def XXtest5_regrid(self): srcF = + \ '/sample_data/') so = srcF('so')[0, 0, ...] clt = + '/sample_data/')('clt') dstData = so.regrid(clt.getGrid(), regridTool='esmf', regridMethod='conserve') if == 0: dstDataMask = (dstData == so.missing_value) dstDataFltd = dstData * (1 - dstDataMask) zeroValCnt = (dstData == 0).sum() if so.missing_value > 0: dstDataMin = dstData.min() dstDataMax = dstDataFltd.max() else: dstDataMin = dstDataFltd.min() dstDataMax = dstData.max() zeroValCnt = (dstData == 0).sum() print 'Number of zero valued cells', zeroValCnt print 'min/max value of dstData: %f %f' % (dstDataMin, dstDataMax) self.assertLess(dstDataMax, so.max()) if PLOT: pylab.figure(1) pylab.pcolor(so, vmin=20, vmax=40) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('so') pylab.figure(2) pylab.pcolor(dstData, vmin=20, vmax=40) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('dstData')
def test2_varRegrid(self): print print 'test2_varRegrid' srcF = + \ '/') so = srcF('so')[0, 0, ...] clt = + '/')('clt') diag = {'srcAreas': None, 'dstAreas': None, 'srcAreaFractions': None, 'dstAreaFractions': None} soInterp = so.regrid(clt.getGrid(), regridTool = 'esmf', regridMethod='conserve', diag = diag) if == 0: totSrcArea = diag['srcAreas'].sum() totDstArea = diag['dstAreas'].sum() totSrcFrac = diag['srcAreaFractions'].sum() self.assertEqual(numpy.isnan(totSrcFrac).sum(), 0) self.assertLess(abs(totSrcArea - 4*pi)/(4*pi), 0.02) self.assertLess(abs(totDstArea - 4*pi)/(4*pi), 0.01) soMass = (so*diag['srcAreas']).sum() inMass = (soInterp*diag['dstAreas']).sum() print soMass, inMass diff = abs(soMass - inMass)/soMass self.assertLess(diff, 7.e-7) if PLOT: pylab.subplot(1, 2, 1) pylab.pcolor(so, vmin = 20, vmax = 40) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('so') pylab.subplot(1, 2, 2) pylab.pcolor(soInterp, vmin = 20, vmax = 40) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('soInterp')
def plot_expansion(time, A_array, E_array, eig, c, file_to_save='exp.png',figuresize=(10,10)): from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm plt.figure(figsize=figuresize) # in inches! plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.plot(A_array[0], time, label = r'$A_x$') plt.plot(E_array[0], time, label = r'$E_x$') plt.plot(A_array[1], time, label = r'$A_y$', ls = '--') plt.plot(E_array[1], time, label = r'$E_y$', ls = '--') plt.ylim(0, max(time)) plt.ylabel(r'$t, s$', fontsize=26) plt.legend(prop={'size':16}) plt.subplot(1,2,2) X,Y = np.meshgrid(eig.real, time) plt.pcolor(X, Y, c, norm=LogNorm(vmin=1.0e-3, vmax=1.0)) plt.xlim(min(eig.real), max(eig.real)) plt.ylim(0.0, max(time)) plt.colorbar() plt.xlabel(r'$E, eV$', fontsize=26) plt.xlim(-0.3,0.3) if file_to_save: plt.savefig(file_to_save) plt.close() return None
def Ms_plot(Ms, x, additional_rows=None, additional_labels=None): import matplotlib.pylab as plt idx = 5 plt.gcf().add_axes([0, .6, 1, 1]) plt.pcolor(Ms[:, x], vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.yticks([]) plt.xticks([]) plt.ylabel("$q$s from the confidence interval") plt.title("Inspecting $q(\\cdot | %d)$" % idx) plt.gcf().add_axes([0, .3, 1.0, .2]) plt.pcolor(qtilde[idx, None], vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.yticks([]) plt.xticks([]) plt.ylabel("$\\tilde q$") plt.gcf().add_axes([0, 0, 1.0, .2]) mappable = plt.pcolor(qxy_star[idx, None], vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.yticks([]) plt.xticks([]) plt.ylabel("$q^*$") plt.gcf().add_axes([1.1, 0, .1, 1.6]) plt.colorbar(mappable, cax=plt.gca())
def test2_3x4_to_5x7_cart(self): # Test non-periodic grid returning double grid resolution roESMP = CdmsRegrid(self.fromGrid3x4, self.toGrid5x7, dtype = self.data3x4.dtype, srcGridMask = self.data3x4.mask, regridTool = 'ESMP', periodicity = 0, regridMethod = 'Conserve', coordSys = 'cart') diag = {'srcAreas':0, 'dstAreas':0, 'srcAreaFractions':0, 'dstAreaFractions':0} ESMP5x7 = roESMP(self.data3x4, diag = diag) dstMass = (ESMP5x7 * diag['dstAreas']).sum() srcMass = (self.data3x4 * diag['srcAreas'] \ * diag['srcAreaFractions']).sum() if False: pylab.figure(1) pylab.pcolor(self.data3x4) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('original self.data3x4') pylab.figure(2) pylab.pcolor(ESMP5x7) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('interpolated ESMP5x7') self.assertLess(abs(srcMass - dstMass), self.eps) self.assertEqual(self.data3x4[0,0], ESMP5x7[0,0]) self.assertEqual(1.0, ESMP5x7[0,0]) self.assertEqual(0.25, ESMP5x7[1,1]) self.assertEqual(0.0, ESMP5x7[2,2])
def plotData(dataId): from matplotlib import pylab xtypep = c_int() fillValuePtr = c_void_p() gridId = c_int() coordIds = (c_int * ndims)() dataPtr = POINTER(c_double)() latPtr = POINTER(c_double)() lonPtr = POINTER(c_double)() ier = pycf.nccf.nccf_get_data_pointer(dataId, byref(xtypep), byref(dataPtr), byref(fillValuePtr)) assert (ier == pycf.NC_NOERR) ier = pycf.nccf.nccf_get_data_pointer(dataId, byref(xtypep), byref(dataPtr), byref(fillValuePtr)) assert (ier == pycf.NC_NOERR) ier = pycf.nccf.nccf_inq_data_gridid(dataId, byref(gridId)) assert (ier == pycf.NC_NOERR) ier = pycf.nccf.nccf_inq_grid_coordids(gridId, coordIds) assert (ier == pycf.NC_NOERR) ier = pycf.nccf.nccf_get_coord_data_pointer(coordIds[0], byref(latPtr)) assert (ier == pycf.NC_NOERR) ier = pycf.nccf.nccf_get_coord_data_pointer(coordIds[1], byref(lonPtr)) assert (ier == pycf.NC_NOERR) ntot, dims = inquireDataSizes(dataId) data = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(dataPtr, shape=tuple(dims)) lats = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(latPtr, shape=tuple(dims)) lons = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(lonPtr, shape=tuple(dims)) pylab.pcolor(lons, lats, data)
def testSingleTimeSingleElev(self): """ Interpolate over one level/time """ f = + '/sample_data/') clt = f('clt') v = f('v')[0,0,...] srcGrid = v.getGrid() dstGrid = clt.getGrid() ro = CdmsRegrid(srcGrid = srcGrid, dstGrid = dstGrid, dtype = v.dtype) vInterp = ro(v) print 'min/max of v: %f %f' % (v.min(), v.max()) print 'min/max of vInterp: %f %f' % (vInterp.min(), vInterp.max()) if False: pl.figure() pl.pcolor(vInterp, vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('testSingleTimeSingleElev: vInterp') pl.colorbar()
def make_correlation_matrix(df, title): """ Creates a matplotlib plot of values (typically a correlation dataframe from Pandas). This plot has each value in a cell shaded on a color map for the entire matrix. The color map is by default reverse gray scale. requirements: matplotlib, pandas """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12)) pcolor(df, cmap='gray_r') plt.title(title) for n, mc in enumerate(df.values): for i, m in enumerate(mc): plt.text(n + 0.35, i + 0.35, str(round(m, 2)), color='white', fontsize=24) plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5, 5.5, 1)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0.5, 5.5, 1)) labels = list( df.columns ) # ['Video Access Fraction', 'Video Access Density', 'Course Grade', 'FMCE Pre', 'FMCE post'] ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=90, fontsize=12) ax.set_yticklabels(labels, rotation=0, fontsize=12)
def testSingleTimeSingleElev(self): """ Interpolate over one level/time """ f = + '/sample_data/') clt = f('clt') v = f('v')[0,0,...] srcGrid = v.getGrid() dstGrid = clt.getGrid() ro = CdmsRegrid(srcGrid = srcGrid, dstGrid = dstGrid, dtype = v.dtype) vInterp = ro(v) print 'min/max of v: %f %f' % (v.min(), v.max()) print 'min/max of vInterp: %f %f' % (vInterp.min(), vInterp.max()) if PLOT: pl.figure() pl.pcolor(vInterp, vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('testSingleTimeSingleElev: vInterp') pl.colorbar()
def plot(nxG, nyG, iBeg, iEnd, jBeg, jEnd, data, title=''): """ Plot distributed array @param nxG number of global cells in x @param nyG number of global cells in y @param iBeg global starting index in x @param iEnd global ending index in x @param jBeg global starting index in y @param jEnd global ending index in y @param data local array @param title plot title """ sz = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() rk = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() iBegs = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(iBeg, root=0) iEnds = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(iEnd, root=0) jBegs = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(jBeg, root=0) jEnds = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(jEnd, root=0) arrays = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(numpy.array(data), root=0) if rk == 0: bigArray = numpy.zeros((nxG, nyG), data.dtype) for pe in range(sz): bigArray[iBegs[pe]:iEnds[pe], jBegs[pe]:jEnds[pe]] = arrays[pe] from matplotlib import pylab pylab.pcolor(bigArray.transpose()) # add the decomp domains for pe in range(sz): pylab.plot([iBegs[pe], iBegs[pe]], [0, nyG - 1], 'w--') pylab.plot([0, nxG - 1], [jBegs[pe], jBegs[pe]], 'w--') pylab.title(title)
def XXtest5_regrid(self): srcF = + \ '/sample_data/') so = srcF('so')[0, 0, ...] clt = + '/sample_data/')('clt') dstData = so.regrid(clt.getGrid(), regridTool = 'esmf', regridMethod='conserve') if == 0: dstDataMask = (dstData == so.missing_value) dstDataFltd = dstData * (1 - dstDataMask) zeroValCnt = (dstData == 0).sum() if so.missing_value > 0: dstDataMin = dstData.min() dstDataMax = dstDataFltd.max() else: dstDataMin = dstDataFltd.min() dstDataMax = dstData.max() zeroValCnt = (dstData == 0).sum() print 'Number of zero valued cells', zeroValCnt print 'min/max value of dstData: %f %f' % (dstDataMin, dstDataMax) self.assertLess(dstDataMax, so.max()) if False: pylab.figure(1) pylab.pcolor(so, vmin=20, vmax=40) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('so') pylab.figure(2) pylab.pcolor(dstData, vmin=20, vmax=40) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('dstData')
def test2_3x4_to_5x7_cart(self): # Test non-periodic grid returning double grid resolution roESMP = CdmsRegrid(self.fromGrid3x4, self.toGrid5x7, dtype=self.data3x4.dtype, srcGridMask=self.data3x4.mask, regridTool='ESMP', periodicity=0, regridMethod='Conserve', coordSys='cart') diag = { 'srcAreas': 0, 'dstAreas': 0, 'srcAreaFractions': 0, 'dstAreaFractions': 0 } ESMP5x7 = roESMP(self.data3x4, diag=diag) dstMass = (ESMP5x7 * diag['dstAreas']).sum() srcMass = (self.data3x4 * diag['srcAreas'] \ * diag['srcAreaFractions']).sum() if PLOT: pylab.figure(1) pylab.pcolor(self.data3x4) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('original self.data3x4') pylab.figure(2) pylab.pcolor(ESMP5x7) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('interpolated ESMP5x7') self.assertLess(abs(srcMass - dstMass), self.eps) self.assertEqual(self.data3x4[0, 0], ESMP5x7[0, 0]) self.assertEqual(1.0, ESMP5x7[0, 0]) self.assertEqual(0.25, ESMP5x7[1, 1]) self.assertEqual(0.0, ESMP5x7[2, 2])
def density_cloud_by_tags(df, columns, silent=False): """Create density cloud of data for a given tag or group of tags For example: columns='DayOfWeek' --> Plots for Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, ... columns='Weekday' --> Plots of weekends vs weekday columns=['Season','Weekday'] --> Plots of Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall Weekdays and Weekends """ figures = [] if columns == 'hr' or 'hr' in columns: raise ValueError("Columns cannot contain hr tag") # Create a profile for day of week maxY = df['USAGE'].max() for label, data in df.groupby(columns): # Find mean mean = data.groupby('hr')['USAGE'].agg('mean') # Add in any missing hours for h in set(range(24)) - set(data['hr']): mean = mean.set_value(h, None) # Create a density cloud of the MW X = np.zeros([24, 100]) # Hours by resolution Y = np.zeros([24, 100]) C = np.zeros([24, 100]) for hr, data2 in data.groupby('hr'): freq = [] step = 1 rng = range(0,51,step)[1:] freq += rng bins = np.percentile(data2['USAGE'], rng) rng = range(50,101,step)[1:] freq += [100 - a for a in rng] bins = np.hstack([bins, np.percentile(data2['USAGE'], rng)]) freq = np.array(freq) X[hr,:] = np.ones(len(bins))*hr Y[hr,:] = bins C[hr,:] = freq plt.figure() #plt.xkcd() plt.pcolor(X, Y, C, plt.plot(X[:,1], mean, color='k', label='Mean') plt.colorbar().set_label('Probability Higher/Lower than Median') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.xlabel('Hour of Day') plt.ylabel('Usage (kWh)') plt.ylim([0, maxY]) plt.xlim([0,23]) plt.title('Typical usage on %s' % str(label)) plt.grid(axis='y') figures.append(plt.gcf()) if not silent: return figures
def test_2d_esmf(self): # print 'running test_2d_esmf...' f = cdat_info.get_sampledata_path() + '/') so = f('so')[0, 0, :, :] clt = + '/')('clt')[0, :, :] tic = time.time() soInterp = so.regrid(clt.getGrid(), regridTool='ESMF', regridMethod='CONSERVE') # , periodicity=1) soInterpInterp = soInterp.regrid(so.getGrid(), regridTool='ESMF', regridMethod='CONSERVE') toc = time.time() # print 'time to interpolate (ESMF linear) forward/backward: ', toc - # tic if has_mpi: mype = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() else: mype = 0 if mype == 0: ntot = reduce(operator.mul, so.shape) avgdiff = numpy.sum(so - soInterpInterp) / float(ntot) # print 'avgdiff = ', avgdiff self.assertLess(abs(avgdiff), 5.2e18) if PLOT: pylab.figure(2) pylab.pcolor(abs(so - soInterpInterp), vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ESMF linear')
def test2_varRegrid(self): print print 'test2_varRegrid' srcF = + \ '/sample_data/') so = srcF('so')[0, 0, ...] clt = + '/sample_data/')('clt') diag = {'srcAreas': None, 'dstAreas': None, 'srcAreaFractions': None, 'dstAreaFractions': None} soInterp = so.regrid(clt.getGrid(), regridTool = 'esmf', regridMethod='conserve', diag = diag) if == 0: totSrcArea = diag['srcAreas'].sum() totDstArea = diag['dstAreas'].sum() totSrcFrac = diag['srcAreaFractions'].sum() self.assertEqual(numpy.isnan(totSrcFrac).sum(), 0) self.assertLess(abs(totSrcArea - 4*pi)/(4*pi), 0.02) self.assertLess(abs(totDstArea - 4*pi)/(4*pi), 0.01) soMass = (so*diag['srcAreas']).sum() inMass = (soInterp*diag['dstAreas']).sum() print soMass, inMass diff = abs(soMass - inMass)/soMass self.assertLess(diff, 7.e-7) if False: pylab.subplot(1, 2, 1) pylab.pcolor(so, vmin = 20, vmax = 40) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('so') pylab.subplot(1, 2, 2) pylab.pcolor(soInterp, vmin = 20, vmax = 40) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('soInterp')
def plot_pcolor(self, X, Y, Z): Xm, Ym = np.meshgrid(X, Y) try: plt.pcolor(Xm, Ym, Z) except: plt.pcolor(Z) plt.colorbar() return None
def plot_earth_model(self, type='perturbation'): if (type == 'model'): plt.pcolor(self.theta, self.radius, self.vs_array) plt.colorbar() elif (type == 'perturbation'): plt.pcolor(self.theta, self.radius, self.dvs_array) plt.colorbar()
def DrawMap(Q, model): M = Q M -= np.min([np.min(Q), 0]) if np.max(M) != 0: M /= np.max(M) M[np.where(model)] = -1 plt.pcolor(Q, cmap="brg") plt.colorbar()
def test3(self): """ 2D + level """ print 'This is a known failure for now. ESMF are looking into the error' u = + '/sample_data/')('u')[0, :,...] uCart = u.regrid( u.getGrid(), regridTool='esmf', regridMethod='linear', coordSys = 'cart', periodicity = 1) uDegr = u.regrid( u.getGrid(), regridTool='esmf', regridMethod='linear', coordSys = 'deg', periodicity = 1) n = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, uCart.shape) mask = (u == u.missing_value) if PLOT: import matplotlib.pylab as pl fig = pl.figure() fig.add_subplot(2,1,1) pl.pcolor(u.getLongitude()[:], u.getLatitude()[:], uCart[1,...], vmin = 0) pl.colorbar() pl.title('Cartiesian') fig.add_subplot(2,1,2) pl.pcolor(u.getLongitude()[:], u.getLatitude()[:], uDegr[1,...], vmin = 0) pl.colorbar() pl.title('Degrees') if PRINT: print print 'Level 0, u.min() = %11.3f, uInterp.min() = %11.3f' % \ (u[0,...].min(), uInterp[0,...].min()) print 'Level 1, u.min() = %11.3f, uInterp.min() = %11.3f' % \ (u[1,...].min(), uInterp[1,...].min()) print '\nFor indices 52,59 and 60, 68' print 'm means missing' print 'd means uInterp < u' print '. means uInterp == u' for i in range(52, 59): string = "" for j in range(60, 68): if uInterp.mask[1,i,j] == True: string = string+"m" elif (uInterp[1,i,j] < u[1,i,j]): string = string+"d" else: string = string + "." print string print diff = abs(numpy.sum(u*(1-mask) - uCart)/float(n)) self.assertLess(diff, 1.e-3) diff = abs(numpy.sum(u*(1-mask) - uDegr)/float(n)) self.assertLess(diff, 1.e-3)
def plotClusters2(clust_labels, n_clusters, original_data): plt.figure() for cluster_label in range(n_clusters): plt.subplot(10,10,cluster_label + 1) ## lol watch out for +1 !!!! plt.title(cluster_label + 1) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() one_cluster = original_data["shapes_n"][clust_labels == cluster_label, ...] mean_image = np.mean(one_cluster, axis=0) plt.pcolor(mean_image)
def draw(self): x = np.arange(0, self.h_x, self.del_x) y = np.arange(0, self.h_y, self.del_y) X, Y = plt.meshgrid(x, y) Z = plt.pcolor(X, Y, Z) plt.colorbar()
def corr(data,labels,**kwargs): data=np.transpose(data) corrs=np.corrcoef(data) labelsDict=dict((i,labels[i]) for i in range(len(labels))) if 'makeGraph' in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs['makeGraph']==True: fig,ax=plt.subplots() # plt.pcolor(corrs) plt.pcolor(corrs>=kwargs['Tresh']) plt.xticks([i for i in range(44)],rotation=45) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) ax.set_yticklabels(labels) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=7) # plt.imshow(corrs>=kwargs['Tresh'],interpolation=None) # plt.colorbar() if 'undGraph' in kwargs: plt.figure() if kwargs['undGraph']==True: gcorrs=np.copy(corrs) if 'Tresh' in kwargs: idx=np.where(corrs<=kwargs['Tresh']) gcorrs[idx]=0 gcorrs=gcorrs-np.identity(gcorrs.shape[0]) G=nx.from_numpy_matrix(np.triu(gcorrs)) for node in nx.nodes(G): edges=np.sum([ 1 for i in nx.all_neighbors(G, node)]) if edges==0: G.remove_node(node) labelsDict.pop(node) G=nx.relabel_nodes(G,labelsDict) pos=nx.spring_layout(G,iterations=200) # pos=nx.shell_layout(G) nx.draw_networkx(G,pos,font_size=9) # nx.draw_spring(G) # nx.draw(G,pos,font_size=9) if 'ret' in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs['ret']==True: corrs2=np.triu(corrs-np.diagflat(np.diag(corrs))) i,j=np.where(np.abs(corrs2)>=kwargs['Tresh']) # print corrs2[i,j] # print i # print j feats=set(list(i)+list(j)) # print feats return feats
def Xtest6_ESMF_Conserve_LevelTime_clt(self): """ Interpolate over level/time in addition to lat-lon """ f = + '/sample_data/') clt = f('clt') v = f('v') # mask srcGridMask = numpy.array(v[0, 0, ...] == v.missing_value, numpy.int32) # v onto the ctl grid srcGrd, srcNDims = regrid2.gsRegrid.makeCurvilinear( [v.getLatitude(), v.getLongitude()]) dstGrd, dstNDims = regrid2.gsRegrid.makeCurvilinear( [clt.getLatitude(), clt.getLongitude()]) ro = regrid2.GenericRegrid(srcGrd, dstGrd, regridMethod='conserve', regridTool='esmp', periodicity=1, srcGridMask=srcGridMask) ro.computeWeights() vInterp = numpy.ones( list(v.shape[:-2]) + list(clt.shape[-2:]), v.dtype) * v.missing_value ro.apply(numpy.array(v), vInterp, rootPe=0) print 'min/max of v: %f %f' % (v.min(), v.max()) print 'min/max of vInterp: %f %f' % (vInterp.min(), vInterp.max()) if False: nTimes = v.shape[0] nLevels = v.shape[1] for el in range(nTimes): for k in range(nLevels): pl.figure() pl.subplot(1, 2, 1) pl.pcolor(srcGrd[1], srcGrd[0], v[el, k, ...], vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('test6: v[%d, %d,...]' % (el, k)) pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(1, 2, 2) pl.pcolor(dstGrd[1], dstGrd[0], vInterp[el, k, ...], vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('test6: vInterp[%d, %d,...]' % (el, k)) pl.colorbar()
def plot_curvature(k): sel = k.unstack() T = sel.index S = sel.columns*spacing Z = sel.values Ts = np.vstack([T]*len(S)).T Ss = np.vstack([S]*len(T)) plt.pcolor(Ts, Ss, Z,, vmin=-0.5, vmax=.5) plt.colorbar(label="curvature $[\mu m^-1]$") plt.xlabel("t [s]") plt.ylabel(r"s $[\mu m]$")
def plot_contour(x, y, z, file_name): xx, yy = meshgrid(y, x) plt.figure() plt.pcolor(xx, yy, z, vmax=abs(z).max(), vmin=abs(z).min()) cbar = plt.colorbar()'Scalar Modifier', rotation=270) plt.xlabel('Calendar Years') plt.ylabel('Age') with open(str(file_name), 'wb') as f: plt.savefig(f, format='png') plt.close()
def test0(self): """ One way interpolation """ fnm = sys.prefix + '/sample_data/' f = s = f("clt") grdori = s.getGrid() nLon = s.shape[-1] nLat = s.shape[-2] xx = numpy.outer(numpy.ones((nLat, ), numpy.float32), s.getLongitude()[:]) yy = numpy.outer(s.getLatitude(), numpy.ones((nLon, ), numpy.float32)) print s.shape, xx.shape, yy.shape #s[0,...] = 50.0*(1.0 + numpy.sin(4*numpy.pi * xx / 180.0) * numpy.cos(2*numpy.pi * yy / 180.0)) grid = cdms2.createGaussianGrid(32, 64) sInterps = {} sInterps['regrid2'] = s.regrid(grid, regridTool='regrid2') sInterps['esmf linear'] = s.regrid(grid, regridTool='esmf', regridMethod='linear') diag = {} sInterps['libcf'] = s.regrid(grid, regridTool='libcf', diag=diag) print diag diag = {} sInterps['esmf conserve'] = s.regrid(grid, regridTool='esmf', regridMethod='conserve', diag=diag) print diag diff = abs(sInterps['esmf linear'] - sInterps['regrid2']).max() self.assertLess(diff, 18.0) diff = abs(sInterps['esmf conserve'] - sInterps['regrid2']).max() self.assertLess(diff, 86.0) diff = abs(sInterps['libcf'] - sInterps['regrid2']).max() self.assertLess(diff, 18.0) if PLOT: row = 0 for mth in sInterps: row += 1 pylab.subplot(2, 2, row) pylab.pcolor(sInterps[mth][0, ...] - sInterps['regrid2'][0, ...], vmin=-10, vmax=10) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title(mth + ' - regrid2')
def PlotFieldQuad(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.outdir): os.makedirs(self.outdir) fig_path = self.outdir from matplotlib import pylab as plt plt.close('all') plt.figure() quad = self.quad.copy() plt.plot(quad[0,:]/1e-15,quad[1,:],'g--',label='$\mathscr{S}$') plt.plot(quad[0,:]/1e-15,quad[2,:],'r--',label='$\mathscr{I}$') xlabel = 'time ($fs$)' ylabel = '$\mathscr{S}$, $\mathscr{I}$ ($a.u.$)' plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.draw() plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_path,'si_vs_t.png'),dpi=240) plt.close() plt.figure() plt.plot(quad[0,:]/1e-15,quad[3,:],'g--',label='$\partial_t \mathscr{S}$') plt.plot(quad[0,:]/1e-15,quad[4,:],'r--',label='$\partial_t \mathscr{I}$') xlabel = 'time ($fs$)' ylabel = '$\partial_t$ $\mathscr{S}$, $\mathscr{I}$ ($fs^{-1}$)' plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.draw() plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_path,'dtsi_vs_t.png'),dpi=240) plt.close() plt.figure() t = np.linspace(self.quad[0,0],self.quad[0,-1],len(self.quad[0,:])) x = self._x.copy() #print t.shape, x.shape,self.u.shape T,X = np.meshgrid(t,x) #print T[0::5,:].shape,X[0::5,:].shape,self.u[0::5,:].transpose().shape u = self.u.transpose() plt.pcolor(X[::10,:],T[::10,:],u[::10,:],shading='interp') xlabel = '$x$ ($\mu m$)' ylabel = 'time ($fs$)' plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.colorbar() plt.draw() plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_path,'u.png'),dpi=240) plt.close() plt.close('all')
def test_2d_esmf_conserv(self): print 'running test_2d_esmf_conserv...' f = + \ '/sample_data/') so = f('so')[0, 0, :, :] clt = + '/sample_data/')('clt')[0, :, :] tic = time.time() soInterp = so.regrid(clt.getGrid(), regridTool='ESMF', regridMethod='Conservative') soInterpInterp = soInterp.regrid(so.getGrid(), regridTool='ESMF', regridMethod='Conservative') toc = time.time() print 'time to interpolate (ESMF conservative) forward/backward: ', toc - tic ntot = reduce(operator.mul, so.shape) avgdiff = numpy.sum(so - soInterpInterp) / float(ntot) print 'avgdiff = ', avgdiff if PLOT: pylab.figure(2) pylab.subplot(2, 2, 1) pylab.pcolor(so, vmin=20.0, vmax=40.0) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ESMF conserve regrid: so') pylab.subplot(2, 2, 2) pylab.pcolor(soInterp, vmin=20.0, vmax=40.0) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ESMF conserve regrid: soInterp') pylab.subplot(2, 2, 3) pylab.pcolor(soInterpInterp, vmin=20.0, vmax=40.0) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ESMF conserve regrid: soInterpInterp') pylab.subplot(2, 2, 4) pylab.pcolor(so - soInterpInterp, vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ESMF conserve regrid: error')
def test_2d_esmf_conserv(self): print 'running test_2d_esmf_conserv...' f = + \ '/') so = f('so')[0, 0, :, :] clt = + '/')('clt')[0, :, :] tic = time.time() soInterp = so.regrid(clt.getGrid(), regridTool='ESMF', regridMethod='Conservative') soInterpInterp = soInterp.regrid(so.getGrid(), regridTool='ESMF', regridMethod='Conservative') toc = time.time() print 'time to interpolate (ESMF conservative) forward/backward: ', toc - tic ntot = reduce(operator.mul, so.shape) avgdiff = numpy.sum(so - soInterpInterp) / float(ntot) print 'avgdiff = ', avgdiff if PLOT: pylab.figure(2) pylab.subplot(2, 2, 1) pylab.pcolor(so, vmin=20.0, vmax=40.0) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ESMF conserve regrid: so') pylab.subplot(2, 2, 2) pylab.pcolor(soInterp, vmin=20.0, vmax=40.0) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ESMF conserve regrid: soInterp') pylab.subplot(2, 2, 3) pylab.pcolor(soInterpInterp, vmin=20.0, vmax=40.0) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ESMF conserve regrid: soInterpInterp') pylab.subplot(2, 2, 4) pylab.pcolor(so - soInterpInterp, vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ESMF conserve regrid: error')
def test2_tasWithLevelsUsingLibCF(self): test = 'Time test using regrid2 gsRegrid' r2 = regrid2.GenericRegrid(self.gGrid, self.fGrid, dtype = self.gtas.dtype, regridMethod='linear', regridTool='libcf') r2.computeWeights() fShape = list(self.gtas.shape[:-2]) + list(self.fGrid[0].shape) ftas =, self.gtas.dtype)*self.gtas.missing_value, mask = np.zeros(fShape)) ftas.missing_value = self.gtas.missing_value r2.apply(self.gtas, ftas) if PLOT: vmin = self.gtas.min() vmax = self.gtas.max() pylab.subplot(1,4,1) pylab.pcolor(self.gtas[-1,...], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('self.gtas[-1,...]') pylab.subplot(1,4,2) pylab.pcolor(ftasOld[-1,...], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ftasOld[-1,...]') pylab.subplot(1,4,3) pylab.pcolor(ftas[0,...], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ftas[-1,...]') pylab.subplot(1,4,4) pylab.pcolor(ftas[-1,...] - ftasOld[-1,...], vmin=-1, vmax=1) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ftas[-1,...] - ftasOld[-1,...]') self.assertEqual(ftas[0,...].shape, self.fclt[0,...].shape) self.assertEqual(ftas.shape[0], self.gtas.shape[0]) self.assertGreater(abs(ftas[ftas>0].mean()-self.gtas.mean()), 1)
def draw2(self): x = np.arange(0, self.h_x + 1, self.del_x) y = np.arange(0, self.h_y + 1, self.del_y) X, Y = plt.meshgrid(x, y) Z = self.u.reshape([self.x_div, self.y_div]) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") # plt.xlim([0, self.h_x]) # plt.ylim([0, self.h_y]) plt.pcolor(X, Y, Z.T) plt.colorbar()
def plotCellAreas(cube): coords = cube.coords() yy = coords[1].points xx = coords[0].points dyy = yy[1:, :] - yy[:-1, :] dxx = xx[:, 1:] - xx[:, :-1] dyyMid = 0.5 * (dyy[:, :-1] + dyy[:, 1:]) dxxMid = 0.5 * (dxx[:-1, :] + dxx[1:, :]) areas = numpy.zeros(yy.shape, yy.dtype) areas[:-1, :-1] = dyyMid * dxxMid negativeAreas = numpy.zeros(yy.shape, yy.dtype) nj, ni = yy.shape negativeAreas[numpy.where(areas < 0)] = 1.0 pylab.pcolor(xx, yy, negativeAreas, cmap='bone_r')
def plotCellAreas(cube): coords = cube.coords() lats = coords[0].points lons = coords[1].points dlats = lats[1:, :] - lats[:-1, :] dlons = lons[:, 1:] - lons[:, :-1] dlatMid = 0.5 * (dlats[:, :-1] + dlats[:, 1:]) dlonMid = 0.5 * (dlons[:-1, :] + dlons[1:, :]) areas = numpy.zeros(lats.shape, lats.dtype) areas[:-1, :-1] = dlatMid * dlonMid negativeAreas = numpy.zeros(lats.shape, lats.dtype) nlat, nlon = lats.shape area_max = 10 * (180. / nlat) * (360. / nlon) negativeAreas[numpy.where(numpy.abs(areas) > area_max)] = 1.0 pylab.pcolor(lons, lats, negativeAreas, cmap='bone_r')
def plotClustersPL(clust_labels, n_clusters, original_data, trans_dict): d = createTransDict(clust_labels, 100) plt.figure() for cluster_label in range(n_clusters): plt.subplot(10,10,cluster_label + 1) ## lol watch out for +1 !!!! plt.xlim([0, 31]) plt.ylim([0, 63]) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.title(trans_dict[d[cluster_label]]) one_cluster = original_data["shapes_n"][clust_labels == cluster_label, ...] mean_image = np.mean(one_cluster, axis=0) plt.pcolor(mean_image) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.45)
def heatmap(self, title='', norm=False, savefig=False, xticks_loc='default', xticks_label='default', yticks_interval='default'): #xticks_loc=np.linspace(0,3000, 7), #xticks_label=np.arange(0, 35, 5), yticks_interval=5): """ Draw a heatmap of the spectral information returned by Parameters -------- title : string Titles the plot and names the png file norm : boolean The local level of the mrDMD. l is in [0, L) savefig : boolean Saves figure in current directory with title given xticks_loc : array-like Locations of xticks (time axis) xticks_label : array-like Labels at xticks (time axis) yticks_interval : int Skip interval for yticks (frequency axis) """ if xticks_loc is 'default': t = range(self.time_steps) * np.tile(self.time_resolution, self.time_steps) plt.figure() if norm: spec = self.spec / np.max(self.spec) else: spec = self.spec plt.pcolor(t, self.freq_space, spec, cmap='hot') #plt.yticks(np.arange(len(self.freq_space) - #1)[::yticks_interval], [int(i) for i in #self.freq_space[::yticks_interval]]) #plt.xticks(xticks_loc, xticks_label) plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.title(title) #plt.colorbar() if savefig: plt.savefig('%s.png' % title.replace(' ', ''))
def plotBasisFunctions(self, eigenvalues, eigenvectors): '''3d plot of the basis function. Right now I am plotting eigenvectors, so each coordinate of the eigenvector correspond to the value to be plotted for the correspondent state.''' for i in range(len(eigenvalues)): # fig1 = plt.figure() # ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) # # ax1.set_title('Simple Heatmap with matplotlib and plotly') # # plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig1) # Z = eigenvectors[:, i].reshape(self.numCols, self.numRows) # plotly_fig['data'] = [dict(z=Z, type="heatmap", zmin=np.min(Z), zmax=np.max(Z), colorscale='Viridis')] # plotly_fig['layout']['xaxis'].update({'autorange': True}) # plotly_fig['layout']['yaxis'].update({'autorange': True}) # # plot_url = py.plot(plotly_fig, filename='mpl-basic-heatmap') Z = eigenvectors[:, i].reshape(self.numCols, self.numRows) # fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='3d')) X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(self.numRows), np.arange(self.numCols)) for ii in range(len(X)): for j in range(int(len(X[ii]) / 2)): tmp = X[ii][j] X[ii][j] = X[ii][len(X[ii]) - j - 1] X[ii][len(X[ii]) - j - 1] = tmp new_Z = Z[X][Y] plt.pcolor(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.Blues) # my_col = cm.jet(np.random.rand(Z.shape[0], Z.shape[1])) # surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, # cmap=cm.Blues, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) # ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(10)) # ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f')) # Add a color bar which maps values to colors. # fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) # plt.gca().view_init(elev=30, azim=30) plt.savefig( os.path.join(self.outputPath, ("Eigenvector" + str(i) + '_eig' + '.png'))) plt.close() plt.plot(eigenvalues, 'o') plt.savefig(self.outputPath + 'eigenvalues.png')
def test3(self): """ 2D + level """ print "This is a known failure for now. ESMF are looking into the error" u = + "/sample_data/")("u")[0, :, ...] uCart = u.regrid(u.getGrid(), regridTool="esmf", regridMethod="linear", coordSys="cart", periodicity=1) uDegr = u.regrid(u.getGrid(), regridTool="esmf", regridMethod="linear", coordSys="deg", periodicity=1) n = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, uCart.shape) mask = u == u.missing_value if PLOT: import matplotlib.pylab as pl fig = pl.figure() fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) pl.pcolor(u.getLongitude()[:], u.getLatitude()[:], uCart[1, ...], vmin=0) pl.colorbar() pl.title("Cartiesian") fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) pl.pcolor(u.getLongitude()[:], u.getLatitude()[:], uDegr[1, ...], vmin=0) pl.colorbar() pl.title("Degrees") if PRINT: print print "Level 0, u.min() = %11.3f, uInterp.min() = %11.3f" % (u[0, ...].min(), uInterp[0, ...].min()) print "Level 1, u.min() = %11.3f, uInterp.min() = %11.3f" % (u[1, ...].min(), uInterp[1, ...].min()) print "\nFor indices 52,59 and 60, 68" print "m means missing" print "d means uInterp < u" print ". means uInterp == u" for i in range(52, 59): string = "" for j in range(60, 68): if uInterp.mask[1, i, j] == True: string = string + "m" elif uInterp[1, i, j] < u[1, i, j]: string = string + "d" else: string = string + "." print string print diff = abs(numpy.sum(u * (1 - mask) - uCart) / float(n)) self.assertLess(diff, 1.0e-3) diff = abs(numpy.sum(u * (1 - mask) - uDegr) / float(n)) self.assertLess(diff, 1.0e-3)
def test1_regrid(self): clt = + '/')('clt')[0,...] ta = + '/')('ta')[0, 0,...] diag = {} cltInterp = clt.regrid( ta.getGrid(), regridTool = 'libcf', mkCyclic = True, verbose = True, diag = diag ) print cltInterp.sum() n = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, cltInterp.shape) self.assertLess(abs(cltInterp.sum() - 696921.0)/n, 0.3) if PLOT: pylab.pcolor(ta.getLongitude()[:], ta.getLatitude()[:], cltInterp) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('cltInterp') self.assertEqual(True, True)
def plot_feature_corr_matrix(df, title, figsave): corr = df.corr() xmax = df.shape[1] + 0.5 save_index = df.columns[0].split('_')[0] plt.figure(figsize=(14, 11)) plt.pcolor(corr, cmap='rainbow') plt.colorbar() plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5, xmax), corr.columns, rotation=90, fontsize=8) plt.yticks(np.arange(0.5, xmax), corr.columns, fontsize=8) plt.title(title) plt.xlim(0, xmax - 0.5) plt.ylim(0, xmax - 0.5) plt.savefig('Graphs/' + save_index + 'FeaturesHeatMap.png', bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_comparison_2D(X, Y, elec_pos, true_csd, true_pots, rec_csd, rec_pots, err_csd, err_pot): """ Plot for comparing model and reconstructed LFP and CSD in 2D. """ fig = plt.figure() ax11 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 1) pc1 = plt.pcolor(X, Y, true_csd) plt.colorbar(pc1) ax11.set_title('True CSD') ax12 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 2) pc2 = plt.pcolor(X, Y, rec_csd) plt.colorbar(pc2) ax12.set_title('Reconstructed CSD') ax13 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 3) pc3 = ax13.pcolor(X, Y, err_csd) plt.colorbar(pc3) ax13.set_title('CSD reconstruction error [%]') ax21 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 4) pc4 = plt.pcolor(X, Y, true_pots, cmap='RdYlBu') plt.colorbar(pc4) ax21.set_title('True LFP (forward scheme calculation from CSD)') ax22 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 5) pc5 = plt.pcolor(X, Y, rec_pots, cmap='RdYlBu') plt.colorbar(pc5) ax22.scatter(elec_pos[:, 0], elec_pos[:, 1], marker='o', c='b', s=3, zorder=10) ax22.set_xlim([np.min(X), np.max(X)]) ax22.set_ylim([np.min(Y), np.max(Y)]) ax22.set_title('Reconstructed LFP') ax23 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 6) pc6 = ax23.pcolor(X, Y, err_pot, cmap='RdYlBu') plt.colorbar(pc6) ax23.set_title('LFP reconstruction Error [%]')
def bagging(): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, random_state=35, test_size=0.2) x1_test = np.zeros((X_test.shape[0], len(classifiers))) #存储第一层测试集的输出结果 accuracy = np.zeros(len(classifiers)) #每个模型的准确率 for train_index, test_index in sss.split(X_train, y_train): x_train, x_test = x[train_index], x[test_index] y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] clf_num = 0 for clf in classifiers: clf_name = clf.__class__.__name__, y_train) x1_test[:, clf_num] += clf.predict(X_test) #直接对测试集进行预测,总共有十次,进行平均 accuracy[clf_num] += ( y_test == clf.predict(x_test)).mean() #该模型的准确率,十次平均 clf_num += 1 x1_test = x1_test / 10 accuracy = accuracy / 10, accuracy, width=0.5, color='b') plt.xlabel('Alog') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.xticks( np.arange(len(classifiers)) + 0.25, [ 'KNN', 'DT', 'RF', 'SVC', 'AdaB', 'GBC', 'GNB', 'LDA', 'QDA', 'LR', 'xgb' ]) pyl.pcolor(np.corrcoef(x1_test.T), cmap='Blues') pyl.colorbar() pyl.xticks(np.arange(0.5, 11.5), [ 'KNN', 'DT', 'RF', 'SVC', 'AdaB', 'GBC', 'GNB', 'LDA', 'QDA', 'LR', 'xgb' ]) pyl.yticks(np.arange(0.5, 11.5), [ 'KNN', 'DT', 'RF', 'SVC', 'AdaB', 'GBC', 'GNB', 'LDA', 'QDA', 'LR', 'xgb' ]) import pandas as pd index = [0, 1, 2, 5, 9] linear_prediction = x1_test[:, index].mean(axis=1) print np.shape(linear_prediction)
def Xtest1(self): """ Forward/backward interpolation """ fnm=vcs.sample_data+'/' s=f("clt") grdori = s.getGrid() nLon = s.shape[-1] nLat = s.shape[-2] xx = numpy.outer(numpy.ones( (nLat,), numpy.float32 ), s.getLongitude()[:]) yy = numpy.outer(s.getLatitude(), numpy.ones( (nLon,), numpy.float32) ) print s.shape, xx.shape, yy.shape #s[0,...] = 50.0*(1.0 + numpy.sin(4*numpy.pi * xx / 180.0) * numpy.cos(2*numpy.pi * yy / 180.0)) grid = cdms2.createGaussianGrid(64,128) sInterps = {} sInterps['regrid2'] = s.regrid(grid, regridTool='regrid2').regrid(grdori, regridTool='regrid2') sInterps['esmf linear'] = s.regrid(grid, regridTool='esmf', regridMethod = 'linear').regrid(grdori, regridTool='esmf', regridMethod = 'linear') diag = {} sInterps['libcf'] = s.regrid(grid, regridTool='libcf', diag=diag).regrid(grdori, regridTool='libcf', diag=diag) print diag diag = {} sInterps['esmf conserve'] = s.regrid(grid, regridTool='esmf', regridMethod = 'conserve', diag=diag).regrid(grdori, regridTool='esmf', regridMethod = 'conserve') print diag diff = abs(sInterps['regrid2'] - s).max() self.assertLess(diff, 63.0) diff = abs(sInterps['esmf linear'] - s).max() self.assertLess(diff, 45.0) diff = abs(sInterps['esmf conserve'] - s).max() self.assertLess(diff, 103.534) diff = abs(sInterps['libcf'] - s).max() self.assertLess(diff, 45.0) if PLOT: row = 0 for mth in sInterps: row += 1 pylab.subplot(2, 2, row) pylab.pcolor(sInterps[mth][0,...] - s[0,...], vmin = -10, vmax = 10) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title(mth + ' - original')
def Xtest6_ESMF_Conserve_LevelTime_clt(self): """ Interpolate over level/time in addition to lat-lon """ f = + '/sample_data/') clt = f('clt') v = f('v') # mask srcGridMask = numpy.array(v[0,0,...] == v.missing_value, numpy.int32) # v onto the ctl grid srcGrd, srcNDims = regrid2.gsRegrid.makeCurvilinear([v.getLatitude(), v.getLongitude()]) dstGrd, dstNDims = regrid2.gsRegrid.makeCurvilinear([clt.getLatitude(), clt.getLongitude()]) ro = regrid2.GenericRegrid(srcGrd, dstGrd, regridMethod = 'conserve', regridTool = 'esmp', periodicity = 1, srcGridMask = srcGridMask) ro.computeWeights() vInterp = numpy.ones(list(v.shape[:-2]) + list(clt.shape[-2:]), v.dtype) * v.missing_value ro.apply(numpy.array(v), vInterp, rootPe = 0) print 'min/max of v: %f %f' % (v.min(), v.max()) print 'min/max of vInterp: %f %f' % (vInterp.min(), vInterp.max()) if False: nTimes = v.shape[0] nLevels = v.shape[1] for el in range(nTimes): for k in range(nLevels): pl.figure() pl.subplot(1,2,1) pl.pcolor(srcGrd[1], srcGrd[0], v[el, k,...], vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('test6: v[%d, %d,...]' % (el, k)) pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(1,2,2) pl.pcolor(dstGrd[1], dstGrd[0], vInterp[el, k,...], vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('test6: vInterp[%d, %d,...]' % (el, k)) pl.colorbar()
def Plot(): u, G = Calculator() print 'G is', G print np.amax(G), np.amin(G) zvals = G # make a color map of fixed colors # tell imshow about color map so that only set colors are used #img = plt.imshow(zvals) img = plt.imshow(zvals,interpolation='nearest') # make a color bar plt.pcolor(zvals, vmin=0, vmax=0.05) plt.colorbar() #plt.colorbar(img,cmap=cmap, # norm=norm,boundaries=bounds,ticks=[-5,0,5])
def draw_out_put_digit(data, n, ans, recog): """ 学習済みのモデルが判定した画像を描画します. @param data 画像データ @param n 画像の通し番号 @param ans 正解ラベル @param recog 推定した数字 """ plt.subplot(10, 10, n) Z = data.reshape(SIZE, SIZE) Z = Z[::-1, :] plt.xlim(0, 27) plt.ylim(0, 27) plt.pcolor(Z) plt.title('ans=%d, recog=%d' % (ans, recog), size=8) plt.gray() plt.tick_params(labelbottom='off') plt.tick_params(labelleft='off')
def histogram2d(x, y, bins=10, range=None, normed=False, weights=None, log = False, filename = None, **formating): hist, x, y = numpy.histogram2d(x, y, bins, range, normed, weights) if log is True: hist = numpy.log(hist) X, Y = pylab.meshgrid(x,y) pylab.pcolor(X, Y,hist.transpose()) pylab.colorbar() doFormating(**formating) if filename is not None: pylab.savefig(filename) pylab.clf()
def test5_LibCF_LevelTime(self): """ Interpolate over one level/time """ f = + '/sample_data/') clt = f('clt') v = f('v') # mask srcGridMask = numpy.array(v[0,0,...] == v.missing_value, numpy.int32) # v onto the ctl grid srcGrd, srcNDims = regrid2.gsRegrid.makeCurvilinear([v.getLatitude(), v.getLongitude()]) dstGrd, dstNDims = regrid2.gsRegrid.makeCurvilinear([clt.getLatitude(), clt.getLongitude()]) ro = regrid2.GenericRegrid(srcGrd, dstGrd, clt.dtype, regridMethod = 'linear', regridTool = 'esmf', periodicity = 1, coordSys = 'cart', srcGridMask = srcGridMask) ro.computeWeights() vInterp = numpy.ones(clt.shape[-2:], v.dtype) * v.missing_value ro.apply(numpy.array(v[0,0,...]), vInterp, rootPe = 0) print 'min/max of v: %f %f' % (v.min(), v.max()) print 'min/max of vInterp: %f %f' % (vInterp.min(), vInterp.max()) if False: pl.figure() pl.subplot(1,2,1) pl.pcolor(srcGrd[1], srcGrd[0], v[0, 0,...], vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('test5: v[0, 0,...]') pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(1,2,2) pl.pcolor(dstGrd[1], dstGrd[0], vInterp, vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('test5: vInterp') pl.colorbar()
def testSalinityModel(self): print "\nACCESS Salinity model" srcGrid = dstGrid = self.clt.getGrid() ro = CdmsRegrid(srcGrid = srcGrid, dstGrid = dstGrid, dtype =, regridTool = 'gsregrid', # "ESMp", regridMethod = "Linear") soInterp = ro( print 'type(soInterp) = ', type(soInterp) soMin, soMax =, print "min/max of %f %f" % (soMin, soMax) soInterpMin, soInterpMax = soInterp.min(), soInterp.max() print "min/max of soInterp: %f %f" % (soInterpMin, soInterpMax) self.assertEqual(, soInterp.missing_value) self.assertLess(soInterpMax, 1.01*soMax) self.assertLess(0.99*soMin, soInterpMin) self.assertEqual(soInterp.shape[0],[0]) self.assertEqual(soInterp.shape[1],[1]) self.assertEqual(soInterp.shape[2], dstGrid.shape[0]) self.assertEqual(soInterp.shape[3], dstGrid.shape[1]) if False: nTimes =[0] nLevels = 3 for time in range(nTimes): pl.figure(time) f = 1 for k in [0,15,30]: pl.subplot(3,2,f) pl.pcolor([time, k, ...], vmin = 20, vmax = 40) pl.title("so[%d, %d,...]" % (time, k)) pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(3,2,f+1) pl.pcolor(soInterp[time, k, ...], vmin = 20, vmax = 40) pl.title("so[%d, %d,...]" % (time, k)) pl.colorbar() f+=2 pl.suptitle("ACCESS Salinity Test for Time + Levels")
def testMultipleTimesAndElevations(self): """ Interpolate over time and elevation axes """ f = + '/sample_data/') clt = f('clt') v = f('v') srcGrid = v.getGrid() dstGrid = clt.getGrid() ro = CdmsRegrid(srcGrid = srcGrid, dstGrid = dstGrid, dtype = v.dtype) vInterp = ro(v) mask = (v == v.missing_value) if self.rank == 0: vMin, vMax = v.min(), (v*(1-mask)).max() vInterpMin, vInterpMax = vInterp.min(), (vInterp).max() print 'min/max of v: %f %f' % (vMin, vMax) print 'min/max of vInterp: %f %f' % (vInterpMin, vInterpMax) self.assertLess(abs(vMin - vInterpMin), 0.4) self.assertLess(abs(vMax - vInterpMax), 0.2) if False and self.rank == 0: nTimes = v.shape[0] nLevels = v.shape[1] for el in range(nTimes): for k in range(nLevels): pl.figure() pl.subplot(1,2,1) pl.pcolor(v[el, k,...], vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('testMultipleTimesAndElevations: v[%d, %d,...]' % (el, k)) pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(1,2,2) pl.pcolor(vInterp[el, k,...], vmin=-20, vmax=20) pl.title('testMultipleTimesAndElevations: vInterp[%d, %d,...]' % (el, k)) pl.colorbar()
def test_2d_libcf(self): #print 'running test_2d_libcf...' f = + \ '/') so = f('so')[0, 0, :, :] clt = + '/')('clt')[0, :, :] tic = time.time() soInterp = so.regrid(clt.getGrid(), regridTool='libcf') soInterpInterp = soInterp.regrid(so.getGrid(), regridTool='libcf') toc = time.time() #print 'time to interpolate forward/backward (gsRegrid): ', toc - tic ntot = reduce(operator.mul, so.shape) avgdiff = numpy.sum(so - soInterpInterp) / float(ntot) #print 'avgdiff = ', avgdiff self.assertLess(abs(avgdiff), 7.e-3) if PLOT: pylab.figure(1) pylab.pcolor(abs(so - soInterpInterp), vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('gsRegrid')
def test_2d_esmf(self): #print 'running test_2d_esmf...' f = + \ '/sample_data/') so = f('so')[0, 0, :, :] clt = + '/sample_data/')('clt')[0, :, :] tic = time.time() soInterp = so.regrid(clt.getGrid(), regridTool='ESMF') #, periodicity=1) soInterpInterp = soInterp.regrid(so.getGrid(), regridTool='ESMF') toc = time.time() #print 'time to interpolate (ESMF linear) forward/backward: ', toc - tic ntot = reduce(operator.mul, so.shape) avgdiff = numpy.sum(so - soInterpInterp) / float(ntot) #print 'avgdiff = ', avgdiff self.assertLess(abs(avgdiff), 5.2e18) if PLOT: pylab.figure(2) pylab.pcolor(abs(so - soInterpInterp), vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('ESMF linear')
def test5_esmf_conserve(self): diagDeg = {'srcAreaFractions':None, 'srcAreas':None, 'dstAreas':None} diagCar = {'srcAreaFractions':None, 'srcAreas':None, 'dstAreas':None} soDegree = self.giss.regrid(self.tasGood.getGrid(), regridTool='esmf', regridMethod='conserve', coordSys='degrees', diag = diagDeg) soCartes = self.giss.regrid(self.tasGood.getGrid(), regridTool='esmf', regridMethod='conserve', coordSys='cart', diag = diagCar) smDeg = (self.giss * diagDeg['srcAreaFractions'] * diagDeg['srcAreas']).sum() dmDeg = (self.giss * diagDeg['srcAreaFractions'] * diagDeg['srcAreas']).sum() smCar = (self.giss * diagCar['srcAreaFractions'] * diagCar['srcAreas']).sum() dmCar = (self.giss * diagCar['srcAreaFractions'] * diagCar['srcAreas']).sum() if == 0: self.assertLess(abs(smDeg - dmDeg), 1.e-5) self.assertLess(abs(smCar - dmCar), 1.e-5) if Plot: fig = pl.figure('Giss -> HadGem2') fig.add_subplot(2,2,1) pl.pcolor(self.giss, vmin = 20, vmax = 40) pl.colorbar() pl.title('self.giss') fig.add_subplot(2,2,2) pl.pcolor(soDegree, vmin = 20, vmax = 40) pl.colorbar() pl.title('soDegree') fig.add_subplot(2,2,3) pl.pcolor(soCartes, vmin = 20, vmax = 40) pl.colorbar() pl.title('soCartes')
def split_solution(self,outdir=None,split_q=True,split_aux=True,update_aux=None,debug=False,ptc_split=None): if outdir is None: outdir = self.outdir if update_aux is None: update_aux = self.update_aux if ptc_split is None: ptc_split=self.mpi_split sampling = self.sampling if debug: plt.figure() for frame in self.frame_range: if ptc_split: if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.rank==0: print frame if split_q: ptcname = self._ptc_base+str(frame).zfill(4) ptcfile = os.path.join(outdir,ptcname) self.ptc_split(outdir=outdir,ptcfile=ptcfile,num_var=self.num_eqn, affix=['sol'+str(frame).zfill(4),'s'], irange=self.s_range) if split_aux: auxname = self._aux_base+str(frame).zfill(4) auxfile = os.path.join(outdir,auxname) self.ptc_split(outdir=outdir,ptcfile=auxfile,num_var=self.num_aux, affix=['sol_aux'+str(frame).zfill(4),'n'], poynting=False,irange=self.aux_range) if not update_aux: split_aux=False else: solution = Solution(),path=outdir,file_format='petsc',read_aux=split_aux) q = solution.state.get_q_global() if self.num_dim==2: if self.expand_2d: q = q[:,::sampling,::sampling,np.newaxis] else: q = q[:,::sampling,::sampling,::sampling] if debug: plt.subplot(3,1,1) plt.pcolor(q[1,:,:,16]) plt.subplot(3,1,2) plt.pcolor(q[1,:,:,0]) self.write_split(q,'q',frame=frame,irange=self.q_range,outdir=outdir) if split_aux: aux = solution.state.get_aux_global() if self.num_dim==2: if self.expand_2d: aux = aux[:,::sampling,::sampling,np.newaxis] else: aux = aux[:,::sampling,::sampling,::sampling] if debug: plt.subplot(3,1,3) plt.pcolor(aux[0,:,:,16]) self.write_split(aux,'aux',frame=frame,irange=self.aux_range,outdir=outdir) if not update_aux: split_aux=False
def createAndSaveHeatMap(dataArray, figFileRoot, xLabel="", yLabel="", xMin=0, xMax=-1, yMin=0, yMax=-1, colorMap=0, maxInt=0, vMin=0, vMax=0, fontSize=20, majorFontSize=18, pngDPI=150, svgDPI=75, svgFlag=0): """Make a 2D intensity map of the data and save it to file.""" colorList = [None,,,] if vMin == -10: vMin = 0 if vMax == 0: for a in dataArray.flat: if not isnan(a) and a > vMax: vMax = a plt.pcolor(dataArray, cmap=colorList[colorMap], vmin=vMin, vmax=vMax) plt.xlabel(xLabel, fontsize=fontSize) plt.ylabel(yLabel, fontsize=fontSize) plt.colorbar(orientation="vertical") ax = plt.gca() for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(majorFontSize) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(majorFontSize) if xMax == -1: plt.xlim() else: plt.xlim(xMin, xMax) if yMax == -1: plt.ylim() else: plt.ylim(yMin, yMax) if maxInt != 0: plt.clim(0, maxInt) plt.savefig(figFileRoot + '.png', dpi=pngDPI) if svgFlag == 1: plt.savefig(figFileRoot + '.svg', dpi=svgDPI) plt.clf()