def get_set_members(deformer_name="", index=False, uv=False, position=False): """ finds the deformers associated with the mesh name. :param deformer_name: <str> the name of the deformer to get set data from. :param index: <bool> if True, return index components. :param uv: <bool> if True, return UV components. :param position: <bool> if True, return position components. :return: <dict> setName: (array of components) data. """ deform_fn = OpenMayaAnim.MFnGeometryFilter( object_utils.get_m_obj(deformer_name)) set_obj = deform_fn.deformerSet() set_fn = OpenMaya.MFnSet(set_obj) members = OpenMaya.MSelectionList() set_fn.getMembers(members, False) sel_iter = OpenMaya.MItSelectionList(members) data_dict = {} while not sel_iter.isDone(): path = OpenMaya.MDagPath() components = OpenMaya.MObject() sel_iter.getDagPath(path, components) data_dict[] = mesh_utils.get_data(path, components, index=index, uv=uv, position=position) return data_dict
def is_blendshape(object_name): """ return true if the node object is of type blendShape. :return: <bool> """ return bool( object_utils.has_fn(object_utils.get_m_obj(object_name), 'blendShape'))
def get_mesh_fn(object_name=""): """ returns a OpenMaya.MFnMesh() object. :param object_name: <str> object name to get the MeshFn class. :return: <OpenMaya.MFnMesh> object. """ return OpenMaya.MFnMesh(get_fn_shape(object_utils.get_m_obj(object_name)))
def get_joint_orientation(joint_name): """ joint orientation :param joint_name: <str> joint name to get orientation from. :return: <OpenMaya.MMatrix> orientation matrix. """ # Factor in Joint Orientation j_obj = object_utils.get_m_obj(joint_name) j_fn = object_utils.get_fn(j_obj) j_quat = OpenMaya.MQuaternion() j_fn.getOrientation(j_quat) return j_quat.asMatrix()
def get_deformer_fn(object_name=""): """ get a blendshape deformer fn :param object_name: <str> object name to get get blendShapeDeformer function set from. :return: <OpenMaya.MFnBlendShapeDeformer> object type. """ m_blend_obj = None if object_utils.is_transform(object_name): shape_obj = object_utils.get_shape_name(object_name)[0] m_blend_obj = get_connected_blendshape(shape_obj)[0] elif is_blendshape(object_name): m_blend_obj = object_utils.get_m_obj(object_name) return OpenMayaAnim.MFnBlendShapeDeformer(m_blend_obj)
def create_blendshape(mesh_objects, name=""): """ creates a new blendShape from the array of mesh objects provided :param mesh_objects: <tuple> array of mesh shapes. :param name: <str> name of the blendshape. :return: <OpenMayaAnim.MFnBlendShapeDeformer> """ blend_fn = OpenMayaAnim.MFnBlendShapeDeformer() if isinstance(mesh_objects, (str, unicode)): mesh_obj = object_utils.get_m_obj(mesh_objects) blend_fn.create(mesh_obj, origin, normal_chain) elif len(mesh_objects) > 1 and isinstance(mesh_objects, (tuple, list)): mesh_obj_array = object_utils.get_m_obj_array(mesh_objects) blend_fn.create(mesh_obj_array, origin, normal_chain) else: raise ValueError("Could not create blendshape.") if name: object_utils.rename_node(blend_fn.object(), name) return blend_fn
def get_point_data(blend_name=""): """ grabs the weight data. :param blend_name: :return: """ m_blend_obj = object_utils.get_m_obj(blend_name) m_blend_node_fn = object_utils.get_fn(m_blend_obj) m_plug = m_blend_node_fn.findPlug('inputTarget').elementByPhysicalIndex( 0).child(0).elementByPhysicalIndex(0).child(0).elementByPhysicalIndex( 0) # if connected, retrieves the input target object and queries his points if m_plug.child(0).isConnected(): input_geom_obj = m_plug.child(0).asMObject() target_points = OpenMaya.MPointArray() mesh_fn = OpenMaya.MFnMesh(input_geom_obj) mesh_fn.getPoints(target_points) return target_points # if not connected, retrieves the deltas and the affected component list else: input_point_target = m_plug.child(1).asMObject() input_comp_target = m_plug.child(2).asMObject() # to read the offset data, I had to use a MFnPointArrayData points_fn = OpenMaya.MFnPointArrayData(input_point_target) target_points = OpenMaya.MPointArray() points_fn.copyTo(target_points) # read the component list data was the trickiest part, # since I had to use MFnSingleIndexedComponent to extract (finally), an MIntArray # with the indices of the affected vertices component_list = OpenMaya.MFnComponentListData(input_comp_target)[0] index_fn = OpenMaya.MFnSingleIndexedComponent(component_list) target_indices = OpenMaya.MIntArray() index_fn.getElements(target_indices) if target_indices.length() == target_points.length(): return target_points
def get_m_object(object_name=""): return object_utils.get_m_obj(object_name)
def create_joint(name, prefix_name="", num_joints=1, as_strings=False, guide_joint=False, bound_joint=False, suffix_name="", use_name=False, use_transform="", use_position=()): """ creates a joint and names it using OpenMaya. :param name: <str> the name of the joint to create !important. :param num_joints: the number of joints created. :param prefix_name: <str> the prefix name to use. :param guide_joint: <str> create joint with '_bnd_jnt' name. :param bound_joint: <str> create joint with '__guide_jnt' name. :param as_strings: <bool> returns <str> objects instead of <OpenMaya.MObject> objects. :param use_name: <str> use the name that is coming in. :param use_transform: <str> use this object's transform co-ordinates. :param use_position: <tuple, list> array of floats to use as transform or matrix. :param suffix_name: <str> uses a custom suffix name string. :return: <tuple> array of created joint objects. """ if not name: name = 'joint' dag_mod = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() # create the joint MObjects we will be manipulating. jnt_objects = () jnt_names = () # grabs the joint names joint_names = get_joint_names(prefix_name=prefix_name, name=name, num_joints=num_joints, use_name=use_name, guide_joint=guide_joint, bound_joint=bound_joint, suffix_name=suffix_name) for i in xrange(0, num_joints): # only create new if the objects's names do not exist new_name = joint_names[i] # create only when the name does not exist if name and not object_utils.is_exists(new_name): jnt_names += new_name, if i == 0: # The first joint has no parent. jnt_obj = dag_mod.createNode('joint') else: # Assign the new joint as a child to the previous joint. jnt_obj = dag_mod.createNode('joint', jnt_objects[i - 1]) # rename the joint using OpenMaya dag_mod.renameNode(jnt_obj, new_name) dag_mod.doIt() # keep track of all the joints created. jnt_objects += jnt_obj, elif name and object_utils.is_exists(new_name): jnt_names += new_name, jnt_objects += object_utils.get_m_obj(new_name), # snap the joint to the transform if use_transform and object_utils.is_exists(new_name): object_utils.snap_to_transform(new_name, use_transform, matrix=True) # set the position of the newly created joint if use_position: if isinstance(use_position[0], (int, float)): set_position(new_name, use_position) else: set_position(new_name, use_position[i]) if not as_strings: return jnt_objects elif as_strings: return jnt_names