예제 #1
def get_data_report_per_year(year):
    query = """
    select strftime('%d-%m-%Y',date), title
    from InfographicPublications
    where year = '{}'
    return get_data(resolve_path('Metrics.db3'), query, ())
예제 #2
def get_data_report_number_views_per_month(year, month, type):
    headers = type_headers.get(type, 'Nothing')
    return get_data(resolve_path('Metrics.db3') ,"""
    select {}
    from 'Metrics per type and year'
    where year = '{}' and month = '{}'
    and type in ({})
    """.format(headers, year, month, type), ())
예제 #3
def get_data_report_regions(year, months, types, factor):
    return get_data(resolve_path('Metrics.db3') ,"""
    select {0}, sum(total) as total
    from {1}
    where year = '{2}' and month in ({3})  and type in ({4})
    group by {0}
    order by total DESC
    """.format(column_from_factor(factor), table_from_factor(factor), year, months, types), ())
예제 #4
def get_data_report_publications_per(year):
    return get_data(resolve_path('Metrics.db3') ,"""select month,
     corporate_portal_views, corporate_portal_comments,
     forbes_views, forbes_comments,
     news_center_views, news_center_comments,
     business_trends_views, business_trends_comments,
     twitter_impressions, twitter_engagement
     from 'metrics per type and year'
     where type = 'article' and year = '{}'""".format(year), ())
예제 #5
def get_data_report_publications_per(year):
    return get_data(resolve_path('Metrics.db3') ,"""select month,
     corporate_portal_views, corporate_portal_comments,
     news_center_views, news_center_comments,
     youtube_views, youtube_comments,
     twitter_impressions, twitter_engagement
     from 'metrics per type and year'
     where type = 'video' and year = '{}'""".format(year), ())
예제 #6
def get_data_report_topowner_per_quarter(year, quarter, type):
    return get_data(resolve_path('Metrics.db3') ,"""
    select owner, sum(number) as number
    from topowners
    where year = '{}' and month in({})
    and type in({})
    group by owner
    order by number DESC
    limit 10
    """.format(year, quarter, type), ())