def S(self): if cmds.currentCtx() == 'polySlideEdgeContext': cmds.setToolTo ('polySelectEditContext') elif cmds.currentCtx() == 'polySelectEditContext': cmds.setToolTo ('polySlideEdgeContext') else: if self.getType(0) == 'edge': try: self.bridgeTool() except RuntimeError: cmds.setToolTo('polySlideEdgeContext') elif cmds.selectType(q=1, polymeshVertex = True) == True: #check to see if mask type is vertex self.vertexMergeTool() elif self.getType(0) == 'face': self.chipFacesTool() elif self.getType(0) == 'mesh': if len(self.getSelection()) == 1: self.polySeperateTool() # seperate because there's only one poly selected else: self.polyMergeTool() # merge because there's more than one poly selected elif self.getType(0)[0] == 'camera': print 'yes it is' self.cameraShakeTool() else: cmds.setToolTo ('polySelectEditContext')
def clear(self, *args): if cmds.iconTextButton("TempCustomPivotBtn", query=True, exists=True): cmds.iconTextButton("TempCustomPivotBtn", edit=True, image= uiMod.getImagePath("specialTools_create_temp_custom_pivot"), highlightImage= uiMod.getImagePath("specialTools_create_temp_custom_pivot copy")) cmds.refresh(suspend=True) currFrame = cmds.currentTime(query=True) loadConstraints = aToolsMod.loadInfoWithScene(self.STORE_NODE, self.CONSTRAINTS) loadLocators = aToolsMod.loadInfoWithScene(self.STORE_NODE, self.LOCATORS) loadCtrls = aToolsMod.loadInfoWithScene(self.STORE_NODE, self.CTRLS) currentFrame = aToolsMod.loadInfoWithScene(self.STORE_NODE, self.CURRENTFRAME) #exit edit mode if cmds.currentCtx() not in self.deniedCtx: cmds.setToolTo(cmds.currentCtx()) if currentFrame: cmds.currentTime(eval(currentFrame)) #get values """ translation = [] rotation = [] if loadCtrls: ctrlObjs = eval(loadCtrls) for loopCtrl in ctrlObjs: translation.append(cmds.xform(loopCtrl, query=True, ws=True, rotatePivot=True)) rotation.append(cmds.xform(loopCtrl, query=True, ws=True, rotation=True)) """ if loadConstraints: constraintObjs = eval(loadConstraints) for loopConstraint in constraintObjs: if cmds.objExists(loopConstraint): cmds.delete(loopConstraint) if loadCtrls and loadLocators: locatorObjs = eval(loadLocators) ctrlObjs = eval(loadCtrls) for n, loopCtrl in enumerate(ctrlObjs): if cmds.objExists(loopCtrl) and cmds.objExists(locatorObjs[n]): G.aToolsBar.align.align([loopCtrl], locatorObjs[n]) for loopLocator in locatorObjs: if cmds.objExists(loopLocator): cmds.delete(loopLocator) cmds.currentTime(currFrame) cmds.refresh(suspend=False)
def smoothBetweenSelectedJoints( self ): ''' performs a flood smooth between the selected joints ''' #grab initial state initialLockState = [ cmd.getAttr( '%s.liw' % j ) for j in self.UI_tsl ] initMode = cmd.artAttrSkinPaintCtx( cmd.currentCtx(), q=True, sao=True ) initOpacity = cmd.artAttrSkinPaintCtx( cmd.currentCtx(), q=True, opacity=True ) initValue = cmd.artAttrSkinPaintCtx( cmd.currentCtx(), q=True, value=True ) self.setLockStateForAll( True, False ) self.setLockStateForSelected( False, False ) #perform the smooth cmd.artAttrSkinPaintCtx( cmd.currentCtx(), e=True, sao='smooth' ) j = self.iterSelected().next() if j is not None: cmd.artAttrSkinPaintCtx( cmd.currentCtx(), e=True, value=1, opacity=1, clear=True ) #restore state cmd.artAttrSkinPaintCtx( cmd.currentCtx(), e=True, sao=initMode ) cmd.artAttrSkinPaintCtx( cmd.currentCtx(), e=True, opacity=initOpacity ) cmd.artAttrSkinPaintCtx( cmd.currentCtx(), e=True, value=initValue ) for j, state in zip( self.UI_tsl, initialLockState ): cmd.setAttr( '%s.liw' % j, state )
def bevel(): """ Bevel is a collection of functions usually performed when certain states are fulfilled, such as: selection, border edge etc. """ selected = mampy.complist() if not selected: raise NothingSelected() component = selected[0] # Eearly return in case of map components if component.type == MFn.kMeshMapComponent: raise InvalidComponentSelection() if component.type == api.MFn.kMeshEdgeComponent: # Check if we can extrude edge borders or bevel internal edges. if all(component.is_border(i) for i in component.indices): # When extruding border edges we don't want the context tool to handle # the manipulation. Just restore old tool right away. with restore_context(): dragger_contexts.Extrude().execute() elif not any(component.is_border(i) for i in component.indices): dragger_contexts.Bevel().set_context() else: raise InvalidSelection('Mixed selections, cant mix edge borders with ' 'non borders when beveling.') else: # Else perform an extrude on polygon or vertex. if cmds.currentCtx() == dragger_contexts.Extrude.NAME: dragger_contexts.Extrude().execute() else: dragger_contexts.Extrude().set_context()
def exit_tool_and_mask(): """Exit current tool or toggle selection mode. When working with other contexts in maya use this function to exit the current context and return to selection context; if you are using base tools ('select', move, rotate, scale) toggle selection mode instead. Usage: tool_select() """ # base_tools = ['{}SuperContext'.format(i) for i in ('select', 'move', 'rotate', 'scale')] if not cmds.currentCtx() == 'selectSuperContext': cmds.setToolTo('selectSuperContext') else: if cmds.selectMode(q=True, object=True): hilited = mampy.daglist(hl=True) if hilited: cmds.hilite(hilited.cmdslist(), toggle=True) else: cmds.selectMode(component=True) else: cmds.selectMode(object=True)
def newItemJob(self): # Reset the object creation handling job if(cmds.scriptJob(exists=self.newObjectJob)): cmds.scriptJob(kill=self.newObjectJob) self.newObjectJob = cmds.scriptJob(event=('DagObjectCreated', self.onNewObject)) # Store the current tool so we can change back to it when the user has finished painting self.currentContext = cmds.currentCtx()
def on_selectJoint( self, *a ): if cmd.currentCtx() == 'artAttrSkinContext': selJ = self.iterSelected().next() if selJ is None: return mel.artSkinSelectInfluence( 'artAttrSkinPaintCtx', selJ, selJ )
def _addKey(self, value=None): """trigger for adding new key into cluster""" if self._key == "panel": if value == "enter manually...": key = raw_input().replace(" ", "") else: key = value elif self._key == "name": key = raw_input().replace(" ", "") elif self._key == "preset": key = raw_input() elif self._key == "dag": key = " ".join(self._engine.findDagKey()) if not self._line_prefix.text() or not key: return key = "%s %s" % (self._line_prefix.text(), key) elif self._key == "non dag": key = " ".join(self._engine.findNonDagKey()) if not self._line_prefix.text() or not key: return key = "%s %s" % (self._line_prefix.text(), key) elif self._key == "tool": if not self._line_prefix.text(): return key = "%s %s" % (self._line_prefix.text(), cmds.currentCtx()) else: return if key and key not in self._nodes: self._nodes[key] = Engine.DefaultData.node() self._list_keys.addItem(key)
def __init__( self ): self.ButtonIsStart = False self.ObjectPicked = None self.RotatePosition = MTVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) self.RotateAroundSelected = -1 self.SelectedObjects = None self.ObjectsToRotate = None self.IgnoreSelectionChangeEvent = False self.CloseButtonPressed = False self.DummyNode = None self.CurrentContext = None self.BuildUI() self.OnRotateAroundCenterBBoxSelected( None ) self.OnSelectionChange() self.SelectionJob = cmds.scriptJob( event = ( "SelectionChanged", self.OnSelectionChange ), parent = self.Window ) self.DeleteJob = cmds.scriptJob( uiDeleted = ( self.Window, self.OnWindowClosed ) ) # se crea un nodo invisible que servira para obtener las rotaciones de mundo self.DummyNode = cmds.createNode( "transform", skipSelect = True ) # nuevo rotator para saber cuando se termina de girar self.CurrentContext = cmds.currentCtx() self.ManipRotate = cmds.manipRotateContext( mode = 1, postDragCommand = ( self.OnObjectRotated, "transform" ) )
def _findToolNode(self): """find current tool node""" context = cmds.currentCtx() # context marking menu panel = cmds.getPanel(underPointer=True) for panel in panel, panel.rstrip(string.digits), "any": if "%s %s" % (panel, context) in self.cluster["tool"]: return self.cluster["tool"]["%s %s" % (panel, context)] return self.EMPTY_NODE
def makeLocOnSel(self): tool = cmds.currentCtx() cmds.setToolTo( 'moveSuperContext' ) pos = cmds.manipMoveContext( 'Move', q=True, p=True ) startLoc = cmds.spaceLocator (n = ('skinWrangler_jointBboxLocator'))[0] cmds.move(pos[0] ,pos[1] ,pos[2] ,startLoc, ws = 1 , a =1) cmds.setToolTo(tool) return startLoc
def tool(): """trigger for changed tool""" current_tool = cmds.currentCtx() if current_tool not in last_tools_set: last_tools_set.add(current_tool) last_tools_list.append(current_tool) while len(last_tools_list) > 8: last_tools_set.discard(last_tools_list.pop(0))
def closeTool(s, sel): """ Remove mesh highlighting etc when tool officially stops. """ if cmds.currentCtx() != s.tool and = False s.setColour() if s.lastControl: cmds.setAttr(s.lastControl, 0)
def joint_tool_context(self): if cmds.currentCtx() == self.current_tool_context: return context_string = self.set_context_index('jointContext') cmds.jointCtx(context_string) cmds.setToolTo(context_string) self.current_tool_context = context_string print 'Context set to %s' % context_string
def _disable(): _delete_script_jobs() for t in TOOLS.all(): if cmds.currentCtx() == t: cmds.setToolTo('selectSuperContext') if cmds.contextInfo(t, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(t) tc_motion_path_widget.set_active_tool('selectSuperContext')
def syncSelection( self ): ''' syncs the list selection with the existing paint skin weights UI ''' cur = cmd.artAttrSkinPaintCtx( cmd.currentCtx(), q=True, inf=True ) if cur is None: return self.UI_tsl.clearSelection() self.UI_tsl.selectByValue( cur )
def __init__(self, icon_path, maya_tool_name, parent=None): super(EditButton, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.setFixedSize(40, 40) self.setCheckable(True) self.setToolTip(TOOLS.tooltip(maya_tool_name)) self.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(icon_path)) self.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(38, 38)) self._maya_tool_name = maya_tool_name self._previous_context = cmds.currentCtx() self.clicked.connect(self._clicked)
def load(s): sel = if sel and sel[0] in s.valid: s.sel = sel[0] s.tool = cmds.currentCtx() s.myTool = "TempTool" if cmds.draggerContext(s.myTool, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(s.myTool) cmds.draggerContext(s.myTool, name=s.myTool,, cursor='hand') cmds.setToolTo(s.myTool) print "Make a selection" else: print "Nothing selected"
def selectUpdate(s, sel): if s.selection: if cmds.currentCtx() != s.picker.tool: if sel and len(sel) == 1: if sel[0] in s.selection: # Turn on our picker!! print "Turning on Picker" = True # Make the mesh look different to make it obvious # That we're doing something with it. s.picker.switchTool(sel[0]) cmds.refresh()
def setupMannequinUI(): """Sets up the side panel UI for the Mannequin plugin.""" currentContext = cmds.currentCtx() influenceObjectsStr = cmds.mannequinContext(currentContext, q=True, io=True) ioTokens = influenceObjectsStr.split(" ") ioDagPaths = ioTokens[::2] ioAvailableStyles = ioTokens[1::2] mannequinDockPtr = MQtUtil.findLayout("mannequinPaletteDock") mannequinDock = wrapInstance(long(mannequinDockPtr), QWidget) mannequinDock.setMinimumWidth(300) mannequinLayoutPtr = MQtUtil.findLayout("mannequinPaletteLayout") mannequinLayout = wrapInstance(long(mannequinLayoutPtr), QWidget) mannequinSearchPtr = MQtUtil.findControl("mannequinSearchField") mannequinSearch = wrapInstance(long(mannequinSearchPtr), QLineEdit) uiFile = QFile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "mannequin.ui")) gui = mannequinToolPanel.loader.load(uiFile, parentWidget=mannequinLayout) uiFile.close() selList = om.MSelectionList() for obj in ioDagPaths: selList.add(obj) joints = [] for i in range(selList.length()): dagPath = selList.getDagPath(i) dependNode = selList.getDependNode(i) styles = ioAvailableStyles[i] joints.append(JointInfo(dagPath, dependNode, styles)) # Alphabetize joints by full DAG path; should sort slightly better. joints = sorted(joints, key=lambda j: j.dagPath.fullPathName()) prefixTrim = commonPrefix(joints) mannequinToolPanel.reset(mannequinLayout, gui, mannequinSearch, prefixTrim) jointDisplays = organizeJoints(joints) for jointDisplay in jointDisplays: mannequinToolPanel.layoutJointGroup(jointDisplay) mannequinToolPanel.finishLayout()
def tool_changed(self, *args): current_tool = cmds.currentCtx() if not current_tool.startswith('spore'): try: cmds.button('placeBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366)) cmds.button('sprayBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366)) cmds.button('scaleBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366)) cmds.button('alignBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366)) # cmds.button('moveBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366)) cmds.button('idBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366)) cmds.button('removeBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366)) except RuntimeError: pass
def run(parent): try: context = cmds.currentCtx() mode = getMode(context) cmds.setParent(parent, menu=True) cmds.radioMenuItemCollection() cmds.menuItem(label="snap off", rb=mode == 0, rp="NW", c=wrapper(context, 0)) cmds.menuItem(label="snap relative", rb=mode == 1, rp="N", c=wrapper(context, 1)) cmds.menuItem(label="snap absolute", rb=mode == 2, rp="NE", c=wrapper(context, 2)) new_mode = 1 if mode == 0 else mode for value, pos in zip(values[context], positions): cmds.menuItem(label=str(value), rp=pos, c=wrapper(context, new_mode, value)) except KeyError: pass
def smoothFlood(skinCluster, iterations=1): ''' Smooth flood all influences @param geometry: The geometry connected to the skinCluster to smooth @type geometry: str @param iterations: Number of smooth iterations @type iterations: int ''' # Check zero iterations if not iterations: return # Get current tool currentTool = mc.currentCtx() # Select geometry geometry = glTools.utils.deformer.getAffectedGeometry(skinCluster).keys() # Get skinCluster influence list influenceList = mc.skinCluster(skinCluster, q=True, inf=True) # Unlock influence weights for influence in influenceList: mc.setAttr(influence + '.lockInfluenceWeights', 0) # Initialize paint context skinPaintTool = 'artAttrSkinContext' if not mc.artAttrSkinPaintCtx(skinPaintTool, ex=True): mc.artAttrSkinPaintCtx(skinPaintTool, i1='paintSkinWeights.xpm', whichTool='skinWeights') mc.setToolTo(skinPaintTool) mc.artAttrSkinPaintCtx(skinPaintTool, edit=True, sao='smooth') # Smooth Weights for i in range(iterations): print(skinCluster + ': Smooth Iteration - ' + str(i + 1)) for influence in influenceList: # Lock current influence weights mc.setAttr(influence + '.lockInfluenceWeights', 1) # Smooth Flood mm.eval('artSkinSelectInfluence artAttrSkinPaintCtx "' + influence + '" "' + influence + '"') mc.artAttrSkinPaintCtx(skinPaintTool, e=True, clear=True) # Unlock current influence weights mc.setAttr(influence + '.lockInfluenceWeights', 0) # Reset current tool mc.setToolTo(currentTool)
def set_commands(node_type='transform', pre_func=str, post_func=str): mc.manipMoveContext('Move', e=True, preDragCommand=[pre_func, node_type]) mc.manipMoveContext('Move', e=True, postDragCommand=[post_func, node_type]) mc.manipRotateContext('Rotate', e=True, preDragCommand=[pre_func, node_type]) mc.manipRotateContext('Rotate', e=True, postDragCommand=[post_func, node_type]) mc.manipScaleContext('Scale', e=True, preDragCommand=[pre_func, node_type]) mc.manipScaleContext('Scale', e=True, postDragCommand=[post_func, node_type]) # the drag commands are only active on reentering the context mc.setToolTo(mc.currentCtx())
def autoPivot(): #Query what tool the user has selected tool = Maya.currentCtx(q=True) #Maya.setToolTo(tool) #Current tool is rotate tool if tool == 'RotateSuperContext': animPivot() #Current tool is move tool elif tool == 'moveSuperContext': matchScript() #Call our snapCommand() script snapCommand()
def update_brush_btn(self, attr): cmds.button('placeBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366), c=pm.Callback(self.activateContext, 'place', attr, 0)) cmds.button('sprayBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366), c=pm.Callback(self.activateContext, 'spray', attr, 1)) cmds.button('scaleBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366), c=pm.Callback(self.activateContext, 'scale', attr, 2)) cmds.button('alignBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366), c=pm.Callback(self.activateContext, 'align', attr, 3)) cmds.button('moveBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366), c=pm.Callback(self.activateContext, 'move', attr, 4)) cmds.button('idBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366), c=pm.Callback(self.activateContext, 'id', attr, 5)) cmds.button('removeBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.366, 0.366, 0.366), c=pm.Callback(self.activateContext, 'remove', attr, 6)) self._node = attr.split('.')[0] if cmds.currentCtx().startswith('spore'): ctx_mode = cmds.getAttr(attr) if ctx_mode == 0: cmds.button('placeBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.148, 0.148, 0.148)) elif ctx_mode == 1: cmds.button('sprayBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.148, 0.148, 0.148)) elif ctx_mode == 2: cmds.button('scaleBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.148, 0.148, 0.148)) elif ctx_mode == 3: cmds.button('alignBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.148, 0.148, 0.148)) elif ctx_mode == 4: cmds.button('moveBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.148, 0.148, 0.148)) elif ctx_mode == 5: cmds.button('idBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.148, 0.148, 0.148)) elif ctx_mode == 6: cmds.button('removeBtn', e=True, bgc=(0.148, 0.148, 0.148))
def disable(self): # Set default context if mc.currentCtx() == self.context: mc.setToolTo('moveSuperContext') # Restore user selection if len(self.userSelection): else: # Clear user selection self.userSelection = [] print('Edit Membership context disabled!')
def setManipCommands(nodeType='transform', preFunc=str, postFunc=str): mc.manipMoveContext('Move', e=True, preDragCommand=[preFunc, nodeType]) mc.manipMoveContext('Move', e=True, postDragCommand=[postFunc, nodeType]) mc.manipRotateContext('Rotate', e=True, preDragCommand=[preFunc, nodeType]) mc.manipRotateContext('Rotate', e=True, postDragCommand=[postFunc, nodeType]) mc.manipScaleContext('Scale', e=True, preDragCommand=[preFunc, nodeType]) mc.manipScaleContext('Scale', e=True, postDragCommand=[postFunc, nodeType]) # the drag commands are only active on reentering the context currentCtx = mc.currentCtx() if currentCtx in [ 'moveSuperContext', 'RotateSuperContext', 'scaleSuperContext' ]: # only set context if needed mc.setToolTo(currentCtx)
def set_active_axes(axis='center'): try: ctx = cmds.currentCtx() manip = {cls.type_: cls for cls in BaseManip.__subclasses__()}[ctx]() except KeyError: return logger.warn('Supports move, scale and rotate super context') dispatch = { 'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2, 'center': 3, 'xy': 4, 'yz': 5, 'xz': 6, }[axis] manip.set_active_handle(dispatch)
def removeInfluenceMembership(self): # Check Context Status if mc.currentCtx() != self.context: return # Check UI Status if not mc.window('surfaceSkin_editMembershipToolUI',q=1,ex=1): return # Get surfaceSkin node surfaceSkinNode = mc.optionMenuGrp('ssEditInfMemberToolSurfaceSkin_OMG',q=1,v=1) # Get influence from list influence = mc.textScrollList('ssEditInfMemberToolInfluence_TSL',q=1,si=1)[0] # Get first selected item in list # Remove influence membership if type(self.dragComponentSelection) == list: componentList = glTools.utils.component.getComponentIndex(self.dragComponentSelection) for obj in componentList.keys(): surfaceSkin_utilities().setSurfaceCoordArray(obj,componentList[obj],influence,surfaceSkinNode,mode=3)
def smoothFlood(skinCluster,iterations=1): ''' Smooth flood all influences @param geometry: The geometry connected to the skinCluster to smooth @type geometry: str @param iterations: Number of smooth iterations @type iterations: int ''' # Check zero iterations if not iterations: return # Get current tool currentTool = mc.currentCtx() # Select geometry geometry = glTools.utils.deformer.getAffectedGeometry(skinCluster).keys() # Get skinCluster influence list influenceList = mc.skinCluster(skinCluster,q=True,inf=True) # Unlock influence weights for influence in influenceList: mc.setAttr(influence+'.lockInfluenceWeights',0) # Initialize paint context skinPaintTool = 'artAttrSkinContext' if not mc.artAttrSkinPaintCtx(skinPaintTool,ex=True): mc.artAttrSkinPaintCtx(skinPaintTool,i1='paintSkinWeights.xpm',whichTool='skinWeights') mc.setToolTo(skinPaintTool) mc.artAttrSkinPaintCtx(skinPaintTool,edit=True,sao='smooth') # Smooth Weights for i in range(iterations): print(skinCluster+': Smooth Iteration - '+str(i+1)) for influence in influenceList: # Lock current influence weights mc.setAttr(influence+'.lockInfluenceWeights',1) # Smooth Flood mm.eval('artSkinSelectInfluence artAttrSkinPaintCtx "'+influence+'" "'+influence+'"') mc.artAttrSkinPaintCtx(skinPaintTool,e=True,clear=True) # Unlock current influence weights mc.setAttr(influence+'.lockInfluenceWeights',0) # Reset current tool mc.setToolTo(currentTool)
def updateHighlight(self,includeInfluence=True): ''' updates highlight - if painting, adds current influence to highlight ''' if cmds.currentCtx()!=self.TOOL_PAINT: return if not LayerDataModel.getInstance().layerDataAvailable: return newHighlightItems = [] if includeInfluence: currentInfluencePath = LayerDataModel.getInstance().mll.getPaintTargetPath(); if currentInfluencePath: newHighlightItems.append(currentInfluencePath) SelectHelper.replaceHighlight(newHighlightItems)
def updateHighlight(self, includeInfluence=True): ''' updates highlight - if painting, adds current influence to highlight ''' if cmds.currentCtx() != self.TOOL_PAINT: return if not LayerDataModel.getInstance().layerDataAvailable: return newHighlightItems = [] if includeInfluence: currentInfluencePath = LayerDataModel.getInstance( ).mll.getPaintTargetPath() if currentInfluencePath: newHighlightItems.append(currentInfluencePath) SelectHelper.replaceHighlight(newHighlightItems)
def updateHighlight(self, includeInfluence=True): ''' updates highlight - if painting, adds current influence to highlight ''' if cmds.currentCtx() != self.TOOL_PAINT: return if not LayerDataModel.getInstance().layerDataAvailable: return newHighlightItems = [] if includeInfluence: currentInfluence = cmds.ngSkinLayer(q=True, ci=True) # returns influence path, if current paint target has any if (len(currentInfluence) > 1): newHighlightItems.append(currentInfluence[1]) SelectHelper.replaceHighlight(newHighlightItems)
def setty(demod): sikk = mc.optionMenu('modi', q=1, sl=1) imax = mc.textField('nt_maxTF', q=1, tx=1) whichCtx = mc.currentCtx() whichCtx = whichCtx.replace('Context', 'Ctx') if whichCtx == 'artAttrSkinCtx' or whichCtx == 'artAttrCtx': if demod == 0: melons.eval("catch(`artAttrPaintOperation " + whichCtx + " Replace`)") if demod == 1 or demod == 5: melons.eval("catch(`artAttrPaintOperation " + whichCtx + " Smooth`)") if demod == 2: melons.eval("catch(`artAttrPaintOperation " + whichCtx + " Add`)") if demod == 3: melons.eval("catch(`artAttrPaintOperation " + whichCtx + " Scale`)") sett(demod, sikk, imax)
def updateHighlight(self,includeInfluence=True): ''' updates highlight - if painting, adds current influence to highlight ''' if cmds.currentCtx()!=self.TOOL_PAINT: return if not LayerDataModel.getInstance().layerDataAvailable: return newHighlightItems = [] if includeInfluence: currentInfluence = cmds.ngSkinLayer(q=True,ci=True) # returns influence path, if current paint target has any if (len(currentInfluence)>1): newHighlightItems.append(currentInfluence[1]) SelectHelper.replaceHighlight(newHighlightItems)
def switchTool(s, mesh=None): """ Switch to our selection tool """ s.lastTool = cmds.currentCtx() ### For testing, refresh the tool each time this is run! if cmds.draggerContext(s.tool, ex=True): cmds.deleteUI(s.tool) ### if mesh and mesh in s.meshes: s.setColour("%s.vtx[0:]" % mesh, (0.4,0.4,0.4)) # Highlight mesh if provided. cmds.draggerContext( s.tool, name=s.tool, releaseCommand=s.makeSelection, dragCommand=s.updateSelectionPreview, # Preview selection while dragging cursor="hand", image1="hands.png") cmds.setToolTo(s.tool) = True
def switchInfluence(): sel = = True) influenceList = cmds.skinCluster(sel, query = True, influence = True) unlockedList = [] for num in influenceList: lockValue = cmds.getAttr('%s.liw'%num) if lockValue == False: unlockedList.append(num) #find selected influence currentCtx1 = cmds.currentCtx() currentInf = cmds.artAttrSkinPaintCtx(currentCtx1, query = True, inf = True) #Check for thing in index if currentInf in unlockedList: #find index index = unlockedList.index(currentInf) myJoint = unlockedList[(index -1)] mel.eval('artSkinSelectInfluence("artAttrSkinPaintCtx", "%s")'% myJoint) else: error("HappyBirthday Claytor")
def press_selected(self, menu, **mod): self._is_open_menu = False self._current_node = self.EMPTY_NODE self._cleanMenu() context = cmds.currentCtx() # context marking menu cmds.contextInfo(context, title=True) cmds.popupMenu('MMtoKey_MMB', b=2, aob=True, mm=True, p=self._getPanel(), pmc=self._openMarkingMenu, **mod) if context in self.DATA_TOOL and self.DATA_TOOL[context].menu: mel.eval('source "menu_%s";' % self.DATA_TOOL[context].menu) elif self.pref_special_1: mel.eval('source "menu_%s";' % self.pref_special_1) # common menu cmds.popupMenu('MMtoKey_LMB', b=1, aob=True, mm=True, p=self._getPanel(), pmc=self._openMarkingMenu, **mod) if menu: mel.eval('source "menu_%s";' % menu) return self._current_node = self._findNode() if mel.eval('source "menu_%s";' % elif self.pref_special_0: mel.eval('source "menu_%s";' % self.pref_special_0)
def startDraw(): sel =, o=1) sel = sel[0], r=True) mel.eval('MakePaintable;') vers = int(cmds.about(version=True)) if not cmds.currentCtx() == 'dynWireCtx1': mainPath = mel.eval('getenv "MAYA_LOCATION"') if vers > 2016: brushLoc = mainPath + '/Examples/Paint_Effects/Pens/ballpointRough.mel' else: brushLoc = mainPath + '/brushes/pens/ballpointRough.mel' mel.eval('copyBrushToSelected "' + brushLoc + '"') loc = cmds.toolPropertyWindow(q=True, loc=True) if loc: mel.eval('ToggleToolSettings;') cmds.scriptJob(event=['DagObjectCreated', 'ldmt_pfxToCurves()'], compressUndo=True) cmds.scriptJob(event=['ToolChanged', 'ldmt_killPFXJob()'], runOnce=True)
def hiliteMembers(self): # Check Context Status if mc.currentCtx() != self.context: return # Check UI Status if not mc.window('surfaceSkin_editMembershipToolUI',q=1,ex=1): return # Get surfaceSkin node surfaceSkinNode = mc.optionMenuGrp('ssEditInfMemberToolSurfaceSkin_OMG',q=1,v=1) # Get influence from list influence = mc.textScrollList('ssEditInfMemberToolInfluence_TSL',q=1,si=1)[0] # Get first selected item in list # Get affected geometry and components affectedGeo = surfaceSkin_utilities().getAffectedGeometry(surfaceSkinNode).keys() influenceMembers = surfaceSkin_utilities().getInfluenceMembership(influence,surfaceSkinNode,[],0) # Hilite component members if len(influenceMembers): for geo in affectedGeo: glTools.utils.selection.enableObjectVertexSelection(geo) # Create Context Object (Global) #ssEditInfluenceMembershipCTX = SurfaceSkinEditInfMembershipCTX('ssEditInfluenceMembershipCTX')
def loadTexture(fileName, fileType): if (fileName == None or len(fileName) == 0): return maya.mel.eval("PaintVertexColorTool;") context = cmds.currentCtx() cmds.artAttrPaintVertexCtx(context, whichTool="colorPerVertex", e=True, ifm="rgba", ifl=fileName) mesh = getMesh() if isMainColorSet(): subColorSets = SUB_COLOR_SETS colors = mesh.getVertexColors(MAIN_COLOR_SET) else: subColorSets = [mesh.currentColorSetName()] colors = mesh.getVertexColors(subColorSets[0]) # filter unused channel for subColorSet in subColorSets: mesh.setCurrentColorSetName(subColorSet) useR = int(subColorSet == R_CHANNEL or subColorSet == MAIN_COLOR_SET) useG = int(subColorSet == G_CHANNEL or subColorSet == MAIN_COLOR_SET) useB = int(subColorSet == B_CHANNEL or subColorSet == MAIN_COLOR_SET) useA = int(subColorSet == A_CHANNEL) numColors = len(colors) subColors = om.MColorArray(numColors, om.MColor((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))) for i in xrange(numColors): color = colors[i] subColors[i] = om.MColor((color.r * useR + color.a * useA, color.g * useG + color.a * useA, color.b * useB + color.a * useA, 1)) mesh.setVertexColors(subColors, getIncrementIter(numColors))
def getCurrentCtxName(): ctx = cmds.currentCtx() className = "" if True == cmds.contextInfo(ctx, exists=True): className = cmds.contextInfo(ctx, c=True) return className
def isPainting(self): return cmds.currentCtx()==self.TOOL_PAINT
def selection_changed(self, *args): """ make sure to opt out of the current spore tool when the selction is changed """ if cmds.currentCtx().startswith('spore'): cmds.setToolTo('selectSuperContext')
def set_reference(mode=''): c_ctx = cmds.currentCtx(q=True) #print c_ctx sel =, l=True) #print 'set reference :', mode, sel current_ctx = cmds.currentCtx() if mode == 'object': #print 'set reference object mode :' cmds.selectMode(o=True) rot = cmds.xform(sel, q=True, ro=True, ws=True) pos = cmds.xform(sel, q=True, t=True, ws=True) rx = rot[0] / 180 * math.pi ry = rot[1] / 180 * math.pi rz = rot[2] / 180 * math.pi cmds.manipScaleContext('Scale', e=True, orientAxes=(rx, ry, rz)) cmds.manipRotateContext('Rotate', e=True, orientAxes=(rx, ry, rz)) cmds.manipMoveContext('Move', e=True, orientAxes=(rx, ry, rz)) cmds.setToolTo('scaleSuperContext') #マニプ表示がおかしくなるのでいったんコンテキスト設定してから戻す cmds.setToolTo('RotateSuperContext') cmds.setToolTo('moveSuperContext') cmds.setToolTo(current_ctx) else: if mode == 'vertex': manip_type = 'PointHandleTowards' comp = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(sel, tv=True) comp = cmds.filterExpand(comp, sm=31) sel_node = '" , "'.join(pre_sel) #print 'vertex ref :', sel_node, comp[0] if mode == 'edge': manip_type = 'AlignHandleWith' comp = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(sel, te=True) comp = cmds.filterExpand(comp, sm=32) sel_node = comp[0] if mode == 'face': manip_type = 'AlignHandleWith' comp = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(sel, tf=True) comp = cmds.filterExpand(comp, sm=34) sel_node = comp[0] if comp: mel.eval('manipScaleOrient 5;') mel.eval('{ string $Selection1[]; $Selection1[0] = "' + comp[0] + '"; manipScale' + manip_type + '($Selection1[0], {"' + sel_node + '"}, {}, "", 0);; };') mel.eval('manipRotateOrient 5;') mel.eval('{ string $Selection1[]; $Selection1[0] = "' + comp[0] + '"; manipRotate' + manip_type + '($Selection1[0], {"' + sel_node + '"}, {}, "", 0);; };') mel.eval('manipMoveOrient 5;') mel.eval('{ string $Selection1[]; $Selection1[0] = "' + comp[0] + '"; manipMove' + manip_type + '($Selection1[0], {"' + sel_node + '"}, {}, "", 0);; };') cmds.selectMode(co=True) if pre_ref_mode == 'vertex': cmds.selectType(pv=1, smu=0, smp=1, pf=0, pe=0, smf=0, sme=0, puv=0) if pre_ref_mode == 'edge': cmds.selectType(pv=0, smu=0, smp=0, pf=0, pe=1, smf=0, sme=1, puv=0) if pre_ref_mode == 'face': cmds.selectType(pv=0, smu=0, smp=0, pf=1, pe=0, smf=0, sme=1, puv=0) trans = cmds.xform(sel, q=True, t=True, ws=True) num = len(trans) / 3 x = y = z = 0 for i in range(0, len(trans), 3): x += trans[i] y += trans[i + 1] z += trans[i + 2] pos = [x / num, y / num, z / num] #sel_obj = [] #obj_list = list(set([vtx.split('.')[0] for vtx in pre_sel])) #if obj_list: #sel_obj = [cmds.listRelatives(s, p=True)[0] if cmds.nodeType(s)=='mesh' else s for s in obj_list] #print obj_list, pre_sel #cmds.hilite(obj_list, r=True) #cmds.hilite(pre_sel, r=True) #print 'set to pre mode :', pre_ref_mode #print 'set to mode pre :', pre_ref_mode if pre_ref_mode == 'object': cmds.selectMode(o=True) else: cmds.selectMode(co=True) if pre_obj_list: cmds.hilite(pre_obj_list, r=True) if pre_sel:, r=True) else: sb.after_pick_context(ctx=c_ctx) #移動マニプを選択の中心に移動する cmds.manipPivot(p=pos)
def get_matrix(): global SYM_AVOIDANCE global sb from . import sisidebar_main as sb #print '-------------get Matrix---------------- :' #print 'select obj :', #current_tool = cmds.currentCtx() #print 'current tool ;', current_tool #cmds.setToolTo('selectSuperContext') #cmds.setToolTo(current_tool) if SYM_AVOIDANCE: SYM_AVOIDANCE = False return #ロックの有無をチェック try: sb.window.attribute_lock_state(mode=3, check_only=True) except Exception as e: print e.message pass try: #2018up2以降の不具合対応 sid = sb.space_group.checkedId() except Exception as e: print e.message return #一旦スケールX値をリセットしてメインウィンドウクラスに変更をお知らせする #sb.set_temp_text('change') sb.set_active_mute() scale = ['', '', ''] rot = ['', '', ''] trans = ['', '', ''] if cmds.selectMode(q=True, o=True): selection =, type='transform') if selection: try: s_list, r_list, t_list = get_srt(selection) except Exception as e: print e.message return #print 'get matrix :', s_list, r_list, t_list for i in range(3): s_list = [ map(lambda a: round(float(a), view_decimal), xyz) for xyz in s_list ] r_list = [ map(lambda a: round(float(a), view_decimal), xyz) for xyz in r_list ] t_list = [ map(lambda a: round(float(a), view_decimal), xyz) for xyz in t_list ] if not all(s[i] == s_list[0][i] for s in s_list): #print 'not same' scale[i] = '' else: #print 'same' scale[i] = str(s_list[0][i]) if not all(r[i] == r_list[0][i] for r in r_list): #print 'not same', r_list rot[i] = '' else: #print 'same', r_list rot[i] = str(r_list[0][i]) if not all(t[i] == t_list[0][i] for t in t_list): trans[i] = '' else: trans[i] = str(t_list[0][i]) #sb.check_key_anim() if np_flag: sb.view_np_time(culc_time='- Numpy Calculation Mode -') else: sb.view_np_time(culc_time='- Usual Calculation Mode -') selection =, type='float3') #カーブもとっておく cv_selection =, type='double3', fl=True) #print cv_selection if selection or cv_selection: #ラティスポイント他すべてを有効にする sel_str = str(selection + cv_selection) ''' if '.vtx[' in sel_str: cmds.selectType(polymeshVertex=True) #cmds.selectType(particle=True) ''' if '.cv[' in sel_str: cmds.selectType(cv=True) cmds.selectMode(co=True) if '.pt[' in sel_str: cmds.selectType(latticePoint=True) cmds.selectMode(co=True) #オブジェクトモードでもコンポーネント選択がある場合は強制的にモード変更する components = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(selection, tv=True) + cv_selection #print components #if not components: s_list, r_list, t_list = get_srt(components, mode='component') start = #計測開始 #マニプ情報取得に必要な情報を集める sym = cmds.symmetricModelling(q=True, symmetry=True) current_tool = cmds.currentCtx() tools_list = [ 'scaleSuperContext', 'RotateSuperContext', 'moveSuperContext' ] if sym: axis_list = ['x', 'y', 'z'] sym_axis = cmds.symmetricModelling(q=True, ax=True) axis_id = axis_list.index(sym_axis) meshes =, l=True) #マニプが有効でない場合はシンメトリ座標を取得できないので自前計算 if not current_tool in tools_list: for i, value in enumerate(t_list): if i % 3 == axis_id: value = math.sqrt(value**2) t_list[i] = value if np_flag: #print 'culc in numpy' s_list = np.reshape(s_list, (len(s_list) / 3, 3)) scale = np.average(s_list, axis=0).tolist() r_list = np.reshape(r_list, (len(r_list) / 3, 3)) rot = np.average(r_list, axis=0).tolist() t_list = np.reshape(t_list, (len(t_list) / 3, 3)) trans = np.average(t_list, axis=0).tolist() else: #print 'culc in math' srt_list = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(0, len(s_list), 3): srt_list[0] += s_list[i + 0] srt_list[1] += s_list[i + 1] srt_list[2] += s_list[i + 2] scale = map(lambda a: a / (len(s_list) / 3), srt_list[0:3]) for i in range(0, len(r_list), 3): srt_list[3] += r_list[i + 0] srt_list[4] += r_list[i + 1] srt_list[5] += r_list[i + 2] rot = map(lambda a: a / (len(r_list) / 3), srt_list[3:6]) for i in range(0, len(t_list), 3): srt_list[6] += t_list[i + 0] srt_list[7] += t_list[i + 1] srt_list[8] += t_list[i + 2] trans = map(lambda a: a / (len(t_list) / 3), srt_list[6:9]) #シンメトリのときとワールド座標の場合の処理 #ワールド空間のときもMayaのマニピュレータ位置とあわせる if sym or sid == 0 or sid == 4: if current_tool in tools_list: if current_tool == 'moveSuperContext': trans = cmds.manipMoveContext('Move', q=True, p=True) elif current_tool == 'RotateSuperContext': trans = cmds.manipRotateContext('Rotate', q=True, p=True) elif current_tool == 'scaleSuperContext': trans = cmds.manipScaleContext('Scale', q=True, p=True) #ワールド空間でない且つ選択オブジェクトが1つの場合はマトリクス計算で座標を求める if sid != 0 and sid != 4 and len(meshes) == 1: scale = cmds.xform(meshes[0], q=True, s=True, ws=True) #scale = [1.0]*3 if len(meshes) == 1: pos = trans + [1] #行列掛けるようの位置配列、末尾に1つけとく if np_flag: #マトリクス計算で座標求める matrix = cmds.xform(meshes[0], q=True, m=True, ws=True) matrix = np.reshape(matrix, (4, 4)) rev_matrix = np.linalg.inv(matrix) #逆行列 #print 'get mesh matrix :', matrix, meshes[0] #print 'get rev matrix np:', rev_matrix mul_matrix_trans =, matrix) mul_rev_matrix_trans =, rev_matrix) #print 'mul matrix :', mul_matrix_trans #print 'mul rev matrix :', mul_rev_matrix_trans trans = scale * mul_rev_matrix_trans[:3] #print 'Local trans np:', trans else: #Numpy使わない処理 matrix = cmds.xform(meshes[0], q=True, m=True, ws=True) rev_matrix = meshes[0])[0].transformationMatrix().inverse() #print 'get rev matrix :', rev_matrix pos = [pos] #行列掛けるようの位置配列、末尾に1つけとく #print matrix #print rev_matrix mul_rev_matrix_trans =, rev_matrix)[0] #print mul_rev_matrix_trans trans = mm.mul(mul_rev_matrix_trans[:3], scale) #print 'Local trans :', trans #print 'sym pos :', trans, meshes, sid #print 'trans :', trans end = culc_time = end - start sb.view_np_time(culc_time='Culc Time ' + str(culc_time)) #表示桁数を調整する try: scale = map(lambda a: round(float(a), view_decimal) if a != '' else '', scale) rot = map(lambda a: round(float(a), view_decimal) if a != '' else '', rot) trans = map(lambda a: round(float(a), view_decimal) if a != '' else '', trans) #念のため0のマイナス符号を除去、main側のセットでもやってるんで一旦ミュート #print rot #scale = map(lambda a : float(str(a).replace('-0.0', '0.0')) if a=='-0.0' else a, scale) #rot = map(lambda a : float(str(a).replace('-0.0', '0.0')) if a=='-0.0' else a, rot) #trans = map(lambda a : float(str(a).replace('-0.0', '0.0')) if a=='-0.0' else a, trans) #print rot sb.set_pre_transform(trans, rot, scale) sb.set_srt_text(scale, rot, trans) except: sb.set_pre_transform(trans, rot, scale) sb.set_srt_text(scale, rot, trans)
def stateToFileInfo(): sel = selStr = '?'.join(sel) m.fileInfo('onSaveSelection',selStr) ctx = m.currentCtx() m.fileInfo('onSaveCtx',ctx)
def create(self, *args): img = cmds.iconTextButton("TempCustomPivotBtn", query=True, image=True) onOff = (img[-10:-4] == "active") if onOff: self.clear() return cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) self.clear() getCurves = animMod.getAnimCurves() animCurves = getCurves[0] getFrom = getCurves[1] if animCurves: keyTimes = animMod.getTarget("keyTimes", animCurves, getFrom) self.sel = if not self.sel: return cmds.iconTextButton("TempCustomPivotBtn", edit=True, image= uiMod.getImagePath("specialTools_create_temp_custom_pivot_active"), highlightImage= uiMod.getImagePath("specialTools_create_temp_custom_pivot_active")) targetObj = self.sel[-1] aToolsMod.saveInfoWithScene(self.STORE_NODE, self.CTRLS, self.sel) currentFrame = cmds.currentTime(query=True) aToolsMod.saveInfoWithScene(self.STORE_NODE, self.CURRENTFRAME, currentFrame) locators = [] for loopSel in self.sel: nameSpace = utilMod.getNameSpace([loopSel]) loopSelName = "%s_%s"%(nameSpace[0][0], nameSpace[1][0]) locatorName = "tempCustomPivot_%s"%loopSelName locator = animMod.createNull(locatorName) locators.append(locator) G.aToolsBar.align.align([locator], loopSel) locatorGroup = "tempCustomPivot_group" G.aToolsBar.align.align([locatorGroup], targetObj) with G.aToolsBar.createAToolsNode: cmds.parent(locators, locatorGroup), replace=True) locators.append(locatorGroup) aToolsMod.saveInfoWithScene(self.STORE_NODE, self.LOCATORS, locators) #parent ctrls to locator constraints = ["%s_tempCustomPivot_constraint"%loopConstraint for loopConstraint in self.sel] aToolsMod.saveInfoWithScene(self.STORE_NODE, self.CONSTRAINTS, constraints) for n, loopSel in enumerate(self.sel): with G.aToolsBar.createAToolsNode: cmds.parentConstraint(locators[n], loopSel, name=constraints[n], maintainOffset=True) constraintNode = "%s.blendParent1"%loopSel if not cmds.objExists(constraintNode): continue cmds.setKeyframe(constraintNode) if keyTimes: for loopTime in keyTimes[0]: cmds.setKeyframe("%s.tx"%locatorGroup, time=(loopTime,loopTime)) if loopTime != currentFrame: cmds.setKeyframe(constraintNode, time=(loopTime,loopTime), value=0) #enter edit mode cmds.setToolTo(cmds.currentCtx()) cmds.ctxEditMode() #scriptjob cmds.scriptJob(runOnce = True, killWithScene = True, event =('SelectionChanged', self.scriptJob_SelectionChanged))