arrowstyle = '-|>' c1, c2, pA, pB =,, n1, n2 e = FancyArrowPatch(c1, c2, patchA=pA, patchB=pB, arrowstyle=arrowstyle, connectionstyle='arc3,rad=%s'%rad, mutation_scale=15.0, lw=2, alpha=edge_alpha, color=color) seen[(u,v)] = rad # Ensure nedges are drawn below nodes e = ax.add_patch(e) e.set_zorder(0.5) ax.autoscale() plt.axis('tight') return ax
def draw(self, renderer): """Draw the arrow.""" xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d xs, ys, _ = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, renderer.M) self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1])) FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)
def addarrow(self, x, y, vx, vy, arrowstyle = '->', lw = 1, mutation_scale = 7, mutation_aspect = None): self.graph.add_patch(FancyArrowPatch(posA = (x, y), posB = (x+vx, y+vy), arrowstyle = arrowstyle, lw = lw, mutation_scale = mutation_scale, mutation_aspect = mutation_aspect))
def Arrow(xi, yi, xf, yf, sc=20, fc='#a2e3a2', ec='black', zo=0, st='simple', label=None, lbHa='left', lbVa='center', lbPos='cen', lbFs=10, lbRot=0, lbDx=0, lbDy=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Draw arrow ========== default arguments: mutation_scale = sc fc = fc ec = ec zorder = zo arrowstyle = st lbPos = {'cen', 'tip', 'tail'} styles: Curve - None CurveB -> head_length=0.4,head_width=0.2 BracketB -[ widthB=1.0,lengthB=0.2,angleB=None CurveFilledB -|> head_length=0.4,head_width=0.2 CurveA <- head_length=0.4,head_width=0.2 CurveAB <-> head_length=0.4,head_width=0.2 CurveFilledA <|- head_length=0.4,head_width=0.2 CurveFilledAB <|-|> head_length=0.4,head_width=0.2 BracketA ]- widthA=1.0,lengthA=0.2,angleA=None BracketAB ]-[ widthA=1.0,lengthA=0.2,angleA=None,widthB=1.0,lengthB=0.2,angleB=None Fancy fancy head_length=0.4,head_width=0.4,tail_width=0.4 Simple simple head_length=0.5,head_width=0.5,tail_width=0.2 Wedge wedge tail_width=0.3,shrink_factor=0.5 BarAB |-| widthA=1.0,angleA=None,widthB=1.0,angleB=None """ if not 'mutation_scale' in kwargs: kwargs['mutation_scale'] = sc if not 'fc' in kwargs: kwargs['fc'] = fc if not 'ec' in kwargs: kwargs['ec'] = ec if not 'zorder' in kwargs: kwargs['zorder'] = zo if not 'arrowstyle' in kwargs: kwargs['arrowstyle'] = st if True: # makes arrow tips sharper fa = FancyArrowPatch((xi, yi), (xf, yf), shrinkA=False, shrinkB=False, path_effects=[Stroke(joinstyle='miter')], *args, **kwargs) else: fa = FancyArrowPatch((xi, yi), (xf, yf), shrinkA=False, shrinkB=False, *args, **kwargs) gca().add_patch(fa) if label: if lbPos == 'cen': xm = (xi + xf) / 2.0 ym = (yi + yf) / 2.0 if lbPos == 'tip': xm, ym = xf, yf if lbPos == 'tail': xm, ym = xi, yi gca().text(xm + lbDx, ym + lbDy, label, ha=lbHa, va=lbVa, fontsize=lbFs, rotation=lbRot) return fa
if (j + 1) % 2 == 0: x2 = j + 1 y2 = i else: x2 = j + 1 y2 = i + offset pylab.plot(np.r_[x1, x2], np.r_[y1, y2], 'k') ## Inlet and outlet arrows for air stream for i in range(2 * nR): pylab.gca().add_patch( FancyArrowPatch((-1, i * 0.5), (-0.5, i * 0.5), arrowstyle='-|>', fc='k', ec='k', mutation_scale=20, lw=0.8)) pylab.gca().add_patch( FancyArrowPatch((nC - 0.5, i * 0.5), (nC, i * 0.5), arrowstyle='-|>', fc='k', ec='k', mutation_scale=20, lw=0.8)) pylab.gca().text(-1.25, nR / 2, 'Air Inlet', rotation=90) pylab.gca().text(nC + 0.25, nR / 2, 'Air Outlet', rotation=90) ## "Header" for inlet and outlet of refrigerant pylab.plot(np.r_[nC - 1.4, nC - 0.6, nC - 0.6, nC - 1.4, nC - 1.4], np.r_[-0.25, -0.25, nR, nR, -0.25], 'k--')
def ScatterGraph(self): AnnotatedArtists = [] # # Compute the scatter plot for this cluster # NumberOfFrames = self.Data.GetNumberOfFrames() NumberOfObjects = self.Data.GetNumberOfObjects() FirstObject = self.Data.GetFirstObject() - 2 # Include filtered and noise LastObject = self.Data.GetLastObject() TasksPerFrame = self.Data.GetTasksPerFrame() SelectedFrame = self.GUI.GetSelectedFrame() SelectedCluster = self.GUI.GetSelectedCluster() SelectedMetricX = self.GUI.GetSelectedMetricX() SelectedMetricY = self.GUI.GetSelectedMetricY() if self.GUI.in_3D(): SelectedMetricZ = self.GUI.GetSelectedMetricZ() # cursor = Cursor(self.ScatterPlotAxes, useblit=True, color='black', linewidth=1 ) for current_frame in range(1, NumberOfFrames+1): for current_object in range(FirstObject, LastObject+1): (r, g, b) = Decorations.RGBColor0_1(current_object) # # Compute the scatter plot for this cluster # xdata = self.Data.GetClusterData( current_frame, current_object, SelectedMetricX ) ydata = self.Data.GetClusterData( current_frame, current_object, SelectedMetricY ) if (len(xdata) == 0) or (len(ydata) == 0): continue if self.GUI.in_3D(): zdata = self.Data.GetClusterData( current_frame, current_object, SelectedMetricZ ) if (len(zdata) == 0): continue if (self.GUI.in_Trajectory_View()): if self.GUI.RatioX(): xdata = xdata * TasksPerFrame[current_frame-1] if self.GUI.RatioY(): ydata = ydata * TasksPerFrame[current_frame-1] if self.GUI.in_3D() and self.GUI.RatioZ(): zdata = zdata * TasksPerFrame[current_frame-1] if self.GUI.in_3D(): scatter = self.ScatterPlotAxes.scatter( xdata, ydata, zdata, color=(r, g, b), zorder=2, s=50, marker=Decorations.ChooseMarker(current_object), picker=True ) else: scatter = self.ScatterPlotAxes.scatter( xdata, ydata, color=(r, g, b), zorder=2, s=50, marker=Decorations.ChooseMarker(current_object), picker=True ) thumb = self.GUI.GetThumbAxes(current_frame).scatter( xdata, ydata, color=(r, g, b), zorder=2, s=100, marker=Decorations.ChooseMarker(current_object)) thumb.set_visible( False ) self.Thumbs[(current_object, current_frame)] = thumb scatter.set_gid( self.Data.PrettyCluster(current_object) ) scatter.set_visible( False ) self.Scatters[(current_object, current_frame)] = scatter AnnotatedArtists.append( scatter ) # # Compute the centroid for this cluster # centroid_x = nanmean( xdata ) centroid_y = nanmean( ydata ) if self.GUI.in_3D(): centroid_z = nanmean( zdata ) centroid = self.ScatterPlotAxes.scatter( centroid_x, centroid_y, centroid_z, s=50, color=(r, g, b), edgecolor="black", marker="o", zorder=3, picker=True ) self.Trajectories[(current_object, current_frame)] = (centroid_x, centroid_y, centroid_z) else: centroid = self.ScatterPlotAxes.scatter( centroid_x, centroid_y, s=50, color=(r, g, b), edgecolor="black", marker="o", zorder=3, picker=True) self.Trajectories[(current_object, current_frame)] = (centroid_x, centroid_y) centroid.set_gid( self.Data.PrettyCluster(current_object) ) centroid.set_visible(False) self.Centroids[(current_object, current_frame)] = centroid AnnotatedArtists.append( centroid ) # # Compute the convex hull for this cluster # if (AvailableHulls) and self.GUI.in_2D(): points = np.array( zip(xdata, ydata) ) if (len(points) < 3): continue try: hull = ConvexHull( points, qhull_options='Pp' ) vertices = hull.vertices except: vertices = [] if (len(vertices) > 0): polygon_points = [] for vertice in vertices: polygon_points.append( (points[vertice][0], points[vertice][1]) ) hull_polygon = Polygon(polygon_points, closed=True, alpha=0.5, color=Decorations.RGBColor0_1(current_object), zorder=4, lw=10) hull_polygon.set_gid( self.Data.PrettyCluster(current_object) ) hull_polygon.set_visible(False) self.Hulls[(current_object, current_frame)] = hull_polygon self.ScatterPlotAxes.add_artist( hull_polygon ) AnnotatedArtists.append( hull_polygon ) # Compute the arrows for the trajectories for current_object in range(FirstObject, LastObject+1): (r, g, b) = Decorations.RGBColor0_1(current_object) from_frame = 1 to_frame = from_frame + 1 while (to_frame <= NumberOfFrames): tail = (current_object, from_frame) head = (current_object, to_frame) if not tail in self.Trajectories: from_frame = to_frame to_frame = from_frame +1 continue else: if not head in self.Trajectories: to_frame = to_frame + 1 continue from_x = self.Trajectories[tail][0] from_y = self.Trajectories[tail][1] to_x = self.Trajectories[head][0] to_y = self.Trajectories[head][1] if self.GUI.in_3D(): from_z = self.Trajectories[tail][2] to_z = self.Trajectories[head][2] if ((to_x - from_x != 0) or (to_y - from_y != 0) or (self.GUI.in_3D() and (to_z - from_z != 0))): if (not (math.isnan(from_x) or math.isnan(from_y) or math.isnan(to_x) or math.isnan(to_y))): if (self.GUI.in_3D() and (not (math.isnan(from_z) or math.isnan(to_z)))): arrow = Arrow3D((from_x,to_x), (from_y, to_y), (from_z, to_z), arrowstyle='-|>', mutation_scale=20, color=(r, g, b), linewidth=1) else: arrow = FancyArrowPatch((from_x,from_y), (to_x,to_y), arrowstyle='-|>', mutation_scale=20, color=(r, g, b), linewidth=1) arrow.set_visible(False) self.Arrows[current_object].append(arrow) self.ScatterPlotAxes.add_artist(arrow) from_frame = to_frame to_frame = from_frame +1 self.Annotations = DataCursor(AnnotatedArtists)
def _render_on_subplot(self, subplot): r""" Render this arrow in a subplot. This is the key function that defines how this arrow graphics primitive is rendered in matplotlib's library. EXAMPLES: This function implicitly ends up rendering this arrow on a matplotlib subplot:: sage: arrow((0,1), (2,-1)) TESTS: The length of the ends (shrinkA and shrinkB) should not depend on the width of the arrow, because Matplotlib already takes this into account. See :trac:`12836`:: sage: fig = Graphics().matplotlib() sage: sp = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) sage: a = arrow((0,0), (1,1)) sage: b = arrow((0,0), (1,1), width=20) sage: p1 = a[0]._render_on_subplot(sp) sage: p2 = b[0]._render_on_subplot(sp) sage: p1.shrinkA == p2.shrinkA True sage: p1.shrinkB == p2.shrinkB True Dashed arrows should have solid arrowheads, :trac:`12852`. This test saves the plot of a dashed arrow to an EPS file. Within the EPS file, ``stroke`` will be called twice: once to draw the line, and again to draw the arrowhead. We check that both calls do not occur while the dashed line style is enabled:: sage: a = arrow((0,0), (1,1), linestyle='dashed') sage: filename = tmp_filename(ext='.eps') sage: sage: with open(filename, 'r') as f: ....: contents ='\n', ' ') sage: two_stroke_pattern = r'setdash.*stroke.*stroke.*setdash' sage: import re sage: two_stroke_re = re.compile(two_stroke_pattern) sage: is None True """ options = self.options() head = options.pop('head') if head == 0: style = '<|-' elif head == 1: style = '-|>' elif head == 2: style = '<|-|>' else: raise KeyError('head parameter must be one of 0 (start), 1 (end) or 2 (both).') width = float(options['width']) arrowshorten_end = float(options.get('arrowshorten',0))/2.0 arrowsize = float(options.get('arrowsize',5)) head_width=arrowsize head_length=arrowsize*2.0 color = to_mpl_color(options['rgbcolor']) from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch p = FancyArrowPatch((self.xtail, self.ytail), (self.xhead, self.yhead), lw=width, arrowstyle='%s,head_width=%s,head_length=%s'%(style,head_width, head_length), shrinkA=arrowshorten_end, shrinkB=arrowshorten_end, fc=color, ec=color, linestyle=options['linestyle']) p.set_zorder(options['zorder']) p.set_label(options['legend_label']) if options['linestyle']!='solid': # The next few lines work around a design issue in matplotlib. Currently, the specified # linestyle is used to draw both the path and the arrowhead. If linestyle is 'dashed', this # looks really odd. This code is from Jae-Joon Lee in response to a post to the matplotlib mailing # list. See import matplotlib.patheffects as pe class CheckNthSubPath(object): def __init__(self, patch, n): """ creates an callable object that returns True if the provided path is the n-th path from the patch. """ self._patch = patch self._n = n def get_paths(self, renderer): self._patch.set_dpi_cor(renderer.points_to_pixels(1.)) paths, fillables = self._patch.get_path_in_displaycoord() return paths def __call__(self, renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace): path = self.get_paths(renderer)[self._n] vert1, code1 = path.vertices, import numpy as np if np.all(vert1 == tpath.vertices) and np.all(code1 == return True else: return False class ConditionalStroke(pe._Base): def __init__(self, condition_func, pe_list): """ path effect that is only applied when the condition_func returns True. """ super(ConditionalStroke, self).__init__() self._pe_list = pe_list self._condition_func = condition_func def draw_path(self, renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace): if self._condition_func(renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace): for pe1 in self._pe_list: pe1.draw_path(renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace) pe1 = ConditionalStroke(CheckNthSubPath(p, 0),[pe.Stroke()]) pe2 = ConditionalStroke(CheckNthSubPath(p, 1),[pe.Stroke(linestyle="solid")]) p.set_path_effects([pe1, pe2]) subplot.add_patch(p) return p
def __init__(self, pt1, pt2, *args, **kwargs): FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0, 0), (0, 0), *args, **kwargs) x = [pt1[0, 0], pt2[0, 0]] y = [pt1[1, 0], pt2[1, 0]] z = [pt1[2, 0], pt2[2, 0]] self._verts3d = x, y, z
def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.update(dict(mutation_scale=20, lw=1, arrowstyle='-|>')) FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0,0), (0,0), *args, **kwargs) self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs
class AnnotationBbox(martist.Artist, _AnnotationBase): """ Annotation-like class, but with offsetbox instead of Text. """ zorder = 3 def __str__(self): return "AnnotationBbox(%g,%g)"%(self.xy[0],self.xy[1]) @docstring.dedent_interpd def __init__(self, offsetbox, xy, xybox=None, xycoords='data', boxcoords=None, frameon=True, pad=0.4, # BboxPatch annotation_clip=None, box_alignment=(0.5, 0.5), bboxprops=None, arrowprops=None, fontsize=None, **kwargs): """ *offsetbox* : OffsetBox instance *xycoords* : same as Annotation but can be a tuple of two strings which are interpreted as x and y coordinates. *boxcoords* : similar to textcoords as Annotation but can be a tuple of two strings which are interpreted as x and y coordinates. *box_alignment* : a tuple of two floats for a vertical and horizontal alignment of the offset box w.r.t. the *boxcoords*. The lower-left corner is (0.0) and upper-right corner is (1.1). other parameters are identical to that of Annotation. """ self.offsetbox = offsetbox self.arrowprops = arrowprops self.set_fontsize(fontsize) if arrowprops is not None: self._arrow_relpos = self.arrowprops.pop("relpos", (0.5, 0.5)) self.arrow_patch = FancyArrowPatch((0, 0), (1,1), **self.arrowprops) else: self._arrow_relpos = None self.arrow_patch = None _AnnotationBase.__init__(self, xy, xytext=xybox, xycoords=xycoords, textcoords=boxcoords, annotation_clip=annotation_clip) martist.Artist.__init__(self, **kwargs) #self._fw, self._fh = 0., 0. # for alignment self._box_alignment = box_alignment # frame self.patch = FancyBboxPatch( xy=(0.0, 0.0), width=1., height=1., facecolor='w', edgecolor='k', mutation_scale=self.prop.get_size_in_points(), snap=True ) self.patch.set_boxstyle("square",pad=pad) if bboxprops: self.patch.set(**bboxprops) self._drawFrame = frameon def contains(self,event): t,tinfo = self.offsetbox.contains(event) #if self.arrow_patch is not None: # a,ainfo=self.arrow_patch.contains(event) # t = t or a # self.arrow_patch is currently not checked as this can be a line - JJ return t,tinfo def get_children(self): children = [self.offsetbox, self.patch] if self.arrow_patch: children.append(self.arrow_patch) return children def set_figure(self, fig): if self.arrow_patch is not None: self.arrow_patch.set_figure(fig) self.offsetbox.set_figure(fig) martist.Artist.set_figure(self, fig) def set_fontsize(self, s=None): """ set fontsize in points """ if s is None: s = rcParams["legend.fontsize"] self.prop=FontProperties(size=s) def get_fontsize(self, s=None): """ return fontsize in points """ return self.prop.get_size_in_points() def update_positions(self, renderer): "Update the pixel positions of the annotated point and the text." xy_pixel = self._get_position_xy(renderer) self._update_position_xybox(renderer, xy_pixel) mutation_scale = renderer.points_to_pixels(self.get_fontsize()) self.patch.set_mutation_scale(mutation_scale) if self.arrow_patch: self.arrow_patch.set_mutation_scale(mutation_scale) def _update_position_xybox(self, renderer, xy_pixel): "Update the pixel positions of the annotation text and the arrow patch." x, y = self.xytext if isinstance(self.textcoords, tuple): xcoord, ycoord = self.textcoords x1, y1 = self._get_xy(renderer, x, y, xcoord) x2, y2 = self._get_xy(renderer, x, y, ycoord) ox0, oy0 = x1, y2 else: ox0, oy0 = self._get_xy(renderer, x, y, self.textcoords) w, h, xd, yd = self.offsetbox.get_extent(renderer) _fw, _fh = self._box_alignment self.offsetbox.set_offset((ox0-_fw*w+xd, oy0-_fh*h+yd)) # update patch position bbox = self.offsetbox.get_window_extent(renderer) #self.offsetbox.set_offset((ox0-_fw*w, oy0-_fh*h)) self.patch.set_bounds(bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.width, bbox.height) x, y = xy_pixel ox1, oy1 = x, y if self.arrowprops: x0, y0 = x, y d = self.arrowprops.copy() # Use FancyArrowPatch if self.arrowprops has "arrowstyle" key. # adjust the starting point of the arrow relative to # the textbox. # TODO : Rotation needs to be accounted. relpos = self._arrow_relpos ox0 = bbox.x0 + bbox.width * relpos[0] oy0 = bbox.y0 + bbox.height * relpos[1] # The arrow will be drawn from (ox0, oy0) to (ox1, # oy1). It will be first clipped by patchA and patchB. # Then it will be shrinked by shirnkA and shrinkB # (in points). If patch A is not set, self.bbox_patch # is used. self.arrow_patch.set_positions((ox0, oy0), (ox1,oy1)) fs = self.prop.get_size_in_points() mutation_scale = d.pop("mutation_scale", fs) mutation_scale = renderer.points_to_pixels(mutation_scale) self.arrow_patch.set_mutation_scale(mutation_scale) patchA = d.pop("patchA", self.patch) self.arrow_patch.set_patchA(patchA) def draw(self, renderer): """ Draw the :class:`Annotation` object to the given *renderer*. """ if renderer is not None: self._renderer = renderer if not self.get_visible(): return xy_pixel = self._get_position_xy(renderer) if not self._check_xy(renderer, xy_pixel): return self.update_positions(renderer) if self.arrow_patch is not None: if self.arrow_patch.figure is None and self.figure is not None: self.arrow_patch.figure = self.figure self.arrow_patch.draw(renderer) if self._drawFrame: self.patch.draw(renderer) self.offsetbox.draw(renderer)
def draw_network(G, pos, ax, sg=None): for n in G: print nodes[n] c = None if (nodes[n][0] == hidden_layers + 1): #this is the output node c = Circle(pos[n],radius=0.25,alpha=0.5, color='#540351') elif (nodes[n][1] >= nodes_per_layer): #this is a recurrent node c = Circle(pos[n],radius=0.25,alpha=0.10 * (nodes[n][1] // nodes_per_layer), color='#B53BB1') elif (nodes[n][0] == 0): #this is a input node c = Circle(pos[n],radius=0.25,alpha=0.5, color='#1420CD') else: #this is a hidden node c = Circle(pos[n],radius=0.25,alpha=0.5, color='#339540') if (nodes[n][0] == hidden_layers + 1): label(pos[n], node_identifiers[ nodes[n] ], -1) elif (nodes[n][0] == 0): label(pos[n], node_identifiers[ nodes[n] ], 1) ax.add_patch(c) G.node[n]['patch'] = c x,y = pos[n] seen={} for (u,v,d) in G.edges(data=True): print "node:",u,v,d print "node1: ", nodes[u] print "node2: ", nodes[v] n1=G.node[u]['patch'] n2=G.node[v]['patch'] rad=0.3 if (u,v) in seen: rad=seen.get((u,v)) rad=(rad+np.sign(rad)*0.1)*-1 alpha = 0.5 #alpha = abs( d['weight'] ) color='k' e = None if (nodes[v][0] == nodes[u][0]): print("drawing curved line to recurrent!") e = FancyArrowPatch(,,patchA=n1,patchB=n2, arrowstyle='-|>', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=%s'%-rad, mutation_scale=10.0, lw=2, alpha=alpha, color=color) else: #print("drawing straight line!") e = FancyArrowPatch(,,patchA=n1,patchB=n2, arrowstyle='-|>', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0', mutation_scale=10.0, lw=2, alpha=alpha, color=color) seen[(u,v)]=rad ax.add_patch(e) print "recurrent_depth: %d"%(recurrent_depth) for i in range(1, recurrent_depth): identifier = str("recurrent layer %d"%(i)) label( (0, (i * nodes_per_layer) + (nodes_per_layer - 1) / 2.0), identifier, 1) plt.text(-0.5, -1, "nodes: %d, edges: %d, recurrent edges: %d"%(n_nodes, n_edges, n_recurrent_edges), ha="left", family='sans-serif', size=12) return e
def draw(self,renderer): xp,yp,zp = proj3d.proj_transform(*self.verts,M=renderer.M) self.set_positions((xp[0],yp[0]),(xp[1],yp[1])) FancyArrowPatch.draw(self,renderer)
return a * x**2 + b * x + c, 2 * a * x + b x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) y, _ = y_wire(x) plt.plot(x, y, 'b-') # Add the bead to the wire x = 3 y, dy_dx = y_wire(x) plt.plot(x, y, 'ro', ms=10) # Draw and label the gravity vector gvec = FancyArrowPatch((x, y), (x, y - 2), arrowstyle='->', mutation_scale=10, linewidth=LW, color='k') lv_line = plt.Line2D((x, x), (y, y - 2), visible=False) # Local vertical ax.add_patch(gvec) plt.text(x - 0.5, y - 1, 'g') # Draw and label the velocity vector dx = 2 dy = dy_dx * dx vvec = FancyArrowPatch((x, y), (x + dx, y + dy), arrowstyle='->', mutation_scale=10, linewidth=LW, color='k') ax.add_patch(vvec)
def init_artists(self): main_arrow_props: Dict[str, Any] = { "alpha": 0.5 if else 0.2, "animated": True, "arrowstyle": "->,head_length=10,head_width=7", "color": self.color, "linestyle": "solid", } line_props: Dict[str, Any] = { "alpha": 0.7 if else 0.3, "animated": True, "color": self.color, "linestyle": "", "marker": "x", "markerfacecolor": self.color, "markersize": 8, } arc_props: Dict[str, Any] = { "alpha": 0.5 if else 0.3, "animated": True, "color": self.color, "linestyle": "dashed", } prong_props: Dict[str, Any] = { "alpha": 0.5 if else 0.2, "animated": True, "color": self.color, "linestyle": "dashed", "linewidth": 1, } cx, cy = self.cxy wx, wy = self.wxy dx, dy = wx - cx, wy - cy r, angle = cart2pol(dx, dy) hspan = self.span / 2 ex, ey = pol2cart(r + self.stickout, angle) # main arrow main_arrow = FancyArrowPatch( posA=self.cxy, posB=(ex + cx, ey + cy), **main_arrow_props ) self.artists["main_arrow"] = main_arrow self.axes.add_patch(main_arrow) # line (line,) = self.axes.plot([cx, wx], [cy, wy], **line_props) self.artists["line"] = line self.axes.add_line(line) # arc arc = Arc( xy=self.cxy, width=2 * r, height=2 * r, angle=angle, theta1=-hspan, theta2=hspan, **arc_props ) self.artists["arc"] = arc self.axes.add_patch(arc) # prongs r_ext = r + self.stickout p1_angle = angle - hspan p1 = {"tail": pol2cart(r, p1_angle), "head": pol2cart(r_ext, p1_angle)} (prong1,) = self.axes.plot( [cx + p1["tail"][0], cx + p1["head"][0]], [cy + p1["tail"][1], cy + p1["head"][1]], **prong_props ) self.artists["prong1"] = prong1 self.axes.add_line(prong1) p2_angle = angle + hspan p2 = {"tail": pol2cart(r, p2_angle), "head": pol2cart(r_ext, p2_angle)} (prong2,) = self.axes.plot( [cx + p2["tail"][0], cx + p2["head"][0]], [cy + p2["tail"][1], cy + p2["head"][1]], **prong_props ) self.artists["prong2"] = prong2 self.axes.add_line(prong2)
class AnchoredCompass(AnchoredOffsetbox): def __init__(self, ax, transSky2Pix, loc, arrow_fraction=0.15, txt1="E", txt2="N", delta_a1=0, delta_a2=0, pad=0.1, borderpad=0.5, prop=None, frameon=False, ): """ Draw an arrows pointing the directions of E & N arrow_fraction : length of the arrow as a fraction of axes size pad, borderpad in fraction of the legend font size (or prop) """ self._ax = ax self._transSky2Pix = transSky2Pix self._box = AuxTransformBox(ax.transData) self.delta_a1, self.delta_a2 = delta_a1, delta_a2 self.arrow_fraction = arrow_fraction kwargs = dict(mutation_scale=11, shrinkA=0, shrinkB=5) self.arrow1 = FancyArrowPatch(posA=(0, 0), posB=(1, 1), arrowstyle="->", arrow_transmuter=None, connectionstyle="arc3", connector=None, **kwargs) self.arrow2 = FancyArrowPatch(posA=(0, 0), posB=(1, 1), arrowstyle="->", arrow_transmuter=None, connectionstyle="arc3", connector=None, **kwargs) x1t, y1t, x2t, y2t = 1, 1, 1, 1 self.txt1 = Text(x1t, y1t, txt1, rotation=0, rotation_mode="anchor", va="center", ha="right") self.txt2 = Text(x2t, y2t, txt2, rotation=0, rotation_mode="anchor", va="bottom", ha="center") self._box.add_artist(self.arrow1) self._box.add_artist(self.arrow2) self._box.add_artist(self.txt1) self._box.add_artist(self.txt2) AnchoredOffsetbox.__init__(self, loc, pad=pad, borderpad=borderpad, child=self._box, prop=prop, frameon=frameon) def set_path_effects(self, path_effects): for a in [self.arrow1, self.arrow2, self.txt1, self.txt2]: a.set_path_effects(path_effects) def _update_arrow(self, renderer): ax = self._ax x0, y0 = ax.viewLim.x0, ax.viewLim.y0 a1, a2 = estimate_angle(self._transSky2Pix, x0, y0) a1, a2 = a1+self.delta_a1, a2+self.delta_a2 D = min(ax.viewLim.width, ax.viewLim.height) d = D * self.arrow_fraction x1, y1 = x0+d*np.cos(a1/180.*np.pi), y0+d*np.sin(a1/180.*np.pi) x2, y2 = x0+d*np.cos(a2/180.*np.pi), y0+d*np.sin(a2/180.*np.pi) self.arrow1.set_positions((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) self.arrow2.set_positions((x0, y0), (x2, y2)) d2 = d x1t, y1t = x0+d2*np.cos(a1/180.*np.pi), y0+d2*np.sin(a1/180.*np.pi) x2t, y2t = x0+d2*np.cos(a2/180.*np.pi), y0+d2*np.sin(a2/180.*np.pi) self.txt1.set_position((x1t, y1t)) self.txt1.set_rotation(a1-180) self.txt2.set_position((x2t, y2t)) self.txt2.set_rotation(a2-90) def draw(self, renderer): self._update_arrow(renderer) super(AnchoredCompass, self).draw(renderer)
class EnvironmentReader(Reader): def __init__(self, vl, room_shape, start_iter): super(EnvironmentReader,self).__init__(win_size=[700,700], win_loc=pos, title='Environment') self.vl = vl self.cur_iter = start_iter self.cur_i = 0 self.max_iter = np.max(vl['Iter num']) self.maxx = room_shape[0][1] self.maxy = room_shape[1][1] self.cntr_x = np.mean(room_shape[0]) self.cntr_y = np.mean(room_shape[1]) self.x_hist = []; self.y_hist = [] self.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event',lambda x: self.update_background()) self.pos, =[],[],color='g',animated=True) self.vel = Arrow([0,0],[1,0],arrowstyle='-|>, head_length=3, head_width=3', animated=True, linewidth=4) #self.radius, =[],[],color='r',animated=True) self.clockcounter =,room_shape[1][0], '',ha='right',size='large', animated=True) self.iters =, room_shape[1][0]+3, '',ha='right',animated=True) = Circle([0,0],0,animated=True,color='r')[0])[1]) self.draw_plc_flds() self.draw_HMM_sectors() self.predicted_counter =,room_shape[1][0]+10,'', ha='right',size='large',animated=True) self.prediction_hist = None #self.cur_sec = Rectangle([0,0],self.HMM.dx,self.HMM.dy,fill=True, # color='k',animated=True) #self.ax_env.add_patch(self.cur_sec) self.canvas.draw() def read(self, iteration=None): ''' Return the environment data corresponding to the next iteration. Note that 0 or multiple data points can be associated with a single iteration number. All of the environment data before self.cur_i has already been recorded.''' if iteration is not None: self.cur_iter = iteration try: cur_j = 1+self.cur_i+ np.nonzero(self.vl['Iter num'][self.cur_i:] == self.cur_iter)[0][-1] except: # There is no iteration with that value self.cur_iter += 1 return [np.NAN, np.NAN, np.NAN, np.NAN] cur_x = self.vl['xs'][self.cur_i:cur_j] cur_y = self.vl['ys'][self.cur_i:cur_j] cur_vx = self.vl['vxs'][self.cur_i:cur_j] cur_vy = self.vl['vys'][self.cur_i:cur_j] self.cur_iter += 1 self.cur_i = cur_j return (cur_x, cur_y, cur_vx, cur_vy) def draw_HMM_sectors(self): return for i in range(self.HMM.cll_p_sd): curx = self.HMM.xrange[0]+i*self.HMM.dx cury = self.HMM.yrange[0]+i*self.HMM.dy self.ax_env.plot([curx,curx],[0,self.maxy],'k') self.ax_env.plot([0,self.maxx],[cury,cury], 'k') def draw_plc_flds(self): return clrs = ['b','g'] legend_widgets = [] for i, plc_flds in zip(range(len(self.WR.contexts)),self.WR.contexts.values()): added = False for plc_fld in plc_flds: circ = Circle([plc_fld.x,plc_fld.y], plc_fld.r, color=clrs[i]) self.ax_env.add_patch(circ) if not added: legend_widgets.append(circ) added=True, ('counterclockwise','clockwise'),'lower right') def draw(self, xs,ys,vxs,vys): ''' Display the environment data to the window. The environment data are inputs. ''' if np.any(np.isnan(xs)): return # Display how far along in the animation we are self.iters.set_text('%i/%i'%(self.cur_iter,self.max_iter)) # Begin the drawing process self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) # Calculate and draw rat's physical position x = xs[-1]; y=ys[-1]; vx=vxs[-1]; vy=vys[-1] self.x_hist.extend(xs) self.y_hist.extend(ys) self.pos.set_data(self.x_hist,self.y_hist) # Adjust velocity vector if vx != 0 or vy != 0: self.vel.set_positions([x, y], [x+vx,y+vy]) # Adjust radius line #self.radius.set_data([self.cntr_x,x],[self.cntr_y,y]) # Calculate physical orientation, display it, and compare with # virmenLog's orientatino assessment cur_orientation = self.is_clockwise(x,y,vx,vy) if cur_orientation == 1: self.clockcounter.set_text('Clockwise') else: self.clockcounter.set_text('Counterclockwise') # Adjust the location of the rat's chased target target_x = self.vl['txs'][self.cur_i] target_y = self.vl['tys'][self.cur_i] = [target_x,target_y] # Make a context prediction try: self._make_prediction(self.is_clockwise(x,y,vx,vy)) except: pass #logging.warning('Make prediction failed.') # Update the drawing window for itm in [self.pos, self.vel, #self.radius, self.clockcounter,self.iters, self.predicted_counter,]: self.canvas.blit( def is_clockwise(self,x,y,vx,vy): ''' Determines if motion is clockwise around the center of the room, which is [0, MAXX] x [0, MAXY] Output mapped to {-1,1} to conform with vl['Task'] labels.''' cross_prod = (x-self.cntr_x)*vy - (y-self.cntr_y)*vx clockwise = 2*(cross_prod>0)-1 return clockwise
def draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=None, width=1.0, edge_color="k", style="solid", alpha=None, arrowstyle="-|>", arrowsize=10, edge_cmap=None, edge_vmin=None, edge_vmax=None, ax=None, arrows=True, label=None, node_size=300, nodelist=None, node_shape="o", connectionstyle=None, **kwds): """Draw the edges of the graph G. This draws only the edges of the graph G. Parameters ---------- G : graph A networkx graph pos : dictionary A dictionary with nodes as keys and positions as values. Positions should be sequences of length 2. edgelist : collection of edge tuples Draw only specified edges(default=G.edges()) width : float, or array of floats Line width of edges (default=1.0) edge_color : color or array of colors (default='k') Edge color. Can be a single color or a sequence of colors with the same length as edgelist. Color can be string, or rgb (or rgba) tuple of floats from 0-1. If numeric values are specified they will be mapped to colors using the edge_cmap and edge_vmin,edge_vmax parameters. style : string Edge line style (default='solid') (solid|dashed|dotted,dashdot) alpha : float The edge transparency (default=None) edge_ cmap : Matplotlib colormap Colormap for mapping intensities of edges (default=None) edge_vmin,edge_vmax : floats Minimum and maximum for edge colormap scaling (default=None) ax : Matplotlib Axes object, optional Draw the graph in the specified Matplotlib axes. arrows : bool, optional (default=True) For directed graphs, if True draw arrowheads. Note: Arrows will be the same color as edges. arrowstyle : str, optional (default='-|>') For directed graphs, choose the style of the arrow heads. See :py:class: `matplotlib.patches.ArrowStyle` for more options. arrowsize : int, optional (default=10) For directed graphs, choose the size of the arrow head head's length and width. See :py:class: `matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` for attribute `mutation_scale` for more info. connectionstyle : str, optional (default=None) Pass the connectionstyle parameter to create curved arc of rounding radius rad. For example, connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.2'. See :py:class: `matplotlib.patches.ConnectionStyle` and :py:class: `matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` for more info. label : [None| string] Label for legend Returns ------- matplotlib.collection.LineCollection `LineCollection` of the edges list of matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch `FancyArrowPatch` instances of the directed edges Depending whether the drawing includes arrows or not. Notes ----- For directed graphs, arrows are drawn at the head end. Arrows can be turned off with keyword arrows=False. Be sure to include `node_size` as a keyword argument; arrows are drawn considering the size of nodes. Examples -------- >>> G = nx.dodecahedral_graph() >>> edges = nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=nx.spring_layout(G)) >>> G = nx.DiGraph() >>> G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)]) >>> arcs = nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=nx.spring_layout(G)) >>> alphas = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5] >>> for i, arc in enumerate(arcs): # change alpha values of arcs ... arc.set_alpha(alphas[i]) Also see the NetworkX drawing examples at See Also -------- draw() draw_networkx() draw_networkx_nodes() draw_networkx_labels() draw_networkx_edge_labels() """ try: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cbook as cb from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter, Colormap, Normalize from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch import numpy as np except ImportError: raise ImportError("Matplotlib required for draw()") except RuntimeError: print("Matplotlib unable to open display") raise if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if edgelist is None: edgelist = list(G.edges()) if not edgelist or len(edgelist) == 0: # no edges! return None if nodelist is None: nodelist = list(G.nodes()) # FancyArrowPatch handles color=None different from LineCollection if edge_color is None: edge_color = "k" # set edge positions edge_pos = np.asarray([(pos[e[0]], pos[e[1]]) for e in edgelist]) # Check if edge_color is an array of floats and map to edge_cmap. # This is the only case handled differently from matplotlib if (cb.iterable(edge_color) and (len(edge_color) == len(edge_pos)) and np.alltrue([isinstance(c, Number) for c in edge_color])): if edge_cmap is not None: assert isinstance(edge_cmap, Colormap) else: edge_cmap = plt.get_cmap() if edge_vmin is None: edge_vmin = min(edge_color) if edge_vmax is None: edge_vmax = max(edge_color) color_normal = Normalize(vmin=edge_vmin, vmax=edge_vmax) edge_color = [edge_cmap(color_normal(e)) for e in edge_color] if not G.is_directed() or not arrows: edge_collection = LineCollection( edge_pos, colors=edge_color, linewidths=width, antialiaseds=(1, ), linestyle=style, transOffset=ax.transData, alpha=alpha, ) edge_collection.set_zorder(1) # edges go behind nodes edge_collection.set_label(label) ax.add_collection(edge_collection) return edge_collection arrow_collection = None if G.is_directed() and arrows: # Note: Waiting for someone to implement arrow to intersection with # marker. Meanwhile, this works well for polygons with more than 4 # sides and circle. def to_marker_edge(marker_size, marker): if marker in "s^>v<d": # `large` markers need extra space return np.sqrt(2 * marker_size) / 2 else: return np.sqrt(marker_size) / 2 # Draw arrows with `matplotlib.patches.FancyarrowPatch` arrow_collection = [] mutation_scale = arrowsize # scale factor of arrow head # FancyArrowPatch doesn't handle color strings arrow_colors = colorConverter.to_rgba_array(edge_color, alpha) for i, (src, dst) in enumerate(edge_pos): x1, y1 = src x2, y2 = dst shrink_source = 0 # space from source to tail shrink_target = 0 # space from head to target if cb.iterable(node_size): # many node sizes src_node, dst_node = edgelist[i][:2] index_node = nodelist.index(dst_node) marker_size = node_size[index_node] shrink_target = to_marker_edge(marker_size, node_shape) else: shrink_target = to_marker_edge(node_size, node_shape) if cb.iterable(arrow_colors): if len(arrow_colors) == len(edge_pos): arrow_color = arrow_colors[i] elif len(arrow_colors) == 1: arrow_color = arrow_colors[0] else: # Cycle through colors arrow_color = arrow_colors[i % len(arrow_colors)] else: arrow_color = edge_color if cb.iterable(width): if len(width) == len(edge_pos): line_width = width[i] else: line_width = width[i % len(width)] else: line_width = width arrow = FancyArrowPatch( (x1, y1), (x2, y2), arrowstyle=arrowstyle, shrinkA=shrink_source, shrinkB=shrink_target, mutation_scale=mutation_scale, color=arrow_color, linewidth=line_width, connectionstyle=connectionstyle, zorder=1, ) # arrows go behind nodes # There seems to be a bug in matplotlib to make collections of # FancyArrowPatch instances. Until fixed, the patches are added # individually to the axes instance. arrow_collection.append(arrow) ax.add_patch(arrow) # update view minx = np.amin(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 0])) maxx = np.amax(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 0])) miny = np.amin(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 1])) maxy = np.amax(np.ravel(edge_pos[:, :, 1])) w = maxx - minx h = maxy - miny padx, pady = 0.05 * w, 0.05 * h corners = (minx - padx, miny - pady), (maxx + padx, maxy + pady) ax.update_datalim(corners) ax.autoscale_view() plt.tick_params( axis="both", which="both", bottom=False, left=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False, ) return arrow_collection
def asteroids_plot(self, image_path=None, ra=None, dec=None, odate=None, time_travel=1, radi=6, max_mag=20.0, circle_color='yellow', arrow_color='red', invert_yaxis="True"): """ Source plot module. @param image_path: data part of the FITS image @type image_path: numpy array @param ra: RA coordinate of target area. @type ra: str in "HH MM SS" @param dec: DEC coordinate of target area @type dec: str in "+DD MM SS" @param radi: Radius in arcmin. @type radi: float @param odate: Ephemeris date of observation in date @type odate: "2017-08-15T19:50:00.95" format in str @param time_travel: Jump into time after given date (in hour). @type time_travel: float @param max_mag: Limit magnitude to be queried object(s) @type max_mag: float @param circle_color: Color of the asteroids marks @type circle_color: str @param arrow_color: Color of the asteroids direction marks @type arrow_color: str @param invert_yaxis: invert y axis or not. @type invert_yaxis: bool @returns: boolean """ from .catalog import Query # filename = get_pkg_data_filename(image_path) rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10., 8.] # rcParams.update({'font.size': 10}) if image_path: hdu =[0] elif not image_path and ra and dec and odate: co = coordinates.SkyCoord('{0} {1}'.format(ra, dec), unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg), frame='icrs') print('Target Coordinates:', co.to_string(style='hmsdms', sep=':'), 'in {0} arcmin'.format(radi)) try: server_img = SkyView.get_images(position=co, survey=['DSS'], radius=radi * u.arcmin) hdu = server_img[0][0] except Exception as e: print("SkyView could not get the image from DSS server.") print(e) raise SystemExit wcs = WCS(hdu.header) data = bkg = sep.Background(data) # bkg_image = bkg.back() # bkg_rms = bkg.rms() data_sub = data - bkg m, s = np.mean(data_sub), np.std(data_sub) ax = plt.subplot(projection=wcs) plt.imshow(data_sub, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray', vmin=m - s, vmax=m + s, origin='lower') ax.coords.grid(True, color='white', ls='solid') ax.coords[0].set_axislabel('Galactic Longitude') ax.coords[1].set_axislabel('Galactic Latitude') overlay = ax.get_coords_overlay('icrs') overlay.grid(color='white', ls='dotted') overlay[0].set_axislabel('Right Ascension (ICRS)') overlay[1].set_axislabel('Declination (ICRS)') sb = Query() ac = AstCalc() if image_path: fo = FitsOps(image_path) if not odate: odate = fo.get_header('date-obs') else: odate = odate ra_dec = ac.center_finder(image_path, wcs_ref=True) elif not image_path and ra and dec and odate: odate = odate ra_dec = [co.ra, co.dec] request0 = sb.find_skybot_objects(odate, ra_dec[0].degree, ra_dec[1].degree, radius=radi) if request0[0]: asteroids = request0[1] elif request0[0] is False: print(request0[1]) raise SystemExit request1 = sb.find_skybot_objects(odate, ra_dec[0].degree, ra_dec[1].degree, radius=float(radi), time_travel=time_travel) if request1[0]: asteroids_after = request1[1] elif request1[0] is False: print(request1[1]) raise SystemExit for i in range(len(asteroids)): if float(asteroids['m_v'][i]) <= max_mag: c = coordinates.SkyCoord('{0} {1}'.format( asteroids['ra(h)'][i], asteroids['dec(deg)'][i]), unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg), frame='icrs') c_after = coordinates.SkyCoord('{0} {1}'.format( asteroids_after['ra(h)'][i], asteroids_after['dec(deg)'][i]), unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg), frame='icrs') r = FancyArrowPatch((,, (,, arrowstyle='->', mutation_scale=10, transform=ax.get_transform('icrs')) p = Circle((,, 0.005, edgecolor=circle_color, facecolor='none', transform=ax.get_transform('icrs')) ax.text(, - 0.007, asteroids['name'][i], size=12, color='black', ha='center', va='center', transform=ax.get_transform('icrs')) r.set_facecolor('none') r.set_edgecolor(arrow_color) ax.add_patch(p) ax.add_patch(r) # plt.gca().invert_xaxis() if invert_yaxis == "True": plt.gca().invert_yaxis() print(asteroids) return True
def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs): FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0,0), (0,0), *args, **kwargs) self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs
def display_bicycle_wheels(rear_wheel, front_wheel, theta): # Initialize figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim([0,4]) ax.set_ylim([0,4]) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=7) plt.title('Overhead View') plt.xlabel('X (m)',weight='bold') plt.ylabel('Y (m)',weight='bold') ax.plot(0,0) rear_wheel_x = FancyArrowPatch((0,0), (0.4,0), mutation_scale=8,color='red') rear_wheel_y = FancyArrowPatch((0,0), (0,0.4), mutation_scale=8,color='red') front_wheel_x = FancyArrowPatch((0,0), (0.4,0), mutation_scale=8,color='blue') front_wheel_y = FancyArrowPatch((0,0), (0,0.4), mutation_scale=8,color='blue') custom_lines = [Line2D([0], [0], color='red', lw=4), Line2D([0], [0], color='blue', lw=4)] # Apply translation and rotation as specified by current robot state cos_theta, sin_theta = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) Tw_rear = np.eye(3) Tw_rear[0:2,2] = rear_wheel Tw_rear[0:2,0:2] = [[cos_theta,-sin_theta],[sin_theta,cos_theta]] Tw_rear_obj = transforms.Affine2D(Tw_rear) Tw_front = np.eye(3) Tw_front[0:2,2] = front_wheel Tw_front[0:2,0:2] = [[cos_theta,-sin_theta],[sin_theta,cos_theta]] Tw_front_obj = transforms.Affine2D(Tw_front) ax_trans = ax.transData rear_wheel_x.set_transform(Tw_rear_obj+ax_trans) rear_wheel_y.set_transform(rear_wheel_x.get_transform()) ax.add_patch(rear_wheel_x) ax.add_patch(rear_wheel_y) front_wheel_x.set_transform(Tw_front_obj+ax_trans) front_wheel_y.set_transform(front_wheel_x.get_transform()) ax.add_patch(front_wheel_x) ax.add_patch(front_wheel_y) ax.legend(custom_lines, ['Rear Wheel', 'Front Wheel'])
class GraphArrow: def __init__(self, angleA, angleB, r=1, inner=False, outer=False, stretch_inner=0.8, stretch_outer=1.1, shrinkA=20, shrinkB=20, arrowstyle='-|>', head_length=3, head_width=2, connectionstyle="arc3,rad=0.3", outer_connectionstyle="arc3,rad=-0.3", edgewidth=1, edgecolor='k', ax=None, label=None, labelpos=0.5, label_facecolor='white', label_edgecolor='white', label_color='k', xytext=None, fontname='DejaVu Sans', fontsize=10): self.angleA = angleA self.angleB = angleB self.r = r self.posA = np.array([np.cos(self.angleA), np.sin(self.angleA)]) self.posB = np.array([np.cos(self.angleB), np.sin(self.angleB)]) self.outer = outer self.stretch_outer = stretch_outer self.shrinkA = shrinkA self.shrinkB = shrinkB self.arrowstyle = arrowstyle self.head_length = head_length self.head_width = head_width self.connectionstyle = connectionstyle self.outer_connectionstyle = outer_connectionstyle self.edgewidth = edgewidth self.edgecolor = edgecolor = ax self.label = label self.labelpos = labelpos self.label_facecolor = label_facecolor self.label_edgecolor = label_edgecolor self.label_color = label_color self.inner = inner self.stretch_inner = stretch_inner self.xytext = xytext self.fontname = fontname self.fontsize = fontsize def draw(self, ax=None): = ax or or plt.gca() self.arrow = FancyArrowPatch( posA=(self.posA if not self.outer else (self.posA * self.stretch_outer)) * self.r, posB=(self.posB if not self.outer else (self.posB * self.stretch_outer)) * self.r, arrowstyle=ArrowStyle(self.arrowstyle, head_length=self.head_length, head_width=self.head_width), shrinkA=(self.shrinkA * (self.stretch_outer**2 if self.outer else 1)), shrinkB=(self.shrinkB * (self.stretch_outer**2 if self.outer else 1)), connectionstyle=self.connectionstyle if not self.outer else self.outer_connectionstyle, linewidth=self.edgewidth, color=self.edgecolor) if self.label: verts = self.arrow.get_path().vertices point = verts[1] norm = np.linalg.norm(point) *((self.xytext if self.xytext is not None else point) * (self.stretch_inner if self.inner else 1.12)), self.label, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', bbox=dict(facecolor=self.label_facecolor, edgecolor=self.label_edgecolor, alpha=0), color=self.label_color, fontname=self.fontname, fontsize=self.fontsize)
def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs): FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0, 0), (0, 0), *args, **kwargs) self._verts3d = [] for x, y, z in zip(xs, ys, zs): self._verts3d.append([[0, x], [0, y], [0, z]])