예제 #1
def histplot_2d(
        var_x: pd.Series, var_y: pd.Series,
        xbins: Union[tuple, list], ybins: Union[tuple, list],
        weights: pd.Series,
        ax: plt.axes,
        fig: plt.figure,
        n_threads: int = config.n_threads,
        is_z_log: bool = True,
        is_square: bool = True,
) -> bh.Histogram:
    Plots and prints out 2d histogram. Does not support axis transforms (yet!)

    :param var_x: pandas series of var to plot on x-axis
    :param var_y: pandas series of var to plot on y-axis
    :param xbins: tuple of bins in x (n_bins, start, stop) or list of bin edges
    :param ybins: tuple of bins in y (n_bins, start, stop) or list of bin edges
    :param weights: series of weights to apply to axes
    :param ax: axis to plot on
    :param fig: figure to plot on (for colourbar)
    :param n_threads: number of threads for filling
    :param is_z_log: whether z-axis should be scaled logarithmically
    :param is_square: whether to set square aspect ratio
    :return: histogram
    # setup and fill histogram
    hist_2d = bh.Histogram(get_axis(xbins), get_axis(ybins))
    hist_2d.fill(var_x, var_y, weight=weights, threads=n_threads)

    if is_z_log:
        norm = LogNorm()
        norm = None

    # setup mesh differently depending on bh storage
    if hasattr(hist_2d.view(), 'value'):
        mesh = ax.pcolormesh(*hist_2d.axes.edges.T, hist_2d.view().value.T, norm=norm)
        mesh = ax.pcolormesh(*hist_2d.axes.edges.T, hist_2d.view().T, norm=norm)

    fig.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)

    if is_square:  # square aspect ratio
        ax.set_aspect(1 / ax.get_data_ratio())

    return hist_2d
예제 #2
def draw_model_prediction(fig: plt.figure,
                          ax: plt.axis,
                          model: nn.Module,
                          gw: int = 0,
                          min_point: (float, float) = (0, 0),
                          max_point: (float, float) = (500, 500),
                          resolution: float = 1,
                          apply_ploss: bool = True,
                          colorbar: bool = True,
                          detection_flag: bool = False,
                          detection_threshold: float = -140,
    x_mesh, y_mesh = np.mgrid[min_point[0]:max_point[0]:resolution,
    x = x_mesh.ravel()
    y = y_mesh.ravel()
    data_x = np.stack([x, y], axis=1).astype(np.float32)
    if detection_flag is False:
        z = model(torch.from_numpy(data_x).to(device),
                  apply_ploss).detach()[:, gw, 0].cpu().numpy()
        #z = model(torch.from_numpy(data_x).to(device), apply_ploss).detach()[:, gw, 0].cpu().numpy()
        z = model(torch.from_numpy(data_x).to(device),
                  apply_ploss).detach()[:, gw, :].cpu().numpy()
        sub_z1 = z[:, 1]
        sub_z = z[:, 0]
        sub_z[sub_z1 < 0.9] = detection_threshold
        z = z[:, 0]
    z = z.reshape((int(max_point[0] - min_point[0]),
                   int(max_point[1] - min_point[1]))).transpose()
    z[z < detection_threshold] = detection_threshold
    im = ax.imshow(z, norm=colors.PowerNorm(gamma=2))
    if colorbar:
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
        cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05)
        fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical', label='dBm')
    return im
예제 #3
def Update_Axes(fig: plt.figure, Axes: np.ndarray, u_NN: Neural_Network,
                Points: torch.Tensor, n: int) -> None:
    """ This function plots the approximate solution and residual at the
    specified points.

    fig : The figure object to which the Axes belong. We need this to set up
    the color bars.

    Axes : The array of Axes object that we will plot on. Note that this
    function will overwrite these axes.

    u_NN : The neural network that gives the approximate solution to Poisson's

    Points : The set of points we want to evaluate the approximate and true
    solutions, as well as the PDE Residual. This should be an (n*n)x2 tensor,
    whose ith row holds the x,y coordinates of the ith point we want to plot.
    Each element of Points should be an element of [0,1]x[0,1].

    n : the number of gridpoints along each axis. Points should be an n*n x 2

    Nothing! """

    # First, evaluate the network's approximate solution, the true solution, and
    # the PDE residual at the specified Points. We need to reshape these into
    # nxn grids, because that's what matplotlib's contour function wants. It's
    # annoying, but it is what it is.
    u_NN_at_Points = Evaluate_NN(u_NN, Points).reshape(n, n)
    True_Sol_at_Points = Evaluate_True_Solution(Points).reshape(n, n)
    Residual_at_Points = PDE_Residual(u_NN, Points).reshape(n, n)

    # Extract the x and y coordinates of points, as np arrays. We also need to
    # reshape these as nxn grids (same reason as above.
    x = Points[:, 0].numpy().reshape(n, n)
    y = Points[:, 1].numpy().reshape(n, n)

    # Plot the approximate solution + colorbar.
    ColorMap0 = Axes[0].contourf(x,
                                 u_NN_at_Points.reshape(n, n),

    # Plot the true solution + colorbar
    ColorMap1 = Axes[1].contourf(x,
                                 True_Sol_at_Points.reshape(n, n),

    # Plot the residual + colorbar
    ColorMap2 = Axes[2].contourf(x,
                                 Residual_at_Points.reshape(n, n),

    # Set tight layout (to prevent overlapping... I have no idea why this isn't
    # a default setting. Matplotlib, you are special kind of awful).
예제 #4
def Plot_Solution(
        fig                         : plt.figure,
        Axes                        : numpy.ndarray,
        Sol_NN                      : Neural_Network,
        PDE_NN                      : Neural_Network,
        Time_Derivative_Order       : int,
        Spatial_Derivative_Order    : int,
        Data                        : Data_Container) -> None:
    """ This function makes four plots. One for the approximate solution, one
    for the true solution, one for their difference, and one for the PDE
    residual. x_points and t_points specify the domain of all four plots.

    Note: this function only works if u is a function of 1 spatial variable.


    fig: The figure object to which the Axes belong. We need this to set up
    the color bars.

    Axes: The array of Axes object that we will plot on. Note that this
    function overwrites these axes.

    Sol_NN: The network that approximates the PDE solution.

    PDE_NN: The network that approximates the PDE.

    Time_Derivative_Order: The order of the time derivative on the left-hand
    side of the PDE.

    Spatial_Derivative_Order: The highest order spatial derivatives of Sol_NN we
    need to evaluate.

    Data: This is a Data_Container object. It should contain four members (all
    of which are numpy arrays): x_points, t_points, Data_Set, and Noisy_Data_Set.
    x_points, t_points contain the set of possible x and t values, respectively.
    Data_Set and Noisy_Data_Set should contain the true solution with and
    without noise at each grid point (t, x coordinate). If t_points and x_points
    have n_t and n_x elements, respectively, then Data_Set and Noisy_Data_Set
    should be an n_x by n_t array whose i,j element holds the value of the true
    solution at t_points[j], x_points[i].


    Nothing! """

    # First, construct the set of possible coordinates. grid_t_coords and
    # grid_x_coords are 2d NumPy arrays. Each row of these arrays corresponds to
    # a specific position. Each column corresponds to a specific time.
    grid_t_coords, grid_x_coords = numpy.meshgrid(Data.t_points, Data.x_points);

    # Flatten t_coords, x_coords. use them to generate grid point coodinates.
    flattened_grid_x_coords = grid_x_coords.reshape(-1, 1);
    flattened_grid_t_coords = grid_t_coords.reshape(-1, 1);
    Grid_Point_Coords = torch.from_numpy(numpy.hstack((flattened_grid_t_coords, flattened_grid_x_coords)));

    # Get number of x and t values, respectively.
    n_x = len(Data.x_points);
    n_t = len(Data.t_points);

    # Put networks into evaluation mode.

    # Evaluate the network's approximate solution, the absolute error, and the
    # PDE residual at each coordinate. We need to reshape these into n_x by n_t
    # grids because that's what matplotlib's contour function wants.
    Approx_Sol_on_grid = Evaluate_Approx_Sol(Sol_NN, Grid_Point_Coords).reshape(n_x, n_t);
    Error_On_Grid      = numpy.abs(Approx_Sol_on_grid - Data.Data_Set);
    Residual_on_Grid   = Evaluate_Residual(
                            Sol_NN                      = Sol_NN,
                            PDE_NN                      = PDE_NN,
                            Time_Derivative_Order       = Time_Derivative_Order,
                            Spatial_Derivative_Order    = Spatial_Derivative_Order,
                            Coords                      = Grid_Point_Coords).reshape(n_x, n_t);

    # Plot the true solution + color bar.
    data_min : float = numpy.min(Data.Noisy_Data_Set);
    data_max : float = numpy.max(Data.Noisy_Data_Set);

    ColorMap0 = Axes[0].contourf(   grid_t_coords,
                                    levels = numpy.linspace(data_min, data_max, 500),
                                    cmap = plt.cm.jet);
    fig.colorbar(ColorMap0, ax = Axes[0], fraction=0.046, pad=0.04, orientation='vertical');

    # Plot the learned solution + color bar
    sol_min : float = numpy.min(Approx_Sol_on_grid);
    sol_max : float = numpy.max(Approx_Sol_on_grid);

    ColorMap1 = Axes[1].contourf(   grid_t_coords,
                                    levels = numpy.linspace(sol_min, sol_max, 500),
                                    cmap = plt.cm.jet);
    fig.colorbar(ColorMap1, ax = Axes[1], fraction=0.046, pad=0.04, orientation='vertical');

    # Plot the Error between the approx solution and noise-free data set. + color bar.
    error_min : float = numpy.min(Error_On_Grid);
    error_max : float = numpy.max(Error_On_Grid);

    ColorMap2 = Axes[2].contourf(   grid_t_coords,
                                    levels = numpy.linspace(error_min, error_max, 500),
                                    cmap = plt.cm.jet);
    fig.colorbar(ColorMap2, ax = Axes[2], fraction=0.046, pad=0.04, orientation='vertical');

    # Plot the residual + color bar
    resid_min : float = numpy.min(Residual_on_Grid);
    resid_max : float = numpy.max(Residual_on_Grid);

    ColorMap3 = Axes[3].contourf(   grid_t_coords,
                                    levels = numpy.linspace(resid_min, resid_max, 500),
                                    cmap = plt.cm.jet);
    fig.colorbar(ColorMap3, ax = Axes[3], fraction=0.046, pad=0.04, orientation='vertical');

    # Set tight layout (to prevent overlapping... I have no idea why this isn't
    # a default setting. Matplotlib, you are special kind of awful).