예제 #1
def lu(A):
    A -> P, L, U

    LU factorisation of a square matrix A. L is the lower, U the upper part.
    P is the permutation matrix indicating the row swaps.

    P*A = L*U

    If you need efficiency, use the low-level method LU_decomp instead, it's
    much more memory efficient.
    # get factorization
    A, p = LU_decomp(A.copy())
    n = A.rows
    L = matrix(n)
    U = matrix(n)
    for i in xrange(n):
        for j in xrange(n):
            if i > j:
                L[i, j] = A[i, j]
            elif i == j:
                L[i, j] = 1
                U[i, j] = A[i, j]
                U[i, j] = A[i, j]
    # calculate permutation matrix
    P = eye(n)
    for k in xrange(len(p)):
        swap_row(P, k, p[k])
    return P, L, U
예제 #2
def lu(A):
    A -> P, L, U

    LU factorisation of a square matrix A. L is the lower, U the upper part.
    P is the permutation matrix indicating the row swaps.

    P*A = L*U

    If you need efficiency, use the low-level method LU_decomp instead, it's
    much more memory efficient.
    # get factorization
    A, p = LU_decomp(A)
    n = A.rows
    L = matrix(n)
    U = matrix(n)
    for i in xrange(n):
        for j in xrange(n):
            if i > j:
                L[i,j] = A[i,j]
            elif i == j:
                L[i,j] = 1
                U[i,j] = A[i,j]
                U[i,j] = A[i,j]
    # calculate permutation matrix
    P = eye(n)
    for k in xrange(len(p)):
        swap_row(P, k, p[k])
    return P, L, U
예제 #3
def exp_pade(a):
    """Exponential of a matrix using Pade approximants.

       See G. H. Golub, C. F. van Loan 'Matrix Computations',
         third Ed., page 572

         - find a good estimate for q
         - reduce the number of matrix multiplications to improve
    def eps_pade(p):
        return mpf(2)**(3-2*p) * factorial(p)**2/(factorial(2*p)**2 * (2*p + 1))
    q = 4
    extraq = 8
    while 1:
        if eps_pade(q) < eps:
        q += 1
    q += extraq
    j = max(1, int(log(mnorm(a,'inf'),2)))
    extra = q
    mp.dps += extra
        a = a/2**j
        na = a.rows
        den = eye(na)
        num = eye(na)
        x = eye(na)
        c = mpf(1)
        for k in range(1, q+1):
            c *= mpf(q - k + 1)/((2*q - k + 1) * k)
            x = a*x
            cx = c*x
            num += cx
            den += (-1)**k * cx
        f = lu_solve_mat(den, num)
        for k in range(j):
            f = f*f
        mp.dps -= extra
    return f
예제 #4
def exp_pade(a):
    """Exponential of a matrix using Pade approximants.

       See G. H. Golub, C. F. van Loan 'Matrix Computations',
         third Ed., page 572

         - find a good estimate for q
         - reduce the number of matrix multiplications to improve
    def eps_pade(p):
        return mpf(2)**(3-2*p) * factorial(p)**2/(factorial(2*p)**2 * (2*p + 1))
    q = 4
    extraq = 8
    while 1:
        if eps_pade(q) < eps:
        q += 1
    q += extraq
    j = max(1, int(log(mnorm(a,'inf'),2)))
    extra = q
    mp.dps += extra
        a = a/2**j
        na = a.rows
        den = eye(na)
        num = eye(na)
        x = eye(na)
        c = mpf(1)
        for k in range(1, q+1):
            c *= mpf(q - k + 1)/((2*q - k + 1) * k)
            x = a*x
            cx = c*x
            num += cx
            den += (-1)**k * cx
        f = lu_solve_mat(den, num)
        for k in range(j):
            f = f*f
        mp.dps -= extra
    return f