예제 #1
 def __init__(self, tree, outfile, **kwargs):
     self.channel = 'EE'
     super(EEAnalyzerMVA, self).__init__(tree, outfile, **kwargs)
     self.tree = EETree(tree)
     self.out = outfile
     self.histograms = {}
     self.pucorrector = mcCorrections.make_puCorrector('singlee')
     self.pucorrectorUp = mcCorrections.make_puCorrectorUp('singlee')
     self.pucorrectorDown = mcCorrections.make_puCorrectorDown('singlee')
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, tree, outfile, **kwargs):
        logging.debug('LFVHETauAnalyzerMVA3 constructor')
        self.channel = 'ET'
        super(LFVHETauAnalyzerMVA3, self).__init__(tree, outfile, **kwargs)
        self.tree = ETauTree(tree)
        self.out = outfile
        self.histograms = {}

        #understand what we are running
        target = os.path.basename(os.environ['megatarget'])
        self.is_data = target.startswith('data_')
        self.is_embedded = ('Embedded' in target)
        self.is_mc = not (self.is_data or self.is_embedded)
        self.efake = e_fake_rate(0.2)
        self.efakeup = e_fake_rate_up(0.2)
        self.efakedw = e_fake_rate_dw(0.2)

        #systematics used
        self.systematics = {
            'trig': (['', 'trp1s', 'trm1s'] if not self.is_data else []),
            'pu': (['', 'p1s', 'm1s'] if self.is_mc else []),
            'eid': (['', 'eidp1s', 'eidm1s'] if not self.is_data else []),
            'eiso': (['', 'eisop1s', 'eisom1s'] if not self.is_data else []),
            'jes': (['', '_jes_plus', '_jes_minus'] if self.is_mc else ['']),
            'mvetos': (['', 'mVetoUp', 'mVetoDown'] if self.is_mc else ['']),
            'tvetos': (['', 'tVetoUp', 'tVetoDown'] if self.is_mc else ['']),
            'evetos': (['', 'eVetoUp', 'eVetoDown'] if self.is_mc else ['']),
            'met': (["_mes_plus", "_ues_plus", "_mes_minus", "_ues_minus"]
                    if self.is_mc else []),
            (["", "_tes_plus", "_tes_minus"] if not self.is_data else ['']),
            (["", "_ees_plus", '_ees_minus'] if not self.is_data else [''])

        #self filling histograms
        coll_mass = make_collmass_systematics('')  #no sys shift
        self.histo_locations = {
        }  #just a mapping of the histograms we have to avoid changing self.histograms indexing an screw other files
        self.hfunc = {  #maps the name of non-trivial histograms to a function to get the proper value, the function MUST have two args (evt and weight). Used in fill_histos later
            lambda row, weight: (row.nTruePU, None),
            lambda row, weight: (weight, None)
            if weight is not None else (1., None),
            lambda row, weight: (array.array("f", [
                row.run, row.lumi,
                int(row.evt) / 10**5,
                int(row.evt) % 10**5
            ]), None),
            merge_functions(attr_getter('tToMETDPhi'), coll_mass),
                lambda row, weight:
                (deltaPhi(row.tPhi, getattr(row, metphi())), weight),
            lambda row, weight:
            (deltaPhi(row.ePhi, getattr(row, metphi())), weight),
            lambda row, weight:
            (deltaPhi(row.tPhi, getattr(row, metphi())), weight),
            lambda row, weight: (struct(
                run=row.run, lumi=row.lumi, evt=row.evt, weight=weight), None)
        for shift in self.systematics['met']:
            #patch name
            postfix = shift
            self.hfunc['h_collmass_pfmet%s' %
                       postfix] = make_collmass_systematics(shift)
        for shift in self.systematics['tes']:
            #patch name
            postfix = shift
            self.hfunc['h_collmass_pfmet%s' %
                       postfix] = make_collmass_systematics(shift)
        for shift in self.systematics['jes']:
            #patch name
            postfix = shift
            self.hfunc['h_collmass_pfmet%s' %
                       postfix] = make_collmass_systematics(shift)
        for shift in self.systematics['ees']:
            #patch name
            postfix = shift
            self.hfunc['h_collmass_pfmet%s' %
                       postfix] = make_collmass_systematics(shift)

        #PU correctors
        self.pucorrector = mcCorrections.make_shifted_weights(
            mcCorrections.make_puCorrector('singlee'), ['p1s', 'm1s'], [
        self.trig_weight = mcCorrections.trig_efficiency if self.is_embedded else mcCorrections.trig_correction