def _plot_image(self, axis: plt.Axes=None, title: str=''): plt.ioff() if axis is None: fig, axis = plt.subplots() axis.imshow(self.array, cmap=get_dicom_cmap()) axis.axhline(self.positions['vertical']*self.array.shape[0], color='r') # y axis.axvline(self.positions['horizontal']*self.array.shape[1], color='r') # x _remove_ticklabels(axis) axis.set_title(title)
def _plot_flatness(self, direction: str, axis: plt.Axes=None): plt.ioff() if axis is None: fig, axis = plt.subplots() data = self.flatness[direction.lower()] axis.set_title(direction.capitalize() + " Flatness") axis.plot(data['profile'].values) _remove_ticklabels(axis) axis.axhline(data['profile max'], color='r') axis.axhline(data['profile min'], color='r') axis.axvline(data['profile left'], color='g', linestyle='-.') axis.axvline(data['profile right'], color='g', linestyle='-.')
def generate_distance_plot(distances: List[float], similarity_cutoff: float, filename: Optional[Path] = None, ax: plt.Axes = None): """ Shows the spread of computed pairwise distances as a histogram.""" if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12, 10)) seaborn.distplot(distances, ax = ax, kde = False, rug = True, bins = 20) ax.axvline(similarity_cutoff, color = 'red') ax.set_title("Pairwise distances between each pair of trajectories") ax.set_xlabel("Distance") ax.set_ylabel("Count") ax.set_xlim(0, max(distances)) plt.tight_layout() if filename: plt.savefig(filename) else:
def plot_ghi_curves( clearsky_ghi: np.ndarray, station_ghi: np.ndarray, pred_ghi: typing.Optional[np.ndarray], window_start: datetime.datetime, window_end: datetime.datetime, sample_step: datetime.timedelta, horiz_offset: datetime.timedelta, ax: plt.Axes, station_name: typing.Optional[typing.AnyStr] = None, station_color: typing.Optional[typing.AnyStr] = None, current_time: typing.Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, ) -> plt.Axes: """Plots a set of GHI curves and returns the associated matplotlib axes object. This function is used in ``draw_daily_ghi`` and ``preplot_live_ghi_curves`` to create simple graphs of GHI curves (clearsky, measured, predicted). """ assert clearsky_ghi.ndim == 1 and station_ghi.ndim == 1 and clearsky_ghi.size == station_ghi.size assert pred_ghi is None or (pred_ghi.ndim == 1 and clearsky_ghi.size == pred_ghi.size) hour_tick_locator = matplotlib.dates.HourLocator(interval=4) minute_tick_locator = matplotlib.dates.HourLocator(interval=1) datetime_fmt = matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter("%H:%M") datetime_range = pd.date_range(window_start, window_end, freq=sample_step) xrange_real = matplotlib.dates.date2num([d.to_pydatetime() for d in datetime_range]) if current_time is not None: ax.axvline(x=matplotlib.dates.date2num(current_time), color="r", label="current") station_name = f"measured ({station_name})" if station_name else "measured" ax.plot(xrange_real, clearsky_ghi, ":", label="clearsky") if station_color is not None: ax.plot(xrange_real, station_ghi, linestyle="solid", color=station_color, label=station_name) else: ax.plot(xrange_real, station_ghi, linestyle="solid", label=station_name) datetime_range = pd.date_range(window_start + horiz_offset, window_end + horiz_offset, freq=sample_step) xrange_offset = matplotlib.dates.date2num([d.to_pydatetime() for d in datetime_range]) if pred_ghi is not None: ax.plot(xrange_offset, pred_ghi, ".-", label="predicted") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(hour_tick_locator) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(datetime_fmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minute_tick_locator) hour_offset = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) // sample_step ax.set_xlim(xrange_real[hour_offset - 1], xrange_real[-hour_offset + 1]) ax.format_xdata = matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") ax.grid(True) return ax
def _plot_cluster(ax: plt.Axes, cluster: pd.Series) -> None: if len(cluster) >= 2: ax.axvspan( xmin=cluster.index[0], xmax=cluster.index[-1], alpha=0.25, edgecolor="None", facecolor="#D1D3D4", zorder=2.5, ) for cluster_boundary in [cluster.index[0], cluster.index[-1]]: ax.axvline( cluster_boundary, ls="--", lw=0.5, color="#D1D3D4", zorder=5, )
def scatter_peaks_no_peaks( top_eco: pd.DataFrame, top_naked: pd.DataFrame, non_top_eco: pd.DataFrame, non_top_naked: pd.DataFrame, ax: plt.Axes = None, ): if not ax: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12)) ax.set_xlabel("Chromatin") ax.set_ylabel("Naked") ax.scatter( non_top_eco, non_top_naked, alpha=0.2, label="All Points", ) ax.scatter(top_eco, top_naked, label="Open ATAC") ax.axvline(non_top_eco.mean(), color="C0") ax.axvline(top_eco.mean(), color="C1") ax.axhline(non_top_naked.mean(), color="C0") ax.axhline(top_naked.mean(), color="C1") ax.legend( loc="upper right", frameon=False, shadow=False, ) # We concatenate the two DFs to a single one so that the dropna() call will # "synced" between the two different rows top = pd.DataFrame({"chrom": top_eco, "naked": top_naked}).dropna(axis=0) all_ = pd.DataFrame({ "chrom": non_top_eco, "naked": non_top_naked }).dropna(axis=0) r_top, _ = scipy.stats.pearsonr(top.loc[:, "chrom"], top.loc[:, "naked"]) r_all, _ = scipy.stats.pearsonr(all_.loc[:, "chrom"], all_.loc[:, "naked"]) ax.text(0.01, 0.8, f"R (top) = {r_top} \nR (rest) = {r_all}", transform=ax.transAxes) return ax
def add_sh_order_lines(ax: plt.Axes, order=None, args_dict=None, x_flag=True, y_flag=True): if args_dict is None: args_dict = {} from src.utils.sphere import sh if order is None: order = sh.i2nm(np.floor(ax.get_xlim()[1]))[0] n = np.arange(order) m = n locs = sh.nm2i(n, m) + 0.5 for loc in locs: if x_flag: ax.axvline(loc, color='red', **args_dict) if y_flag: ax.axhline(loc, color='red', **args_dict)
def plot_residual(self, ax: plt.Axes) -> plt.Axes: # compute the residual and observation standard deviation residual = self.df["residual"] obs_se = self.df["residual_se"] max_obs_se = np.quantile(obs_se, 0.99) fill_index = self.df[self.model.cwdata.col_study_id].str.contains( "fill") # create funnel plot ax = plt.subplots()[1] if ax is None else ax ax.set_ylim(max_obs_se, 0.0) ax.scatter(residual, obs_se, color="gray", alpha=0.4) if fill_index.sum() > 0: ax.scatter(residual[fill_index], obs_se[fill_index], color="#008080", alpha=0.7) ax.scatter(residual[self.df.outlier == 1], obs_se[self.df.outlier == 1], color='red', marker='x', alpha=0.4) ax.fill_betweenx([0.0, max_obs_se], [0.0, -1.96 * max_obs_se], [0.0, 1.96 * max_obs_se], color='#B0E0E6', alpha=0.4) ax.plot([0, -1.96 * max_obs_se], [0.0, max_obs_se], linewidth=1, color='#87CEFA') ax.plot([0.0, 1.96 * max_obs_se], [0.0, max_obs_se], linewidth=1, color='#87CEFA') ax.axvline(0.0, color='k', linewidth=1, linestyle='--') ax.set_xlabel("residual") ax.set_ylabel("ln_rr_se") ax.set_title( f"{}: egger_mean={self.se_model['mean']: .3f}, " f"egger_sd={self.se_model['sd']: .3f}, " f"egger_pval={self.se_model['pval']: .3f}", loc="left") return ax
def add_tukey_marks( data: pd.Series, ax: plt.Axes, annot: bool = True, iqr_color: str = "r", fence_color: str = "k", fence_style: str = "--", annot_quarts: bool = False, ) -> plt.Axes: """Add IQR box and fences to a histogram-like plot. Args: data (pd.Series): Data for calculating IQR and fences. ax (plt.Axes): Axes to annotate. iqr_color (str, optional): Color of shaded IQR box. Defaults to "r". fence_color (str, optional): Fence line color. Defaults to "k". fence_style (str, optional): Fence line style. Defaults to "--". annot_quarts (bool, optional): Annotate Q1 and Q3. Defaults to False. Returns: plt.Axes: Annotated Axes object. """ q1 = data.quantile(0.25) q3 = data.quantile(0.75) ax.axvspan(q1, q3, color=iqr_color, alpha=0.2) iqr_mp = q1 + ((q3 - q1) / 2) lower, upper = outliers.tukey_fences(data) ax.axvline(lower, c=fence_color, ls=fence_style) ax.axvline(upper, c=fence_color, ls=fence_style) text_yval = ax.get_ylim()[1] text_yval *= 1.01 if annot: ax.text(iqr_mp, text_yval, "IQR", ha="center") if annot_quarts: ax.text(q1, text_yval, "Q1", ha="center") ax.text(q3, text_yval, "Q3", ha="center") ax.text(upper, text_yval, "Fence", ha="center") ax.text(lower, text_yval, "Fence", ha="center") return ax
def _plot_image(self, axis: plt.Axes = None, title: str = ''): plt.ioff() if axis is None: fig, axis = plt.subplots() axis.imshow(self.image.array, cmap=get_dicom_cmap()) #show horizontal profiles left_profile = ( self.positions['horizontal'] - self.widths['horizontal'] / 2) * self.image.array.shape[0] right_profile = ( self.positions['horizontal'] + self.widths['horizontal'] / 2) * self.image.array.shape[0] axis.axhline(left_profile, color='r') # X axis.axhline(right_profile, color='r') # X #show vertical profiles bottom_profile = ( self.positions['vertical'] - self.widths['vertical'] / 2) * self.image.array.shape[1] top_profile = (self.positions['vertical'] + self.widths['vertical'] / 2) * self.image.array.shape[1] axis.axvline(bottom_profile, color='r') # Y axis.axvline(top_profile, color='r') # Y _remove_ticklabels(axis) axis.set_title(title)
def _plot_symmetry(self, direction: str, axis: plt.Axes=None): plt.ioff() if axis is None: fig, axis = plt.subplots() data = self.symmetry[direction.lower()] axis.set_title(direction.capitalize() + " Symmetry") axis.plot(data['profile'].values) # plot lines cax_idx = data['profile'].fwxm_center() axis.axvline(data['profile left'], color='g', linestyle='-.') axis.axvline(data['profile right'], color='g', linestyle='-.') axis.axvline(cax_idx, color='m', linestyle='-.') # plot symmetry array if not data['array'] == 0: twin_axis = axis.twinx() twin_axis.plot(range(cax_idx, data['profile right']), data['array'][int(round(len(data['array'])/2)):]) twin_axis.set_ylabel("Symmetry (%)") _remove_ticklabels(axis) # plot profile mirror central_idx = int(round(data['profile'].values.size / 2)) offset = cax_idx - central_idx mirror_vals = data['profile'].values[::-1] axis.plot(data['profile']._indices + 2 * offset, mirror_vals)
def add_geodesic_grid(ax: plt.Axes, manifold: Stereographic, line_width=0.1): import math # define geodesic grid parameters N_EVALS_PER_GEODESIC = 10000 STYLE = "--" COLOR = "gray" LINE_WIDTH = line_width # get manifold properties K = manifold.k.item() R = manifold.radius.item() # get maximal numerical distance to origin on manifold if K < 0: # create point on R r = torch.tensor((R, 0.0), dtype=manifold.dtype) # project point on R into valid range (epsilon border) r = manifold.projx(r) # determine distance from origin max_dist_0 = manifold.dist0(r).item() else: max_dist_0 = math.pi * R # adjust line interval for spherical geometry circumference = 2 * math.pi * R # determine reasonable number of geodesics # choose the grid interval size always as if we'd be in spherical # geometry, such that the grid interpolates smoothly and evenly # divides the sphere circumference n_geodesics_per_circumference = 4 * 6 # multiple of 4! n_geodesics_per_quadrant = n_geodesics_per_circumference // 2 grid_interval_size = circumference / n_geodesics_per_circumference if K < 0: n_geodesics_per_quadrant = int(max_dist_0 / grid_interval_size) # create time evaluation array for geodesics if K < 0: min_t = -1.2 * max_dist_0 else: min_t = -circumference / 2.0 t = torch.linspace(min_t, -min_t, N_EVALS_PER_GEODESIC)[:, None] # define a function to plot the geodesics def plot_geodesic(gv): ax.plot(*gv.t().numpy(), STYLE, color=COLOR, linewidth=LINE_WIDTH) # define geodesic directions u_x = torch.tensor((0.0, 1.0)) u_y = torch.tensor((1.0, 0.0)) # add origin x/y-crosshair o = torch.tensor((0.0, 0.0)) if K < 0: x_geodesic = manifold.geodesic_unit(t, o, u_x) y_geodesic = manifold.geodesic_unit(t, o, u_y) plot_geodesic(x_geodesic) plot_geodesic(y_geodesic) else: # add the crosshair manually for the sproj of sphere # because the lines tend to get thicker if plotted # as done for K<0 ax.axvline(0, linestyle=STYLE, color=COLOR, linewidth=LINE_WIDTH) ax.axhline(0, linestyle=STYLE, color=COLOR, linewidth=LINE_WIDTH) # add geodesics per quadrant for i in range(1, n_geodesics_per_quadrant): i = torch.as_tensor(float(i)) # determine start of geodesic on x/y-crosshair x = manifold.geodesic_unit(i * grid_interval_size, o, u_y) y = manifold.geodesic_unit(i * grid_interval_size, o, u_x) # compute point on geodesics x_geodesic = manifold.geodesic_unit(t, x, u_x) y_geodesic = manifold.geodesic_unit(t, y, u_y) # plot geodesics plot_geodesic(x_geodesic) plot_geodesic(y_geodesic) if K < 0: plot_geodesic(-x_geodesic) plot_geodesic(-y_geodesic)
def overlay_entropy_profiles(self, axes: plt.Axes = None, r_units: str = 'r500', k_units: str = 'K500adi', vkb05_line: bool = True, color: str = 'k', alpha: float = 1., markersize: float = 1, linewidth: float = 0.5) -> None: stand_alone = False if axes is None: stand_alone = True fig, axes = plt.subplots() axes.loglog() axes.set_xlabel(f'$r$ [{r_units}]') axes.set_ylabel(f'$K$ [${k_units}$]') axes.axvline(1, linestyle=':', color=color, alpha=alpha) # Set-up entropy data fields = [ 'K_500', 'K_1000', 'K_1500', 'K_2500', 'K_0p15r500', 'K_30kpc' ] K_stat = dict() if k_units == 'K500adi': K_conv = 1 / getattr(self, 'K_500_adi') axes.axhline(1, linestyle=':', color=color, alpha=alpha) elif k_units == 'keVcm^2': K_conv = np.ones_like(getattr(self, 'K_500_adi')) axes.fill_between(np.array(axes.get_xlim()), y1=np.nanmin(self.K_500_adi), y2=np.nanmax(self.K_500_adi), facecolor='k', alpha=0.3) else: raise ValueError("Conversion unit unknown.") for field in fields: data = np.multiply(getattr(self, field), K_conv) K_stat[field] = (np.nanpercentile(data, 16), np.nanpercentile(data, 50), np.nanpercentile(data, 84)) K_stat[field.replace('K', 'num')] = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(data)) # Set-up radial distance data r_stat = dict() if r_units == 'r500': r_conv = 1 / getattr(self, 'r_500') elif r_units == 'r2500': r_conv = 1 / getattr(self, 'r_2500') elif r_units == 'kpc': r_conv = np.ones_like(getattr(self, 'r_2500')) else: raise ValueError("Conversion unit unknown.") for field in ['r_500', 'r_1000', 'r_1500', 'r_2500']: data = np.multiply(getattr(self, field), r_conv) if k_units == 'K500adi': data[np.isnan(self.K_500_adi)] = np.nan r_stat[field] = (np.nanpercentile(data, 16), np.nanpercentile(data, 50), np.nanpercentile(data, 84)) r_stat[field.replace('r', 'num')] = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(data)) data = np.multiply(getattr(self, 'r_500') * 0.15, r_conv) if k_units == 'K500adi': data[np.isnan(self.K_500_adi)] = np.nan r_stat['r_0p15r500'] = (np.nanpercentile(data, 16), np.nanpercentile(data, 50), np.nanpercentile(data, 84)) r_stat['num_0p15r500'] = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(data)) data = np.multiply( np.ones_like(getattr(self, 'r_2500')) * 30 * unyt.kpc, r_conv) if k_units == 'K500adi': data[np.isnan(self.K_500_adi)] = np.nan r_stat['r_30kpc'] = (np.nanpercentile(data, 16), np.nanpercentile(data, 50), np.nanpercentile(data, 84)) r_stat['num_30kpc'] = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(data)) for suffix in [ '_500', '_1000', '_1500', '_2500', '_0p15r500', '_30kpc' ]: x_low, x, x_hi = r_stat['r' + suffix] y_low, y, y_hi = K_stat['K' + suffix] num_objects = f"{r_stat['num' + suffix]}, {K_stat['num' + suffix]}" point_label = f"r{suffix:.<17s} Num(x,y) = {num_objects}" if stand_alone: axes.scatter(x, y, label=point_label, s=markersize) axes.errorbar(x, y, yerr=[[y_hi - y], [y - y_low]], xerr=[[x_hi - x], [x - x_low]], ls='none', ms=markersize, lw=linewidth) else: axes.scatter(x, y, color=color, alpha=alpha, s=markersize) axes.errorbar(x, y, yerr=[[y_hi - y], [y - y_low]], xerr=[[x_hi - x], [x - x_low]], ls='none', ecolor=color, alpha=alpha, ms=markersize, lw=linewidth) if vkb05_line: if r_units == 'r500' and k_units == 'K500adi': r = np.linspace(*axes.get_xlim(), 31) k = 1.40 * r**1.1 / self.hconv axes.plot(r, k, linestyle='--', color=color, alpha=alpha) else: print(( "The VKB05 adiabatic threshold should be plotted only when both " "axes are in scaled units, since the line is calibrated on an NFW " "profile with self-similar halos with an average concentration of " "c_500 ~ 4.2 for the objects in the Sun et al. (2009) sample." )) if k_units == 'K500adi': r_r500, S_S500_50, S_S500_10, S_S500_90 = self.get_shortcut() plt.fill_between(r_r500, S_S500_10, S_S500_90, color='grey', alpha=0.5, linewidth=0) plt.plot(r_r500, S_S500_50, c='k') if stand_alone: plt.legend()
def _draw_truth_offdiag(ax: plt.Axes, truth_x, truth_y, **kwargs): ax.axvline(truth_x, **kwargs) ax.axhline(truth_y, **kwargs)
def show_latent( seq: Sequence, ax: plt.Axes = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple] = None, colors: Sequence = None, show_bars: bool = True, bar_width: float = 0.1, bar_location: str = "top", show_vlines: bool = True, vline_kws: Optional[dict] = None, shift: float = 0, ): """ Display a bar plot showing how the latent state changes with time. The bars are drawn either above or below the current extents of the plot, expanding the y limits appropriately. Parameters ---------- seq Sequence indicating the latent state. ax Axes in which to draw the bars. If not given, `plt.gca()` is used. bounds If not `None`, this should be a tuple `(t0, t1)` such that the latent state is shown only for time points `t >= t0` and `t < t1`. If this is `None`, the extents are inferred from the current axis limits. colors Sequence of colors to use for the identities. By default Matplotlib's default color cycle is used. show_bars If `True`, colored bars are drawn to indicate the current state. bar_width Width of the bars, given as a fraction of the vertical extent of the plot. Note that this is calculated at the moment the function is called. bar_location Location of the bars. This can be "top" or "bottom". show_vlines If `True`, vertical lines are drawn to show transition points. vline_kws Keywords to pass to `axvline`. shift Amount by which to shift bars and lines to the right (towards higher values). """ # handle trivial case if len(seq) == 0: return # handle defaults if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if colors is None: prop_cycle = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] colors = prop_cycle.by_key()["color"] if bounds is None: bounds = ax.get_xlim() # find transition points transitions = np.diff(seq).nonzero()[0] + 1 # find the first transition in the given range visible_mask = transitions + shift >= bounds[0] if np.any(visible_mask): idx0 = visible_mask.argmax() else: idx0 = None if show_vlines and idx0 is not None: # set up the vline parameters if vline_kws is not None: crt_vline_kws = copy.copy(vline_kws) else: crt_vline_kws = {} crt_vline_kws.setdefault("ls", ":") crt_vline_kws.setdefault("lw", 0.5) crt_vline_kws.setdefault("c", "k") for transition in transitions[idx0:]: if transition + shift >= bounds[1]: break ax.axvline(transition + shift, **crt_vline_kws) if show_bars: # find how big the bar is in data coordinates... yl = ax.get_ylim() yrange = yl[1] - yl[0] bar_width_data = yrange * bar_width # ...and where to place it if bar_location == "top": bar_y = yl[1] # adjust limits yl = (yl[0], bar_y + bar_width_data) elif bar_location == "bottom": bar_y = yl[0] - bar_width_data # adjust limits yl = (bar_y, yl[1]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown bar location option.") # start drawing! x0 = max(bounds[0] - shift, 0) if idx0 is not None: next_idx = idx0 else: next_idx = len(transitions) + 1 while x0 + shift < bounds[1] and int(x0) < len(seq): crt_id = seq[int(x0)] x1 = transitions[next_idx] if next_idx < len(transitions) else len( seq) x1 = min(x1, bounds[1] - shift) if x1 > x0: patch = patches.Rectangle( (x0 + shift, bar_y), x1 - x0, bar_width_data, edgecolor="none", facecolor=colors[crt_id % len(colors)], ) ax.add_patch(patch) next_idx += 1 x0 = x1 # adjust limits ax.set_ylim(*yl)
def plot_apogee(self, ax: plt.Axes): line = ax.axvline(x=self.time_apogee.to_datetime(), label='apogee', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) return line