예제 #1
def receive_messages(from_beginning=False):
    we subscribe to our tenant-topic to see all the sent messages. Our client-ID is tenant-bound
    so that we receive all msgs for that tenant, and so that kafka can maintain a global offset for this tenant
     our group-id is token bound so that it is unique across all consumers within this tenant; this will
     make kafka broadcast msgs to all consumers within this tenant
     --> every logged in session will see all new messages for the tenant and every message
     will be seen by at least one of the sessions
    from pykafka.exceptions import SocketDisconnectedError

        msg_tenant = accountServer.get_and_assert_tenant_from_request(request)
        msg_client_id = request.cookies.get(accountServer.COOKIE_NAME_SESSION_ID)

        consumer_group = "mcmbb-{}-{}".format(msg_tenant, msg_client_id).encode("utf-8")
        consumer = __get_kafka_consumer(topic=msg_tenant, consumer_group=consumer_group)

        if from_beginning:
            partition_offset_pairs = [(p, p.earliest_available_offset()) for p in consumer.partitions.values()]

        vals = [__try_parse_msg_content(m) for m in consumer]

        if not from_beginning:


        return Response(json.dumps(vals), mimetype="application/json")

    except HttpError as e:
        make sure we don't catch existing HTTP errors here and turn them into
        meaningless 500s
        raise e

    except SocketDisconnectedError as e:
        log.exception("Connection to Broker closed unexpectedly; returned empty response to client.")
        return Response(json.dumps({}), mimetype="application/json")

    except Exception:
        m = "Error retrieving messages"
        raise HttpError(m, 500)
예제 #2
def getTableStructure():
    # check if user is logged in
    t = accountServer.get_and_assert_tenant_from_request(request)
    d = __get_db_connection_for_tenant(t)
    # Establish connection to PostgreSQL database
    # conn = sqlite3.connect("/tmp/metadata.sqlite") #SQLITE
    with psycopg2.connect(**d) as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cursor:
            # Retrieve all table names
            # cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name ASC") #SQLITE
            cursor.execute("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=%s;", ("public",))
            tableNames = cursor.fetchall()

            tableData = {}

            # Retrieve the column names and first 5 rows for each table
            for table in tableNames:
                # cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(" + table[0] + ")") #SQLITE
                cursor.execute("SELECT column_name,data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = %s;",
                columnNames = cursor.fetchall()

                # cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM " + table[0] + " LIMIT 5") #SQLITE
                cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM {} LIMIT 5".format(table[0]))
                rowEntries = cursor.fetchall()

                # Dictionary which combines column names and row entries
                columnStructure = {}

                # format the column names and types
                columnList = ["{} ({})".format(c[0], c[1]) for c in columnNames]

                # Populate final dictionary table Data
                columnStructure['columnNames'] = columnList
                columnStructure['rowEntries'] = rowEntries
                tableData[table[0]] = columnStructure

            return Response(json.dumps(tableData), mimetype="application/json")
예제 #3
def send_message():
    log.debug("got message: {}".format(request.json))
    worker_id = "MCMBluebox-{}-{}".format(socket.getfqdn(), os.getpid())
        j = request.json
        msg_type = j["type"]
        j["correlation"] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        j["worker"] = worker_id
        msg_tenant = accountServer.get_and_assert_tenant_from_request(request)

        if not msg_type or not msg_type in valid_task_types:
            raise HttpError("Request is invalid", 500)

        with __get_kafka_topic(msg_tenant).get_producer(linger_ms=100) as producer:

        r = Response()
        return r
    except HttpError as e:
        raise (e)
    except Exception:
        m = "Error sending message"
        raise HttpError(m, 500)