예제 #1
def onSphereShell(self, sphereShell):
    from mccomposite.geometry.primitives import sphere
    from mccomposite.geometry.operations import subtract
    r1 = sphereShell.in_radius
    r2 = sphereShell.out_radius
    if r1 >= r2:
        msg = 'inner radius (%s) should be smaller than outer radius (%s)' %(
            r1, r2)
        raise RuntimeError, msg

    if r1 == 0*r1:
        shape = sphere(r2)
        shape = subtract( sphere(r2), sphere(r1) )
    return shape.identify(self)
예제 #2
    def test(self):
        # create a weird shape
        from mccomposite.geometry import primitives
        block = primitives.block((1, 1, 1))
        sphere = primitives.sphere(1)
        cylinder = primitives.cylinder(2, 2.001)

        from mccomposite.geometry import operations
        dilated = operations.dilate(sphere, 2)
        translated = operations.translate(block, (0, 0, 0.5))
        united = operations.unite(dilated, translated)

        rotated = operations.rotate(united, (90, 0, 0))

        intersect = operations.intersect(rotated, cylinder)

        difference = operations.subtract(intersect, sphere)

        print mccomposite.scattererEngine(difference)

        shape = difference
        #shape = block
        #shape = dilated
        #shape = united
        #shape = intersect
        #shape = operations.rotate(block, (90,0,0) )
        #shape = rotated
        #shape = sphere
        #shape = operations.subtract(sphere, block)
        #shape = operations.subtract( primitives.cylinder(1, 2.1), sphere )

        #create pure python representation of scatterer composite
        composite = mccomposite.composite(shape)
        nprinter = NeutronPrinter(shape)

        #render the c++ representation
        ccomposite = mccomposite.scattererEngine(composite)

        ev = mcni.neutron(r=(0, 0, -5), v=(0, 0, 1))

예제 #3
    def test(self):
        # create a weird shape
        from mccomposite.geometry import primitives
        block = primitives.block( (1,1,1) )
        sphere = primitives.sphere( 1 )
        cylinder = primitives.cylinder( 2,2.001 )

        from mccomposite.geometry import operations
        dilated = operations.dilate( sphere, 2 )
        translated = operations.translate( block, (0,0,0.5) )
        united = operations.unite( dilated, translated )

        rotated = operations.rotate( united, (90,0,0) )

        intersect = operations.intersect( rotated, cylinder )

        difference = operations.subtract( intersect, sphere )
        print mccomposite.scattererEngine( difference )

        shape = difference
        #shape = block
        #shape = dilated
        #shape = united
        #shape = intersect
        #shape = operations.rotate(block, (90,0,0) )
        #shape = rotated
        #shape = sphere
        #shape = operations.subtract(sphere, block)
        #shape = operations.subtract( primitives.cylinder(1, 2.1), sphere )

        #create pure python representation of scatterer composite
        composite = mccomposite.composite( shape )
        nprinter = NeutronPrinter( shape )
        composite.addElement( nprinter )

        #render the c++ representation
        ccomposite = mccomposite.scattererEngine( composite )

        ev = mcni.neutron( r = (0,0,-5), v = (0,0,1) )