def check_mark_suggestions(): s = """#comment mcdp { provides a [Nat] }""" parse_expr = Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue x = parse_wrap(Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue, s)[0] context = Context() xr = parse_ndp_refine(x, context) suggestions = get_suggestions(xr) # make sure we can apply them _s2 = apply_suggestions(s, suggestions) def postprocess(block): x = parse_ndp_refine(block, context) return x html = ast_to_html(s, parse_expr=parse_expr, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=False, postprocess=postprocess) for where, replacement in suggestions: # @UnusedVariable #print('suggestion: %r' % replacement) html = html_mark(html, where, "suggestion") assert 'suggestion' in html
def mark_errors(): s = """#comment mcdp { #@ syntax error }""" parse_expr = Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue x = parse_wrap(Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue, s)[0] context = Context() xr = parse_ndp_refine(x, context) suggestions = get_suggestions(xr) # make sure we can apply them _s2 = apply_suggestions(s, suggestions) def postprocess(block): x = parse_ndp_refine(block, context) return x html = ast_to_html(s, parse_expr=parse_expr, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=False, postprocess=postprocess) text = project_html(html) s2 = """#comment mcdp { syntax error }""" assert_equal(text, s2) assert not '#@' in text
def get_ast_as_pdf(s, parse_expr): s = s.replace('\t', ' ') contents = ast_to_html(s, complete_document=False, extra_css=None, ignore_line=None, parse_expr=parse_expr, add_line_gutter=False, add_css=False) html = get_minimal_document(contents) d = mkdtemp() f_html = os.path.join(d, 'file.html') with open(f_html, 'w') as f: f.write(html) try: f_pdf = os.path.join(d, 'file.pdf') cmd= ['wkhtmltopdf','-s','A1',f_html,f_pdf] system_cmd_result( d, cmd, display_stdout=False, display_stderr=False, raise_on_error=True) with open(f_pdf) as f: data = data = crop_pdf(data, margins=0) return data except CmdException as e: raise e
def syntax_frag(data): from mcdp_report.html import ast_to_html s = data['s'] res = ast_to_html(s, parse_expr=Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue) res1 = ('html', 'syntax_frag', res) return [res1]
def check_syntax(filename, source, parse_expr=Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue): # @UnusedVariable # skip generated files (hack) if filename and 'drone_unc2_' in filename: return # print filename if filename is not None: source = open(filename).read() try: html = ast_to_html(source, parse_expr, ignore_line=lambda _lineno: False, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=True, ) # print html.__repr__() source2 = project_html(html) # print source # print source2 # print indent(html, 'html |') assert_equal_string(s2_expected=source, s2=source2) except: logger.error('This happened to %r' % filename) raise
def get_ast_as_pdf(s, parse_expr): s = s.replace('\t', ' ') contents = ast_to_html(s, ignore_line=None, parse_expr=parse_expr, add_line_gutter=False) html = get_minimal_document(contents) mcdp_tmp_dir = get_mcdp_tmp_dir() prefix = 'get_ast_as_pdf()' d = mkdtemp(dir=mcdp_tmp_dir, prefix=prefix) try: f_html = os.path.join(d, 'file.html') with open(f_html, 'w') as f: f.write(html) try: f_pdf = os.path.join(d, 'file.pdf') cmd= ['wkhtmltopdf','-s','A1',f_html,f_pdf] system_cmd_result( d, cmd, display_stdout=False, display_stderr=False, raise_on_error=True) with open(f_pdf) as f: data = data = crop_pdf(data, margins=0) return data except CmdException as e: raise e finally: shutil.rmtree(d)
def ast_to_html_(s): from mcdp_report.html import ast_to_html parse_expr = Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue html = ast_to_html(s, complete_document=False, extra_css=None, ignore_line=None, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=True, add_css=False, parse_expr=parse_expr, add_line_spans=False, postprocess=None) return html
def ast_to_html_(s): from mcdp_report.html import ast_to_html parse_expr = Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue html = ast_to_html(s, ignore_line=None, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=True, parse_expr=parse_expr, postprocess=None) return html
def syntax_pdf(data): """ Returns a PDF string """ from mcdp_report.html import ast_to_html s = data['s'] s = s.replace('\t', ' ') lines_to_hide = get_lines_to_hide(data['params']) def ignore_line(lineno): return lineno in lines_to_hide contents = ast_to_html(s, ignore_line=ignore_line, parse_expr=Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue, ) html = get_minimal_document(contents) d = mkdtemp() f_html = os.path.join(d, 'file.html') with open(f_html, 'w') as f: f.write(html) try: f_pdf = os.path.join(d, 'file.pdf') cmd= ['wkhtmltopdf','-s','A1',f_html,f_pdf] system_cmd_result( d, cmd, display_stdout=False, display_stderr=False, raise_on_error=True) f_pdf_crop = os.path.join(d, 'file_crop.pdf') cmd = ['pdfcrop', '--margins', '4', f_pdf, f_pdf_crop] system_cmd_result( d, cmd, display_stdout=False, display_stderr=False, raise_on_error=True) with open(f_pdf_crop) as f: data = f_png = os.path.join(d, 'file.png') cmd = ['convert', '-density', '600', f_pdf_crop, '-background', 'white', '-alpha', 'remove', '-resize', '50%', f_png] system_cmd_result( d, cmd, display_stdout=False, display_stderr=False, raise_on_error=True) with open(f_png) as f: pngdata = return [('pdf', 'syntax_pdf', data), ('png', 'syntax_pdf', pngdata)] except CmdException as e: raise e
def _generate_view_syntax(self, request, name, ext, expr, parse_refine=None): filename = "%s.%s" % (name, ext) l = self.get_library(request) f = l._get_file_data(filename) source_code = f["data"] realpath = f["realpath"] md1 = "%s.%s" % (name, MCDPLibrary.ext_explanation1) if l.file_exists(md1): fd = l._get_file_data(md1) html1 = self.render_markdown(fd["data"]) else: html1 = None md2 = "%s.%s" % (name, MCDPLibrary.ext_explanation2) if l.file_exists(md2): fd = l._get_file_data(md2) html2 = self.render_markdown(fd["data"]) else: html2 = None context = Context() def postprocess(block): if parse_refine is None: return block try: x = parse_refine(block, context) return x except DPSemanticError: return block try: highlight = ast_to_html( source_code, complete_document=False, add_line_gutter=False, parse_expr=expr, postprocess=postprocess ) highlight = self.add_html_links(request, highlight) error = "" except DPSyntaxError as e: highlight = '<pre class="source_code_with_error">%s</pre>' % source_code error = e.__str__() return { "source_code": source_code, "error": unicode(error, "utf-8"), "highlight": highlight, "realpath": realpath, "navigation": self.get_navigation_links(request), "current_view": "syntax", "explanation1_html": html1, "explanation2_html": html2, }
def check_comments06(): s0 = 'mcdp {\n }' for i in range(3): for j in range(3): s = '\n' * i + s0 + '\n' * j expr = Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue _html = ast_to_html(s, ignore_line=None, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=True, parse_expr=expr, postprocess=None)
def check_syntax(filename, source): # @UnusedVariable # print filename source = open(filename).read() try: _html = ast_to_html(source, parse_expr=Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue, complete_document=False, extra_css="", ignore_line=lambda _lineno: False, add_line_gutter=True, encapsulate_in_precode=True, add_css=False) except: logger.error('This happened to %r' % filename) raise
def check_comments06(): s0 = 'mcdp {\n }' for i in range(3): for j in range(3): s = '\n' * i + s0 + '\n' * j expr = Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue _html = ast_to_html(s, complete_document=False, extra_css=None, ignore_line=None, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=True, add_css=False, parse_expr=expr, add_line_spans=False, postprocess=None)
def syntax_test(contents): from mcdp_report.html import ast_to_html html = ast_to_html(contents, parse_expr=Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue) s = StringIO(html) import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETree try: _doc = ETree.parse(s) except ETree.ParseError: # pragma: no cover print('---') print(html) print('---') raise
def syntax_doc(data): from mcdp_report.html import ast_to_html s = data['s'] lines_to_hide = get_lines_to_hide(data['params']) def ignore_line(lineno): return lineno in lines_to_hide body_contents = ast_to_html(s, ignore_line=ignore_line, parse_expr=Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue) res = get_minimal_document(body_contents, add_markdown_css=True) # TODO: add minimal document res1 = ('html', 'syntax_doc', res) return [res1]
def syntax_test(contents): from mcdp_report.html import ast_to_html html = ast_to_html(contents, parse_expr=Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue, complete_document=False, add_css=False) s = StringIO(html) import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETree try: _doc = ETree.parse(s) except ETree.ParseError: # pragma: no cover print("---") print(html) print("---") raise
def format_syntax_error2(parse_expr, string, e): from mcdp_report.html import mark_unparsable string2, expr, _commented_lines = mark_unparsable(string, parse_expr) res = format_exception_for_ajax_response(e, quiet=(DPSyntaxError, )) if expr is not None: try: html = ast_to_html(string2, ignore_line=None, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=False, parse_expr=parse_expr, postprocess=None) res['highlight'] = html except DPSyntaxError: assert False, string2 else: res['highlight'] = html_mark_syntax_error(string, e) return res
def syntax_doc(data, mark_warnings=True): from mcdp_report.html import ast_to_html s = data['s'] lines_to_hide = get_lines_to_hide(data['params']) def ignore_line(lineno): return lineno in lines_to_hide library = data['library'] context = library._generate_context_with_hooks() class Tmp: string_nospaces_parse_tree_interpreted = None def postprocess(block): x = parse_ndp_refine(block, context) Tmp.string_nospaces_parse_tree_interpreted = x return x body = ast_to_html(s, ignore_line=ignore_line, parse_expr=Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue, postprocess=postprocess) from mcdp_web.editor_fancy.app_editor_fancy_generic import html_mark if mark_warnings: for w in context.warnings: if w.where is not None: body = html_mark(body, w.where, "language_warning", tooltip=w.format_user()) res = get_minimal_document(body, add_markdown_css=True) # TODO: add minimal document res1 = ('html', 'syntax_doc', res) return [res1]
def process_parse_request(library, string, spec, key, cache, make_relative): """ returns a dict to be used as the request, or raises an exception """ from mcdp_report.html import sanitize parse_expr = spec.parse_expr parse_refine = spec.parse_refine parse_eval = spec.parse_eval context0 = library._generate_context_with_hooks() try: class Tmp: string_nospaces_parse_tree_interpreted = None def postprocess(block): try: x = parse_refine(block, context0) except DPSemanticError: x = block Tmp.string_nospaces_parse_tree_interpreted = x return x try: highlight = ast_to_html(string, parse_expr=parse_expr, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=False, postprocess=postprocess) thing = parse_eval(Tmp.string_nospaces_parse_tree_interpreted, context0) if isinstance(thing, NamedDP): x = Tmp.string_nospaces_parse_tree_interpreted generate_unconnected_warnings(thing, context0, x) except DPSyntaxError as e: return format_syntax_error2(parse_expr, string, e) except (DPSemanticError, DPNotImplementedError) as e: highlight_marked = html_mark(highlight, e.where, "semantic_error") cache[key] = None # meaning we failed res = format_exception_for_ajax_response(e, quiet=(DPSemanticError, DPInternalError)) res['highlight'] = highlight_marked return res except DPInternalError: raise cache[key] = thing except: cache[key] = None # XXX raise if Tmp.string_nospaces_parse_tree_interpreted: xri = Tmp.string_nospaces_parse_tree_interpreted highlight, string_with_suggestions = \ get_suggestions_for_string(highlight, string, xri) else: string_with_suggestions = None warnings = [] for w in context0.warnings: if w.where is not None: tooltip = w.msg highlight = html_mark(highlight, w.where, "language_warning", tooltip=tooltip) warning = w.format_user() warnings.append(sanitize(warning.strip())) x = ['<div class="language_warning_entry">%s</div>' % w for w in warnings] language_warnings_html = "\n".join(x) def get_link(specname, libname, thingname): spec = specs[specname] url0 = ("/libraries/%s/%s/%s/views/syntax/" % (libname, spec.url_part, thingname)) return make_relative(url0) # highlight2 = add_html_links(highlight, library_name, get_link) # print highlight2 res = { 'ok': True, 'highlight': unicode(highlight, 'utf8'), 'language_warnings': language_warnings_html, 'string_with_suggestions': string_with_suggestions, } return res
def syntax_pdf(data): """ Returns a PDF string """ from mcdp_report.html import ast_to_html s = data['s'] s = s.replace('\t', ' ') lines_to_hide = get_lines_to_hide(data['params']) def ignore_line(lineno): return lineno in lines_to_hide contents = ast_to_html( s, ignore_line=ignore_line, parse_expr=Syntax.ndpt_dp_rvalue, ) html = get_minimal_document(contents) d = mkdtemp() f_html = os.path.join(d, 'file.html') with open(f_html, 'w') as f: f.write(html) try: f_pdf = os.path.join(d, 'file.pdf') cmd = ['wkhtmltopdf', '-s', 'A1', f_html, f_pdf] system_cmd_result(d, cmd, display_stdout=False, display_stderr=False, raise_on_error=True) f_pdf_crop = os.path.join(d, 'file_crop.pdf') cmd = ['pdfcrop', '--margins', '4', f_pdf, f_pdf_crop] system_cmd_result(d, cmd, display_stdout=False, display_stderr=False, raise_on_error=True) with open(f_pdf_crop) as f: data = f_png = os.path.join(d, 'file.png') cmd = [ 'convert', '-density', '600', f_pdf_crop, '-background', 'white', '-alpha', 'remove', '-resize', '50%', f_png ] system_cmd_result(d, cmd, display_stdout=False, display_stderr=False, raise_on_error=True) with open(f_png) as f: pngdata = return [('pdf', 'syntax_pdf', data), ('png', 'syntax_pdf', pngdata)] except CmdException as e: raise e
def go(selector, parse_expr, extension, use_pre=True, refine=None): for tag in source_code = '<unset>' # XXX try: if tag.string is None: # or not tag.string.strip(): if not tag.has_attr('id'): msg = "If <pre> is empty then it needs to have an id." raise_desc(ValueError, msg, tag=describe_tag(tag)) # load it tag_id = tag['id'].encode('utf-8') if '.' in tag_id: i = tag_id.index('.') libname, name = tag_id[:i], tag_id[i + 1:] use_library = library.load_library(libname) else: name = tag_id use_library = library basename = '%s.%s' % (name, extension) data = use_library._get_file_data(basename) source_code = data['data'] else: source_code = get_source_code(tag) # prettify. # remove spurious indentation source_code = source_code.strip() do_apply_suggestions = (not tag.has_attr('noprettify') and not tag.has_attr('np')) # then apply suggestions try: if do_apply_suggestions: x = parse_wrap(parse_expr, source_code)[0] xr = parse_ndp_refine(x, Context()) suggestions = get_suggestions(xr) source_code = apply_suggestions( source_code, suggestions) except DPSyntaxError as e: if raise_errors: raise else: res.note_error(str(e), HTMLIDLocation.for_element(tag)) continue # we don't want the browser to choose different tab size # source_code = source_code.replace('\t', ' ' * 4) # we are not using it _realpath = realpath context = Context() def postprocess(x): if refine is not None: return refine(x, context=context) else: return x # print('rendering source code %r' % source_code) html = ast_to_html(source_code, parse_expr=parse_expr, add_line_gutter=False, postprocess=postprocess) for w in context.warnings: if w.where is not None: from mcdp_web.editor_fancy.app_editor_fancy_generic import html_mark html = html_mark(html, w.where, "language_warning") frag2 = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml', from_encoding='utf-8') if use_pre: rendered = Tag(name='div', attrs={'class': 'rendered'}) pre = frag2.pre pre.extract() rendered.append(pre) if not rendered.has_attr('class'): rendered['class'] = "" if tag.has_attr('label'): text = tag['label'] tag_label = Tag(name='span') add_class(tag_label, 'label') add_class(tag_label, 'label_inside') tag_label.append(NavigableString(text)) pre.insert(0, tag_label) tag_label_outside = Tag(name='span') add_class(tag_label_outside, 'label') add_class(tag_label_outside, 'label_outside') tag_label_outside.append(NavigableString(text)) rendered.insert(0, tag_label_outside) max_len = max_len_of_pre_html(html) if tag.has_attr('label'): add_class(rendered, 'has_label') max_len = max(max_len, len(tag['label']) + 6) style = '' else: # using <code> rendered = frag2.pre.code rendered.extract() if not rendered.has_attr('class'): rendered['class'] = "" style = '' if tag.has_attr('style'): style = style + tag['style'] if style: rendered['style'] = style if tag.has_attr('class'): add_class(rendered, tag['class']) if tag.has_attr('id'): rendered['id'] = tag['id'] if use_pre: if generate_pdf: pdf = get_ast_as_pdf(source_code, parse_expr) if tag.has_attr('id'): basename = tag['id'] else: hashcode = hashlib.sha224( source_code).hexdigest()[-8:] basename = 'code-%s' % hashcode docname = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(realpath))[0] download = docname + '.' + basename + '.source_code.pdf' a = create_a_to_data(download=download, data_format='pdf', data=pdf) a['class'] = 'pdf_data' a.append(NavigableString(download)) div = Tag(name='div') div.append(rendered) div.append(a) tag.replaceWith(div) else: tag.replaceWith(rendered) else: tag.replaceWith(rendered) except DPSyntaxError as e: if raise_errors: raise else: res.note_error(str(e), HTMLIDLocation.for_element(tag)) # note_error(tag, e) if tag.string is None: tag.string = "`%s" % tag['id'] continue except DPSemanticError as e: if raise_errors: raise else: res.note_error(str(e), HTMLIDLocation.for_element(tag)) # note_error(tag, e) if tag.string is None: tag.string = "`%s" % tag['id'] continue except DPInternalError as ex: msg = 'Error while interpreting the code:\n\n' msg += indent(source_code, ' | ') raise_wrapped(DPInternalError, ex, msg, exc=sys.exc_info())
def go(selector, parse_expr, extension, use_pre=True): for tag in try: if tag.string is None: if not tag.has_attr('id'): msg = "If <pre> is empty then it needs to have an id." raise_desc(ValueError, msg, tag=str(tag)) # load it tag_id = tag['id'].encode('utf-8') basename = '%s.%s' % (tag_id, extension) data = library._get_file_data(basename) source_code = data['data'] source_code = source_code.replace('\t', ' ' * 4) else: source_code = get_source_code(tag) # we are not using it _realpath = realpath html = ast_to_html(source_code, parse_expr=parse_expr, complete_document=False, add_line_gutter=False, add_css=False) frag2 = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml', from_encoding='utf-8') if use_pre: rendered = frag2.pre if tag.has_attr('label'): tag_label = soup.new_tag('span', **{'class': 'label'}) tag_label.append(tag['label']) rendered.insert(0, tag_label) max_len = max(map(len, source_code.split('\n'))) # account for the label if tag.has_attr('label'): max_len = max(max_len, len(tag['label']) + 6) # need at least 1 to account for padding etc. bonus = 1 style = 'width: %dch;' % (max_len + bonus) else: # using <code> rendered = frag2.pre.code style = '' if tag.has_attr('style'): style = style + tag['style'] if style: rendered['style'] = style if tag.has_attr('class'): rendered['class'] = tag['class'] if tag.has_attr('id'): rendered['id'] = tag['id'] if use_pre: if generate_pdf: pdf = get_ast_as_pdf(source_code, parse_expr) if tag.has_attr('id'): basename = tag['id'] else: hashcode = hashlib.sha224(source_code).hexdigest()[-8:] basename = 'code-%s' % (hashcode) docname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(realpath))[0] download = docname + '.' + basename + '.source_code.pdf' a = create_a_to_data(soup, download=download, data_format='pdf', data=pdf) a['class'] = 'pdf_data' a.append(NavigableString(download)) div = soup.new_tag('div') div.append(rendered) div.append(a) tag.replaceWith(div) else: tag.replaceWith(rendered) else: tag.replaceWith(rendered) except DPSyntaxError as e: if raise_errors: raise logger.error(unicode(e.__str__(), 'utf-8')) t = soup.new_tag('pre', **{'class': 'error %s' % type(e).__name__}) t.string = str(e) tag.insert_after(t) if tag.string is None: tag.string = "`%s" % tag['id'] except DPSemanticError as e: if raise_errors: raise logger.error(unicode(e.__str__(), 'utf-8')) t = soup.new_tag('pre', **{'class': 'error %s' % type(e).__name__}) t.string = str(e) tag.insert_after(t) if tag.string is None: tag.string = "`%s" % tag['id'] except DPInternalError as e: msg = 'Error while interpreting the code:\n\n' msg += indent(source_code, ' | ') raise_wrapped(DPInternalError, e,msg, exc=sys.exc_info())
def go(): try: # XXX: inefficient; we parse twice parse_tree = parse_wrap(parse_expr, string)[0] except DPSemanticError as e: msg = 'I only expected a DPSyntaxError' raise_wrapped(DPInternalError, e, msg, exc=sys.exc_info()) except DPSyntaxError as e: # This is the case in which we could not even parse from mcdp_report.html import mark_unparsable string2, expr, _commented_lines = mark_unparsable(string, parse_expr) res = format_exception_for_ajax_response(e, quiet=(DPSyntaxError,)) if expr is not None: try: html = ast_to_html(string2, ignore_line=None, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=False, parse_expr=parse_expr, postprocess=None) res['highlight'] = html except DPSyntaxError: assert False, string2 else: res['highlight'] = html_mark_syntax_error(string, e) res['request'] = req return res try: class Tmp: parse_tree_interpreted = None def postprocess(block): Tmp.parse_tree_interpreted = parse_refine(block, context) return Tmp.parse_tree_interpreted try: try: highlight = ast_to_html(string, parse_expr=parse_expr, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=False, postprocess=postprocess) except DPSemanticError: # Do it again without postprocess highlight = ast_to_html(string, parse_expr=parse_expr, add_line_gutter=False, encapsulate_in_precode=False, postprocess=None) raise thing = parse_eval(Tmp.parse_tree_interpreted, context) except (DPSemanticError, DPInternalError) as e: highlight_marked = html_mark(highlight, e.where, "semantic_error") self.last_processed2[key] = None # XXX res = format_exception_for_ajax_response(e, quiet=(DPSemanticError, DPInternalError)) res['highlight'] = highlight_marked res['request'] = req return res self.last_processed2[key] = thing except: self.last_processed2[key] = None # XXX raise warnings = [] for w in context.warnings: # w.msg warning = w.format_user() if w.where is not None: highlight = html_mark(highlight, w.where, "language_warning") # wheres = format_where(w.where, context_before=0, mark=None, arrow=False, # use_unicode=True, no_mark_arrow_if_longer_than=3) # warning += '\n\n' + indent(wheres, ' ') warnings.append(warning.strip()) sep = '-' * 80 language_warnings = ("\n\n" + sep + "\n\n").join(warnings) language_warnings_html = "\n".join(['<div class="language_warning">%s</div>' % w for w in warnings]) return {'ok': True, 'highlight': highlight, 'language_warnings': language_warnings, 'language_warnings_html': language_warnings_html, 'request': req}
def generate_view_syntax(e, make_relative): expr = e.spec.parse_expr parse_refine = e.spec.parse_refine source_code = e.thing context = Context() class Tmp: refined = None def postprocess(block): if parse_refine is None: return block try: Tmp.refined = parse_refine(block, context) return Tmp.refined except DPSemanticError: return block try: highlight = ast_to_html(source_code, add_line_gutter=False, parse_expr=expr, postprocess=postprocess) def get_link_library(libname): try: rname, sname = e.session.get_repo_shelf_for_libname(libname) except NoSuchLibrary: raise url0 = "/repos/%s/shelves/%s/libraries/%s/" % (rname, sname, libname) return make_relative(url0) def get_link(specname, libname, thingname): # find library. Returns a string or raises error try: rname, sname = e.session.get_repo_shelf_for_libname(libname) except NoSuchLibrary: msg = 'No such library %r' % libname logger.debug(msg) raise # return None things = e.db_view.repos[rname].shelves[sname].libraries[ libname].things.child(specname) if thingname in things: # check if the thing exists res = get_link_library( libname) + '%s/%s/views/syntax/' % (specname, thingname) # logger.debug(' link for %s = %s' % (thingname, res)) return res else: msg = 'No such thing %r' % thingname logger.debug(msg) raise NoSuchLibrary(msg) highlight = add_html_links(highlight, e.library_name, get_link, get_link_library) parses = True error = '' except (DPSyntaxError, DPNotImplementedError) as exc: highlight = '<pre class="source_code_with_error">%s</pre>' % source_code error = exc.__str__() parses = False if parses: mcdp_library = library_from_env(e) image_source = image_source_from_env(e) try: thing = e.spec.load(mcdp_library, e.thing_name, context=context) svg_data = get_svg_for_visualization(e, image_source, e.library_name, e.spec, e.thing_name, thing, Tmp.refined, make_relative, library=mcdp_library) except (DPSemanticError, DPNotImplementedError) as exc: logger.error(exc) from mcdp_web.editor_fancy.app_editor_fancy_generic import html_mark if exc.where.string != source_code: msg = 'This exception refers to another file.' msg += '\n source_code: %r' % source_code msg += '\n exception.where.string: %r' % exc.where.string msg += '\n' + indent(traceback.format_exc(exc), 'exc > ') raise DPInternalError(msg) try: highlight = html_mark(highlight, exc.where, "semantic_error") except NoLocationFound as e: msg = 'While trying to annotate the exception:' msg += '\n' + indent(exc, 'exc > ') raise_wrapped(NoLocationFound, e, msg) error = exc.error + "\n" + format_where(exc.where) svg_data = None else: svg_data = None check_isinstance(highlight, str) res = { 'source_code': source_code, 'error': unicode(error, 'utf-8'), 'highlight': unicode(highlight, 'utf-8'), # 'realpath': realpath, 'current_view': 'syntax', 'explanation1_html': None, 'explanation2_html': None, 'svg_data': unicode(svg_data, 'utf-8') if svg_data is not None else None, 'parses': parses, # whether it parses } return res