def toggle3d(state=True, nb_backend=None, **kwds): """ Switch on/off the mayavi backend. **Parameters** state: bool | True on/off state of the mayavi backend nb_backend: | None type of rendering engine choose from 'x3d' (interactive) and 'png' (static). **kwds: keyword arguments additional arguments to be passed into ``mayavi.mlab.init_notebook()``. """ global PLOT3D PLOT3D = state if PLOT3D == True: global mlab from mayavi import mlab if nb_backend: mlab.init_notebook(nb_backend, **kwds) else: try: mlab = None except: pass
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self._get_mode() == 0: mlab.init_notebook() size = (600, 400) if self.size: size = self.size self._fig = mlab.figure( size=size, bgcolor=cfg["mayavi"]["bg_color"], fgcolor=cfg["mayavi"]["fg_color"], )
def show_fem(u, local=False, show_volume=True, show_plane=True): global fem_counter fem_counter = fem_counter + 1 mlab.init_notebook() mlab.clf() name_base = "./tmp_u_" + str(fem_counter) dolfin.File(name_base + ".pvd") << u time.sleep(1) s = + '000000.vtu') #mlab.pipeline.volume(s) #mlab.contour3d(s) if show_volume: scp = mlab.pipeline.volume(s) if show_plane: scp = mlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(s, view_controls=True) return scp
def show_geom(g, local=False, step=0.6, show_surface=True): if not local: stl_file = getStl(g, step=step) time.sleep(3) print(stl_file) mlab.init_notebook() mlab.clf() s = if show_surface: s = mlab.pipeline.surface(s) return s else: result = DisplayShape(trans_box, export_edges=True, color=rnd_color, transparency=random.random()) return display(result)
def postprocessing(self): import mayavi, vtk, os from mayavi import mlab mlab.init_notebook() from mayavi.sources.vtk_xml_file_reader import VTKXMLFileReader from mayavi.sources.vrml_importer import VRMLImporter from mayavi.modules.outline import Outline from mayavi.modules.streamline import Streamline from mayavi.modules.iso_surface import IsoSurface from mayavi.sources.vtk_file_reader import VTKFileReader print('Mayavi {}, {}, DISPLAY {}'.format(mayavi.__version__, vtk.vtkVersion.GetVTKSourceVersion(), os.environ['DISPLAY'])) # fetch the results fname='Composition_00010000.vtk' oc_proj_base = self.wJobPath.value.strip(' /') oc=DavProxy() oc.set_token() oc.get(oc_proj_base + '/OP/VTK/'+fname, './' + fname) # run mlab pipeline mlab.clf() # clear figure r = VTKFileReader() r.initialize(fname) r.point_scalars_name = 'TotalComposition_Li' scp=mlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(r, view_controls=False,plane_orientation='y_axes') scpx=mlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(r, view_controls=False,plane_orientation='x_axes') mlab.pipeline.outline(r) col_cp=mlab.scalarbar(scp, title='C(Li)', orientation='vertical') return mlab.gcf() # plot
# <markdowncell> # ![interpolation](figures/interpolation_discrete.png) # ![exact solution](figures/interpolation_exact.png) # ![interpolation error](figures/interpolation_error.png) # <codecell> # <markdowncell> # Mayavi can also be used to plot grid function in Python. This approach # relies on methods to extract `numpy` representations of the grid data # structure and values of a given grid function. # # __Note__: mayavi is not installed in the Docker image and, therefore, # this feature is not available the Docker container. # <codecell> level = 3 triangulation = f.grid.triangulation(level) z = f.pointData(level)[:, 0] try: from mayavi import mlab from import display mlab.init_notebook("png") mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) s = mlab.triangular_mesh(triangulation.x, triangulation.y, z * 0.5, triangulation.triangles) display(s) # mlab.savefig("mayavi.png", size=(400,300)) mlab.close(all=True) except ImportError: pass
import os import sys import re import pickle # todo: current pickle file are using format 3 witch is not compatible with python2 from meshpy.obj_file import ObjFile from meshpy.sdf_file import SdfFile from dexnet.grasping import GraspableObject3D import numpy as np from dexnet.visualization.visualizer3d import DexNetVisualizer3D as Vis from dexnet.grasping import RobotGripper from autolab_core import YamlConfig try: from mayavi import mlab mlab.init_notebook('x3d', 800, 800) except ImportError: print("can not import mayavi") mlab = None from dexnet.grasping import GpgGraspSampler # temporary way for show 3D gripper using mayavi import pcl import glob from IPython.display import display # In[2]: # global configurations: home_dir = os.environ['HOME'] yaml_config = YamlConfig(home_dir + "/code/grasp-pointnet/dex-net/test/config.yaml")
def init(): display = Xvfb(width=500, height=500) display.start() mlab.init_notebook()
def plot3d(uh,level): x, triangles = mlab.init_notebook("png") # use x3d for interactive plotting in the notebook mlab.figure(bgcolor = (1,1,1)) s = mlab.triangular_mesh(x[:,0],x[:,1],x[:,2],triangles) display( s )
from mayavi import mlab import numpy as np mlab.init_notebook('x3d', 400, 200, local=False) mlab.clf() theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) X = np.outer((20 + 4 * np.cos(phi)), np.cos(theta)) Y = np.outer((20 + 4 * np.cos(phi)), np.sin(theta)) Z = np.outer(np.sin(phi), 1.8 * np.ones(np.size(theta))) #the position of the ball x = np.array([2.5, 3.0, 3.0]) y = np.array([3.0, 2.5, 3.0]) z = np.array([3.0, 3.0, 2.5]) mlab.clf() mlab.points3d(x[1:-1], y[1:-1], z[1:-1], color=(1, 1, 1), resolution=20, scale_factor=3) mlab.mesh(X, Y, Z, representation='wireframe') mlab.title('3D Torus Billiard')
Find closest trajectories ========================= Finds the probe insertions that are closest a a specified probe insertion of interest and plots their location in a 3D image. Additionally prints out the information of closeby sessions """ # Author: Mayo Faulkner # import modules import numpy as np import ibllib.pipes.histology as histology import ibllib.atlas as atlas from import ONE from mayavi import mlab from atlaselectrophysiology import rendering mlab.init_notebook() # Instantiate brain atlas and one brain_atlas = atlas.AllenAtlas(25) one = ONE() # Find all trajectories with histology tracing all_hist ='trajectories', 'list', provenance='Histology track') # Some do not have tracing, exclude these ones sess_with_hist = [sess for sess in all_hist if sess['x'] is not None] traj_ids = [sess['id'] for sess in sess_with_hist] # Compute trajectory objects for each of the trajectories trajectories = [atlas.Insertion.from_dict(sess) for sess in sess_with_hist] # Find the trajectory of the id that you want to find closeby probe insertions for subject = 'SWC_023' date = '2020-02-13'
label_title = Label(Mafenetre, text="Welcome to billiard game") label_title.pack() # Création d'un widget Canvas Canevas = Canvas(Mafenetre, height=HAUTEUR, width=LARGEUR, bg='green') Canevas.pack(padx=5, pady=5) # Création d'un objet graphique Balle = Canevas.create_oval(X - RAYON, Y - RAYON, X + RAYON, Y + RAYON, width=1, fill='white') #Bouton quitter Bouton_Quitter = Button(Mafenetre, text='Quit', command=Mafenetre.destroy) Bouton_Quitter.pack() deplacement() Mafenetre.mainloop() from mayavi import mlab mlab.init_notebook(backend='x3d', local=False) theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) X = np.outer((1 + 0.2 * np.cos(phi)), np.cos(theta)) Y = np.outer((1 + 0.2 * np.cos(phi)), np.sin(theta)) Z = np.outer(np.sin(phi), 0.09 * np.ones(np.size(theta))) mlab.clf() mlab.mesh(X, Y, Z, representation='wireframe')
# Linden Parkes, 2019 # [email protected] import os import numpy as np import nibabel as nib import mayavi as my from mayavi import mlab mlab.init_notebook(backend='png') import surfer import math from matplotlib.pyplot import get_cmap def roi_to_vtx(roi_data, parcel_names, parc_file): # roi_data = (num_nodes,) array vector of node-level data to plot onto surface # # # parcel_names = (num_nodes,) array vector of strings containg roi names # corresponding to roi_data # # parc_file = full path and file name to surface file # Note, I used fsaverage/fsaverage5 surfaces # Load freesurfer file labels, ctab, surf_names = nib.freesurfer.read_annot(parc_file) # convert FS surf_names to array of strings if type(surf_names[0]) != str: for i in np.arange(0, len(surf_names)):