def bfs(maze): """ Runs BFS for part 1 of the assignment. @param maze: The maze to execute the search on. @return path: a list of tuples containing the coordinates of each state in the computed path """ # TODO: Write your code here q = queue.Queue() start = maze.getStart() path =[] obj = maze.getObjectives() obj_num = len(obj) visited = [] cur = mazenode(start,None) visited.append(cur.position) # set visitied while(not maze.isObjective(cur.row,cur.col)): nei = maze.getNeighbors(cur.row,cur.col) # get neighbour for i in nei: if not (i in visited): q.put(mazenode((i[0],i[1]),cur)) # add the next node into queue visited.append((i[0],i[1])) cur = q.get() # print(visited) # print(cur.position) # get the path while (not cur.lastnode is None): # extract the path path.append(cur.position) cur = cur.lastnode path.append(cur.position) return path[::-1]
def bfs(maze): """ Runs BFS for part 1 of the assignment. @param maze: The maze to execute the search on. @return path: a list of tuples containing the coordinates of each state in the computed path """ # TODO: Write your code here start = maze.getStart() objective = maze.getObjectives() path = deque() explored = deque() frontier = deque() frontier.append(start) parent = {} while frontier: V = frontier.popleft() if V in explored: V = frontier.popleft() if V == objective[0]: #objective in the form of [(5,1)] explored.append(V) break else: for i in set(maze.getNeighbors(V[0], V[1])): if maze.isValidMove( i[0], i[1] ) == True and i not in explored: #can lead to infinite loop frontier.append(i) parent[i] = V #key is son,value is parent explored.append(V) a = objective[0] path.append(a) while start not in path: path.appendleft(parent[a]) a = parent[a] return list(path)
def astar_corner(maze): """ Runs A star for part 2 of the assignment in the case where there are four corner objectives. @param maze: The maze to execute the search on. @return path: a list of tuples containing the coordinates of each state in the computed path """ # TODO: Write your code here q = queue.PriorityQueue() start = maze.getStart() path = [] obj = maze.getObjectives() obj_num = len(obj) visited = [] cur = mazenode(start,None,0,0,obj) # while(len(obj)>0): d = cal_dis_mat(obj) cur.cur_mst = findmst(d,0,len(obj)) visited.append((cur.position,cur.remain_obj)) while(len(cur.remain_obj)>0): if(cur.position in cur.remain_obj): # print(cur.position, cur.remain_obj) if (len(cur.remain_obj)==1):break cur.remain_obj.remove(cur.position) d = cal_dis_mat(cur.remain_obj) cur.cur_mst = findmst(d,0,len(cur.remain_obj)) # visited.append((cur.position,cur.remain_obj)) # set visitied nei = maze.getNeighbors(cur.row,cur.col) # get neighbour for i in nei: if not_visited(i,cur.remain_obj,visited): gx = cur.gx+1 hx = cur.cur_mst + find_min_dis(cur.remain_obj,i)[0] # print(cur.position,'->',i) # print('hx:',hx,' ','gx:',gx,' ','fx:',gx+hx) q.put((gx+hx,mazenode((i[0],i[1]),cur,gx,hx,cur.remain_obj.copy(),cur.cur_mst))) # add the next node into queue visited.append((i,cur.remain_obj)) cur = q.get()[1] # visited = [] # print(cur.position) # print(len(cur.remain_obj)) # obj.remove(cur.position) while (not cur.lastnode is None): # extract the path path.append(cur.position) cur = cur.lastnode path.append(cur.position) # print(path) return path[::-1]
def fast(maze): """ Runs suboptimal search algorithm for part 4. @param maze: The maze to execute the search on. @return path: a list of tuples containing the coordinates of each state in the computed path """ # TODO: Write your code here start = maze.getStart() path = [] obj = maze.getObjectives() obj_num = len(obj) visited = [False for i in obj] cur = mazenode(start,None,0,0,obj) min,idx = find_min_dis(obj,start) gx,path = astar_dis_path(maze,start,obj[idx]) visited[idx] = True visited_num = 1 while(1): if visited_num == len(obj): break min = sys.maxsize next_idx = idx for i in range(len(obj)): if not visited[i]: dis = mah_d(obj[i],obj[idx]) if dis<min: min = dis next_idx = i gx,minpath = astar_dis_path(maze,obj[idx],obj[next_idx]) idx = next_idx visited[next_idx] = True visited_num+=1 # print(visited_num) # print(next_idx) for i in minpath[1:]: path.append(i) return path
def astar(maze): """ Runs A star for part 1 of the assignment. @param maze: The maze to execute the search on. @return path: a list of tuples containing the coordinates of each state in the computed path """ # TODO: Write your code here # a priority queue q = queue.PriorityQueue() start = maze.getStart() path =[] obj = maze.getObjectives() obj_num = len(obj) visited = [] cur = mazenode(start,None,mah_d(start,start),mah_d(start,obj[0])) # visited.append(cur.position) while(not maze.isObjective(cur.row,cur.col)): visited.append(cur.position) # set visitied nei = maze.getNeighbors(cur.row,cur.col) # get neighbour for i in nei: if not i in visited: gx = 1+cur.gx hx = mah_d(i,obj[0]) q.put((gx+hx,mazenode((i[0],i[1]),cur,gx,hx))) # add the next node into queue # visited.append((i[0],i[1])) cur = q.get()[1] # get the path while (not cur.lastnode is None): # extract the path path.append(cur.position) cur = cur.lastnode path.append(cur.position) return path[::-1]
def astar_multi(maze): """ Runs A star for part 3 of the assignment in the case where there are multiple objectives. @param maze: The maze to execute the search on. @return path: a list of tuples containing the coordinates of each state in the computed path """ # TODO: Write your code here q = queue.PriorityQueue() start = maze.getStart() path = [] obj = maze.getObjectives() # print(obj) obj_num = len(obj) d = find_dis_goal_astar(maze,obj) visited = [] cur = mazenode(start,None,0,0,obj) # while(len(obj)>0): cur.cur_mst = findmst(d,0,len(obj)) cur.v_g = [False for i in obj] visited.append((cur.position,cur.remain_obj)) counter = 0 while(len(cur.remain_obj)>0): if(cur.position in cur.remain_obj): # print(cur.position, cur.remain_obj) #case that breaks if (len(cur.remain_obj)==1):break # set and remove reached goal cur.v_g[obj.index(cur.position)] = True cur.remain_obj.remove(cur.position) d1 = adjust_dis_max(d,cur.v_g,obj_num) # print('len:',len(d1[0]),len(cur.remain_obj)) #calculate mst cur.cur_mst = findmst(d1,0,len(cur.remain_obj)) # visited.append((cur.position,cur.remain_obj)) # set visitied nei = maze.getNeighbors(cur.row,cur.col) # get neighbour for i in nei: if not_visited(i,cur.remain_obj,visited): gx = cur.gx+1 hx = cur.cur_mst + find_min_dis(cur.remain_obj,i)[0] if not find_same_in_queue(q,i,gx+hx,cur.remain_obj): #print(cur.position,'->',i) #print('hx:',hx,' ','gx:',gx,' ','fx:',gx+hx) q.put((gx+hx,mazenode((i[0],i[1]),cur,gx,hx,cur.remain_obj.copy(),cur.cur_mst,cur.v_g.copy()))) # add the next node into queue visited.append((i,cur.remain_obj)) cur = q.get()[1] # visited = [] # print(cur.hx+cur.gx,' ',gx) #print(len(cur.remain_obj)) counter+=1 # if counter==7703:break # obj.remove(cur.position) while (not cur.lastnode is None): # extract the path path.append(cur.position) cur = cur.lastnode path.append(cur.position) # print(path) return path[::-1]
def astar(maze): """ Runs A star for part 1 of the assignment. @param maze: The maze to execute the search on. @return path: a list of tuples containing the coordinates of each state in the computed path """ # TODO: Write your code here #following pseudocode as much as I understood it on : and start = maze.getStart() objective = maze.getObjectives() path = deque() explored = deque() frontier = deque() parent = {} gdist = {} hdist = {} fdist = {} frontier.append(start) gdist[start] = 0 def heuristic(point1, point2): return abs(point1[0] - point2[0]) + abs(point1[1] - point2[1]) hdist[start] = heuristic(start, objective[0]) fdist[start] = gdist[start] + hdist[start] while frontier: temp = 100000 for i in frontier: if fdist[i] < temp: temp = fdist[ i] #getting minmium fdict value in frontier elements else: temp = temp for k in frontier: if fdist[k] == temp: V = k break frontier.remove(V) if V in explored: continue explored.append(V) #if the objective judgement is written in the loop of neighbor handlement, the states explored will increase around 100 in the bigMaze, found by trial-and-error if V == objective[0]: parent[V] = Last break for i in set(maze.getNeighbors( V[0], V[1])): #get Neighbors already contained isValidMove if i not in explored: # every i is a neighbor of V, a child of parent V temphdist = heuristic(i, objective[0]) tempgdist = gdist[V] + heuristic( i, V) #current cost to i(successor) hdist[i] = temphdist gdist[i] = tempgdist if ( i in frontier and fdist[i] < tempgdist + temphdist ): #explored doesn't need to be contained here since admissible heruistic mentioned by instructor in Piazza continue else: fdist[i] = hdist[i] + gdist[i] parent[i] = V frontier.append(i) Last = V else: continue a = objective[0] path.append(a) while start not in path: path.appendleft(parent[a]) a = parent[a] return list(path)
def astar_multi(maze): """ Runs A star for part 3 of the assignment in the case where there are multiple objectives. @param maze: The maze to execute the search on. @return path: a list of tuples containing the coordinates of each state in the computed path """ # TODO: Write your code here start_point = maze.getStart() objective_lists = maze.getObjectives() #objective is a list fullpath = deque() counter = 1 def heuristic_objectives( start, objectivelist ): #return an objective following the heuristic out of the whole list temp = list() for i in objectivelist: temp.append(abs(start[0] - i[0]) + abs(start[1] - i[1])) threshold = min(temp) return threshold #heruistic=heruistic_objectives(nearest goal's distance)+ MST distance of the rest of the objectivelists def heuristic_mst(start_point, objective_lists): temp = list() for i in objective_lists: temp.append( abs(start_point[0] - i[0]) + abs(start_point[1] - i[1])) for i in objective_lists: if abs(start_point[0] - i[0]) + abs(start_point[1] - i[1]) == min(temp): objective_lists.remove(i) break #got rid of the nearest goal--objective_lists contain the remaining objectives now edgedist = {} tempobjective_lists = objective_lists.copy() tempobjective_lists.append(start_point) for i in objective_lists: for j in tempobjective_lists: if i != j: edgedist[i, j] = abs(i[0] - j[0]) + abs(i[1] - j[1]) else: continue tempobjective_lists.remove(i) # construct a combination between objectivelists(n length) nC2 # construct a dict edgelist[(1,2),(2,3):2] explored = list() # print('edgedist',edgedist) explored.append(start_point) T = 0 while len( set(explored)) < len(objective_lists): #len(objective_lists=9) temp_dist = list() keychoice = list() for single_key in edgedist.keys(): if (single_key[0] in explored or single_key[1] in explored) and not (single_key[0] in explored and single_key[1] in explored): temp_dist.append(edgedist[single_key]) keychoice.append(single_key) for key in keychoice: if edgedist[key] == min(temp_dist): minimum_key = key break # print('minimum_key=',minimum_key) key_toadd = [k for k in minimum_key if k not in explored] #[(2,3)] form # print('key_toadd=',key_toadd) T += edgedist[minimum_key] explored.append(key_toadd[0]) # print('explored=',explored) return T * 1.5 while objective_lists: # objectlist is not empty path = deque() explored = deque() parent = {} gdist = {} hdist = {} fdist = {} gdist[start_point] = 0 hdist[start_point] = heuristic_objectives( start_point, objective_lists) + heuristic_mst( start_point, objective_lists) fdist[start_point] = gdist[start_point] + hdist[start_point] frontier = deque() frontier.append(start_point) # for a single path while frontier: V = frontier.popleft() if V in explored: V = frontier.popleft() if V in objective_lists: #objective in the form of [(5,1)] print('obectives_list before movement', objective_lists) explored.append(V) objective_lists.remove(V) print('removed objective=', V, 'remaining objectives=', objective_lists) #last element in explored is the objective in this path #maybe should put path command here 16:04-2/4 break else: for i in maze.getNeighbors(V[0], V[1]): if maze.isValidMove( i[0], i[1] ) == True and i not in explored: #can lead to infinite loop temphdist = heuristic_objectives(i, objective_lists) tempgdist = gdist[V] + 1 #current cost to i(successor) if i in frontier and fdist[i] < tempgdist + temphdist: continue elif i in explored: if fdist[i] < tempgdist + temphdist: continue else: explored.remove(i) frontier.append(i) else: fdist[i] = temphdist + tempgdist hdist[i] = temphdist gdist[i] = tempgdist frontier.append(i) parent[i] = V #key is son,value is parent Last = V explored.append(V) print('start point=', start_point) a = explored[-1] path.appendleft(a) while start_point not in path: a = parent[a] path.appendleft(a) #print('a=',a) print('path=', path) start_point = explored[-1] if counter == 1: fullpath += path else: path.remove(a) # print('path to +',path) fullpath += path counter += 1 # print('counter=',counter) print('fullpath', fullpath) return list(fullpath)
def astar_corner(maze): """ Runs A star for part 2 of the assignment in the case where there are four corner objectives. @param maze: The maze to execute the search on. @return path: a list of tuples containing the coordinates of each state in the computed path """ # TODO: Write your code here start_point = maze.getStart() objective_lists = maze.getObjectives() #objective is a list fullpath = deque() counter = 1 print('start=', start_point) print('objectives are', objective_lists) def heuristic_objectives( start, objectivelist ): #return an objective following the heuristic out of the whole list temp = list() for i in objectivelist: temp.append(abs(start[0] - i[0]) + abs(start[1] - i[1])) threshold = min(temp) return threshold while objective_lists: # objectlist is not empty path = deque() explored = deque() parent = {} gdist = {} hdist = {} fdist = {} gdist[start_point] = 0 hdist[start_point] = heuristic_objectives(start_point, objective_lists) fdist[start_point] = gdist[start_point] + hdist[start_point] frontier = deque() frontier.append(start_point) # for a single path while frontier: V = frontier.popleft() if V in explored: V = frontier.popleft() if V in objective_lists: #objective in the form of [(5,1)] explored.append(V) objective_lists.remove(V) #last element in explored is the objective in this path break else: for i in maze.getNeighbors(V[0], V[1]): if maze.isValidMove( i[0], i[1] ) == True and i not in explored: #can lead to infinite loop temphdist = heuristic_objectives(i, objective_lists) tempgdist = gdist[V] + 1 #current cost to i(successor) if i in frontier and fdist[i] < tempgdist + temphdist: continue else: fdist[i] = temphdist + tempgdist hdist[i] = temphdist gdist[i] = tempgdist frontier.append(i) parent[i] = V #key is son,value is parent Last = V explored.append(V) a = explored[-1] path.appendleft(a) while start_point not in path: a = parent[a] path.appendleft(a) start_point = explored[-1] if counter == 1: fullpath += path else: path.remove(a) fullpath += path counter += 1 return list(fullpath)