예제 #1
파일: ARTv2.py 프로젝트: qinwang/ARTv2
def initializePlugin(mobject):
    mplugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin(mobject, "Jeremy Ernst\nEpic Games, Inc.", "1.0")
    status = mplugin.registerUI(makeMyCustomUI, removeMyCustomUI)

    # check for tools path

    return status
예제 #2
파일: ui.py 프로젝트: ihybrd/pl
    def __gethelp__(self):
        the function will get the help string via the command of mc.help, then
        re-format the string into a list and add some valuable data to the 
        attribute flags and flag_type.
        _dict = []

        for ln in mc.help(self.__cmd__.__name__).split("\n"):
            if str(ln).strip().startswith("-"):
                ent = []

                for i in ln.strip().split(" "):
                    if i:

                flags = [f[1:] for f in ent[:2]]
                sn, ln = flags

                self.flags += flags

                typ = None
                if len(ent) > 2:
                    typ = ent[2:]
                    typ = [str(t) for t in typ]

                entry = [flags, typ]
                self.flag_typ[str(sn)] = typ
                self.flag_typ[str(ln)] = typ


        return _dict
예제 #3
def print_flags(control):
    print 'in flags', control
    control_type = get_control_type(control)
    help = mc.help(control_type)

    print help
    print '=' * 20
    arg_help = ''

    print help.strip().split('\n')
    print '-' * 20

    for a in help.strip().split('\n')[4:-3]:

        # print 'checking',a

        flag = a.split()
        # if not flag:
        # continue

        print '  checking', flag
        if flag[1] not in ('-defineTemplate', '-parent', '-docTag', '-exists'):
            # flag_name = ' '*5+ flag[1]
            flag_name = ' ' * 5 + flag[1].ljust(25, '.')

            flag_query = eval('mc.%s("%s",%s=1,q=1)' %
                              (control_type, control, flag[1][1:]))
            if flag[1] in ('-popupMenuArray', '-childArray'):
                # flag_query = eval('mc.%s("%s",q=1)' % (control_type, flag[1]))
                if flag_query:
                    arg_help += flag_name + ' '.join(flag_query[:6]) + '\n'

            elif flag[1] == '-backgroundColor':
                # flag_query = eval('mc.%s("%s",q=1)' % (control_type, flag[1]))
                if flag_query:
                    arg_help += flag_name + str(flag_query) + '\n'
                # print 'yeah','mc.%s("%s",%s=1,q=1)' % (control_type,control, flag[1][1:])
                # flag_query = eval('mc.%s("%s",%s=1,q=1)' % (control_type,control, flag[1][1:]))
                print 'checking', flag[1][1:], '--->', flag_query

                # if flag_query is None or len(flag_query):
                arg_help += flag_name + str(flag_query) + '\n'

    print arg_help
예제 #4
    def Event_Act(self):
        text = self.window.Text_Results.textCursor().selectedText().strip()
        if text == '':

        if self.window.Radio_Attributes.isChecked():
                '%s = %s' %
                 maya_cmds.getAttr(self.window.Line_Attributes.text().strip() +
                                   '.' + text)))
        elif self.window.Radio_CommandsMel.isChecked(
        ) or self.window.Radio_CommandsPython.isChecked():
            except RuntimeError:
                print(mel_eval('whatIs ' + text))
        elif self.window.Radio_VariablesMel.isChecked():
            print('%s = %s' % (text, mel_eval('$tmp=' + text)))
import maya.cmds as cmds

#Create a polysphere

#Create a polysphere setting the radius to 10

#Print polysphere help docs

#Query polysphere radius
cmds.polySphere(query=True, radius=True)

#Edit polysphere radius
cmds.polySphere(edit=True, radius=2)

#List specified items -> cameras

#List ls related cmds

#List items in selection


#Add item to selection
cmds.select("pPlane1", add=True)
예제 #6
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: fenderog/pymel
def helpNonVerbose(thing, title='Python Library Documentation: %s', forceload=0):
    Utility method to return python help in the form of a string

    thing - str or unicode name to get help on
    title - format string for help result
    forceload - argument to pydoc.resolve, force object's module to be reloaded from file

    returns formated help string
    result = ""
        thingStr = thing.encode(cmds.about(codeset=True))
        thingStr = str(thing)

        # Possible two-stage object resolution!
        # Sometimes we get docs for strings, other times for objects
            object, name = pydoc.resolve(thingStr, forceload)
            # Get an object from a string
            object, name = pydoc.resolve(thingObj, forceload)
        desc = pydoc.describe(object)
        module = inspect.getmodule(object)
        if name and '.' in name:
            desc += ' in ' + name[:name.rfind('.')]
        elif module and module is not object:
            desc += ' in module ' + module.__name__
        doc = None
        text = pydoc.TextDoc()
        if not (inspect.ismodule(object) or
                inspect.isclass(object) or
                inspect.isroutine(object) or
                inspect.isgetsetdescriptor(object) or
                inspect.ismemberdescriptor(object) or
                isinstance(object, property)):
            # If the passed object is a piece of data or an instance,
            # document its available methods instead of its value.
            object = type(object)
            desc += ' object'
        # if the object is a maya command without a proper docstring,
        # then tack on the help for it
        elif module is cmds and inspect.isroutine(object):
                if len(object.__doc__) == 0:
                    doc = cmds.help(object.__name__)
        if not doc:
            doc = text.document(object, name)
        result = pydoc.plain(title % desc + '\n\n' + doc)

        # Remove multiple empty lines
        result = "\n".join([ line for line in result.splitlines() if line.strip()])
    return result
예제 #7
파일: cmdcache.py 프로젝트: tbarbieri/pymel
def getCmdInfoBasic( command ):
    typemap = {
             'string'  : unicode,
             'length'  : float,
             'float'   : float,
             'angle'   : float,
             'int'     : int,
             'unsignedint' : int,
             'on|off'  : bool,
             'script'  : callable,
             'name'    : 'PyNode'
    flags = {}
    shortFlags = {}
    removedFlags = {}
        lines = cmds.help( command ).split('\n')
    except RuntimeError:
        synopsis = lines.pop(0)
        # certain commands on certain platforms have an empty first line
        if not synopsis:
            synopsis = lines.pop(0)
        if lines:
            lines.pop(0) # 'Flags'

            for line in lines:
                line = line.replace( '(Query Arg Mandatory)', '' )
                line = line.replace( '(Query Arg Optional)', '' )
                tokens = line.split()

                    multiuse = True
                except ValueError:
                    multiuse = False
                if len(tokens) > 1 and tokens[0].startswith('-'):

                    args = [ typemap.get(x.lower(), util.uncapitalize(x) ) for x in tokens[2:] ]
                    numArgs = len(args)

                    # lags with no args in mel require a boolean val in python
                    if numArgs == 0:
                        args = bool
                        # numArgs will stay at 0, which is the number of mel arguments.
                        # this flag should be renamed to numMelArgs
                        #numArgs = 1
                    elif numArgs == 1:
                        args = args[0]

                    longname = str(tokens[1][1:])
                    shortname = str(tokens[0][1:])

                    if longname in keyword.kwlist:
                        removedFlags[ longname ] = shortname
                        longname = shortname
                    elif shortname in keyword.kwlist:
                        removedFlags[ shortname ] = longname
                        shortname = longname
                    #sometimes the longname is empty, so we'll use the shortname for both
                    elif longname == '':
                        longname = shortname

                    flags[longname] = { 'longname' : longname, 'shortname' : shortname, 'args' : args, 'numArgs' : numArgs, 'docstring' : '' }
                    if multiuse:
                        flags[longname].setdefault('modes', []).append('multiuse')
                    shortFlags[shortname] = longname

    #    pass
        #_logger.debug("could not retrieve command info for", command)
    res = { 'flags': flags, 'shortFlags': shortFlags, 'description' : '', 'example': '', 'type' : 'other' }
    if removedFlags:
        res['removedFlags'] = removedFlags
    return res
# E:\Courses\Projects_Folder\Python Projects\Maya
import maya.cmds as cmds

# craeting polySphere with
# flags >> radius = 5

# flags >> help

# Modes >> create, Query, Edit
# Query sphere radius
# prints radius value
cmds.polySphere('polySphere1', query=True,
                radius=True)  # Must select or type name

# edit radius sphere
cmds.polySphere("polySphere1", edit=True, radius=3)

# ls, select
cmds.select("pSphere1", add=True)
cmds.select("pCube1", replace=True)
import maya.cmds as cmds

# Create Polygon Sphere

# Create Polygon Sphere with name Sam_Test_GEO
cmds.polySphere(n ="Sam_Test_GEO")

# Create Polygon Sphere with radius of 10
cmds.polySphere(radius = 10)

# Help Command for polySphere command. Will return 3 columns of info. 1. Flag Shorthand 2. Flag Fully Written Out 3. Data Type flag takes
print cmds.help("polySphere")

# There are 3 types of commands Create, Edit, Query. If a flag is not specified it defaults to Create, to specify a different type of command you have to set that flag to equal True

# Query Command for radius of polySphere1
print cmds.polySphere("polySphere1", query=True, radius=True)

# If else Query command that changes result based on whether radius equals a certain value
if( cmds.polySphere("polySphere1", query=True, radius=True) == 1.0):
# Edit command to change polySphere1's radius to equal 5

cmds.polySphere("polySphere1", edit = True, radius = 5)
예제 #10
More Loops

# enumerate

# Showing all the files in a directory.

Help and Web Pages
# string
# maya help & showHelp commands 
cmds.help( 'textScrollList', language='python', doc=True )
cmds.showHelp( 'http://www.autodesk.com/', absolute=True )
# google search
# http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=

def googleSearch( item ):
	google = r'http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q='
	cmds.showHelp( google + item, absolute=True )

googleSearch( "python" )

Standard Library
예제 #11
def getCmdInfoBasic( command ):
    typemap = {
             'string'  : unicode,
             'length'  : float,
             'float'   : float,
             'angle'   : float,
             'int'     : int,
             'unsignedint' : int,
             'on|off'  : bool,
             'script'  : callable,
             'name'    : 'PyNode'
    flags = {}
    shortFlags = {}
    removedFlags = {}
        lines = cmds.help( command ).split('\n')
    except RuntimeError:
        synopsis = lines.pop(0)
        # certain commands on certain platforms have an empty first line
        if not synopsis:
            synopsis = lines.pop(0)
        if lines:
            lines.pop(0) # 'Flags'

            for line in lines:
                line = line.replace( '(Query Arg Mandatory)', '' )
                line = line.replace( '(Query Arg Optional)', '' )
                tokens = line.split()

                    multiuse = True
                except ValueError:
                    multiuse = False
                if len(tokens) > 1 and tokens[0].startswith('-'):

                    args = [ typemap.get(x.lower(), util.uncapitalize(x) ) for x in tokens[2:] ]
                    numArgs = len(args)

                    # lags with no args in mel require a boolean val in python
                    if numArgs == 0:
                        args = bool
                        # numArgs will stay at 0, which is the number of mel arguments.
                        # this flag should be renamed to numMelArgs
                        #numArgs = 1
                    elif numArgs == 1:
                        args = args[0]

                    longname = str(tokens[1][1:])
                    shortname = str(tokens[0][1:])

                    if longname in keyword.kwlist:
                        removedFlags[ longname ] = shortname
                        longname = shortname
                    elif shortname in keyword.kwlist:
                        removedFlags[ shortname ] = longname
                        shortname = longname
                    #sometimes the longname is empty, so we'll use the shortname for both
                    elif longname == '':
                        longname = shortname

                    flags[longname] = { 'longname' : longname, 'shortname' : shortname, 'args' : args, 'numArgs' : numArgs, 'docstring' : '' }
                    if multiuse:
                        flags[longname].setdefault('modes', []).append('multiuse')
                    shortFlags[shortname] = longname

    #    pass
        #_logger.debug("could not retrieve command info for", command)
    res = { 'flags': flags, 'shortFlags': shortFlags, 'description' : '', 'example': '', 'type' : 'other' }
    if removedFlags:
        res['removedFlags'] = removedFlags
    return res