예제 #1
 def _pvoc2(self, X_hat, Phi_hat=None, R=None):
       alternate (batch) implementation of phase vocoder - time-stretch
         X_hat - estimate of signal magnitude
         [Phi_hat] - estimate of signal phase
         [R] - resynthesis hop ratio
         updates self.X_hat with modified complex spectrum
     N, W, H = self.nfft, self.wfft, self.nhop
     R = 1.0 if R is None else R
     dphi = P.atleast_2d((2 * P.pi * H * P.arange(N / 2 + 1)) / N).T
     print("Phase Vocoder Resynthesis...", N, W, H, R)
     A = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat
     U = P.diff(A, 1) - dphi
     U = U - P.np.round(U / (2 * P.pi)) * 2 * P.pi
     t = P.arange(0, n_cols, R)
     tf = t - P.floor(t)
     phs = P.c_[A[:, 0], U]
     phs += U[:, idx[1]] + dphi  # Problem, what is idx ?
     Xh = (1 - tf) * Xh[:-1] + tf * Xh[1:]
     Xh *= P.exp(1j * phs)
     self.X_hat = Xh
예제 #2
 def _phase_map(self):
     self.dphi = (2 * P.pi * self.nhop *
                  P.arange(self.nfft / 2 + 1)) / self.nfft
     A = P.diff(P.angle(self.STFT), 1)  # Complete Phase Map
     U = P.c_[P.angle(self.STFT[:, 0]), A - P.atleast_2d(self.dphi).T]
     U = U - P.np.round(U / (2 * P.pi)) * 2 * P.pi
     self.dPhi = U
     return U
예제 #3
def detector_tester(APTimes, actualTimes):
    returns percentTrueSpikes (% correct detected) and falseSpikeRate
    (extra APs per second of data)
    compares actual spikes times with detected spike times
    This only works if we give you the answers!
    JITTER = 0.0025 #2 ms of jitter allowed
    #first match the two sets of spike times. Anything within JITTER_MS
    #is considered a match (but only one per time frame!)
    #order the lists
    detected = np.sort(APTimes)
    actual = np.sort(actualTimes)
    #remove spikes with the same times (these are false APs)
    temp = np.append(detected, -1)
    detected = detected[plt.find(plt.diff(temp) != 0)]
    #find matching action potentials and mark as matched (trueDetects)
    trueDetects = [];
    for sp in actual:
        z = plt.find((detected >= sp-JITTER) & (detected <= sp+JITTER))
        if len(z)>0:
            for i in z:
                zz = plt.find(trueDetects == detected[i])
                if len(zz) == 0:
                    trueDetects = np.append(trueDetects, detected[i])
    percentTrueSpikes = 100.0*len(trueDetects)/len(actualTimes)
    #everything else is a false alarm
    totalTime = (actual[len(actual)-1]-actual[0])
    falseSpikeRate = (len(APTimes) - len(actualTimes))/totalTime
    # Added this for auto-evaluation based on criteria 
    pct_spike_eval = "PASS" if percentTrueSpikes > 90.0 else "FAIL"
    false_spike_eval = "PASS" if falseSpikeRate < 2.5 else "FAIL"
    overall_result = "FAIL" if pct_spike_eval == "FAIL" or false_spike_eval == "FAIL" else "PASS"    
    print 'Action Potential Detector Performance performance: '
    print '     Correct number of action potentials = %d' % len(actualTimes)
    print '     %s: Percent True Spikes = %f' % (pct_spike_eval, percentTrueSpikes)
    print '     %s: False Spike Rate = %f spikes/s' % (false_spike_eval, falseSpikeRate)
    print ''
    print 'Overall Evaluation: %s' % overall_result
    print ''
    return {'Percent True Spikes':percentTrueSpikes, 'False Spike Rate':falseSpikeRate}
def good_AP_finder2(time,voltage):
    This function takes the following input:
        time - vector where each element is a time in seconds
        voltage - vector where each element is a voltage at a different time
        We are assuming thaht he two vectors are in correspondance (meaning
        that at a given index, the time in one corresponds to the voltage in
        the other). The vectors must be the same size or the code
        won't run
    This function returns the following output:
        APTime - all the times where a spike (action potential) was detected
    #Let's make sure the input looks at least reasonable
    if (len(voltage) != len(time)):
        print "Can't run - the vectors aren't the same length!"
        APTime = []
        return APTime
    # Pick a threshold. You can eyeball it by looking at the plot, or you can 
    # write code to find it.  Code would be better, but isn't 100% necessary.
    thrd = -80
    # find all the indices whose corresponding voltage is lower than the threshold
    detectedAPIndex = plt.find(voltage < thrd)
    # note that now several neighboring indices could correspond to the same spike
    # we only want the first index for one spike
    # so we will throw away several frames following the first one
    # calculate difference of the picked neiboring indices
    diff_detectedAPIndex= plt.diff(detectedAPIndex)
    # if diff_detectedAPIndex>1, we know that it's a new spike
    # note that diff omits the first element, which is a spike, so I insert the first one
    detectedAPIndex_select = np.insert(diff_detectedAPIndex>1, 0, True)
    # detectedAPIndex_select is a boolean array with the same length of detectedAPIndex
    # we selecte the indices that correspond to the begginning frame of each spikes
    detectedAPIndex = detectedAPIndex[detectedAPIndex_select]
    # find the time im ms based on the indices
    APTime =list(time[i] for i in detectedAPIndex)
    return APTime
예제 #5
    def _extract_onsets(self):

           The simplest onset detector in the world: power envelope derivative zero crossings +/-
        fp = self._check_feature_params()
        if not self._have_power:
            return None
        dd = P.diff(P.r_[0, self.POWER])
        self.ONSETS = P.where((dd > 0) & (P.roll(dd, -1) < 0))[0]
        if self.verbosity:
            print("Extracted ONSETS")
        self._have_onsets = True
        return True
def good_AP_finder2(time, voltage):
    This function takes the following input:
        time - vector where each element is a time in seconds
        voltage - vector where each element is a voltage at a different time
        We are assuming thaht he two vectors are in correspondance (meaning
        that at a given index, the time in one corresponds to the voltage in
        the other). The vectors must be the same size or the code
        won't run
    This function returns the following output:
        APTime - all the times where a spike (action potential) was detected

    #Let's make sure the input looks at least reasonable
    if (len(voltage) != len(time)):
        print "Can't run - the vectors aren't the same length!"
        APTime = []
        return APTime

    # Pick a threshold. You can eyeball it by looking at the plot, or you can
    # write code to find it.  Code would be better, but isn't 100% necessary.
    thrd = -80

    # find all the indices whose corresponding voltage is lower than the threshold
    detectedAPIndex = plt.find(voltage < thrd)
    # note that now several neighboring indices could correspond to the same spike

    # we only want the first index for one spike
    # so we will throw away several frames following the first one

    # calculate difference of the picked neiboring indices
    diff_detectedAPIndex = plt.diff(detectedAPIndex)

    # if diff_detectedAPIndex>1, we know that it's a new spike
    # note that diff omits the first element, which is a spike, so I insert the first one
    detectedAPIndex_select = np.insert(diff_detectedAPIndex > 1, 0, True)
    # detectedAPIndex_select is a boolean array with the same length of detectedAPIndex

    # we selecte the indices that correspond to the begginning frame of each spikes
    detectedAPIndex = detectedAPIndex[detectedAPIndex_select]

    # find the time im ms based on the indices
    APTime = list(time[i] for i in detectedAPIndex)

    return APTime
예제 #7
def detector_tester(APTimes, actualTimes):
    returns percentTrueSpikes (% correct detected) and falseSpikeRate
    (extra APs per second of data)
    compares actual spikes times with detected spike times
    This only works if we give you the answers!

    JITTER = 0.025  #2 ms of jitter allowed

    #first match the two sets of spike times. Anything within JITTER_MS
    #is considered a match (but only one per time frame!)

    #order the lists
    detected = np.sort(APTimes)
    actual = np.sort(actualTimes)

    #remove spikes with the same times (these are false APs)
    temp = np.append(detected, -1)
    detected = detected[plt.find(plt.diff(temp) != 0)]

    #find matching action potentials and mark as matched (trueDetects)
    trueDetects = []
    for sp in actual:
        z = plt.find((detected >= sp - JITTER) & (detected <= sp + JITTER))
        if len(z) > 0:
            for i in z:
                zz = plt.find(trueDetects == detected[i])
                if len(zz) == 0:
                    trueDetects = np.append(trueDetects, detected[i])
    percentTrueSpikes = 100.0 * len(trueDetects) / len(actualTimes)

    #everything else is a false alarm
    totalTime = (actual[len(actual) - 1] - actual[0])
    falseSpikeRate = (len(APTimes) - len(actualTimes)) / totalTime

    print 'Action Potential Detector Performance performance: '
    print '     Correct number of action potentials = ' + str(len(actualTimes))
    print '     Percent True Spikes = ' + str(percentTrueSpikes)
    print '     False Spike Rate = ' + str(falseSpikeRate) + ' spikes/s'
    return {
        'Percent True Spikes': percentTrueSpikes,
        'False Spike Rate': falseSpikeRate
def detector_tester(APTimes, actualTimes):
    returns percentTrueSpikes (% correct detected) and falseSpikeRate
    (extra APs per second of data)
    compares actual spikes times with detected spike times
    This only works if we give you the answers!
    #print APTimes
    #print actualTimes
    JITTER = 0.0025 #2 ms of jitter allowed
    #first match the two sets of spike times. Anything within JITTER_MS
    #is considered a match (but only one per time frame!)
    #order the lists
    detected = np.sort(APTimes)
    actual = np.sort(actualTimes)
    #remove spikes with the same times (these are false APs)
    temp = np.append(detected, -1)
    detected = detected[plt.find(plt.diff(temp) != 0)]
    #find matching action potentials and mark as matched (trueDetects)
    trueDetects = [];
    for sp in actual:
        z = plt.find((detected >= sp-JITTER) & (detected <= sp+JITTER))
        if len(z)>0:
            for i in z:
                zz = plt.find(trueDetects == detected[i])
                if len(zz) == 0:
                    trueDetects = np.append(trueDetects, detected[i])
    percentTrueSpikes = 100.0*len(trueDetects)/len(actualTimes)
    #everything else is a false alarm
    totalTime = (actual[len(actual)-1]-actual[0])
    falseSpikeRate = (len(APTimes) - len(actualTimes))/totalTime
    print 'Action Potential Detector Performance performance: '
    print '     Correct number of action potentials = ' + str(len(actualTimes))
    print '     Percent True Spikes = ' + str(percentTrueSpikes)
    print '     False Spike Rate = ' + str(falseSpikeRate) + ' spikes/s'
    return {'Percent True Spikes':percentTrueSpikes, 'False Spike Rate':falseSpikeRate}
예제 #9
 def extract(self):
     self.X = P.sqrt((P.diff(self.X)**2).sum(0)) / self.X.shape[0]
예제 #10
def detection_tester(peakTimes,
    Compares spike times from the spike_detector function to the actual spike times.
    The actual (validated) times should be listed in a reference text file located at
    refFilepath; set delimiter via the corresponding paramter, e.g. ',' for CSV.
    The function ouutputs and returns the percentage of true (verified) spikes that
    were detected along with the false spike  rate (extra spikes per second of data).

    if refFilepath == None:
            "True spike times were not provided, so the spike detection perfromance cannot be evaluated"
        percentTrueSpikes, falseSpikeRate = "N/A", "N/A"

        return {
            'percent_true_spikes': percentTrueSpikes,
            'false_spike_rate': falseSpikeRate

        # Create numpy array of the values in the reference csv file
        trueTimes = np.genfromtxt(refFilepath, delimiter=delimiter)

        # First match the two arrays of spike times. Anything within the given tolerance is a match.

        # Ensure times are in sequntial order
        peakTimes = np.sort(peakTimes)
        trueTimes = np.sort(trueTimes)

        # Remove spikes with the same times (false spikes)
        detected = np.append(peakTimes, -1)
        uniqueDetected = peakTimes[plt.find(plt.diff(detected) != 0)]

        # Find matching spikes and mark as true detections
        trueDetected = []
        # Find indices of dedected spikes that are within the margin of tolerance around each true spike
        for spike in trueTimes:
            detectedWithinTol = plt.find((uniqueDetected >= spike - tolerance)
                                         (uniqueDetected <= spike + tolerance))
            # If detected spikes found...
            if len(detectedWithinTol) > 0:
                # ...for each one, check if already present in our list of true dectections, ...
                for i in detectedWithinTol:
                    alreadyMarked = plt.find(trueDetected == uniqueDetected[i])
                    # ...and if not, append it to to that list
                    if len(alreadyMarked) == 0:
                        trueDetected = np.append(trueDetected,

        percentTrueSpikes = 100.0 * len(trueDetected) / len(trueTimes)

        # Everything else is a false spike
        totalTime = (trueTimes[len(trueTimes) - 1] - trueTimes[0])
        falseSpikeRate = (len(peakTimes) - len(trueTimes)) / totalTime

        print("\nSpike detector performance:")
        print("\n     Number of spikes detected in test analysis =",
        print("     Number of true spikes =", len(trueTimes))
        print("     Percentage of true spikes detected =", percentTrueSpikes)
        print("     False spike rate = ", falseSpikeRate, "spikes/s")

        return {
            'percent_true_spikes': percentTrueSpikes,
            'false_spike_rate': falseSpikeRate