예제 #1
    def _initialize_fileprovider(self, path, keep_fileprovider):
        """ Creates the L{file_provider.FileProvider} for C{path}.

        If C{path} is a list, assumes that only the files in the list
        should be available. If C{path} is a string, assume that it is
        either a directory or an image file, and all files in that directory
        should be opened.

        @param path: List of file names, or single file/directory as string.
        @param keep_fileprovider: If C{True}, no new provider is constructed.
        @return: If C{path} was a list, returns the first list element.
            Otherwise, C{path} is not modified."""

        if isinstance(path, list) and len(path) == 0:
            # This is a programming error and does not need translation.
            assert False, "Tried to open an empty list of files."

        elif isinstance(path, list) and len(path) > 0:
            # A list of files was passed - open only these files.
            if self._file_provider is None or not keep_fileprovider:
                self._file_provider = file_provider.get_file_provider(path)

            return path[0]
            # A single file was passed - use Comix' classic open mode
            # and open all files in its directory.
            if self._file_provider is None or not keep_fileprovider:
                self._file_provider = file_provider.get_file_provider([ path ])

            return path
예제 #2
    def _initialize_fileprovider(self, path, keep_fileprovider):
        ''' Creates the L{file_provider.FileProvider} for C{path}.

        If C{path} is a list, assumes that only the files in the list
        should be available. If C{path} is a string, assume that it is
        either a directory or an image file, and all files in that directory
        should be opened.

        @param path: List of file names, or single file/directory as string.
        @param keep_fileprovider: If C{True}, no new provider is constructed.
        @return: If C{path} was a list, returns the first list element.
            Otherwise, C{path} is not modified.'''

        if isinstance(path, list) and len(path) == 0:
            # This is a programming error and does not need translation.
            assert False, 'Tried to open an empty list of files.'

        elif isinstance(path, list) and len(path) > 0:
            # A list of files was passed - open only these files.
            if self._file_provider is None or not keep_fileprovider:
                self._file_provider = file_provider.get_file_provider(path)

            return path[0]
            # A single file was passed - use Comix' classic open mode
            # and open all files in its directory.
            if self._file_provider is None or not keep_fileprovider:
                self._file_provider = file_provider.get_file_provider([path])

            return path