예제 #1
def locatorParticles(locList,
    # Check locator list
    if not locList: return

    # Check particles
    if not particle: particle = 'particle1'
    if not cmds.objExists(particle):
        particle = cmds.nParticle(n=particle)[0]

    # Set Particle Object Attrs
    cmds.setAttr(particle + '.particleRenderType', 4)
    cmds.setAttr(particle + '.radius',
                 cmds.floatSliderGrp('locParticle_radiusFSG', q=True, v=True))
        particle + '.selfCollide',
        cmds.checkBoxGrp('locParticle_selfCollideCBG', q=True, v1=True))

    # Create particles
    ptList = [cmds.pointPosition(i) for i in locList]
    cmds.emit(o=particle, pos=ptList)

    # Add and Set RotatePP/ScalePP Values
    if rotatePP:

        # Check rotatePP attrs
        if not cmds.objExists(particle + '.rotatePP'):

        # Set rotatePP attrs
        for i in range(len(locList)):
            rot = cmds.getAttr(locList[i] + '.r')
            cmds.particle(particle, e=True, at='rotatePP', id=i, vv=rot[0])

    if scalePP:

        # Check scalePP attrs
        if not cmds.objExists(particle + '.scalePP'):

        # Set scalePP attrs
        for i in range(len(locList)):
            scl = cmds.getAttr(locList[i] + '.s')
            cmds.particle(particle, e=True, at='scalePP', id=i, vv=scl[0])

    # Save Initial State
예제 #2
def locatorParticles(locList, particle, radius=1, selfCollide=False, rotatePP=False, scalePP=False):
    # Check locator list
    if not locList: return

    # Check particles
    if not particle: particle = 'particle1'
    if not cmds.objExists(particle):
        particle = cmds.nParticle(n=particle)[0]

    # Set Particle Object Attrs
    cmds.setAttr(particle + '.particleRenderType', 4)
    cmds.setAttr(particle + '.radius', cmds.floatSliderGrp('locParticle_radiusFSG', q=True, v=True))
    cmds.setAttr(particle + '.selfCollide', cmds.checkBoxGrp('locParticle_selfCollideCBG', q=True, v1=True))

    # Create particles
    ptList = [cmds.pointPosition(i) for i in locList]
    cmds.emit(o=particle, pos=ptList)

    # Add and Set RotatePP/ScalePP Values
    if rotatePP:

        # Check rotatePP attrs
        if not cmds.objExists(particle + '.rotatePP'):

        # Set rotatePP attrs
        for i in range(len(locList)):
            rot = cmds.getAttr(locList[i] + '.r')
            cmds.particle(particle, e=True, at='rotatePP', id=i, vv=rot[0])

    if scalePP:

        # Check scalePP attrs
        if not cmds.objExists(particle + '.scalePP'):

        # Set scalePP attrs
        for i in range(len(locList)):
            scl = cmds.getAttr(locList[i] + '.s')
            cmds.particle(particle, e=True, at='scalePP', id=i, vv=scl[0])

    # Save Initial State
def createParticleSystem_goal():
    # Create a constant sized particle object following a deformed torus shape (using goal)

    cmds.file(new=True, force=True)

    # Create a torus, we will use it as goal
    xrez = 14
    yrez = 8
    goalTorus = cmds.polyTorus( r=1, sr=0.5, tw=0, sx=xrez, sy=yrez, ax=(0, 1, 0), cuv=1, ch=0)[0]

    # nParticle creation depends on an optoinVar value, make sure we use the default one
    cmds.optionVar( sv=("NParticleStyle","Points") )

    # Emit a lot of particle, the actual number will be limited to the max particle attribute in the particleShape
    emitter = cmds.emitter(dx=1, dy=0, dz=0, sp=0.1, pos=(0, 5, 0),rate=2500)[0]
    particleSystem, particleSystemShape = cmds.nParticle(n="nParticle_test_goal")
    cmds.setAttr('%s.lfm' % particleSystemShape, 0) # live forever
    cmds.setAttr('%s.particleRenderType' % particleSystemShape, 7) # Blobby, to see radius
    cmds.setAttr('%s.maxCount' % particleSystemShape, xrez*yrez) # max count is the number of vertices on the torus

    cmds.connectDynamic( particleSystemShape, em=emitter)

    # Create Goal
    cmds.goal(particleSystem, w=1, utr=0, g=goalTorus);

    # Create Initial state to we start with the correct amount of particle
    # NOTE: When using this script in command line, the first frame is not correctly evaluated and the particleShape is empty
    # This doesn't happens in interactive maya
    for i in range(1, 10):

    bend, bendHandle = cmds.nonLinear( goalTorus, type="bend", lowBound=-1, highBound=1, curvature=0)

    cmds.setAttr( "%s.rotateZ" % bendHandle, 90)
    cmds.setKeyframe( "%s.curvature" % bend, v=0, t=1, inTangentType="flat", outTangentType="flat")
    cmds.setKeyframe( "%s.curvature" % bend, v=-130, t=12, inTangentType="flat", outTangentType="flat")
    cmds.setKeyframe( "%s.curvature" % bend, v=130, t=24, inTangentType="flat", outTangentType="flat")

    # Make the bend animation loop
    cmds.setInfinity( bend, poi="oscillate", attribute="curvature")

    return particleSystem, particleSystemShape
예제 #4
def createParticleSystem_goal():
    # Create a constant sized particle object following a deformed torus shape (using goal)

    cmds.file(new=True, force=True)

    # Create a torus, we will use it as goal
    xrez = 14
    yrez = 8
    goalTorus = cmds.polyTorus(r=1, sr=0.5, tw=0, sx=xrez, sy=yrez, ax=(0, 1, 0), cuv=1, ch=0)[0]

    # nParticle creation depends on an optoinVar value, make sure we use the default one
    cmds.optionVar(sv=("NParticleStyle", "Points"))

    # Emit a lot of particle, the actual number will be limited to the max particle attribute in the particleShape
    emitter = cmds.emitter(dx=1, dy=0, dz=0, sp=0.1, pos=(0, 5, 0), rate=2500)[0]
    particleSystem, particleSystemShape = cmds.nParticle(n="nParticle_test_goal")
    cmds.setAttr('%s.lfm' % particleSystemShape, 0)  # live forever
    cmds.setAttr('%s.particleRenderType' % particleSystemShape, 7)  # Blobby, to see radius
    cmds.setAttr('%s.maxCount' % particleSystemShape, xrez * yrez)  # max count is the number of vertices on the torus

    cmds.connectDynamic(particleSystemShape, em=emitter)

    # Create Goal
    cmds.goal(particleSystem, w=1, utr=0, g=goalTorus);

    # Create Initial state to we start with the correct amount of particle
    # NOTE: When using this script in command line, the first frame is not correctly evaluated and the particleShape is empty
    # This doesn't happens in interactive maya
    for i in range(1, 10):

    bend, bendHandle = cmds.nonLinear(goalTorus, type="bend", lowBound=-1, highBound=1, curvature=0)

    cmds.setAttr("%s.rotateZ" % bendHandle, 90)
    cmds.setKeyframe("%s.curvature" % bend, v=0, t=1, inTangentType="flat", outTangentType="flat")
    cmds.setKeyframe("%s.curvature" % bend, v=-130, t=12, inTangentType="flat", outTangentType="flat")
    cmds.setKeyframe("%s.curvature" % bend, v=130, t=24, inTangentType="flat", outTangentType="flat")

    # Make the bend animation loop
    cmds.setInfinity(bend, poi="oscillate", attribute="curvature")

    return particleSystem, particleSystemShape
예제 #5
def qsEmit(object, position, attributes, clearAndSaveState=True, **kwargs):
    '''{'del_path':'Dynamics/Particles/qsEmit("particleShape", position=posLi, attributes=(("cus_bbsi", "vectorValue", bbsiLi), ("cus_area", "floatValue", areaLi) ), clearAndSaveState=True  )ONLYSE',
objects = cmds.listRelatives(cmds.ls(sl=True, exactType="transform", l=True), type="transform",f=True)\\n\
posLi, radiusLi, atULi, atVLi = [], [], [], []\\n\
for tfNode in objects:\\n\
    objPos = cmds.objectCenter(tfNode)\\n\
    bbsize = cmds.getAttr(tfNode+".bbsi")[0]\\n\
    radius = qm.vectorLen(bbsize)/2\\n\
    atU = cmds.getAttr(tfNode+".atU")\\n\
    atV = cmds.getAttr(tfNode+".atV")\\n\
$fun(object = "new", position=posLi, attributes=[("cus_bbsi", "floatValue", radiusLi), ("cus_area", "floatValue", areaLi) ]    )',
'help':'对emit command重新进行了一下打包',

    createNew = True
    parType = ('particle', 'nParticle')
    if cmds.objExists(object):
        if cmds.objectType(object) in parType:
            createNew = False
            shapes = cmds.listRelatives(object, shapes=True)[0]
            if cmds.objExists(shapes) in parType:
                object = shapes
                createNew = False

    if createNew:
        if kwargs.get('type', None) == 'particle':
            nPar = cmds.particle()
            nPar = cmds.nParticle()
        object = nPar[1]

    #if cmds.objectType(object) != 'nParticle':
    #raise IOError('%s is not nParticle object'%object)

    posLen = len(position)

    for attr in list(attributes):
        if len(attr[2]) != posLen:
            if createNew:
                cmds.delete(cmds.listRelatives(object, parent))
            raise IOError('%s count is difence with position count' %

    for attr in attributes:
        if cmds.attributeQuery(attr[0], node=object, exists=True) == False:
            print attr[1]
            if attr[1] == 'floatValue': attrType = 'doubleArray'
            elif attr[1] == 'vectorValue': attrType = 'vectorArray'
                raise IOError('value type is not floatValue or vectorValue')
            cmds.addAttr(object, ln=attr[0] + '0', dt=attrType)
            cmds.addAttr(object, ln=attr[0], dt=attrType)

    emitStr = 'emit -object %s ' % (object)
    for data in position:
        emitStr += ' -pos %s %s %s ' % (data[0], data[1], data[2])

    if clearAndSaveState:
        startF = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True)
        cmds.currentTime(startF + 1, e=True)
        mel.eval("clearParticleStartState %s" % (object))
        cmds.currentTime(startF, e=True)

    for attr in attributes:
        emitStr += '\n\n-attribute %s ' % (attr[0])
        if attr[1] == 'floatValue':
            for data in attr[2]:
                emitStr += ' -%s %s  ' % (attr[1], data)
        elif attr[1] == 'vectorValue':
            for data in attr[2]:
                emitStr += ' -%s %s %s %s  ' % (attr[1], data[0], data[1],
            raise IOError('value type is not floatValue or vectorValue')
    #return emitStr
    if clearAndSaveState:
    return object
예제 #6
	def doIt( self, argList ):
		"""Processes a SpeedTree SWA file for forest instance locations"""
		mc.select( clear=True )
		#define variables
		swaFile = swaName = ''
		SpeedTreeForest = SpeedTreeAsset = ''
		SpeedTreeForestAssets = []
		arrObjects = []
		arrObjNames = []
		arrObjCount = []
		arrTranslate = []
		upRot = []
		rightRot = []
		outRot = []
		arrScale = []
		arrInstances = []
		partCloud = []
		treeArray = []
		oCount = tCount = 0
		objTotalCount = 0
		swaCount = 0
		treeCount = 0
		objLen = 0
		processMode = 2
		argsLen = argList.length()
		startInd = 2
		#process mode
		if argsLen > 1:
			processMode = argList.asInt(0)
			swaFile = argList.asString(1)
			if processMode == 1:
				SpeedTreeForest = argList.asString(2)
				startInd = 3
			if argsLen > startInd:
				for a in range( startInd, argsLen ):
					treeArray.append( argList.asString(a) )
				treeCount = len( treeArray )
		#get SWA file
		if processMode == 2 and swaFile == '':
			if MayaVersion >= 2012:
					swaFile = mc.fileDialog2( fileMode=1, caption="Select a SpeedTree SWA file", okc="Load", fileFilter="*.swa", dialogStyle=2 )[0]
					swaFile = ''
				swaFile = mc.fileDialog( mode=0, title='Select a SpeedTree SWA file', directoryMask='*.swa' )
		swaExists = ( os.path.exists( swaFile ) and not os.path.isdir( swaFile ) )
		if swaExists:
			swaName = swaFile.rpartition("/")[2]
			swaName = swaName[:-4]
			#reloading forest node
			if processMode == 1:
				if MayaVersion >= 2012:
					SpeedTreeForest = mc.rename( SpeedTreeForest, swaName + '_Forest' )
				oldParticleSets = []
				particleSetInds = mc.getAttr( SpeedTreeForest + '.particleSets', mi=1 )
				if particleSetInds != None:
					for p in particleSetInds:
						particleSet = mc.connectionInfo( SpeedTreeForest + '.particleSets[' + str(p) + ']', sfd=1 ).split( '.' )[0]
						forestObject = mc.connectionInfo( SpeedTreeForest + '.forestObjects[' + str(p) + ']', sfd=1 ).split( '.' )[0]
						if particleSet != '':
							mc.removeMultiInstance( SpeedTreeForest + '.particleSets[' + str(p) + ']', b=True )
							mc.removeMultiInstance( SpeedTreeForest + '.forestObjects[' + str(p) + ']', b=True )
							if mc.objExists( forestObject ):
								mc.setAttr( forestObject + '.visibility', 1 )
						oldParticleSets.append( particleSet )
						particleSetShapes = mc.listRelatives( particleSet, s=1 )
						if particleSetShapes != None and len( particleSetShapes ) > 0:
							particleSetShape = particleSetShapes[0]
							cons = mc.listConnections( particleSetShape, d=1 )
							if cons != None and len( cons ) > 0:
								for c in cons:
									if ( mc.nodeType( c ) == 'instancer' ):
										oldParticleSets.append( c )
					for s in oldParticleSets:
						if mc.objExists( s ):
							mc.delete( s )
				SpeedTreeForest = mc.createNode( 'SpeedTreeForest', name=swaName + '_Forest' )
				mc.setAttr( SpeedTreeForest + '.swaFile', swaFile, type='string' )
			SpeedTreeForestAssets.append( SpeedTreeForest )
			#create asset
			if MayaVersion >= 2009:
				if processMode == 1:
					SpeedTreeAsset = mc.container( q=True, findContainer=[ SpeedTreeForest ] )
				if SpeedTreeAsset != '':
					if MayaVersion >= 2012:
						SpeedTreeAsset = mc.rename( SpeedTreeAsset, swaName )
					mc.container( SpeedTreeAsset, edit=True, addNode=SpeedTreeForest, force=True )
				else: 	#create container
					SpeedTreeAsset = mc.container( name=swaName, addNode=SpeedTreeForest, force=True )
				#asset settings
				SpeedTreeFbxPath = mc.pluginInfo( 'SpeedTreeForest.py', path=True, query=True )
				SpeedTreeFbxPart = SpeedTreeFbxPath.rpartition( '/' )
				if MayaVersion >= 2011:
					SpeedTreeIconPath = SpeedTreeFbxPart[0] + '/icons/SpeedTreeForest.png'
					SpeedTreeIconPath = SpeedTreeFbxPart[0] + 'icons/out_SpeedTreeForest.xpm'
				if os.path.isfile( SpeedTreeIconPath ):
					mc.setAttr( SpeedTreeAsset + '.iconName', SpeedTreeIconPath, type='string' )
				elif mc.objExists( SpeedTreeAsset + '.isAsset' ):
					mc.setAttr( SpeedTreeAsset + '.isAsset', 1 )
				mc.setAttr( SpeedTreeAsset + '.viewMode', 0 )
			#open SWA file
			swaData = open(swaFile, 'r')
			while True:
				line = swaData.readline()
				if len(line) == 0:
					break #EOF
				while len(line) == 1 or line == "\r\n":
					line = swaData.readline()
				if line != "" and line != "\t" and line != "\n" and line!= "\r\n":
					if line[(len(line) - 2):] == "\r\n":
						line = line[:(len(line) - 2)]
					elif line[(len(line) - 1):] == "\n":
						line = line[:(len(line) - 1)]
					arrObjNames.append( self.stStripIllegalChars( line ) )
					line = swaData.readline()
					swaCount = int( line )
					arrObjCount.append( swaCount )
					for t in range(0, swaCount):
						line = swaData.readline()
						swa_instance = line.split(' ')
						#flip Y and Z and negate Z (Y-up conversion)
						arrTranslate.append( [float( swa_instance[0]), float( swa_instance[2] ), float( swa_instance[1] ) * -1] )
						upRot.append( [float( swa_instance[3] ), float( swa_instance[4] ), float( swa_instance[5] )] )
						rightRot.append( [float( swa_instance[6] ), float( swa_instance[7] ), float( swa_instance[8] )] )
						outRot.append( self.stCross ( upRot[tCount], rightRot[tCount] ) )
						arrScale.append( float( swa_instance[9][:-1] ) )
						tCount = tCount + 1
			j = 0
			objLen = len( arrObjNames )
			#handle tree entries
			for t in range( 0, objLen ):
				objName = arrObjNames[t][1:-1]
				arrInstances = []
				#particle object
				partCloud = mc.particle( p=arrTranslate[objTotalCount:( objTotalCount + arrObjCount[t] )] )
				partCloud[0] = mc.rename( partCloud[0], objName )
				partCloud[1] = mc.listRelatives( partCloud[0], s=1 )[0]
				particleCons = mc.listConnections( partCloud[1], p=1, c=1 )
				if len( particleCons ) == 4:
					mc.disconnectAttr( particleCons[0], particleCons[1] )
					mc.disconnectAttr( particleCons[3], particleCons[2] )
				mc.addAttr( partCloud[1], ln = 'rotationPP', dt='vectorArray', h=1 )
				mc.addAttr( partCloud[1], ln = 'UserVector1PP', dt='vectorArray', h=1 )
				if MayaVersion >= 2009 and SpeedTreeAsset != '':
					mc.container( SpeedTreeAsset, edit=True, addNode=partCloud, force=True )
				connectedSets = mc.getAttr( SpeedTreeForest + '.particleSets', mi=1 )
				setIndex = 0
				if connectedSets != None:
					setIndex = len( connectedSets )
				mc.connectAttr( partCloud[0] + '.message', SpeedTreeForest + '.particleSets[' + str( setIndex ) + ']' )
				#handle instances
				objTotalCount = objTotalCount + arrObjCount[t]
				for i in range(0, arrObjCount[t]):
					#transpose the Z-up matrix
					mMatrix = om.MMatrix()
					toYupMatrix = om.MMatrix()
					instRotation = [ rightRot[j][0], rightRot[j][1], rightRot[j][2], 0, outRot[j][0], outRot[j][1], outRot[j][2], 0, upRot[j][0], upRot[j][1], upRot[j][2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
					toYup = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
					om.MScriptUtil.createMatrixFromList( instRotation, mMatrix )
					om.MScriptUtil.createMatrixFromList( toYup, toYupMatrix )
					yUpMatrix = mMatrix * toYupMatrix
					mTransformMtx = om.MTransformationMatrix( yUpMatrix )
					eulerRot = mTransformMtx.eulerRotation()
					angles = [ math.degrees( angle ) for angle in ( eulerRot.x, eulerRot.y, eulerRot.z ) ]
					angles[0] += 90
					mc.particle( e=True, attribute='rotationPP', order=i, vectorValue=angles )
					mc.particle( e=True, attribute='UserVector1PP', order=i, vectorValue=( arrScale[j],  arrScale[j],  arrScale[j] ) )
					j += 1
				#create cache
				cacheDir = sceneCacheDir = swaDir = ''
				sceneFullPath = mc.file( q=True, sn=True )
				projectDir = mc.workspace( q=True, rd=True )
				if sceneFullPath != '':
					sceneName = sceneFullPath.rpartition( '/' )[2].rpartition( '.' )[0]
					strDateTime = 'tmp'
					dateTime = str( datetime.datetime.now() )
					dateTime = dateTime.rpartition( ':' )[0]
					dateTime = re.split( '-| |:', dateTime )
					if len( dateTime ) >= 5:
						strDateTime = dateTime[0] + dateTime[1] + dateTime[2] + '.' + dateTime[3] + dateTime[4]
					sceneName = getpass.getuser() + '.' + strDateTime
				particleDir = projectDir + 'particles'
				if not os.path.exists( particleDir ):
					os.mkdir( particleDir )
				swaSceneDir = sceneName
				dynGlobalsNode = mc.dynGlobals( q=True, a=True )
				curCacheDir = mc.getAttr( dynGlobalsNode + '.cacheDirectory' )
				#copy cache from previous file save
				if curCacheDir != '' and curCacheDir != None and not os.path.exists( particleDir + '/' + swaSceneDir ):
					shutil.copytree( particleDir + '/' + curCacheDir, particleDir + '/' + swaSceneDir )
				#or make a new folder for current scene cache
				elif not os.path.exists( particleDir + '/' + swaSceneDir ):
					os.mkdir( particleDir + '/' + swaSceneDir )
				#saving over an old file, so keep cache folder
					swaSceneDir = curCacheDir
				if swaSceneDir != None and swaSceneDir != '':
					mc.dynExport( partCloud[0], atr=( 'position', 'rotationPP', 'UserVector1PP' ), f='cache', p=swaSceneDir )
					mc.saveInitialState( partCloud[1] )
				#add trees
				if treeCount > t:
					mc.assignSpeedTreeForestEntry( SpeedTreeForest, partCloud[1], treeArray[t], setIndex, objName )
					if mc.getAttr( SpeedTreeForest + '.hs' ) == 1 and mc.objExists( treeArray[t] + '.visibility' ):
						#hide skeleton if there is one
						rootBone = ''
						treeHistory = mc.listHistory( treeArray[t] )
						for h in treeHistory:
							if mc.nodeType( h ) == 'skinCluster':
								bindPose = mc.connectionInfo( h + '.bindPose', sfd=True ).split( '.' )[0]
								if bindPose != None and bindPose != '' and mc.objExists( bindPose ):
									rootBone = mc.connectionInfo( bindPose + '.members[0]', sfd=True ).split( '.' )[0]
						if rootBone != '' and mc.objExists( rootBone ):
							mc.setAttr( rootBone + '.visibility', 0 )
						#hide source object
						mc.setAttr( treeArray[t] + '.visibility', 0 )
			#if processMode == 0:
			mc.select( SpeedTreeForest )
			if mel.eval( 'exists refreshEditorTemplates' ) and processMode == 0:
예제 #7
def miSequence(start=None, end=None):
'icon' : ':/menuIconRender.png',
'tip' : '将物体转为mentalray代理的粒子替代',
'usage':'$fun( start=0, end=100)',
    projDir = cmds.workspace(q=1, rootDirectory=1)
    proxyFolder = os.path.join(projDir, 'data/mrProxyFiles')

    if os.path.exists(proxyFolder) == False:

    exportObjs = cmds.ls(sl=True)

    if start == None:
        start = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True)

    if end == None:
        end = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, max=True)

    end = end + 1

    pad = 5

    padStr = '%0' + '%sd' % (pad)

    #print padStr

    subFolder = exportObjs[0]

    finalFolder = proxyFolder + '/' + subFolder
    if os.path.exists(finalFolder) == False:

    import mentalray.renderProxyUtils

    proxyObjs = []
    for i in range(start, end):
        exec('frameStr = padStr%(i)')
        miName = '%s_s.%s.mi' % (exportObjs[0], frameStr)
        miFilePath = finalFolder + '/' + miName
        print miFilePath
        #miFilePath = 'F:/t.mi'
        cmds.select(exportObjs, r=True)
            'Mayatomr -mi  -exportFilter 721600 -active -binary -fe  -fem  -fma  -fis  -fcd  -pcm  -as -asn "%s" -xp "3313333333" -file "%s";'
            % (exportObjs[0] + "_s", miFilePath))

        proxyName = miName.replace('.', '-')
        proxyObj = cmds.polyCube(ch=False, name=proxyName)[0]
        boxShape = cmds.listRelatives(proxyObj, shapes=True)[0]

        cmds.setAttr(proxyObj + '.miProxyFile', miFilePath, type='string')

        cmds.setAttr(proxyObj + ".t", lock=True)
        cmds.setAttr(proxyObj + ".r", lock=True)
        cmds.setAttr(proxyObj + ".s", lock=True)

    nPar, parShape = cmds.nParticle()
    cmds.setAttr(parShape + '.collide', 0)
    cmds.setAttr(parShape + ".conserve", 0)
    cmds.setAttr(parShape + ".dynamicsWeight", 0)
    cmds.setAttr(parShape + ".particleRenderType", 2)

    #cmds.setAttr( parShape+".selectedOnly", 1)

    cmds.addAttr(parShape, ln="cus_index0", dt="doubleArray")
    cmds.addAttr(parShape, ln="cus_index", dt="doubleArray")

    mel.eval('emit -object nParticle1 -pos 0 0 0')

    expString = "cus_index = clamp(0, %i, frame-%i);" % (end - start - 1,

    cmds.dynExpression(parShape, s=expString, c=True)
    cmds.dynExpression(parShape, s=expString, rbd=True)

    instancerObj = cmds.particleInstancer(parShape,


    miGrp = cmds.group(proxyObjs, n=exportObjs[0] + '_s_mi')
    cmds.setAttr(miGrp + '.v', False)
    cmds.setAttr(miGrp + '.v', lock=True)
    papaGrp = cmds.group([nPar, miGrp, instancerObj],
                         n=exportObjs[0] + '_mi_group')

    for obj in (nPar, miGrp, instancerObj, papaGrp):
        cmds.setAttr(obj + ".t", lock=True)
        cmds.setAttr(obj + ".r", lock=True)
        cmds.setAttr(obj + ".s", lock=True)
예제 #8
    def importPointCloudX(self, filePath):
        """ Read data from file - old method.
			Kept here for completeness.
        if os.path.isfile(filePath):  # Check file exists

            # Read data into numpy array
            data = np.genfromtxt(filePath)
            count = data.shape[0]

            # Initialise progress bar and start timer
                           maxValue=count)  # Initialise progress bar
            startTime = time.time()

            # Create group and particles etc.
            fileName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filePath))[0]
            pCloudGroup = mc.group(name="%s_pointCloud_GRP" % fileName,
            pCloudParticle = mc.particle(name="pCloud_%s" % fileName)

            #mel.eval('addAttr -ln "rgbPP" -dt vectorArray %s' %pCloudParticle[1])
            #mel.eval('addAttr -ln "rgbPP0" -dt vectorArray %s' %pCloudParticle[1])

            for i in range(count):

                #				# Progress bar
                #				if mc.progressBar(self.gMainProgressBar, query=True, isCancelled=True): # Cancel operation if esc key pressed
                #					mc.progressBar(self.gMainProgressBar, edit=True, endProgress=True) # Complete progress bar
                #					mc.warning("Operation interrupted. You may wish to undo.")
                #					return False
                #				else:
                #					mc.progressBar(self.gMainProgressBar, edit=True, step=1, status="Generating point cloud...") # Increment progress bar

                pX = data[i, 0]
                pY = data[i, 1]
                pZ = data[i, 2]
                pR = data[i, 3] / 255.0
                pG = data[i, 4] / 255.0
                pB = data[i, 5] / 255.0
                #				xyz = data[i,0:3]
                #				rgb = data[i,3:6]/255

                mel.eval('emit -o %s -at "rgbPP" -pos %s %s %s -vv %s %s %s' %
                         (pCloudParticle[0], pX, pY, pZ, pR, pG, pB))
                #mc.emit(object=pCloudParticle[0], position=xyz, attribute="rgbPP", vectorValue=rgb)

            mc.setAttr("%s.isDynamic" % pCloudParticle[1], 0)
            mc.parent(pCloudParticle[0], pCloudGroup)

            # Complete progress bar and end clock
            mc.progressBar(self.gMainProgressBar, edit=True,
                           endProgress=True)  # Complete progress bar
            totalTime = time.time() - startTime
            print "Read %d points in %f seconds.\n" % (count, totalTime)

            return pCloudGroup
            mc.error("File doesn't exist: %s" % filePath)
            return False