def draw2DView(figure, raw, seg, index, color=(1,0,0)): """ Draw a 2D maximum intensity projection of the raw data and create a segmentation overlay """ raw2d = np.max(raw, axis = 2) mlab.imshow(raw2d, colormap='gray', figure=figure) sother = np.multiply( (seg != 0).astype(np.int32),(seg != index).astype(np.int32) ) ##max1 = np.max(np.where(np.max(np.max((seg == index).astype(np.int32), axis = 0), axis = 0)!=0))+1 ##min1 = np.min(np.where(np.max(np.max((seg == index).astype(np.int32), axis = 0), axis = 0)!=0)) ##max2 = np.max(np.where(np.max(np.max((seg == index).astype(np.int32), axis = 0), axis = 1)!=0))+1 ##min2 = np.min(np.where(np.max(np.max((seg == index).astype(np.int32), axis = 0), axis = 1)!=0)) ##d1 = int(min(max1-min1-15,0)) ##d2 = int(min(max2-min2-15,0)) ##min1 += d1 ##max1 -= d1 ##min2 += d2 ##max2 -= d2 ##sother = (seg == index).astype(np.int32) ##seg2dother = np.max(sother, axis = 0) ##seg2dother[min2:max2,min1:max1]=1 sindex = (seg == index).astype(np.int32) seg2dother = np.max(sother, axis = 2) seg2dindex = np.max(sindex, axis = 2) mlab.contour_surf(seg2dother, color = (0,0,1), contours = 2, warp_scale = 0, figure=figure) mlab.contour_surf(seg2dindex, color = color, contours = 2, warp_scale = 0, figure=figure)
def test1(): '''G8函数显示''' # f = lambda x,y:-(np.sin(2*np.pi*x)**3*np.sin(2*np.pi*y))/(x**3*(x+y)) f = lambda x: -(np.sin(2 * np.pi * x[0])**3 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * x[1])) / ( x[0]**3 * (x[0] + x[1])) g1 = lambda x: x[0]**2 - x[1] + 1 g2 = lambda x: 1 - x[0] + (x[1] - 4)**2 # min = [0.001,0.001] # max = [10,10] min = [1, 3] max = [2, 5] mesh_x, mesh_y = np.mgrid[min[0]:max[0]:500j, min[1]:max[1]:500j] v = np.zeros_like(mesh_x) for i in range(mesh_x.shape[0]): for j in range(mesh_x.shape[1]): p = np.array([mesh_x[i, j], mesh_y[i, j]]) v[i, j] = np.log(f(p) + 10000) # if g1(p)<0 and g2(p)<0: # v[i,j] = f(p) # else: # v[i,j] = 0 mlab.figure(size=[1024, 800]) mlab.imshow(mesh_x, mesh_y, v)
def test12(self): data = np.loadtxt( 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Documents\\GitHub\\DifferentialEvolution\\map.csv', delimiter=',') mlab.imshow(data, colormap='gist_earth', interpolate=False)
def mayavi_imshow(): """ 绘制mayavi imshow图 :return: """ s = np.random.rand(3, 3) # 生成随机的3*3数组 mlab.imshow(s) mlab.colorbar()
def update_volume(self): y, x, z = self.points r = (y - self.y)**2 + (x - self.x)**2 + (z - self.z)**2 b = np.ones_like(y) b[r > self.r**2] = 0 self.src.mlab_source.scalars = b img = (self.H * b.reshape((-1, 1))).reshape((sensor_res, sensor_res)) mlab.clf(figure=self.scene2.mayavi_scene) mlab.imshow(img, colormap='gray', figure=self.scene2.mayavi_scene) mlab.colorbar()
def mlab_imshowColor(im, alpha=255, **kwargs): """ Plot a color image with mayavi.mlab.imshow. im is a ndarray with dim (n, m, 3) and scale (0->255] alpha is a single number or a ndarray with dim (n*m) and scale (0->255] **kwargs is passed onto mayavi.mlab.imshow(..., **kwargs) """ try: alpha[0] except: alpha = pl.ones(im.shape[0] * im.shape[1]) * alpha if len(alpha.shape) != 1: alpha = alpha.flatten() # The lut is a Nx4 array, with the columns representing RGBA # (red, green, blue, alpha) coded with integers going from 0 to 255, # we create it by stacking all the pixles (r,g,b,alpha) as rows. myLut = pl.c_[im.reshape(-1, 3), alpha] myLutLookupArray = pl.arange(im.shape[0] * im.shape[1]).reshape(im.shape[0], im.shape[1]) #We can display an color image by using mlab.imshow, a lut color list and a lut lookup table. theImshow = mlab.imshow(myLutLookupArray, colormap='binary', **kwargs) #temporary colormap theImshow.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = myLut mlab.draw() return theImshow
def mcrtmv(frames, dt, mesh, d_nodes, map, savemovie=False, mvname='test', vmin=-1, vmax=1): """ Creates move from numpyfied results in 2d, using mencoder. Prolly does not work on mac! """ size = 500, 500 fig = ml.figure(size=size, bgcolor=(1., 1., 1.)) #fig.scene.anti_aliasing_frames=07 #extent = [0,Nx-1,0,Ny-1,-30,30] xaxis = np.linspace(0, 1, d_nodes[0] + 1) yaxis = np.linspace(0, 1, d_nodes[1] + 1) ml.clf(figure=fig) u = np.load('solution_%06d.npy' % 1) u = numpyfy(u, mesh, d_nodes, map) fname = '_tmp%07d.png' % 1 s = ml.imshow(xaxis, yaxis, u, figure=fig, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) #scale = 1./np.max(np.abs(u)) u = u ml.axes(extent=[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2]) ml.colorbar() ml.xlabel('x position') ml.ylabel('y position') ml.zlabel('wave amplitude') if savemovie == True: pl.ion() arr = ml.screenshot() img = pl.imshow(arr) pl.axis('off') for i in range(2, frames): u = np.load('solution_%06d.npy' % i) u = numpyfy(u, mesh, d_nodes, map) s.mlab_source.scalars = u fname = '_tmp%07d.png' % i if savemovie == True: arr = ml.screenshot() img.set_array(arr) pl.savefig(filename=fname) #,figure=fig) print 'Saving frame', fname pl.draw() fig.scene.disable_render = False if savemovie: os.system( "mencoder 'mf://_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=20 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o %s.mpg" % mvname)
def test_imshow_colormap(self): # Check if the pipeline is refreshed when we change colormap. # See issue #262 a = np.random.randint(0, 10 + 1, (100, 100)) actor = mlab.imshow(a, colormap="cool") with self.assertTraitChanges(actor, 'pipeline_changed'): actor.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut_mode = 'jet'
def test_quiver3d(a, b, c): dphi, dtheta = np.pi / 30.0, np.pi / 30.0 [phi, theta] = np.mgrid[0:np.pi + dphi * 1.5:dphi, 0:2 * np.pi + dtheta * 1.5:dtheta] x = a * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) y = b * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) z = c * np.cos(phi) # outward pointing unit vectors u = x u = np.array([e / np.linalg.norm(e, ord=2) for e in u]) v = y v = np.array([e / np.linalg.norm(e, ord=2) for e in v]) w = z w = np.array([e / np.linalg.norm(e, ord=2) for e in w]) obj = mlab.quiver3d(x, y, z, u, v, w, line_width=1, scale_factor=1) mlab.axes(obj) mlab.outline(obj) mlab.imshow(10) return obj
def draw_layer(path, position): # load a png with a scale 0->1 and four color channels (an extra alpha channel for transparency). im = pl.imread(path, format='png') * 255 colors = tvtk.UnsignedCharArray() colors.from_array(im.transpose((1, 0, 2)).reshape(-1, 4)) m_image = mlab.imshow( np.ones(im.shape[:2]), extent=[0, 0, 0, 0, position, position], opacity=0.6) = colors
def mcrtmv(frames, dt,mesh, d_nodes, map, savemovie=False, mvname='test', vmin=-1, vmax=1): """ Creates move from numpyfied results in 2d, using mencoder. Prolly does not work on mac! """ size = 500,500 fig = ml.figure(size= size, bgcolor=(1.,1.,1.)); #fig.scene.anti_aliasing_frames=07 #extent = [0,Nx-1,0,Ny-1,-30,30] xaxis = np.linspace(0,1,d_nodes[0]+1) yaxis = np.linspace(0,1,d_nodes[1]+1) ml.clf(figure=fig) u = np.load('solution_%06d.npy'%1); u = numpyfy(u, mesh, d_nodes, map) fname = '_tmp%07d.png' % 1 s = ml.imshow(xaxis, yaxis, u,figure=fig,vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) #scale = 1./np.max(np.abs(u)) u = u ml.axes(extent=[0,1,0,1,0,2]) ml.colorbar() ml.xlabel('x position') ml.ylabel('y position') ml.zlabel('wave amplitude') if savemovie == True: pl.ion() arr = ml.screenshot() img = pl.imshow(arr) pl.axis('off') for i in range(2,frames): u = np.load('solution_%06d.npy'%i); u = numpyfy(u, mesh, d_nodes, map) s.mlab_source.scalars = u fname = '_tmp%07d.png' % i if savemovie == True: arr = ml.screenshot() img.set_array(arr) pl.savefig(filename=fname)#,figure=fig) print 'Saving frame', fname pl.draw() fig.scene.disable_render = False if savemovie: os.system("mencoder 'mf://_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=20 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o %s.mpg" % mvname);
def mlab_color_imshow(image, **kwargs): '''Imshow with color in mlab Adapted from [1] [1] ''' alpha = np.ones(image.shape[0] * image.shape[1]) * 255 image_LUT_array = np.c_[image.reshape(-1, 3), alpha] image_LUT_array[:, 0], image_LUT_array[:, 2] = np.copy(image_LUT_array[:, 2]), np.copy(image_LUT_array[:, 0]) LUT_lookup = np.arange(image.shape[0] * image.shape[1]).reshape(image.shape[0], image.shape[1]) mlab_imshow = mlab.imshow(LUT_lookup, colormap='binary', **kwargs) mlab_imshow.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = image_LUT_array return mlab_imshow
def draw_groundtrack_surface(scene): """Load the Earth Texture image as the surface """ # set scene to have simple interactor scene.scene.interactor.interactor_style = tvtk.InteractorStyleTerrain() surface_image = ndimage.imread('./data/earthmap1k.jpg') surface_image = np.rot90(surface_image[:, :, 0], -1) surface = mlab.imshow(surface_image, figure=scene.mayavi_scene, extent=[-180, 180, -90, 90, 0, 0]) mlab.axes(surface, extent=[-180, 180, -90, 90, 0, 0], z_axis_visibility=False) return surface
def mlab_color_imshow(image, **kwargs): '''Imshow with color in mlab Adapted from [1] [1] ''' alpha = np.ones(image.shape[0] * image.shape[1]) * 255 image_LUT_array = np.c_[image.reshape(-1, 3), alpha] image_LUT_array[:, 0], image_LUT_array[:, 2] = np.copy( image_LUT_array[:, 2]), np.copy(image_LUT_array[:, 0]) LUT_lookup = np.arange(image.shape[0] * image.shape[1]).reshape( image.shape[0], image.shape[1]) mlab_imshow = mlab.imshow(LUT_lookup, colormap='binary', **kwargs) mlab_imshow.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = image_LUT_array return mlab_imshow
def draw_map(height,width): import pylab as pl im = pl.imread('worldmap.png', format='png') l = [] for i in im: x = [] for j in i: tmp = 0 for k in j: tmp += k x.append(k) l.append(x) ims = mlab.imshow(l, colormap = 'binary') print "Map shape", len(l),len(l[0]) = [height/2,(width)/2,0] = [float(height)/len(l),float(width)/len(l[0]),0]
def mlab_imshow_color(img_array, **kwargs): """ Plot a color image with mayavi.mlab.imshow. img_array is a ndarray with dim (n, m, 4) and scale (0->255] **kwargs is passed onto mayavi.mlab.imshow(..., **kwargs) """ my_lut = pl.c_[img_array.reshape(-1, 4)] my_lut_lookup_array = pl.arange(img_array.shape[0] * img_array.shape[1]).reshape( img_array.shape[0], img_array.shape[1]) the_imshow = mlab.imshow(my_lut_lookup_array, colormap='binary', **kwargs) # temporary colormap the_imshow.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = my_lut mlab.draw() return the_imshow
def _plot_img(img, K, T, z=0.1): obj = mlab.imshow(img.T) quat = tf.quaternion_from_matrix(T) angle, axis = angle_axis_from_quaternion(quat) * 180 / np.pi, *axis) h, w = img.shape xmax_pixel, ymax_pixel = w, h point3d = projectionto3d(K, (xmax_pixel, ymax_pixel))[0] origin3d = projectionto3d(K, (0, 0))[0] point3d = point3d * z / point3d[2] origin3d = origin3d * z / origin3d[2] center3d = (point3d + origin3d) / 2. xmax, ymax, _ = point3d - origin3d = np.array([xmax / xmax_pixel, ymax / ymax_pixel, 1.0]) = utils.apply_transform(T, center3d) mlab.view(distance=20 * z) return obj
def _plot_imshow(self, im, alpha, position=(0, 0, 0), orientation=(0, 0, 0), scale=1.0, **kwargs): """ Plot a color image with mayavi.mlab.imshow. im is a ndarray with dim (n, m, 3) and scale (0->255] alpha is a single number or a ndarray with dim (n*m) and scale (0->255] **kwargs is passed onto mayavi.mlab.imshow(..., **kwargs) """ if len(alpha.shape) != 1: alpha = alpha.flatten() # The lut is a Nx4 array, with the columns representing RGBA # (red, green, blue, alpha) coded with integers going from 0 to 255, # we create it by stacking all the pixles (r,g,b,alpha) as rows. # lut = np.c_[im.reshape(-1, 3), alpha] / 255.0 # lut_lookup_array = np.arange( # im.shape[0] * im.shape[1]).reshape(im.shape[0], im.shape[1]) # We can display an color image by using mlab.imshow, a lut color list and # a lut lookup table. # temporary colormap # imshow = mlab.imshow(lut_lookup_array, # colormap='binary', # **kwargs) colors = tvtk.UnsignedCharArray() im_shape = im.shape im_rgba = np.concatenate((im, alpha.reshape(im_shape[0], im_shape[1], 1)), axis=-1) im_rgba_T = im_rgba.transpose((1, 0, 2)) colors.from_array(im_rgba_T.reshape(-1, 4)) image = mlab.imshow(np.ones(im_rgba_T.shape[:2])) = colors = (scale, scale, 1.0) = position = orientation #imshow.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = lut # print 'xxx' # imshow.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.load_lut_from_list(lut) # print 'yyy' return image
def plot(x, y, z, nx, ny): from mayavi import mlab mlab.figure(size=(600, 600)) xmin, xmax = np.min(, np.max( ymin, ymax = np.min(, np.max( s = mlab.imshow(, ny)), extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, 0], colormap='jet') s.scene.z_plus_view() n = 2000 dt = 4 * np.pi / n for i in range(n): julia(z, x, y, -dt * i) z.pull() s.mlab_source.scalars =, ny)) if i % 3 == 0: mlab.process_ui_events()
def mlab_imshowColor(im, alpha = 255, **kwargs): """ Plot a color image with mayavi.mlab.imshow. im is a ndarray with dim (n, m, 3) and scale (0->255] alpha is a single number or a ndarray with dim (n*m) and scale (0->255] **kwargs is passed onto mayavi.mlab.imshow(..., **kwargs) """ from tvtk.api import tvtk # Homogenous coordinate conversion im = np.concatenate((im, alpha * np.ones((im.shape[0], im.shape[1], 1), dtype = np.uint8)), axis = -1) colors = tvtk.UnsignedCharArray() colors.from_array(im.reshape(-1, 4)) m_image = mlab.imshow(np.ones(im.shape[:2][::-1])) = colors mlab.draw() return
def plot_frustum(Rt_list, img_list, f): fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=(1, 1, 1), engine=None, size=(1600, 1000)) for i in range(len(Rt_list)): R = Rt_list[i][:3, :3] t = Rt_list[i][:3, 3] C =, t) pp = np.array([0, 0, f]) img = img_list[i][:, :, 1] euler = rotation_to_euler(R[:3, :3]) obj = mlab.imshow(img.T, figure=fig) = np.rad2deg(euler) = (, pp) + t) + C # = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01] # center mlab.orientation_axes()
def setup_visu(): # Create a Mayavi figure fig = mlab.figure('Ball tracking visualization') # Measurements have to be whole numbers TABLE_WIDTH = 152 # cm TABLE_LENGTH = 274 # cm table_structure = np.ones((TABLE_WIDTH, TABLE_LENGTH)) # Draw out the lines on the table # Creases table_structure[1:-2, 1] = 0 table_structure[1:-2, -2] = 0 table_structure[1, 1:-2] = 0 table_structure[-2, 1:-2] = 0 # Center line table_structure[TABLE_WIDTH // 2, 1:-2] = 0 # Representing net table_structure[1:-2, TABLE_LENGTH // 2 - 1] = 0.4 table_structure[1:-2, TABLE_LENGTH // 2] = 0.4 table_structure[1:-2, TABLE_LENGTH // 2 + 1] = 0.4 # Create the table layout in the figure table = mlab.imshow(table_structure, colormap='Blues', opacity=0.6) # Setup a 3D point plotter with # proper shapes, ie., no. of points # for the ball and its trail x = y = z = s = np.zeros(5) point_plt = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, s, scale_factor=1, color=(1, 0.4, 0)) # Put text to indicate table orientation mlab.text3d(0, TABLE_LENGTH // 2 + 10, -40, 'Player 1', scale=10, orient_to_camera=True) mlab.text3d(0, -(TABLE_LENGTH // 2 + 10), -40, 'Player 2', scale=10, orient_to_camera=True) return point_plt.mlab_source
def drawMap(mlab, scalars, mapFile): ''' 3d Visualization of the data Parameters ---------- mlab : mlab scalars : 3d np array mapFile : str Returns ------- imshow object ''' # Get the shape of axes shape = scalars.shape height = shape[0] width = shape[1] im = pl.imread(mapFile, format = 'png') l = [] for i in im: x = [] for j in i: tmp = 0 for k in j: tmp += k x.append(tmp) l.append(x) #ims = mlab.imshow(l, colormap = 'binary') ims = mlab.imshow(l) print "Map shape", len(l),len(l[0]) = [height/2,(width)/2,0] = [float(height)/len(l),float(width)/len(l[0]),0] return ims
z = 100 * np.sin((x - x[0]) / 50) c = mlab.plot3d(x, y, z, tube_radius=5, color=(1, 1, 0)) ##c.visible = False # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Part 4 - add surface # Create a surface x, y = np.ogrid[:n:4, :n:4] z = 80 + (0.15 * (-x - 0.015 * x ** 2 + 0.3 * y + 0.01 * y ** 2)).astype(int) s =, y, z, representation='surface', colormap='summer') # Initially hide the surface. ##s.visible = False # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Part 5 - Evaluate the data cube on the surface, and plot it. # Do a simple linear interpolation to evaluate the data cube on the # surface. low_index = np.floor(z).astype(int) hi_index = np.ceil(z).astype(int) low_vals = data[x, y, low_index] hi_vals = data[x, y, hi_index] vals = low_vals + (z - low_index) * (hi_vals - low_vals) # Make what is effectively a 2D image plot in another figure. mlab.figure() mlab.imshow(x, y, vals, colormap='RdBu')
def test_imshow(self): s = np.random.random((10, 10)) # This should work. obj = mlab.imshow(s)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Oct 19 21:54:55 2020 @author: lenovouser """ import numpy from mayavi import mlab s = numpy.random.random((10, 10)) img = mlab.imshow(s, colormap='gist_earth')
testPC[:, 1], testPC[:, 2], mode="point", figure=fig) node.glyph.scale_mode = 'scale_by_vector' node.mlab_source.dataset.point_data.scalars = Colors0 node = mlab.points3d(keyPts[:, 0], keyPts[:, 1], keyPts[:, 2], scale_factor=PtSize, figure=fig) node.glyph.scale_mode = 'scale_by_vector' node.mlab_source.dataset.point_data.scalars = keyColors0 fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(1640, 500)) mlab.imshow(RespondImage) mlab.view(270, 0, 1800, [0, 0, 0]) fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(1640, 500)) mlab.imshow(KeyPixelsImage) mlab.view(270, 0, 1200, [0, 0, 0]) fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(1640, 1500)) node = mayavi.mlab.points3d(decodedPC[:, 0], decodedPC[:, 1], decodedPC[:, 2], mode="point", figure=fig)
# basic handling of tiff 2D and 3D images # import tif and convert to numpy array # then visualize using mayavi2 #import os #import sys from mayavi import mlab #sys.path.append('C:\\dropbox\\My Dropbox\\codes\\python') import tifffile as tff #blobs.tif is a 2D sample image #tiffimg = tff.TIFFfile('D:/examples/blobs.tif') tiffimg = tff.TIFFfile('D:/examples/g1f.tif') #tiffimg = tff.TIFFfile('D:\\examples\\flybrain3DG.tif') #tiffimg = tff.TIFFfile('D:/examples/flybrain3DG.tif') imgarray = tiffimg.asarray() # showing 2D array (blobs) as a 2D plot in mayavi. imgwin = mlab.imshow(imgarray, colormap="gist_earth") # showing 3D stack image #mlab.pipeline.volume(mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(imgarray))
# Plot the data from mayavi import mlab # A first plot in 3D fig = mlab.figure(1) mlab.clf() mesh = mlab.mesh(x, y, z, scalars=s) cursor3d = mlab.points3d(0., 0., 0., mode='axes', color=(0, 0, 0), scale_factor=0.5) mlab.title('Sousa') # A second plot, flat fig2d = mlab.figure(2) mlab.clf() im = mlab.imshow(s) cursor = mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, mode='2dthick_cross', color=(0, 0, 0), scale_factor=10) mlab.view(90, 0) ################################################################################ # Some logic to select 'mesh' and the data index when picking. def picker_callback(picker_obj): picked = picker_obj.actors if in [o._vtk_obj for o in picked]: # m.mlab_source.points is the points array underlying the vtk # dataset. GetPointId return the index in this array. x_, y_ = np.lib.index_tricks.unravel_index(picker_obj.point_id, s.shape)
# 10 contour lines (equally spaced contour levels) together with surf. # Black color for contour lines. plt.figure(7, fgcolor=(.0, .0, .0), bgcolor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), yv, hv, warp_scale=0.01) plt.contour_surf(xv, yv, hv, contours=10, color=(0., 0., 0.), \ warp_scale=0.01) # Specify the contour levels explicitly as a list. plt.figure(8, fgcolor=(.0, .0, .0), bgcolor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) levels = [500., 1000., 1500., 2000.] plt.contour_surf(xv, yv, hv, contours=levels, warp_scale=0.01) # View the contours by displaying as an image. plt.figure(9, fgcolor=(.0, .0, .0), bgcolor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) plt.imshow(hv) #end contourplots # Define a coarser grid for the vector field x2 = y2 = np.linspace(-10.,10.,11) x2v, y2v = np.meshgrid(x2, y2, indexing='ij', sparse=False) h2v = h0/(1 + (x2v**2 + y2v**2)/(R**2)) # Surface on coarse grid # endcoarsergrid dhdx, dhdy = np.gradient(h2v) # endgradient # Draw contours and gradient field of h
""" Script to generate the preview images for the mayavi2 LUTs. Requires ImageMagick. """ import os from mayavi import mlab from mayavi.core.lut_manager import lut_mode_list, lut_image_dir import numpy as np # Create some data X = np.arange(0, 255) X = X * np.ones((200, 1)) mlab.clf() image = mlab.imshow(X.T) mlab.view(0, 0, 118) # Make a preview for each possible lut for lut in lut_mode_list(): filebasename = os.path.join(lut_image_dir, lut.lower()) if not lut == 'file': image.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut_mode = lut mlab.savefig(filebasename + '.png', size=(80, 20)) #os.system('convert %s.png %s.gif &' %(filebasename, filebasename)) os.system('montage -geometry -0-0 -label "%s" %s.png %s.gif &' % (lut, filebasename, filebasename) )
# PtSize = 0.1 # node = mlab.points3d(ExtendedKeyPts[:,0], ExtendedKeyPts[:,1], ExtendedKeyPts[:,2], scale_factor=PtSize, figure=fig) # node.glyph.scale_mode = 'scale_by_vector' # node.mlab_source.dataset.point_data.scalars = ExtendedKeyColors #PtSize = 0.1 #node = mlab.points3d(PlanarPts[:,0], PlanarPts[:,1], PlanarPts[:,2], scale_factor=PtSize, figure=fig) #node.glyph.scale_mode = 'scale_by_vector' #node.mlab_source.dataset.point_data.scalars = PlanarColors # #mlab.quiver3d(PlanarPts[:,0], PlanarPts[:,1], PlanarPts[:,2], \ # PlanarPts[:,3], PlanarPts[:,4], PlanarPts[:,5], \ # figure=fig, line_width=0.5, scale_factor=1) fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(1640, 500)) mlab.imshow(RangeImage) mlab.view(270, 0, 1800, [0,0,0])
print('cntkeyPts =', KeyPts.shape[0]) t1 = time() print(round(t1 - t0, 2), 's, GetKeyPixels') #t5 = time() #print(round(t5-t4, 2), 's') color0 = np.ones((PC.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32) * 0.0 color3 = np.ones((KeyPts.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32) * 0.9 #fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(1640, 500)) #mlab.imshow(SphericalRingImage) #mlab.view(270, 0, 1200, [0,0,0]) fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(1640, 500)) mlab.imshow(RespondImage) mlab.view(270, 0, 1200, [0, 0, 0]) fig = mayavi.mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(1640, 1500)) node_PC = mayavi.mlab.points3d(PC[:, 0], PC[:, 1], PC[:, 2], mode="point", figure=fig) node_PC.mlab_source.dataset.point_data.scalars = color0 node_KeyPC = mayavi.mlab.points3d(KeyPts[:, 0], KeyPts[:, 1], KeyPts[:, 2], scale_factor=0.15, figure=fig)
def test_imshow_extent(self): mlab.imshow(np.random.rand(10, 20), extent=[-1, 11, -1, 21, 0, 0])
u=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=float) v=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=float) u_y=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=float) v_x=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=float) omega=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=float) # Initial conditions for i in range(len(x)): for j in range(len(y)): u[i][j]=numpy.sin(2*math.pi*x[i])*numpy.cos(2*math.pi*y[j]) v[i][j]=-numpy.cos(2*math.pi*x[i])*numpy.sin(2*math.pi*y[j]) u_y[i][j]=-2*math.pi*numpy.sin(2*math.pi*x[i])*numpy.sin(2*math.pi*y[j]) v_x[i][j]=2*math.pi*numpy.sin(2*math.pi*x[i])*numpy.sin(2*math.pi*y[j]) omega[i][j]=v_x[i][j]-u_y[i][j] src = mlab.imshow(xx,yy,omega,colormap='jet') mlab.scalarbar(object=src) mlab.xlabel('x',object=src) mlab.ylabel('y',object=src) # Wavenumber k_x = 2*math.pi*numpy.array([complex(0,1)*n for n in range(0,N/2) \ + [0] + range(-N/2+1,0)]) k_y=k_x kx=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=complex) ky=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=complex) kxx=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=complex) kyy=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=complex)
ridge0 = final[789] mlab.points3d(ridge0[:,0],ridge0[:,1],ridge0[:,2],4*ones(size(ridge0)/3),resolution=16,scale_factor=1,color=(0,0,0)) ridge1 = final[780] mlab.points3d(ridge1[:,0],ridge1[:,1],ridge1[:,2],4*ones(size(ridge1)/3),resolution=16,scale_factor=1,color=(1,0,0)) filename = 'shellstack215.tif' image1 = io.imread(filename) image[image<12000]=False obj = mlab.imshow(image1[0:,0:].T, opacity = .3, transparent = True) = [0, 0, 0] # the required orientation = [shape(image1)[0]/2.+20, shape(image1)[1]/2.-20, 215] # the required position = [0, 0, 0] filename = 'shellstack345.tif' image2 = io.imread(filename) image[image<12000]=False obj = mlab.imshow(image2[0:,0:].T, opacity = .3, transparent=True) = [0, 0, 0] # the required orientation = [shape(image2)[0]/2.+20, shape(image2)[1]/2.-20, 345] # the required position
import numpy as np from mayavi import mlab #SHA3 state vizualizer #1600 bit block size #5 x 5 x 64 array #this input string does not represent a message, but instead a value already stored in the state about to be fed through the permutation function inString = "1100111010000001000010010101001110101010111011100010001101111000111111110000010111000111001101010101001010000111000010000001111001101101011011001111010101100001101111110011101011011110001100000000100100101011011101111101100001110110001001010100101001110101010110100110001100001001111000110110101100110111101111100100100111010110110111011110111011100101000011110010111100011100010111000101110001111101111101100101110011010110010111111010110101000110011101101111111010101101111100010011111101100101100111100100110011100101100011100011100101100111011010000110011000011010100101110100010101110010101000100001100101111010001110000000010101010110110010111100100000010000010101011011110011110111001111111001001000000100111110010101101001101110000011010000000011110110001101100110110001010110100000011000101011110101110011010101111101110101000110101100000100100111101000110100101010101001010011110011000100001100110101011100101001111100111010100101010100000110100111100011100000101110000010010001100011101010011101010010101110001011111110100110100110000001111011010010010100100011000000001111100111000100011110000001011011110010011101011001000110111000010010110001110010011101111000100101000100110011001001000011010011101110011111110000111011101011000011011111011101101101000011101110101010101101101000000101110110010101111001110101111011100110011110100100111110001001001010110111000100110010011001101000000100100111011101111111111110010011111001001111100011101011111001001101101011101000011010110100110111100011110100101111100011011000000001110000100101111110000001111001011100110110001001001010011100010101" stateOneDimensionalList = list(inString) #convert to digits from characters for index in range(0, len(stateOneDimensionalList)): stateOneDimensionalList[index] = int(stateOneDimensionalList[index]) state = [] stateIterator = 0 for i in range(0, 64): twoDSlice = [] for j in range(0, 5): oneDSlice = [] for k in range(0, 5): oneDSlice.append(stateOneDimensionalList[stateIterator]) stateIterator += 1 twoDSlice.append(oneDSlice) state.append(twoDSlice) stateNumpyArray = np.array(state) print stateNumpyArray print stateNumpyArray.shape frame = 0 for i in stateNumpyArray: mlab.imshow(i, interpolate=False) mlab.savefig("frame" + str(frame) + ".png") frame += 1
sys.exit(-1) data.shape = shape nx = shape[0] ny = shape[1] nz = shape[2] dx = nx / 2 + 1 dy = ny / 2 + 1 dz = nz / 2 + 1 if hslice: amp = np.sqrt(data[:, :, dz, 0]**2 + data[:, :, dz, 1]**2 + data[:, :, dz, 2]**2) mlab.imshow(amp, opacity=0.6, reset_zoom=False) mlab.quiver3d(data[:, :, :, 0], data[:, :, :, 1], data[:, :, :, 2], mask_points=mask_points, scale_factor=scale_factor, extent=[-dx, dx, -dy, dy, -dz, dz]) if axes: mlab.axes() if colorbar: mlab.vectorbar()
def plot_events(xs, ys, ts, ps, save_path=None, num_compress='auto', num_show=1000, event_size=2, elev=0, azim=45, imgs=[], img_ts=[], show_events=True, show_frames=True, show_plot=False, crop=None, compress_front=False, marker='.', stride=1, invert=False, img_size=None, show_axes=False, ts_scale=100000): """ Given events, plot these in a spatiotemporal volume. :param: xs x coords of events :param: ys y coords of events :param: ts t coords of events :param: ps p coords of events :param: save_path if set, will save plot to here :param: num_compress will take this number of events from the end and create an event image from these. This event image will be displayed at the end of the spatiotemporal volume :param: num_show sets the number of events to plot. If set to -1 will plot all of the events (can be potentially expensive) :param: event_size sets the size of the plotted events :param: elev sets the elevation of the plot :param: azim sets the azimuth of the plot :param: imgs a list of images to draw into the spatiotemporal volume :param: img_ts a list of the position on the temporal axis where each image from 'imgs' is to be placed (the timestamp of the images, usually) :param: show_events if False, will not plot the events (only images) :param: crop a list of length 4 that sets the crop of the plot (must be in the format [top_left_y, top_left_x, height, width] """ print("plot all") #Crop events if img_size is None: img_size = [max(ys), max(ps)] if len(imgs) == 0 else imgs[0].shape[0:2] crop = [0, img_size[0], 0, img_size[1]] if crop is None else crop xs, ys, ts, ps = clip_events_to_bounds(xs, ys, ts, ps, crop, set_zero=False) xs, ys = xs - crop[2], ys - crop[0] #Defaults and range checks num_show = len(xs) if num_show == -1 else num_show skip = max(len(xs) // num_show, 1) print("Has {} events, show only {}, skip = {}".format( len(xs), num_show, skip)) num_compress = len(xs) if num_compress == -1 else num_compress num_compress = min(img_size[0] * img_size[1] * 0.5, len(xs)) if num_compress == 'auto' else num_compress xs, ys, ts, ps = xs[::skip], ys[::skip], ts[::skip], ps[::skip] t0 = ts[0] ts = ts - t0 #mlab.options.offscreen = True #Plot images if len(imgs) > 0 and show_frames: for imgidx, (img, img_t) in enumerate(zip(imgs, img_ts)): img = img[crop[0]:crop[1], crop[2]:crop[3]] mlab.imshow(img, colormap='gray', extent=[ 0, img.shape[0], 0, img.shape[1], (img_t - t0) * ts_scale, (img_t - t0) * ts_scale + 0.01 ], opacity=1.0, transparent=False) colors = [0 if p > 0 else 240 for p in ps] ones = np.array([0 if p == 0 else 1 for p in ps]) p3d = mlab.quiver3d(ys, xs, ts * ts_scale, ones, ones, ones, scalars=colors, mode='sphere', scale_factor=event_size) p3d.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar' p3d.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = colors #mlab.draw() #mlab.view(84.5, 54, 5400, np.array([ 187, 175, 2276]), roll=95) if show_plot:
tries = 0 # ]: for outOrder in outorders[2:3]: for R in RList: print 'R', R for vector, color in zip([[100, 0, 0], [0, 100, 0], [0, 0, 100]], [(1., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0.), (0., 0., 1.)]): c = pl.c_[[0, tries * 1000, ii * 1000]] if ii == 0 and tries == 0: vector = pl.r_[vector] * 5 # point out the first vector lin =[[0, 0, 0], vector]) + c mlab.plot3d(*lin, color=color, tube_radius=5) lin3D = mlab.imshow(im, colormap="gray") print 'inOrder', inOrder rxyz = pl.array( euler_from_matrix(R, inOrder)) * 180 / pl.pi print 'outOrder', outOrder i, j, k = outOrder print 'o', [rxyz[i], rxyz[j], rxyz[k]] = [rxyz[i], rxyz[j], rxyz[k]] = c.flatten() = (6, 6, 1) tries += 1 mlab.draw()
def plot_colorbar(min_q, max_q, max_val=0.35, num_interp=100, width=25): """ Plot a colorbar """ vals = np.linspace(0, max_val, num=num_interp) vals = vals[:,np.newaxis] image = np.tile(vals, [1, width]) mv.imshow(image, colormap='hsv')
def draw_poses(title, parents, pose_sequence, frame_paths=None, fps=50 / 3.0, crossover=None): T, _, J = pose_sequence.shape fig = mlab.figure() xmin, ymin = pose_sequence.min(axis=0).min(axis=1) xmax, ymax = pose_sequence.max(axis=0).max(axis=1) # ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) # ax.set_zlim(ymin, ymax) # ax.set_ylim(0, T/fps) # # ax.set_aspect('equal') # ax.invert_zaxis() if frame_paths: # Decide on plot indices ahead of time. Main constraints are: # - I don't want more than five frames in a 1s time period. # - I'd like to display the first and last frames inner_seconds = int(np.floor((T - 2) / fps)) num_keyframes = min(T - 2, inner_seconds * 5) + 2 skip = int(np.round(float(T) / num_keyframes)) keyframe_inds = np.arange(0, T, skip) if keyframe_inds[-1] != T - 1: keyframe_inds = np.concatenate([keyframe_inds, [T - 1]]) keyframe_inds = set(keyframe_inds) print('Keyframe inds: ', keyframe_inds) for t in range(T): # plot joints pose_xy_j = pose_sequence[t] depth = 10 * float(t) / fps for joint in range(1, len(parents)): joint_coord = pose_xy_j[:, joint] parent = parents[joint] parent_coord = pose_xy_j[:, parent] if (parent_coord == joint_coord).all(): # mayavi will complain if we plot this zero-length line continue x_data = np.array((parent_coord[0], joint_coord[0]), dtype='int16') z_data = np.array((parent_coord[1], joint_coord[1]), dtype='int16') depth_data = np.full_like(x_data, depth, dtype='int16') x_data = np.array((parent_coord[0], joint_coord[0])) z_data = np.array((parent_coord[1], joint_coord[1])) depth_data = np.full_like(x_data, depth) mlab.plot3d(x_data, depth_data, z_data) # plot frame (TODO: only plot frames occasionally; don't want to overdo # it and make the plot unreadable) if frame_paths and t in keyframe_inds: im = imread(frame_paths[t]) # mayavi wants a 2D array of integers instead of a real image; it # looks up colours in a colourmap im2d = np.arange([:2])).reshape(im.shape[:2]) cmap = im.reshape((im.shape[0] * im.shape[1], im.shape[2])) # add alpha channel cmap = np.concatenate( [cmap, np.full((cmap.shape[0], 1), 255, dtype='uint8')], axis=1) assert cmap.dtype == np.uint8 # extent = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmaax] extent = np.array([0, im.shape[1], depth, depth, 0, im.shape[0]]) ims = mlab.imshow(im2d, colormap='binary', extent=extent, opacity=0.5) # Documentation? What's that? # ims.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = cmap mlab.draw() # TODO: # - Back-connection to previous frames # - Thicken original pose tubes relative to back-connections # - Add crossover colour for predictions # - Make surex/y/z are going in the right direction, and that camera is # in the right place # - Maybe plot action labels return fig
def draw(self): sz = self.size anc = self.anchor mlab.imshow(self.cur, extent=[anc[0], sz[0], anc[1], sz[1], anc[2], sz[2]], colormap='gist_earth')
byold=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=float) # Initial conditions for i in range(len(x)): for j in range(len(y)): u[i][j]=numpy.sin(2*math.pi*x[i])*numpy.cos(2*math.pi*y[j]) v[i][j]=-numpy.cos(2*math.pi*x[i])*numpy.sin(2*math.pi*y[j]) u_y[i][j]=-2*math.pi*numpy.sin(2*math.pi*x[i])*numpy.sin(2*math.pi*y[j]) v_x[i][j]=2*math.pi*numpy.sin(2*math.pi*x[i])*numpy.sin(2*math.pi*y[j]) omega[i][j]=v_x[i][j]-u_y[i][j] theta[i][j]=numpy.exp(-2.0*((4*math.pi*(x[i]-0.3))**2+(4*math.pi*(y[j]-0.3))**2)) alpha[i][j]=numpy.sin(4*math.pi*x[i])*numpy.cos(6*math.pi*y[j]) src = mlab.imshow(xx,yy,theta,colormap='jet') mlab.scalarbar(object=src) mlab.xlabel('x',object=src) mlab.ylabel('y',object=src) # Wavenumber k_x = 2*math.pi*numpy.array([complex(0,1)*n for n in range(0,N/2) \ + [0] + range(-N/2+1,0)]) k_y=k_x kx=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=complex) ky=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=complex) kxx=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=complex) kyy=numpy.zeros((N,N), dtype=complex)
def plot3d(data, xvar, yvar, zvar, fvar, ival='Dive', day=None, filament=None, cmap='RdYlBu', rev_cmap=True, alpha=1, cmin=None, cmax=None, title='', temp=None, chl=None, intdat=None): """ Create 3D curtain plot Parameters ---------- data : dataframe Pandas dataframe containing the needed data. xvar : character Name of the x axis variable, in the data dataframe (normally lon - or however longitude is name in the dataframe) . yvar : character Name of the y axis variable, in the data dataframe (normally lat - or however latitude is name in the dataframe) . zvar : character Name of the z axis variable, in the data dataframe (normally a rounded Depth or Pressure value). fvar : character Name of the variable used for the filling (for example temperature, salinity, Sv1000 or whtaever you want it to be). ival : character, optional This is a grouping value, if not using 'Dive', make sure to define it. The default is 'Dive'. day : dataframe, optional Reference to a dataframe containing day/night information, if defined, this will put a bar on top of the plot. The default is None. filament : dataframe, optional This will put a bar below the plot, for example to delimit certain regions. The default is None. cmap : colormap, optional Character describing a valid colormap. The default is 'RdYlBu'. rev_cmap : boolean, optional Define if the colormap should be reversed. The default is True. alpha : float, optional Sets the transparenct. The default is 1. cmin : float, optional Define the color scale minimum. The default is None. cmax : float, optional Define the color scale maximum. The default is None. title : character, optional Add a title to the plot. The default is ''. temp : TYPE, optional Add temperature background map. The default is None. chl : TYPE, optional Add chlorophyll background map. The default is None. intdat : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. Returns ------- None. """ ne = 0 #bring x,y,z data into shape, create 3 pivot tables x = pd.pivot(data=data.reset_index(), index=ival, columns=zvar, values=xvar) y = pd.pivot(data=data.reset_index(), index=ival, columns=zvar, values=yvar) z = -pd.pivot( data=data.reset_index(), index=ival, columns=zvar, values=zvar) #create pivot table with fill value, where ival become the index fill = pd.pivot(data=data.reset_index(), index=ival, columns=zvar, values=fvar) #define cmax and cmin if they are not given if cmax is None: cmax = np.ceil(np.nanmax(fill)) if cmin is None: cmin = np.floor(np.nanmin(fill)) #create a mayavi figure fig = mlab.figure(size = (2048,1526),\ bgcolor = (1,1,1), fgcolor = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), figure=title) #create a mesh from the x,y,z and fill info svp = mlab.mesh(x, y, z, scalars=fill, colormap=cmap, opacity=alpha, extent=[0.2, 1, 0.1, 1, 0.22, .69], figure=fig, representation='surface') #reverse color map if needed if rev_cmap == True: svp.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.reverse_lut = True #set color range svp.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.data_range = (cmin, cmax) #svp.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.use_below_range_color = True #svp.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.below_range_color = (0,0,0,0) #svp.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.number_of_colors = 64 #add colorbar cb = mlab.colorbar(object=svp, title=title, orientation='vertical') cb.scalar_bar.unconstrained_font_size = True cb.label_text_property.font_size = 20 cb.title_text_property.font_size = 46 #make plot window mlab.gcf() #set plot limits xmin = x.values[np.isfinite(x.values)].min() xmax = x.values[np.isfinite(x.values)].max() ymin = y.values[np.isfinite(y.values)].min() ymax = y.values[np.isfinite(y.values)].max() zmin = z.values[np.isfinite(z.values)].min() zmax = z.values[np.isfinite(z.values)].max() #change the aesthetics ax = mlab.axes(nb_labels=5, xlabel='Longitude', ylabel='Latitude', zlabel='Depth [m]', ranges=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]) ax.axes.font_factor = 0.5 ax.axes.label_format = ' %6.2f' #add day night at top if day is not None: lut = np.zeros((2, 4)) lut[1, :] = [0, 0, 0, 100] lut[0, :] = [100, 100, 0, 100] p3d = mlab.plot3d(day.lon.values,, day['depth'].values, day['numSun'].values, tube_radius=0.001, figure=fig, opacity=1, extent=[0.2, 1, 0.1, 1, 0.695, 0.71]) p3d.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.number_of_colors = 2 p3d.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = lut #add line at bottom of plot if filament is not None: mlab.plot3d(filament.lon.values,, filament['fildep'].values, filament['numfil'].values, tube_radius=0.01, figure=fig, opacity=1, extent=[0.2, 1, 0.1, 1, 0.19, 0.21], colormap='Set1') #add chl background map if chl is not None: if ne == 0: zl = 0.2 else: zl = 0.72 ne += 1 x1 = chl.longitude.values.min() x2 = chl.longitude.values.max() y1 = chl.latitude.values.min() y2 = chl.latitude.values.max() dx = xmax - xmin dy = ymax - ymin xl1 = -(xmin - x1) / dx xl2 = -(xmax - x2) / dx yl1 = -(ymin - y1) / dy yl2 = -(ymax - y2) / dy zs = pd.pivot_table(data=chl, index='latitude', columns='longitude', values='chlorophyll').transpose() #cmap2 = #cmap2.set_bad('white',1.) sat1 = mlab.imshow( zs, figure=fig, extent=[0.2 + xl1, 1 + xl2, 0.1 + yl1, 1 + yl2, zl, zl], opacity=0.8, colormap=cmap, interpolate=False) sat1.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.reverse_lut = True sat1.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.data_range = (0, 10) sat1.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.nan_color = (0, 0, 0, 0) cb2 = mlab.colorbar(object=sat1, title='CHla', orientation='horizontal') cb2.scalar_bar.unconstrained_font_size = True cb2.label_text_property.font_size = 20 cb2.title_text_property.font_size = 46 #add temp backgorund map if temp is not None: if ne == 0: zl = 0.2 else: zl = 0.72 ne += 1 x1 = temp.longitude.values.min() x2 = temp.longitude.values.max() y1 = temp.latitude.values.min() y2 = temp.latitude.values.max() dx = xmax - xmin dy = ymax - ymin xl1 = -(xmin - x1) / dx xl2 = -(xmax - x2) / dx yl1 = -(ymin - y1) / dy yl2 = -(ymax - y2) / dy zs2 = pd.pivot_table(data=temp, index='latitude', columns='longitude', values='sst').transpose() sat2 = mlab.imshow( zs2, figure=fig, extent=[0.2 + xl1, 1 + xl2, 0.1 + yl1, 1 + yl2, zl, zl], colormap=cmap, opacity=0.8, interpolate=False) sat2.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.reverse_lut = True sat2.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.nan_color = (0, 0, 0, 0) #sat2.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.data_range = (10, 25) #ignore this, as this was specific for the 38 kHz map for calibration if intdat is not None: x1 = intdat.Lon_S.values.min() x2 = intdat.Lon_S.values.max() y1 = intdat.Lat_S.values.min() y2 = intdat.Lat_S.values.max() dx = xmax - xmin dy = ymax - ymin xi1 = -(xmin - x1) / dx xi2 = -(xmin - x2) / dx yi1 = -(ymin - y1) / dy yi2 = -(ymin - y2) / dy xi = pd.pivot(data=intdat, index='Ping_S', columns='Depth_mean', values='Lon_S') yi = pd.pivot(data=intdat, index='Ping_S', columns='Depth_mean', values='Lat_S') zi = pd.pivot(data=intdat, index='Ping_S', columns='Depth_mean', values='Depth_mean') filli = pd.pivot(data=intdat, index='Ping_S', columns='Depth_mean', values='Sv38') ivp = mlab.mesh(xi, yi, zi, scalars=filli, colormap=cmap, opacity=alpha, extent=[xi1, xi2, yi1, yi2, 0.2, .7], figure=fig, representation='surface') if rev_cmap == True: ivp.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.reverse_lut = True ivp.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.data_range = (cmin, cmax) #set initial view mlab.view(90, 110, -2)