예제 #1
class RabbitNotifications(object):
        Wrapper to access notification methods, and catch possible exceptions
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = url
        self.message_defaults = {
            "source": "hub",
            "version": pkg_resources.require("ulearnhub")[0].version,

        client_properties = {
            'Python {0.major}.{0.minor}.{0.micro}'.format(sys.version_info),
        self.enabled = True

            self.client = RabbitClient(self.url,
        except AttributeError:
            self.enabled = False
        except socket_error:
            raise ConnectionError("Could not connect to rabbitmq broker")

    def sync_acl(self, domain, context, username, tasks):
            Sends a Carrot (TM) notification of a new sync acl task
        # Send a conversation creation notification to rabbit
        message = RabbitMessage()
            "user": {
                'username': username,
            "domain": domain,
            "action": "modify",
            "object": "context",
            "data": {
                'context': context,
                'tasks': tasks
        self.client.send('syncacl', json.dumps(message.packed), routing_key='')
예제 #2
class RabbitNotifications(object):
        Wrapper to access notification methods, and catch possible exceptions

    def __init__(self, request):
        self.request = request
        settings = getMAXSettings(request)
        self.url = settings.get('max_rabbitmq', '')
        self.message_defaults = settings.get('max_message_defaults', {})
        self.enabled = True

        client_properties = {
            "product": "max",
            "version": pkg_resources.require('max')[0].version,
            "platform": 'Python {0.major}.{0.minor}.{0.micro}'.format(sys.version_info),
            "server": settings.get('max_server', '')

            self.client = RabbitClient(self.url, client_properties=client_properties)
        except AttributeError:
            self.enabled = False
        except socket_error:
            raise ConnectionError("Could not connect to rabbitmq broker")

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
            Returns the requested method if notifier is enabled, otherwise
            performs a noop
        enabled = object.__getattribute__(self, 'enabled')
        if enabled or name in ['enabled', 'url', 'request', 'client', 'message_defaults']:
            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
            return noop

    def restart_tweety(self):
            Sends a timestamp to tweety_restart queue, trough the default exchange
            (binding to tweety_restart queue is implicit in this special exchange)
        default_exchange = ''
        restart_request_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%s.%f')
        self.client.send(default_exchange, restart_request_time, 'tweety_restart')

    def add_user(self, username):
            Creates the specified user exchange and bindings

    def delete_user(self, username):
            Deletes the specified user exchange and bindings

    def bind_user_to_context(self, context, username):
            Creates a binding between user exchanges and a context
        context_id = context.getIdentifier()
        self.client.activity.bind_user(context_id, username)

    def unbind_user_from_context(self, context, username):
            Destroys a binding between user exchanges and a context
        context_id = context.getIdentifier()
        self.client.activity.unbind_user(context_id, username)

    def unbind_context(self, context):
            Destroys all bindings between a context and any user
        context_id = context.getIdentifier()

    def bind_user_to_conversation(self, conversation, username):
            Creates a binding between user exchanges and a conversation
        context_id = conversation.getIdentifier()
        self.client.conversations.bind_user(context_id, username)

    def unbind_user_from_conversation(self, conversation, username):
            Destroys a binding between user exchanges and a conversation
        context_id = conversation.getIdentifier()
        self.client.conversations.unbind_user(context_id, username)

    def unbind_conversation(self, conversation):
            Destroys all bindings between a conversation and any user
        context_id = conversation.getIdentifier()

    def notify_context_activity(self, activity):
            Sends a Carrot (TM) notification of a new post on a context
        message = RabbitMessage()
            "user": {
                'username': self.request.actor['username'],
                'displayname': self.request.actor['displayName'],
            "action": "add",
            "object": "activity",
            "data": {
                'text': activity['object'].get('content', ''),
                'activityid': str(activity['_id'])
        self.client.send('activity', json.dumps(message.packed), activity['contexts'][0]['hash'])

    def notify_context_activity_comment(self, activity, comment):
            Sends a Carrot (TM) notification of a new post on a context
        message = RabbitMessage()
            "user": {
                'username': self.request.actor['username'],
                'displayname': self.request.actor['displayName'],
            "action": "add",
            "object": "comment",
            "data": {
                'text': comment['content'],
                'activityid': str(activity['_id']),
                'commentid': comment['id']
        self.client.send('activity', json.dumps(message.packed), activity['contexts'][0]['hash'])

    def add_conversation(self, conversation):
            Sends a Carrot (TM) notification of a new conversation creation
        conversation_id = conversation.getIdentifier()
        participants_usernames = [user['username'] for user in conversation['participants']]
        self.client.conversations.create(conversation_id, users=participants_usernames)

        # Send a conversation creation notification to rabbit
        message = RabbitMessage()
            "user": {
                'username': self.request.actor['username'],
                'displayname': self.request.actor['displayName'],
            "action": "add",
            "object": "conversation",
            "data": {}
        self.client.send('conversations', json.dumps(message.packed), routing_key='{}.notifications'.format(conversation_id))
예제 #3
class ConsumerTests(MaxBunnyTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # Resets the global that holds the mocked stmp sent messages
        import maxbunny.tests
        maxbunny.tests.sent = []

        self.log_patch = patch('maxbunny.consumer.BunnyConsumer.configure_logger', new=get_storing_logger)

        self.smtp_patch = patch('smtplib.SMTP', new=MockSMTP)

        self.server = RabbitClient(TEST_VHOST_URL)
        self.process = None

    def tearDown(self):


            pass  # pragma: no cover

    def test_consumer_drop_no_uuid(self):
            Given a invalid non-json message
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the message triggers a Cancel exception
            Then the message is dropped
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageCancel('Testing message drop'))
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped (NO_UUID), reason: Testing message drop')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages
        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)

    def test_consumer_drops_on_requeue_exception_without_uuid(self):
            Given a message without UUID field
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the message triggers a Requeue exception
            Then the message is requeued
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And a mail notification is sent
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageRequeue('Test requeueing'))
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped (NO_UUID), reason: Test requeueing')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages
        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)

    def test_consumer_drop_with_uuid(self):
            Given a message with UUID field
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the message triggers a Cancel exception
            Then the message is dropped
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And no mail notification is sent
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageCancel('Testing message drop', notify=False))
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped, reason: Testing message drop')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages
        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)

    def test_consumer_drop_with_notification(self):
            Given a message with UUID field
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the message triggers a Cancel exception
            Then the message is dropped
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And a mail notification is sent
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageCancel('Testing message drop', notify=True))
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped, reason: Testing message drop')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages
        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)

    def test_consumer_drop_no_recipient(self):
            Given a message with UUID field
            And a missing recipients smtp setting
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the message triggers a Cancel exception
            Then the message is dropped
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And a mail notification is not sent
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny-norecipients.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageCancel('Testing message drop', notify=True))
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.6)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped, reason: Testing message drop')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages
        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)

    def test_consumer_drop_on_max_non_5xx_error(self):
            Given a message with UUID field
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the message triggers a RequestError with status code different from 5xx
            Then the message is dropped
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And a mail notification is sent
        from maxclient.client import RequestError
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, RequestError(401, 'Unauthorized'))
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped, reason: Max server error: Unauthorized')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages
        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)

    def test_consumer_drop_on_maxcarrot_exception(self):
            Given a message with UUID field
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the message triggers a MaxCarrotParsingError
            Then the message is dropped
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And a mail notification is sent
        from maxcarrot.message import MaxCarrotParsingError
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, MaxCarrotParsingError())
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message dropped, reason: MaxCarrot Parsing error')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages
        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)

    def test_consumer_requeues_on_max_5xx_error(self):
            Given a message with UUID field
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the message triggers a RequestError with status code different from 5xx
            Then the message is requeued
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And a mail notification is sent
        from maxclient.client import RequestError
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, RequestError(500, 'Internal Server Error'))
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message 0123456789 reueued, reason: Max server error: Internal Server Error')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages

        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 1)

    def test_consumer_requeues_on_requeue_exception(self):
            Given a message with UUID field
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the message triggers a Requeue exception
            Then the message is requeued
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And a mail notification is sent
            And the id of the queued message is stored
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageRequeue('Test requeueing'))
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message 0123456789 reueued, reason: Test requeueing')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages

        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.requeued), 1)
        self.assertIn('0123456789', consumer.requeued)

    def test_consumer_requeues_on_requeue_exception_unqueues_after(self):
            Given a message with UUID field
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the first time the message triggers a Requeue exception
            And the second time the message is succesfully processed
            Then the message is unqueued the second time
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And a mail notification is sent
            And the id is removed from queued ones
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageRequeue('Test requeueing'), after=None)
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message 0123456789 reueued, reason: Test requeueing')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages

        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.requeued), 0)

    def test_consumer_requeues_on_requeue_exception_drops_after(self):
            Given a message with UUID field
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the first time the message triggers a Requeue exception
            And the second time the message is triggers a Cancel exception
            Then the message is unqueued the second time
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And a mail notification is sent
            And the id is removed from queued ones
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, BunnyMessageRequeue('Test requeueing'), after=BunnyMessageCancel('Testing message drop'))
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 2)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message 0123456789 reueued, reason: Test requeueing')
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[1], 'Message dropped, reason: Testing message drop')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages

        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.requeued), 0)

    def test_consumer_requeues_on_unknown_exception(self):
            Given a message with UUID field
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the message triggers an unknown Exception
            Then the message is requeued
            And a warning is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And a mail notification is sent
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner, Exception('Unknown exception'))
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.warnings[0], 'Message 0123456789 reueued, reason: Consumer failure: Unknown exception')


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages

        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 1)

    def test_consumer_stops_on_force_stop_connection(self):
            Given a running consumer
            When the rabbitmq connection is closed remotely
            Then the channel closes
            And a warning is logged
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner)
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum life time to consumer

        self.server.management.force_close(consumer.remote(), 'Closed via ')

        sleep(1)  # Leave a minimum time to consumer to stop
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.errors), 1)
        self.assertEqual(consumer.logger.errors[0], 'CONNECTION_FORCED - Closed via management plugin')

        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages
        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)

    def test_consumer_success(self):
            Given a message with UUID field
            When the consumer loop processes the message
            And the message suceeds
            Then the message is acks
            And nothing is logged
            And the channel remains Open
            And a no mail notification is sent
        runner = MockRunner('tests', 'maxbunny.ini', 'instances.ini')
        consumer = TestConsumer(runner)
        self.process = ConsumerThread(consumer)

        self.server.send('', '{"g": "0123456789"}', routing_key='tests')

        sleep(0.3)  # give a minum time to mail to be sent
        from maxbunny.tests import sent  # MUST import sent here to get current sent mails,

        self.assertEqual(len(sent), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.infos), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(consumer.logger.warnings), 0)


        sleep(0.2)  # Leave a minimum time to rabbitmq to release messages
        queued = self.server.get_all('tests')
        self.assertEqual(len(queued), 0)