예제 #1
    def test1(self):
        from mcni.components.NeutronFromStorage import NeutronFromStorage
        comp = NeutronFromStorage('storage', 'neutron-storage-for-NeutronFromStorage_TestCase')

        from mcni import neutron_buffer
        neutrons = neutron_buffer(1)
        self.assertEqual(neutrons[0].probability, 9)
        self.assertEqual(neutrons[0].probability, 19)
예제 #2
    def test1(self):
        from mcni.components.NeutronFromStorage import NeutronFromStorage
        comp = NeutronFromStorage('storage', 'neutron-storage-for-NeutronFromStorage_TestCase')

        from mcni.utils import mpiutil
        mpisize = mpiutil.world.size
        mpirank = mpiutil.rank
        from mcni import neutron_buffer
        neutrons = neutron_buffer(1)
        self.assertEqual(neutrons[0].probability, mpirank*10+9)
        self.assertEqual(neutrons[0].probability, mpisize*10+mpirank*10+9)
예제 #3
    def test1(self):

        from mcni.components.NeutronFromStorage import NeutronFromStorage
        component1 = NeutronFromStorage('storage', neutron_storage_path)
        component2 = Verifier('verifier', self)
        instrument = mcni.instrument([component1, component2])

        geometer = mcni.geometer()
        geometer.register(component1, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
        geometer.register(component2, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))

        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(1)

        mcni.simulate(instrument, geometer, neutrons)
    def test2(self):
        'storage --> verifier'
        from mcni.components.NeutronFromStorage import NeutronFromStorage
        component1 = NeutronFromStorage('storage',
                                        '%s-saved' % neutron_storage_path)
        component2 = Verifier('verifier', self)
        instrument = mcni.instrument([component1, component2])

        geometer = mcni.geometer()
        geometer.register(component1, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
        geometer.register(component2, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))

        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(packetsize * (npackets + 1))

        mcni.simulate(instrument, geometer, neutrons)
    def test1(self):
        from mcni.components.NeutronFromStorage import NeutronFromStorage
        comp = NeutronFromStorage(
            'storage', 'neutron-storage-for-NeutronFromStorage_TestCase')

        from mcni import neutron_buffer
        neutrons = neutron_buffer(1)
        self.assertEqual(neutrons[0].probability, 9)
        self.assertEqual(neutrons[0].probability, 19)
    def test1(self):
        from mcni.components.NeutronFromStorage import NeutronFromStorage
        comp = NeutronFromStorage(
            'storage', 'neutron-storage-for-NeutronFromStorage_TestCase')

        from mcni.utils import mpiutil
        mpisize = mpiutil.world.size
        mpirank = mpiutil.rank

        from mcni import neutron_buffer
        neutrons = neutron_buffer(1)
        self.assertEqual(neutrons[0].probability, mpirank * 10 + 9)
                         mpisize * 10 + mpirank * 10 + 9)
예제 #7
def run(beam_neutrons_path, instrument, samplexmlpath, psi, hkl2Q, pixel, t_m2p,
        Q, E, hkl_projection, Nbuffer=100000, Nrounds_beam=1):
    """Run mcvine simulation with using the resolution sample and the resolution pixel,
    and save the results as numpy arrays

    - beam_neutrons_path: path to the "neutrons" file of a beam simulation
    - instrument: instrument object with geometry data such as L1 and L2
    - samplexmlpath: path to the sampleassembly xml file
    - psi: sample rotation angle
    - hkl2Q: matrix to convert hkl to Q: Q = hkl dot hkl2Q
    - pixel: pixel object with pixe, height, pressure. and position
    - t_m2p: exepcted tof from moderator to pixel
    - Q: expected Q
    - E: expected E
    - hkl_projection: the simulated data is projected to this axis and E axis for easy inspection
    - Nbuffer: neutron buffer size
    - Nrounds_beam: number of rounds replaying neutrons in the beam
    from mcni.components.NeutronFromStorage import NeutronFromStorage
    source = NeutronFromStorage('source', path=beam_neutrons_path)
    from mccomponents.sample import samplecomponent
    sample = samplecomponent( 'sample', samplexmlpath)
    # dummy component to save the state of scattered neutrons
    from mcni.components.Dummy import Dummy
    sample_location = Dummy('sample_location')
    # det pixel
    from mccomponents.components.DGSSXResPixel import DGSSXResPixel
    pressure = mcvine.units.parse(pixel.pressure)/mcvine.units.parse("kg/m/s/s")
    r = mcvine.units.parse(pixel.radius)/mcvine.units.meter
    h = mcvine.units.parse(pixel.height)/mcvine.units.meter
    pixel_comp = DGSSXResPixel(
        pressure=pressure, tof=t_m2p,
        radius=r, height=h)
    # build instrument simulation chain
    import mcni
    sim_chain = mcni.instrument( [source, sample, sample_location, pixel_comp] )
    # put components into place
    geometer = mcni.geometer()
    z_beam = mcvine.units.parse(instrument.offset_sample2beam)/mcvine.units.meter
    # z along beam
    geometer.register( source, (0,0,z_beam), (0,0,0) )
    geometer.register( sample, (0,0,0), (0,psi*180/np.pi,0) )
    geometer.register( sample_location, (0,0,0), (0,0,0) )
    geometer.register( pixel_comp, pixel.position, pixel.orientation )
    Q2hkl = np.linalg.inv(hkl2Q)
    # lengh of hkl_projection squared
    hkl_proj_len2 = np.dot(hkl_projection, hkl_projection)
    # neutron buffer
    from mcni.neutron_storage.idf_usenumpy import count
    N0 = count(beam_neutrons_path) * Nrounds_beam
    dxs_all = None; dEs_all = None; probs_all=None; dhkls_all=None
    start = 0
    for i in range(int(np.ceil(N0/Nbuffer))+1):
    # for i in range(10):
        end = start + Nbuffer
        end = min(end, N0)
        if end<=start:
        sys.stdout.write("%s-%s: " % (start, end-1)); sys.stdout.flush()
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(end-start)
        # simulate
        tracer = NeutronTracer()
        mcni.simulate( sim_chain, geometer, neutrons, tracer=tracer)
        before_dummy_start, after_dummy_start, \
            before_incident, after_incident, \
            before_scattered, after_scattered, \
            at_sample_location, at_sample_location2, \
            before_detected, after_detected, \
            before_dummy_end, after_dummy_end = tracer._store
        incident = after_incident
        # has to be `at_sample_location` because both sample_location and
        # beam have no relative rotation. 
        # should not used after_scattered.
        # it is in the sample's coordinate system, which is rotated by angle psi.
        # should not use before_detected. It could be rotated in spherical case
        scattered = at_sample_location
        detected = after_detected
        del (before_dummy_start, after_dummy_start,
             before_incident, after_incident,
             before_scattered, after_scattered,
             before_detected, after_detected,
             before_dummy_end, after_dummy_end)
        is_scattered = incident.v != scattered.v
        is_scattered = np.logical_or(
            np.logical_or(is_scattered[:,1], is_scattered[:,2])
        good = np.logical_and(is_scattered, detected.p>np.finfo(float).eps)

        vi = incident.v[good]
        vf = scattered.v[good]
        probs = p = detected.p[good]

        from mcni.utils import conversion
        Ei = conversion.VS2E * (vi*vi).sum(axis=-1)
        Ef = conversion.VS2E * (vf*vf).sum(axis=-1)
        Es = Ei - Ef

        vQ = vi-vf
        Qs = vQ * conversion.V2K
        Qs = np.array([Qs[:, 2], Qs[:, 0], Qs[:, 1]]).T
        # print Qs
        # print Es
        dQs = Qs - Q
        dEs = Es - E
        dhkls = np.dot(dQs, Q2hkl)
        # print dhkls
        # print dEs
        # print p
        dxs = np.dot( dhkls, np.array(hkl_projection) )/hkl_proj_len2
        if dxs_all is None:
            dxs_all = dxs
            dEs_all = dEs
            probs_all = probs
            dhkls_all = dhkls
            dxs_all = np.concatenate((dxs_all, dxs))
            dEs_all = np.concatenate((dEs_all, dEs))
            probs_all = np.concatenate((probs_all, probs))
            dhkls_all = np.concatenate((dhkls_all, dhkls))
        start = end
    # reverse x and E
    # the negative sign here makes the result the PSF
    dxs_all *= -1
    dEs_all *= -1
    dhkls_all *= -1
    # save results
    np.save("dhkls.npy", dhkls_all)
    np.save("dxs.npy", dxs_all)
    np.save("dEs.npy", dEs_all)
    np.save("probs.npy", probs_all)
    h, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(
        dxs_all, dEs_all, bins=100, weights=probs_all)
    import histogram as H, histogram.hdf as hh
    xaxis = H.axis('x', boundaries=xedges)
    Eaxis = H.axis('E', boundaries=yedges)
    res = H.histogram('res', (xaxis, Eaxis), data=h)
    hh.dump(res, 'res.h5')
    sys.stdout.write("Done.\n"); sys.stdout.flush()